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tv   Chris Jansing Reports  MSNBC  September 26, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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less fit. it's going to be a bad four years for america. i just hope republicans can gain control of the senate and get, keep control of the house. frankly, whichever one wins we need responsible people as an anchor. >> thank you very much, john bolton. good to see you. >> thank you. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." follow us on social, @mitchellreports. jose diaz-balart bicks up our coverage right now. good day. i'm if your chris jansing. a hurricane potentially for the history books. hurricane helene still growing, still intensifying as we speak. set to cause destruction across a huge swath of north florida and beyond. get an update on helene's path coming up as well as a live report from florida's capital right in the middle of it.
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plus, the mayor of new york city. eric adams. refusing to step down despite indicted and charged with bribery, wire fraud and seeking favors from foreign governments. the former deputy chief who served in the same office that charged the mayor will join us to explain what it could mean for him and the city he leads. and vice president harris sits down with my dear colleague stephanie ruhle to flush out her economic proposals. what she promised to do if she is elected. but we start with hurricane helene. expected to grow into at least a major category 4 storm possibly a 4. who knows. before it collides with florida's big bend a few hours from now. the hurricane could be strongest in recorded history to hit the city of tallahassee. local paper "tallahassee democrat" calling it a nightmare scenario, the worst hurricane impact in living memory for many.
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this is video from tampa shot earlier today, and the epicenter is still hundreds of miles away. the national weather center is warning of damage to critical infrastructure, blocked roads, power outages lasting days even weeks and a "unsurvivable storm surge" for people near the coast. this isn't just about the big bend area. mandatory evacuation orders in place for all or part of 19 florida counties across a distance of nearly 300 miles. i want to bring in nbc's kathy park in tallahassee. time left for people to get out? what is the city doing? how does it look right now? >> reporter: jose, good afternoon. well, that window to prepare is shrinking. a few hours ago before hur tain tain -- hurricane helene makes landfall could look at a
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positive direct hit. driving around tallahassee woe -we can tell you businesses are closed. not a lot of time to buy last-minute supplies. officials encourage you if you don't feel safe in your home turn to one of these emergency shelters that opened up as early as yesterday. we were at one a few moments ago and they're not at capacity just yet but filling up quickly. one of the organizers, he was telling me if you do plan on hunkering down in one of these shelters, they are not letting people in and out during the height of the storm. they will let you out once the coast is clear. safety first. jose, i can tell you here in tallahassee, really, the concern is going to be the wind damage. not so much storm surge and flooding, flash flooding obviously is a concern as well, but here in tallahassee, 55% of the city to is under a tree canopy. combine that, that fact with these hurricane-force winds we're looking at downed power
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lines downed trees and prolonged power outages. go to a shelter, a good idea. the window opportunity to prepare is shrinking, jose. >> kathy park in tallahassee. take care. i want to bring in john daly mayor of the city of tallahassee. mayor, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> what are you telling folks about what they can expect tonight? >> we're preparing for the worst. you mentioned it already, jose, yes, could well be the most intense and destructive storm in the history of the city of tallahassee. the city is an institution the past week working really hard to prepare for this storm. shout-out to the great men and women on front lines of the city, county, state, out there trying to keep us safe now, but now is the time to take shelter. let's be safe. let's be smart. we're going to weather this storm together. >> it's just how to weather a
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storm like this. this is so massive. do you think -- is there anything that the state or feds should have done or could do to help at this moment? just wondering, maybe, how you are going to be dealing with this afterwards? >> sure. so unfortunately we have a lot of experience in north florida with hurricanes and learned a lot over the decades. how to prepare. one of the things we've done called in mutual aid agreements. nine states sent electrical trues to tallahassee tripled workforce, assets and personnel staged all over the community. they are going to be safe during the storm as well. look, we are prepared. the question is, you know, as much as you prepare, you don't know exactly what mother nature's going to bring your way. so, look, when the storm comes through, when it's safe to get out we're going to roll up our sleeves do the professional assessment and get to work. we expect more mutual aid to come in after the storm.
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once the path of the storm has been defined. the state of florida will send communities in the state of florida will send resources as well as the southeast. no doubt about it, though, extremely intense. there's going to be a lot of destruction. we are prepared for a marathon recovery not a sprint recovery. so we have been making sure that the residents understand exactly what we are facing, and, yes. there is potential for category 3 direct hit. if not a category 4 direct hit in the city of tallahassee. >> just the size of this storm, mayor. you and i are speaking, you're in the north part of the state and we're showing an image of the southern-most part of the state. key west. it's already, you can see in this camera, i don't know if, mayor, you have return, but -- key west is feeling this. right here in south florida where i am in miami, there's the tornado watch going on. i mean, this is massive.
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i want to ask you, mayor, about the infrastructure of your city. i remember when hurricane andrew hit, 1992 here in south florida. the city and miami-dade had a building code. right? a wind building code. i think it had 165 mile-an-hour winds that hurricane andrew hit us with, but what is your city like as far as building codes and structures? >> sure. of course, we followed the state of florida building codes as well our local building codes. a university city. university population 70,000 we were able toll evacuate as well. look, hour city is ready. again, when you take a direct hit from a category 4, sustained winds strong as they are going to be, yeah. we're go to have some damage. damage to the infrastructure, to the electric grid. we are prepared. been preparing residents. we have told them and will
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reiterate, if you are not comfortable at home, please, go to one of the emergency shelters. for your safety. and we're going to get through this. a saying in tallahassee we're tallahassee-strong. no matter what mother nature brings we're going to get at it and we're going to restore. i talked to the mayor in tampa today and communicating with the mayor in st. pete and aware what their communities are going through and other communities up and down the west coast of florida. and we're all going to pull together and we're going to make it, but it's going to be a lot of work and we have a huge storm heading our way. >> and, mayor, that's the seat of government for the state where you are. just the coordination with the state has been, you know -- talking about how tallahassee is unfortunately used to how we prepare for this. the state is unfortunately very well versed in these kinds of incidents. >> yeah. and let me tell you.
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hats off to all the levels of government. i've had the opportunity to speak with the white house and i know other communities have as well. i had a chance to speak to governor desantis yesterday, a great working partner during these storm events as well. i spoke to secretary perdue, florida department of transportation about an hour ago. we are blissblessed to have incredible working relationships during straining times when the storms come and extremely appreciative of the state, resources and government and what they continue to pledge after the storm as well. >> mayor, thank you very much. take care of yourself, and it's going to be a very long and difficult night. appreciate your time. >> thank you. yes, sir. turning to nbc meteorologist bill karins. boy, following what you've been putting out and it's just -- to see that shot out of key west. bill, then we're talking tallahassee already seeing -- sarasota, florida, already seen flooding. look at these images.
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who's that crazy person there in the left? get out of that area. >> i know. >> ridiculous. but this is key west. southern-most point of the united states. and sarasota flooded. tampa. the whole area. how massive of a storm is this? >> calling this in the 90th percentile. a lot of times we don't get storms this big. they're rare. major hurricanes before. a lot of times smaller. the size of the storm causing so many life-threatening problems already. we got flash flood warnings up the appalachians. numerous tornado warnings today. even before the high winds and the surge peaks later on this evening. you see the spiraling bands here. the storm is picking up speed. this is going to blitz the coast later tonight. this isn't like your gradual hurricane ramp-up with other storms. this is moving 20 to 30 miles
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per hour almost like a tornado when the eye comes through in and out in the a hurry and a mess left behind. thinking landfall is later now. now leaning more towards 10:00 to 11:00 p.m. this evening. somewhere between tallahassee and perry florida. don't know yet which of the two towns go directly through the eye and have all the destruction and devastation of the extreme winds. that's still yet to be figured out but kind of, tallahassee-perry, the middle part there. tonight race the storm through georgia. power outages trees down. more concerned with flash flooding in area of georgia. a new update. tornadoes, high-risk tornado day. know deadly tornadoes. what we call a high-risk of flash flooding incluing 11 million people. biggest i've seen from mountains of north carolina to landfall ittal near tallahassee including atlanta. we expect life-threatening flash flooding tonight through tomorrow morning and had reports already of almost a foot of rain in areas in the mountains of north carolina and getting an
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additional foot. river forecast in nashville, highest river total ever recorded and goes back to some historic floods in the early 1900s. warning people to get away from those low-lying areas even as far inland at north carolina. 43 million people in flood watches. that high-risk area of greatest concern. then tonight as we get that landfall we'll see who gets the worst of the storm surge. this will be probably after the sun sets too. looks like to be to the right of the landfall areas like cedar key, horseshoe beach, areas talking about later tonight when we pinpoint who gets the devastating effects. as far as winds, tallahassee to perry 90 to 110 possible cedar key up to 100. a glancing blow from winds. isolated power outages. the storm surge this evening, you'll see high tide this morning over sea wall in
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sarasota. tonight after this afternoon low tide even higher. winds even in atlanta could be 40 to 55. we think power outages right up through georgia as we go throughout the day. what we think. so much going on. you mentioned the tornado watch for you in miami. these tornado watches go from miami all the way up to central south carolina. one, two active tornado warnings at this time, jose. so much with this storm. it's so big. just so many issues in so many locations. >> bill, ask you a few questions on that. >> sure. >> you say traveling maybe 20 to 30 miles an hour? this is a -- just a supersonic storm but its size, not seeing a real kind of pattern emerge -- now i see it right there. the last are kind of frame of this, of your radar does seem like it's becoming much more clearly formed. but 20 to 30 mile-an-hour movement? >> yeah. what's -- one of the fastest-moving major hurricanes if we get to major we've ever
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experienced in the gulf. typically they move 10, 20 miles an hour take as while for the eye to go through. the difference at 120 miles per hour at landfall here. different computer models showing excellent agreement between tallahassee and perry. why you have valdosta, georgia. the storm doesn't have time to weaken much. 60 to 90 miles inland only three hours after landfall. you'll still get like, unusually strong winds. what will surprise people. the storm will be in, out and it's going to be like days like, what happened? >> bill, it's not only a wind issue. it's a water issue. combine it -- you know, i remember, remind everybody we're really kind of in the peak of the hurricane season. right? >> yeah. >> a week ago, two weeks ago was the average peak of the hurricane season. june through november, but it's just, it seems as though, bill,
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this is unusual. >> what's unusual about this one is, not the fact we have a category 2 or 3 hurricane this time of year in the gulf. almost going to happen, seems lately every year. unusual about this one is how huge it is and's the rainfall we had before this. we had that cold front. rain and thunderstorms from atlanta into the mountains of the appalachians for two days before this event. that primes the ground. when the hurricane actually arrives rivers are already high. ground's saturated. all that rain flows quickly into the streams and rivers. then that's why we're expecting historic flooding. we may lose more lives in the appalachians and north georgia than at the landfall position because of that -- the water. more people die from water than wind in almost every hurricane. >> absolutely. before i let you go, sorry going on and on. so much important information we're getting. folks, if you're watching or listening to us on satellite
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radio, bill, this is something not to take lightly in the sense that, oh, i've seen this before. it comes and then it's weakened. then all of these preparations -- i mean, seems like this is a real one? >> yes. the only -- i mean, jose, looking at where this landfall is with that storm surge especially. i mean, go and look in a population density map. lowest population density in almost all of the gulf for that matter is right in this area here from appalachia to cedar. swampy, marshy areas. the storm 20 to 30 miles maybe 50 miles east, tampa. one of the destructive in history. playing a game, seems. climate change, see more strong storms year after year and we've been avoiding hitting major cities like miami, savannah,
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charleston, pick your poison along the gulf. but this is going to be bad. i have to say, if this was a little shift, this could have been so much worse for the west coast of florida. sooner or later one like this will come. >> and all the models are pretty much consistent, this is where it's coming, going to end up? >> yes. >> bill karins, thank you very much. appreciate it. >> yep. and in 90 seconds, what we now know about the federal charges in new york city mayor eric adams' case. we're back after this. arlem? so i started my own studio. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy. chase ink has supported us from studio one to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help. and chase ink was that for me. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials
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the likes of which you have never seen! . 18 past the hour we continue to follow breaking news out of new york city where mayor eric addens the first new york city mayor to face federal criminal charges. just over an hour ago the district attorney formally announced five criminal counts including wire fraud, bribery and alleged scheme spanning nearly ten years. >> mayor adams engaged in a long-running conspiracy in which he solicited and knowingly accepted illegal campaign contributions from foreign donors and corporations. as we allege, mayor adams took these contributions even though he knew they were illegal. >> also this morning, police searched gracie mansion. that's the city of new york's mayor home. two sources close to the mayor
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tell our affiliate wnbc they had a search warrant and duffel bags and seized the mayor's phone. a fiery press conference where he was at times shouted down by protesters, mayor adams denied wrongdoing and vowing to stay in office. >> i ask new yorkers to wait to hear our defense before making any judgments. i will continue to do the job for 8.3 million new yorkers that i was elected to do. >> and rehema ellis is following this and kristy greenberg former sdny deputy chief, former federal prosecutor and msnbc analyst. what more do we know about the indictment and how we got here, rehema? >> jose, you point out a sprawling indictment. allegations that mayor eric
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adams just broke the law. conspiracy charges, to commit wire fraud, federal program, bribery, received campaign contributions from foreign nationals. second count wire fraud, two counts of solicitation of a contribution by a foreign national and one count of bribery. part of what they're saying in terms of proceeding illegal campaign contributions that they hid them by saying that they were coming from new yorkers or american citizens instead of saying these contributions were coming from foreign nationals. and what he was able to do according to the indictment, able to get $10 million worth of public matching funds to go towards his campaign. that's absolutely illegal. in addition, they say, that the money coming from particularly turkey he was taking luxury trips going from turkey to hungary. france, china, even ghana. and those trips were paid for in an elevated amount of money instead of flying in coach or, he was flying in business class.
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essentially first class and staying then in luxury hotels. it was paid for by foreign nationals, and it wasn't being reported on his business records and income taxes. instead according to the allegation, the indictment, hiding it. further they say there was a probe looking into how the mayor was trying to provide a favor in exchange for the gifts he was getting, provide a favor to turkish nationals who wanted to get approval from the fire department for the completion of a high-rise, a building that would be used by a turkish counsel and pressured fire officials to give the okay even though there were concerning the building was unsafe and the rung thing to do but did it because they were afraid of losing their own jobs. it's sprawling. one thing we point out also, the seny, southern district of new york, officials saying their
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investigation is not over. it is ongoing and anyone with information useful in this investigation come forward now before it's too late. jose? >> and i'm looking over these 57 pages of this indictment and rehema, just perfectly illustrated some of the most kind of, the ones that stick out the most from these 57 pages, but i'm wondering. among them are issues of, for example, the allegations that the mayor abused the city of new york's matching funds program. what are, in your eyes, the most serious charges against the mayor? >> solicitation of contributions from a foreign national. two of the counts. those are in many ways the most straightforward counts, because it's pretty black and white, very clear that it is illegal to
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accept feign money for a campaign. and it's also illegal to accept corporate donations, and there is, in this indictment spelled out in 57 pages all throughout, i was looking for, how do we know that mayor adams knew that he was accepting these donations from foreign nationals? from corporations, that that was illegal. all over this indictment you have and individual who's referred to as adams staffer. and the adams staffer is clear that these illegal contributions were being made at the direction of mayor adams. and so this is somebody who strikes me, this staffer is not identified as a cooperating witness. seems plain this is an individual who was part of the illegal conduct and who is clearly providing information to the prosecutors that they are using throughout this indictment. there are text messages where there are discussions about these illegal contributions, and
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at one point the staffer says, you know, i don't know that mayor adams is really going to want to take part of this. want to play games here. then after it says, well, then the staffer went to mayor adams and the mayor says, yeah. go ahead. do it, after it was explained. then there were all of these messages back and forth about travel, about all of these luxury travel benefits, which he was not disclosing as was required, and in terms of those the staffer and mayor adams have an interesting exchange the staffer says i hope you're deleting these messages and he said, always do. so there's really strong evidence, at least as to those two counts of the fact that mayor adams knew that these were illegal donations coming from foreign nationals and that he tried to cover it up. >> and the mayor said he's absolutely not guilty of any of this and denies any and all of these allegations.
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what is -- what is he facing? >> well, i mean, these are serious charges. i mean, the wire fraud alone, again, these are maximums but that's 20 years maximum just for that count alone. the others are lower charges for the maximum. but, again, you know, i would say that looking at these charges as a whole, putting aside the maximums, your guidelines range if he were to be convicted, he's looking at several years in jail. >> thank you both. appreciate it. up next, vice president harris on the offense. how she's hitting back at former president trump's economic plans in a new exclusive interview with msnbc. plus, the latest hearing on the assassination attempt against former president trump and democrats are furious with republicans on that task force.
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30 past the hour. in an exclusive interview with msnbc stephanie ruhle blasted former president trump particularly on tariff proposals she called a "sales tax on the american people." take a listen to some of it. >> independent economists have already measured this by his, the sales tax of doing 20% tariffs on all imports that he has described would be a 20%
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sales tax in essence on basic necessities for the average american worker, average american family, totaling almost $4,000 a year. that is no small matter. here in pittsburgh, when i'm talking to a group of folks who work here, who live here, and when they hear it might be $4,000 more a year for them? look, people can't afford that. >> bring in former florida republican congressman, and also the dean of the clinton school of public service. both msnbc analysts. carlos, the nbc news poll shows trump with a lead on the economy. do you think the vice president was able to successfully counter that last night, some of that? >> i think the vice president's attacks on the trump plan are coherent and done a decent job explaining why that could be
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interpreted or felt like a tax by the american people. i think what she needs to do a better job, particularly when we look at the few undecided but potentially decisive voters left out there, what she has to do a better job of explain her alternative and how is it different? not just from donald trump's plan but when from what we've seen under the biden administration the last three years. what a lot of voters are waiting to hear from vice president harris. what would she do for the economy? >> and victoria, harris released blueprints out lining her goals. 82 pages. more to do, or is this not enough to show what the vice president feels are the key issues going forward to make this economy even stronger? >> so i agree with what carlos said but it's a yes-and.
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she has to differentiate herself from donald trump, from joe biden, but the other thing she needs to do and she's starting to do this and just needs to do this on turbo blast until the election is to connect on the lived experience. because for better or worse, we act, we vote based on our heads and our hearts. so people can go to that blueprint, 82-page blueprint and look through it and they get the headpiece, but in order to feel that someone gets, someone understands what it's like to work a job that's difficult, and you come out smelling like grease and still can't make ends meet, and that somebody understands what it's like to be middle class or lower class. that is, i think what she needs to figure out, while still making those talking points of how my plan is important and different tying that in with the emotional message. >> yeah. i mean, victoria, meanwhile,
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harris is set, the vice president is set to address immigration this week. heading to battleground arizona tomorrow. going to have a campaign event at the border. going to be her first visit to the border since a trip to el paso in 2021. what are the dangers but the opportunities as well for her visit there? >> so here she needs to show, frame herself as someone who is tough on the enforcement piece, but wants solutions in terms of a humanitarian crisis. it's a little bit like walking a tightrope. right? but i think there has been so much framing especially by the trump campaign that she was the border czar and she cultivated this mess and this humanitarian border crisis. for her to go and take ownership of her positions and put those forward. she has to go out strong, but also not losing that democratic base that wants a humanitarian approach to immigration.
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>> you know, carlos, i guess, you know, the three of us. i'm trying to think how many years the three of us have spoken about immigration and immigration reform and the need for comprehensive immigration reform. the last one in 1986. victoria and i, one side. carlos, until recently, on another side. asking the questions of him. but carlos, it's so difficult to blast through perceptions and platitudes about immigration and humanitarian crisis at the border. how does the vice president do that after having been, for three and a half years, in the biden-harris administration? >> right, jose. immigration's another issue where the vice president has to find that third way. right? she can't be where the biden administration has been because we know that position is unpopular. and also she has to differentiate herself from
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donald trump, who has really just ruined a big portion of the advantage he had on immigration by the rhetoric and some of the comments he's made about ohio and always of that we're familiar with. she really has to try be to nuanced, find that middle ground and talk about comprehensive immigration reform that can actually solve this problem for the united states. >> victoria, is this something you think we're just going to be talking about forever? and nothing ever really, you know, focusing on what could make a difference in the lives of men, women and children? >> i do see it being a lot more difficult for that, that big, comprehensive solution. right? i was hopeful for a long time. i'm not giving up complete hope, but what i think has to happen is a piecemeal approach. so looking at revisiting our refugee and asylum policy.
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looking at our border enforcement. then looking it's a the dreamers. so before we wanted the package, package it all together and given how divided we are and the hyperpolarization that's taken hold of us in the last 12 years i don't think we have the capacity to have big comprehensive reform. i think we have to move the ball forward inch by inch. >> thinking of those hundreds of thousands if not millions of dreamers. he'll who are here, brought here as children. they didn't make that call. and who know of no other country and the millions of people who live in mixed status immigration. families. yet they're always, always spoken about the last and the ones that are least helped when they are such important parts of our economy, of our culture, of our society. anyway, i don't lose hope but, boy, it's a tough one.
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thank you both. really appreciate it. up next, we're going to head to capitol hill for what we're learning from the first hearing of what is supposed to be a bipartisan house task force on the attempted assassination of donald trump. have medicare and medicaid but may be missing benefits they could really use. extra benefits they may be eligible to receive at no extra cost. and if you have medicare and medicaid, you may be able to get extra benefits, too, through a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. call now to see if there's a plan in your area and to see if you qualify. all of these plans include doctor, hospital and prescription drug coverage. plus, something really special, the humana healthy options allowance. your allowance. to help pay for essentials like eligible groceries, utilities and rent. even over-the-counter items.
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it's 41 past the hour. a new york appeals court just wrapped up a hearing where former president trump's lawyer appealed his more than 478 million dollar civil fraud ruling. the trump lawyer, same lawyer who argued his immunity hearing, hour he framed the case. >> clear-cut violation of statute of limitations in the law of the case doctrine. argument of on the unique facts of this case you cannot come to conclusion the plain language of the statute was violated. >> nbc's lisa rubin is following
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it for us. good to see you. walk us through what happened in this hearing? >> this is trump's appeal and co-defendants appeal of the civil fraud judgment the attorney general obtained earlier this year and that judgment swelled for former president trump alone to $478.3 million with interest building every day of over $111,000. at the oral argument today you heard argument from his lawyer john sauer, also the lawyer who argued that president's immunity decision as the supreme court, that the statute of limitations was ignored by the judge at the trial. there was no evidence of the former president and his businesses non-compliance with accounting standards. really trying to pick away at the award here. of course, their biggest argument is that the attorney general in the state of the new york stretched the statute under which she brought the case beyond original meaning. address consumer fraud.
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the most surprising thing to me, to see as many of the judge it's on this appellate panel, direct a lot of questions to the lawyer for new york state, trying to make this statute apply a situation it wasn't fraught. on the other hand no complaining victims, is this a misapplication of that statute? jose? >> lisa, thank you very much. >> thank you. security failures is on multiple fronts. how the house task force on the attempted assassination of donald trump described the secret service preparations for trump's july 13th butler, pennsylvania, rally at today's first hearing. >> people in this country absolutely should have a right to go to a rally, right, and listen to their president or candidate of choice, and come home. >> every american should be
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outraged regardless who they intend top support by these attempts to nullify their votes through violence. we use ball, not bullets to make a determination who should serve. >> and nbc's ali vitali with us from capitol hill. what have we learned? >> the first bipartisan hearing and the names testifying were not necessarily household names, they were people who had a clear expertise of what happened on the ground that day. many of them spoke of their own personal experience as members of local law enforcement agency whose were there working alongside secret service, but very clearly making evident that the communication was not what it should have been that day. of course, this hearing happens against the backdrop of theiran -- investigating what happened in butler. that report allowed this committee a lot more detail and jumping-off point as they held their first public hearing.
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a sense what some of the members were saying in it. here's the congressman one of the republican member of the committee. watch. >> there's about seven different ways the secret service could have secured that building. a 10-year-old looking it's a that satellite image could have seen that the greatest threat posed to the president that day outside security perimeter were the agr building and that roof. a 20-year-old with a week's notice figure it out and out-smarted, out ma you'vered the entire u.s. secret service and a shame and a stain on their agency. >> the upshot of this hearing, jose, was that the fault lies with the secret service. in conversations that i had afterwards with the ranking democrat, jason crow, as well as the chairman of the committee mike kelly, the congressman for this district, it's clear that here they were trying to just establish the basic facts from people who had firsthand knowledge of the ground, but then also going to continue doing investigations and other hearings. this is not the last time we are
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going to see a public posture from this group of bipartisan lawmakers, but in the interim period while congress is gone most of the month of october, come back in november after elections, in the interim period this committee hat plans to go to-of-mar-a-lago, where the most recent assassination attempt happened. not just focused on butler alone but what almost happened but went right for the secret service being able to avert that assassination attempt down there. doing a cohesive investigation here of multiple different threads. this was just part one, but clearly the blame being laid at the feet of secret service. >> and planning to visit the trump international -- >> yes. >> golf club there in palm beach, right? >> exactly right. an important stop for them. they already went to butler, pennsylvania, were able to tour that entire landscape.
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chairman kelly was at that butler rally and plans to go back october 5th when the former president goes back himself. >> and ali itali on capitol hill. good seeing you. >> thanks, my friends. up next, cease-fire or multiple fronts. what we could hear from benjamin netanyahu. in fronts of the general assembly. and hurricane helene. a live shot. listening, a live shot, foggy looking, of key west. all kinds of weather issues related to helene. talking about that, next. ok limu! you set it, and as i spike it, i'll tell them how liberty mutual customizes car insurance, so they only pay for what they need. got it? [squawks] did you get that? only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty,♪ ♪liberty, liberty.♪
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52 past the hour. any moment now, we're expecting to see president biden welcome ukrainian president zelenskyy to the white house. he plans to present a plan to end the war with russia. zelenskyy also meeting separately be vice president harris. earlier today, he was on capitol hill meeting with senior lawmakers of both parties. and now to the middle east, israel carrying out what it describes as precise strikes in the capital of lebanon. targeting a senior hezbollah commander. more than 600 people have been killed in lebanon in israeli air strikes in just the last couple
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of days. hundreds of thousands are displaced on both sides of the border. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu meanwhile is preparing to address the united nations general assembly, vowing to keep fighting with full force despite pressure for a cease fire. nbc's matt bradley is reporting from beirut. you're in the capital of lebanon. what do precise strikes look like there? >> reporter: yeah, well, precise strikes are becoming a pattern here in beirut. this is the third time we've seen the idf strike the southern beirut neighborhood just this week, and as many times, they have killed or at least claimed to kill, and normally they end up being correct, hezbollah will eventually agree with what they've said. a senior hezbollah commander, and this has been israel's mo, the entire time, at least in the past week, trike to decapitate hezbollah. we saw them attacking the rank and file when this started last
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week with the bizarre episode of exploding pagers and walkie-talkies, and we're seeing this continue amidst the back and forth discussion, whether or not there will be a 21-day cease fire, a week-long cease fire. it looked as though last night or early this morning, prime minister benjamin netanyahu of israel had approved a plan for some sort of cease fire, and now it looks like if he were to do so, his very fragile and right wing governing coalition is falling apart, and it looks as though we're stepping back from that, and we're seeing israel pommel hezbollah, and again, with the strike today in the southern suburb of beirut. meanwhile, there's an enormous number of lebanese people who have been displaced in the eastern part of the country. they are all headed here to beirut and points north, and this country is struggling to try to meet their incredible need. >> nbc's matt bradley in beirut.
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thank you, my friend. that wraps up the hour for me, i'm jose diaz-balart. thank you for the privilege of your time. katy tur picks up the coverage after a short break. ge after a short break. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? power e*trade's easy-to-use tools, like dynamic charting and risk-reward analysis, help make trading feel effortless. and its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. e*trade from morgan stanley with powerful, easy-to-use tools, power e*trade makes complex trading easier.
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