tv Ayman MSNBC October 6, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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that does it for me today but we are working on a big show for tomorrow night. vice president harris is planning a media trip and trump will not stop lying. we have a lot to talk about. dan goldman will be one of my guests, he was in israel on october 7 last year so we will get his reflections on that day one year later. for now, stay right here because there is so much more news coming up right here on msnbc. on those new our, elon musk makes it official, he is now a
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mag a cheerleader. plus trump is going all in on his lies and aggressive attacks. on the eve of october 7 attacks on israel, more of my conversation about his vision of a land for all. let's do it. two years ago one elon musk bought what was once called twitter he vowed to keep it a nonbiased platform. that was his mission statement. he posted at the time it must be politically neutral which effectively means upsetting the far right and far left equally. a message he repeated frequently in interviews after purchasing the platform. >> the goal of twitter is to be as fair as possible, not
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favoring any political ideology. >> that quickly turned out to be a hollowed sentiment. instead he used his influence on his platform to tell his followers to vote republican in the 2022 midterms and voiced his support for ron as president. there was one republican he was not a fan of, trump. he said the former president was too old and he should hang up his hat and as you imagine trump did not take that advice very well. >> he said i never voted for republican and he told me he voted for me. >> trump escalated the feud when he claimed musk came to the white house begging for his
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help on his projects adding he could have said drop to your knees and beg and he would have done it. after the campaigns of musks preferred candidate, ron went down in flames, the billionaire planned a spring trip to florida. in march he met with trump who happened to be seeking a cash infusion to help the campaign. musk was asked about the meeting and if he donated money to trump or biden and here is how he responded. >> you said you will not donate to any candidate. why? >> i do not want to put my thumb on the scale. >> by july musk was already donating a sizable amount to a political group working to elect trump and the day after
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that was reported he publicly announced he was endorsing trump following the attempted assassination on him in pennsylvania. last month musk was asked about the impact of his endorsement of trump and he did not respond to request for comment. this brings us to a cringe were the scene yesterday when trump took to the podium and butler three months later except this time he was joined by elon musk, the same man who once proclaimed he would keep his platform politically neutral and that trump was not the candidate to lead this country. >> as you can see i am not just mag a, i am dark. trump must take it to preserve the constitution and democracy in america. vote vote vote. >> i am not sure about the dark mag a, i much prefer comedian mike drucker's interpretation. let's take this in for a
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moment, this image of elon musk jumping awkwardly on stage. this will be the legacy of elon musk, the man once seen as a tech visionary, a real life tony stark to some who traded in his reputation to become nothing more than a reactionary lex luther in a mag a hat. we will break this down. the cofounder and ceo of the seneca project, it is good to have you with us. this is a embarrassing spectacle for elon musk. certainly seeing him jumping up and down the way he was. he has given up any pretense of political neutrality. as a person and certainly as a platform. >> one of the clips he played, was one of the times trump said something truthful, when he referred to musk as abs artist.
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the genesis in those clips, much of the way musk talked about his role is the way we heard fox news talk about itself, that it was fair and balanced. it was not designed to be fair and balanced, it was expected to be a counterbalance to the rest of media. that is what he did with x. what he means is x being a counterbalance and you see that playing out time and time again. musk actually jumps for joy for a lot of things, he does not get much height but i am okay with that. it is goofy but what is more disturbing is what he represents and stands for and who he is given his resources
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and he is jumping for joy for what trump stands for and that is what i find scary. people make fun of him a little bit but ultimately there is meaningful consequences for what he is actually advocating for. >> that is the important part of this, musk is a man with tremendous power, we see that with the satellites he operates. his ability to be involved in politics with millions of dollars being pumped into it. his abuse of internet freedom and free speech, all of these things he stakes a claim in and then tells people he wants to be neutral behind the scenes he works for or against. >> elon musk is acting out of trauma response. this guy is not a well-adjusted adult. you look at him standing next to trump in this cosplay role he is taking on as this kingmaker tech guy.
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it is sad to watch if it weren't for the fact that he is so wealthy and dangerous. the things he pushes on twitter and what he says, again it is lunacy often times. it is only because he controls so much and the government contracts he has are so important particularly to the space program that anybody tolerates what he says at this point. he has hundreds of millions of followers on twitter and he pushes out horrible and dangerous conspiracy theories. he tweeted last night make america based again, that is all to write code. that terminology. he travels in that dark mag a world, we do not want these people in power. these are people that do not think women should have equal
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rights. these are the in cells in their parents basements. these are the people excited about what musk has to say, trump is embracing him and it is transactional. the idea that he is saying we must vote for trump to preserve democracy, it is like saying you have to vote for mussolini to protect freedom. >> we laugh about musks cartoonish antics here but there is a danger on how he is using his voice. let me get your reaction to something he said last night. >> get everyone you know and everyone you do not know, dragged them to register to vote. make sure they actually do vote. if they do not, this will be the last election.
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that is my prediction. >> on one hand in the public space he has promoted the great replacement theory. he is now saying he is the end of our democracy is vice president harris's victorious. the projection is if trump takes the white house that might be the projection. this guy is spreading dangerous rhetoric and as we played in that clip, spreading dangerous lies. >> telling people to get out to vote, there is nothing insidious about it but when you peel back the layer one notch and you know the other things he is amplifying and engaging with, part of what he does day in and day out is plucked things from the far right fever swamps and that is what is tied into what trump is doing. holding power on what used to be considered the fringes.
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when you start to organize power on what used to be considered the fringes and you organize those people you bring the types of activities that are likely violent and the things that are disruptive because those are the types of individuals that were relegated to the fringes for a reason. you see that evidence day in and day out by the types of things he is promoting. two days before trump got up there and talked about springfield. it was elon musk having a back- and-forth on x with charlie kirk who helped take that idea and further amplify it to millions. that is the kind of thing that is happening every day and not by accident. when you peel back that layer, who they are trying to organize is the part that is scary. they are focusing on the diehards and the people that are likely to engage in destructive behavior while projecting. they are making it about
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democracy and they are somehow the pro-democracy forces which reinforces the idea that the ends justify the means. they are turning the buzz saw on. >> i am old enough to remember when republicans were complaining that big tech companies and their leaders were the ones trying to tip the scales for democrats. not only has musks pro trump super pack spent more than 30 million to help him since august, according to this report from the wall street journal he also gave tens of millions to republican causes for years including groups tied to previous trump aids and ron's campaign. it is always projection with everybody on the right it seems. >> jd vance is a creature of theater. they become what they claim to
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despise and they do it in the most insidious ways. when you look at the way they are approaching this, i worry about elon musk using twitter around election day when results are coming in and sowing that type of this information that causes people to not have faith in our elections. this is something mag a is working on in a lot of states. then you have someone like elon musk out here that can potentially put out that type of misinformation. he did it with the hurricane response. this is how faith in democracy and you are free and fair elections and the freeze flow of information is tainted, because he has such influence. you have elon musk who has daddy and mommy issues, trump
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with daddy issues and jd vance with mommy issues and they need a group therapy session to work it out and stop holding the rest of us hostage. >> thank you tara, we have a lot more to discuss after the break. with polling tighter in the election and the election fast approaching, can you guess what trump is doing? ump is doing? so take the challenge. ensure, nutrition for strength and energy. class dismissed. ensure, nutrition for don't spend it in courses you've already taken. - huh. class dismissed.
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29 days until the presidential election, what is trump's campaign strategy? doubling down on the issues that alienate his own supporters in the republican party. as the death toll tops 200 and the remains of hurricane helene, trump is trying to spin the tragedy into his favor. trump has falsely claimed that fema spent all of the federal funding on undocumented immigrants. that is a lie. trump claimed that biden and harris have gotten poor grades for their handling of the hurricane especially in north carolina. again a lie. here is roy cooper saying the opposite to harris yesterday. >> this has been a massive and
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unprecedented response. we are deeply grateful for the federal resources we have. >> trump's characterizations are backfiring big time in a state where some republican areas were struck hard by the hurricane. the state's largest newspaper put out a blistering op-ed condemning him saying trump politicized the situation at every turn, spreading falsehoods and conspiracies that fractured the community instead of bringing it together. she is a former obama campaign advisor and tara is back as well. trump and harris are polling neck and neck in north carolina. here he is spreading lies about the hurricane response that i would argue is turning off a lot of people in north carolina and their gop leaders.
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>> i think you are right, if anything at this point in time, there should be unity across both parties to protect those that have been injured. what we are seeing here is trump being trump, he will never waste a crisis and he will continue to demonize migrants. that is what he wants to run on, immigration and chaos. he is designing the chaos by lying out here irrespective to the fact that both democrats and republicans in these states have all said that the federal response has been strong, fast, getting the equipment that is needed and no funds from fema have been shipped to migrants at all. the only person that authorized that was trump when he was in the white house. it is frustrating to watch this happen because at this point
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individuals are still trying to find their loved ones. people have lost everything in many of these areas across the country and we know natural disasters will continue to occur. they will occur more often and be more dangerous. we believe in climate science unlike trump and the republican party. however because he sees this migrant window as a thing he can push, he is listening to the internet. this is the alt right. because it took off in that grouping and they are the only people he listens to he continues to push this message. he wants to spread a phobia and he wants that group to attack and for whatever reason haitians is the group he has chosen. >> there is no bottom to what trump will go to to politicize a national tragedy or weather
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disaster to his political advantage and republicans will cosign that check for him every time. >> unfortunately, the fact that he is exploiting the pain of these folks that have suffered a great loss because of a natural disaster is pathetic but it also speaks to the lack of character and the fact that the guy is a malignant narcissist. it is pathological, he does not have empathy for anyone. it is all about political expediency for him and in the meantime people are suffering. this misinformation being spread about disaster relief in north carolina is hurting people because they are not getting the assistance available to them because of it. when people are hurting in the middle of a crisis they can be led astray because they are just trying to survive and they are exploiting that which i think is pathetic. my good friend mark harvey who was in the trump administration in the national security council came out and spoke publicly about having to convince trump when he was
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president not to punish blue districts that needed federal assistance during disasters. he finally said we had to show him that the people that voted in these districts voted for him and if he did not help these folks he would hurt his own voters and that was the only way they could convince him to do the right thing as the president. so he is actually the one that has done this, punishing people in need for political gain and dislike about the fact that there is money going from fema to migrants is a lie. they are completely different pots of money. the 600 million words instructed by congress to have cbp move it to fema to pay for migrants and there is a $35 billion fund for disaster relief and they know it. >> speaker mike johnson called the federal response in north carolina a massive failure
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today, not surprising for somebody that is a trump acolyte. when asked if he committed to calling congress back into session to shore up more federal disaster funding he said he would not. meanwhile resident i didn't is the one urging congressional leaders for additional funds. >> mike johnson kissed trump's ring a long time ago and i do not expect him to sing from another songbook. all of them know they are lying. they want to spread animus towards migrants because they think that will help them at the polls. they are looking at that darkest underbelly of our culture, the culture that tends to be racist and xenophobic, and they are playing hard on it. mike johnson recognizes this is a problem, he knows how
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appropriations works and he does not care, at the end of the day the republican party is ruled by trump. mike johnson is powerless without trump and he believes that, he knows it, and at the end of the day he does not care how many lies he has to tell, he will do it. he is doing it because it is a calculation he has made because he believes it will help trump get elected. >> is this in your eyes desperation from trump? he is doing what he did in springfield, whipping up racist hysteria towards immigrants? >> that is all he has, that is why he did not want the bipartisan immigration bill passed because he knew that would be taken away as a political issue for him. there are some legitimate problems, we all recognize this with border security and our immigration system. it has been broken for 30
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years, this did not just happen under biden. it was broken under trump and bush and obama, they know this. they are exploiting it because he has nothing else and he is fundamentally a bigot and racist himself so he has no problem pushing these lies. that is why he can so easily do it. it does not matter if it is true or not, it is what he sees as his pathway to victory and he brings his cacophony of race it's a long with him that are using fear tactics to get people to vote for him and thinks that will work. >> we have more to discuss after the break and we also have news in florida. the golf coast bracing for another life-threatening hurricane. her life-threatening hurricane. that always connects you to the listing agent. feels like a work of art! (marci) lovely. what about the app?
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news, florida is bracing for another hurricane. milton erupted into a category 1 producing winds of 80 miles per hour. forecasters say milton will only grow more strong turning into a life-threatening storm before it is predicted to make landfall on florida's coast. there are already mandatory evacuations in tampa which just faced five foot searches from hurricane helene. >> reporter: it is good to be with you from a very busy sandbagging station in st. petersburg. this line of cars is anywhere between a mile or two miles long. the people here are bracing for what could be a second round of storm surge just over one week since helene. even driving up and down the streets you can see the debris
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piles lined up outside of the homes. we will talk about the risk that poses in just a moment and what authorities are trying to do to clear the piles. it is also a reminder of just how fresh helene is for all of the people that live here. we are talking about a community that is filled with people that have gotten lucky with previous hurricanes. somebody i am speaking to now is among those that is nervous about this hurricane. jan is one of the people who is lining up to fill sandbags. how long have you lived in tampa and how are you feeling about hurricane milton? >> i bought my place 10 years ago. >> how are you feeling about milton? >> i am terrified about it. >> have you ever been afraid of a hurricane before in tampa?
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>> no i sat in front of my windows and watched it. >> what changed your mind? >> how fast the two of these came together. i think it is your turn. thank you. she is talking about rapid intensification. this is something i have been saying over and over. if there were nonbelievers in that before, there are less now. there is a lot of people that are saying because of what they saw with helene their eyes are now open. we will be on the ground covering all of the preps including cleaning the dangerous debris piles which could become projectiles so the governor is now saying it is a top priority. trump is back in a state he once lost, the question is why?
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we are 30 days until election day and trump is only candidate on the stump in wisconsin. he held a rally today in milwaukee. he lost wisconsin in 2020. while rallies like this appeal to his base, the final days are on winning over new voters, and closing the margins. harris plans on doing that this week. she will be reaching out to voters in a series of unscripted interviews from 60 minutes to howard stern. we were at that rally for trump today in wisconsin. >> reporter: the trump campaign prioritized the battleground states on november 5, he was
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right here in wisconsin fresh off the rally in butler, pennsylvania. in wisconsin we heard him continue to go after the administrations federal relief efforts in the wake of the hurricane. he also encouraged supporters to participate in early voting. telling them to return their absentee pallets as quickly as possible. he suggested his opposition can only be victorious by treating. up ahead he has a couple of stops in florida monday and tuesday. his town hall has been moved to later this month because of a storm. to stop sent battleground pennsylvania followed by a stop in michigan. we will continue to monitor how the storm is rearranging his travel plans as he and harris continued to compete for the purple state voters in the final weeks ahead of election day. i will start with tara,
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whose strategy is riskier? trump shying away from interviews or harris sitting down for some of them? >> they run risks for different reasons. there is a short runway here for harris and her campaign. she cannot have any major missteps. a lot of that is baked in for trump. there is clearly a double standard in the type of criticism receiving versus what trump gets in mainstream media. he does things that would and many people's careers 10 times over but a lot of folks are still focusing on harris needing more policy details and sitting for more interviews. what will matter is ground game. direct voter contact moves people. the fact that the harris campaign has a excellent ground
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game in the swing states and in particular wisconsin, that will make the difference between a couple thousand votes. this will be razor thin. trump has risk investing his money and enriching his friends and paying his legal bills, but not on ground game. as opposed to doing a traditional ground game which is what the rnc is supposed to be doing to take elections. we will see which strategy ultimately wins but we have to pay attention to who has the stronger organization because that will ultimately get voters to cast the ballot. >> are there voters out there watching fox that do not have their minds made up? is it a effective strategy to take every vote you can? >> i think this is a race taken
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in the margins. it is extremely close and it is smart to pay attention to that. what tim did today was speak directly to the people watching the vice presidential debate and still had questions but i do not think there is a huge fox news audience supporting harris. because this is such a tight race, every vote counts. those tv efforts will be everything. media matters, i would argue that podcast, local media, speaking to people in their communities is stronger in addition to being on the doors. you have to meet the people where they are. the runway is a lot slimmer considering harris got into the race two and half months away from election day. people already know who trump is and already made their
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opinions about him. for harris it is also being able to combat the negativity he is pushing out. he is calling this the harris biden administration because he is trying to tie her to a economic agenda some americans are still upset about, specifically how it relates to grocery bills and housing costs. she has a lot of work to do to push her economy agenda and helping people understand how that will help them. that is where her focus is. >> i want you to hear what harris said today about abortion on the call her daddy podcast. >> here is the thing that is messed up about this. some of these people say i do believe in exceptions, in the life of the mother.
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this gets back to practical occasion of policy. so you believe there is a exception that the person should receive abortion care if the life of the mother is at risk. do you know what that means? she is almost dead before you decide to give her care. so we will have public health policy that says a doctor waits until you are at death's door before they give you care? that is outrageous that anybody would be saying that is acceptable policy. until everything that physically could happen to your body in terms of deterioration, only at the point that she might die is she going to get care. where is the humanity? >> how will that answer resonate with women voters who
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might still be undecided? >> i think it was a smart decision to go on this podcast. it is one of the most famous in the world, 5 million downloads per week. the people that listen to this are not necessarily politically engaged like that. it comes down to the bottom line, whether you trust women to make decisions about their own bodies or you do not. that is what we talk about at the seneca project, to explain what is at stake. harris has used a example of what is at stake. a lot of people exceptions for the life of the mother is okay but that practice has cost a lot of lives were caused women to be infertile. ask amber's family, she died. this is something we are seeing across the country in real life and i think this will move more women the more they know.
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this is ultimately a life or death decision for us this election. >> thank you for joining me throughout this hour. next, part two of my discussion with sir richard branson and others about their vision for a new piece in the middle east. middle east. look up. where you going? luke's mom: there's an incredible urgency to get your child into services, because the longer you wait, these motor pathways are set in stone. i knew he needed help. he needed these services. i'm almost there. yes, you are. you're so close. you're so strong. i'm gonna say hi. okay! let's say hi. hi! nolan's mom: none of my friends or people in our network have a child with these needs. and then you go to easterseals and it's such a good feeling to feel like you're in good hands. they really understand what you're going through. jaxon: at one point, i wasn't able to walk or ride my bike. the little things that other people take for granted that i need help with.
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his support for a movement that aims to find a path of peace for israel and palestine called a land for all. >> it is a bold and audacious vision that will enable is really druze and palestinian arabs to coexist and flourish and prosper on the common understanding of the ground beneath their feet. their shared sense of a homeland whether you call it israel or palestine. in practical terms in land for all, it entails a two state solution rooted in the belief that it should rightfully be a palestinian state and rightfully continue to be a jewish state. >> today i spoke with richard branson about that movement as well as the codirector of a land for all and a cochair on the board. the two state solution has been
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in talks for decades, a lot of people have given up on it when you look at how it has played out over the last 35 years, why do you believe a land for all's particular vision is the right way forward for palestinians and israelis? what is important for viewers to understand about the proposal? >> what it has in common with past approaches is it states a palestinian state will be established along sign israel with jerusalem as the capital. in that it is different, it anticipates a framework, for freedom, movement and residence for all palestinians. these were some of the hardest obstacles of a peace deal in the past. what to do with refugees seeking to return to their homes and what to do with jerusalem. it provides a framework for
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joint lee managing some of the issues like climate change adaptation, security and public health which are hard for two states to handle without deep cooperation. >> you have spoken out about how military solutions are not the way forward and we have seen that approach repeatedly over many years as we are currently seeing in lebanon and gaza. instead you say we need a political solution, some people have said democracy for all, freedom for all as well as a declaration for all. how will land for all make strides on those ideas not just in a theoretical framework that real life on the ground solutions. >> that is a great question, we are all struggling with how to even start imagining how the war ends. i think right now the main focus is maintaining the hope and the
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resilience and the political vision that there can't be a future for israel and palestine that is shared as a peaceful and equal one at the same time taking the vision and reverse engineering it back to complete steps that will ensure that every step, once the war finishes, every step taken needs to already take us to a viable future so we created a guideline or a set of principles that will hopefully inshore where we are heading is the right direction as opposed to not heading the right direction which has been the case for too many years. >> what do you say to naysayers out there? a lot of people like yourself who have a lot to stake by
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coming out for something like this. what you say to them that are skeptical that a creation of a federation of some stores will me know palestine state or the end of the israeli state. >> i was in northern ireland campaigning for peace there, my father was fighting in the war when tristan was completely bombed. i do not think anybody could have imagined that germans and french people would live in harmony together for generations. so all i can say is it is almost inconceivable today that a peace settlement will be made but equally it is definite that a peace settlement will end up being made so now is the time
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to start working on it and get a good peace settlement in place while working with all of the other nations around israel and palestine to help it come about. >> is there a way to get to a land for all without truth and reconciliation? we have seen efforts in the past to heal the wounds, can you get to a land for all without addressing the underlying grievances and reconciliation for those that have been agreed on both sides? >> we believe addressing those underlying events is is a crucially important part of the broader process. folks that read the principles will see that we are committed to the idea that finding a remedy for past injustice needs to be done without creating new injustice. that formula provides a basic framework for dealing with
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anything including refugee claims and land claims across the territory. while we believe ultimately we need to be a part of the process, we do not believe it necessarily needs to be a prerequisite for going forward toward this plan. >> where does land for all stand now in terms of momentum whereby in support? how do you get this to the political discourse? do you need a referendum on it? what is the way to get this built and going forward? >> i will say a few things, number one, in the past year land for all has grown by thousands of people both here and palestine and around the world and i think that is a great barometer for how thirsty and in need people are and they need that piece so it
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definitely needs to come from us, we need to choose enough is enough. the other thing is it is clear that two state solution is back on the table. for many years we have been leaning back into the fake status quo. we can continue this man is as usual while occupation is continuing and palestine, that is not the case. we cannot go back to the fake status quo of october 6. once we realize that, once we realize there is no military solution, the question is what is on the table? we are committed to bringing something updated, relevant, sustainable and can work because that is crucial to do right now. for the political reason of building a constituency for it.
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>> a ray of light and hope in dark times. thank you so much for your efforts in sharing this with us. that will do it for us this weekend. be sure to catch us each saturday and follow us on x and instragram. until then, have a good night. . good to go off the grid. good to go nonstop. with cabenuva, there's no pausing for daily hiv pills. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. just 6 times a year. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you're taking certain medicines which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away.
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