tv Ana Cabrera Reports MSNBC October 23, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT
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fresh headlines questioning his fitness for office, including a new warning from trump's longest-serving chief of staff, saying the former president meets the very definition of a fascist. plus, bombshell reporting from "the atlantic" revealing trump wanted, quote, generals like hitler had, and used a slur when talking about a murdered service member. also ahead, vice president harris sits down with nbc news. what she said about the possibility trump could attempt a repeat of january 6th. >> do you have teams ready to go? are you thinking about that as a possibility? hello, and thanks for joining us. it's 10:00 eastern, 7:00 a.m. pacific. i'm ana cabrera, reporting from new york. 13 days left in the 2024 race. at the forefront of the closing campaign discussion, donald trump's fitness for office, and his repeated signals that he'll refuse to abide by basic
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democratic norms, to the point that his opponent, vice president harris, reveals that her team has plans in place, should trump claim victory on election night before all of the votes are tallied. >> we have the resources and the expertise and the focus on that as well. >> so you have teams ready to go, is that what you're saying? are you thinking about that as a possibility? >> of course. this is a person, donald trump, who tried to undo a free and fair election, who still denies the will of the people, who incited a violent mob and 140 officers were attacked. some were killed. this is a serious matter. >> those comments come on the heels of two stunning accounts from inside the trump white house. "the atlantic" reports that as president, trump said he needed the type of generals that adolph hitler had. meantime, "the new york times" spoke to trump's longest-serving
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chief of staff, john kelly, who not only confirmed that trump praised issue, but says that trump is a fascist full stop. >> certainly the formal president is in the far right area, he's certainly an authoritarian, admires people who are dictators. he has said that. so, he certainly falls into the general definition of fascist, for sure. >> nbc's shaquille brewster is following the trump campaign in georgia. also with us, founder of the so what sub stack, and former democratic congresswoman donna edwards. a flurry of headlines questioning trump's fitness for office and two high-level officials going on the record to call trump a fascist. how is trump and his campaign responding? >> reporter: good morning to you. we have not heard from former president trump yet.
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we're definitely monitoring that social media feed to see if he's going to respond directly. but we are hearing denials from his campaign. it's not just the comments you heard from his former chief of staff, his former secretary of homeland security, someone who was in the white house and knew him well, were in many of these meetings that you hear the campaign responding to. but it's also the idea that john kelly confirmed reporting that we heard before, that donald trump called service members who were killed suckers and losers. we heard from the campaign and his communications director says, quote, john kelly has totally beclowned himself with these debunked stories. he has fabricated, because he failed to serve his president while working as chief of staff. it goes on to say that trump has always honored service members in the military. but then there's "the atlantic" article and the details in there that talk about former president trump and quote him as praising hitler in that article.
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his campaign saying flatly, donald trump did not say that, a spokesperson saying, quote, this is absolutely false. of course, you know the harris campaign has definitely hopped on these comments, taken advantage of them, are blasting them out. but we'll wait to see what former president trump says in response to them. this is something that he has not hesitated to responding to in the past, and we'll see what he says when he gets on stage a little later today. >> you're there at his event ahead of this upcoming rally. what are we expecting from him today? >> reporter: i think i lost you, ana, i'm sorry. >> thanks. let me move on. this is not the first time reports of trump speaking favorably of hitler have come up, accounts emerged a couple of years ago, which john kelly now confirms. a large swath of the electorate
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didn't seem to care then. will these accounts hit differently? >> i think one of the most difficult things here is that there's a very small number of undecided voters, and there has been for a while. but the closer we get, the more it shrinks. what's so difficult about that is not every undecided voter is also a low or no information voter, but lots of them are. there's a reason that this close to the election, with a force as polarizing as donald trump, they're still undecided. i don't know, if i'm being totally candid, i don't know if this is the sort of thing that moves the number. what i will say in general, i would be skeptical it would. i think the kind of people that read "the atlantic" and "new york times" are probably likely already for kamala harris and they are going to believe these accusations, and that's it. people in the trump base are going to dismiss it, john kelly is unhappy trump fired him. the people in the middle, i don't know about. the one thing i will add is i believe john kelly, because what reason do we have to think he's
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lying? why would he lie? to shaq's point, this is not an anti-trump guy. he served as donald trump's chief of staff. he was head of the department of homeland security. there's something in john kelly's resumé up until now that would suggest to me this is a guy who is out to get donald trump, which is how he's being portrayed by the trump side. >> congressman, let's pick up on that because these are not political attack ads or democratic activists. these were hired by then-president trump who worked in his white house. how can democrats highlight the nonpartisan nature of this? >> well, i think they have to continue doing what they're doing, and that is get these messages coming from people who served donald trump, who willingly went into the white house, and who are now seriously calling into question donald trump's leadership, his fitness for office, and highlighting some of the things that he said.
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i agree with chris, there is no reason not to believe john kelly. he hasn't sought the spotlight, but he has spoken the truth. he's a man who took the oath of office and served in uniform. who are you going to believe, john kelly, or a serial liar that is donald trump? and i think for democrats, you've got to get these messages out in front of as many people as possible. and while there are only a few undecided voters, some of those haley voters and folks who were sitting on the sidelines, this is information that could potentially move them. is it going to move the trump base? no, absolutely not. but it's fighting over that really significant, though small, group of undecided voters. >> i want to highlight governor tim walz's reaction to all of this last night in wisconsin. listen. >> today it's been reported that donald trump said, i need the
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kind of generals that hitler had. don't be the frog in the boiling water and think this is okay. as a 24-year veteran of our military, that makes me sick as hell, and it should make you sick. the guardrails are gone. trump is descending into this madness. >> with so much focus on the economy, on immigration, on abortion rights throughout this campaign, are you surprised at all that it seems to now be culminating with the democracy issue? >> i will be honest, i kind of am, ana. and i'll tell you why. so joe biden centered his entire 2024 re-election campaign around the democracy idea -- these are facts, not opinions, donald trump undermined free and fair elections and played a role in the riot on january 6th at the u.s. capitol. to me, that should be a big
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issue. maybe the only issue. i will say, though, that i talked to a number of democratic consultants who were observing from outside, and they said, it doesn't work. it works for the democratic base, absolutely. they think this is the fundamental most important issue. but it does not work for the middle the congresswoman was talking about, that small number of people who are undecided. they just don't believe that democracy is going to go away if donald trump is re-elected. has that changed since -- and i think that was part of the reason that joe biden wasn't gaining traction. now, has that changed? i don't know. if i was kamala harris, candidly, if i was advising her campaign, i would say, talk about abortion in the morning, the afternoon, the evening, and on late night, because i just think female voters are going to decide this election. they've been the majority in every single presidential election since 1984. they will be again. this is an issue that is a loser
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every single time for donald trump. if he is talking about it, he is losing. if kamala harris is talking about it, she is winning. to me, you've got to pick, prioritize. i would prioritize abortion. >> this is stuff we can't turn away from, though, right? you don't want to normalize -- >> totally true. >> -- any of this. >> by the way, can i just add -- again, i just want to make clear, i think this should be a fundamental issue of the election, period. i'm just saying what i think as one guy. the undecided voter out there has shown time and time again, they're concerned about democracy, but it's not the only issue or the key issue for them. that's all. >> here is another thing i wanted to highlight from all this new reporting. congresswoman, the same "atlantic" article has an account of trump in 2020 when he was president and he promised to pay for the funeral of an army private who was killed by a fellow soldier. trump was reportedly told the
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funeral cost $60,000, and, quote, trump became angry saying it doesn't cost 60,000 bucks to bury a bleeping mexican. he turned to his chief of staff, mark meadows, at the time, and issued an order, don't pay it. later that day he was still agitated. can you believe it, he said, according to a witness, effing people trying to rip me off. the trump campaign says trump never said this, called it an outrageous lie. there is a clear pattern of trump disparaging u.s. service members. at this point, are americans numb to this pattern, or is it going to motivate them to vote against him? >> look, i think it's important, again, to highlight his disdain for those who wear the uniform. we hear it when he talks about his generals, we hear it when he talks about service members who are disabled, we hear it when he
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disparaged john mccain for being imprisoned. this is a pattern of donald trump's. so, i do think that, again, it's important -- these questions bring into question donald trump's fitness for office, his fitness to be commander in chief over that very military. and, so, do these comments surprise me? not at all. but it is a pattern of donald trump's and i think it's really important when you're asking a question about who should be commander in chief that this question of how he disparages the military and service members should be at the top of the list. >> thank you. stand by. you're back with us. now i want to bring in former cia director john brennan, also an msnbc senior national security analyst. here is john kelly in his own words speaking to "the new york times" about trump praising hitler. >> he commented more than once
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that, you know, hitler did some good things, too. and, of course, if you know history -- again, i think he's lacking in that, but if you know what hitler was all about, you'd be pretty hard to make an argument that he did anything good. >> director brennan, your reaction? >> well, john kelly is one of the most accomplished, decorated and respected flag officers of his generation, and i worked very closely with j john kelly over the years. and i have no doubt whatsoever in my mind na john kelly was accurately recounting the comments he was making. as congresswoman edwards said, this is not surprising, we have seen this continuous pattern over the course of many years of donald trump endorsing individuals such as a hitler, disparaging the u.s. military, advocating for fascism, which is
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what john kelly said, that he is fascist. and just like mark milley, former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, who said that donald trump is fascist to the core. it just demonstrates that donald trump is not interested in promoting our democratic system and values as americans. therefore, again, i find it absurd and appalling that so many americans are willing to just dismiss these comments. and the undecided voters that are still out there, i think they really need to take this into account when you have an individual such as john kelly and mark milley saying this about donald trump. is this the country that you want your children or grandchildren to grow up in? i certainly hope not. >> it's not just john kelly and mark milley. let's take a look at all the former trump officials who have spoken out against trump. mike pence, james mattis, john bolton, mark esper, bill barr, nikki haley. this list goes on and on, some of them calling trump a threat
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to democracy itself. we literally ran out of space to fit all the comments here. how do you make sense of it? a lot of these are national security and military folks, they're worried enough by what they experienced inside the trump administration, that they are now speaking out against trump. but they aren't going so far to say that they would vote for harris. >> well, i find that rather not surprising, but unconscionable on their part, because they know that if they are not going to support kamala harris and vote for her, this is something that's going to benefit donald trump. and all of those individuals that you showed on the screen, these were people who thought that they could keep donald trump on track. but they saw up close and personal that his actions, his private comments and decisions were very much consistent with a lot of the rhetoric we're hearing from him, which, again, is so inconsistent with what our country has stood for over the course of time. and whether it be on the
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national security front, the foreign affairs front or the domestic policy front, i think there's strong worry on the part of individuals who actually worked with him, with donald trump in the white house or in his cabinet or administration who know that he is determined to carry out an agenda here that is really going to undermine the principles of this great country of ours. so, again, the people who -- that's why i give great credit to a person like liz cheney, who is conservative to the core, who i disagree with on a number of policy areas, but she has the integrity and intestinal fortitude to stand up and say donald trump is not just incompetent and unfit, but somebody who presents a real and imminent danger to this country. >> at the top of the segment we heard from the vice president her team is ready for trump is claim victory pre maturely. do you think the election denial
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risk is bigger now than even in 2020? >> yes, i do. i think the trump campaign has an army of lawyers who are poised, especially in the key battleground states, to challenge election results if trump falls short at the ballot box. and this is not going to be like in 2020, where rudy giuliani was running this rag-tag team of lawyers. i think these are going to be confident and sophisticated lawyers who are going to do everything possible to make those claims of fraud stick in the courts. and so i am concerned and worried about the legal challenges that will arise and how it's going to make its way to the courts. and i do think that the republicans and donald trump are hoping to be able to bring this to the supreme court, believing they'll maybe get a sympathetic ear in terms of how the rulings are going to come out in his favor. >> director brennan, thank you so much for joining us. appreciate you taking the time. still ahead, inside russia's election interference efforts, and the disinformation that's
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already come to light involving the running mate of one of the candidates. also, heightened security stakes since 2020. we'll dive into how law enforcement and election officials are now training for anything on election day. plus, preaching from a harley. the black pastor riding through philly looking to encourage black men to vote. and america's first black president making the case to voters in detroit, with the city's native son, eminem. >> i was feeling some kind of way following eminem. i notice my palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. spaghetti. i'm nervous, but i'm calm and ready to drop bombs, but i keep on forgetting.
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more. remember, annual enrollment for medicare advantage plans ends december 7th. humana. a more human way to health care. (intercom) t minus 10... (janet) so much space! that open kitchen! (tanya) ...definitely the one! (ethan) but how can you sell your house when we're stuck on a space station for months???!!! (brian) opendoor gives you the flexibility to sell and buy on your timeline. (janet) nice! (intercom) flightdeck, see you at the house warming. i've noticed this especially, with some men who think trump's behavior is somehow a sign of strength. you never apologize for anything, you're not accountable for anything. i'm here to tell you that's not what real strength is. never has been. real strength is about working hard, real strength is about taking responsibility for your actions, real strength is about telling the truth, even when it's inconvenient. >> former president obama going
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toe-to-toe with donald trump last night, slamming the former president's hyper masculine appeal to male voters and going the extra eight mile when he was introduced by none other than eminem during his second rally yesterday in detroit. tomorrow, the 44th president will join the person hoping to become the 47th, when both obama and harris will be in georgia for a get out the vote rally. and joining us now from delaware county, where vp harris will hold a town hall today, and we have former congresswoman donna edwards. yamiche, trump came out swinging yesterday. what role do you see him playing on behalf of the campaign in the final stretch. >> reporter: as you said, from delaware county in battleground pennsylvania where vice president harris is set to have a town hall here, where she's going to be taking questions directly from voters. this will be the second time this week she'll be in
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pennsylvania taking questions from voters. earlier this week i was in another county where she was sitting alongside former republican congresswoman liz cheney, where she was taking questions from voters about things like cost of living and health care. as you said, of course, there's also other people out, including, of course, former president obama, and the role that he's playing is both reminding people of the days where democrats were winning elections in hard-to-win states, and he's also playing the role of really attacking donald trump and really landing punches on him and making sure that people understand that democrats, and, of course, vice president harris, see him as a danger to democracy. and in some ways, see him as someone who is un-serious. take a listen to more of what president obama said last night about former president donald trump. >> when he's not complaining, he's trying to sell you stuff. have you noticed that? who does that? he called himself the father of ivf.
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i have no idea what that means. you don't either. if some of the stuff happened on "saturday night live," you would be like, all right, that's going too far. that didn't really happen. but it did! >> reporter: and one of the things president obama is doing, and i've been talking to campaign officials who say they really see him as someone who is going to be a very successful surrogate, someone they see as valuable to this campaign. he's also underscoring, and we've heard from the vice president time and time again, that she sees donald trump as an un-serious man but that the consequences of electing him are very serious. you see obama sort of doing that having fun, you saw him rapping to eminem's lyrics and making fun of donald trump. but, also, underscoring and really leaning into the idea that it would be wrong for him to be re-elected. i've been talking to a lot of people in this state over the last few days about what they think of president obama being on the campaign trail. some are very excited because, again, it reminds people of the
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days when democrats were winning big elections. but there are some black men who have said he's condescending and offensive because he's been chastising. most people see him as an asset and we're going to see him alongside the vice president as well. >> thanks for your reporting, and keep up the good work out there on the trail. chris, meantime, we're hearing from trump in the final stretch, ramping up personal attacks against vice president harris, including some baseless claims about drug and alcohol use. take a listen. >> does she drink? is she on drugs? i don't know. i have no idea. smart people know, she's the only one that doesn't know it, low iq. she's a low iq individual. and we've had that for four years. we don't need another four. kamala harris does not have the compassion, the smarts or the strength to be president of the
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united states. she can't do the job. she's not mentally or physically able to do the job. >> again, no evidence about those drug and alcohol claims on harris. but if harris' closing argument is that trump is unstable, is becoming unhinged, is he making her case? >> yeah, a little bit. and i think he can't help himself, right? i mean, i think -- i don't get too much into the age debate. but what i will say is donald trump is much more uninhibited than eight years and he wasn't particularly inhibited back then. so i do think he's at a point where he will say and do absolutely anything. the stuff about, does she drink, is she on drugs, can you imagine if i just went out and someone just said that about me, just speculated? it's wildly irresponsible just to say about another person, much less when you're the former president of the united states
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talking about the vice president of the united states. again, what is so hard, i always say with donald trump, it's three stooges syndrome. they try to walk through a doorframe and all got caught. this is the donald trump problem. he says and does so many things, if any other politician said one of them, it would be a massive deal. they all get stuck in the door jamb and none get through because it's possible to take them all in. it's just -- the barack obama line that if this was an snl skit, you wouldn't believe it, it really rings true for me. >> that's an interesting analogy, the three stooges syndrome you bring up. congresswoman, let me pivot and play some of what we're hearing from the vice president in these closing days of the campaign. she sat down with nbc news last night and she was asked about whether america is ready for a black female president. >> do you think the country is ready for a woman and a woman of color to be president? >> absolutely, absolutely.
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>> you've been reluctant to lean into it, to talk about the historic nature of your candidacy on the campaign trail. why is that? >> i'm clearly a woman, i don't need to point that out to anyone. the point that most people really care about is, can you do the job and do you have a plan to actually focus on them. >> congresswoman, we just heard her talk about how she's not concerned necessarily about sexism or racism stopping her. are you? >> i'm not. i mean, i'll tell you the reason why. because i think that what kamala harris does is that she goes out and talks about what people need, what people want, what they expect of their leader. she doesn't have to state the obvious. you look at her and know she's a woman of color, you see her, you know she's a woman. so it's really not her responsibility to lay that out for the american people. and i think that she's right to focus on people's needs. we already have a candidate in
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donald trump who only focuses on himself. we don't need another one on the democratic side. and i think it's a smart strategy. she's been very focused in terms of leaning in to what she wants to do, what her plans are, what her current concerns are as expressed by the american people. and i think that's the right strategy. >> congresswoman donna edwards, thanks for sticking around with us. up next on "ana cabera reports," russia, russia, russia, how intelligence officials say putin's propaganda workers are pushing bogus stories, this time around to help trump. plus, i'll talk to one former sheriff training law enforcement and election officials for whatever might happen on election day. it's kind of confusing. it's so complicated. it's a pain. it's daunting. it's really difficult. it's daunting. ehealth is a less stressful way to find health insurance to prove it. we found people looking for a new medicare plan,
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this a serious issue for the war in ukraine, and potentially a sign that putin is scrambling. >> if their co--belligerent, their intention is to participate in this war on russia's behalf, that is a very, very serious issue. this is an indication that he may be even in more trouble than most people realize. >> both ukraine and south korea have raised concerns about the north korean troops, with president zelenskyy warning as many as 6,000 are getting trained for deployment. back here at home, 13 days out from the election, and one thing that hasn't changed since last time around, russia's attempts to undermine the u.s. elections and boost trump. the latest example, according to the u.s. intel community, russian influence actors manufactured and amplified inauthentic content, claiming
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illegal activity prevented by the democratic vice presidential candidate online, saying that he had abused a student. nbc news justice correspondent ken dilanian is joining us. walk us through this specific instance and what we know about it, as well as what else the intel community is worried about in the next couple of weeks. >> yes, u.s. intelligence officials described how they created a fake video making false allegations that tim walz had abused his students while he was a teacher and coach. these posts drew millions of views on social media last week, including a video of a man who says he was a former student speaking directly into the camera and making totally fabricated allegations of abuse. intelligence officials and private researchers say this is part of a vast russian disinformation campaign designed to help donald trump win, while also undermining confidence in
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the u.s. election system. in another alarming finding, this newly declassified assessment says that russia, china and iran will speak to exploit u.s. vulnerabilities in the election period and russia and iran specifically may try to stoke violence and promote bogus claims of fraud. the russians have already been promoting false claims that immigrants have been voting illegally. the bottom line is that officials say u.s. adversaries perceive a window of vulnerability to push disinformation and foment protests during the period from election day to the time the election is certified during the joint session of congress on january 6th. as we know, millions of americans are open to that message. >> ken dilanian, thank you. it's important for us to be aware of this and you will bring us any new details. another major concern before this election, security at the polls and keeping election workers safe. the "washington post" reports that local election officials have made more than 2,000 reports of disruptive protesters and menacing emails, phone
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messages and social media posts since 2020. and officials are working to make serious changes to keep people safe. in maricopa county, arizona, the largest in a critical battleground state, the tabulation center, get this, they will have snipers on the roof, metal detectors, and security at every entrance, drones surveilling overhead, and security cameras and floodlights to help law enforcement monitor this area. former sheriff of larimer county, colorado, justin smith, is joining us now. he now works with a group, the committee for safe and secure elections and has been training law enforcement and election workers across the country to prepare for election day. justin, it's hard to believe it's come to this. it's great that people are taking action to be prepared for whatever could happen. what does this training look like, and what are you worried about happening on election day? >> so, the training that we're doing, ana, is really to promote
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awareness and collaboration between law enforcement and local elections officials. we're also discouraging alarmism. we want to deal with the real threats that are out there, so what we're doing is simply learning from the things that have happened over the last four years and using that through what we call tabletop exercises to prepare election officials and law enforcement to work together and make a safer election process within their community. and, certainly, you watch what's unfolding around the country, what started sometime back with threats to election workers, to harassment, to generative ai is out there these days, there's swatting on election officials and we've seen fbi recently charged on a terrorism plot that was planned to be in an election location. so we have to run the gamut. we want to make reality there and promote preparedness, but not promote alarmism. we want to discourage that. >> that makes sense.
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according to "the new york times," one-third of state election officials have resigned since 2020. we've heard people talk about how they can't take the threats and the stress of it anymore. have any of the people you've been working for gotten threats related to the election? >> certainly, the committee for safe and secure elections was brought together based on the stories of a lot of election officials who had unfortunately been through some of these difficult situations. as a former law enforcement official, i could relate. law enforcement has dealt with threats and we've seen turnover. that's part of the message we carry, our brethren, our sisters in the election arena are facing similar challenges that we've had. it makes it easier for law enforcement to understand what that is and what we can do to stand there and let them know we have their back, we're going to stand with them, protect them and help them protect the election process and the integrity of your elections in the united states. >> we mentioned some of the security measures at big polling
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sites, snipers, metal detectors, drones. this seems like something you would see for a major celebrity or a presidential visit. is that necessary? >> it's going to vary depending on your location. obviously, when you look at maricopa county, how large it is, the issues they've been through, i've worked with the now-retired sheriff from maricopa and i'm aware of specific things they had to do in the past. a lot of things are actually much simpler. they're mitigation, they're basic things about office security, preparedness, awareness about safety issues. let's face it, most of our election offices were not built with security in mind. it was an office and maybe a warehouse. so we're talking through what are reasonable steps that you can take down to the smallest of election offices to be aware and be prepared. what you described with those, i understand, are appropriate in certain areas. a lot of them are simply making sure you have cameras, you lock
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doors, you monitor the security, you know who is in your facilities. and for local elections officials to coordinate with law enforcement and say, how can you help us protect. it's also balancing, because local law enforcement in many places around the u.s. is restricted on their presence at election locations, understandably so. so it's a difficult balance about where local law enforcement steps in and helps without maybe sending the wrong message to potential voters. >> justin smith, thanks so much for shining light on the work you're doing and for joining us today. appreciate it. now, some breaking news. this morning out of turkey, we're getting reports of a deadly attack on the headquarters of an aerospace company just outside the capital. turkey's interior minister called it a terror situation, while the local mayor says three people were killed, five injured, and the attacker is holding one hostage inside the facility. we'll keep an eye on this unfolding story. we'll bring you any more as it
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becomes available. next here on "ana cabera reports," $5.7 million and an apartment. collection of luxury watches, the assets rudy giuliani must start turning over to pay a multimillion judgment involving two poll workers. plus, start your engines. the pastor-led motorcycle club encouraging black men to vote in this final leg of the election. gives you three benefits in one toothpaste. healthy enamel. healthy gums and white teeth. this is my number one hack for healthier and brighter teeth and gums. best toothpaste, ever. find lumineux toothpaste at a walmart and target. i've been worn by celebrities, athletes, and world leaders.
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i've lost my name and i've lost my reputation, i've lost my sense of security. >> i don't want to go anywhere, i second-guess everything that i do. it's affected my life in a major way. in every way. i'll because of lies. >> those were former georgia election workers testifying about the impact on their lives, after rudy giuliani falsely accused them of election fraud. now, fast forward years later, a judge is ordering rudy giuliani to turn over everything from his apartment to a collection of luxury goods to settle a $146 million defamation judgment that moss and freeman won against him. the list of things giuliani has to give include his $5.7 million new york city apartment, a collection of luxury watches,
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signed joe dimaggio jersey and a mercedes-benz. lisa rubin is here to break it down for us. this is a pretty extraordinary ruling. how will it be enforced? how will ruby freeman and shea moss get control of giuliani's apartment, for example? >> the order requires rudy giuliani to transfer those assets, the ones that you were just talking about, and others, to them as receivers for the property. and i should note, usually it doesn't come to this. usually when somebody has a judgment against them, they try to pay that judgment. and if they can't pay the totality of that judgment, there are steps taken for them to pay it, for example, over time, or a judge intervenes. he tried to declare bankruptcy
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to evade the judgment and when the judge found that he was essentially abusing the bankruptcy code in order to evade the judgment, he ended up back in a new york federal court where freeman and moss asked for this order transferring rudy's assets to them so that they can begin to liquidate them in satisfaction of that $146 million judgment. >> does this happen immediately or could rudy giuliani appeal? >> he has to do it within seven days. that doesn't give him a lot of time to try and appeal. the other problem is, he doesn't really have much grounds for an appeal. for example, he could contest the judge's decision to transfer x asset or y asset. one of the things that was contested was, does he have to turn over his grandfather's watch that has sentimental value to him. whether or not he owes these women $146 million, that's long been settled. that itself is on appeal to a federal appellate court in d.c. but it doesn't look like rudy giuliani is going to get any satisfaction from that judgment any time soon. >> i've never heard of this
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before. how common is it? have you heard of this before? >> things are placed into receivership all the time. however, they're not usually placed into receivership in a case involving such dramatic allegations against a person that we've all come to know as america's mayor. usually doesn't happen in high-profile cases like this. >> it's one that we've been following for years now, and it looks like this resolution is almost there. thank you, lisa rubin, for bringing us the latest. a quick update from the trail. take a look at this. live pictures, democratic vice presidential candidate tim walz back home in minnesota, arriving just moments ago at this early voting site. he's casting his ballot right now in st. paul, minnesota. the twin cities area. i think we know who he's voting for, right? again, live pictures from the campaign trail. tim walz doing early voting today. up next on "ana cabera reports," a harley riding black
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pastor bringing the gospel of democracy to black male voters in philly. will it rev them up to vote in the next two weeks? >> black bikers vote, black men vote, and then just people who care about democracy. you could have the power to unlock benefits beyond original medicare. these are convenient plans that offer all of the benefits of original medicare, plus extra coverage and benefits. with a humana medicare advantage plan, you could get doctor, hospital and prescription drug coverage in one convenient plan. most plans include routine dental, vision, even hearing benefits. there's also a cap on your out-of-pocket medical expenses. that's more than you get with original medicare. and humana offers zero-dollar or low monthly plan premiums. so, call now to see if there's a plan in your area that could give you extra coverage and benefits. a knowledgeable, licensed humana sales agent will explain your coverage
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efforts to get out the vote are hitting the gas. on saturday in philadelphia, a group of more than 100 black motorcyclists hit the road visiting neighborhoods with low voter turnout to convince more black men to cast their ballots. nbc's trymaine lee caught up with them. how did this start? >> black men vote and black biker men vote team up to ride out and make noise in democracy and voting. check it out. >> reporter: in philadelphia they're revved up and ready to go. more than 100 bikers representing some of the city's black motorcycle clubs cruising through neighborhoods with low voter turnout, especially among black men. >> everybody needs to get out and vote. >> reporter: the harley davidson pastor allen waller heads the
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biggest black church in philly. >> black bikers vote, black men vote, people who care about democracy getting together. >> if you don't vote, nobody's going to hear your voice. >> reporter: joe paul is director of black men vote. >> talk about these efforts to engage with black men. >> black men wear tons of different hats. we're interested in barber shops and sports. it's important to see themselves riding through the neighborhood. >> reporter: vice president harris and donald trump are in a dead heat according to national polls. an overwhelming majority of black men voters support vice president harris, a generational trend is happening. 21% of black men under the age of 50 lining up behind trump. that's why both sides are in a battleground state blitz aimed at black men. >> thank you, pennsylvania.
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>> reporter: harris appearing with high-profile interviews with charlamagne tha god, roland martin and the shade room. and trump with nfl stand-outs antonio brown and leveon bell. >> we're here to support the vote whether on motorcycles, bikes, cars, riding, we want to make sure we're representing and moving forward. >> reporter: black men say they want to be heard. >> i think both parties make the mistake of assuming when you talk to black men about criminal justice reform, you answered our questions. we are entrepreneurs, business persons and we're homeowners and we are people with student loans because we graduated from college and we want some real discussions around economic matters in the community. >> this election cycle black men vote set out to register 100,000
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black men. they're about 95% of hitting their goal and 65% of those votes came out of philadelphia. >> in places like pennsylvania every vote counts. interesting piece. thank you. that does it for us today. i'll see you back here tomorrow same time, same place. i'm ana cabrera reporting from new york. jose diaz-balart picks up our coverage, next. nothing comes close to this place in the morning. i'm so glad i can still come here. you see, i was diagnosed with obstructive hcm. and there were some days i was so short of breath. i thought i'd have to settle for never stepping foot on this trail again. i became great at making excuses. but i have people who count on me so i talked to my cardiologist. i said there must be more we can do for my symptoms. he told me about a medication called camzyos.
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good morning. 11:00 a.m. eastern, 8:00 a.m. pacific. i'm jose diaz-balart. 13 days left until election day and vice president harris and former president trump are trying to reach voters who could play a crucial role in determining who wins the race. vice president harris' running mate minnesota governor tim walz and his wife gwen cast their
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