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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  September 27, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> they do scream run, forrest, run. >> turned out those beliefs really worked out very well. >> action that leads to hope. >> massive societal change is 100% possible. >> if you really want to make a change, you cannot do it as an isolated individual. >> the truth is very rarely positive. >> i need somebody to say, it's okay that your perspective is different. >> i go to burning man every year. >> the only way to be successful in life is do what you love and love what you do. >> the greatest threat to free speech is -- >> the public not supporting it. >> failure to you means -- >> growth. >> not trying at all. >> you have to try harder next time. >> success means -- >> winning. >> reaching the summit means -- >> trying harder every day. >> peace and fulfillment. >> i feel like i'm in the foothills. >> you have done something positive with the power the summit has given you. >> that i haven't got there yet, i hope. >> we all hope.
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you can see those at have a great weekend. "the reidout" with joy reid starts now. tonight on "the reidout" -- >> so we have a very good relationship. and i also have a very good relationship, as you know, with president putin. and i think if we win, i think we're going to get it resolved very quickly. i really think we're -- >> more good relations. >> yeah. but you know, it takes two to tango. >> blink if you need help, president zelenskyy. a disgraceful spectacle in new york today as donald trump can barely hide his contempt for volodymyr zelenskyy who is fighting for his country's existence, while trump was complaining about impeachment and lying about poll numbers. also, natasha joins me tonight. she accused donald trump of sexually assaulting her while she was writing a story about him, and she's calling bs on his
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claim to be a protector of women. she says he's not a protector. he's a predator. and we begin tonight with just 39 days to go until election day, with early and absentee voting already under way in some states. while kamala harris and tim walz are barn storming the country talking about what they call an opportunity economy and making things more affordable for americans including housing, food, and starting a business, donald trump has forced another issue into the center of the campaign, with a lot of hem from right-wing media including fox. his running mate's admitted lies, the internet and social media, and conspiracy theories cooked up by literal white supremacists. a issue is immigration. donald trump knows he can't win the election based on the crappy job he did as president or his frankly crazy ideas for another administration like spiking the cost of everything we buy through tariffs. so instead, he's going with fear of immigrants.
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ironically, immigration is how modern america was built, both during and after slavery, someone had to replace all that free labor, and immigrants fit the bill. most of us here today, unless you're indigenous american, come from a family of immigrants. and yet, there's always been resistance by the old immigrants to the new people. there was the know-nothing party of the 1850s. the america first nazi curious movement in the 1930s, and now we have donald trump. who has decided to make fearmongering about immigration the center of his entire campaign. with fascistic rhetoric like promising the largest mass deportation operation in history and promising it would be a bloody story. spreading racist lies about immigrants eating people's pets, and even talking about giving immigrants serial numbers, nazi style. at this point, his entire plan is trying to scare people into voting for him. despite two of his three wives being immigrants. and just to remind you, as we
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talk about this, border crossings are actually down, to the lowest levels in four years. violent crimes also way down across the country. and everything you hear on right wing media to suggest otherwise is a lie. there is no migrant crime wave. immigrants actually commit fewer crimes than people born in the u.s. they also don't eat pets. but the facts don't matter to trump. instead, he just keeps ramping up the rhetoric more and more every day. here's what he said today, at what was supposed to be a speech about the economy in michigan. >> these are killers. these are people at the highest level of killing. they cut your throat, and they won't even think about it the next morning. a lot of gang members, they take their gff the street, like in caracas, venezuela, the criminals have all been brought to the united states. she let our american sons and daughters be raped and murdered at the hands of vicious
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monsters. she let american communities be conquered. they're conquering your communities. we have to get them the hell out of our country because they are ruining the fabric of our country. >> okay, and then on the other side of this adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist and 34-count felon, on the other side of that ironic dude, you have vice president kamala harris, the daughter of two immigrants. right now, she's in the swing state of arizona visiting the southern border for the first time since she became the democratic nominee. harris met with border patrol agents and will receive a briefing on efforts to curb the flow of fentanyl. you know, presidential stuff. compare that to donald trump's super awkward meeting with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy earlier today. later this hour, the vp will also speak on immigration where she'll likely highlight her record prosecuting transnational gangs and drug traffickers. she's also expected to go after
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trump for killing the bipartisan border bill earlier this year because he wanted to run on the issue. despite all this, a majority of voters say they trust trump more when it comes to dealing with the border. a man who doesn't know the difference between political asylum and an insane asylum and his plans to deport every immigrant would send our economy into a freefall. because fear, whether real or irrational, can be a effective political tactic. the question now for america is have we gotten to the point where we would destroy our own economy and walk willingly into a hitlerian dictatorship because of the fear donald trump and his maga cronies are perpetuating solely for their own political benefit. joining me now is olivia troye, a member of republicans for harris, who previously served as the homeland security and counterterrorism adviser to former vice president mike pence.
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and ray suarez, host of the podcast, on shifting ground, an author of we are home, becoming american in the 21st century, an oral history. an apt book, ray suarez. i am going to start with you because this is the irony of all of this, is that this is a country that wouldn't exist in its present form without immigrants. it certainly wouldn't without slavery, but set aside slavery. after that, when the slaves were free, they still needed workers so they went all over the world and attracted people here literally to work because workers are what built the economy and the country, and yet each new group of immigrants says we don't want those new people. we don't want them. you're even seeing that, mr. suarez, among some latinos who also want to shut the border and kick people out and even mass deport them. why is that? >> you know, critically, joy, part of this story is that the first century plus of immigration was almost solely from europe.
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and then, as american law changed in the 20th century, people started to come here from more places in the world. so that created a bifurcated, stratified immigrant population in this country where most of the new people are non-white, and most of the people with pictures of their grandparents and great grandparents, sepia toned photographs lovingly kept on mantelpieces, those people are almost exclusively european. that sets up a difficult social change for us now, as the new folks, 9 out of 10 sending countries of people born in another place in the world, are sending non-white immigrants to the united states. that's a really important part of understanding the unease we're having about this right now. >> yeah, i mean, olivia, during the trump administration, when you were working in the administration, jeff sessions when he was attorney general, he is an open supporter of the
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1927, i believe, immigration act, which was essentially the goal of it was to shut down immigration from everywhere but europe, to say we don't even want southern europeans, they didn't want italians, asians, africans, the idea was to whiten immigration. it was reagan that did the opposite. 3 million people given open amnesty by ronald reagan. those people were largely nonwhite, largely mexican migrants. so how do you square a party where ronald reagan did amnesty, where george herbert walker bush was very open about saying we welcome immigration. we want immigrants, and where george w. bush said the same and even made positive noises about muslim and arab immigration, to this. >> well, i think the fact of the matter is that republican party of the past is gone, joy. i mean, that's the bottom line. what it is today is a complete fearmongering anti-immigrant
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sentiment. you mentioned jeff sessions. that brought back a lot of memories of the immigration meetings i was in. i spent all four years of the trump administration working the immigration portfolio where we could spend hours talking about the things where witnessed and said. it wasn't just jeff sessions. remember, stephen miller was a big proponent of all these things. when i hear donald trump speaking, the way he has in the last couple weeks, he sounds like stephen miller did in actual immigration policy meetings at the very highest levels. i'm talking about cabinet meetings where traditionally you would not hear this type of language being spoken, but this is how he would speak. he would talk in this manner and engage fear because that's all he had, and he would push these extreme policies. i think when we're looking at this and the republican party of today under donald trump, which breaks my heart, right, as a lifelong republican, and as a daughter of a mexican immigrant, who believed in the republican party of the past, watching what is happening here is so just
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detrimental to who we are as a country and it's also dangerous as we're seeing with the threats throughout the country when they push these messages out. >> and the reality is, ray, that you know, there was an attempt by republicans, so a lot of this is an internal republican struggle because democrats have always been for immigration reform and been like, we're ready whenever you are. we will easily pass it. republicans got together and negotiated a very, very conservative border patrol bill, a bill that would have largely closed the border. it was going to pass. let me let you listen to what republicans say happened to that bill. >> so everybody who comes on this floor and says our border is broken, we should do something about it, you're absolutely right. and unfortunately, we didn't get there. president trump opposed the senate bill. >> and then our nominee for president didn't seem to want us
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to do anything at all. >> after president trump said don't fix anything during the presidential election, the single biggest issue during the election, don't resolve it, we'll resolve it next year, quite a few colleagues backed up and looked for a reason to shoot against it and walked away. >> the fact he would communicate to republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn't want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame biden for it is really appalling. >> and so, if people are so exercised on the republican side, it's really republicans who are mostly exercised about this, ray, then why aren't they blaming donald trump for not having a border bill? >> well, they're implicitly blaming him. you just heard, after all, the leader of republicans in the senate acknowledge the former president's opposition to the bill. >> but i mean voters. i'm so sorry, i mean voters. >> even senator langford from
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oklahoma, one of the most conservative members of the united states senate, was pretty mild in his assessment. he admitted that was what happened. donald trump threw a monkey wrench in the gears. and that's just what happened. and life was supposed to move on. it's really something. >> yeah, i mean, and olivia, it is sort of -- it's hard, i think, for people who probably watch this show and watch msnbc to understand why voters look at donald trump and they look at the failures and they also look at the successes. illegal border crossings fell in july, at the lowest level in four years. that's just a fact. so the reality that people are seeing on fox, this idea that immigrants are running through the country murdering people, it's just not true. let me play one more thing we also see happening. this is the idea that immigration is somehow tied to people's lives even if they're not in a border place. alex wagner did -- she talked to union members in michigan. let me let you listen to what some of them said.
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>> there are thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants coming across the border every day. and the vice president has done minimal work to fix that. based on what i have seen. so i would like that to change. >> do you feel like donald trum issue. >> based on what we have seen on his first four years i do believe he will be better on that. >> are you leaning toward trump right now? >> yes, ma'am. >> is there anything vice president harris could do at this point to change your mind? >> not particularly, no. unless she changes her stance completely on fixing the border. that's, no. >> olivia, based on what we have seen in his first four years i do believe he'll be better on that. based on what? the only things we saw in terms of immigration is you talked about with stephen miller, were taking babies out of the hands of their moms at the border and separating them and sending them off in two different directions and losing track of them. you saw a lot of cruelty, a lot of talk about s-hole countries. he didn't build a wall.
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andr crossings are lower now than they were then. what are people seeing? what reality are they living in? >> well, therein lies the problem. the fearmongering and all these narratives work when the right wing media machine is coming together and pushing that and that's all they're seeing. this is a product of disinformation that they're continuing to push. devoid of policy or facts. because when donald trump gets up there and gives thee speeches, all he does is spread this divisive hateful rhetoric, but he's not actually telling you what he's going to do to solve the border crisis. he's not talking about international asylum cooperation agreements. he's not talking about actual foreign policy that could, you know, decrease migration. he's not talking about, like, oh, perhaps funding law enforcement on the border which is was kamala harris is doing, saying i will support that bipartisan bill, i will fund border security, i will support
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cbp at the border. this is what i want to do. i'm going to slow fentanyl issues. she's talking concrete policies, but the problem is i think it's easier to sell a narrative on a very complicated issue like immigration by stoking fear and instilling that in communities and getting people to be divided. i think that's what you're seeing there, what he says is resonating in communities. now the problem with that is that what is donald trump's immigration proposal actually look like in the future? it's going to look like encampments. what is it going to look like when they're putting people in encampments on the borders or in these cities. what it going to look like when they're targeting anyone who looks like a minority in general and taking these kids out of school and corralling them. what is it going to look like when they're going after legal residents because denaturalization was discussed in the trump administration, where they don't actually differentiate between a legal
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res dependent alien and someone here legally sometimes. those were actual policy discussions that were had. to me, to someone who actually believes in legal immigration, wants to fix the immigration system, this is all just, like, bluster. and you know, it's sad to see that americans don't understand it. >> i tell you what it would look like, it would look like concentration camps in germany in the 1930s because that's what you call it when you put someone in a camp with means to separate them from society. olivia and ray, thank you both very much. >> with trump claiming he's a protector of women, it's imperative that we remember that he was found liable for sexual abuse, and has been accused of sexual assault or harassment by dozens, dozens of women. two of those women are out with brand-new ads reminding america of just that. and one of them, natasha stoynov joins me next.
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anti-psychopath pac features natasha stoynoff, the people magazine reporter who accused donald trump of sexually assaulting her when she visited his mar-a-lago resort in 2005 to interview him and his new wife, melania. >> my name is natasha stoynoff. in 2005, i went to interview donald trump at mar-a-lago. at one point, melania went
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upstairs to change her clothes, and trump said to me, i want to show you this beautiful painting, this beautiful room. he leads me to this room, pushed me against the wall, and starts kissing me forcefully. i tried to push him. he kept coming back. i was in shock and smothered and he had his hands here against my shoulders. i felt sick inside, i felt horrified. thank goodness, a butler charges into the room. >> in response to a request for comment, the trump campaign accused george conway of trump derangement syndrome and called the ad another sad attempt by kamala's cronies to gaslight the american people. e. jean carroll and more than two dozen women would beg to differ. trump has repeatedly denied all accusations of sexual assault and has not faced charges over any of the allegations other than e. jean carroll's case. joining me are natasha stoynoff and george conway, cohost of the george conway explains it all podcast. thank you both for being here. i want to go to you first,
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nastasja. you are a journalist. because you're a journalist, part of what you do professionally is observe. and so as you observed donald trump then, and you observed him now, would you describe him as a predator? would you describe him as somebody who you feared might actually sexually assault you as he did e. jean carroll? tell me in that moment what you feared the end game was had that butler not intervened? >> i never thought of him as a predator at that time. and that's why i was fine to be in a room alone with him. but it occurred to me after the incident that that was the first time i was ever in the room alone with him. i had interviewed him several times. but had always been surrounded by publicists, managers, and there was no reason for me to really think anything untoward would happen being in the room alone with him. >> but once it did, and then when you later heard, you know, you go back many years later, and you heard him in that "access hollywood" video, which
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was recorded, i think the same year that what happened to you happened where he said when i see a beautiful woman, i just kiss, i don't even wait. then he said, you can koo anything when you're famous, you can grab them by the -- which is what he did to e. jean carroll. when you heard that tape, what did you think? >> it's weird. i felt a combination of relief, which may sound odd, but that's because i had been blaming myself for what had happened. so when i saw that, i thought, oh, he just does this with everybody. and i felt horrified because number one, what he was saying he did, and number two, i worried that had i spoken up earlier, perhaps i could have prevented some assaults. >> let me go to you, george. you created something called the anti-psychopath pac. i'm fascinated by -- it's obvious why you named it that, but why did you feel to go that strong with it, that strong with
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the name, and also to do these ads. and who are they targeting? >> he is a psychopath, and he's a narcicisstic sociopath or psychopath, he really is. he represents sort of the worst of the human spirit or disspirit if you will. he's mentally ill. he suffers from narcicisstic personality disorder and suffers from antisocial personality disorder, he checks all the balks. among those boxes are really some very, very negative characteristics that you can find in a small number of human beings, which is a complete lack of empathy, a complete inability to follow rules and laws and to respect the boundaries and dignity of other human beings. a complete lack of remorse. pathological lying, and impulsiveness. there's so many of these characteristics that illustrate themselves in his behavior toward women. it explains his misogyny, a lot of other things, his
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criminality, and it explains what he did with e. jean carroll and what he said to billy bush that time. like, this is how he actually thinks. he believes this. and the notion that he did this with his wife, to natasha, with his wife in the same building, the notion that he did what he did to e. jean carroll as a jury found in a department store in midtown manhattan, he's a very, very sick and dangerous man. and that's part of the reason why we're doing this, to really bring that home to people by showing them the victims. >> and let me add another victim, jessica leads because you also did an ad with her. let's play that. >> 1979, i had gotten on an airplane. the stewardess said to me, would you like to come up to first class? and the window seat was a gentleman who said his name was donald trump.
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the airplane took off and all of a sudden donald trump started groping me. he was trying to kiss me, and i'm trying to push him away. he was basically overpowering me. two years later, at this fund-raiser, up comes trump and his wife, and he looked at me. and he said, i remember you. you're that [ bleep ] from the airplane. >> natasha, there are 25 total women who have accused donald trump of some form of sexual misconduct. their stories range from your story to ms. leeds' story, to e. jean carroll's story. you could go on and on. yet donald trump has the never to stand on a stage in front of a rally audience and say the follow, take a look at what donald trump said recently about women. >> i am your protector. i want to be your protector as president. i have to be your protector. i hope you don't make too much of it. you will no longer be abandoned. you will no longer be thinking aboutabortion.
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>> natasha, what do you think when you hear donald trump say he will be women's protector? >> well, i think you know my answer to that. when i heard that clip, i felt sick to my stomach. i immediately sent it to the other women i know who have been groped by him. and they felt the same way. and you know, he's delusional or he knows he's lying. i'm not sure which it is. but he's trying desperately to impress women and get their vote, but any woman who has proper perspective and is smart and looking at the situation can see that he is a predator and not a protector. >> well said. and that succinctly said and quite accurate. natasha and george, thank you both. up next, it's banned books week. the author of one of the most challenged books of last year, all boys aren't blue, joins me to discuss censorship as well as their brand-new book. don't go anywhere.
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we are nearing the end of banned books week, and pearl clutching maga hypocrites continue to ban books. some are even burning them. because of what the books dare to mention. this week, pen america released its latest analysis of what books are being banned and who are the biggest banners. according to a preliminary
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analysis, more than 10,000 books were banned in public schools during the 2023-2024 school year. more than a dozen new state and local policies contributed to the explosion of book bans over the past year. but iowa and florida are the worst of the purity police. this year, the geniuses banning these books have now added books by authors that include james baldwin, alex haley, and w.e.b. dubois and other classics we have all read like a tree grows in brooklyn, seriously. donald trump and his future staffers at project 2025 would like to nationalize these fascist purges and want to prosecute librarians who allow students to choose banned books because it's supposedly poisoning our children. the second most banned book in the united states in 2022, all boys aren't blue, by george m. johnson, is banned in 29 school districts because it deals with race and queerness. johnson has said that we owe it
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to next generations to give them the tools to build a better, more robust world, and books are those tools. in that vein, johnson has a new book titled "flamboyance, the queer harlem renaissance i which i had known" which celebrates black and queer artists, writers, and activists whose full stories have remained in the shadows. george m. johnson joins me now. great to see you, not just running into you in the train, but seeing you. we do run into each other from time to time. let's talk about your new book. and what's cool about it is you celebrate these incredible figures from the harlem renaissance. langston hughes, richard bruce nugent, gladys bentley, i could go on and on, ma rainey, josephine baker. why did you write this? >> i felt that i got to a place where i realized that my heroes
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were stolen from me. i should have been able to grow up and know about the fact that we had queer people who existed before me that i could look up to. i always say, when we learn about martin luther king, when we learn about malcolm x, we should also be learning about marsha p. johnson and learning about all of these figures that i illustrated, discussed, and wrote about in this new book. i think the biggest thing for me is i travel with all boys aren't blue and i see how much of a hero i have become to the 14-year-old i used to be, and so i just wanted to pay homage to our community while also giving the young adults even more of their history and culture. >> this is sort of a reunion book for you, because charlie palmer who illustrates this book also illustrated the cover for all boys aren't blue. so you guys kind of got back together. why did you guys decide to do a second go round? >> for me, i remember doing the book cover for all boys aren't
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blue and i was very adamant about what i wanted. my publisher was laughing because they're like, a lot of times authors don't choose the book cover. i was like, no, i have an idea. they were like, we're going to contact charlie palmer. he was able to, the words i gave him, he was able to turn into that masterpiece of a cover and i knew there was probably no other artist that would be able to read the works and read about these people that i was sharing with the world and illustrate them in a way that i could only see it in my mind. >> this book will likely be banned in states like florida, in the south, in mississippi, louisiana, et cetera. what would you say to a 14-year-old, a kid, because this is for young readers, who needs and wants a book like this? what advice would you give them if their school board is saying they cannot and should not read it? >> i don't want them to take the banning of a book as to the banning of their existence. i want them to remember that they belong here, and just because someone tells you that
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there are certain stories that you won't be allowed to read doesn't mean that people like me and other authors aren't going to continue to create those stories for you to read, but it also doesn't mean that you're not supposed to be here to tell your own story here. anyone trying to ban a book in your county and you're a 14-year-old, that's your story to tell forever. >> absolutely. and if you were growing up, you said you wrote this for the 14-year-old you that didn't have it. what might it have done for you to have a book like this of heroes, queer heroes. what would it have done for you emotionally at that time in your life? >> i think it would have given me the agency to know that the feelings i was having were pure to me. they weren't something that were abnormal, that there were other people who lived in this world who went through very similar things that i was going through. i think sometimes we wake up and look in the mirror, especially as a 14-year-old or 15-year-old. we don't see a reflection. we see an image but it's not our reflection. when we read stories about people who went through what we
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went through, we finally get to see our reflection in the mirror every day. i have you gotten a lot of feedback already? what is the feedback you have gotten particularly from these banned book states to your work? >> so, i guess oddly enough, i was in kansas city last night because kansas city was the first place that ever tried to challenge all boys aren't blue. so it was really nice to go back to where the fight started, and it was a beautiful, warm reception. so it just was a reminder that not everybody is stuck in that vacuum mindset of people who should be denied the ability to read about themselves. and so it just was a powerful moment for me. i got kind of emotional because i was like, this is where it all started september of 2021, in this city. now i get to be here and share mew nigh book to tell you i'm not going anywhere and neither are our stories. >> i love harlem. i love harlem renaissance. you books, the writing is beautiful. the covers are a work of art.
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there's something you should own just as a collector's item in addition to owning them to read author, thank you so much for being here, and happy banned books week to you. >> yes, thank you. >> thank you so much. all right, an update now on the remnants of hurricane helene that is churning its way through the southeast unleashing historic and catastrophic flooding. that includes on florida's gulf coast after making landfall last night as a category 4 hurricane. it's pummeled everywhere from georgia to the carolinas with winds and heavy rain leading to once in a century flooding across western north carolina. nearly 4 million customers are still without power across the southeast. and there have been more than 40 storm related fatalities across five states. stay with msnbc for the latest on the storm and its aftermath. coming up, jd vance's past comments continue to be a treasure trove. brand-new unearthed messages showing he wasn't exactly truthful about when he stopped
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criticizing his new bff trump. it was far more recent than he has claimed. we'll tell you exactly when when we come back.
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the narrative, with scandal after scandal placing the focus on their racist rhetoric. and their weird candidate's previous statements. the latest being jd vance whose positions on trump have changed more than his name. "the washington post" reports that in 2020, which for those keeping track, is after vance first claimed his positions on trump magically evolved, vance said trump thoroughly failed to deliver on his economic populism. that he thought trump would lose the 2020 election, and that he even turned down a position in the administration of donald trump, whom he called the emperor. a nickname more in line with his previous epithets labeling trump as reprehensible, a cultural heroin, and possibly america's hitler. jd was placing blame at the hands of establishment republicans who are now in line with trump. joining me is molly jong fast,
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vanity fair special correspondent, msnbc contributor, and basil smikle, democratic strategist and msnbc political analyst. ladies first. jd, he said he was just talking about the mean republicans. your thoughts. >> i mean, again, i think it was mitch mcconnell who said candidate quality matters. do you remember that? >> i do. >> it seems like trump is a maga -- they like the candidates they like. i'm thinking about bernie moreno in ohio who this week said women over 50, why are they even worried about getting abortions. the question, what is the use of post menopausal women, which by the way, if you're having that conversation, you're losing post menopausal women. i think. right? and then you know, there's more mark robinson fallout. we're seeing these polls from north carolina. another candidate, so i do really think these candidates
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they pick are just not, you know, they are not people who should be running for office. >> i should note that kari lake is also losing in the polls as well. it's wild because you know, the foxies get mad because we compare trump to hitler. no one has compared trump to hitler, an emperor, or all things bad than jd vance. he's said much worse things about donald trump than i have, and no one has talked more in a positive way about nazism than mark robinson. black nazi, that's pretty extreme. they're the ones who keep invoking nazism and hitler. why? >> you're absolutely right. you think about how strident he was in his antagonism of donald trump early on, and then this comes full circle. pop culture reference, i think about rocky four, was it dragy o who i will i break you? anyone who comes into trump's
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orbit, he says i will break you, and he does. and he sucks people in and there's no way out for them, and he creates that community, that collective if you will. he has people like mark robinson saying, yeah, at a church pulpit, saying there's some people that deserve to be killed. i mean, who says that? >> it's a great point that he emasculates these men who think of themselves as afffas but they're all betas. ted cruz, beta. jd vance, beta. lindsey graham, beta. all these men who try to talk tough when they're attacking minorities but they're all beta males who take the bait from trump. vance in 2020 is criticizing but it's always draped in this bizarre desire to pretend the virus is not a problem.
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jd vance could have theoretically been ted cruz. you could actually see him being in ted cruz' place, a guy that ran against donald trump and instead it's just his chauffeur. >> which in itself is why there's no candidacy checking it doesn't matter. the thing to remember about j.d. vance and donald trump. donald trump loves a convert. he loves someone who comes to trumpism and embraces it. i think it's worth, thinking about these are two men who really you can't believe anything they're saying which is why trump is so open to
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convert. >> there's another thing that's happening today basil. donald trump has called to prosecute google. he wants to prosecute google because when people go into google the search results are mean to him. that is, i mean if you heard about biden we would be asking why isn't he in a home. >> that's absolutely right. basically what donald trump is saying that no matter what you could imagine, if you try to even search for anything that i don't approve you're not going to be able to find it. just think about the levels. when you think about levels of censorship. when you think about authoritism. at the deeps of it they want you to live their way or not at all. that's astonishing. >> to stay with you, since you are a democratic strategist it doesn't seem like this is to
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try to win the election. mark robinson is claiming his campaign is gaining momentum like never before. maybe the momentum that he's gaining is they're going to win so many, they think they're winning by attrition. >> someone asked me what are the concerns, i said the concern is voter suppression in multiple ways. it's the 100 plus lawsuits that the trump campaign are preempt the election. in some places if you're waiting to vote and someone gives you a water bottle it's illegal right. and some people will say to each other it's the lesser of all evils. it's not. if all ofl this information, and i've been seeing more and more african-american men going
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after kamala harris. i'm like that's not normal. there's something else a afoot here. when i put that with the j.d vance part of their tragedy is to get people to not vote. right. it's not just telling them where to go vote, it's to get them to not vote. we have to make that very clear. >> to do they were saying, just stay out of it. they think they can delete enough people from the vote and win the poll. >> as bad as things are we always have to play our favorite game. we're going to play, who won the week, stay right there.
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well we made it to the end of another week which means it's time to play our favorite game. there's that happy sound. who won the week? back with mayor molly and basil. molly who won the week. >> i'm very excited dan osbourne. he's the senate candidate in nebraska beating fisher by one point in the polls. he's an independent but there's no democrat so he's the de facto democrat. i just want to point out there was this nebraska second poll that showed harris winning by 11 points which i think there's some movement there because remember republicans tried to rob nebraska's second district of its electoral point. so we'll see what happens but i think he's a really good candidate. i interviewed him for my podcast and he's a union guy.
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labor worker, really great. >> okay, well we're kpwoeupbg to keep an eye on him. maybe we'll invite him also on the reid out. who won the week basil. >> with all of the negative news coming out of new york, i want to shout out betty and lloyd adams they were honored with a street today. they took a carrot cake recipe. >> and higgins was available so he bought clay and he changed when you go to it it says i am racism. and he won


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