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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  October 9, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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justice department and health and human services and hud to make sure they have the resources they need to deal with this. they were making progress and demagoguery stepped in with appeals to people's -- i'll leave it at that. what the town really came together in the business community, republicans and democrat officials, been talking to them for weeks and weeks. they are fighting back. it is still a challenge. they wish outside politicians would shut up and go away. i am hopeful that town will continue to prosper and continue the come back and this will be in the rearview mirror. >> senator brown, thank you for your time. that -- that -- that is "all in" on tonight. good evening, alex. >> what's happening inve springfield, what's goingin on ohio, how can the sept race
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still be so close? yet here we are. >> we showed you those numbers, plus 6, plus 10. his ability to outperform in that state is remarkable anywhere in the country. >> thank you, my friend. more than 5.5 million people are under voluntary or mandatory evacuation orders in florida tonight as the state braces for the s impact of hurricane milt . tolls were waived and highway shoulders were open to ease clogging as florida residents took to the roads to get out of the storm's way. hurricane milton is expected to make landfall in florida late thursday night. it's expected to drive straight now central nra, the straight direct hit for areas like tampa in more than a century. the mayor of tampa issued this stark warning to his residents.
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if h you choose to stay in one these evacuation areas, you are going to die. now, ineven in less extreme circumstances, preparing for a natural disaster is always a challenge. the government has to coordinate between state and local and federal agencies. thosera agencies then not only have to prepare for the physical impacts of the disaster, they have to effectively communicate to the media and to the public how they should prepare and respond. so coordinating all of that is a really, really challenging task. and now thanks to donald trump, thatld task has gotten even harder. we are barely a week past the destructionek hurricane helene wrought in six states across the country destroying thousands of homes and killing at least 223 people, and already donald trump is lying about it. here's how trump's narrative about hurricane helene and the
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federal response to that hurricane compares to what republican leaders in those impacted states, what they are saying. >> this is the worst response to a storm or a catastrophe or a hurricane that we've ever seen ever. >> as of today, what has been theod ongoing kind of federal assistance for south korea? >> it'sce been superb. >> they haven't seen anybody from the federal government yet. the federal government isn't there. >> i'm incredibly appreciative of the rapid response and the cooperation from the federal team at fema. >> i've lived in north carolina for almost 30 years. i've seen a lot of storms come through s this state. i am actually impressed with how much attention was paid to a region that wasn't likely to have experienced the impact that they did. the white house is doing nothing. they've inabandoned us. >> so i just spoke -- the president just called me yesterday afternoon.
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i missed him and then i called him right back. and he just said, hey, what do you need. and i told him we got what we at need, we'll work through the federal process. he offered if there's other things we need just to call himc directly, which i appreciate that. >> those are all republicans. the truth of the matter is that as of today nearly 7,000 federal personnel have been deployed to respond to hurricane helene. fema has shipped over 16 million meals, almost 14 million liters of water, almost 200 generators, and almost 500,000 tarps. in just a little over a week the federal government has spent more than $286 million to help people impacted by helene. but, of course, you're not going to hear about any of that from the republican nominee for president, the man who may one day woversee that same federal agency. instead, trump is lying about fema withholding disaster aid in
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republican areas and lying that fema doesn't have the money to respond to this disaster because the agency diverted its funding to the border, something, by the way, fema under president biden did noten do but that trump actually did b when he was in office. and those lies rntd just bad because they'rent lies coming fm someone running for president, they're bad because they're lies having a real impact on the actualpa recovery efforts. >> a swirling vortex of disinformation is beginning to effect people there on the ground. i had an officer come up to me and say why are they saying we aren't doing anything. in fact, this is demoralizing to all of the people who are working so phard, those first responders who h went into people's homes and pulled them out of windows in swirling waters, people who are working around the clock to get oxygen
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bottles and insulin to people in the remote, rugged areas of the mountains. and you're also making some people wary of applying for aid and relief because you have these crazy stories about fema coming in and taking people's land and stopping donations from coming in. and it's very frustrating when you're on then. ground working hard. >> with multiple states still reeling from the destruction of hurricane helene and the state of florida bracing for the impact of hurricane milton, trump'slt misinformation here isn't just irresponsible, it is dangerous., today on "the view" vice president harris was asked what she makes of trump's lying. here was her response. >> it is the height of irresponsibility and frankly callousness. so lives are literally at stake right now, and the idea that somebody would be playing
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political games for the sake of himself, but this is so consistent about donald trump. puts himself before the needs of others. i fear he really lacks empathy, on a very basic level to care about theba suffering of other people andin then understand th role of a leader is not to beat people down, it's to lift people up. >> absolutely. >> especially in a time of crisis. >> trump has a history of playing political games with disasters. you don't have to take my word on that. here are two farmer trump administration staffers in a new kamala harris campaign ad talkingla about how trump handl disaster relief when he was in office. >> i worked in the trump administration. >> never in a t million years d i ever think i'd be working in the white house with a president that didn't caree about the american people. >> he would suggest not giving disaster relief to states that hadn't voted for him.
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>> i remember one time after a wildfire in california he wouldn't sendn relief because was a democratic state. so we went so far as looking up how many votes he got in those impacted areas to show him these are people whoim voted for you. this isn't normal. i the job of the president is to protect americans regardless of politics. >> if trump's elected again, there'll be no one to stop his worst instincts. he'll and yes man implement his 2025n agenda, unchecked power d noed guardrails. >> they will be serving one man. i amon voting for kamala harris because she will put the safety of every american first whether they voted for her or not. >> joining me now is one of the people in that ad, olivia troy. she serve said as a homeland security and counter terrorism advisor to vice president mike pence during the trufrm administration.
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it's great to have you on the show. your perspective is so essential right now as we try and sort through what a second trump administration might be like. i know in the ad you say at one point you believe that trump or youat realize he didn't care abt the american people. can you talk to me a little bit about that realization and sort of how it dove tails with what we're seeing right now in and around disaster n aid? >> yeah, sure. i think what was really incredibly disturbing to me and many othersis in the national security community we were living this first-hand was moments of true crisis that were happening throughout the trump administration werero basically disregarded at times for putting aside the greater good of the american people because donald trump waseo playing partisan politics in situations where normally we would be united as a country and u supporting americs in need. and what we saw was donald trump at times would have major disaster declarations sitting on his desk for days, and we would have to strategies how we were
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going to pry that out of him to get the relief to communities. and i point this out specifically, alex, because i think people need to understand that the president is solely responsible for approving those disasterap declarations. so the governor of a state can request them, and it goes through a whole process through the fema regional office and kind of makes its way up, but ultimately it's the president who signs off on them. there were numerous times i got phoneou calls from the head of fema, the head of dhs, congressmen, people on the hill asking where is that relief, where is that disaster er declaration, when is he going to sign it? and at times i would go to mike pence and i say, hey, we need yr help. i'm getting phone calls on this. we've got to do something, we've got to do the right thing for the american people. >> the mendacity here you see on display seems even a notch more cruel than what the public has witnessed soth far. i mean, it was never excusable that trump was deciding what states got disaster aid based on
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whether they were red or blue or whether the counties were red or blue. but now you're seeing today the former president basically undermine recovery efforts in parts of the country that did vote for him just because it doesn't suit his anti-government political h agenda.ti i guess i wonder sort of what you think abouter this brazen calculation to throw people into harm's way, to basically undermine the assistance of fema in the name of, you know, a talking point he wants to weaponize against kamala harrisn which, again is not based in reality. >> well, it's about him. it's political power for him, it hurts everyone else around him. it's so selfish and reckless. and heh knows better, baugh. he is fully aware of the type of things that happen in the aftermath because words matter especially when you're a person that's running for the presidency once again and you
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once were the president of the united states.ce and it's t undermining of our government institutions, something donald trump has a very long habit of doing whether it's the military undermining them, whether it's the intelligence community. now he undermined the public health community during the covid pandemic. i was first-hand witness to that whenss i was sitting in the cov task meetings and he was berating doctors and spreading misinformation and disinformation publicly from the pressroom in the white house. but tosr do this right now is s dangerous, right, because americans are scared. they're in the pathway of another potential storm that's about to hit them, and you have donald trump showing just complete and utter recklessness as a leader and he could be doing the opposite.g he could be uniting us and actually standing strong together in these communities, but he's not. i think it'ss, important to to watch his actionsi because he s a history of doing this for those like myselfng who saw thi in the white house, m and now hs doubling downse on it and creatg
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fear, and it's undermining of the disaster relief response. it's alsoie leading the confusi, right? and that's the last thing fema and all these emergency respondersem need on the ground right now.on you don't need that doubt. >> you don't need to be doing something wrong when all the republican governorsen of the r statesov are effectively saying that's not true, what that guy is saying in terms of fema assistance. i do wonder how you think the climate of misinformation, disinformation should be even more poisonous this time around even when you have someone like elon musk, the world's richest man who owns twitter, now "x" is helping spread disinformation. that's a new factor, "x" factor if you will in all this. given the information on the internet it's a wild west but then you have someone who controls the levers of power in that unbridled atmosphere like
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elon musk walking in lock step with donald trump as they sort of walk the parade of lies, to be heavy-handed with a metaphor. >> yeah, it's completely irresponsible because he has a very large platform and he has millions of followers. and millions of people are seeing what he'ser retweeting on sharing, and posting and it's undermining the leaders on the ground of the communities that are already like being -- they'rey suffering so much in this crisis, and i've been on the ground with fema. i was there for the hurricane careenan trina response. i have been side by side with these it was a tremendously challenging time when i was on the heground, but it was also extremely rewarding to this agency and people come together and they're in the trenches together. now we have a social media working against cithem, right? where people are getting mixed already in fema is
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the hot seat having to do their jobs, and what are they doing? they're having to put out videos, and they're having to post, on their own social medi ton refute some of these conspiracy theories and these things that are false information. so now they're spending energy on that. and i think that goes to show just the increasingly challenging environment we're facing here in terms of social t media and the combination of it and especially with people like elon musk who apparently are just asus selfish as donald tru iss and who don't care about t well-being and the welfare of americans as long as it gives them, you know, a boost for them and gives them an in with donald trump. i think it goes to show the irresponsibility of these leaders and the -- i would say the thfriendships and the ties that they have when they're so reckless and they don't care about the grieter good of the country. >> yeah, i mean, the fact fema hasn, to dedicate space on a landing beigesp to rebut information being spread by a person in turn trying to run the agency is a level of irony and
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sickness i can'tro begin to comprehend or contemplate. olivia troy, thank you for your time tonight. we have a lot to get to tonight. i'll sit down with an author to discuss the war in the middle east and how it figures into his new book "the message." but first -- but first, remember when donald trump would complain that vice president kamala harris was hiding from the press? what does he think of the three interviews she did today and the ones she did the defer that and the day before that? and whatfo does that tell us abt her strategy and her campaign less than a month before the election? dan fifer and tim miller join me on that coming up next. d tim mie on that coming up next
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(man) these men of means with their silver spoons. what will become of them when they discover robinhood gold allows others to earn their very liberal rates on idle cash. they would descend into chaos.
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i saw the governor of arkansas saw said my kids keep me humble. unfortunately, kamala harris doesn't have anything keeping her humble. how did that make you feel? >> i don't think she understands that there are a whole lot of women out here who are not aspiring to be humble. this is not the 1950s anymore. families come in all kinds of shapes and forms, and they're family nonetheless. >> that was vice president kamala harris in the middle of a week-long press blitz speaking about ambitious women on the "call her daddy" podcast, the
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podcast with the biggest listenership of women among women, maybe even ambitious women. last week she was on the smoke where she talked about legalizing marijuana and black men's mental health. today on "the view" harris announced a proposal to expand medicare to cover home care for seniors, an issue that disproportionately affects women who may also be raising young children, the so-called sandwich generation, and happened to be the core audience for that daytime talk show. harris then went on the howard stern show where she attacked donald trump on everything from canceling the "60 minutes" interview to sending covid tests to vladimir putin. and then the vice president wrapped the day on "the late show" where she drank a miller of highlife with stephen colbert. remember when donald trump used to criticize kamala harris for not doing media? joining me now is dan fifer, and tim miller, host of the bulwark podcast. great to have you guys on the
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show. dan, a little birdie told mow you were the bad genius behind president biden's mad appearance on the show where they talked about the affordable care act. it also appeared there was a strategic utility to having him go on that media. i wonder if you could explain to me the theory of the case of putting hin case sitting presidents alt media situations and who the intended audience for it. we did that because at the exact time we were trying to get people to sign up for the affordable care act. the group of people most reticent to sign up were most the most delayed in doing so, pushing it to the deadline as
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they often are young men, this is an audience largely of young men in that event in an interview that went viral, increased traffic to by 40% on that day and ultimately what we were doing back then and kamala harris is doing right now is going to where the voters are. and the media environment is much more different now. they are watching listening to podcasts, stephen colbert, howard stern. and you go meet them where they are. it's not about dodging the quote-unquote traditional press or anything like that. it's about going and actually speaking to voters, which you can't do through a lot of the old ways in which we used to do communications. >> yeah. tim, i wonder what you think about that. because, listen i think it's great to drink miller highlife.
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i enjoy the beer myself. and doing so with stephen colbert seems like a super fun time. there is a question to have the back and forth to me clearly articulate your views, you're not going to get with alex cooper with much respect to the call, her daddy podcast. i wonder if you think that's a larger problem for american politics or in this particular election win at any cost. if you have to do a million between two ferns appearances, so be it. >> yes for both. it's a larger problem for american politics. it's also an imperative kamala harris wins this election, and she should do whatever is necessary between the norms and her integrity to win this election. and everything they've done has been in line with that. i think dan was ahead of the curve with "between the two ferns." it's not just a smart thing or a tactic or something they should do. like, they have to do this.
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the critical group of voters. there are a couple of them out there, but one of the main group of voters a swing voter in this election are people just not engaged and don't to watch political news at all. like, that is a group that traditionally has been good for democrats, actually, lower info voters especially during the obama years. that is a group trump has been gaining with. the vice president needs to find ways to talk to people not engaged in politics. and more is more and my only disagreement with dan is she should do our podcasts. i'll ask her questions from a republican standpoint that can be challenging and we can also have a viral moment, too. >> very unearnest, dan. i've got to ask, though, in
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terms of the state of the race. i was in michigan and i did ask undecided young men in the unions what they thought of donald trump's blitz on the man o verse podcast and they had no idea what i was talking about. we're talking about tiers of voters. there are voters watching this, voters listening to these pop culture podcasts and a group of voters really, like, not consuming any of it. and it feels like inincreasingly those are the ones that need to be chased. i will draw your attention to this stark reality. in the last four years democratic registrations in the state of pennsylvania have gone from a safe 7-point aadvantage to hanging ahead, polling in the state shows harris leading trump i told him i did not by a lonely point while the i told him i did not have one and asked about my parent's democratic senate nominee runs religion. he asked about my grandparents. ahead by 5. i wonder if you have thoughts. when i told him they were christian, he allowed me to strategists in both parties say pass. talk to me about that strategists decision to insist
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experience. >> that's very, very important, for so long he was running for a second term is a major reason right? that question is not do you democrats have lost ground in accept christ as your savior? voter registrations. when you start asking about my is that a fair assessment do you mother, my grandmother, you're think, dan? >> i mean it's impossible to asking questions about ancestry. when people criticize israeli know the counter factual here. this is where we are. policy as racist, that's what this is the race we have. they mean. >> you think that's the essence kamala harris is our candidate. of it. >> oh, yeah, definitely. these states are incredibly i will add into that soldier was close. i was in michigan with alissa nominally black. i say in the past in my work slotkin on saturday and in philadelphia with bob casey and josh shapiro on sunday. race is a social construct. this is place where i saw it everyone in those states knows this is as close if not closer like with my own eyes. than 2020. it really is. we have a lot of work to do. it really, really is. and you're right, there are some alex, it was an intense ten of these people not consuming days. i was not prepared for it. i knew i was going to see even "call her daddy" or howard something that was going to be stern. beyond what. it's in that clip. but i did not expect to feel one singular 60-second clip from myself thrown back into a world these interviews gets pumped into the tiktok or instagram or of my parents and grandparents, and that is what i experienced. >> do you think -- it's such a youtube algorithm and gets shown visceral sort of emotional to voters who are not looking for it. no candidates have had to work content here in what you saw. and then you see the way -- the
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harder than these candidates are struggle of the palestinians has to break through in this race. you nay not get a "call her echoed so profoundly among black americans here in the united daddy" listener every person states. can you talk a little bit more with that interview, but those about the intersectionality? clips are going viral and people are seeing them. that's why tim miller is like be intersectionality is sort of derided as a sort of woke leftist concept, but there really is -- you see it in polling, just black registered everywhere all at once, do our voters, right? podcast, do tim's podcast, do no known particular subset, but "60 minutes," do it all. >> can i ask a follow-up on that, dan? black americans see something in trump isn't do it all. the palestinian struggle, and i there was some follow up, but in wonder if you could talk a little bit about it. >> what they see is jim crow. terms of the blanket strategy that's not what trump is and want to be very, very pursuing. i wonder if you have a thought explicit unt that. so when i'm on the west bank, what might be behind that. there are one set of rules that >> well, there are two reasons are for israeli settlers. behind it. he's old, mentally declining, there are another set of roads that are for palestinians. and lazy. that's the first reason. these roads are not equal. the second reason is republicans have something democrats don't, by which i mean it takes longer which they have a massive media to traverse if you're on a road operation between fox news, for palestinians. daily wire, all these people. there are checkpoints along the we don't have that yet, so we way, sometimes checkpoints have to work harder to do it. appear out of nowhere. trump just has these massive the criminal justice system is megaphones pushing his message different. if you're an israeli settler to voters and into the social there, you are subject to the
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civil justice system with all system so people can see it. the rights we're accompanied to that's the main reason. in a civil justice system. he is being very lazy and if you're a palestinian, you're leaving a lot of votes on the subject to am military justice table with his work every few system, which means you can be arrested and nobody has to tell days and call ben shapiro and you why you're arrested, nobody has to tell your family where lie about fema's strategy. you are. you could effectively be >> and lie every second day. disappeared. i'll never forget i was standing on a farm with one family, and today mitt romney says he's not there was a road through it. going to endorse harris, saying and the gentleman's whole -- all i've made it very clear i don't of his land was round. want donald trump to be the next president of the united states, and i looked across the road and adding i want to continue to have a voice in the republican all the land was green. party following this election. and he said settlers over here, i think there's a good chance that the party is going to need this is us. to be rebuilt or reoriented, that is because he does not control his access to his water. even though he is living on the presumably with mitt romney in land, he is equal as a human the mix. what do you think about that, being, his rights are not actually the same. tim? >> it made me mad when i first black folks know that. read it, but i've calmed down like they -- >> to understand that. for the show, which is good. >> it was immediately clear to i'm feeling a little dumb and me what was going on. and what i was left with and what i tried to tackle in the book is how it can be that our dumberish. i'm saying there's still a chance mitt romney will come organs of story telling from around.
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if you to watch that video he film, tv, down to journalism have failed so much to tell this sems very uncomfortable. >> isn't that his natural story as it actually is, drained position to be uncomfortable? of moral content, drained of any >> yeah, that's true. sense of values, you know, in a but dan saw this in 2012, he can land that prides itself as the oldest democracy in the world. be forceful at times. it was not a forceful answer, >> i know that there's been some and i think he wants to get there for the president, i criticism and critical really do. interviews that you've done in just reading the tea leaves. the media. you write this isn't a book that and i he obviously wants trump to lose. and the ill logic of his you think that the point of view has been expounded distinctly, rationale is so obvious. this notion of oh, i want to stridently pro-israel view has help rebuild the republican party so i'm going to do enough speakers. nothing. well, you can't rebuild the >> we're tired of tiering. republican party if donald trump >> this is specifically about is the president. the palestinian story in order to have any hope of specifically as it intersects rebuilding the republican party, with the black american story. the first obligation is to elect you have this quote i want to kamala harris. read. and that might end up being i want to tell you -- this is about those who talk about uncomfortable for some people, but that's just the reality and victimhood. i want to tell you your i'm hoping senator romney gets oppression will not save you, that being a victim will not there. >> dan fifer, and tim miller, enlighten you, that it can just good luck to you for booking as easily deceive you. vice president harris for your those are powerful sentiments. respective podcasts. and by the way, they're if you do please ask an earnest applicable not just to this
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conflict but so many others. question on my behalf. thank you for your time tonight. >> that's right. >> and i wonder what you think kmnchtsing up donald trump is about the concept of grievance tripling down on his vow to seek retribution against his and victimhood in american life political enemies in a second term, and even fox news can't today. >> i think there's wisdom in it seem to do anything about it. first a national book award if you take it from that. but the minute you start feeling winner on what he describes on it ennobles you, that it gives his revelatory trip to israel you something that is bone deep, and the occupied palestinian that it prevents you from committing other sins, that territories. he wrote a book about all of prevents you from committing the same sins against other people, that, and he joins me here in studio right after the break. that, and he joins me here in studio right after the break you are in deep trouble. is . and that is a human error. it immediately feels like somebody's poking directly on the nerve. that is not a zionist error. i recommend sensodyne. that is a human error. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth it just so happened i went and calms the nerve down. somewhere where that error was and my patients say you know doc, it really works. exiled in a state and its laws and policies. there are lessons there for humanity, really dark ones i don't think we want to face. >> you know, it's like something happens in the world, in society when you put a new book out. and i know this one isn't without -- a lot of people have a lot of thoughts on it. it's an essential read right now. it's so great to have you
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writing nonfiction again. we love when you write fiction in movies and coppices and all the rest. it's great to have you on the program. >> hopefully we'll get more palestinian voices and you won't need me to do this. i'll be happy to do that. >> the wheel turns slowly, my friend. until then, you are a great interlockter for the cause. his new book is "the message" and out now. still to come tonight when donald trump tells you his second term will be all about retribution, believe him. that's next. ll be all about retribution, believe him that's next.
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today the associated press released a new poll of black registered voters. it shows each candidate's strengths and weaknesses on key issues. over 70% of black voters trust kamala harris to handle health care and abortion policy. 67% trust her to address gun violence and climate change. but on the war between israel and hamas, harris' support among black registered voters drops to 46%. over the past year multiple surveys have shown that the war in gaza is a divisive issue for democrats and one that black the lungs and low. but i'm protected (pause) with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective democrats in particular feel a in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? make it arexvy. (♪♪) your gut is like a garden growing both good bacteria and bad. connection to. that balance is key to a healthy gut environment. that connection between the struggle of black people and the benefiber's plant-based prebiotic fiber united states and the struggle gently nourishes the good bacteria, of palestinians in the middle working with your body to help your gut, east is something that best and you, flourish. effortlessly. every day. selling author ta-nehisi coates. grow what feels good. with benefiber.
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you know you have a problem when even your allies feel like he writes for sure as my they need to save you from ancestors were born into a yourself. country where none of them was case in point donald trump and the equal of any white man, the fox news hosts that keep israel was revealing itself to throwing him lifelines. here was donald trump with laura be a country where no ingram last night talking about palestinian is ever the equal of politicalical retribution. >> how will you restore faith in any jewish person anywhere. our justice system? joining me now is the "the new and a lot of people will say, well, he's just going to do to york times" best selling author, winner of the -- book award and them what they did to him and get back at them. the macarthur fellow among many >> a lot of people would say other things. that should happen. the new book is out now. >> well, but i think -- but i it's great to see you. there's been a lot of discussion think, you know, punitively about this book in this moment, this week, and i want to get using government institutions is your thoughts on all of it. what got us in this mess in the first, for context can you talk first place. to moo and people watching right and our town hall that we did now about how you first thought of israel in a civil rights back in february, one of the lines that really resonated with context back in the days in the people was when i think you said my revenge is going to be my case for reparations, your success. >> yeah, well, i do believe article in the atlantic? that. i will say this, they have >> probably the honest answer is started a terrible precedent. >> you can almost see the pain i didn't think much about it.
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i now think there was a kind of in laura engram's eyes as she tries to control trump into default zionism probably all saying he won't seek retribution against his political enemies. around me within, you know, the it is largely an unsuccessful profession, within the other reporters, within my editors. effort until trump says something ambiguous enough to not sound entirely unhinged. there certainly wasn't any talk of palestinians rights or this is not the first time a fox news host tried and basically failed to get donald trump to anything like that around me. denounce political retribution. remember this moment with sean hannity? >> under no circumstances you i think i had a vague skepticism are promising america tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody? >> except for day one. but it was erased in my hind as >> except for -- a kind of issue. when it case of reparations was >> except for day one. brought out, it immediately >> meaning? brought to my attention it was a >> i want to close the border and i want to drill, drill, problem and then regularly brought to my attention after. drill. >> that's not -- that's not retribution. >> i'm going to be -- love this and the critique was convincing. guy. he says you're not going to be a dictator are you. i said, no, no, other than day not even not critical, it wasn't one. >> joining me now is michael curious. that was the biggest thing. there was no curiousty about schmidt, "the new york times" investigative reporter and had
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what those reparations had some reporting this evening wrought, and that was very, very about the efforts trump made important because the case for while president to seek political retribution. reparations is not just about michael, can you talk a little money. you know, it was a moral case. bit about how the past may be you really do have to ask the present? >> well, this is all sort of question is this the best example, and to understand that talked about as if he comes question you have to be curious back, then this is what could about what it wrought, and that happen. but it already happened. was my sin. and it happened in a greater, >> so you decided to make a trip. more substantial way than even covid happens, this trip is somewhat delayed, and you i, someone who's covered this finally go over to see occupied issue, appreciated. territories. you're in hebron in the west when we went back and we looked at what trump wanted, what he bank. i'll read an excerpt from what said publicly or tried to put you saw there. i walked out to buy some goods pressure on the justice department privately, and what from a shopkeeper, but before i actually happened, for at least could get there, a soldier walked out and asked me to state ten individuals, the powers of my religion. he looked at me skeptically when the government that trump wanted sicked on them actually were used against them. >> and that included not just the department of justice, which we've largely seen weaponized under trump, but the irs. can you talk a little bit more about that? >> so andrew mccabe and jim
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comey, the two people who ran the fbi when the russia investigation was open, who donald trump had fired -- i mean he fired comey and he pushed for mccabe to be fired -- were both the subjects of a highly invasive audit. this is an audit that just a few thousand americans are picked to undergo a year. it's called an autopsy without the benefit of death. and these two individuals were chosen for it. in the months after we learned that, we learned that behind closed doors in 2018 trump was going to john kelly saying we really need to get the irs on jim comey and andy mccabe and other fbi officials. now, the irs inspector general has cleared it of wrongdoing, but it's very difficult as a reporter to sort of avert your gaze from a fact like that when you have a president who not
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only wanted to weaponize the government, but certainly on the justice department and fbi side, oftentimes had these people investigated. >> you have reporting of the white house counsel, don mcgahn, really trying to talk trump off the ledge. and then these lawyers in the white house making note of the efforts they had employed to stop the government from weaponizing so they had have a written record about the ways they tried to oup uphold the constitution. >> when we published a story on this, we ran thousands and thousands of words from draft memos -- of a memo given to trump about why he should not use the powers of government against his enemies. we were able to see those memos because lawyers in the white house smuggled them off the white house complex in the weeks after the memo was given to trump because they were so
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concerned about trump -- what trump is going to do. this was not in late 2020 that this happened. this was in 2018. >> wow. >> so there was a deep concern in 2018 that he was going to weaponize the government. and obviously there's an even more unshackled trump in the final weeks of his presidency. >> and potentially i mean shackles are not even in existence if there's a second term. michael schmidt, it is really important reporting, period, but especially at this moment in time when he can't even hide his desire for retribution in interviews, public interviews and social media. michael schmidt, thank you for your time. we will be right back. schmidt, r your time. we will be right back.
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(man) these men of means with their silver spoons. what will become of them when they discover robinhood gold allows others to earn their very liberal rates on idle cash. they would descend into chaos.
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that is our show for tonight. "way too early" with jonathan lemire is coming up next. people panic, where they
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