tv [untitled] October 19, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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who are less likely to vote, are you just saying that yes, we know the diehard maga fans are going to vote all day, every day, yesterday, and tomorrow, and they are going to go to our rally. but just because her base is not as fervent, wearing 16 hats and a flag outside their house, does that mean that her voters are less enthused? >> no, i am talking structurally. structurally it is less the case that younger people vote than older people. their jobs make it so much harder to get away. they don't want to hold them, they move all the time. so they have to reregister to vote and forget about doing so. they are not in the habit of voting. they have less income. all these factors. they just don't know. >> one of the biggest google searches for gen z's about voting is what why where to vote. >> you have to wear the uniform, exactly. >> really? honestly. i'm going to cry. because you know what i thought she was about to say? because i just interviewed a bunch of college students who are saying we can figure out what the policies are. and i thought you were about to say these young people are
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interested and they just don't know what the policies are. >> but there are not new voters, it seems like such a foreign thing to them. they don't know the rules of voting, and this is like they live in a digital world. i have lots of gen z's the work for me. they don't necessarily know that. >> that blows my mind. that blows my mind. and i have to ask. i know, everything donald trump says goes in one ear and out the other, but this talk this week of donald trump talking about the enemy from within. he still does have a lot of support from law enforcement. he does have a lot of support from people from the military. do they hear this? does it make an impact? >> yeah, he has support from a lot of people. i think he is right about this being the enemy from within. but it's him. i said this on joy's show earlier this week. he is the number one threat to our national security.
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he is what general millie called a fascist. from our national security committee, they have continued to identify him, and what i have called the american insurgency that he has created, and the propensity for violence, the encouragement of violence, the insurrection. he is our number one national security threat, and every national security advisor has said it. you have general crystal, general millie, admiral mike raven. they have all said it, and they are ringing the bell to say this is more about politics, this is about our national security. even if he loses, he is a major threat to our democracy and the integrity of this country. he's right, it is to the enemy within, but it is him. >> your point about the police as well taken. we look at the data after the 2020 election and there was a big spike of the number of contributions of people identifying themselves as police officers or captains or so on and so forth who were donating to republicans, trump in particular. very active about reaching out to police and engaging them. and you see the response. i don't think there is been
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polling of police, sadistically. but as someone who fits the enemies within category, apparently, because i am a member of the mainstream media, that is not a good nexus. >> after january 6, that's what i don't understand. >> is generations of the republican party saying we are strong on national security, we care about the police, we care about first responders. the democrats are making up ground, but we are talking about a generational messaging push from the republicans. >> generational is what's key. january 6th is clearly a horrible, terrible outlier, but if you talk to an old-school republican and you bring up january 6th, they then turn around and bring up 17 different things that you can't even remember happened in the history of ever. so there is some ground to make up over time. i am not defending it. >> none of them are going against the u.s. government. we are talking about peaceful protests and whatnot that they might compare it to, but it is not like trying to overturn the government.
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i mean, guys, we are heard. >> for sure. everybody is staying right here only return. a reality check about the trump presidency when the 11th hour and the nightcap continues. co oh, yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ teeth sensitivity is so common. it immediately feels like somebody's poking directly on the nerve. i recommend sensodyne. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. and my patients say you know doc, it really works.
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family of a u.s. soldier killed in action. days later the soldier's widow says that trump called her on the phone and struggled to remember what her husband's name was, and set her husband, quote, knew what he signed up for. donald trump denied those comments, saying it was a very nice call. in 2018, donald trump called stormy daniels or space on twitter. and just this week rachel maddow is reporting that trump's legal team recently tried to pay daniels to keep quiet again. in 2019, the white house announced it picked trump's resort to hold the upcoming g7 summit. trump later reversed course after accusations of enriching his own business. and in 2020, in the final days of the presidential election, donald trump falsely claimed that the country is rounding the corner of the covid pendant. of course, the deadliest weeks were still months away. that is what the trump years were really like. philip, i'm turning to you
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first because you are the one who started the conversation earlier, that the majority of the country really does consider themselves independent. why is it that so many people forget what those four years were like? >> it's fascinating. i think it's a couple of reasons. the first is that so much of the 2020 election in particular was centered around covid, and covid is just not a salient issue for people anymore. so a lot of the backlash that trump faced four years ago in november was based on his handling of the pandemic, which, at the time, was the most critical thing in everyone's mind and it just is not anymore. so a lot of people sort of give him a pass. that is overly rude, honestly, but they are not worried about his handling of the pandemic. so he is able to sort of just call that a mulligan, to put it in terms he would be familiar with. this is just a thing that happened to him. everything was great when he was leading, and in this mystery thing appeared that he had nothing to do with, and everything went bad. that is his argument, and it is compelling to a lot of people. there are people who are like yeah, things are more extensive. biden is getting the blame for that, even though it is
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primarily an aftereffect of the pandemic itself. and trump is able to say remember when things were cheap? it's great, it works, it compels people. >> and young voters literally can't remember. >> they can remember. in 2016 around social media at cnn and or the first year of trump's presidency, i did not sleep any of those nights. and it is interesting, because i think we live in a world where the vast majority of people don't really want to think about the president every day. they do not want to wake up in the morning and think about what the president tweeted or said. they want to go through their lives, have a great life, and maybe every now and again they tune into something political. that is what the vast majority of americans want, and i think the short memory for a lot of people is that they don't remember that. and i think even you are seeing in some of the polls, that over time they think he has mellowed or become less offensive, and some of that is because he is less on your twitter feed. he is less in your broadcasts. people are making decisions, media companies, to not take the full rally anymore. so i think it has flipped for a
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lot of people what living through that has actually will like. >> it is wild to hear this, because i saw a tweet today that somebody sent me about trump. he has been president, and our nation was fine, estimation point. your suckers and losers crap has been debunked. how is your bank account? do you enjoy paying more for everything? i don't. >> chances are what you have in your bank account is greater today than it was. but at the same time, yes, things are more expensive. >> right, and a lot of that has to do with the supply chain and the interruption of covid. and president obama pointed out, the economy was great because he gave it to trump. >> in the first years of the trump presidency, trump's economy was basically the same as barack obama's economy. >> i think this is kamala harris 's most persuasive argument. he was president mayhem. every day was mayhem and chaos and disruption and stress.
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and the entire world woke up every day to think about what crazy thing he was going to do next. that was the atmosphere for his entire presidency. it impacted our economy, domestic security, the global order. and i think right now is the think she should focus on. he is absolutely crazy, volatile, and unstable. and that is going to be our whole country if you make an president. you may not like me, but i will make things calm. you won't have to worry about everything and you won't have to deal with president mayhem every single day. that is why our allies want some stability. and the people who care about the economy, especially. you don't want him shooting off tariffs, you don't want him shooting off anything. >> when it comes to the economy, when you look at fortune 500 ceos that are backing him, they are looking at the broader economy, what it means for consumers in our country. when you look at business leaders who are pro-trump, those are business leaders who know he is a completely transactional man. and he is going to do things that serve them personally and professionally. and part of this whole tariff game is not oh, it is going to
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be great for american business, which it is not. lots of people know that tariffs are the number one way that donald trump gets to do his favorite thing, which is pick winners and losers. because you might run a business, and you're going to say mr. president, i need to make sure i can run my business and i have no competition. he's going to say yes sir, i will do that for you, as opposed to you. you were sassy when i was running, i'm not helping you. it's his ultimate way to pick winners and losers, and i think that gets lost in the whole debate. >> and ceos, it helps enrich them and their companies. it does not trickle down to their workers. they are the ones who get the money from that. >> it's really not that many fortune 500 ceos that are backing him. it is more people who run super, super successful people. the bill ackman's of the world that run a business. >> the people who have access to him or want access to him, or expect access to him. it will be great for me, personally. >> if i'm in the gaming industry, the most regulated
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industry out there, and i know i have a bad phone to get through that red tape. and i don't have to buy an nba team to get a gaming license in texas. >> what if you own an electric car company in a social media company first? one of the things that is fascinating is you are apsley right in terms of him picking winners and losers. but the thing that is underrecognized is he used it exactly the same way he used the wall in 2016. someone else is going to pay for it. every time he gets mad it gets higher. there's all these ways, targeting the foreign enemies, these foreign people who are bad for america. that's who he's going after. it's the same thing. it works not only from that perspective, but his base eats it up. >> everyone is staying put. when we return it is time for the mvps of the week, and you do not want to miss them when the night tack continues. cont
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if you are a regular viewer, you know what time it is. it's time for our mvps of the week. you don't have to love them, you don't have to hate them. who had an extraordinary week? who am i turning to first? paul. >> i'm going with what i think is the most underreported political story in america, dan osborne. the veteran independent candidate for u.s. senate in nebraska is winning right now in the latest poll, 50-44, against a radical gop maga supported incumbent named deb fischer. she's been there for two terms. there is no democrat in the race, and this is our proof of
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concept. independents have an option, they will vote for an independent. and in this race he is leading her right now and he may be the first independent elected, true independent elected to the senate in a long time. he's a navy veteran, and emma kratz have woken up to realize they may not be able to take people out in some states, but independents can. and this is a story to watch. >> all right, when you said the most underreported, i am think of a student council run. samantha, who do you have? >> in a politically divided country, there's a few things that brings people together. mine is sports related. new york is having a great sports month and year. some people are looking forward to it, hopefully a subway series. but mine is new york. it has been a banner year for the wnba. think about a couple of years ago, new york liberty could barely put 1000 people in 20 miles outside the city. it is the hottest ticket in town, in brooklyn. ellie the elephant. >> you don't understand. i called adam silver this week, i said let me tell you, when ellie the elephant is out sick,
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i want to fill in. and he is like are you kidding me? ellie is the hottest thing in the south. >> we had a red carpet for glamour women of the year last week. we had beyonce, we had pamela anderson, you know who everybody loved? ellie the elephant. and i also love the story of ellie, because it's a brooklyn story where, in testing the brooklyn bridge, they sent 25 elephants over to make sure that the people of new york understood it was safe. but the liberty, the only thing the glamour team want to go through. >> love it. >> so, there's a group called the center for common ground, and they have a sub group called reclaim our vote. the woman who runs that, andrea miller, it's a really cool organization. it's grassroots and they get volunteers to handwrite postcards to voters who are marginalized and might not come out for the vote normally. and these handwritten cards that go to people really make an impact, telling people in a nonpartisan way where they can
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register, what the voting hours are, and just encouraging people to vote and be engaged. i think what they do is great. >> that's awesome. all right, you are in a bad spot. they all had a great one. >> so, mine is ramiro gonzales. he is a face you are probably going to recognize. the gentleman who at the univision town hall stood up and asked donald trump a very pointed question. i used to be republican. lots of your former administration are not supporting you. i was put off by january 6th. if mike pence is not supporting you, why should i support you? and donald trump, who is used to having sycophantic interviewers and who is not used to having to speak to someone who actually wants something for him, in this case a vote, was just totally off. he said january 6th was a day of love, he made all these various comments about, he referred to the insurrectionist as we. it was just very revealing about trump, certainly, but just the context of having a
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normal voter ask a totally normal and rational question. >> i mean, just why is in your vice president, in theory, i'm just a regular voter. but the person who knows you the best, your vp, where's he at? >> right. as a follow-up he says he is not going to vote for trump. >> there you go. all right, gang. samantha, this is your first visit and i sure hope you come back. all right, thank you all so much. you at home, don't go anywhere. my mvp is next. stick around. stick around. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief.
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i am not letting you go home or go to bed or turn this off without giving you my mvp of the week because he is awesome. is australian golfer stephen alderson. the 44-year-old who goes by the nickname spud made history this week as the first player with autism to win a g4 d tour event. it is what he said after winning that got to me. watch this. >> just, growing up as a kid, being bullied all of the time at school and even other golf clubs, it means the world. >>'s bud's win is a reminder that what other people say about you, it is none of your business. believe in yourself and put in the work. dreams really do come true. just look at spud. on that note, i wish you all a
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fantastic night. if you are not dizzy tomorrow night, you can get to the nightcap again on saturdays. 11:00 p.m. eastern here on msnbc. remember, nbc films presents "my generation." the documentary that looks at how cultural and political events shaped four generations. this week, it is all about manella meals. samantha will know all about that. i think "nobody wants this" is one of the greatest shows i have ever seen. i've watched it twice. i might watch it a third time. now you can see her narrating this documentary. you can see the new episode tomorrow at 9:00 eastern right here. from all of our colleagues and their networks at nbc news, thank you for staying up late with me. i will see you at the end of monday. battle in the battleground states.
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