tv The Reid Out MSNBC October 14, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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liberation day in america. it's going to be liberation day. it's going to happen so fast. >> i have challenged him to another debate. i have given my medical records. i did the 60 minutes interview. one has to ask, what is donald trump trying to hide? what is his staff and his team trying to keep from you? >> two distinctly different campaigns, trump avoiding tough questions and using increasingly violent, racist rhetoric, while kamala harris lays out detailed plans to help america. while participating in a slew of high-profile interviews. also tonight, trump makes a play for black male voters. but history shows it's not likely to work. plus, we are awaiting the start of vice president harris' remarks at her rally in the battleground state of pennsylvania. we will bring that to you live. but we begin tonight with 21 days, 23 hours, and 59 minutes left until polls begin to close
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on election night. and if anything could possibly be a metaphor for our troubled times it might be the scene of trump fans who came to a rally in the coachella valley in california on saturday, not typical maga country, and got literally stranded. according to the mayor's office, there were not enough buses to take them back to their cars. i myself am just back from jamaica and ghana, many thanks to katie phang and jason johnson for holding it down while i was away. one good thing about travel is the perspective that you gain from the people you talk to and from watching international news on how the rest of the world sees us. and what i can tell you from this recent trip is that yeah, we're not looking too great right now. and both countries, my husband and i got multiple earfuls best summarized as what in the hell is going on with america? people were genuinely shocked that a gereattic possibly senile
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convicted felon, people literally mentioned the 34 counts, is in a near dead heat with vice president kamala harris. particularly as donald trump, whose own former joint chiefs of staff chair mark milley called fascist to the core, closes his campaign with what can only be described as a mix of incoherent rambling and straight up nazism. >> one of the papers said in another country that we are an occupied country. you know what, they're not that wrong. these are among the worst criminals anywhere in the world. and they come from all over. a huge number is coming out of jails in the congo. >> we will defend our civilization. we will not be conquered. we will not be occupied. we will not be invaded. i will rescue california and every town across america that's been invaded and conquered. and we will put these vicious and blood tlisy criminals in
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jail. >> also the equally hitlarian rhetoric he used to describe americans citizens and what might happen on election day. >> i think the bigger problem are the people from within. we have the very bad people, sick people, radical left lunatics and i think they're -- and it should be very easily handled by if necessary, by national guard or if really necessary by the military. because they can't let that happen. >> on the other hand, vice president kamala harris responds the way a normal campaign would. accurately warning voters of the dangers of trump. >> we can already see the harm he's up to as a candidate. most recently, spreading disinformation in the wake of national disasters. blocking real solutions that would stop drug cartels from crossing the border when he tried to kill and did that
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border security deal. because you see, donald trump cares more about scaring people, creating fear, running on a problem, instead of what real leaders do, which is to participate in fixing problems. >> vice president harris will have more to say later this hour as we take her speech live from erie, pennsylvania. but if it makes no sense to you that a man who vows to march non-white immigrants into u.s. concentration camps at gunpoint and then mass deport them, while calling these immigrants vermin, diseased criminals, murderers, cat eaters, and cannibals, while also vowing to turn american police into death squads and telling his voters that they don't have to vote anymore after he wins. if you are gob smacked that that guy who during a deadly pandemic
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sent covid tests badly needed by americans to vladimir putin instead, is tied with the sitting vice president who is supported by alexandria ocasio-cortez and the cheneys, well, welcome to the rest of the rational world. who think not just donald trump but maybe america itself has gone mad. it's not just trump and the sacking of the capitol, which trust me, people outside the country have not forgotten. it's the republicans, federal and state, who are already vowing to refuse to certify the november election unless trump wins. add to that the threat that a republican controlled senate would confirm 40-year-old right wing replacements for justices alito and thomas, meaning a far right supreme court for the rest of our children's lives. plus, a national abortion ban and project 2025, and you have the recipe for a fascist america not just in 2025 but in 2055.
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things are so bad, the house is refusing to come back into session to provide new additional hurricane aid, while at the same time, in north carolina, an armed man was arrested for making threats against fema workers while federal aid workers had to pause working and move because of reports of armed militias fueled by trump and other republicans' wild hurricane disinformation threatening them. at this point, you can't call what trump is running a campaign. as friend of the show david corn points out in mother jones, what trump and jd vance and house and senate republicans are running is a massive disinformation campaign, aimed at warping americans' reality. and they're doing it with violent, terrifying, and sometimes bizarre conspiracy theories that set the table for maybe armed resistance to a
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kamala harris win, or mass acceptance of american fascism. trump and republicans backed by far right wing billionaires like elon musk and right wing media and anti-woman manosphere podcasts are creating -- are gaming social media apps like extwitter in trump's favor and pumping disinformation into the brains of trump supporters. not quite foreign interference, but not exactly different from what vladimir putin would do. and in many ways the disinformation campaign is working. base republicans today believe everything from democrats secretly manipulating the weather from a secret base in alaska to trump being incapable of losing this election. he's winning in a landslide. and some democrats are starting to believe the disinformation too. have you noticed how sharply the polls have shifted in trump's favor over the last couple weeks? with these claims that trump is
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surging with black and latino voters and leading in every single swing state according to secret internal polls despite all the hitler talk? yes. this race will be far too close. because unfortunatelier we do have a fascist ground swell in parts of this country, mainly among white men, let's be clear, but in small pockets among black and brown men too. this happens to be a global phenomenon, as women become more economically independent and seek positions of power. but friend of the show simon rosenberg points out that just like in 2020 and 2022, dozens of right-wing polls have been dumped into the marketplace in the last few weeks. 12 in pennsylvania alone. those polls then swing the polling averages to the right. making trump look strong and kamala harris look stalled. now, there are lots of explanations for why you would want to game the polls.
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entrepreneurial republican pollsters can certainly gain favor with trump, who is apparently fuming about vice president harris' billion-dollar fund-raising and positive press. and then there's the more sinister explanation. that if trump, republican pollsters, and even jittery democrats convince enough people that his victory is inevitable, how much easier would it be to claim that the election was stolen if he loses? and how much easier would it be to get his base to rise up and maybe even get violent the way they did when he lost the last time? how much easier would it be to get the republican house speaker or john roberts and the right wing supreme court conserve tchbs to throw the election to trump? these are the things we need to consider, because donald trump is not running a normal election. he's talking america into damn near a civil war, to terrify
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voters into supporting him. and if that doesn't work, he's laying the groundwork for insurrection 2.0. i'm joined now by ruth ben-ghiat, history professor at new york university who writes about fascism and authoritarianism, and stuart stevens, chief strategist for mitt romney's 2012 presidential campaign and senior adviser for the lincoln project. ruth, i want to start with you. talk me down if i have overstated the case. and i just want to note for you, this is the case not just that i'm making but is being made to me by people outside the united states who are watching what's happening in the u.s. have i overstated it? >> no, no, you haven't. and i would actually go further than david corn. it is -- trump is not running a normal campaign. it's not just a disinformation campaign, although it is that. he's been running a radicalization campaign. i have been saying that ever since he showed up at waco,
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texas, to start his campaign at a white supremacist pilgrimage site, site of cult violence, that was a sign. then he's visiting gun shops to look at guns with his name on them. and so, it's not hard to see that he's been running this kind of -- he's been conditioning americans and he's really been doing this since 2015, using rallies, but particularly escalated now. he's conditioning americans to see violence in a different light, which is what fascists do, which is what dictators do. as something that is sometimes necessary and even patriotic, which is why he calls the thugs who assaulted capitol police on january 6th as patriots. so all of this is coming, is being escalated now because he needs to get people into a state of existential fear, and that's why he's talking about the enemy within, because the heartland has to be threatened and he's dehumanizing them and sowing
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discust and contempt for nonwhite people and immigrants and all of this has to be ratcheted up so that he can get people into the state to perhaps follow him into violence if he loses. >> right, i mean, the thing about it, i have been around a long time and i used to do campaigns. nothing like this is a campaign because normally campaigns are about addition. it's about trying to get more people into your camp to vote for you. he's not doing that. he's essentially simply daeths let me give you kamala harris' version. here she is asking the question of what trump is doing. here's vice president harris. >> he refuses to release his medical records. he is unwilling to do a "60 minutes" interview. he's unwilling to meet for a second debate. and here's the thing. here's the thing. it makes you wonder. it makes you wonder.
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why does his staff want him to hide away? one must question, one must question. are they afraid that people will see that he is too weak and unstable to lead america? is that what's going on? >> i mean, yeah. the answer would be yes. and this is the vice president who is going to go on fox, she's going to be on with bret baier, but the reality is it's not just he's too weak and unstable, but more you see him, he also isn't trying to win over more people. the reason you do more stuff is you want to win over more people. he just wants to get the people he's got to be enraged at nonwhite immigrants so they'll think that's the reason my life is bad and if he loses it's their fault. >> yeah, and you know, really
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disturbing to think today was the best donald trump you're going to see. tomorrow, it will be worse. the next day, it will be worse. he's on a decline here, and he's in this sort of loop where he realizes he's losing, so he lashes out more in anger. and really, i think that they have almost given up on this race, and it's more about trying to change how we count votes, to be able to control that with these threats of violence. and i think it's something we really need to take seriously. i mean, can we really tell ourselves that they're not going to try to go into polling places in arizona and disrupt them? or burn one to the ground, and just so you can't certify the election. and you know, one of the great advantages that donald trump has always had is that difficulty of imagining donald trump. you couldn't imagine him being the republican nominee. you couldn't imagine him beating clinton, you couldn't imagine him refusing to leave office
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after he lost by 7 million votes. i think we have to embrace this and look at, this is a guy calling for military tribunals. this is very serious stuff, and the great shame is not on donald trump. it's on the republican party. for accepting this. and if the republican party stood up to donald trump and said no, we're not going to have military tribunals, he wouldn't be able to get away with this, with this kind of alacrity that he does now, but there's a great conspiracy of silence and cowardice in the republican party. >> on top of that, you're seeing donald trump wrap himself in this persecution complex. he's got armed men showing up to mar-a-lago and to where he was going to be in california at coachella, but they're republicans. and yet -- and you have fellow republicans attempting to blame democrats and the left for being out to kill donald trump. when it's literally just people from his own side who keep showing up with guns near him.
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but he's creating this sort of persecution sort of veneration complex like he's some sort of christ-like figure. then you take that and you add to it what stuart is saying, essentially, they're saying that, and the republican party is saying the only outcome we will accept and certify is trump winning. and if he doesn't win, you, the trump voter, ought to take that as a signal that these people we have described as vermin are making war against trump, are trying to hurt trump and trying to hurt you. this is a recipe for a kind of sort of civil war over this election. when it doesn't look like he's winning it. >> yeah, every single thing you have mentioned is straight out of the autocratic playbook. the gop actually knows it can't win the popular vote. it's taking these extreme positions on reproductive rights and other things. so they have become an autocratic entity that is dependent on lying, on
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corruption, and the threat and reality of violence. then you have trump, who is doing the classic thing, you know, started by mussolini onward, that you are the savior of the nation, but you're also the victim. and this victimhood complex is really important because it makes his most deluded/devoted followers feel protective of him. even though he's always telling them that he doesn't care about them, like not having buses for them or in iowa at the caucus, he said even if you vote and you die, it will be worth it. so this is like the abuser mentality, but he has to be the victim as well as the savior, and that's something that all strong men do successfully, but all of this is just straight out of the authoritarianism, including the tragic outcome that they despise their own people and they consider them, anybody who does not have total loyalty becomes an enemy of the
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people, an enemy of the state, and so americans should know that it's not going to be just immigrants targeted. it's liberals. leftists, political opponents, lgbtq people, and that's how it always is with authoritarians. they may start by rhetorically emphasizing one group, but they always go after many groups. >> and by the way, the victims also include their own people, if you go back through donald trump's history, disproportionately right wing republicans died from covid because he would not promote the vaccines his own government helped to fund. january 6th, it was a trump supporter who tried to jump through the glass and ended up being shot and killed. it was trump supporters who were getting trampled. it's pro-trump police officers getting beaten and harmed. it was two people at a trump rally, his own people, who were the ones who were shot and killed in butler, pennsylvania. his own people wind up suffering and he doesn't seem to care. the people who died of covid,
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you don't hear him talking about them. his own people wind up suffering. if you're one of those people who thinks he won't deport you and your family, you don't know donald trump. talk to the people who understand who he is. you will be on the list and on the menu. ruth benben-ghiat, thank you. stuart will be back later. first, vice president harris responds for the first time to former president barack obama, telling black men to stop making excuses and vote for her. we'll have that next. consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare. with this type of plan, you'll know upfront about how much your care costs. which makes planning your financial future easier. so call unitedhealthcare today to learn more about the only plans of their kind with the aarp name. and set yourself and your future self up with an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3.
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if there is one thing you can count on every election cycle, it's the countless headlines about black voters shifting to donald trump. we start this week with the media's favorite parlor game powered by a "new york times" sienna oversample poll, meaning they plussed up a relatively small sample of their main poll, and which the times reports follows. black voters drift from democrats, imperilling harris' bid. the poll shows harris leading trump 78/15. what's odd is their poll contradicts a number of recent polls and history that say otherwise. a howard university poll from september shows harris leading trump among black voters in swing states 82/12. a cbs/ugov poll showed harris leading trump 87/12 among black voters. the debate about black voters
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also got a turbo boost from former president barack obama's message to men and black men in particular who might have hang' ups about voting for a woman. over the weekend, vice president harris spoke with a popular social media destination, the shade room, think tmz for black folks, where she responded to questions about obama's message. >> what is also important is, one, to understand as i said, i intend to earn the vote of everyone. including black men. two, pay attention to everything that president obama talked about, because he also talked about at length the danger of donald trump. the danger of donald trump. in terms of somebody who has said that they would weaponize the department of justice against his political enemies. somebody who has referred to black immigrants in springfield, ohio, legal immigrants, as though they would eat their pets. constantly perpetuating tropes.
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>> the vice president also sat down with roland martin for a comprehensive conversation about a broad range of issues from the economy to education, criminal justice and housing reform, africa policy, voter apathy and disenfranchisement. >> don't let anybody take you out of the game. there is an intent to make it more difficult. there is an intent to suggest to a lot of folks that their vote won't matter. what the intention that people will not vote. which is an attempt to silence folks. this election is going to be no different. they have already started with the misinformation and the lies. >> just today, harris rolled out a series of policies for what she calls her opportunity agenda for black men. which includes forgivable business loans for black entrepreneurs, more apprenticeships for black male teachers. more research for sickle cell disease and other diseases that
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disproportionately affect african american men. she's also calling for measures to insure black men have opportunities to participate as a national cannabis industry takes shape. by contrast, donald trump has laid out no policies that address specific concerns of most black voters, and no, ice krub's platinum plan is not on his agenda website. joining me now is reverend al sharpton, president of the national action network and host of "politics nation" right here on msnbc and jelani cobb, dean of the columbia school of journalist and staff writer for the new yorker. our dean is black, we love that. let's talk about this. i want to go, just for a journalistic point of view. you wrote a really good piece about this. this trope that comes around, i can go through all of the times it's been said. headlines show trump is going to win in 2016. trump predicts he can win 96% of the black vote. 2020, the federalist, why trump's gains with black voters
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could swing the 20 election. what's happening with black men and trump? lil' wayne, ice cube, 50 cent. then we come to today, trump gaining ground with some black men. polls, republicans are making gains. trump courts rappers. it literally is a train that's never late. >> right. >> it's literally never true. >> yeah, i mean, first off, black america is not winning on lil wayne to tell us how we're supposed to vote. no disrespect. the other part of it, i think, is that this is the lowest form of journalism. the kind of poll chasing, like this thing happens, that thing happens. then what you wind up doing is rayifying statistical noise, things that are outliers seem like they're mainline. that they're valid assessments of what's going on. there's another thing here which is fundamental. in the newsroom talking about this, i would say the old claim, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. and so when we look at the level
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of loyalty, this is a number 78 to 15. not a scenario in which kamala harris winds up with a smaller portion less than 80% of the black vote, and likely far north of that. but if you are going to make that claim, you need a lot more than one poll. a lot more than oversample and a single poll. you need a consistent trend line that shows across various polls and various times and various places that this is where this vote is headed. we don't see that. >> right y and we'll talk about this another day, but maria teresa kumar, they did a huge 3 3,000 person sample poll which is different than the oversample of latino voters. and the thing about it is, you will find what you're looking for. you can go to the barbershop and find one contrary brother who is like, i like trump. that doesn't mean that one guy or one rapper who is doing a video for trump represented black men broadly, but if you're looking for that and want to make a package about that, you
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can find that guy. the problem with that is you can go all the way back, let's go back to the clinton era. clinton dolled out 15%, when al gore was running, bush got 12%. you can go to 2004, bush got 13%. mccain got 5%. romney got 11%. trump got 14%, trump got 12% in 2020. there are simply about 11 to 14% of black men who have been republicans and voting republican since '68. you can keep finding those same brothers over and over again. that is not a trend. >> no, it is definitely something that we have seen his vote has been consistent with republicans before him. and in '20, he was even or three points lower than the republican candidate. a lot of polls are just their projections from some people with a narrow polling base. but the thing that i would challenge is some of these guys, the rappers, give up what his policies are for black america.
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we demand that of a black woman who laid it out today. a million people given loans -- given forgivable loans. they will let it go, $20,000, if you have got something that's viable. that's a business plan. they claim to be businessmen, a lot of these rappers. and on to the medical support and et cetera. i don't even understand how we're even talking about donald trump and business in the same sentence. when we had an 8.3 trillion dollar deficit and a supply chain disruption. he did nothing to stop the price gouging that some of the people were doing. he was president then. he was president when george floyd happened. president when breonna taylor happened. what did he do inoh, he got a bible, went across the street, had the secret service clear protesters can condemned the protesters. so what are we going to think he's going to do that he didn't do in the four years he was
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there? he was president, what everybody will not ask these two or three people who have endorsed him that claim to be artists, tell us why he didn't do what you think he will do when he was president. he was there four years. he did nothing. and some of the most brutal, nationally covered crimes that we have seen against black people. >> you can't be that great of a businessman when you have $317 million when you were born just for being born and you went bankrupt five times. there's this other explanation and you wrote about this. let me read you to you. should kamala harris not prevail in november, it will not be the fault of any single faction of the electorate. she will receive a large majority of black men's votes, whether that and the turnout among other parts of her coalition will be enough to win the presidency remains to be seen. bill kristol adds, if you believe it's important to beat trump, it's not obama's brothers who are the problem, it's my brothers who are the problem, white voters.
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this to me feels like a set-up to blame black men if trump wins rather than blame white voters who are the one group of -- in the whole demographics of this country, white men and white women who are the only group who vote majority republican. >> here is the thing here. we're having this conversation, and we're chastising black men for our supposed reluctance to vote for a woman for president. but when we look back to 2016, we see that black men, black men, voted for hillary clinton at a 40-point, by 40 points higher than white women did. >> correct. >> more than double the number that white men did. so no one looked around after that election and said there are a lot of black men who actually looked at hillary clinton and thought that this was where they would get the best policies. they did not vote along the lines of gender. they said this is who we're going to vote for. that story never got written. >> we're going to break, but i commend black men, brothers, let me tell you what you did. you went out there and played
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hard to get and got a whole long list of policies specific to you. that is how votes are supposed to work. you're supposed to be asked for your vote. you're supposed to have agendas presented to you. y'all got that. kudos to black men. reverend al and jelani are staying with us. we await the start of kamala harris' remarks in erie, pennsylvania. ask and you shall receive. come on, brothers. you did it. you did it i leaked too. i just assumed it was normal. then we learned about bulkamid. an fda approved non-drug solution for our condition. it really works, and it lasts for years. it's been the best thing we've done for our families. call 800-983-0000 to arrange an appointment with an expert physician to determine if bulkamid is right for you. results and experiences may vary. liberty mutual customized my car insurance so i saved hundreds. with the money i saved i thought i'd get a wax figure of myself. cool right? look at this craftmanship.
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any moment now, vice president kamala harris will be taking the stage in erie, pennsylvania. erie county is known for being somewhat of a bellwether, predicting what candidate carries the election since 2008. reverend al sharpton, jelani cobb, stuart stevens are back with me. when we see the introducer come on, we will cut.
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oh, that's the introducer. her name is karen. she's a retired civil servant and grandma. what do you expect to hear from vice president harris? >> i think you're going to hear someone that has enthused the country but someone that has policy along with the hype of an election. you will not hear that from donald trump. kamala harris has laid out a concrete program, not only for black men but for this country. you couldn't, with any kind of forum you want to use, tell me what donald trump has said he's going do for this country. it's all grievance, all hate. it's saying, as jelani was saying, mugshots, blacks relate to me. golden shoes, i'll sell you a bible that is made in china for $3, i'll sell it to you for $60. is that good for you, black churches? it's the most insulting campaign, particularly to black men, and when barack obama raises it, he's not chas tizing
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us. he's telling us look at what you're seeing. don't make excuses for him. to say that the first black male president is talking down to us when he's telling us what we are being talked down to, but a man says 34 counts felony count convictions is what we like, that's talking down to us. >> and just from a journalistic point of view, the media, sometimes you have to play bigger, longer clips. the other thing he said which is true is there is a global issue of misogyny and he did address that, too, not just black men. there's a global misogyny we're dealing with. the media skipped that. >> it's also across demography. let's be real, there is a problem with a number of young men feeling as if there's no place for them. not knowing where they're supposed to go, what they need, like how to achieve some kind of ideal of manhood and adulthood. we have to address that. >> absolutely. >> it's also very real those people are being siphoned off
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into a demagogic appeal, people taking advantage. >> stuart, let me bring you in too. that is an issue that is issue among white male voters too and primarily because this is the biggest chunk of voters that donald trump is going to get, are going to be white men and white women. so what does kamala harris need to do in erie, pennsylvania, and these blue wall states as they call it, to try to inch back some of that vote from maybe a curiosity to donald trump and his kind of fascist appeal? >> you know, i spent a lot of time in erie because it's the hometown of tom ridge who i worked for. it's a town that has a lot of immigrants. there's a lot of history there with steel mill workers. ukrainians, pols, czechs, and the idea that a town to a large degree was built by immigrants is going to support donald trump, who has made this a campaign against immigrants, which is just so fundamentally
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un-american. and it's so different from where the republican party was with ronald reagan. say what you will, he did announce in front of the statue of liberty to celebrate immigrants. one of the things that's really fascinating about these campaigns as they start to close is what campaign has composure? it's like a sports team. you get in the fourth quarter, it's which team looks like they're going to win, they know how to win. they know they have to earn it but they have composure. donald trump is just flailing around here. and it's only going to spin up and get worse and worse and worse because his poll numbers aren't going to improve because they're not offering people anything but this sort of grievance politics. and i think that's why you see in the new polls, the senate races of republicans are suffering. >> it's a great point. and to come back to the table, that is the way that we tend to read these -- this campaign in the media, is we just look at
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the polling number. what i tend to look at is donald trump's number. which hovers around 46 to 48%. it doesn't budge. her number flops around. kamala harris' number moves around. his number doesn't move. what you're not seeing and we don't talk about it that way because we're so driven by the horse race, i think, that we forget to think about whether donald trump is growing his support. and if he's not, and he's not trying to, that to me is the deeper question we need to ask. what is he trying to do? >> sure, so part of this is like the art of a salesman, which is the one thing he did know how to do. he's selling people on an idea of his own viability. and by and large we have often fallen for it. we have often gone for that idea. let's be real, we also have a vested interest in kind of presenting him as a character who is more viable than he may or may not be. the other thing i think is crucial and this goes into other kinds of strategic things that
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are much bigger than the campaign, is that the gop has dedicated itself over the course of multiple election cycles to making sure that you can win with 47, 48%. like, when we talk about the gerrymandering, we talk about voter suppression and those dynamics, that's mixed in to what's happening here as well. >> absolutely. as we await -- excuse me, i will rudely interrupt if she starts to walk on the stage, but rev, the whole point of a campaign is not just to try to win, but ultimately to try to govern as president of the whole united states. that has never been trump's goal. >> particularly since you governed for four years and all of the people that you governed with are saying you can't trust him. he's really a fascist. >> here she comes. mark milley, the joint chiefs of staff. called him a fascist. >> what are we talking about and where are the people who can say he's produced for him? in a city two-thirds black and
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latino, new york, you can't find one businessman that had a contract with him that was black or latino. >> here we go. vice president kamala harris taking the stage. lots of cheers. her theme song, the beyonce song, freedom, which we have become very familiar with. she's walking on the stage. this is expected to be a really dramatic presentation that is going to confront donald trump and the way that he has been running his campaign, the things he has been saying. we're expecting her to foiks on that tonight in a way we really haven't seen vice president harris do before. she's giving karen a big hug, the civil servant grandma who introduced her in erie, pennsylvania, and here she goes. >> can we hear it for karen?
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leaders who are here. thank you all for taking time out of your busy lives to be here this evening. and for all of us to be together. can we hear it for senator fedderman. your next state attorney general, eugene depasquale. mayor, bob casey, who cannot be here tonight because he's out doing what he needs to do to get re-elected to the united states senate. all right. okay. let's get to work. let's get to work. okay. okay. so here's the thing. pennsylvania, we got just 22 days until election day. 22 days. and we are nearing the
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homestretch. but here's the thing. this is going to be a tight race until the very end. okay. we are the underdog, we are running like the underdog. we have some hard work ahead of us, but here's the thing also. we like hard work. hard work is good work. and with your help, in 22 days, we will win. we will win. we will win. [ chanting we will win ] and here's why. and here's why. because this election is about two very different visions for our nation. one, his, focused on the past. and ours, focused on the future.
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we are focused on issues that matter most to families across america, like bringing down the cost of living, investing in small businesses and entrepreneurs, protecting reproductive freedom. and keeping our nation secure. but that is not what we hear from donald trump. instead, it is just the same old tired playbook. he has no plan for how he would address the needs of the american people and american families. he is only focused on himself. well, folks, it's time to turn the page. time to turn the page.
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turn the page. because america is ready to chart a new way forward. and america is ready for a new and optimistic generation of leadership. which is why democrats, republicans, independents, are supporting our campaign. because we need a president who works for all the american people. we are all in this together. and as you all know, this has been the story of my entire career. my entire career, i have only had one client, the people. as a young courtroom prosecutor, i stood up for women and children against predators.
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as attorney general of california, i took on the big banks, fought to deliver $20 billion for middle class families who faced foreclosure. i stood up for veterans and students who were being scammed by for-profit colleges. for workers who were being cheated out of the wages they were due. for seniors facing elder abuse, and it is my pledge to you as president, i will always fight for all the american people. always. together. we will build a future where we
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have what i call an opportunity economy where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed, not just get by but get ahead. . under my economic plan and by the way, you know, so dude wants to talk about his plans which are about cutting taxes for the riches people. please check out the wall street journal or goldman sachs or the 16 nobel laureates or moody's, who have all analyze the plants and said mine will strengthen the economy and his will make it weaker. okay? so under my economic plan we will bring down the cost of housing, and help first-time homebuyers, giving them $25,000 for down payment assistance so
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you can just get your foot in the door. you'll do the rest, you will save up, you'll work hard but just to help people get their foot in the door. we will help entrepreneurs start and grow small businesses, how many small business owners do we have here? i love our small businesses. you guys know part of my story, my mother worked hard, we lived in an apartment above a day care center, and it was owned, yes day care centers, bless you, and it was owned by mrs. shelton who, we think of and thought of as our second mother
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and she was a small business owner. and miss shelton, she was like all of you, who do this work, you are business leaders but you are community leaders, your civic leaders, you mentor, you hire locally, i love our small businesses. small businesses are part of the backbone of america's economy. so you all know what i'm talking about, and as we move forward, what we are going to do, in terms of knowing that small businesses must get the support you need to start up and to grow. we will expand under my economic policy, medicare, to cover home healthcare for seniors, so more seniors can live at home with dignity and like so many of my priorities, it is born out of a personal experience. when my mother got diagnosed with cancer, i took care of her. and for any of you who have taken care of someone, a senior in particular, you know what that's like and it's about
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trying to cook something for them that they might enjoy eating, it's about trying to make sure that they can wear that will irritate your skin, right, it's about trying from time to time, find a way to just bring a smile to their face or make them laugh. it's about dignity. it's about dignity. it's about dignity. but far too many people, who want and need to take care of family members, either you have to leave your job, or spend down everything you have to be able to qualify for medicaid. that's not right. i look at the sandwich generation, we refer to folks who are raising young children and taking care of your parents, the sandwich generation, balancing all of that, it's a lot of pressure. and you need and deserve to have the support to be able to
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handle all of that. in a way that we know you are adding so much to our community, societies and our economies. so i have a plan and my plan is to make sure that medicare, not so you have to pay down everything and get on medicaid, so that medicare helps pay for home healthcare, so you can do the work you need to get done in terms of the seniors in your life. under our plan we will lower the cost of everything from healthcare to groceries. look i'm going to take on corporate price gouging like i've done before, i will do it again. and give a middle-class tax cut to 100 million americans, including $6000 during the first year of your child's life, knowing, again, the vast majority of parents want to
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parent their children well but don't always have the resources to do it. so, by expanding the child tax credit, that helps a young family by a car seat, buy a crib, do the things in that so fundamental stage of their child's development, just to get them on the road to what they desire, and we all benefit from it. we all benefit from it. so, all of this is to say, i will always put the middle class and working families first. i come from the middle class, and i will never forget where i come from. i'll never forget where i come from. never. >> usa!
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usa! usa! >> so, i just outlined for you a little bit about my plan, now let's talk about donald trump. >> boo! boo! >> he has a very different plan . take for example, project 2025, just google it. it is a detailed and dangerous plan, for what he will do if he is elected president. you all have probably heard me say, donald trump, i think in our collective opinion, certainly mine, is an unserious man. but, the consequences of him ever being president again are brutally serious. brutally serious. so on project 2025, and his plan, donald trump will give
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diners and corporations massive tax cuts like he's done before. cut social security and medicare . the plan is to get rid of the $35 cap on insulin for seniors. to make it easier for companies to deny overtime pay for workers . you've got to read the plan. i mean, the fact that they put it in writing is a whole other thing to be discussed. and he plans to impose what i call a trump sales tax. a 20% tax on everyday necessities, which economists have measured, it'll cost the average american family more than $4000 a year. and on top of all of this, donald trump intends to get rid of the affordable care act.
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and he has no plan to replace it. you guys watched the debate. he has quote, concepts of a plan. but seriously, think about it, and all seriousness, he is going to then threaten health insurance coverage for 45 million people, based on a concept? the seriousness of this cannot be overlooked. think about that, taking us back to a time we all remember when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions, you remember what that was? well, we are not going back!
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>> we're not going back! we are not going back! we're not going back! we're not going back! >> no! and why are we not going back because we will move forward. because ours, is a fight for the future. and it is a fight for freedom. like the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body, and not have our government telling her what to do. and we all remember how we got here. donald trump hand selected -- >> it's the top of the era hour
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