tv Prime Weekend MSNBC October 6, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT
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. i found myself laying on the floor for half an hour in a dark room just crying. i had to leave the set. it was a very difficult thing but it really speaks to the power of andre's ability to realize, real emotions. he's not playing. he doesn't feel like acting, it was more conjuring of something. it was a very powerful event and the reality is that it helped me move forward in my own healing. own healing. watching it, at sundance, that was one of the spots. a beautiful film. i am so ofglad to grab a little bit of your time. you are so busy right now in san francisco. for all of you, "exhibiting forgiveness." >> thank you very much. and that is going to do it for me on this edition of alex witt reports. prime weekend, next is edition x witt reports. prime weekend, next
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. welcome to prime time weekend i'm nicole wallace let's get to the week's top stories. it is up to us to remember what kamala's mother told her. don't just sit around and complain. do something. so, if they lie about her, and they will, we got to do something. if we see a bad poll and we will, we got to put down that phone and, do something. if we start feeling tired, if we start feeling that dread creeping back in we got to pick ourselves up, throw water on our face and what? >> do something. >> hi, again, everyone, it is 5:00 in new york. answering that powerful message from his wife, former president barack obama will indeed, do something as he takes his star
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power to the campaign trail next week campaigning for kamala harris in pittsburgh. the event in the thursday will be the first one in the election as a battleground state super surrogate. according to a harris campaign official it will launch a larger effort on his part as he will ramp up his campaigning for harris in the final stretch of the election season. barack obama's effort marking a full circle moment, kamala harris was an early supporter of his 2008 campaign. she knocked doors for him. so far the former president's work on behalf of harris has raised $76 million. that is from fundraising content signed by him and events featuring him. having the heavy hitter out on the campaign trail will bring the excitement and energy to a whole new level t. is not only harris who is receiving support from president barack obama he is also endorsing democrats and down ballot races, earlier today he released a new ad for a congresswoman who is running
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for senate in a crucial swing state. michigan, this is barack obama. i want to talk to you about elissa slotkin that i know. she has dedicated her career to serving the american people no matter who is in the white house. i saw that leadership and character up close. in the situation room, elissa delivered briefings on some of the toughest issues that we were dealing with. that is why i sent her to negotiate on my behalf. she understood what to compromise and when to stand firm that is why i nominated her to be assistant secretary of defense. elissa is the kind of leader we need. tough, independent and effective. she will get the job done and she will make you proud.
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now, with just 32 days left to election day the presidential race will determine the policies of the next four years. also, answer a fundamental question. a question about what we become and if we remain a democracy or not. turning into something very, very different. these efforts by the former president could proof highly congress quernl in important. we hope he will answer it with some humor. >> here is a 78-year-old billionaire who has not stopped whining about his problems since he rolled down his golden escalator nine years ago. it has been a constant stream of gripes and grievances that actually has been getting worse now that he is afraid to losing
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to kamala. there is the childish nicknames, the crazy conspiracy theories, this weird obsession with crowd sizes. [ laughter ] >> it t just goes on and on and on. >> we know exactly what he did there. no one does it better. that is why we start the hour with some of our favorite family and friends. we are back here at the table. democratic strategist and professor, also joining us the host of the podcast, donny, this is the point in the campaign, i talked to a couple folks in and around the campaign today where everything is possible, right? either direction t. is possible to have the energy of sort of a
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surprise announcement the kids call it the switch when president biden stepped aside and to have the coordinated messaging from president barack obama and michelle obama and vice president harris and have the stakes of november's election elevated by surrogates like liz cheney. it is not choosing between democrat policies and republican policies this is choosing whether or not we remain a democracy. you have to run the table. you have to do all of these things. and president and michelle obama are essential to all of that. there is excitement and people are getting ready to cover them. but there is relief that we have them on the trail next week. >> and the republicans don't. the republicans do not have that kind of, whew are the surrogates? it is a party of one. trump, lindsey gram? mitch mcconnell?
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matt geitz? they don't have it. they have probably the greatest politician of our lifetime, one of the greatest in someone who bridges a lot of bridges. young to old, people of color, white people, he cuts across and he does it with such charm, honesty and integrity, likability. you just, you lean in. and i can't wait to see him with her. you know, we saw him at the convention but did not see them together. i think the energy of the two of them together will be magical. we need it now. we need michelle, we need everyone. it is down to the stretch. you know, you talk to trump people, they are nervous, harris people are nervous, it is really anybody's game. somebody like him could be an x factor. >> everyone is nervous because i think it is really, really close. a margin of error election. and i think the idea that, what president barack obama and michelle obama i have to say
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privately, we have all been quoting "do something" and wait for example them to do their thing. he is the most talented politician in the country right now and you know, just trying to mentally factor that. that is full stop. anyone can assert that. he also has a track record on the campaign trail. his final speech was sunday night before the midterms in philly. campaign speech for the ages, how many years in office. he is somebody that keeps getting better and better and as good as others on behalf of the candidates as he is himself. for barack obama. what you just said he has this ability reset the conversation and you have seen him do that time and time again back in that 2007, 2008 race. attacks. i will take that. an incredible ability do that.
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i will for a second talk about michelle obama. with the clip that you played. that part of the cop vens, she made a point that is -- convention she made a point. there will be a lull. there will be a moment where there will be some republican talking point that start to seep in. i see even on my feed more and more tweets by african americans and concerning and i don't know if elon his has finger on the button. i am starting to see that more. if i am seeing it, it means there is a lot seeping in. at this moment that michelle obama was talking about, ignore it. her point was if you don't get that phone call, the campaign may not knock on your door. understand she is doing something in a short period of time that most people have two years to do. she is building a campaign, an operation with money and volunteers that is going to get out. so, it is a bit of his ability but it is a reassurance to
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voters that the standard bearer if you are a democrat, the standard bearer of your party is out there. one of the most gifted politicians of our day is trying to unite the country in the ways that he did many years ago when he first ran. and even if there is a moment where voters with respect to trump may have amnesia to your point, donny, they don't have the ability remind people of the past in the way that barack obama and michelle do. >> and president barack obama is the trump origin story, right? >> that is true. >> trump, no one triggered trump the way president barack obama does. no one. and, trump rises to the particular crevices. not a simple surrogate
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relationship. i mean, he triggers trump in a way that is almost unknowable. >> also something that happens when he comes on. everything seems okay. [ laughter ] >> you know, with trump we know there is chaos, and kamala is an unknown. no matter how you slice it. he comes on and there is a relief factor. there is a, you just, you just trust this guy and you think everything is going to be okay. there is nobody in the country that has the ability do that. there are a lot of segments. and i really think that, this is going to be performance. it is that close that i think he will have the energy to kick start the campaign with all that he brings to it. i think it coulding magical. >> he -- i think it could be magical. >> he does not lull you into it, they tell you what to do.
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continuing the american exparent. >> nicole, the obama's, particularly former president barack obama as you have been regaling, his smile is electric and his confidence is assuring. one of the reasons that people gravitate to him is because of their realness, authenticity. barack obama and michelle obama have been every person. they have been poor and struggled through, middle class to upper class now. they are every person. people understand them. and, for barack obama to get in towards the last 32 days it is the best thing that he can do. it is like reading a book or hearing a speaker or speakers. you remember the first one, the last one. barack obama often just offers a punch that no one else has given. he finds those little areas, those little spaces that need to be filled and he fills them. so barack obama is one of the greatest of our time but michelle obama may of taken it at the dnc but still one of the
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greatest. he is a beloved united states president democrat or republican. his numbers are in the top 10 according to historians. particularly in michigan with black populations like in dear born, help in philadelphia and places or pennsylvania more so in those suburbs of philadelphia. i believe barack obama and whatever charisma he has will be dynamic for her and it will help, i believe it will still be tight but i think it will help her in a lot of ways. >> if there is one lesson from the trump white house era it was always, so much worse than any of us on the outside understood. the sheer volume of incriminating new material contained in jack smith's latest january 6th filing paint the most depraved picture yet of a man in donald trump who would do anything and say anything including making
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things up to cling to power. now he is, of course, running for president again. we have that conversation coming up ident again. we have that conversation coming up just seed alone. giving you a stronger lawn. smell that freedom, eh? download the my lawn app today for lawn care tips and customized plans. feed your lawn. feed it. ♪ febreze man: i don't about y'all, but when it comes to working from home, i gotta have every part of my house clean. that means tidying up, then spraying my febreze air mist, to leave every room smelling fresh and clean. with that done, it's time to get to work. ♪ la la la la la
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. why did you come here? >> because president trump told us we had something big to look forward to. and i believed vie president pence was going to certify the electoral votes or not certify them. that just changed, correct? and it is a big disappointment. there are several hundred thousand people here that are very disappointed. i still believe president trump has something else left. >> still haunting, right? we now know thanks to jack smith's unseal filing of evidence, that this is exactly what donald trump was watching
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when he hit send on that 2:24 tweet attacking mike pence. and fueling the deadly insurrection according to the files. the ex-president was watching it on a loop. displayed by forensic evidence that quote the defendant sat in the dining room by a oval office where he used his phone to review twitter and watch the television that was turned on and displaying news coverage of the riot at the capitol. and the filing details just how desperate he was to cling to power. white house staffer hearing the ex hfer president tell a family member this, quote, it does not matter if you won or loss the election you still have to fight like hell. turning the table, the former top prosecutor and legal analyst is here. it has been 24-hours and the evidence. the case he put together just jumps off of the pages as devastating. >> absolutely. a few things, one, that comment
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from the former president that this is election interference it is worth remembering the reason this brief was filed because donald trump prevailed in the supreme court and the supreme court told the district judge you have to hear from the parties, look at the facts, and specifically look at the context of all of the evidence and decide what is official and immune and what is unofficial as a candidate and can thus go to trial. the brief all of this because trump appealed, won, and now that the district judge is doing what the supreme court said. >> he has been a terrible winner. trump is the only politician that i ever covered who wins and is more mad. >> and to be fair it points out he is a terrible loser in that the amount of proof and the difference between this brief and the january 6th hearings is the amount of direct proof with people in the room with him up
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to and including mike pence is valuminous, even when you take out, as the supreme court required, all of the department of justice evidence, the things that the supreme court said can not be considered. there is so much proof here of somebody who knew he lost, who didn't, who said to people i don't care that i lost. i am still going to go forward. and then with respect to the clip that you just played. threatened mike pence in terms of saying if you continue with your view you knoll not help me i will sick the mob on you. the response has been widely reported when he is told that is what happened he said "so what." the picture of trump as such a deeply flawed human that can't -- is willing to do all of this. including to his own vice
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president is something that is very hard just even as a psychological matter to understand the make up of that. you would turn to your vice president who is saying i can't do this because the constitution does not allow it and you would turn to that person and say, i am going to threaten you and then when you actually are threatened i am not going to do anything. to someone who has been loyal to him for that long. >> tell me how much you learned from pence's testimony. it feels like that is the biggest bucket of content that we have in here. even within the bucket there are clearly notes, meetings, they are meetings that the staffers were in. we saw some of that come to life. there are some that if you add it to our time line it adds to the pressure campaign.
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>> first in terms of coberation. it is not just mike pence. -- corroborating, it is not just mike pence. we reached out to all sorts of people and talked to them. we know, for instance, after trump threatened him that his people reported that to secret service. they understood, they understood very well what would happen and they were right that was needed >> is that knowledge not just on trump's part but pence's part the possibility and likelihood of violence? >> absolutely. they understood that is what was going to happen because of what donald trump did and donald trump understood it. that is why he was threatening it. he wanted to use it to his advantage. this is his last gasp at trying to stay in office. all of this for power that he was not entitled to. i mean this, this goes back to
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sort of the discussion that you were having which is, you we'd this and it is impossible to think that we have not a crisis in this country. the ideas that this is somebody who is doing so well running for office when you sit there and think how can people not read this and the only thing that i was thinking when you were talking in the prior segment is for people who are enablers to really call them out. to really, for the people, if it is newspapers, i know this show, i would -- you cover it well, newspapers, politicians, corporations that are trying to hedge their bets and giving money to both sides you really need to sort of say, are you reading what this is it and what it means for america? >> i have to sneak in a break but i want to drill down on how
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much new evidence we have on his willingness to make things up. there are kids and families in springfield, ohio who are leading under that? a brand-new body of it willing them how doj targets. he will make things up about anything. i have to sneak in a quick break. we'll be right back. in a quick break. we'll be right back. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. philip: when your kid is hurting and there's nothing you can do about it, that's
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for effortless protection. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. . from this new jack smith filing. when person night reiterated said to the defendant they would be unable to prove his false in court donald trump responded quote, the details don't matter. when a voting machine was able to prove the nonfalsity of the statements they got almost $1 billion. why doesn't the country have more resources? >> this is the mistake while you are lying that it effects
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an actual person. or a company. that is why you have ruby and moss and dominion bringing a defamation case. when it comes to politics it is sort of the, well, the public marketplace will take care of it. it is a huge anomaly. we are all damaged by that. to your point. i was looking through the brief. one of the things that jack smith recites in hard facts. this can not be disputed it is in black and white in talking about litigation that is brought. they recount how the numbers kept changes, they are dead voters, one day it is 130,000, next day it is 30,000, they are just making it all up. and they sort of, and it keeps changes day-by-day and then people from the outside saying we can not sign off on this. this is not true. one person who reports to them that this is they use a curse
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word, nuts. it still goes in. these are these fake filings. >> the control room loves that you did not just let it fly there, others don't do that. this idea of the how they are doing this, it is something america is wreck oning reckoning where, in russia they know they are being lied to. it is part of the puzzle. it is amazing that has been imported here. >> you see it, too, in christian nationalism. the ends justify the means. trump is this warrior angel, all politicians are corrupt any way. he is just our corrupt guy. >> right. >> and so, the question is if our institutions as you said,
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nicole, including journalists know how to properly handle that. while continuing to do our jobs ethically. one of the questions we have for and view is how this supreme court play look at there filing. do you think it shifts any views? >> we are talking about it off air. the supreme court on this issue was actually 5-4. barrett and her concurance said she was not on board with the idea sort of this state election interference is a hard issue. there can be heard issues separating what the president is doing and candidate is doing. this allegation not hard. so, that is 5-4. so, the issue is if really
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roberts or or someone bring it forward. it is a strong brief. on the other hand i did not think the immunity decision would come out the way it did. coming up for us, a plea from deep inside one family. the daughter of trump attorney rudy giuliani who writes, quote, trump took my dad from me, please don't let him take the country, too. she is up next and why she is backing kamala harris and why backing kamala harris
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so. i think this is going back to the bread and butter, getting away from the division. we do not like what has happened where we can't go to our thanksgiving dinner with our uncle because you end up in a weird fight that is unnecessary. [ laughter ] >> i think people only laugh if they are not in those fights. plj a thanksgiving or a holiday or any occasion in 2024 without any of those weird fights with your father, your uncle, your cousin. what if your father is someone like rudy giuliani? that is a uniquely and painful situation. to the world rudy giuliani is many things, desperate donald trump turned to him because he knew he was quote willing to
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falsely claim victory and spread knowingly false claims of election fraud end quote. to caroline he is her dad. her dad who she feels she lost to donald trump. caroline writes this in a brand- new piece for vanity fair, quote, watching my dad's life crumble since he joined forces with donald trump has been extraordinarily painful and because his demise feels links to a dark force that threatens to detroy america. take it from me, trump destroys everything he touches. i saw it happen to my family, don't let it happen to yours or to our country. kamala harris will guide us into a brighter future but only if we unite behind her. joining me now is caroline giuliani. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> what is this like to be telling the truth about loving
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your father but also using your platform to endorse kamala harris? >> yeah. it was really challenging to figure out how to express these feelings and figure out if i had the strength to share them. i think for a lot of this election i have been watching with so many americans in disbelief and horror at the idea of a 34 time convicted felon who refused to participate in a peaceful transfer of power, being so close to the precedency again. that disbelief paralyzed me for awhile. and i think that there just came a moment where i was thinking about my future children who i very much hoped to have. and i saw the two paths for our country. one under trump which was full of destruction and cruelty and one under harris in which women can have autonomy over their bodies again in which our government recognizes climate change is real and is doing
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something about it. a government that respects gay people, transpeople, people of color, women, people with dpis billets and does not treat them like secondhand citizens and a government that remains a democracy. because that will not happen if we elect trump again. i think it is really important to remember that this is about so much more than the next 4 years because the type of damage that trump will inflict a second time around may not be reversible. i don't think it is something that we will be able to 96 four years. able to change the fabric of our institutions and that is something that we may not be able to come back from >> caroline, how does he get people like your dad to help him do all of those things? >> i can not speak to what is
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in other people's minds or why they make the decisions that they make. i think power is very alluring. but i think that the more important question is caused such division among so many families in this country. you were just talking about it before i came on and it is really true. this is so relatable having this in your family over trump. and, the reason for that is because he spews this toxic cruelty and when you are a woman or a person of color or a gay person or a transperson and someone that you love supports a man like that, it is really hard to reconcile that support with their love for you. so, i want healing for our country and i do want us to find the common humanity in one another even when we disagree about politics, even now. if trump becomes the president again, that will not be possible. kamala harris is our only path
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to healing. and i think she presents a really beautiful path to healing for us. >> you just said things so profound i don't want to speed through it. one of the ways that trump has sort of turned up the toxicity in america is to divide families along the fault lines where the things you may hold dear or pressureious and precious. what do you think trump's allure and maybe it is just simply the power, but what do you think it is that makes smart and accomplished men like your dad choose trump over the people and issues that they love? like your dad, you know, the first thing that you said trump is someone with 34 felonies. your father is known world and
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over as a prosecutor, for better or for worse. he is all in for someone who is abused to what his brand used to be. >> yeah. yeah, you know, it is a hard phenomenal to understand. it definitely is. i view trump as a disease. and, i think it is really important to remember that with every disease prevention is a much more effective strategy than treatment. and i fear if we elect trump again that, you know, i thought we had cured ourselves of it the first time but it does not seem like we have. i think if he becomes the president again we may have a terminal illness in our country and that really, really scares me. >> i want to do two things i want to read from your piece and i want to ask you to stick around. we will all be back on the other side of a short break. stay with us other side of a short break. stay with us
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closest to trump have descended to spirals, we let trump back into the driver's seat there fall our country will be no exception. what do you think leads people to think that it will be different? right? by the time your dad was part of this mccabe, people who served in the justice department, might have been people that shared some of your dad's skill set had been discarded. what do you think that when it comes to trump they will be treated differently or well? >> the important thing is i don't think they think about that at all. i think the important thing is to remember that trump is the only one who evaded accountability. the only way to hold him accountable is to make sure he does not become president
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again, because of the ruling if he becomes president he will never face consequences for these actions. and in fact, he will have more leeway to break laws than an average citizen which is absolutely crazy to me. if you look at a man like that, a man who literally is exactly who would cast as a dictator in a movie and think about him with unchecked power and you are okay with that? you really need to reconsider your line of thought. >> what is your, if you are comfortable answering this question f not we can move on. what is your current relationship with your dad? how often do you talk to him? how is he doing? >> yeah, i love my dad very much. that is something that made this hard. i spoke out for biden four years ago and it was a different landscape then for me personally. so, you know, this was much more painful. and, i love my dad.
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we talk openly about our feelings about things and it is a challenge. but, again, so many other families have this same challenge. it is really, you know, you said it was unique. it isn't unique it is a little larger than life and public. it is public. i really want us to disagree about politics i think that is important for our democracy but i don't believe we have a path to doing that under trump. i think harris is the only person that can restore our ability to disagree peacefully. >> caroline, what do you think -- how do you sort of separate the things that your dad did in service to trump and lives of people that were shattered? >> watching freeman and moss share their stories was gut- wrenching and difficult. i feel bad for everything that
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they have gone through. i can not imagine that pain. that is why i am so excited to support kamala harris. who spent her life fighting for citizens not against them. like she would never do anything like this. it is so clear that trump does snot care about his citizens. he is, he is willing to step on anyone's backs to keep power that is not a person who deserves the highest office in our land. >> rev, this is essential to the first part of the hour and the conversations that we had about this moment that is so extraordinary that caroline is speaking out not just about not supporting trump but backing harris because of what it has done not just to her family as she said it is not unique, it is almost universal the division that trump has inside of families. >> that is right. i think, you know, i was a critic of rudy giuliani.
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i found no enjoyment in the fall of who he is now. who would want to see a guy that if you agreed with him or not end up in this situation. and for caroline, unlike liz cheney the reason i give her credit, liz cheney stepped out and her father going for kamala and now caroline is saying i am going against my father. i am supporting harris. she should be given a lot of credit for that. i give her a lot of credit for that. i am looking at her talking and hope i never put my daughters in that position. >> it is almost all too painful to process in the context of a that campaign. it is imperative we open up our minds and hearts to the carnage that has come about because of
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donald trump. >> it is, a cultural conversation to have, we been having it for eight years, something unique and criminal about trump. i guess if caroline is still with us, i don't know if you want to respond to it. we see a lot of people fall out of political loyalty, when you are in a foxhole you stick together blindly. lindsey graham does it. but trump invites criminality. and most people share the heartbreak of the fall of america's mayor. and the one thing that i am intrigued about is, did mayor, did rudy giuliani go as far as he did because he exposed himself to rink as an ally of donald trump? we know what we he did in
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ukraine, trying to topple the ambassador. we know what he did with the 2020 election, some point every kid understands once you near trouble you say i am sorry i did it and step back or you keep going further down the road trying to fix it. it seems those close toast trump, aiding and abetting trump, got far down the road exposed themselves criminally this some cases but then there was no going back. is that too far of a read? perhaps if caroline is with us or a little bit of both? >> go ahead. >> you know as i said i think everybody needs to be accountable for their own actions. i am not here to litigate anything. i am here to say i want kamala harris to be our next president because i believe that she will be a role model to my future children and when i look at kamala harris talk and i look at trump talk, even if you just take the politics out of it and i ask myself, who do i want my
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children to learn from? who do i want representing me? there is no question harris is the only choice. >> have you been asked to campaign for her? >> the campaign reached out to thank me. >> if you were asked to campaign for her and make this case publicly is that something you would do with a name that means something to a lot of republicans? >> yeah. i think i am already doing it. [ laughter ] more of it? yes. we have such little time. it is not just about the next four years this is about the rest of our lives, absolutely. >> let me give you the last word on this piece that you write about so beautifully and talk about achingly. and that is, and i agree with you, not unique, universality for families that are split now
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sometimes among gender or political. a lot of lies. what do you think heals the a diction to lies and the rapid disimination? how do you think? i think a lot of people hope that the healing will start with the election of president joe biden. i think in a lot of ways the patient is just as sick. >> i think it starts with listening to one another. and that is something that i continued to try to do. and i think that kamala harris has shown look at all of the republican who's have come behind her. she has shown that she can be nonpartisan and so, the first step i do think is putting her in the office and making sure that trump never gets back there. but it is really important that
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we all listen to each other and view each other as humans. this has been prime time weekend. i'm nicole wallace please tune into deadline white house and all of our shows house and all of our shows rand. stronger, healthier hair, without the $60 price tag. if you know, you know it's pantene. have you ever considered getting a walk-in tub? well, look no further! if you know, safe step's best offer, just got better! now, when you purchase your brand new safe step walk-in tub, you'll receive a free shower package. yes, a free shower package! and if you call today, you'll also receive 15% off your entire order. now you can enjoy the best of both worlds! the therapeutic benefits of a warm, soothing bath that can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy,
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