tv Morning Joe Weekend MSNBC October 26, 2024 3:00am-5:00am PDT
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keith morrison: they all get together and laugh and tell stories and imagine. who would he have become as an adult? and gosh, i'm sure we've been magnificent, just as he was as a teenager. payton turner: i'm kind of pissed that i don't get to meet his wife or meet his kids or-- oh, gosh, i know. --share all the adult things that we've had the opportunity to share with each other. but i think, you know, when i get rid of those, like, base feelings, you know, the underlying feeling is just a gratitude that he was in my life, even for a brief moment in time. that's all for this edition of "dateline." i'm andrea canning. thank you for watching.
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good morning and welcome to the saturday edition of morning joe weekend. let's get right to some of the conversations you might have missed. >> you think donald trump is a fascist? >> yes i do. yes i do. and i also believe that the people that know him best on the subject should be trusted. >> here we go. the closing message that's beginning to emerge from the harris campaign. michael schmidt and the atlantic. joe, the polls are showing, once again, a very close race. but the messages, the final messages are beginning to emerge. >> breaking news, this race is now a tie. it's interesting. conservatives don't support donald trump so they probably are thinking harris is going to win. but trump republicans will look at the polls they want to look at. harris supporters will look at the polls they want to look
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at. i just want to say, there's been some chatter about this october surprise. maybe it was michael schmidt's reporting, or jeffrey goldberg's reporting that was in october. maybe it is that kamala harris said he was a fascist. or maybe, more portly, it was donald trump's longest-serving chief of staff who was a general, a highly respected general, whose son gave his life to america in defense of america and who has committed his entire life defending this nation. he said that donald trump was, yes indeed, a fascist. and also, the chairman of the joint chief, donald trump's last chairman of the joint chief said donald trump was a fascist to the court. those are really the october surprises. the october surprises, willie, are not what everybody else is saying about donald trump. and i understand there's some
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pathetic people out there. some pathetic people that are trying to cozy up to donald trump, who are trying to blame jeffrey goldberg, they are trying to blame general kelly for a, quote, october surprise that they are making up. of course, imagine that. people actually questioning the integrity of those two, questioning the integrity of general kelly. but, no, those are the october surprises. the october surprises are what donald trump says and what he has said every time he has opened his mouth. the october surprise is that donald trump has said he's going to arrest his democratic opponents. the october surprise is that donald trump has said he's going to use the army. he's going to use the national guard against his political opponents. that's the october surprise. the october surprise is that donald trump has called nancy pelosi, adam schiff, called his
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democratic opponents the enemies from within. the october surprise has been that donald trump has said that democrats and people in the present who do not support him are the enemy from within and more dangerous to america. he has said it. he has said it. not me. not kamala harris. not general kelly. not michael schmidt. and not jeffrey goldberg. but it's donald trump who has said that nancy pelosi is more of an enemy to america than she, then put in, and all of the other communist leaders and dictators that want to destroy america. willie, that is the october surprise. that's donald trump's biggest problem right now.
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>> in october surprise that is not at all surprising from donald trump. because it's the kind of rhetoric we have been hearing consistently. but you are right that he has dug in much deeper on it, and given repeated opportunities to say, no, i was speaking off of the cuff or didn't mean that. he's making it very clear that that is what he believes. that the military may be used and may be deployed against people he views as enemies of the country, people like adam schiff and nancy pelosi, that you are talking about. and these comments, put together with what we heard from general kelly, who is a decorated four-star general, father for vice president hers. talk with them about a town hall last night, trying to make clear the choice here. how stark it is, what the country will look like, how different it may be if he is reelected president versus her being elected president. we talked about a campaign of joy coming out of the convention in chicago and all of those things that was there,
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that was really busy at stake. her numbers went way up and has stayed up since then. but now she's really drawing this contrast, with 12 days to go, of here is what i believe. you've heard my economic plan. made the speeches. but let's also consider where this country goes. >> i think what she's doing is two things at once. her campaign is about joy in america. it is about freedom in america. it is about women, who are right now in danger for their lives because of the healthcare procedures that donald trump has taken away from them. i mean, these are serious issues. she wants to bring that back. she wants to bring freedom back to women who have lost 50 years of freedoms. if you look at their social media outreach, joe, and you look at the way that they speak, it's a joyful campaign. but it is reflecting off who they are running against. a
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dark, dismal, fascist and increasingly obviously fascist person. >> well, yeah. again, it is pretty unanimous. even if you talk to the foremost expert in fascism in america, it a historian who has been around long enough, and who initially rejected that label and hates using the label. it fits too tightly, too comfortably on donald trump. this is what i find fascinating. donald trump has proven what many libertarians have said all along. and that is that if donald trump can take the rights away from women that they have had for 50 years, and have the government making decisions over a woman's body,
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the government, the federal government saying the state government can now make any decisions they want to make over women's healthcare, and they take control of a woman's body, and take away healthcare choices, the libertarian said that if they can do that to women this federal government that we libertarians don't think and do much right, they can take away my rights too. and in the final weeks of this campaign donald trump has proven these libertarians right. he has said, if you speak out against me, you are the enemy from within. if you are against me politically, then you are the enemy within and i can use the military and the national guard against you. if you say something on cbs news , i can take over cbs and shut it down.
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if you say something on a comcast network that i don't like, i can take it over and shut you down. he has promised, after being pushed back on from fox news hosts, from laura ingraham, from sean hannity, saying, you don't mean that. do you? you really mean that you're going to arrest her political opponents. do you? trump said, in fact, sure i do. we are not only talking about taking away a fifty-year right that women had to make healthcare decisions about their body, we are now talking about donald trump taking away the right of people to speak out against him. donald trump taking away the right of political people, to run in the democratic party against him and his policies. and he has promised this, repeatedly, even when pushed back upon in the final weeks of
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this campaign. so yes, this is no longer about women. this is about women and men. this is about healthcare decisions. this is about free speech. this is about the first amendment. >> yes. it's about all those things. it comes back to this discussion that we had in the town hall last night about whether donald trump was a fascist. and what you mentioned a second ago, this is, constitutional republics are very hospitable to classical liberalism and classical conservatism. they are not hospital, generally, towards either communism and the far left authoritarianism or to fascism and far right authoritarianism. if you are trying to run effectively as a consolidator of federal power for your ideological lens, not someone
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who was to disperse federal power and keep the government check, which is really what classical liberals and conservatives want to do, you want instead to take all of the power of the state and build something that looks as powerful and as disrespectful of, and is willing to trample over basic constitutional rights as what fascism, authoritarianism and autocracies are. that is the case antithetical to those more classical conceptions. it also makes it clear that we are all in this together because that's one of the truths about this. when you start taking away one kind of right and the state becomes a powerful doesn't care, make no distinctions in the end between men and women. it makes no distinctions between healthcare versus things in criminal justice, or almost any policy. it's all just about the power of the state under the command of an individual leader. whether that's on the far left
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or the far right, donald trump has gone around the circle now. he's not that far from being what he condemns most, which is communists and socialists. >> we have lots more to get to this hour. "morning joe weekend" continues after a short break. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours.
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let's bring in adrian elrod. jonathan, you got the first question for adrian. >> adrian, good morning. let's talk about the closing argument speech next week in terms of the thought process behind having it there at the ellipse, in terms of the symbolism individuals. also, what are we going to hear from the vice president that day? >> yeah, jonathan, i've been listening to the conversation you are all having about the moment that we are in and the
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fact that this speech that she is giving her closing argument speech is going to take place at the very place where donald trump, on january 6th, had the worst moment of his presidency. so she's really going to draw a contrast where she's coming in and saying, i'm here to chart a new way forward. i'm here to turn the page on donald trump. make your lives better and put the american people first, lower your costs, get us moving in the right direction and then really turning the page on donald trump's chaos and division that we not only experienced, but we are still going through it today. and of course, as you have laid out very clearly this morning, donald trump 2.0 would be far worse than donald trump 1.0. don't just take in the words of vice president harris, my words or your words. take in the words of donald trump himself. of people like general john kelly, who served as his chief of staff, who has made it very clear what donald trump's intentions were as president and what his intentions were if he got back in the white house.
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it's going to be quite the contrast moment. it's really going to crystallize the difference in this election between the type of leader the vice president would be for all type of americans, lowering costs for families, charting a new way forward, expanding rights, making sure that women's rights are protected, reproductive rights. but also, at the same time, really reversing the course and making it clear that we do not want this chaotic and divisive president back in the way house. >> adrian, on reproductive rights, we have organized a show a little bit later. it a number of videos about a woman talking about her own personal reproductive emergency that turned into a complete nightmare because of donald trump. i know the campaign is focused on that. it's also hard not to focus on fascism, as vice president kamala harris was pretty blunt last night of her town hall, saying she agreed donald trump is a fascist.
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and yet, watched a lot of his networks, fox news. they haven't really talked about this story. they haven't talked about his comments, about wanting generals , like hitler's generals. and when they do bring it up we had one host that kind of distorted the truth in kind of a sick way, where he said he didn't think donald trump meant it, that he was really just frustrated in the moment. he kind of wants hitler's generals but he didn't mean it, because he probably didn't know about hitler and his generals. so basically, the argument was, donald trump is too stupid to know what he is saying. that was the pushback from fox news, if i may. and i've got to ask the campaign strategy here. are you guys giving up on fox news? are you not putting surrogates on fox news to give viewers there an opportunity to hear the whole story, the whole truth about donald trump? are you not fighting for that anymore? or have you decided that is baked in with those viewers and it's better to put energy
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elsewhere? what's the strategy here? >> first well, i think surrogates should be everywhere. i run the surrogate operation on the harris campaign. we are deploying surrogates everywhere. we have hundreds of surrogates in the battleground state every single week. we are deploying them on radio, on regional tv, on podcasts. they are hitting campaign events, they are doing canvas kickoffs, they are going to churches. they are doing all of the things that you do to make sure we can reach every snow voter because can of course, as you know, we have the vice president and we have governor walz. but we need someone to go out there and deliver a message. as it pertains to fox news, look, we are obviously getting under trump's skin. in his interview with fox and friends he spent time not just attacking fox for putting ads on television, which is by the way what they do, you by ad space. both democratic and republican campaigns can put ads on any of these networks, as you all know. but he also spent time criticizing one of our top
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spokespeople instead of really talking about what his vision is for the american people, because he doesn't have one. so he has to spend time tearing people down, criticizing fox news for putting voices that don't agree with him on the network. coming up, we will talk with senator elizabeth warren who has been campaigning with vice president harris and governor tim walz. we will be right back. l be rig. the secret is the powerful ingredient, apoaequorin, originally discovered in jellyfish and found only in prevagen. in a clinical study, prevagen was shown to improve memory in subgroups of individuals who were cognitively normal or mildly impaired. stay sharp and improve your memory with prevagen. prevagen. in stores everywhere without a prescription. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need, and the flavor you love. so, here's to now...
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i don't want this. i want corndogs! corndogs! ♪♪ corndogs! corndogs! corndogs! ♪♪ i need another corndog! let's bring in democratic senator of massachusetts, elizabeth warren. she joins us from wisconsin where she has been campaigning for vice president kamala harris as an official campaign surrogate. i would like to ask you what you are hearing when you're talking to voters, senator, about the key issues in this campaign. and is jonathan correct that abortion healthcare, life- saving health care for women that does not exist for them now, is that a central issue? >> there's a lot of energy on the ground.
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right now in stevens point, it was in eau claire yesterday. we are in these towns and people are showing up and they are fired up. jonathan is exactly right. a big part of what they are fired up about his they understand that, right now, in wisconsin, they feel safe on the abortion issue. but they recognize that more than 30% of women all across this country effectively have no access to abortion. that gets them fired up because they understand that if donald trump and jd vance take the white house it will be 30%, it will be 100%. because they are coming for abortion all across this country. jd vance is already written a letter to the department of justice telling them to enforce the comstock act. he did that before he was a vice president candidate. that lays out the groundwork. that's what projects 2025 does.
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when i'm out talking to people, what i see is i see a lot of women and a lot of friends of women were really fired up. and the point is, they are out there doing something. they are knocking on doors, making phone calls, they are texting. they are taking their anxiety and putting it into action. i'm really hopeful that's going to pay off. >> okay. donald trump, center, sat down with howard kurtz of fox news yesterday with a wide-ranging interview in which the former president argued that a news program should be taken off of the air because it aired context that he didn't like. that certain democrats are, quote, enemies from within, including some of your colleagues. that january 6th was, quote, a beautiful thing. the insurrection of the capital. and that the dangerous lies he spent about legal haitian migrants in springfield, ohio weren't his fault. i'm going to play them and i would like to talk to you on
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the other side. take a listen. >> i've never seen anything like it. she gave a horrible, incompetent answer for a news program. it's not entertainment program. they call it, news, the number 1 news program. so she gives an answer that shows us she's dumb or incompetent, or something wrong with her. it's so bad that the people at cbs say, we are going to do a little editing. like the word, " the", make it "there" and replace it with a much shorter answer. that she did having to do with a totally different subject, which also didn't make sense. but it wasn't as incompetent. i think it's the biggest scandal i've ever seen for broadcaster. "60 minutes" should be taken off of the air, frankly.
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the outside people, the so- called enemies, if they are enemies, and they might not be enemies, if you have a smart president they can be handled. but when you have people investigating my campaign, when you have people, you know, they spied on my campaign. you understand that? that's been proven. they spy on your campaign. the russia, russia, russia hoax was all made up. now it is acknowledged that it's made up. all of these different things. you have the 51 different agents saying it was from russia and now they'll say it wasn't from russia. okay. so we were lying. many different things. many, many. i can go over them. you just don't have enough time. what they've done is so terrible. who has ever heard of anything like this? adam schiff the shift. he's a crooked guy, crooked politician. he's going to be a senator now. can you believe it? >> he's a political opponent of yours. >> of course he's an enemy. he's an enemy. these are bad people. we have a lot of bad people. but when you look at adam
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schiff and some of the others, they are, to me, the enemy from within. i think nancy pelosi is an enemy from within. she lied, she was supposed to protect the capital. a small group of people went down to the capital and then a lot of strange things happened, including police ushering them into the capital. you know that. i'm not referring to that. i'm saying that when i saw the tremendous crowd, the largest group of ever spoken to, in front of these beautiful monuments, i thought it was actually a beautiful thing. it was a protest. >> your famous line about springfield, ohio. i take your point that 15,000 to 20,000 legal haitian immigrants settling in the area causes a lot of friction.
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but when he said that it's gone viral and they are eating the dogs and eating the cats, you say that you are just reporting what had been said. but why not say now, look, that turned out not to be true. >> i don't know if it's true or not true. >> you don't know if it's true or not true? it's been debunked. >> what about the goose? what about the geese? what happened there where they were all missing? i have no idea. i said something. the big problem is that you can put 30,000 people into a 50,000 person town or city and expect this city to even survive or do well. what they've done to springfield, ohio is very, very unfair. there's a lot of stories. there's a lot of other stories that i've heard that are horrible. i haven't said it. maybe i will, maybe i won't. but that was a story that was reported and i said that. what you do? go after the newspaper that wrote it. don't go after me. >> you keep spreading lies. he spent the lies there and then howard calls him out and
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he says, the goose, the geese are all missing. and then mumbles and says, i have no idea. senator, a couple of things, we can talk about all of the lies there. we can talk about springfield, we can talk about the lies. he talked about the russia hoax. by the way, i want to read you what the republican-led senator intel committee said about the 2016 campaign. the report language is often stark and said that paul manafort and the campaigns receptivity to rush outreach was a grave counterintelligence threat and made the campaign susceptible to, quote, malign russian influence. that doesn't sound, if marco rubio and the intel community is saying that the campaign posed a grave counterintelligence threat, that doesn't sound like a hoax to me. i wonder, what about a major party candidate, a former president, saying that she is
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not an enemy, putin is not an enemy, kim jong-un is not an enemy. but that fellow americans who oppose his policies are enemies of the state. enemies from within. >> look, 10 different ways donald trump is telling us that he intends to be a dictator. that if he can seize power he wants to run it like a dictator. that's true when he identifies not the countries and the leaders of the countries that aren't dictatorships that threaten the united states, but identifies people who are his political rivals here in the united states. it's true when he says, if there's news coverage that disagrees with the trump position then it needs to be shut down. it's true when donald trump lies, gets caught in a lie, but just continues to repeat a lie. because he saying, there are no
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curbs on me. i will go ahead, as donald trump , and i will proclaim what constitutes truth. he will seize all power for himself. we truly have to understand that in this election there is a man who is telling us, loud and clear, given the chance, and he will be dictator not just for a day, he will be dictator. he wants to destroy our democracy because he wants all of the power for himself. up next, we will be joined by jeffrey goldberg who spoke with chief of staff john kelly about trumps's private praise for hitler's generals. with miebo, eyes can feel ♪ miebo ohh yeah ♪ miebo is the only prescription dry eye drop that forms a protective layer
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did the former president appreciate the constitution? did he appreciate any of these things? >> no, he, it was fascinating. he doesn't know a lot about, you know american history, and certainly as a, as a, i guess a former executive in his civilian world. you know, you, you, i guess you can be a dictator because you can fire people pretty easily. and the only thing theoretically that you have to follow is the law. but then again, an awful lot of people break the law and expect
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subordinates to break the law, to circumvent the law somehow. that's where he was coming from. that was his worldview. >> so he expected people that worked for him to break the law? >> when he told me that he wanted to do something 100% of the time i checked with the white house counsel because, often times, he wouldn't have the authority to do what he wanted to do. >> i'm not recommending anything to anybody. other than, when you are looking to vote for someone, regardless, you've got to look at the character and all those kinds of things. and then start looking at the individual's policies. if you are a conservative republican, much of what has
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gone on the last three and half years isn't what you wanted to have happen to the country. we can get by it. you might have a republican come in in the future. if a person's character isn't at least minimally acceptable then i think that person can do a lot more damage. >> that is four-star general kelly speaking on tape to the new york times. he also spoke to the atlantics editor in chief, jeffrey goldberg, for a new profile donald trump outlines what goldberg calls, the former presidents preoccupation with dictators and his disdain for the american military. he goes trump is once having said, "i needed the kind of generals that hitler had." trump adding, they were totally loyal to him. they follow orders. trump made a remark during a private conversation in the way house, according to two people
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who overheard the comment. old berg asked retired general kelly this week about trump's remarks concerning generals. kelly told goldberg when he responded to the subject he said, do you mean bismarck's generals? i mean, i know that he didn't know who bismarck was or the franco-prussian war. do you mean kaiser's generals? surely you can't mean hitler's generals. and he said, yeah, yeah. hitler's generals. he responded to goldberg that rommel had to commit suicide after taking part in a plot against hitler. let's bring in the editor in chief with the atlantic, jeffrey goldberg, and staffer at the atlantic. good morning to you both, jeffrey. extraordinary stuff from general kelly there, combined with what he told mike schmidt there on tape for the new york times. there's been criticism from general kelly of donald trump,
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not just direct, and perhaps not so direct about his praise for hitler and wanting his generals to be loyal to him the way hitler's generals were, of course, not knowing the history of the repeated plots against hitler by his own military. what stood out to you in your conversation? >> it's just that. it's the comprehensive ignorance, i think, of history. look, we don't expect presidents to be historians. but they have to be aware of what has happened before them and they have to be aware of broad trends, to political trends, historical trends. i think donald trump lived in a kind of vacuum of his own making in which he would take snippets of information that he has heard and turn them into full narratives about the way the world worked. what really struck me the most, and we've been talking about this for years now, is the complete lack of a learning curve on the part of the former
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president. in other words, john kelly, marine general, chief of staff, says, you know hitler's generals tried to kill him multiple times? and he said, donald trump said, no they didn't. you can live in a bubble of your own creation. that's fine for a lot of people but it's not fine for president of the united states. obviously, the other piece of this, to me, and again, i've been reporting on this for years, is his very strange disdain for service people, particularly those who were captured going back to john mccain, and even george h.w. bush, who he called a loser for being shot down by the japanese in world war ii. the disdain, as you note before , for people who are wounded and in combat. multiple examples in my story of that, of his desire to have big military parades put without amputees, because as he
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reported, they make him look bad. there's a whole range of things here. we've been talking about these things for a while. there's more and more evidence to suggest that he has a very, very dysfunctional relationship with the ideas that animates the u.s. military service. >> kelly spoke to you, and mike schmidt so close to the election. did you get a sense from him in your interviews about what he thinks a second trump term may look like? and what would be different in terms of the guardrails that we were talking about earlier in a second term? >> that's a very good question. and we've heard this. not only from john kelly, that essentially, if you talk to anyone, anyone of the so-called grown-ups who served in the first administration, they understand that the guardrails are going to be down. you know, our colleague at the atlantic, david, said that the
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issue with the next trump term, a theoretical next trump term, is that the velociraptor's have learned to turn the door handles. which i think is a very vivid description of what would happen. in other words, last time the authoritarian impulses that a lot of people around trump believe he has. john kelly has said this, bob woodward, mark millie, jim mattis. they believe that he has authoritarian impulses. but what we saw in the first term was a lack of ability or will, or hard work, to make those changes in the government. make those changes in america that he wanted to. but now, combine the fact that he will hire people like jim mattis, john kelly, he has promised not to hire people like that, people with broad experience and intellectual capacity. he has promised not to hire them. and they figured out where they went wrong, let's say on
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immigration issues for instance. i think that all of this group, including john bolton, the former national security advisor, believed it could be a much more dangerous administration because he has a better sense, or the people around him have a better sense of what he wants to do or what he can achieve using the right mechanisms. up next, -- with jimmy kimmel. they talk about the presidential race, the role of comedy and politics and donald trump's threats to punish people who don't agree with him. that conversation is just ahead on "morning joe weekend."
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at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ jimmy kimmel has been hosting his late-night show for over 20 years. can you believe that? it's very fitting, considering that his all-time idol is david letterman. last week i spent some time with him at his studio in los angeles and here is part of our
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conversation. >> jimmy, things for doing this. >> my pleasure. things were coming pick >> i had no idea that you have been at this for 22 years pick >> in january it will be 22 years. >> i was going to ask you if you saw comedy as an opportunity to push back, whether it is woke, or a group on the right or the left. >> i have always enjoyed having kind of a corporate villain. when we started doing the man show abc wanted to put it on. and i love that idea. because i love the idea of being on this wholesome, family network that still showed disney movies on sunday nights. i love the idea. then disney decided that we are not going to put this on. people are obviously more sensitive. i am personally not more sensitive. i think there is an idea that i am more sensitive.
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when comedians say things i always look at it within the framework of what a comedian is saying. >> they are comedians. >> i'm never offended by anything when somebody is trying to be funny. i love all kinds of comics. comics you might not think i like, i do, i love. it's overstated, the whole thing. >> everybody is a little oversensitive. >> there's oversensitivity and then there is oversensitivity to the oversensitivity. does that make any sense? >> that makes a lot of sense. we are talking about pushing back against corporate villains. nobody is better than that then your hero, and the guy that i grew up with and love him, david letterman. how big of an impact in your life was letterman? >> bigger than my parents. very big. in high school, you know people are known for this or that, i was known as the kid who watched david letterman.
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that was my identity. >> you are at a college radio station. >> that's true. >> what was your personalized nameplate? >> my license plate said, -- i went to the dmv and the lady said, you are letterman fan. i said, yeah, how did you know that? she said, do you think you're the only one that watches the show? >> you got out of college and he went into radio. right? >> that's a nice way of putting it. i didn't get out of college. i kind of wandered out of college. i was never serious about college. i was really just doing it in the hopes that i would get a morning radio job somewhere. and i got a morning radio job in seattle. it was my first job. it was very exciting. i cannot wait to get to work. the weekends fell long to me. i have not had that experience since then. i just couldn't wait to get on the air and then they fired us
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after 10 months. i was off the air for another 10 months. >> so you started this show and then trump happened. and we all manned the stations. kind of the same thing with you , where you didn't want to get political. >> many are now seriously questioning if trump is healthy enough to be running for president. so what does he do? will he does what he always does, he questions whether his opponent is healthy enough to be running for president. dr. doolittle hands was up attacking kamala harris medical records. >> but you felt it especially because of your son. >> yeah. i think that was more related to mainstream republicans and this idea that is not okay to have socialized healthcare but it's fine to have socialized education. if your baby is going to die, and it doesn't have to, it shouldn't matter how much money you make. i think that's something, whether you are a
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republican, democrat or something else, we all agree on that. right? >> none of it really makes sense. my son had an open-heart surgery and i'm just looking at the families and thinking, it's hard enough just to take off from work to come be here all day, make sure somebody is here with your kid. the medical expenses. and then, you know, i started taking interest in it. so happens i'm sitting in a children's hospital that is funded largely by donations, but also by government. i feel like i need to say something, if you like any to make something positive out of this very scary thing that happened to our family. >> you also get involved in another shoe, being from las vegas. >> the deadliest mass shooting in u.s. history. the shooter opening fire with an automatic weapon from his 32nd floor hotel room at the mandalay bay resort. >> it's shocking. most american support common
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sense gun safety laws. >> it's hard to believe that we've done nothing. we let this happen. we just let it happen. >> but you decided to talk about that as well. >> yeah. it is my how time -- whole town. >> hello, everyone. here we are again in the aftermath of another terrible, inexplicable, shocking and painful tragedy. this time, in las vegas. >> i don't like to speak about those things. it's very hard for me. i like to go out there and goof around. obviously, the human tragedy is hard to even process. it's harder to process is that we don't do anything about it. not all, but most of us believe in background checks. >> 90% universal. >> but half the country goes ahead and elects politicians who don't represent their views. because they are getting money from a group and they are
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getting an endorsement from a group that has power, has consolidated. it's disgusting. >> we will have more of joe's interview with jimmy kimmel in our next hour. we have a second hour of "morning joe weekend" for you right after the break. rapidly—leading to irreversible vision loss. now there's something you can do to... ♪ ( slow. it. down.) ♪ ♪ ( get it goin' slower.)♪ ask your doctor about izervay. ♪ (i. zer. vay.) ♪ ♪ ( gets ga goin' slower.) ♪ izervay is an eye injection. don't take it if you have an infection or active swelling in or around your eye. izervay can cause eye infection, retinal detachment, or increased risk of wet amd. izervay may temporarily increase eye pressure. do not drive or use machinery until vision has recovered after an eye injection or exam. izervay is proven to slow ga progression,
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morning. let's continue to take a look at some of the stories you might have missed this week. in your latest piece for "the washington post" is entitled "the double standard for harris and trump has reached a breaking point," and in it you write in part, quote, somehow, it is apparently baked into this campaign that trump is allowed to talk and act like a complete lunatic while harris has to be perfect in every way. i don't know the answer to the chicken-or-egg question, whether media coverage is leading public perception or vice versa, but the disparate treatment is glaring. let's review. first, harris was criticized for not doing enough interviews, so she did multiple interviews where she was asked questions that held her accountable, including with nontraditional media. she was criticized for not doing hostile interviews, so she went toe to toe with bret baier on fox news. she was criticized as being comfortable only at scripted
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rallies, so she did unscripted events such as the town hall on wednesday. along the way, she wiped the floor with trump during their televised debate, the only one they had because he won't debate again. trump, meanwhile, stands before his maga crowds and spews nonstop lies, ominous threats, impossible promises, and utter gibberish. his rhetoric is dismissed or looked past without first being interrogated. >> so, gene, chicken or the egg. i mean who is to blame here? >> this is so right. >> you asked the question, but i will say the media nine years in, still don't know how to cover this guy because he says outrageous things every night. the papers just -- just pass by 'em. i mean you look, the papers, even after he said, "i'm going to put the national guard and
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the military after my democratic opponents, enemies of the state." any other time, any other presidential election. >> uh-huh. >> that would have been banner headlines in "the new york times," "the washington post," the "wall street journal." none of them, none of them had it on the front page. >> yeah, and that's kind of shocking. look, you're absolutely right that we have not collectively learned how to cover donald trump over the last ten years. some of us have, but a lot of us haven't, and so that's definitely a factor. but it is also true that when the media do cover some just un -- inescapable excess of trump's, and i talk to people or hear from people on the republican side who have read it, who have heard it, who know
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all about it and they just shrug, they shrug. so it is not that nothing is sinking in. it is not that nothing is going out there about trump. so that's why i'm not fully ready to say it is all the media's fault. i don't think you can say it is going to be the fault of "the new york times" if -- if donald trump wins. i think there's a lot of guilt to go around, but i wrote that column -- i wrote it on wednesday. >> yeah. >> and i wrote it because in the morning i was listening to the audio of michael schmidt's interview with general kelly, donald trump's longest serving chief of staff, his closest aide in the white house, telling us how trump was a literal fascist. textbook definition of fascist. how he admired hitler. how he wanted to be a dictator.
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this is the guy who worked for him for a year and a half and is telling us without being partisan about it, you know, just like flashing red lights and blazing sirens about voting for donald trump again and giving him that power again. and then that night, vice president harris does a town hall on cnn, and for good reason in my opinion she answered a lot of questions with that kind of criticism of donald trump. he is a fascist. you can't vote for this guy. we have a choice here and we need to make the right choice. and then afterwards and the next day i hear and i read all of this about, well, did she close the deal, did she -- was she specific enough here or there. this is an existential question, people, and it is just not the same thing.
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they're not being covered in the same way remotely, and i think not being covered in a fairway. >> and last night donald trump calling the united states of america, quote, a garbage can, just to add to the rhetoric there. so jon meacham, we have reached a strange, extraordinary, perhaps dark place when we can get a big piece from "the atlantic" and jeffrey goldberg and here directly from general kelly talking to michael schmid at "the new york times" talking about his admiration of generals of the nazi army. why can't my generals be more like hitler's generals, denigrating veterans, denigrating service members who died, things like that. we talked to a lot of similar people who liked donald trump and they say, he didn't mean that, it is just trump being trump, he's blowing off steam. there's always some excuse, some landing place they give him, and perhaps themselves to be able to put their heads down and march
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through it. >> that's exactly it. you know, vice president harris isn't on trial here in the same way president biden wasn't on trial when he was running. we are. the american people are on trial, and if we choose -- if a sufficient number of us and a sufficient number of states choose to ignore the evidence that, as the bible says, those with eyes to see and ears to hear can detect, then there's no -- we have no excuse. we might have an explanation, which is that for a series of reasons people are not holding the republican party and the nominee of that party to rational account. i think that this is a test of citizenship in a way that certainly you would have to go back, i think, to both the 19th century and the civil rights era
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to find anything equivalent. i think gene's exactly right in that the conventional media conversation just isn't commensurate and it hasn't been for a long time to this election. this is not bob dole and george mitchell duking it out with bob novak. you know, that's like talking about the peloponesian war. it isn't that. "morning joe weekend" is back in a moment.
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springsteen. ♪ dad's garage ♪ ♪ driving all night chasing some mirage ♪ ♪ well, pretty soon, darling, i'm gonna take charge ♪ ♪ well, the dogs on main street howl because they understand ♪ ♪ if i could take one moment into my hands ♪ ♪ mister, i ain't a boy ♪ ♪ no, i'm a man and i believe in the promised land ♪ >> here's something about an american dream. fort mcpherson was won't a confederate army base where confederate soldiers were plotting and planning how to keep 3.9 million negros enslaved. now that land is owned by me. >> you ask donald trump what he
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is going to do to make health care more affordable. his only answer is end obamacare, end the affordable care act. he doesn't know why he wants to end it except for the fact that i passed it. the problem he's got now is that it is popular because 50 million people have gotten health care because of it. so a couple of weeks ago, you remember during the vice presidential debate, his running mate had the nerve, had the chutzpah to say that donald trump, quote, salvaged the affordable care act. donald trump spent his entire presidency trying to tear that thing down, and he couldn't even do that right. and now eight years after he was elected, when he was asked, well, what are you going to do, he says, well, i've got concepts
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of the plan. >> before i was vice president of the united states, before i was a united states senator and before that a two-term attorney general for the state of california and before that a district attorney and a courtroom prosecutor, and in those roles i took on perpetrators of all kind, predators, fraudsters and repeat offenders. i took them on and i won. well, georgia, in 12 days it is donald trump's turn. women have died because of these bans, including a young mother of a 6-year-old son right here in georgia. her family is here with us tonight, and we speak her name, amber nicole thurman.
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and you all have heard me say, look, i do believe donald trump to be an unserious man. and the consequences of him ever being president again are brutally serious. these are just some of the consequences of the trump abortion bans and what he does and what he is likely to do. >> so, donny, a star-studded appearance for the vice president outside of atlanta, a must-win battleground state there. we should note she will be joined by beyonce this evening in texas. her message talking about how she has a to-do list for the american people while trump is just for himself and also dwelling there quite a bit on abortion rights and reproductive health. contrast, if you will, donny, from what we hear from donald trump in the last days where his closing argument is about calling america a garbage can
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and his top surrogate, elon musk according to blockbuster reporting by the "wall street journal" last night, has been in frequent contact with vladimir putin since the invasion of ukraine. >> i'm going to repeat what meachem said at this point. we can't keep saying it -- we can keep saying it and we're going to keep saying, it is on us. if people are going to accept this, then it is on us. she talked about consequences, and we around this table all believe that we're heading to fascism. the problem is if we are right, you don't get a do over. >> that's right. >> you don't get back from it. i hear people going, oh, it is not going to be that bad or, you know, it is only four years. has there been any time in history where a democracy has no longer been a democracy and then they go, oh, no, like in russia they're going to vote putin out or hungary they're going to vote orban out. i don't think people understand there's no do-over here. >> i think the harris campaign
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has a huge challenge here and anybody who loves living in a free society has a huge challenge here, because how to explain to fellow americans, someone you love, that freedom isn't free. that this democracy that we've been living in -- >> that they take for granted at this point. >> that when it goes away the consequences continue into eternity and on everybody, democratic or republican, and that's when i come back to women. i come back to women. >> yes. >> because we know we need to turn out. we need to turn out even when it looks bleak. we know to fight for the hardest of times, and we're living them right now, if you can believe it, 50 years of rights taken away and our daughters and our sisters and our mothers and ourselves who need lifesaving health care aren't getting it. you saw kamala harris talk about a woman who died because of trump-era policies and the overturning of roe which he warned us about and then did. he warned us and then he did it,
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and nobody knows more the consequences of what that feels like than women who are left to bleed out in parking lots, women who have babies or fetuses in their bodies that could kill them and they're sent to another state, that they can't -- or women who are forced to deliver them to term, deliver them, the color blue, watch them gasp from air, and then some women in those situations sterilized to never be able to have babies again because of what they went through. even simple lifesaving procedures are not available, and it is not the women who don't have the choice to get these procedures. it is the doctors who are not allowed to do them, and these doctors are traumatized as well. they want to do what their oath is, to preserve the life of a person in front of them.
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>> it is savage. it really is. >> it is savage. >> it is. some of the laws that have been put into place where women can't be given lifesaving care, but, rev, this is, as we go down to the wire, this is a close race and it is also you and elise have both said it is going to be a tough last week and a half, especially in places like michigan. >> it is going to be very tough. and as i said earlier, i was in michigan yesterday, four cities, the thing that occurred to me, joe -- and it brought back to mind when mika was talking -- is the reason i think a lot of young voters, particularly young black male voters have a different view is they never experienced the bias and the institutional neglect that some of the older ones have. so when you are talking to young women, they never knew a time
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until now when they couldn't have the right to choose. in talking to young black men, well, they grew up at a time when obama was president, so having a black president doesn't mean as much to them as me. they weren't there. i was raised by parents who suffered jim crow. they were raised by parents getting jobs in corporations. so a lot of it is they haven't lived the life we are saying is possible. >> they cannot fathom this. >> because it was possible in their life. >> they can't comprehend it. >> elise, what are you hearing out of michigan, your reporting? >> you know, i spoke to a canvasser who was a little dismal about the enthusiasm level in michigan that he was seeing. it is such a contrast coming out of july when we were in wisconsin doing those focus group and the energies right after kamala harris was the nominee. >> so what has changed? >> it really coupled with, you know, the trump energy. now i think the democrats have done a great job on abortion, making it about basic human
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rights for women. >> it is a tangible. >> where they're failing, you look at cultural issues. you look how the trump campaign shifted their ads from an economic focus to an anti-trans ad they run during football games in wisconsin, which is everywhere. >> which is a lie. and you look how they've simply changed. there's no reason her numbers should be dropping in wisconsin. she is a very popular senator who has done good things in the state and running against an outsider from orange county. the trans ad has had impact. >> and you are hearing that from the canvas? >> yes. up next, democratic senator amy klobuchar of minnesota joins us with a new report of what to expect on election day and how long it might take to get the final results. "morning joe weekend" will be right back. eight months pregnan. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase ink card made it easy.
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committee. senator, you worked with former congresswoman cheney back in 2022. good to see you. to pass the electoral count reform act. what is it like to see her out on the campaign trail with vice president harris? >> i think that this is an incredible moment. as joe was just describing, wherever you are ideologically, if you believe in our country, if you believe in america, then you have to vote against the scourge of donald trump. because as liz captures this, this is really about our patriotic duty to uphold our democracy. i have worked with her, of course, on the electoral count act, something as well in the senate with senator manchin and senator collins and ushered this through to make sure we never have another january 6th again where people use the levers of an old law and tried to stop the will of the people. we now have
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changed that. you have got to have 20% in each house of congress in order to object to a certain state, and we've changed some of the concerns people had on rogue electors and governors, that's good. but i think the real thing going on right now, mika and joe, as you know, is this misinformation, and this information going on that tries to suppress people from believing in our democracy. >> yep. >> and then, of course, laying the seeds for if and when donald trump loses -- and i believe he will -- that he is once again going to try to claim that he won. that's why we issued this report that we've issued today to make clear what the state rules are and how long you can take to count the votes. >> senator klobuchar, good morning. certainly the electoral count act of which you were part of made some needed reforms to prevent what happened on january 6th, in the run-up to january 6th from happening again. we have the secretary of state of michigan, secretary benson
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was on our show earlier and she pointed to disinformation campaigns, misinformation campaigns, intimidation campaigns at the polls and real worries whether it is donald trump or one of his allies like an elon musk, that there will be efforts to sow doubt and chaos at the polls yet again this november. what more needs to be done to safeguard them the next two weeks? >> the first thing is to have citizens realize what is going on here. the thought that elon musk is out there offering a million dollars for someone to register to vote, and then you look at some of the rules in some of the states, like in georgia where it has been banned to offer water and food when people are in hours lines of waiting, that is absolutely an absurd situation. so i think people are on to this. one of the things we wanted to do in this report, and we issued one back before the 2020 election with senator schumer and sanders and senator
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duckworth, heinrich and myself. we want to make it clear not every state is alike. that's okay. we have a de centralized system. states like pennsylvania and wisconsin, they don't really start counting their ballots, right, the mail-in ballots that they have received and have waited to count until election day. that creates some delays. others states like michigan have changed some of their rules to make it easier to start opening the ballots and the like a week before. many, many states do that, red, blue and purple as it is, so that's why sometimes the votes come in later. so you saw some of that in 2020. you will probably see it again, and we want people to be aware when donald trump is trying to tell people, hey, there's something wrong with this system, that's not true. this is how it has always been. >> that is really demonstrative and helpful. we will be -- >> not only that, i saw
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disinformation ---er and i'm s glad you brought that up, senator. i saw disinformation, on x, of course, where somebody that had a big following was talking about any state that does not have the totals by election night, you know, should be arrested, they're defrauding the american people. this is something we've been talking about, you've been talking about for years. in 2020 i was saying that the state legislatures, the republicans in wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania, should do it like florida does it. we know by 9:00 at night who is going to win. by 7:30, 7:45, we know what is happening in miami-dade, broward and palm beach county. we know where it is going because all of the early votes are counted by election day. it was a very calculated
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decision by republicans to kill these reforms in 2020 and they've done it again in 2024 in those states, stopping early counting, which would allow us, right, to have the election called by 10:00 on election night. >> right. well, it is part of the reason why we would like to see some federal standards on this, but we have what we have right now, joe. and when i look at it, i was smiling when you said throw some of those states out. the ones that actually have the -- the ones that take the longest -- and they're never really a focus of this -- mississippi and west virginia allow ballots to be received after election day and little or no advanced processing. i know we're not focused on those two states but i have a feeling republicans might not want to throw those two states' results out. the point is we have a decentralized system. now, that can be helpful for things like foreign powers trying to influence our election
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and the like, but it is important for people when you look at this from a bigger view to remember how chris krebs back in 2020, head of sieps security security, said it was the safest election in history and he was fired. bill barr also said it was a safe election. he left the administration. you once again have a system set up and you have all kinds of people trying to sow chaos which is donald trump's specialty to make people afraid to vote because they think something is wrong with it or afterwards not believing the outcome. we have seen this movie before and that's why we have issued this report. it is on for people to look at so they understand what each of these battleground states, key presidential states, how their rules work, how many people have been voting by mail. it really helps people give them the information they need so
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they don't get sucked in by this misinformation. coming up, our next guest isn't partisan but he is fighting against the disinformation that threatens americans' elections. we will ask pennsylvania secretary of state about conspiracies, the voting process and what to expect on election night. "morning joe weekend" is back in a moment.
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kamala harris and donald trump have been campaigning hard in pennsylvania with its 19 electoral votes being the largest share available amongst the seven most closely watched battle ground states. but there are growing concerns this morning about potential threats to the election there. just this week a philadelphia man was charged with threatening to kill a pennsylvania state political party official who was recruiting poll watchers for the november the 5th vote. earlier this year, pennsylvania's governor, democratic josh shapiro, established the pennsylvania election threats task force to protect election workers and voters from increased political violence and threats. joining us now is the leader of that task force, pennsylvania secretary of the commonwealth al schmidt. he is in charge of the state's elections. first of all, mr. schmidt, very good luck for the next couple of weeks. we all will be watching you. how confident are you that the vote in pennsylvania is going to
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be safe and that the vote counting afterwards is also going to be safe? >> i have no doubt that we will have a free, fair, safe and secure election in pennsylvania in 2024, just as we did in 2020 i would add. we have had a lot of lessons learned since 2020, and one of those was -- resulted in the creation of the governor's election threat task force, so that if we do encounter any of the ugliness that many of us encountered in 2020 in big cities and rural counties, democrats and republicans alike, we have open lines of communication between law enforcement and the people responsible for running elections. so law enforcement can do its job and our election officials can do their job, that only they can do, which is counting votes in our -- in a very time-sensitive and highly scrutinized environment. >> so, mr. secretary, you just spoke about the threat of
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violence, but what about the threat of disinformation, of misinformation, of conspiracy theories? we see them running amok already on social media. you know, we are under two weeks to go until election day. some voters already casting their ballots. what can someone like you, your office do to try to tamp down those kind of conspiracy theories and maintain voters' faith in the process? >> well, those two things are really very closely related. as i think we have all seen in the last five years, these threats of violence or intimidation, targeting our voters, targeting our precinct poll workers or our polling places or our county election officials, really all derives from mis and disinformation that voters have been subjected to an absolute avalanche of it. so there's been different approaches from state to state in how to deal with it. some fight day and night with
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people on social media platforms to correct the lies that they're spreading. others ignore it all together. what we're doing in pennsylvania is really closely monitoring it so that we can share the truth about our elections at the same time others are spreading lies about them. you would think the truth would be the antidote to lies, and it has certainly been a frustrating process for sure, but it is our responsibility. voters have a lot of questions because elections have changed so much in the last few years, to answer their questions and make sure they know exactly how safe and secure our elections are in pennsylvania. >> secretary schmidt, you know, growing up we would go in and vote. wouldn't think much about it. would get the ballot, thank the people, vote and go. i now find myself when i go to vote shaking hands with everybody in there and thanking
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them because i know, it is crazy the world we live in, but i know the sacrifices that they're making and the risks that they're taking. could you just talk to americans that are going to go out and vote and tell them, whether it is in pennsylvania or alabama or idaho or california, what indispensable patriots all of these people are for going out there and helping this election run effectively? >> they really are patriots, and i would add they are your friends and they are your neighbors. when you go to vote on election day, these are people who are working -- our polls are open from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m., but obviously they have to get there before the polls open and obviously they stay there after the polls close so that they can report the returns to the county. but these are people working more than 14 hours for very little pay.
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it is basically a volunteer position, and the most important people on election day, it is certainly not the secretary of state. it is not even a county commissioner. it is those people who make sure that they're there for you when you show up and you can cast your vote and make your voice heard. they really -- whenever they're on the receiving end of grief and, you know, awfulness and all of the rest, it is -- it is really awful to have them experience that when they are the people making our democratic republic function. >> and they are volunteers, all of them. pennsylvania secretary of the commonwealth al schmidt. bring us those results quickly and accurately counted. we all will be watching. of course. >> up next, james carville is laying out three reasons why i thinks kamala harris is going to win. we will take a look at his
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♪ ♪ long-time democratic strategist james carville is out with a new piece in "the new york times" entitled "three reasons i'm certain kamala harris will win." he writes first mr. trump is a repeat electoral loser. this time will be no different. second, money matters and ms. harris has it in droves. since joining the race the vice president has raised an eye-boggling $1 billion. third, it's just a feeling. my final reason is 100% emotional. i refuse to believe that the same country that has time and again overcome its mistakes to bend its future towards justice will make the same mistake twice. america overcame mr. trump in 2020. i know we know we are better than this.
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jim messina, if you could comment, he didn't even mention dobbs, he didn't even mention women's health care. >> that's exactly right, and he didn't mention january 6th eat. >> right. >> the close of the harris campaign is focused on abortion and january 6th. you are talking to adrienne elrod and the campaign is betting a bunch on this. this is how they did better than expected in the 2022 election, where everyone except people on the show gave them grief about the way they closed in 2022. they're going back to this playbook because it works and because it sets up the contrast we talked about earlier, mika, that is important. trump is in it for himself and she's in it for you, and that ending is the right way to end a campaign. >> and katty kay, obviously, as jim has been saying this morning a powerful vision image one week before election day for the vice president to be standing at the elipse and to bring home and remind people what a trump presidency looked like and what it may look like again. >> yeah, and it does two things,
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right? it reminds everybody of that speech that donald trump gave before the crowd that then went down and stormed the capitol on january 6th. we were all there. we were all watching, and you are going to have exactly the same images behind her. it is a visual reminder of the chaos of that day and of the threat of that day, but i think it does something else, too. for those people who have been telling pollsters or have been telling door knockers, as i've heard them tell them, we don't quite know if she can be president, we don't see her as president, is she strong enough, is she ready, does they have the policy. some of that i think is code for she is a woman and she is not a man and we have never elected a woman for president before. but for kamala harris to stand on the elipse in front of the white house with the white house as her backdrop, and it is such a magnificent view of the white house from that side of the elipse, it puts her in position, right? i'm here, i have done the job, i belong here. i think visually it could be a
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potentially powerful image for her to close on, too. >> and that closing argument one that i think there's a little bit of "i told you so" from the oval office and senior west wing office because this is what president biden has been saying all along. one thing we are hearing from those in the harris campaign who acknowledge it is a tight race, it is a margin-of-error race, they feel confident they have a little more room to grow than trump does. trump has basically hit his ceiling, that's their case. first of all, do you think they're right? if they're right, where is that room to grow? >> it is a bunch of different places and one thing dave plough will tell you, it is not like a soccer mom election, one demographic we are going at entirely. it will be chipping away, a lot of things. some will be nikki haley voters, some of these will be white working class women who are more independent, not necessarily -- they were never trump voters in the beginning.
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going back to what katty said and i will answer your question because it is an important question, there's another thing that will happen with this elipse thing. trump always when he talks about that day, he does about everything as he boasts about it and talks about how it was the biggest rally he ever did, a million people on the mall. ridiculous, right? but there will be images, not just the images of what happened on the capitol on january 6th but images of the rally. i will be stunned if given the organizing muscle the harris campaign has and the money they have they don't turn out a larger crowd that day. if you want to go back to mika's politics of joy, a joyful, younger crowd than trump had, that shows up in larger numbers, is happy and angry and doesn't march to the capitol, would be a contrast of a different kind without having to call out -- just the visual itself will make a powerful statement. up next, we will have more of joe's wide-ranging
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>> there's probably no late-night host who gets under donald trump's skin more than jimmy kimmel. in part two of my sitdown interview with the comedian, he talked about that and what he would do if donald trump wins another term. >> i'm an optimistic person. i'm not hysterical. i laugh when people say, oh, you've got trump derangement syndrome. >> yeah. >> i think if you are a reasonable person you should have trump derangement syndrome. by the way, i think he has derangement syndrome about us too. the fact of the matter, this is a dangerous person, this is a stupid person, and that's a bad combination. and i think what we're forgetting, i keep forgetting it and i have to remind myself, he's not just running for president, he is running to stay out of prison. that's a pretty powerful thing. he is literally running for his freedom. >> it seems like everybody sort of manned, for good reason, sort of the battle stations, whether you are talking about democracy. you can look at the past week
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where donald trump is talking about arresting his political opponents. >> yeah. >> he pressured, tried to pressure disney because of your jokes. >> he's trying -- he believes cbs should have their license revoked. >> because he doesn't like how they edited a "60 minutes" package. how concerned are you about what you do right now may have to change if donald trump is reelected? >> well, it won't change. i am not -- i'm concerned certainly. i think that it would be so unamerican if he were to come after people who are speaking out against him. >> what do you think though is happening in the country? where you have two weeks out, and it is one thing to just look at donald trump and look at some, you know, senators, but we're actually talking about 70,
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75, 80 million people. >> yeah, i think we're focused on the wrong things. i think we're being focused on the wrong things. i think there are certain news networks, if you want to call them that, who are lying to people. i think that there's a certain generation, of which we are a part, who are used to watching television and seeing the white man in a suit telling us what's going on in the world and believing that what he is saying is true. i think that is engrained in us as americans. we grew up with dan rather and tom brokaw and peter jennings, and we did not question that what they were telling us was factual. a lot of people now are looking at sean hannity and whomever else and they're not questioning whether or not what they're saying is factual. what they're hearing is untrue, and i can understand why they thing what they think because they're being told there's a caravan of migrants coming and then nobody is following up at
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the end and saying, oh, there was no caravan of migrants coming and aurora, colorado, has not been taken over by venezuelan street gangs. by the way, this story about cats and dogs being devoured by haitian immigrants -- >> in springfield, they're eating the dogs, the people that came in, they're eating the cats. they're eating the pets. >> it is preposterous. i will tell you, i've been dreaming the last three nights, i've been going, going through all of this craziness over and over. it is starting to take a toll. like i just can't get it out of my head. >> that's all the time we have for today. tune in tomorrow, 6:00 a.m. eastern for another look at the ♪♪
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