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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  October 3, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> that was vice president kamala harris campaigning with the former congresswoman hailing from the cheney republican political dynasty. it's a coalition that would feel unthinkable even just a few years ago. and before vice president harris' remarks, here was former congresswoman liz cheney and what she had to say about donald trump. >> i have never voted for a democrat, but this year i am proudly casting my vote for vice president kamala harris. vice president harris is standing in the breach at a critical moment in our nation's history. she's working to unite reasonable people from all across the political spectrum.
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[ applause ] vice president harris has dedicated her life to public service. i know, i know that she loves our country. and i know that she will be a president for all americans. as a conservative, as a patriot, as a mother, as someone who reveres our constitution, i am honored to join her in this urgent cause. >> and there you have it. the democrats doing their coalition building with maybe the most unlikely pairing in recent history. vice president kamala harris and liz cheney, even dick cheney, father of liz cheney, the man still vilified by democrats for his bullish defense of the iraq war as vice president. he, too, will vote for kamala harris. meaning liz cheney, dick cheney, and aoc are all voting for the same presidential candidate. these are bizarre times, folks,
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just to say the least. but maybe just maybe this is the avenger style coalition needed to defeat the american thanos that is donald trump. joining me now is jelani cobb, staff writer for the new yorker and dean of the columbia university school of journalism. charlie sykes, msnbc contributor, and juanita tolliver, msnbc political analyst, host of crooked media's what a day podcast, and author of the upcoming book "a more perfect party." thank you all for being here. i am going to go to you first, you jelani. this is actually a pretty momentous thing we're seeing happen in the democratic party. and that they are coalescing the old guard of the republican party, at least the part of the old guard that has the courage to step forward. that's not all of them. some of them do not have said courage. the ones who are willing to step out there and make a claim for
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american democracy, plus progressives like aoc, who actually wedded themselves to joe biden's really progressive agenda as president for the most part. and kamala harris, who comes from the san francisco prosecutor's office to the attorney general's office to the united states senate to the vice presidency with the full and active and eager support of black women who propelled her into that position and who is sort of the multiracial coalition candidate in her own life. it is extraordinary. it's extraordinary history, jelani. >> it really is. it really is. so, i think there are a couple things that are significant here. one is the fact that when you go back to the history -- sorry, my daughter is a little upset in the background. you might hear that. >> we love a baby on the show. you can put her on camera. trust me, we love a baby. >> one of the significant things here though is the location.
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the location, the founding of the republican party. now, i think that goes to the point that she's advertising a big tenlt. we want people who are reasonable, who recognize the threat that donald trump presents, et cetera. but go back and think about the circumstances that the republican party was founded under. and that's where you see the real historical resonance. that party came together as a kind of wild amalgam of people who were free soilers. people who were former whigs, which was a political party that basically collapsed because of sectionalism, even people from the old american party, also known as the know-nothings. those people came together, they had less in common than probably any other political organization you can think of, except for the fact that they recognized a common threat. they realized under the banner of free soil, free labor, free
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men, that slavery had become the defining issue and threatened to tear the country apart. so that significance of being there in repen, wisconsin, really anchors and relays the point they're making about the threat they see to american democracy right now. >> it just makes it even more sort of poetic, charlie. as somebody who you came from the old, you know, in some ways disappeared republican party. but the fragments of it are standing up. and you know, look, from a policy point of view, some of us were very deeply against the iraq war are no fans of the cheneys, but i give her tremendous credit as i do adam kinzinger and other people i have no policy, but they have courage. mitt romney has tried to hold his party together.
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he doesn't have the courage to endorse kamala harris. that lady does. what does it mean for a party that feels like it's dying under donald trump's boot for that woman to stand up and say i'm with her? and you're there, by the way. i want to note that charlie is at this event. >> yeah. yes, i'm right here in wisconsin. and you know what, you can't overlook the symbolism of having this event here in rippon, wisconsin. in 1854 -- by the way, i love jelani cobb's history of all this. because that was a moment of real moral clarity for american politics and the republican party was born from that split and that sense of moral clarity. and it really does feel that this is another moment like that. and you could really sense, and we met with her and a group of former republicans, met with the vice president, with congresswoman cheney and they
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were very aware of the symbolic significance of having this event here at the birthplace of the republican party. i have to say that don't -- i mean, i don't want to overlook the outreach of the harris campaign to liz cheney and to wavering republicans because there is a sliver of more traditional republicans who i think are soft supporters and have to ask themselves do they want four more years of donald trump? does donald trump represent the values of this party? it is actually rather extraordinary to think about what we are seeing here and the willingness of the democrats and the harris campaign to create a big tent that right now they're saying we are willing to have a big tent. we're willing to not relitigate things that happened half a decade ago or a decade ago, and we're making common cos. you saw that rather dramatically
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here in wisconsin. >> indeed, juanita, let's talk about this from a democratic strategy point of view. because the risk in this kind of a play is that the base of the party has a tissue rejection against people like the cheneys or the adam kinzinger who they remember their policy positions. and then the question is, do you lose any base voters by saying we want to welcome really conservative republicans in? these are not middle of the road republicans. these are right-wing republicans, and saying we want them in the tent. so there is that question of what's the risk value proposition, and what is the gain? it is very hard, i think for viewers of the show, i think you need to understand, as an old campaign person, it is really hard for democrats to ever get a majority of white voters to vote for a democrat. that has not happened overall in a presidential race since the 1960s. it doesn't happen. and so what democrats are not fighting for is a majority of white voters. they're fighting for 50% of white women voters and that is a
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kind, even when a white woman was on the ticket, hillary clinton, they didn't get 50. so can you just diagnose for us what are the chances that a play like this gets democrats to 50% of white women voters and gets them to about the 43% of white male voters, just tick it up to those numbers, what are the chances someone like liz cheney can do that? >> it's a tall order for just one republican, joy, but the reality is she is not alone. and this event is not alone because remember, the parade of republicans who crossed the stage at the democratic convention. this kitchen outreach has been sustained and the only reason i think the coalition of democratic supporters who have long been with the party is accepting it, because it's coming under the banner of survival. honestly, i feel like this coalition should say brought to you by donald trump because the threat he presents, it's so wide reaching that people see it and understand the need to band together against it. but that would only be possible
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with someone like him at the top of the ticket who has come after individuals' rights, who has been convicted of 34 felony counts, who has attempted to overturn the will of the voters. that is what sets the table for this, but when you talk about who might feel alienated, i can't help but think about back to the convention, the push by palestinian americans to get a palestinian speaker on that stage, and they were told no, while we had a parade of republicans come across that stage delivering a message of unity. so that is one place where i could see some friction coming out of this, and i will be watching to see how the harris campaign continues their outreach across this range of support, because they can't afford to lose anyone. and i say that understanding that in a state like wisconsin, it's still polling within the margin of error, much like all of the swing states. and so it's about this expansive outreach under the banner of survival while still tending to the home base. >> it is like whac-a-mole.
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we're going to go on a whole history reverie, because i want to touch on first for our audience to go there is a new poll out that shows that the arab and muslim vote is now tied. that has not been the case for a long time. arab and muslim voters had become primarily democrats, having used to being a republican constituency, john zogby, an excellent pollster, one of the best, 42/41, trending a tiny bit toward trump, and another thing in that poll that showed something pretty extraordinary that goes to what juanita said, that had there been a palestinian american speaker, a large plurality of those voters tell mr. zogby that they would have, more than half of arab americans, said they would have been more likely to support vice president harris
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had the dnc allowed a palestinian american speaker. i want to put a pin on that for a moment. on the point juanita was just making, this coalition cobbling means they're trying to pull all these pieces together. the palestinian american and arab american piece is not holding necessarily, so you do have now tim walz speaking to the muslim american coalition today. that's the other thing happening at this time. he's out speaking to that constituency trying to grab them and pull them in. talk about the risk assessment part of this. for democrats, they have to keep this whole coalition together, and the threat we're facing is project 2025 and unleashed donald trump, unleashed police, unleashed death penalty, the things he's threatening to do are so catastrophic, his seizure of the federal government is so risky, that's why peel are putting up with it. >> so i think one of the most interesting things right now would be to get a glance at what
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keith ellison's cell phone looks like, because you know, he's the most prominent potentially most prominent muslim, among the most prominent muslims in the democratic party. i'm sure he's getting questions about how to position themselves especially being in minnesota. the other part of this that i think is significant is i think people did not anticipate that vote breaking down the way that it has in michigan. i had a sense of this because i had been in dialogue with several palestinian activists and journalists who had been reporting from there, and they were saying look, this thing is going to be close between those two, and it's also going to be a third element here which is strong support for jill stein. in that community as well. far above the national average. so what people are essentially doing is looking at donald trump's pledge to ban muslims
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and his attempt to ban muslims and counterbalancing that with what they see as the execution of the war in gaza with the blessings of the white house, through support military arms and so on. so in that way, it literally looks like a wash between those two candidates. >> it's really tough. charlie, i want to go back to you before we run out of time to get one more sense of the vibes. we don't have alex wagner, our vibes correspondent, with us, so you're now our vibes correspondent of record, sir. what are the vibes and what are the kind of people that are in that crowd? is it a lot of republicans, a lot of dems? who are you talking to? >> well, i do think it's a moderate group. there are democrats here, there are some of the soft republicans here. and i just want to sort of emphasize the symbolism, again, of this event. i think what this event shows is that for a lot of voters, and i
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think the harris campaign and liz cheney are making this point. this is not a choice between right and left, liberal and conservative, democrat or republican. it's a moral decision about our constitutional order and about whether or not we're going to put country over party. it was very interesting that they really have embraced that particular message, and essentially saying let's set aside our political and idealogical differences for, as juanita said, the survival mode. this is a five-alarm fire for america. and we ought to rise to the occasion and not let the traditional idealogical differences get in the way of recognizing the importance of this moment. because it's all on the line over the next 30-plus days. >> you have said a mouthful, sir, and that's absolutely true. it is democracy or not. it is not even right and left anymore. that is the only way a coalition this broad that's got the cheneys and aoc in it could possibly be happening.
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jelani cobb, charlie sykes, juanita tolliver, thank you all very much. coming up, more on jack smith's damning trump filing and how trump's illegal and dangerous actions from 2020 speaking to the risk to democracy, are rearing their ugly head again ahead of this year's november election. "the reidout" continues after this. dout" continues after this
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yesterday's bombshell filing
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from special counsel jack smith lays out stunning new details about donald trump's plan to undermine the 2020 election at all costs. among its revelations, trump privately told advisers he would simply declare victory before all the ballots were counted and any winner was projected. and after trump was told that rudy giuliani would not be able to prove his false fraud allegations in court, he said the details don't matter. also, trump and his allies often just made up statistics about voter fraud, quote, from whole cloth. smith wrote that when it came to trump and his coconspirators claims about noncitizen voters, the conspirators started with the allegation that 36,000 non-citizens voted in arizona. five days later it was beyond credulity that a few hundred thousand didn't vote. the reality is about 250,000 days after that, the assertion was then 32,000.
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and ultimately, the conspirators landed right back where they started at 36,000, a false figure that they never verified or corroborated. but perhaps what's even more alarming is that it sure seems like trump is ready to do all the things that jack smith is accusing him of all over again with the 2024 election. a lot of these new details sound pretty identical to what trump has been saying for months now as he preemptively lays the groundwork to once again dispute the results, making absurd claims about how this election will be rigged and democrats are cheating. new reporting from nbc's vaughn hillyard highlights that this year trump and his campaign have cited more than a dozen examples of so-called election interference activities by americans to claim the upcoming election is being unfairly manipulated despite having no evidence. joining me now is the aforementioned nbc correspondent vaughn hillyard. okay, what are the new allegations of so-called cheating? >> we have seen donald trump co-opt terms like fake news or
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collusion. any word that's ever used against him, he takes it and uses it to his own advantage. over the last few months, he's consistently been throwing out that word not only around the criminal indictments, the e. jean carroll defamation ruling, the civil fraud ruling, he called all these things election interference and also suggested the fact that secret service one week ago told him they did not have the resources to hold an outdoor rally. he said that was election interference. he said google, again, there's nothing to this, but he google is causing bad stories about him to pop up and only good stories about kamala harris to pop up. he said that is election interference. his spokesperson said the release of "the apprentice" which paints a not so great image of donald trump in his ury life, they're calling that election interference. yet, there's not a single evidence of cheating and no
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specific allegation, i went to the campaign, no specific allegation of any domestic actor of any american one month from the election engaging in any illegal activity. we say that's important because as you noted four years ago it was at a rally before the 2020 election, donald trump said the words, it's a rigged election. it's the only way we're going to lose. he's doing the same thing now. you said it, he's foreshadowing. >> you spent a lot of time at these rallies talking to trump voters. we got some sound that i want to play now because the thing that's frightening about it is it has become a real article of faith among trump's voting base that there is no way he can lose unless there is some fraud or cheating. that's core to how he got people to sack the capitol. let's play a little bit of this. >> in november, if the results come back and they say he didn't win the election -- >> i won't believe that. i honestly will not believe
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that. i bet 100% the people here will not believe that. >> i think that's an impossibility. >> you would have zero reason to believe that -- >> i have zero reason to believe. >> there's no way he can lose the election in a free and fair election right now. >> what if the results do come out that way and show that? you won't believe it but -- >> the reason i won't believe it is because they keep pressing mail-in ballots. >> i cannot tell you how many times i have also heard this when i just listen to interviews you have done and that we have seen other people do. this idea that mail-in ballots are going to come in and steal the election. it is a belief system among them. as you know, you cannot have a democracy if a certain percentage of people don't believe the results. >> exactly. on a human level, hearing so many people saying already before votes have been cast, that was back in april, i have had conversations for months that are just like that. we can take the rest of your show, because there is a segment
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of the population that takes donald trump's words and their parrot them. when he says election interference, time and again i hear from his supporters, election interference, election interference. just today in colorado, a former county clerk was sentenced to nine years in prison for essentially election interference, right? and this is the part, though, that where are we going one month from now? i don't know. what is another january 6th looking like? i don't know, but there is a segment of the population, not a majority, but there is a heavy potent minority of the american population that believes the last election was taken, joe biden and kamala harris shouldn't be in office, and that is the concerning part. we go into this november, it is not just donald trump's words and the concern over how donald trump could use his power but the power that the american citizens have and they don't believe in the basis of our elections. >> and when jd vance cannot say that donald trump lost the last election, and when he is also pushing that and when
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republicans on capitol hill are pushing bills saying people who are not citizens shouldn't vote, that's already illegal, that's part of it. the republican party is also parroting this. >> correct, and this is where you have seen the likes of liz cheney, paul ryan, mitt romney, they're no longer the foundation of this republican party here. and if it weren't for, let's be very, very clear, those 2022 midterms i think defined 2024. because there were election deniers running for governor in wisconsin, in michigan, georgia, arizona, for secretary of state, they all lost. and that was a moment that i think that we are looking at sort of what is the dooms dpa, how could they potentially try to manipulate the system today. there are a lot of ways, a lot of counties. not just democratic counties. there's concerns about what are those county recorders and clerks in very red districts,
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the very red districts, right, some of these maga folks -- >> that trump will win. >> the trump loyal faithful, he will win, but if they don't certify, it will keep the state from certifying. and donald trump has their back. that is the takeaway and where the voters also know who has their back inthe leader of their party, the former president and the guy they believe should be the next president. >> it's why i don't sleep. vaughn hillyard, not helping my insomnia. but excellent reporting. great journalist. thank you, friend. >> coming up, author and thought leader tonahasse koets joins us to discuss his latest book and his visits to sen senegal, sout carolina, and a ten-day trip to palestine. ine. all winter for a better lawn next spring. how do you know all of this? says it right there on the bag. yes, it does. download the my lawn app today for lawn care tips and customized plans. feed your lawn. feed it.
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one thing is clear. israel's war in gaza is still ongoing and the images from the conflict continue to be horrific. while the war is expanding into lebanon and beyond. now, one of america's most consequential writers offers hiperspective in a new book that questions how the story of the region is told and how those stories shape what we think. ta-nehisi coates' previous works have molded the american nation
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political narrative but his new book, the message, looks outward. it's part travel diary, part interrogation of race, colonialism, oppression, and injustice around the world. it details three journeys he took, to dakar, senegal, to south carolina, and to the occupied territories of the west bank. and it's written as a letter to his students at howard university. he writes that he's thinking of young writers everywhere whose task is nothing less than doing their part to save the world. the last half of the message is the heart of the book, with coates writing about his ten-day visit to israel in the summer of 2023, witnessing the israeli occupation up close. he writes, everywhere i went that week in the occupied territories, in east jerusalem, in haifa, and in the stories told by palestinians and even by israelis, i felt that the state had one message to the palestinians within its borders. the message was, you would
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really be better off somewhere else. i'm joined now by ta-nehisi coates. it's good to see you. this book is extraordinary. i mean, all of your work is extraordinary, and i'm not a young writer but i consider myself primarily a writer so i took your message as a message to me too. thank you for writing it. and i just want to start with this kind of, you tell these three stories. and the story in senegal was heartbreaking in that it spoke to the colonization that remained trapped in the minds of even people on the continent which is not something black folks think about. talk about experiencing that. >> yeah, you know, one of the things i say toward the end of the book is i didn't get my adult password until i was 37. and obviously because of that, i went to africa relatively late. in fact, travel and international travel for me because largely like i guess a lot of people, enjoyment,
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vacation, and i put off this trip back home, as they say. and i put it off because i knew it wasn't going to be a vacation. and in fact, what it turned out to be was a kind of pilgrimage, a confrontation with images of myself, images of ourselves as black folks, and really ultimately, i would have to say a mourning. >> it is. and i think having been there and done a sort of version of that in ghana, you have, there's a sorrow to it, and there's a deep sort of almost something kind of offensive about the idea it's tourism for people to do. >> oh, my god. you know, i was in this hotel. i'm glad to hear you say that. i feel bad about it, but i was in this hotel and it was right on the beach. i would walk out and i would see people doing what they do on the beach, and i looked at them like they were out of their minds. it's not a beach. >> it's a tomb. and so the way that i kind of married that part to the second
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part of your book is that you then have people fighting the history that africa is the start of, right? >> that's right. >> you get to south carolina and people say, no, we don't want that history, we don't want the 1619 project. we want denial. that to me ties to the thirdpert of the book, the part everybody is talking about, about palestine in that there's a similar sense of that in israel. we want the history that we love, that we cherish, that makes us feel whole, but the part of the history that is the people who were here before we got here, that has to go. >> i think one of the things, in america, i was very i guess informed with or i had seen a kind of non-active history, like the way in which things that had happened 50 years, 100 years ago, 200 years ago were made active and you could see it in the politics. you go down, you see the unite the right rally and see how
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heather heyer paid the price. the difference in being somewhere like east jerusalem, it's how the history was still active and how it was still being made and you can see the oppression entwined with the active history. i went to a place i called the city of david which doubled as a kind of entertainment, archaeological tourism park, to establish the sovereignty of people of jewish descent over jerusalem, while at the same time evicting palestinians who had been there themselves for generations. >> it's painful to read, and i think that people, you know that there is, you know, the icj has ruled it's apartheid. you're now experiencing it first-hand. i want to read a couple passages. this is a quote from your book. you said buried in the claim is another notion, that the worth of a person is defined by their possession of a homeland incorporated as a state. the palestinians lacking such a
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state had no right to the land and perhaps no rights at all. the charge of being without a homeland or stateless was often lodged at jews themselves. zionists sought to answer the charge. their model was america's pilgrims or minutemen and the role for palestinians was thus predictable. you talk about the fact that in substitution for the nazis who give them the claim, they substitute what you called savage nazis. i feel like that is the way arabs, muslims, and palestinians have been portrayed in the american media my whole life. faceless, nameless evil and they don't have a story, a past, a nation. for you as a journalist, what is your critique of the way we think about palestinians, the way we think about palestine and the way they're kind of erased in much the way we have seen in this country in the stories of oppressed people? >> look, i think two things. the first thing is any time you want to do something to
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somebody, any time you want to take something from somebody, because we are human beings, because we have a sense of empathy, a sense of humanity, we look on suffering and it actually takes work for us to look away, you conjure a story. you create a story. one of the things i was interrogating throughout the message is the stories that were told about oppressed people and certainly palestinians are no different in that. but joy, if i could, i want to back up to something you said because i think it's really, really important. there is a sense in that last half of the book that i hope does not get missed. and that is that the things that i am diagnosing, or that i diagnose and saw in the zionist project in israel are not exactly exceptional. in fact, they are human things. it is human to be oppressed and feel that that oppression somehow makes you more noble that anyone else and incapable of oppressing others. we see that not necessarily in
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the form of a state but in other aspects of our own community, in some respects in the form of a state, but in general, not in statecraft but in our own community. as much sympathy and feeling i had looking upon the plight of the palestinians and that's very real and something i will always speak to, there was something that i found that was very, very familiar in looking upon jewish israelis and understanding their history of oppression, understanding the great lethal weight of anti-semitism and how yet nonetheless the state of israel itself had, i felt, derived the wrong lessons from it. there is a deep, deep temptation to believe that your oppression is ennobling and that goes beyond israel and zionism. >> i think there's a lesson for journalists as well. there's a prohibition in many ways for sympathizing with the palestinian people. that's the way it's been through most of my career and life as a journalist. you're really not supposed to see these people as having any
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reason to sympathize with them. to me, it's not good for us as a profession, because we have to be able to interrogate the things that are happening in the world regardless of our sympathy for any of the cultures that we're covering. and i feel like your book is almost a permission structure to say no, we can examine these things. there's nothing wrong with it. you have been kind of pillories for it sometimes in interviews, but no, there's nothing wrong with examining these things. we are supposed to do that as journalists. that's our job, right? >> definitely. i would say not only is there a prohibition toward sympathy toward palestinians, perhaps more concretely and more importantly from where i sit is there is a prohibition against palestinians in our journalism. >> yeah. >> they don't exist. i really feel very, very strongly, you and i should not even be here having this conversation right now. it should actually be two palestinians. unfortunately, if you look across the landscape of major media, you have a lot of trouble
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finding palestinian american journalists who are empowered to the extent they have the ability to speak toward the larger country. i have said this and i will say it again. i challenge major media organizations in this country to show me where there are palestinian bureau chiefs in jerusalem, in tel aviv, who we turn to, who tell the story of what's going on in that important region. i don't know of any. there may be some, but i suspect i will not get off one hand if i were counting them. that's a major failure and a sin of journalism. >> ta-nehisi coates, you teach us so much in your writing and the journalists are so rare and you're right. they need to opportunity to write and tell their own stories, but you have done it so well. thank you, my friend. >> thanks for having me. the book is "the message" and it's in stores near you or wherever you shop online.
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tyre nichols. a jury found demetris hallie of witness tampering bought not guilty in causing his death. galt on two lesser charges of violating civil rights by causing bodily injury. justin smith was also found guilty of witness tampering in the case but acquitted of all civil rights charges. tadarrius bean was similarly found guilty of witness tampering but acquitted of civil rights charges. prosecutors accused the former officers of viciously beating nichols during a traffic stop on january 7th, 2023. even though body camera videos of the incident showed he posed no threat. bean, haley and smith were among five officers fired by the memphis police department after the beating. the two other former officers, emmitt martin and desmond mills jr. pleaded guilty to using
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excessive force and conspiring to witness tamper ahead of the trial. i'm joined now by paul butler, former federal prosecutor. it does seem the doj has come to life on these cases at the end of the biden term. your thoughts on these convictions? >> so joy, the jurors saw many body cam videos of the assault on mr. nichols after the police pulled him over for a traffic infraction. the jurors saw some officers telling mr. nichols to stop resisting at the same time that they were kicking him on the and they catch you, you get a beat down. and the culture of policing in memphis according to officers there that testified in this case is that police lied about what you did and what they did when they fill out their report. the jurors heard mr. nichols screaming for his mother.
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the prosecutor said that the officers stood by mr. nichols dying and they laughed. in the closing statement the prosecutor told the jurors to use their eyes, their ears, their common sense. i think that conviction for wind this -- for witness tampering is well established by the evidence, but i don't understand why two of the officers weren't convicted on civil rights charges. the evidence does seem to support conviction for all three officers. >> that is the thing that i think is surprising. it is witness tampering, but not violating the civil rights of someone they killed in a traffic stop. that seems obviously a violation of civil rights. the justice department has also filed, there have been two federal indictments against two of the officers involved in the killing, the shooting death of breonna taylor, who police officers kicked in her door,
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shot at her, killed her after midnight while she was asleep and then charged her boyfriend and said he was responsible for her death because he tried to defend her because he had a firearm. their names are kyle mimi and joshua james. given that the civil rights charges did not result in convictions, what do you think the chances are that that will be considered a violation of civil rights? >> again i think the department of justice is getting better at bringing these cases, but they are only as good as the jurors are open to listening to the evidence and convicting officers. sometimes it is difficult for jurors because they think even if police made a mistake they were just trying to do their job. these are federal charges. all of these officers also face state charges including attempted murder and in this case the defense used to strategies which i think future prosecutors will learn from.
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in this case the defense pointed at the other defendant, especially the officers who pleaded guilty and cooperated. the other strategy was to claim that the force they used was consistent with their training. they claim when mr. nichols was stopped and did not immediately follow their orders they were justified in using physical force to gain compliance. that is not the law, but maybe this was effective with these jurors. i think of a case i teach my students, one of the first police brutality cases considered in the 1920s and there the police officer testified when he was asked how much he beat this black man, he said i beat him enough, but not as much as i would have if it were left to me. this verdict, you have to wonder how much things have really changed. >> indeed.
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it is some comfort perhaps to tyre nichols's family that at least there was a conviction and some justice of some kind, but not enough. paul butler, thank you. coming up, breaking news on the dock workers strike. a major sigh of relief as a tentative agreement is reached. we will have more, so much news tonight. more on the other side.
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we have major breaking news tonight on a story that could
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have had major implications for all of us. the union for nearly 50,000 dockworkers has agreed to suspend their strike until january 15 and will return to work immediately. they went to strike on tuesday at 12:01, refusing to unload any cargo from maine to texas until they got a new contract from the alliance of companies that ship goods to the united states. the dockworkers are presented by the international longshoremen's association have massive leverage because without them you can't get most of the stuff you need to. these dockworkers have the ability to make you pay more for goods, also known as inflation. containers of goods from auto- parts to wine and bananas are sitting on the dock. according to the wall street journal, the white house worked behind the scenes to get the cargo operators to make a new offer to the union. vice president harris issued a statement saying the workers deserve their fair share of the profits and reminded voters that donald trump blocked overtime pay as president. trump has been one of the most
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aggressive antiunion presidents of late. in august he applauded elon musk firing people who threatened to go on strike. hours ago he told supporters he hated paying workers overtime, which is part of how dockworkers are next to cash. during his time as president, like vice president harris said, he restricted overtime pay, opposed wage increases and gutted health and safety protections. he has also packed the courts with judges who are openly hostile to labor. uaw president shawn fain called him a scab, which is an accurate assessment. the wall street journal reported that port operations offered a 62% raise to end the strike. that is tonight's "reidout". "all in with chris hayes" starts now. tonight on "all in" -- >> i have never voted for a democrat, but this year i am


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