tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC September 30, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT
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secret service in an upcoming rally the president has in butler, pennsylvania, that will be something everybody will be watching considering that was the first assassination attempt on july 13th, jose. >> thank you very much. that wraps up the hour for me. i'm jose diaz-balart. you can reach me on social media at jdbalart and watch clips from the show on youtube. andrea mitchell picks up with more news now. right now, on "andrea mitchell reports," israel is poised for more strikes in lebanon after killing the head of hezbollah in lebanon. now, how will israel's troops go in on the ground and how will iran respond? with five weeks until the election, walz and vance facing off tomorrow night in their only debate as donald trump delivered
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what he calls a dark speech, crossing new lines in his false claims about kamala harris. steve kornacki joins me with our new poll revealing why both campaigns are trying to win the support of latino voters. and millions of americans from florida to north carolina devastated by floods in the aftermath of helene. whole communities in north carolina wiped out today as rescue crews struggle to cope with the disaster. >> we're not leaving until the job is done. my first responsibility is to get all help needed to those impacted areas. >> our prayers and condolences go out to those families in this terrible time. even as the rain and the winds have subsided, the challenge for people there increases. people are desperate for help and we are pushing to get it to them. a massive effort.
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israel has been ignoring u.s., arab leaders all calling for a temporary cease fire and continuing its strikes against lebanon. hitting beirut for the first time and preparing troops to go in on the ground and by sea. u.s. officials have told nbc news they had no warning from israel of the massive strike that killed the hezbollah leader who was also the master mind behind attacks against hundreds of americans starting with the 1983 bombing of the marine bar ricks in beirut. >> he was a brutal terrorist whose many victims including americans, lebanon, the region, the world are safer without him. >> iran is vowing revenge for his death, which israel equates with the u.s. killing of osama bin laden. the friday attack that killed
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him set off a weekend of israeli strikes against lebanon, taking out other senior commanders from hezbollah and raising the prospects of a ground invasion. an israeli official tells nbc news the idf has been carrying out commando raids inside lebanon for months. israel's expanding war also stretching into yemen with a major strike sunday targeting another iranian militia group there, the houthis. all this as prime minister netanyahu, not president biden, is setting the region's agenda with a series of recent israeli actions blind siding. we begin with mark. richard, first to you. as night falls, hezbollah says is ready for a ground invasion. does it feel increasingly imminent? their command of control has been decimated so who's leading the organization now?
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>> reporter: so, let me first tell you a little bit about the mood here and yes, a ground incursion, a ground invasion does feel imminent. especially after the israeli defense minister just said a short while ago that an incursion into lebanon could come very soon. i am now in martyr square, the center of beirut. it's full of displaced people. people are sleeping out here. living rough. sleeping on the streets. you pan around, they're just staying on the center dividers here on what is effectively a highway right through the middle of the city and most of the people here are from either southern lebanon, areas that are currently under attack by israel. an area that would likely see the ground invasion if that ground invasion does happen and does happen imminently. or they are from the southern
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suburbs of beirut. the area where nasallah was killed. those massive bunker bombs that decimated the underground complex where he was hiding along with other senior leaders. they've escaped that part of beirut. they've come from other parts of lebanon that they fear are under attack. talking to people here, talking to people across the city, they are deeply concerned that if israel does invade, that israel will invade with a tremendous amount of force. everyone here saw what happened and what continues to happen in the gaza strip. and they worry that the same thing will happen here. in fact, i just spoke to someone a short while ago. he said that he thought perhaps gaza was the warm up round for what could be coming in lebanon. now, israeli officials have been briefing off the record without using their names about what to
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expect. they expect that there will be some sort of limited ground incursion to try and eliminate hezbollah fighters, to eliminate the weaponry that is still there. over the last two weeks or so, they have successfully decapitated the organization and it seems now israel may be poised to push into this country to try and take out the rest of the weapons or more of the weapons and some of the fighters themselves. and hezbollah's estimated to have between 20,000, 40,000. hezbollah says up to 100,000 fighters but many analysts say the number is probably closer to 40,000 active men ready to fight with arms. >> richard, i was told, a group of us were told by a senior israeli official on friday that they believe there are weapons, rockets, other military supplies, in tunnels in southern lebanon near the israeli border as well as in houses and they
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want a buffer. above the river. the u.n. resolution giving some space there. maybe 40 miles. could that be possible that that's what their goal is rather than reoccupying lebanon, which was a disaster for them in 1982 and again, the fighting in 2006? >> reporter: yes, so we've seen this movie before when israel first invaded lebanon in 1982. the idea was to create a buffer zone. back then, it was the palestinians. arafats. israel wanted to create a buffer zone and ended up coming all the way to beirut, occupied this country, started a civil war. kept, later on, a buffer zone, and that proved to be a disaster for lebanon. for israel. and it was in that buffer zone and because of the israeli
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presence here, that hezbollah was created in the first place. what they're talking about now is creating a demilitarized zone. an area, a buffer zone in effect, but a demilitarized zone that doesn't extent all the way up to beirut, but that goes up to the river, which is about roughly a third of the country. so if there is this kind of operation potentially it could try and destroy hezbollah's military capacity, its weapon and fighters up until the letani river to allow the lebanese army. there's a lebanese army, government, in this country. hezbollah has been traditionally more powerful than both the army and government and to destroy hezbollah below the river so the government and armed forces could assert their authority there. that's the plan. but as any cia analyst or military analyst would tell you,
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once you start a war, you don't know where it is going to go. so it could be that israel gets brought down in this buffer zone. they could face serious fighting. they could face opposition. they could have many, many significant challenges, but if you listen to what israeli officials are now publicly projecting, they are saying that a ground operation could be quote unquote imminent or could come very soon with the goal of eliminating hezbollah and its forces and its weapons from at the very least, the letani river down to the israeli border. >> richard engel, thank you very much. stay safe. and mark, iran is certainly shaken by his death. mixed views because hezbollah is part of their government, controls a lot of the country, but there was a lot of resentment, also, in some of the other areas of lebanon against him. and certainly iran is shaken by
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it because hezbollah was their insurance policy. >> well, that's right. iran saw hezbollah, think of it almost as a deployed base or aircraft carrier battle group. sitting on the border with islamabad. it was a deterrent for israeli military strike. and right now, that aircraft carrier battle group is sinking. so iran has a choice now. do they want to escalate in some sense to retaliate, try to save hezbollah in that fashion or will they kind of push for a diplomatic solution and really have hezbollah live to fight another day. it is very notable that you know, we've seen reporting that israel has asked the united states through our own channels to tell iran not to do anything. and also, there was this strike yesterday by the israeli air force in yemen. a strike that was certainly in retaliation for the houthis firing ballistic missiles at israel, but also a clear message to iran. remember, the israelis put out
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on social media, videos of refuelling capabilities. that's a long range capacity. a message to iran as well. so iran is certainly reeling. it's still unsure what they're going to do. they do, however, seem to be in a state of paralysis and perhaps they're just allowing them to fight to the last lebanese rather than iran kind of jumping into the fray. >> and in lebanon as i was saying, iran is of course shaken by this. in lebanon, there's mixed feelings. because hezbollah has been controlling them militarily and in the parliament, they were elected members and they also provided food and aid to people after the last war. but there are lots of parts of lebanon that do not support hezbollah. certainly hezbollah has been guilty of killing you know, hundreds and hundreds of americans as well. you've heard the very moderate,
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public comments from the president from the secretary even though they feel they should have been warned. >> well, look. i worked for many years, up until 9/11 was the terrorist organization that had killed more americans than any group. there are cia offers, diplomats, 241 american service members. but hezbollah was also responsible for the deaths of thousands of syrians. thousands of lebanese. so you do see in many parts of the arab world, particularly sunni part of the arab world, rejoicing at his death. so you know, there is some hope. you always try to find opportunity that perhaps lebanon can get back on its feet now because the israelis are taking care of business for their own interests but also perhaps the lebanese themselves can rid themselves of this cancer. he was very unpopular in lebanon over the last several years. whether it was responsibility
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for the death of former prime minister hariri, the port explosion, rampant corruption and of course, hezbollah entry into the syrian civil war which led to the death of thousands of sunni arabs. really, there's quiet from sunni arab allies such as the saudis and ramradis. i think they're thinking this might be a positive development as well. >> thank you, mark. joining us now is richard haas. could the his death reshape the region? it's weakened iran and we have yet to see what kind of iranian response there will be, but if lebanon could take hold of its own country again after the president was killed by hezbollah. >> would have to be a wild optimist to think the middle east would be reshaped as a result of anything. this is i think lots of positive
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developments here. i would argue that this to use a baseball analogy, this might be the second or third inning. we've got to see how the game plays out. the region, you still have all the dynamics between israelis and palestinians. all the dynamics between iran and the sunni states, internal instability or the potential or reality for it. plus, lebanon quite honestly is a plurality or majority shia country. it's going to be a weak state with or without hezbollah in the mix. >> richard, president biden was asked about the possibility of an israeli ground invasion. take a look at what he's saying today. >> the fact that israel may now be launching a limited operation into lebanon. are you aware of that? comfortable with your plans? >> i'm more aware than you might
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know. we should have a cease fire. now. >> so there's this real disconnect at this point, they didn't know -- the american, the administration did not know about the pagers. they didn't know about the assassination in tehran. they've been blind sided so many times by israel. what is the relationship like? >> i think there's two separate issues here, andrea. israel clearly prefers asking for forgiveness rather than permission and you could make the case that this relationship was not sufficiently reciprocal. if you look at what's happened over the last year in gaza in particular, israel essentially rejected most american advice. that's a legitimate area where i think the united states and israel need to have something of a heart to heart about what this, how this relationship ought to function. where i disagree with the president is i don't think calls for a cease fire now make a whole lot of sense. they're not going to happen, first of all. i never like it when the united
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states calls for things that it can't deliver, but also, i think israel has a lot of legitimacy on its side and taking on hezbollah. we can debate how it should be done militarily, but i think from the air, with covert operations, with the ground dimension makes sense. no country should opt to live with the sort of threat that hezbollah poses against israel. so i don't quite understand why the administration is coming down so hard on, in favor of a cease fire on that front in the middle east. >> richard haass, thank you so much. in 90 seconds, new numbers on latino vote. critical for both campaigns. steve kornacki is at the big board to break it all down. plus, the latest from north carolina and tennessee as deadly flood waters left behind by helene reek havoc and hundreds of people remain missing. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports." this is msnbc. ching "andrea mitl reports. this is msnbc. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies.
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a new poll of latino voters shows a shrinking lead of 14 points for vice president kamala harris over donald trump. when compared to democrats much larger margins with latino voters in more recent elections. joining me now, steve kornacki and telemundo senior washington correspondent who's been speaking to latino voters in
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hazelton, pennsylvania. steve, walk us through these numbers. they show a large lead for harris but it's not nearly as large as what has been held by joe biden and hillary clinton. >> these are the exit polls from the last three presidential elections. barack obama, 2012. he won the latino vote by 44 points. 38 for hillary clinton. 33 for joe biden four years ago. now in our poll, that democratic edge down to just 14 points. so quite a trend there. what's behind it? some stark divisions among, within the latino electorate. take a look at this. a gender gap. among men, the race is tied. among women, harris with an advantage of 26 points. there's also an age gap. the youngest voters under 50. harris is barely ahead there. just a three-point lead for her over trump. latino voters over 50, that's
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where harris gets the heart of her support. a 30-point advantage for her there. if you layer these together, this is kind of interesting as well. gender and age. men who are under 50, that's a trump constituency. he's winning that group by nine points. in women over 50, a 52-point edge for harris there. there's also an education divide. we see this and talk about this with white voters and you're starting to really see this among latino voters. especially when gender is added to it. another core trump constituency now among latino voters, men without four-year degrees. he leads them, trump does, by 13 points in our poll. you can see every other group for harris, women particularly, 26, 27 points and there's a religion divide. catholic hispanics are backing kamala harris by a 20-point margin. protestants backing trump by a 26-point margin. so those are some of the divisions.
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you see where trump has gained and made up the most ground. they're going into a shrinking gap between the two parties. >> that's really stunning. and christina, you've been talking to voters in hazelton in northeast pennsylvania with the hispanic population exploded over the past 20 years. pennsylvania now has one of the largest hispanic populations in the country and it's the pivotal state. one battleground state that's a must-win. >> reporter: here in hazelton, the latino population was 5% 20 years ago and now 63%. most of them dominicans and harris does not have a lead here. donald trump won in the past elections and his numbers are expected to grow come november. and what you can see here is that the democrats have lost a lot of support and you can also see there's no such thing as a latino vote.
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latinos are expressing the same concerns and divide as we saw in steve's number than the rest of the country. they have different interests and different motives that are them to the polls. let's listen to the voters. >> talking, talking, talk aing. nothing. >> trump? >> trump is better, absolutely. >> but he talks down. >> he talking and do it. that's the difference. >> the one feels like a cancer is spread in the entire country because the way he like send a message, his divided all the country. >> reporter: i spoke to a former mayoral candidate for the
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democrat party. he says there's a big disconnect between voters voting from the pocket and those voting from the heart. he mentioned the speech by donald trump the president recognized was a dark speech on saturday where he called some of them animals and said immigrant criminals will walk into your kitchen and cut your throat. that worries him. he's going to vote democrat because he doesn't want that type of racism spreading in the country because that would hurt his children. but the people who support trump, they said i'm not an animal, not a criminal and they're not taking those comments personally. >> that gender gap is extraordinary. kamala harris has a lot of work to do with all men in all of the polling but particularly here with the latino men. christina, thank you so much for being with us. appreciate it. search and rescue efforts are underway in georgia, north carolina, and tennessee after record rainfall and flooding from tropical storm helene.
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the catastrophic storm which made landfall in florida as a category 4 hurricane just days ago has left at least 116 people dead across the southeast. hundreds are still missing. that number is expected to rise. millions of people across the region are still without power. torrential rains and flooding that inundated towns like asheville, north carolina. the city now isolated after roads were washed away. the total cost of damages and economic lost from the storm could top $160 billion. donald trump is scheduled to arrive any moment in valdosta, georgia, to survey the damage there. vice president harris taking a break from the campaign is back in washington for briefings on the storm from fema. president biden this morning spoke about the ongoing recovery efforts vowing to visit the impacted areas as soon as he would not be interfering with those recoveries. joining us from nashville,
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gorge, and priscilla thompson in irwin, tennessee. george, it's been days of devastation. what are you seeing and what are people telling you? >> reporter: the pictures really speak for themselves here. this is just a catastrophe on top of a catastrophe. we're standing in the river arts district that this time yesterday was completely under water. only now are business owners able to start assessing damage. their livelihoods completely lost. we've been hearing sob stories. people that are just, you can see the desperation on their faces. trying to figure out what to do next. talked to one woman who was on the phone with her insurance company trying to figure out what to do next. they really can't do much for her at this point. the real criticism here is the lack of federal response. people saying they don't see those fema trucks. they don't see anything that indicates they're going to get help anytime soon. that is frustrating. the other big concern here, no timeline on when utilities will be restored. especially for the water. people here have been relying on
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one another to share bottles of water, anything left in stores to make ends meet and they don't know how long those supplies will last. we are hearing supplies are being replenished here and there. cell phone service has been so spotty throughout this region. officials did say they put up a temporary cell tower they're using to help with people getting in touch with their loved ones and get information, but again, on a good day, that cell phone service is spotty. again, we're talking to residents here, you really see the despair and desperation. here's what one gentleman told me. >> i've told him i'm not moving. when it clears up, i'll put my stuff right back in my building and until then, i'll be right here. >> reporter: andrea, as you heard, president biden does plan on visiting helene impacted regions as long as it doesn't impede with the search and rescue efforts, which are ongoing at this time. every so often, we'll see a
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helicopter up in the air. people saying the only real bright spot is how much this community has banded together to help during this slow-moving catastrophe. >> thank you. priscilla, talk about what's going on in irwin, tennessee. we understand there was a local hospital that was flooded. a plastics factory. sounds just unbearable. >> reporter: yeah, and officials have just set up a mobile hospital. there's concerns about a propane leak there at the moment so this is where folks can come for medical services but the other big concern on the ground here is the amount of people who are still unaccounted for. right now, there are more than 150 people across eastern tennessee unaccounted for. we were at a press conference with officials earlier today where family members of some of those people were there and they were very emotional. crying and just begging for any
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answers about their family members. some of them believe their family members have been found and they just want them returned to them but they're also asking questions, some of those family members say their loved ones were working at a plastic factory so they're asking questions about why officials were able to evacuate the hospital but not the same for those workers at the plastic factory. i want to play a bit of what some of those family members had to say. this was a family member translating on behalf of one woman's husband, that woman is missing. >> all that they really want is closure. closure for their families. and also, the question that keeps coming up is they understand and they know that the hospital was a priority but they were on a rooftop and they were okay. they were safe on a rooftop. their family members were in the back of an 18-wheeler holding on to pipes, calling 911 for help and that help didn't come because they had to wait.
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because their priority was the hospital. and they did have some emergency people there but that's why they don't understand why did it take so long for the help to come. >> reporter: so just harrowing stories and officials said that they just didn't have enough resources to help everyone. they had teams spread out. i asked officials when will these families get answers and they said it's a process. it could be 48 hours or longer but they have to go through the proper protocols of identifying the remains and notifying the families. things have switched from search and rescue to search and recovery. andrea? >> thank you. next, back to the middle east as israel fights a two front war. we'll talk to israel's top diplomat in new york. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports." this is msnbc. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports. this is msnbc. es
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san francisco has been through difficult times, but our hard work is paying off. working together, we're building a better future for the city we all love. ad paid for by re-elect mayor london breed 2024. financial disclosures are available at israel has been attacked since iran-backed groups across the middle east hitting the houthis over the weekend. after bombing the underground command and control headquarters and assassinating a long time leader. today, they told troops they have more to accomplish in ground, hinting about a possible ground invasion. joining me now, consul general
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for israel in new york. thank you very much for being with us. >> thank you for having me, andrea. thank you. >> well, there is a lot of praise. certainly, the u.s. is not unhappy that nasrallah killed so many americans and israels and other nationalities is gone. praise for the operation, but there's a growing divide over what should happen next. the president again calling for a cease fire. a cease fire even as the defense minister was telling his troops that there's more to do by ground, my sea. my air. is a ground invasion imminent now? >> there was a cease fire until october 7th, 6:30 in the morning. and they invaded the hamas invaded to israel from the south and one day after october 7th, hezbollah started to launch missiles against our people. by the way, they're still doing it right now from the north to
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the upper galilee and other places. we don't want to escalate the situation. we don't want a war at all and you know it from the year of, the 1948, but they force us to defend ourselves. to defend our people. in upper galilee in the north and in the south. and i have to tell you something, in judea and samaria as well. >> what we call the west bank. is a ground invasion in lebanon about to happen? >> i will tell you, we will do whatever is necessary to defend our people. we don't want it because as you know, we will draw in lebanon in the year of 2000. all our forces we draw from lebanon and what happened is that iran asked for hezbollah
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leader in take it all and to act against israel and actually, there is an iranian force there and we need to do whatever we need to do to defend our people and we will do it. i don't think that it's a good idea that we'll talk about it here and with all due respect and i have a lot of respect for you and for msnbc, of course. >> the weapons used to take out the underground headquarters of hezbollah and to kill nasrallah and several other commanders and an iranian general from the irdc, that those bombs were american made. they were made in american. bunker buster bombs. according to all reports. and american weapons have been the chief supplier to israel. as well as a lot of the air defense. so shouldn't america's, the administration's views be taken into consideration?
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you're our closest ally. >> you can see here the american flag beside israeli flag. we are allies. we are walking together. we are the, we reflect the western world civilization. during the islamic shia heading by the head of the snake in iran wants to destroy not only the state of israel. he wants to destroy this place. the city of new york. that i'm sitting here right now, all the beautiful capital of the united states in washington. so now these are the days that the world must decide if the world stands with israel or with the iranian and their proxies. the houthis. i want to ask you something. is there any territorial conflict between israel and yemen? no. but yesterday and 48 hours ago, they launched missiles and very, very heavy missiles against the israelis? why? now you can see it on the map.
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so you can see judea and samaria. it's not west bank. from syria and lebanon all on yemen, yemen is, is there a conflict rkts, territorial conflict, the answer is no. but the answer, the correct answer is that iran, there, yeah. we saw just iran, they are using their proxies. they ruined the state of lebanon. i know and all of us know how beautiful it was the state of lebanon until the first of all the syrians and then the iranian invaded. and hezbollah, it's not only a terror organization. it's actually a small iranian, not so small. i have to tell you. iranian army. so we are doing what we must do to defend our people. we didn't start a fire. we don't want any escalation but we'll do whatever is necessary to defend our people. >> thank you very much for being
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with us today. >> thank you so much for having me. next, we'll go live to west palm beach where the suspect charged in the latest attempt on the former president's life has pleaded not guilty. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. you're wl reports" only on msnbc subject 3: goodness! my daughter is being treated for leukemia. i hope that she lives a long, great, happy life and that she will never forget how mom and daddy love her. st. jude, i mean, this is what's keeping my baby girl alive. announcer: you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need-- now and in the future. subject 4: cancer makes me feel angry. not in the feel on the outside, just the inside i'm angry at it.
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charges as well as a charge for assaulting a federal officer. he could face life in prison. joining us now, jesse kirsch is in west palm beach. tell us what happened in the courtroom. >> reporter: so the proceeding was very short. only about four minutes long. routh and his attorneys went up to the podium and they read out the charges. he was asked if he understood the charges and he said three words to the judge. yes, your honor. his attorneys on his behalf said he was pleaded not guilty. i want to note one moment at the beginning, even before the proceedings began, when he entered the courtroom. last week, we saw him with four u.s. marshals. i want to gesture for a moment and show you something that went out in court. when he was walking in, of course, there are no cameras there. he was walking toward the row of reporters seated behind his defense table.
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the first row was empty. i saw him twice do this. gestured as if he was scribbling on a note pad then pointed to himself. twice. that stuck out to me as he made his way into court. before the roughly four-minute proceeding where he entered a plea of not guilty of the charges against him. >> i assume he's being held without bail. >> reporter: yes. and that's what last week's hearing was about. he was ordered to be held without bail until he faces trial. >> thank you very much. thanks, jesse. and next, a look ahead to tomorrow night's big debate. a critical vice presidential showdown in new york. and new reaction to another stunning comment from former president trump out on the campaign trail about the vice president's mental state. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports." this is msnbc. g "andrea mitchell reports. this is msnbc. s industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries...
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former president trump donald trump is escalating his personal attacks against vice president harris. twice over the weekend calling her quote mentally impaired. with this false attack. >> kamala is mentally impaired. crooked joe biden became mentally impaired. sad. but lying kamala harris, honestly, i believe she was born that way. there's something wrong with kamala.
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and i just don't know what it is but there is definitely something missing. >> of course, her name is kamala. trump allies sending lindsey graham and other republicans were not happy about those false and insulting attacks. >> i just think the better course to take is to prosecute the case that her policies are destroying the country. i'm not saying she's crazy. i'm saying your party's, your policies are bat [ bleep ] crazy. >> joining me now, "washington post" senior national political correspondent, ashley parker and former democratic new york congressman, joe crowley and former chief of staff to mike pence, mark short. so, mark, i remember when bush 41 called bill clinton a bully. and we were shocked. shocked and horrified, using the word bully. calling her mentally impaired. what is going on here? >> well, andrea, i think it's a
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reflection of where our politics have pretty much gone across the board. but i think the biggest challenge is that the issues favor republicans. the wind should be at our backs when the vast majority of voters are concerned about the economy and the border crisis but because we keep injecting other story lines into this, republicans are not doing as well as they should be. >> he's the one doing the injecting. >> absolutely, andrea. but it would behoove him, too, to stay focused on policy, but the inability to do that is hurting republicans across the board because now you have days of news cycles to be focused on this latest personal attack on her than to prosecute the case on the crowley, do you think this is an indication that he's nervous? >> i think it absolutely is. i think wherever any bully is nervous or is in fear, they resort to name calling. and that's what donald trump has done his spire career. his entire life. but here it's pretty
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interesting, because, again, he's attacking a woman. and this is replete throughout story, they're hysterical, they don't know how to lead. and here you have a woman of substance, you have a woman who was a prosecutor, was an attorney general, was a u.s. senator, was vice president, and now may very well become the next president of the united states. and he's afraid of her. people are joking about it, but did he lose the debate to someone who is mentally impaired, or did he win the debate? it's just bizarre. and when you think you can't get any lower, he gets lower. he gets lower. it's just bizarre. >> ashley, i want to ask you about the nbc poll of latino registered voters. it shows a shrinking 14-point lead for harris against donald trump. that is a much smaller margin than in other recent elections. the other three elections, obama, clinton, you know, obviously, and biden. so the deficit for harris among latino men and the economy again
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was a top issue. she's go a problem with latino men and with younger latino voters in general. >> that's right. i mean, one thing she has to do and people are pretty clear about is to re-create or come as close as possible to re-creating the winning -- the traditional winning coalition of democrats. and then potentially run up her numbers in some other places, where former president trump is struggling. and obviously, the larger the margin she can keep with latino men, the better. it's worth noting, we're looking at the quote/unquote persuadables, and this tiny sliver that we think who will decide this election and they need to persuade. and both campaigns are looking at quote/unquote young voters. and that skews heavily male. and it also overindexes in both
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campaigns again, for men of color, voters of color, which includes latino men. so it is certainly in the universe that vice president harris believes she can win and bring back in some cases, into the democratic camp. >> but in our poll, this is compared to exit polls. so those numbers of 44% advantage under obama, i think, then became 33 more recently. those are exit polls. those are hard numbers. those aren't projections. she's got a problem. >> i think there is an issue here. people talk about the debate tomorrow night. and tim walz and the importance of it. i think here is an example of the importance of that. reaching out, communicating, and talking their language, as tim does. talking about fixing your car, at the same time, talking about project 2025. he has that way and ability about him. and so i think it's got to be widely watched because of that.
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and i think that's part of the answer towards getting some of those folks back. >> does tim walz has to be concerned, because j.d. vance is a good debater. she's an experienced debater, tim walz has never done anything like this before. and j.d. vance can talk circles around a lot of people. we've all seen it in his interviews. this is not donald trump. >> i think j.d. vance will shine in that environment. but i kind of think that governor walz is also good in that environment. i think it will be a good debate. i think they'll both hold each other even. but that has been happening for multiple cycles now. and many hispanics, his a generalization, i confess, are many cases coming to america for a fresh start. and when there's a lot of democrat policies or over-regulation, big government policies that stifle the entrepreneurship of hispanics, and i think culturally, many catholics are identifying more with the party today. this has been a growing trend that republicans continue to do better with the hispanic voters. >> and one of our
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correspondents, christina lya was in hazleton, pennsylvania. pennsylvania has one of the highest positions of latino and hispanic voters. it's now 53%, mostly dominican. and it's becoming trump country. and if pennsylvania has those kind of margins in the hispanic community, pennsylvania is very close. >> i think that there is opportunity here. i think that as i said before, yes, there have been shifts, but at the same time, i think kamala can relate, especially to women within those families, as well. we know that women play an oversized role when it comes to politics in their families, as well. >> mark, right now, how do you see the campaign in terms of donald trump, who did so badly with -- in response to these storms, he's in georgia today. he's on the scene, whereas president biden, vice president, more traditionally, are waiting
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until the rescue and the recovery efforts are beginning to bear fruit, before they go in. >> i think, look, an incumbent administration cannot look as if they're waiting on anybody right now. i think that it's important to be seen as stepping forward and leaning into these efforts. >> so it could become an issue? >> yeah. it's georgia and north carolina that are two pivotal states right now. so i think that even if they're not going to be on the ground and say, we don't want to get in the way of the rescue workers, there are things they can be doing from d.c. to show they're on top of the situation as opposed to being invisible. >> we still have more than 50 people missing north carolina. there's still a rescue mission going on. anyone going to those states right now is irresponsible. >> we'll have to hold it for the other debate. i love having the two of you here together. let's keep that going. >> so tomorrow night, be there! ashley parker, joe crowley, marc short, thank you so much to all
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of you. you can watch msnbc's complete coverage of the vice presidential debate led by rachel maddow starting at 7:00 eastern tomorrow night. that does it for the addition of "andrea mitchell reports." remember, find the show on social media @mitchellreports and you can rewatch the best of our show anytime on youtube, go to chris jansing reports starts after a quick break. ris jansings after a quick break. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections... ...or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease or uc. ask your gastroenterologist... ...about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ now approved for uc. always dry scoop before you run. listen to me, the hot dog diet got me shredded. it's time we listen to science. one a day is formulated with key nutrients to support whole body health. one a day. science that matters. with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis
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