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tv   [untitled]    October 20, 2024 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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conversation this morning, and it's unfortunate, america, that's the way we have to open up the conversation about a former president speaking on things that have nothing to do with your well being and the future of your kids and grandkids, but rather his abject concern about another man's private parts. i want to note up something ashil capore laid out in an interview. he noted talking with barrett marrison, it makes it hard to vote for someone like kamala harris because she's the antithesis of a lot of things that john mccain advocated for throughout his life. but on the other hand, she doesn't want to overthrow the government. she doesn't want to instruct the justice department to start
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arresting republicans left and right. that for me is a big part of her closing message, and she does say this, as a matter of fact, alicia, where she notes she pledges to be a president who actively works to unite us around our highest aspirations, a president who is realistic and practical and has common sense. >> fundamentally who do you want to be a leader? the high stakes maryland candidate angela alsobrooks will be at the table in a moment. stay with us. you're watching "the weekend." w " r w to strengthen roots all winter for a better lawn next spring. how do you know all of this? says it right there on the bag. yes, it does. download the my lawn app today for lawn care tips and customized plans. feed your lawn. feed it.
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maryland where angela alsobrooks is facing larry hogan. a record amount of money has been pouring in from democrats to defend the seat. new campaign finance reports, alsobrooks has raised more than $43 million. republicans, they are not far behind with hogan raising $41 million. that's a lot of money. joining us now to discuss it all is angela alsobrooks. >> welcome, county executive. >> thank you. >> prince george's county. good to have you back at the table. >> good to be here. >> 16 days, and as we were talking about, you can do anything in 16 days, but for you, you have to finish the race. >> yes. >> i know the polling says there's a large gap between yourself and former governor hogan. you and i are politically smart enough to know that may not necessarily be how the vote
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turns out. what is your strategy to solidify your lock on this race? regard lesson of the polls. you internal numbers and other things coming into play, but voters in large measure are weighing both of you for the u.s. senate. that's the final sell if you will in the next 16 days. >> it is. we are in a competitive race, and we are sprinting to the finish line. we are reaching out to as many voters as possible. in the last few days, we have been all over the state. a number of counties. i have enjoyed being in talbot county, everything from montgomery to baltimore to anne arundel. we are just everywhere. we are going to continue that. the voters deserve to hear from me, and i have tried to reach every one of them. they recognize the stakes of it. our reproductive freedoms are on the line. they recognize we are working to make sure we have gun laws that preserve our children's
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lives. gun violence is the number one killer of our children. economic opportunity is a huge issue for marylanders. i have talked to them about where they are and the race for the future. it's the kind of state and country we will build for our children and grandchildren. it's been really amazing to have the chance to interface with marylanders, but we are taking nothing for granted. we are fighting for every vote. >> talking about taking nothing for granted, money a factor in this race, and i want to pull this up from the baltimore sun. you have raised more than hogan, but republicans have another $16 million in their war chest. what is that going to look like in the next two weeks? >> you're right, the billionaires from outside of maryland have come in to the race. $27million in negative spending because they share a goal with former governor hogan. they want to earn the majority or take the majority in the senate because they have an agenda they believe is in
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opposite of the average marylander. it's declared war against the reproductive rights of women. they open to benefit the big corporations against the middle class and have tax policies favoring the corporations. they are spending millions and millions of dollars because larry hogan are on their team. marylanders are savvy, and they understand having the senate majority led by the democratic party is in the best interest of our state and country. i have heard from a number of them, they want to ensure we maintain the majority in the senate. we will continue pressing to meet every voter where they are and make sure we are communicating the positive message going forward.
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>> i live in d.c., and i have seen all of the ads. for people who have not been paying close attention, but they are tuning in and like, okay. i'm hearing a lot about the presidential, and the senate race is important, and the ads are running. the ads the hogan team are running are accusing you of lying about taxes, and allies of yours day the attacks are very disingenuous, and has to do with your grandmother. can you clear it up for folks? >> yeah. >> clear it up. what's true? what's not true with the property taxes. >> these are very misleading ads, again, paid for by billionaires outside of the state, not only hoping to attack me. i have always paid my taxes. that's the fact of the matter is that. over 20 years ago, when my grandmother needed to leave her house, i overtook her mortgage, paid her mortgage for her, never knew she had a credit on her mortgage because i never applied for one. when i learned, i paid the mortgage -- sold the house six
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years ago, didn't know until recently she had a credit on the phone. when i found out about it, reached out to the d.c. government to find out the credit, and i paid for it. working to pay off the interest, but it won't stop the billionaires who have put up the misleading, horrible ads because they want -- because larry hogan is on their team. they are hoping to get the majority in the senate. that's what it is about. the billionaires along with larry hogan, want to empower the caucus with mitch mcconnell, ted cruz, rick scott, and others, and larry hogan is squarely on their team, and they are spending big bucks. >> to get the $43 million, a couple of billionaires had to throw in cash, too. there's that piece of it. >> not so much. i was just showing that we have, this past quarter the largest quarter we had, $14
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million. i'm proud of, 95%, $200 or less, and marylanders, it was 37,000 marylanders contributing. >> that's good, but there's another 5%. set that aside. the question, though, you talked about economic development, i'm curious how do you converse. it's not been realized to make the county the centerpiece of the economic development. one of the wealthiest black counties in the country. what is the narrative there when you go around and talk to folks looking at the county, what do you think about your leadership of the county in the development space when we are lagging behind, montgomery county, northern virginia,
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howard county? what we know, the county executive, led the state. i have created more job than any other county in the state of maryland and created more businesses than any county in the state of maryland. we are a huge economic engine for the state. i'm proud to have attracted the fbi headquarters to maryland. 7500 jobs, cyber security technology, and brought $100 million to the new carrollton metro in the last two years. we are leading the state in all of the different indicators including job creation. >> where is retail and commercial development, restaurants, small business owners, the entrepreneurs who are anchoring development? i mean, we are opening up these locations, but we are still getting strip mall style restaurants. >> that's the reason why it's important to attracted the fbi headquarters, winning against virginia. that's the reason it's important to have 100 million
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new dollars in the new carrollton metro. we are redeveloping cheverly. a huge development site where we will be 40% minority business and local business participation. we are seeing huge investment in prince george's county. in fact, $400 million invested near the blue line corridor, which is why larry hogan said i have known many county executives, my father was a county executive, and i have never known a better county executive than angela alsobrooks. >> you and the former governor had a good relationship, and this is politics. i hear people in maryland say people like larry hogan, and you made the case, i have heard you say it, larry hogan, it's not about him personally. it's about the senate. are you hearing from voters that that argument is breaking
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through? >> i am. this is so much bigger than larry hogan, and everyone realizes it. it's not in the best interest of our state or country to have the republicans in control of the senate, and they are voting for their children's future. reproductive freedom, we know the republican party has declared war on our daughters. my 19-year-old daughter will have fewer rights than her mother or grandmother. we want a permanent child tax credit. we want to cap the cost of prescription drug costs for people like my aging parents. it's about social security, preserving it, making sure we preserve medicare. these are all issues that the democratic party through the inflation act and the bipartisan infrastructure bill have led on. marylanders are savvy. it's so much bigger than larry hogan and really me. it's about the kind of future that we believe our children deserve, preserving democracy. it's an election that will send
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us forward. we are not going back. >> i'm sorry, i don't think the republicans are going to protect ivf. >> larry hogan said he would. >> that's in conflict with the republicans. >> it doesn't matter where he caucuses. >> where is larry hogan. angela alsobrooks is here to answer the questions. >> thank you to the county executive. we appreciate you being at the table a number of times. >> thank you for having me. >> we want to mention that we also invited governor hogan to join us here at the table, several times now, and you know, 16 days, ticktock. the invitation still stands. next we will be joined by the democratic party chairs of two critical states, wisconsin and michigan. this is "the weekend." an d michigan. this is "the weekend." and fsh hormone leveer time in a personalized report to share with your doctor to get the clarity you need.
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in the next 16 days, you're going to hear a lot, and i mean a lot about the blue wall. those blue wall states are very, very important. pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin. yesterday michigan kicked off in person early voting in detroit. the vice president's team is aggressively campaigning in the city's suburbs -- i can do it. as part of the efforts to cut into trump's margins with rural
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voters. this was harris' message to those voters as they headed to the polls. >> we are going to break some records here in detroit today. yes, we are. we are going to do this because we know what is at stake, and we know the power of the people. in is about the power of the people. this is about knowing each one of us as an individual and as a collective community and as a coalition. we have the power to make the decisions about the direction of our country. >> we do have the power, and helping us to talk about the power, michigan democratic party chair and wisconsin democratic party chair. thank you both. >> two of the people getting the least sleep possible in the next two weeks chair barnes, i want to start with you. we had congresswoman dingle, and she talked about the
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dynamics with labors and union and arab americans and young men and general enthusiasm in turnout. you know that too well. tell me what it will take in the next two weeks to get you to the finish line. >> we built a strong coalition with the folks with labor and the communities, and what we are going to do from here until the polls close on election night is run and run hard. we are going to talk to every voter we can, dragging folks to the polls, and we will keep doing it until we can't do it anymore because the polls are closed. it's a tough, tough cycle. we knew it was going to be. we always knew it would be close. we needed each member of the coalitions to come together to grab their friends, family, and colleagues to get them to vote. that's the work we have been doing and will keep doing. we may be tired, but we are not stopping. >> may be tired, but not stopping. ben, tuesday is the first day
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of early voting in wisconsin. president obama is going to join governor walz and travel to madison. vice president harris has recently been to the state, and the governor of wisconsin has been on this blue wall tour with the other governors, democratic tours, and they have swags and fleeces. i would like a jacket. i don't know who i need to speak to, but they look warm. what are you -- >> good job. >> thank you. i have no shame on national television. talk to us about what you're seeing on the ground. joining us right now from the road. i believe i saw the tease before you came on, in a town with the small population, but the population votes. what do we need to know? >> absolutely. i am in mercer, wisconsin, the loom capital of the world, the far north of the state. i think i went to eight counties yesterday. i will be doing a bunch more today. elizabeth warren is stomping through the state this weekend.
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the cast of the west wing is in wisconsin, going, event to event to event through the weekend, and we have had a series of visitors from the top of the ticket, and there's going to be a ton more. it's all gas and no brakes. what we are seeing, energy on the ground for democrats. i was in all of the rural county democratic offices, and they were packed with people coming back from canvassing door to door, and some of them going back out in the rain. wisconsin is where four of the last six presidential races down to less than one percentage points. thats not the margin of error. that's the margin of effort. we are rolling up our sleeves and putting in every iota we can muster. maybe we will win by a hair or a lot, but this is how we win. >> i am sort of torn in two buckets right now with your two states, chairmen. what is happening on the ground
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in detroit as you mentioned, chairwoman barnes, and what is happening also in wisconsin, chairman wickler, drop boxes used for years until mostly banned after the claims of fraud are back, and they are the subject of a bitter debate. city council and board meetings in the state consumed with battles over the boxes a glimpse of what could soon be the repeat of 2020. efforts underway by maga, by extremists within the republican party to block and tackle voters out of position to participate in the election. talk to us about the response to that, and in both of your jurisdictions, the efforts to overwhelm the ballot box on november 5th . i appreciate the runup, the early voting and everybody in the pool, as many as you can get in the pool now,
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but the reality of it is, november 5th is game day, and you need to overperform. whether you have efforts underway to slow down the process, to second guess the use of measures and tools that help voters vote, chairman wickler, what is the response by the wisconsin democratic party to that? >> the first thing is to make sure that every wisconsin voter knows our elections are safe and secure, and it's convenient. you can go in and register on the same day. if you want to find the drop box near you, we have the only listing if you want to help out, you can get voters to the polls. the key thing for us, making sure we don't wind up with an election so close that it is within the margin of
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suppression or the margin of overturning in the u.s. supreme court or any other venue. that means trying to shoot, not just for a hairline election, but if we can win by more than one percentage point, there's no recount with crazy lawsuits that try to undermine the will of the voters and throw out legitimate ballots. 2020 was a 6/10th of a victory, and they tried to throw out ballots. if we can win by more than we know it will be one, that's goal one. >> chair barnes, 30 seconds left, but i think ben just answered the question, what keeps you up at night? >> ben answered the question. as part of the maga scheme, it's to make it seem to folks there's something wrong with the election and the tool developed to make it easier for folks to vote. in michigan, wisconsin, all over the country, they are
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fair, run by nonpartisan and partisan folks. the elections will be clean, fair, and we will win. like ben said, we are going to turn out as many voter as we can and win as big as we can, so there's no question how much donald trump lost the state. he will lose it. another jam packed hour of "the weekend" ahead including elizabeth warren, josh stein, and michael cohen. our handle everywhere is @theweekendmsnbc. join us on social media. @theweekendmsnbc. join us on social media. my co. ket or jeans in b washes... even shoes. febreze doesn't cover up odors with scent, but fights them... and freshens! over one thousand uses. febreze fabric refresher.
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