tv [untitled] October 12, 2024 5:00am-5:31am PDT
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a lot of the divisive voices, remember the silent majority? the majority used to be different. used to be more of what has become the loud minority now. you know, those types of voices that speak out that are divisive voices and that sort of thing. now the silent majority i think is more reasonable. most americans -- the majority of americans are reasonable on abortion. >> men and women. >> correct. it's not a gender issue. most people know it's a private decision. most people don't want anybody else involved in something as complicated as an issue like that. >> that's all the time we have today. we are back tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. east to bring you more of the week's highlights. stick around for the weekend. that is up next. next. ♪♪
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good morning. it is saturday, october 12th. i am alicia menendez with symone sanders-townsend and symone sanders-townsend. breaking news. vice president harris plans to release her medical records today. the campaign asked , how has donald trump not released his? >> team harris' uniquely broad coalition on display this week. the pitch to voters. the ex-president delivering a new, hate filled speech full of lies. he is no longer running for president, but a disinformation campaign. grab your coffee, settle in. welcome to "the weekend". ♪ ♪ d". ♪ ♪ just breaking this morning, which is 24 days until election day, vice president harris is set to release a report in her medical history today. the report will show she is physically and mentally fit to serve as president and by making this public, the harris team hopes it underscores
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donald trump's lack of transparency, let's just say, when it comes to his health. on the campaign trail, trump rambles through speeches as the "new york times" puts it, quote, trump seems confused, forgetful, incoherent or just disconnected from reality lately. frankly, donald trump's rallies are also just full of lies and racist fear mongering. the contrast could not be more clear. >> part of what we know that has been happening in the last several years in our country is that there are powerful forces that are trying to divide us as americans. they would have us and cheer us on if we point fingers at one another. >> america is known all throughout the world as occupied america. they called it occupy. we are being occupied by a criminal force.
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what they are doing to our country, they are destroying, they are ruining our country. we are being led, we are being led by stupid people. >> well we have us a professor in the house. joining us is professor of princeton university and wanita tolliver is also here with a new book, a more perfect party, it comes out in january. i cannot wait. both are msnbc political analysts this -- good morning. >> i will go because symone is right because we need some of us oriole understanding here. kamala harris is releasing her health records today. every president and presidential candidate has since presidential candidates have been releasing the records. donald trump has yet, in all the time that we have known of him and seen him, has refused
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to do so. he has had, you know, doctors sort of put together a piece of paper with a lot of bs on it about the man weighing 215 pounds looking like wally the war is. okay, we will set that aside for now. the "new york times" reports if he wins, trump could enter the oval office with an array of potentially worrisome issues, medical experts say. cardiac risk factors, possible aftereffects from his july assassination attempt and the cognitive decline that naturally comes with an age, among other things. the man is old as dirt. he is the oldest man to ever run for president. yet, the country doesn't seem to care that he doesn't release his health records, like we have no idea what is going on in that little brain of his. maybe had brain worms like
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robert f. kennedy jr. we don't know. how does he get away with this? why is the country so accepting that donald trump can just say, you know, i am not can it tell you about my health. but the press and others seemingly demand that everybody else pull out there's. >> first of all, it is such a wonderful time to be here on "the weekend", michael, and to see you guys. you don't require a professor to try to make clear or make plain what is going on. donald trump has been given a pass in so many ways. he represents, not america, as such, but a large slice of america. there is the sense that the spoiled man can do whatever he wants because there is a fear that you will activate the anger of his base. it seems to me that we have been tiptoeing around donald trump. not only the press, but also democrats and particularly mainstream republicans, tiptoeing around donald trump for fear he would activate the ugliness of his base and endanger the country. i think that particular
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approach has come back to bite us in the behind. >> you know, it is interesting, i am looking, when eda, through this healthcare statement that has now been released by the vice president's campaign. she sounds a lot like yours truly. she has myopia, she needs corrective lenses in order to see. she's got somewhat seems to be allergies. she takes allegra and she has a family history, a maternal history of colon cancer, otherwise, she, herself, is in incredibly good health, signed off by a doctor. meanwhile, you have donald trump talking about cylinders. pull up the sign -- sound from detroit. >> is not like elon with his rocket strips -- rocket ships landing where he wants them to land or he gets the engines back . that was the first area i said, who the hell did that? i saw the engines three or four years ago. these things were cylinders, no wings, no nothing.
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they come down very slowly and land in the raft in the middle of the ocean someplace with a circle. boom. it reminded me of the biden circles he used to have, right? he would have eight circles and they could not fill them up. but then i heard he beat us with the popular vote. i don't know. i don't know. >> it's not funny, you know? that is the person who currently is buying to once again sit behind the presidential desk. we don't know anything about his health. >> he not only wants to sit behind the desk, he wants access to the nuclear codes. this is the last thing he wants to be talking about and the last thing leading up to the election but not only does it not live up to what vice president harris has been saying, just watches rallies to see the rambling and the nonsense but it shines a light
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on his vice presidential pick. is the oldest man to seek the presidency. the reality is, what that means, what this lack of a health report and lack of transparency, the nation has to look at jd vance like, you could actually get access to the oval office. you could actually be the person who steps in for trump, should anything happen to him. the important reality is, politically, this hurts donald trump . i think that is something the vice president and her campaign or get a be emphasizing over the next few weeks, extending from there, again, watch his rallies, watch the nonsense for yourself and another opportunity to put donald trump on defense in these last few weeks. [ laughter ] >> let me read more from the health report. we now have a copy in front of us, as well. i should note, this is what usually happens, right? every candidate, presidential candidate, we actually usually would have seen the first reports like this in a primary among presidential candidates and then sooner than this to the general election. the memo was repaired by the communications director to the vice president from her
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physician, particularly the physician from the president. this is what it reads. it says, vice president harris is up to date on all preventative care recommendations, including colonoscopy, annual mammograms. she takes vitamin d 3 supplementation for skeletal health. aren't we all? she is a low risk for cardiovascular disease. there is a war before that i cannot pronounce. she may maintain a healthy lifestyle, despite her busy schedule including daily aerobic exercise and training. she does not use tobacco and only drinks in moderation. do you think we will see one of these from donald trump, one, eddie and two, this is one of there, the campaign is forcing, attempting to force a conversation about donald trump's age and is health. i am wondering, do folks think
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that is in this , what? less than little over two and half, three weeks until election day, is that the ground they would like to be on? >> first of all, symone, he is not to submit his medical report. second, it doesn't matter. his support is and contingent upon his healthiness. his support is and contingent upon his reasonableness. his support is contingent on him being an avatar for grievance and hatred. part of what we have to understand, i understand this might be, you know, releasing the vice president's medical reports, might be important for a few undecided voters for that middle they are trying to get. in terms of the overall process? the political process at this stage of the game?
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this doesn't matter. it doesn't matter. donald trump is out there running his mouth, not making any sense, weaving, bobbing, doing whatever he is doing and folks will continue to support him and we will see him continue to stoke all of the ugliness we have been seeing as of late. this is important for the middle, for the undecided, perhaps but it won't have any effect on donald trump's campaign. >> when eda, let's just put the health reports into the bucket it will go into. most people will ignore it relative to donald trump and there will be some folks who, you know, will nitpick what symone just read and dusted >> she is drinking wine and taking d 3, my god, there is something wrong with her. 24 days out, the health reports are coming out. we've got more than enough evidence of donald trump's incapacity to put together a coherent statement. his incapacity to lay out a plan or a vision for the country despite some dystopian
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landscape that is nothing more than a hellscape, as you noted, of grievance. where does the campaign go in these last 24 days? you know, we will get into conversations a little bit about, you know, what is happening with some of the voters out there, who are still undecided, i am talking to y'all, i got some for you. just, baby, 24 days out and you still don't know after nine years of this-ish? anyway. [ laughter ] >> where you think this goes for the campaign, for her campaign. she is doing all the right things. it is still tied with this former president. speck you can say it. you can say it. >> okay, okay. [ laughter ] >> i feel like it is all about mobilization. i emphasize that understanding that early voting started weeks ago. people are casting their ballots in real time. i think focusing on that, focusing on the grassroots and i am a girl who came up in field operations. that is where you went. i
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fully expect this national conversation to be, whatever it is going to be, the headlines can asked the questions about what trump is hiding by not releasing his report but the reality is, how many voters are calling their friends and family after they cast their early vote. how many volunteer ships are you picking up? how many people are you deploying ? that is where the attention should honestly be. we are seeing that pickup with her deployment of surrogates across the country. i think that is the only thing that matters to everyday people and the campaign staff. remember, vice president harris is leading this effort but she is not the sole person running this race. she has hundreds of thousands of staff on the ground, if not hundreds of thousands of staff, but volunteers and staffers working across the country. democrats have been intentional about the infrastructure they
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have been investing in long- term to realize a positive outcome this election. >> see you have helped me avoid having to get to this. >> no curse words. >> juanita, please, don't go anywhere. we want to talk about president obama's message to black men as he campaigns for vice president harris. later, former cia director john brennan joins the table to discuss new revelations about msnbc's continued relationship with vladimir putin. it just goes on, folks, yes, there is more after he left office. you are watching "the weekend". k ♪♪ . ♪ us the other. new sensodyne clinical white, it provides 2 shades whiter teeth as well as providing 24/7 sensitivity protection. patients are going to love to see sensodyne on the shelf. what's up, you seem kinda sluggish today. things aren't really movin'. you could use some metamucil. metamucil's psyllium fiber helps keep your digestive system moving so you can feel lighter and more energetic. metamucil keeps you movin'. and try fizzing fiber plus vitamins. (♪♪) they need their lawn back fast, and you need scotts turf builder rapid grass. it grows grass 2 times faster than just seed alone.
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♪♪ president obama is finally off the sidelines. this week he kicked up what will become a series of rallies he is holding in swing states to boost vice president harris. he is making a pitch to men, particularly black men, who are thinking about backing donald trump. >> i'm sorry, gentlemen. i noticed this, especially with some men, they seem to think trump's behavior of bullying and putting people down is a sign of strength. real strength is about working hard and carrying a heavy load without complaining. real strength is about taking responsibility for your actions and telling the truth, even when it's inconvenient. >> so i am going to need eddie glaude and wanita tolliver back with us to help me understand
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how weakness in donald trump could be considered strength by any black men but i will leave that for the taylor did deal with. i will just leave it right here and y'all can go ahead and mix it up. >> i have a slightly different question. there are black men, it seems to me the challenge for democrats, not for kamala harris in particular, is young men, in part, republicans have invested so much over several years in order to make inroads and meet young man where they are, if you look at polling, even when young men say they are voting for democrats and they are progressive on issues, you asked them which party cares about you, they will say republicans. i wonder, in that context, what you make of that? >> in the context of what the former president said, i think he was right. i think there is a toxic masculinity that surrounds donald trump, he can associate with wwe or joe, what is his name? >> joe rogan. i always want to call him seth rogen but not the same. >> there is a sense in which we
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could talk about a crisis of young men, young, black men, young, white men in the basement of their parents' home or being radicalized in interesting sorts of ways by the radical left, the radical right, as it were. i want to be very, very clear on how you dial out and engage young, black men. one of the things you can't do is scold them and to support, chastising them. i think there is a way in which we have to understand a particular kind of messaging necessary for this constituency, right? heart of what happens, i want to be very quick here, part of what happens is african american voters, particularly african american men, every election cycle are herded like cattle chewing cud, as if they don't have interest, as if they can't ask questions because, you know what? prior to kamala harris'
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ascension to the top of the ticket, we were asking the same question around young, black men with regards to joe biden. it seems to me that something has to be dealt with were addressed here directly if we are getting get to the heart of the matter. >> so, there is, i am looking at the document as i am asking my question, i do think, when i heard what otr, off the record stuff, when i heard president obama said the off the record stuff, to me, it struck me because that was a conversation that, as we all know, was not a new one. it was just shocking that it was on camera and in the earshot of people that could here. i thought that was intentional but we now have to take the family conversation out to the open because y'all are taken some of the other pieces of the family out to the conversation to the open. now we need to bring the family conversation to bear. i think eddie is right, you
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can't shame young, black men, any voter, really, juanita, elections are about meeting voters where they are, understanding where they are and if you are on the campaign, your job is to get them where you need them to be. if you want to analyze and shame them, do it after election day, you are just trying to get votes . i mean, there is new "new york times" pulling today, eight in 10 vice presidents harris' support, they have the correlation of 80% of black voters nationally for her. president biden and vice president harris won 90% of black voters in 2020. i am not saying i don't believe these "new york times" numbers, i am just saying, i don't know, i want you to help now. >> let's look back a little bit. in the most recent presidential
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elections, donald trump got 6% of black voters in 2016 and 8% in 2020 after running the nation into the ground. the other reality here is black men have voted for democrats at 95% and 85 percent sign levels in the same years. the client is noted but not new. when you bring in the family conversation to the forefront, that is also not new. vice president harris is not the first black woman to run for president to face misogyny from black men in shirley chisholm faced that. >> you not out here on the internet, they can beat you up, juanita. are you saying that is what it is? i don't think that is it. maybe. >> i think a woman in north carolina hit the nail on the head when she said, in my local church, my historically black church, they won't even allow women to lead in our church. so this is deep rooted within our community. it is not new.
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so i think, eat me up on the internet if you want but the reality is, that woman in north carolina today was voting for vice president harris and sees that within her own life in her own community. [ laughter ] >> you clear the table. let me move all this. >> juanita just put her finger on a very important aspect of this campaign. that it is not just locked in with african american men, but with a country that has to reimagine what a president looks like. >> right. >> they had to make that leap with barack obama. truth be told, there were much more comfortable with that than they are with this, in many respects. not because she is black, but because she is a sheet. she is a woman. to what juanita just said, within the culture, there are large pockets of americans who live in an environment and a space where women do not have roles of leadership. and decision-making power.
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as she just noted in the church reference, you know? where, you know, i don't know, you know, i don't know if we really want a woman in there. i think that is an important context and a really important hurdle for this campaign to overcome. then you lay it on top of that, suburban white women who have their other the thing going on at a whole different level. >> 100% a great. >> i agree with you but it is the combo meal that is the problem. >> let's kind of, we don't want to attribute one cause here. i made a point about the biting campaign having issues with black male voters. right? let's be clear. white men don't have a monopoly on greed. white men don't have a monopoly on selfishness. white men don't have a monopoly
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disappointment with barack obama's presidency. he did not deliver. he did not deliver. you can't come in here and expect black voters, particularly young, black, male voters who are catching hell to simply toe the line. you have to give them something. you got to deliver something. you got to say this is the alternative to what we all know is a bad choice in donald trump. they want to be a constituency that is spoken to and has policies presented to them. sexism is at work here. misogyny is at work here. selfishness is at work here. greed is at work here. there are also politics at work here and we have to treat black constituencies like political constituencies, like we do everybody else. >> we will take us a break. the vice president, before she was at the top of the ticket, was doing the economic opportunity focused on black men. this happened at the top of the year and the end of last year, consistency. i do think it is important nobody, that campaigns treat black voters like the persuadable voters they should be. i also just think, we have to give credit where credit is due. maybe the party is linked to this conversation, the vice president is not. >> she's got to help people understand that. that is the challenge of this race. eddie glaude, always a pleasure, brother. juanita tolliver, so good to have you at the table with us. thank you both. juanita's new book "a more perfect party" comes out in january. i can't wait to read it. >> next, vice president harris speaks directly to latino voters. you are watching "the weekend". ♪ ♪ ekend". ♪ ♪
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