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tv   [untitled]    October 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm PDT

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him and that was a lot of what he talked about today in pennsylvania. >> i think it's like the evolution of a radical because it sort of on the fence support for trump and then full support for trump and now it's an embrace for the market do conspiracy theories that the far right fringe, dominion voting machines on stage tonight, right? >> he was, it was funny there was one point where that elon would really in which i thought was pretty revealing at one point there was a delaware county activist trying to give him a book about election fraud. and you could tell he was at first his interest was piqued and he obviously is interested in this topic but he wouldn't take the book. and you could tell it almost reminded me like someone trying to give a politician a hat to wear in the politician like is intrigued by the hat but they know they should not put the hat on. he would not take the book. then afterwards i talked to the guy who tried to give him the book and he said that elon handed it like a politician which you know is true, he did. >> elon 2028, teddy, in the audience. for work, dark maga.
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that is our show for this evening now time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. >> as you know that all- important senate campaign in arizona could be with the sides control the senate diego democratic candidate for senate in arizona it will also join us tonight. >> eager to hear that one, have a great show. just 19 days until election day the stock market closed today and another record all- time high. and the cover of the economist now describes the american economy as the quote envy of the world to put that in political terms, the economist is saying that the biden economy is the envy of the world. vice president harris interrupted her campaign schedule today in wisconsin to address the breaking news that the leader of hamas had been killed by israeli forces. saying that it was an opportunity to finally end the war in gaza.
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>> today israel confirmed that yahya sinwar the leader of hamas is dead. and justice has been served. and the united states, israel and the entire world are better off as a result. he was responsible for the killing of thousands of innocent people. including the victims of october 7 and hostages killed in gaza. he had american blood on his hands. today i can only hope that the families of the victims of hamas feel a sense and measure of relief. yahya sinwar was the mastermind of october 7, the deadliest day for the jewish people since the holocaust. a terrorist attack that killed 1200 innocent people and included horrific sexual violence and more than 250 hostages taken into gaza
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including seven americans living and deceased who remain in captivity. a terrorist attack that triggered a devastating war in gaza. a war that has led to unconscionable suffering of many innocent palestinians. and greater instability throughout the middle east. in the past year, american special operations and intelligence personnel have worked closely with their israeli counterparts to locate and track yahya sinwar and other hamas leaders. and i commend their work and i will say to any terrorist who kills americans, threatens the american people, or threatens our troops or our interests. know this, we will always bring you to justice. israel has a right to defend
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itself. and the threat hamas poses to israel must be eliminated. today there is clear progress toward that goal. hamas is decimated. and its leadership is eliminated. this moment gives us an opportunity to finally end the war in gaza. and it must end such that israel is secure. the hostages are released. the suffering in gaza ends and the palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, security, freedom and self- determination. and, it is time for the day after to begin. without hamas in power. we will not give up on these goals. and i will always work to create a future of peace, dignity, and security for all.
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i think you all. >> donald trump does not stop what he was doing today which as far as we know was nothing. to comment on the breaking news about hamas today. mark cuban who is far richer and more successful at business than donald trump ever has been, is now campaigning for kamala harris and attacking donald trump's dangerous and inflationary tariff ideas. >> he has this crazy crazy notion that putting a tariff of 60% on every single plot and product imported from china is a good idea. let me just tell you, this man has so little understanding of tariffs he thinks that china pays for them. this is the same guy who also thought that mexico would pay for the wall so there is that.
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>> did mexico pay for that wall? no, you said it wrong. that's what i'm talking about. you know we all know that across-the-board tariffs are attacks on everybody all the major economists have said so, and it has been talked about over and over again. univision town hall when ramiro gonzales gave him a chance to win back his vote. >> i want to give you the opportunity to try to win back my vote. okay? your action and may be in action during your presidency and the last few years sort of you know, was a little disturbing to me, you know what happened during january 6 and the fact that you know you waited so long to take action while your supporters were attacking the
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capital? coronavirus, i thought we were, the public was misled. during coronavirus. and that many more lives could have been saved if we would have been informed better. and also people in your administration who don't support you, i'm curious how people so close to you and your administration no longer want to support you. so why would i want to support you? if you would answer these questions for me i would really appreciate it and give you the opportunity, your own vice president doesn't want to support you now. >> so, the people that don't support is a very small portion, we have a tremendous about 97% of the people in the administration support me. but because it's me somebody doesn't support they get a little publicity. the vice president i disagree with him on what he did. i totally disagree with him,
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very importantly you had hundreds of thousands of people come to washington they didn't come because of me, they came because the election and they thought the election was a rigged election and that's why they came. them of those people went down to the capital and i said peacefully and patriotically, nothing done wrong at all, nothing done wrong. and action was taken strong action ashley babbitt was killed and nobody was killed. there were no guns down there and we didn't have guns, the others had guns but we didn't have guns. >> the others had guns but we didn't have guns. the others were the police officers who bravely defended the lives of donald trump's the vice president and speaker nancy pelosi and every member of congress on january 6 to donald trump those police officers were the others. meaning he was not on the side of the police officers. the others had guns, but we did not have guns. we did not have guns. that is donald trump, including
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himself in the thousands of insurrectionist who attacked the capital, that is donald trump linking himself directly to their actions, that statement will be used against donald trump in court by special prosecutor jack smith who has accused donald trump of criminal participation with that mob by urging them to do what they did on january 6. jack smith's case got one word easier today, by the stupidest criminal defendant jack smith has ever had to prosecute by him saying we. we did not have guns. today in federal court in washington dc judge tonya issued a ruling saying that jack smith can reveal even more of the prosecutions information against donald trump. in the criminal case that charges donald trump with conspiracy against the united states of america to overthrow the presidential election leading up to and on january 6. and a case that became a bit
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easier today for jack smith to prosecute thanks to donald trump's rank stupidity saying we did not have guns. the others had guns, but we didn't have guns. after listening to donald trump's rambling answer to his question including donald trump firmly putting himself on the side of the attackers of the capital against the police officers defending the capital, ramiro gonzales said donald trump did not win his vote with that answer. here is what kamala harris said about that today in wisconsin. >> i am campaigning for every vote because i want and intend to be a president for all americans. and no matter their political party, where they live or where they get their news, okay?
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and on that point, last night you may have seen i went on fox news. and while i was doing that, donald trump was at the univision town hall where a voter asked him about january 6. okay? so now we hear no january 6 was a tragic day. it was a day of terrible violence. there were attacks on law enforcement. 140 law enforcement officers were injured. some were killed. and what did donald trump say last night about january 6? he called it a quote a day of love.
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but, it points out something that everyone here knows. the american people are exhausted with his gas lighting. exhausted with his gas lighting. enough. we are ready to turn the page. turn the page. >> at the univision town hall last night with many immigrants in the studio and many more watching at home donald trump was asked if immigrants like the people watching univision are really eating cats and dogs that they are stealing from people's homes? >> i was just saying what was reported that's been reported. and eating other things to that they are not supposed to be but this is all i do is report, i
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have not, i was there, i'm going to be there. and we are going to take a look and i will give you a full report. >> everything about that is a lie of course including the full report that will never come. this is what donald trump actually said about eating cats and dogs. >> they are eating the dogs, the people that came in, they are eating the cats and they are eating, they are eating the pets of the people that live there. >> most voters in springfield, ohio, the place donald trump is lying about, voted for donald trump, 61%. it is a republican town. and not one of the thousands of trump voters in springfield, ohio has come forward to try to help donald trump pushes lie about springfield, ohio, not
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one which is worth keeping in mind for those of you who might worry about what disappointed trump voters might do on election day or election night or at any point that they think donald trump has not won the election, i for one think that they will do exactly what they did last time. donald trump lost the election. it was called by the networks on saturday, november 7. nothing. there was literally dancing in the streets in america and democratic cities and there was the same quiet, silence from the losing side of the presidential election that we have always seen. that's what actually happened the day donald trump officially lost. yes, a very tiny percentage of trump supporters decided to get violent in washington dc two months later on january 6 but most of the people who attended donald trump to rally that day in washington actually refused to go to the capital for him
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and most of the people who actually went to the capital refused to go inside the capital and do battle for donald trump. and most of the people who did go inside the capital have been arrested and convicted for their crimes or are awaiting trial for their crimes and since then donald trump has begged his supporters to come to the courthouses, where he is a criminal defendant and protest for him and they have steadfastly refused. and that is why the actual evidence before us tonight, very strongly suggests that we will once again see no violence on election day or in the week after election day and the january 6 will very likely be another calm day in washington as it always has been prior to the last time. donald trump, was asked the question at the univision town hall by a farmworker speaking to him in spanish. the farmworker george velasquez proved that he understands much more about the price of food in this country than donald trump does. >> [ speaking in global
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language ] >> good evening president trump for many years i have worked with these hands, hunched over picking strawberries and cutting broccoli. this tough job is mainly done by undocumented people. >> if you deport these people, who would do that job? and what price would we pay for food? >> please finish, yes. so, the problem we have is we
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had people coming in under my administration and they were coming in legally and in through a system that we had which was great. because i am the best thing that ever happened to farmers. >> needless to say donald trump did not answer the question and didn't come close and there is absolutely no evidence that donald trump understands that if the food supply decreases, because it cannot be harvested the price of food will go up. let's call that supply and demand in economics and george velasquez understands that. that's why he asked the question. that stumped donald trump. new york governor al smith became the first catholic nominee for president when he ran in 1928 and lost to republican herbert hoover. al smith has always been remembered in our politics for that one simple biographical fact. he was a catholic. the first catholic. major party presidential nominee.
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and that's why the huge annual banquet for catholic charities in new york city is called the al smith dinner. by tradition every four years, the democrat and republican nominee for president are invited to the al smith dinner where they are expected to make lighthearted comments which have in the past included some great jokes making them the funniest speeches of the campaign. like when john mccain appeared at the dinner with barack obama. tonight, donald trump who does not know how to be funny attended the dinner and was not funny. stood up there as of the first convicted felon to speak to the al smith dinner in its history. stood up there, defiling the memory of al smith who grew up on the lower east side of manhattan in an immigrant neighborhood, al smith's constituents were immigrants,
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he got into government to help immigrants. al smith did not make it through high school because his father died and al smith had to do the work to provide for his family and al smith would hate everything about donald trump. kamala harris could not attend the dinner and she sent a video message that included a comedy bit with molly shannon doing one of her old snl characters. >> is there anything that you think that maybe i shouldn't bring up tonight? >> don't lie. though shalt not bear false witness to the neighbor. >> especially the election results. >> there will be a fact checker there tonight. >> who? >> jesus. >> don't say anything negative about catholics. >> i would never do that, that would be like criticizing detroit in detroit. >> does it bother you that the trump guy insults you all the
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time because it bothers my friends and me. >> mary catherine it's very important to always remember you should never let anyone tell you who you are, you tell them who you are. >> the national catholic reporter editorial objecting to donald trump being invited to the al smith dinner the editorial says yes the al smith dinner was once a place or even amid the sharp elbow politics of a presidential campaign normal humans could sit with each other and share a meal and some levity and walk away with dignity and reputation intact. trump changed all that and it is absurd at this point to act otherwise. the real scandal is that the good catholic cardinal of the great city of new york would not have the courage to say, this year that the current republican candidate is a walking example of so much the catholic church finds repugnant in today's politics that he would suspend the invitations,
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the real outrage is that trump, given the public nature and extent of his repulsive record, should be invited to a fundraiser for an organization catholic charities that has long worked in the trenches to save and transform lives on society's finest margins and it is tragic and the guest of honor this year, will be someone whose personal example and policy wishes are in a collision course with the principles of catholic social teaching. in addressing the editorial directly to cardinal dolan, the last line is, we are disappointed you didn't have the courage to stand up to trump, a looming threat to the democratic ideals that allow the church to host such a high profile public gathering. here is how the vice president closed her remarks to the al smith dinner tonight. >> your eminence and distinguished guests, the al
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smith dinner provides a rare opportunity to set aside partisanship. and come together to do some good by supporting the tremendous charitable work of the catholic church. the church cares for the sick and feed the hungry. supports families with housing and education. and in times of disaster, provides not only essential supplies but also, so importantly, a sense of hope. the gospel of luke tells us that faith has the power to shine a light on those living in darkness. and to guide our feet in the path of peace. in the spirit of tonight's dinner, let us recommit to reaching across divides, to seek understanding and common ground. and in honor of the great al smith, let us fight to build a better future with faith in god, our country, and in each other.
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thank you, may god bless you. and may god bless the united states of america. >> coming up arizona is a must win state for the democrats to keep control of the senate and arizona senate candidate ruben gallego joins us next. next. voltaren... for long lasting arthritis pain relief. (♪♪)
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arizona senate race is a must win for democrats to keep control of the united states senate. >> hey arizona, this is barack obama. this commander-in-chief i had the honor of working with so many dedicated marines, soldiers, public servants and veterans. and this fall you can choose one of the best. to represent you in the senate. ruben gallego. he is the son of an immigrant single mom. he and his three sisters didn't have much. he worked in construction and at a pizza shop as a meatpacker. and anything to help his family, then he went to harvard
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and served in the marines. in a battalion that suffered terrible casualties in iraq. and in congress ruben has proven that he will stand up to corporate price gouging and work to lower costs for families. the guy is tough, and a proven fighter, now we have to fight for him. so make your plan to vote early, vote by mail, or on november 5 for ruben gallego. >> like kamala harris, democratic senate candidate ruben gallego is being endorsed by conservative republicans. >> i grew up as conservative as it gets. lifelong republican, still am but i cannot vote for terry lake, she doesn't want to solve problems she wants power, i am supporting ruben gallego, we might not agree on everything all of the time and we should look for candidates who
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demonstrate integrity, compassion and service to others regardless of party affiliation. i don't need to be a democrat to know that he has the character to lead arizona forward. >> i am ruben gallego and i approve this message. >> joining us now is congressman ruben gallego who is the democratic nominee for arizona's open u.s. senate seat, congressman gallego thank you very much for joining us tonight, you have an awful lot of pressure on you it's not just when you're seat, it's save the senate from the democrats. >> i'm used to pressure. never really had much handed to me in life whether it was fighting my way through war, getting myself into college whatever it is, i will do it. and look i do it for the people and i'm honored to have her support she is a great soul and a great arizonan as well as many other people that just want to bring the rhetoric down and want to see people work for the good of this country. >> what do you see as the
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stakes in this senate election for the voters of arizona? >> well for the voters of arizona it's whether or not you're going to have somebody who is actually going to fight for you or divide you and other arizonans in order to get power because that's what kari lake will do, she will do and say anything just to get power than of course we all lose as a state, it's also if you are a woman, are you going to have safe access to abortion? i'm running against somebody who said that in 1864 abortion ban which had no exceptions was a great law. and then was sad when she found out the, was asking for sheriffs to enforce the abortion ban this is somebody who is extremely dangerous and cannot be trusted with a vote in the senate so having me there is another safety net to make sure that women have a right to abortion. >> your opponent, kari lake donald trump's endorsed candidate says i do not believe


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