tv Politics Nation MSNBC October 6, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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picks nation. tonight's lead, one month to go. ♪. the clock is ticking down on the 2024 presidential race. but, the pace is picking up even more with barely a month left for election day. donald trump just wrapped up a campaign rally in wisconsin where the latest polls showed him and vice president kamala harris neck and neck in the swing state. meanwhile, harris and runningmate governor tim walz are prepping for a weeklong national media blitz. starting tomorrow night with a taped interview on 60 minutes, cbs "60 minutes" and followed up with radio, podcast, town halls, late night tv hits and battleground campaign events in
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arizona and nevada. but, we start the show in the battleground state of wisconsin. joining me now, congresswoman democrat of wisconsin, congresswoman, trump just ended a rally. he lost to biden. now the latest poll shows them effectively tied in wisconsin with the vice president ahead of trump among likely voters at 49% to his 47%. that is within the margin of error. how would you describe the state of play in wisconsin with now, just a month before election day? >> reverend al, thanks for focusing on wisconsin. indeed i have no idea what is going on in michigan, nevada or
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pennsylvania but this is a battleground here. not only was the former president donald trump here today, but he was here as recently as october 1st. and, not only that, we see some of his supporters like the player of wausau pulling up the drop boxes that were, it was litigated, we fought, it was the subject of some of donald trump's false election claim that people were using drop boxes after litigating that successfully. this mayor took it upon himself to remove that drop box. that has gotten to be subject of a state justice department investigation and indeed people went to the u.s. attorney justice department to complain about this. in the meantime, not only do we have kamala harris on the
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ballot but we have tammy baldwin our u.s. senator up. we have seen mitch mcconnell authorized again $17 million reported to be poured into the state. her rich opponent is putting in another $3 million of his own. and, every black person in the black community has loads and loads and loads of material false information from the republican party about kamala harris. and, so, this is indeed a battleground. we are fighting back, reverend al, we got a lot of momentum, we had just this past weekend we had dr. representative danny david bring two, two bus loads up from chicago of canvassers, the weekend before that we have
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people from evanston bring in canvassers, our state democratic party is fantastic. we made $2.5 million -- 2.5 million attempts at voter consnooct there is a lot of activity. >> a lot of activity. >> coming in with a bus to get people out to vote wherever they vote however they vote. let plea ask you this, when you say there is a lot of accomplice information, critics of the vice president complained about her not doing enough national interviews since she has become the 2024 candidate. this week they are blitzing international media outlets including radio, podcast, late night tv starting with a taped interview of harris gave to "60 minutes" set to air tomorrow night. you are a veteran campaigning yourself, i have campaigned with you. you are tireless, with the
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clock ticking down, how important is it for the vice president to be visible and likeable? >> i thinking it is extremely important for her to be visible and likeable. i am not part of her campaign team. but you and i know know it comes down to seven or eight states. and, so, i would not want her distracted in going to national blitz i don't see the point of her going to utah. utah say wonderful state but i don't see her in spending time there or distracting herself. we think that, we know that kamala harris and tim walz that one or the other of them or their spouses will be in wisconsin every single week between now and november fifth and i think that is the right
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direction. you know. it does not hurt for her to do national media. she is very, very likeable. her message can get attention. you are right. so, i don't want her distracted. >> let me ask you this. trump insiders, you mentioned trump, and i did as well. trump insiders signaled that he would adopt the more unifying tone at his rally last night in butler, pennsylvania where he was wounded by an assassination attempt in july that killed one person and injured several others. he did that to start. then he fell into his usual sewer of lies and attacks on the vice president. and on his political opponents. it carried over into his wisconsin rally just moments ago. take a listen. >> those that want to stop us
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from achieving this future slanders plea, impeached me, tried to throw me off of the ballot. who knows, maybe even tried to kill me. >> what do you say to that congresswoman? >> well, i just think it is disgusting. this is a campaign. this is the way we settle political differences and arguments in america. we campaign and put ourselves out there to the voters and ask them to support us. we don't know who tried to assassinate him and thank god he is okay. but, it is totally inappropriate to blame democrats for that. >> yeah. >> you know, and if he implodes it certainly will not be because of a bullet it will be because of his bigmouth where nothing but lies and reis
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dissnreugz when deceit. >> and when you say implode you mean at the ballot box. >> absolutely right. >> now, at a campaign event this week kamala harris was joined by liz cheney. one of her dominant republican voters. with cheney asking to vote for kamala harris is she getting the conservatives >> the optic was marvelous. that is the birthplace of the republican party. and so for liz cheney to show up at that location, you know, really speaks to wanting to renew the commitment to the gop
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to their basic principals, agree with them or not. what she is saying is that even though there are differences between democrats and republicans, there is no difference in love of country and she is appealing to republicans all over the country to go back, founding principals of the republican party which exclude their being able to vote for donald trump at this time. >> all right. thank you for being with us as always congresswoman gwen moore from wisconsin. >> thank you. from wisconsin let's go to michigan. joining me now is gary peters. the chair of the democratic senatorial campaign committee. senator, we are one month out from election day. recent polling shows vise president harris is essentially tied with former president
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trump in your battleground state of michigan. what is your thoughts on where it stands. >> in michigan, it is close. we are a battleground state.tig right now we are basically to the point where it is going to be whoever works the hardest in the next 30 days will win. i am confident of what we have on the ground here. but, certainly we will have to continue to push very hard. we had the vice president in just a couple days ago into the state. i there was for the rally in michigan. the enthusiasm, the excitement that was there. the long lines of folks to get in testimonies you the kind of energy on the ground in michigan and translated to folks going out and working. that is the point we all made. great to rally but now you have to get out and knock doors and talk to your neighbors and that is what will happen between now
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and election day. >> cases you stated, you campaigned for the great magic johnson -- in the case that you stated, you campaigned for the great magic johnson. the day after, kamala harris was in the neighboring state wisconsin. you all won voting against trump. how important are events like these with a highly recognizable republican politician and an influential black celebrity what is the impact? >> reporter: twofold. one it slows the vice president cares to come into flint come is a town that really wants to be focused on what are the opportunities in are everybody that lives in that city. vice president harris came in and talked about her opportunity agenda and creating opportunity opportunities and growing an economy and making sure that things like clean
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water is a basic right for every american. stoking that folks understand how important it is. kamala harris is there, connecting with people in a wonderful way. it is also about building the enthusiasm and the momentum that is necessary. to get folks out and if you have a chance to see her and hear her and be around those that are fired up it helps people on the ground that make the kinds of contrast. it is clear. when you look the president president at to who trump will be fighting for. that is what she has to continue to talk about. i am excited that she was in flint i expect her back in michigan on a regular basis. >> you chair the campaign committee. a few weeks ago you announced a multii multimillion dollar
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investment in the texas and florida senate races in an effort to preserve the senate majority. you said you are confident more is coming. can you elaborate that and which races are you most concerned about? >> reporter: certainly, we have a difficult map in our battleground states. republicans are pouring money into these races. i heard congresswoman moore talking about wisconsin and the amount of money that the republican are pouring in against baldwin. we see that in ohio, seeing it in pennsylvania. we are doing everything we can to make sure that we can match that and make sure our candidates can win. that is why the d fccs our efforts are for raiding america. to see if we are allocating it
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good. defending the streets. michigan, all of the battleground states. what we are seeing in florida and in texas is very exciting. we are seeing momentum. if you look at the contrast between the candidates there, ted cruise against allread. right now, folks in texas are particularly focused on abortion laws put into place there taking away reproductive rights from those in texas. it was ted cruise that made it happen. he would have a national ban and we believe every women should have that right no matter what state they live in. and talking about core economic issues that are important to people in texas. a expensive state. we made multimillion investments in texas and florida. we hope others will help in the states as well. as folks different money we
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will have some states and texas and florida beyond the fence with our incumbent folks right now. you are seeing it in florida right now. you have an abortion reverentum that is supported by the people in public polling. that is huge support. rick scott says he will vote against it. supports a six week ban, no exceptions. and as long as we have the money. as long as we have the resources i am confident. we are facing onslot of republican money, pouring money in. grass roots support is important. that has allowed us to raise money that we put in texas or florida that we can help shore up ohio and pennsylvania and
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michigan and wisconsin, arizona, nevada all of the states that we are defending right now. taking all of us locking arms. we have 30 days left. who wins the race it will be who works the hardest between now and election day. >> and turnout. >> yes. let me go to this issue before i let you go. tomorrow marking a year since the october 7th attacks on israel from hamas. just minutes ago there were loud scenes. back in michigan on friday, kamala harris met with arab and muslim leaders while campaigning in michigan. as in has been dissatisfaction by the community of the backing of the war in gaza. michigan is home to the largest
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muslim and arab population in the country. could they possibly involve iran as well? threaten harris support especially in michigan? >> bottom line, we hope the conflict does not accelerate we grieve for any innocent civilian killed in the middle of a war. hair sis concerned, focused to make sure the conflict does not escalate and continue to increase in escalation. as you mentioned she met with members of the arab muslim community. the important thing is that she is hearing them, lynching and showing the world leadership which shows she is ready for the prime type. someone who thoughtfully dealing with these issues and talk to focus andness to folks.
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that is what she will do when it come the back. >> i know i said i would let you know, but, one last question, is the democratic party still confident having these items on the ticket may drive the turnout, especially the turnout of women? >> absolutely. it is a powerful driver. we have seen it in my state and other states so we know it is a powerful ploat straighter and key states, arizona has a referendum, montana, florida, those will be difference makers. the contrast between where democrats are to make sure we protect women's fundamental freedom to reproductive rights that versus the republicans we know that people cared deeply. who did they vote for? i am confident they will make
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their voice heard when they turn out. they have to turn out to vote and that is what our efforts are to make sure most come out to vote. here in michigan you can vote by absentee so we are getting voter turnout. >> thank you for being with us again. coming up, justice may have been served for the officers convicted of killing niceols, but the nation is still in need of police reform. i will share my thoughts of showing toy to keep them ahead. later, a father's plea for his american israeli son to be released by captivity. one year mark remembering there are still hostages there since
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this week, three former memphis police officers were convicted in the fatal beating of tyrese nichols. public outrage followed the vicious beating of the 29-year- old during a traffic stop on january 7th, 2023. footage from the incident, i will warn you is disturbing. it shows at least some of the events that happened that night. the traffic stop, the foot pursuit and the violent arrest that send him to the hospital where he died three days later. prosecutors argue they pose no threat. nearly two years later the jury
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found demetrius haley. guilty. but not guilty of violating his rights causing death. justin smith convicted of witness tampering and bean, too, haley, smith, and bean, among five officers still federally charged, there are still state charges pending. fired from the memphis police department. after the beating the two other former officers martin iii, and the pleading guilty ahead of the trial. hi the honor as head of national network of being joined by kamala harris at the funeral. i have stood in solidarity with tyrese parents throughout the
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whole ordeal. his mother, wells, and stepfather rodney wells, i also worked closely with their legal council, civil rights attorney and someone that i call the attorney general of black america benjamin crump. i am pleased that justice was served in this case. no verdict will bring their son home and tyrese 7-year-old son will now have to grow up without his father. i am convinced there should be legislation for police reform. it is up to us to rise up and demand police officers who are sworn to protect and serve are not abusing their power and engaging in police misconduct. that is one of the reasons that this election is so critical. on the republican side, candidate trump wants to bolster police immunity and democratic stop, a former
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prosecutor herself wants to reimagine how we create public safety by investing in police departments and providing funding to expand community- based programs to prevent crime. we can do our part this november and potentially save lives. we will be right back otential lives. we will be right back ♪ it wasn't hard with cologuard®, ♪ ♪ i did it my way! ♪ colo-huh? ♪ cologuard! ♪ cologuard is for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. screen for colon cancer in your home, your way. ask your provider for, ♪ cologuard ♪
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readers that you can rely on? yep, that too. want one place to manage every sale from every channel? that's kur thing. whatever you sell, businesses that grow grow with shopify. . welcome back to politics nation. we have some breaking news. milton is now officially a hurricane. it is expected to strengthen even more as it heads towards florida. still recovering from hurricane h, lene. people there are, again, stocking up on supplies, food, water, and working to clear debris left by helen. schools are closing through wednesday when it is expected
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to make landfall. today, florida's governor desantis increased the state of emergency to 51 counties. any of that will it have impact on the elections in just 30 days? for this and more, let's bring in my panel. my political panel, doug jones, former senator of alabama and former republican congressman of florida. david, moments ago we heard a new storm headed towards florida has been upgraded to a hurricane, hurricane milton. it could grow stronger before hitting midweek following the devastation left behind after hurricane helene in states like georgia, south carolina, north carolina, and your state of florida. there is growing concern that the storm created more hurdles for voters and election officials. one of the areas hit hardest by
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the storm is asheville, north carolina, a democratic strong hold. but the data dug jester registered unaffiliated republican voters dominated helene-effected areas of the state. what challenges does the aftermath pose in this year's election as people are just looking back to get back on their feet. is there any way around it? >> reporter: yeah, revt is complicated. in -- rev, it is complicated. we are in the eye of storm of hilton. we lost 12 souls in our hometown alone but nothing like the devastation we are seeing in north carolina. that is why i say it is a little complicated. a little complicated because people are not looking at the november election right now. they are looking at saving their live's possessions and mourning those who are lost. at the same time, trump has tried to make a raw political
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issue out of this. he and his ambassadors of misinformation, lying and sending out information that is not true to people who are in kind of the worst state they have ever been. unfortunately you do see this raw anger emerging and people are looking for a place to place that anger. so, sure, we might see intensity from trump's loyal voters but i think it will backfire. you are seeing from the likes of some republicans in north carolina and republican governor, strong statements saying none of this is true. stop with the misinformation, stop taking advantage of people in their time of need and it might expose who trump is in this moment and for the administration of elections. governors will have to provide leniency to make sure people can reach the ballot box by any means necessary in november. i think they doll that, republicans and democrats alike. >> doug, this week vice president harris will take part
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in multiple media interviews on tv, radio, podcasts including the video, late night with stephen colbert and howard stern's radio show. i am sure she will get to politics nation before it is over. but, meanwhile nbc news reports some democrats are worried harris is playing it a bit too safe without enough interactions with the press and town halls. harris will travel later to nevada on wednesday to hold events and participate in a town hall before heading over to arizona on friday. but, early voting is set to get underway on wednesday. doug. how important is the media blitz for -- for harris? does she have ground to make up? >> i don't know if she has
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ground to make up. it was put together quickly. they have doing an amazing job of getting going and getting ready and she had to pick a runningmate, get ready for the convention and start this campaign in a big, big way, i don't think it is making up ground but she is honing her skills, honing her message a lot over the last few weeks. and, that she is doing this on her terms. she is wanting to make sure that she has a schedule that she works with for folks, she is looking at all of the issues. she knows where she needs to go. i think getting out there this week is part of the plan. of keeping up the momentum and getting people fired up to vote >> doug, sticking with you on thursday, former president barack obama will be campaigning for harris in the pittsburgh area as he kicks off his blitz in the key battleground state of pennsylvania. also in pittsburgh this week,
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my friend and music icon stevie wonder will start his 10-date u.s. tour through swing states in support of vice president harris. harris campaign closed out a big week of endorsements including bruce springsteen, liz cheney and magic johnson. meanwhile, tech million mayor elon musk joined trump at his rally yesterday in butler, pennsylvania as he spreads disinformation to bolster trump's campaign. what is the significance of harris having the endorsement of a former president while trump has none? no former presidents? and will celebrity endorsements move the needle for either candidate? >> you know, i think in this election it could. in the past i am not so sure as much. i mean obviously barack obama has a huge following, incredibly popular. he will motivate the other side. what you are seeing in this election is truly extraordinary
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with the number of endorsements. not just, you know, the stevie wonders of the world and taylor swifts of the world and bruce springstein, it is the incredible number of republicans. if it is liz cheney and dick cheney or any number of those that were close to donald trump. those endorsements have just been extraordinary. the number of them versus what donald trump has with someone who most people in this country dislike immensely. elon musk. i think it could make a difference. remember, talking about a close election, every little bit helps, this is more than a little bit with all of the endorsements she is wracking up. >> david, we often speak about an october surprise. and in just the first six days of the month we have seen jack smith filing, incursion into lebanon and the strength in
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january. what is your pridiction of the final weeks of a cycle. could something happen that alter the direction of this? >> i think so. i don't know that it is a surprise in terms of opposition research on one of the candidates. it could be something like you mentioned. world a fires, national security matters. the economy is in a good place. should not be a place to expect disruption of the economy. iran, israel, full blown war, israel's retaliation is the hit, nuclear sites for incidents. if that is a quick escalation that has to draw in the united states, one, we will get to measure harris and trump under a new lens. how will they perform in this environment if they are elected. but it could rattle the world economy and the temperment here in the united states. to me that is the biggest worry. >> doug, same question to you. will there be a major october
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surprise coming in the next weeks? >> i think there will be a surprise. i agree with david. the issues are so much out of our control. one thing that i worry about you, you saw elon musk jumping on the stage with donald trump. i worry more about a fake october surprise. something that is made up out of cloth that musk wants to put out on twitter to his millions of familiars, the a.i., the disinformation and misinformation. it seems that the trump campaign thrives on that misinformation. so, that is what i would see. i am thinking today, it in this world, people are ready, they want votes to have gotten started. not sure if it makes a difference unless it is a major, major crisis in the world as david said. >> thank you, both. doug jones and former congressman. tomorrow, october 7th will mark
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one year since hamas launched an attack from gaza into israel. killing 1200 israelis taking 250 people hostage and starting a war that led to the destruction of vast areas in the gaza strip. according to the gaza health ministry that does not tell between fighters and civilians, more than 41,000 palestinians killed. in the past year israelis experienced missile attacks. even today, the region is on high alert for further escalation. but meanwhile, 100 hostages we main in gaza with plane still believed to be alive. now, joining me now, the father
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of one of israel-american hostages still being held by hamas. jonathan, thank you so much for being with us on what must be a very difficult day ahead of tomorrow's one year mark since your son was kidnapped by hamas. you are originally from connecticut. we have had you on this show a few months ago. i never imagined that i would talk with you again with your son still being held hostages. and one of your son's three girls were born while he was in captivity. first, how are you holding on and what, if anything, have you been told by the israeli government about your son? >> reporter: well, thank you, nice to see you again, reverend, even under these circumstances. look. it is a living hell for so many
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israelis and of course so many in gaza in a way the people of gaza are hostages in similar circumstances to my son. all being used as human shields by hamas it has been a year of darkness for us. you are right, my son's third daughter was born two months after he was taken hostage. his wife and two younger daughters in a small miracle survived the massacre october 7th. as far as our son's condition is concerned we know little. your viewers may know or should know that hamas is not allowed red cross, red crescent visits to any of the hostages since october 7th. we really have no idea what their condition is. the little that know know about came from released hostages back in november, late november
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to early december. about 100 hostages released during an original one. we still have 29 hostages out of the 101. some of the women and children released at that time nearly a year ago were able to tell us that they encountered our son briefly in the tunnels in gaza. he was alive and wounded at that time. that is no guarantee. after the last 1 1/2 they recovered 12 bodies of hostages murdered by hamas, or killed from friendly fire from israel recently. so, we simply have no idea who might still be alive in the hostages. on this mark, vice president kamala harris sat down with 60 minutes and asked
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if the u.s. has any sway over benjamin netanyahu here is her answer. >> the work that we do diplomatically with the leadership of israel is an ongoing pursuit around making clear our principals which include the need for humanitarian aid, the need for this war to end. the need for a deal to be done that will release the hostages and, and, and create a ceasefire. we will not stop in terms of putting that pressure on israel and in the region including arab leaders. >> if you can meet and speak with president biden and both presidential candidates, harris and trump, what, what would be your message to them? >> my message to them is that, you know, the u.s. government, biden administration has really done everything that they can think of since last october to get all of the hostages home
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not just the 7 americans, but clearly at an impasse, for the last few weeks, no movement on hostage release. the world's attention has gone elsewhere. crisis with iran and lebanon. really, the only way that this conflict gets defused, what is escalating into a regional conflict that could draw the united states in is getting the hostages home now which will allow for a ceasefire between israel and hamas and in that way we stop the madness and not just to relieve the suffering of the hostages and their families but the madness for the people of gaza and this really serious global threat. and, every day that goes by it is less and less likely that any of the hostages can come home alive. with lamace releasing tomorrow and we come to agreement with
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them i have great concern not just regional stability but world stability. >> you have been critical of benjamin netanyahu in regards of the hostages. he gave a speech in new york last week at the united nations. do you think both the israeli government and hamas are negotiating in good faith for the release of your son? >> i think hamas is not responsible to deal. i have no explanation, they need to be leveraged, forced into an agreement to do the right thing. as far as our government is concerned you are right, reverend, very critical. not scwhuft me, hundreds of
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thousands ofis lately since the being since the crisis demanding that it must do everything they can to get the hostages home. the speech that he gave at the u.n. a couple weeks ago i don't know of any israeli that thought it was necessary. it was political theater for his own constituents back in israel. he is expending a lot of energy doing things that, don't bring the hostages any closer to home. in fact, maybe be condemning them to death in gaza. all good thinking principals, they need to apply good pressure as much as they can on both sides, one side on
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democratically elected, imperfect but still democratic. and no scroopels of doing that or allowing their own citizens die in search of their own regional holy war to eradicate the jewish state. friends andfoes offoes alike. >> i am wishing for the safe return of your son and all of the hostages. up next, my final thoughts, stay with us ages. up next, my final thoughts, stay with us
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41,000 people in gaza killed. who likewise had nothing to do with what is going on, if they agreed with hamas or not. and it raises the question when i talk to people like jonathan who's son is still a hostage, a year later, not knowing if their son is living or dead. his daughter going to grow up without a father there, hopefully can be returned. when do we stop? start dealing with the fact that there is no justification for political violence? we need a civilized world have people select and elect leadership and the leadership that they feel will enact the policies that they agree. not decide they are going to take people's lives, innocent people's lives and do what they
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want. >> not just in the conflict of the middle east, and conflict is stereo, soft of a term, i think, even in america i am against the attempt assassinations on president, former president trump. even though i disagree with his policies. we must stop political violence. we must take a stand even when it is those that we are most opposed to are the targets or the victims. until we can have a civilized way, worldwide, and in this country, to deal with our differences we are all at risk and we all should mourn those that are victims of our inactivity that is why we should vote, speak out and speak against those who use violence to solve whatever political goals and aims they have. we'll be right back. s and aims have. we'll be right back. is being stolen from us.
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