tv Velshi MSNBC October 26, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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better than getting low speeds for high prices. right, bruce? -jealous? yeah, look at that. -honestly. someone get a helmet on this guy. xfinity internet customers, ask how to get an unlimited line free for a year. plus, a free samsung galaxy s24 fe. hey, good morning. it is saturday october the 26th. 10 days remain until election day and more than 36 my people across the country have already taken advantage of early and absentee voting options. this morning, early in person voting will open up and four more states. california. new jersey. new york.
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in michigan, the crucial swing state where kamala harris is going to host the get out the vote event alongside michelle obama. the democratic nominee in the final days of this race. on thursday night, harris held her first joint rally with the former president, barack obama, in the swing state of georgia. and at her reproductive freedom event last night, she was joined by one of the biggest stars on the planet, beyonci, and her bandmate kelly rowland. both of them grew up in houston where the rally was held. that is one half of the campaign split screen. on the other side, we have a unhinged donald trump whose fascist leanings are coming into greater focus every day. on this show, we have been closely tracking trump's violent rhetoric and his history on some of the most ruthless dictators. donald trump repeated his starts to expand the use of military force, bowing to release it against his domestic political rivals who he calls enemies from within.
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but there has been a shift in this last week. it is not just outside observers calling trump a fastest and threat to democracy. these are coming from his seniormost aides, including three of his top generals. the first warning came from general mark millie. the nation's highest ranking military officer who called trump fastest to the core and the most dangerous person to this country. in aramark to the journalist bob woodward and woodward's new book. the second came from trump's secretary of defense, madness, a retired four-star general. and this week general john kelly, trump's longest serving chief of staff said that trump is certainly an authoritarian and if given the chance would govern like a dictator. according to the poor, kelly felt compelled to speak out. to deploy the military against american civilians.
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in that interview, he said that trump frequently praised hitler, expressing admiration for hitler's general and claiming that the nazi leader did some good things. kelly gave trump an opportunity to suggest that maybe he meant otto von bismarck, but he said he meant hitler. he not only lost a world war that hitler started but mostly died by suicide as that failed war ended or were found guilty of war crimes or were executed. not exactly a team that the president of the united states should want to duplicate. but trump's affinity for dictators stretches back more than three decades. in a 1990 interview with "playboy," trump remarked when the students poured into tiananmen square, the chinese government, they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. that shows you the power of strength. end quote. trump's beliefs are neither new nor a harmless game of political trolling. they appear to be deeply held
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and decades long. someone supporters claim it is all just hyperbole, remember that trump has expressed these views for most of his adult life. this is who he is. it is who he has always been. and it is who he promises to be if re-elected. now, those who work closest to him tell us that our ears are not deceiving us. on friday, more than a dozen lifelong republican and former trump aides claimed, quote, the revelation general kelly brought forward are disturbing and shocking, but because we know trump and have worked for and alongside him, we were sadly not surprised by what general kelly had to stay. end quote. adversely, the republican establishment response has been quick. they gave a number of incoherent defenses, from calling each of these decorated generals liars to literally shrugging their shoulders and saying "when it comes to trump,
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it is par for the course." the billionaire donor response was that kelly was one person stating a series of things. end quote. these high-ranking generals have not only exposed trump, but they have revealed the troubling reality of today's republican party and those who continue to make excuses for his brand of fascism. the signals a consensus in support of undermining democracy on trump's behalf. on trump's behalf. not for the good of the country. it also offers a glimpse into how they will react if and when trump seeks to implement his authoritarian vision. we say this often on this show. when trump shows you who he is, believe him the first time. now, three republican generals supported by more than a dozen former trump aides are echoing that same warming less than 10 days between one of the most consequential elections this country has ever seen.
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certainly, the most consequential in our lifetime. not only because of their military and governmental credentials but because of the collective alarm they are showing. remember, the only thing that stopped trump from living out his fantasies during his first term was a team of lawyers and republicans who went to great lengths to stop trump. should those people not be there, those people were not be there. those human guardrails will be gone. replaced with a 2025 vision. 50,000 civil servants with loyalists who will do trump's bidding. my next guest, observed that trump's recent escalation is both deliberate and unprecedented. writing, "was less than three weeks to go, most candidates would be fighting for the middle ground, the swing voters. trump is doing the exact opposite. why? there can be only one answer.
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because he and his campaign team believe that by using the tactics of the 1930s, they can win. the deliberate dehumanization of whole groups of people, the references to police, to violence, to the bloodbath that trump has said will unfold if he doesn't win, the cultivation of hatred not only against immigrants but also against political opponents. none of this has been used successfully in modern american politics, but neither has this writer been tried in modern american politics. several generations of american politicians have assumed that american voters, most of whom learn to pledge allegiance to the flag in school, grew up with the rule of law and have never experienced occupation or invasion, would be resistant to this kind of language and imagery." trump is gambling knowingly and cynically. end quote. i am joined by an apple. she is the writer of numerous books including her
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most recent "autocracy, inc.. the dictators who want to rule the world." if you want to read books, read anne applebom's books. there are constant references that you and tim snyder and others will make on our show to the 1930s in europe and germany in particular. people have thought it cannot go that wrong. but the senator politics were then and sadly and alarmingly may be working today. >> yes. no. i think it is really important to start with this word "fastest." i think unfortunately it creates a connotation of storm troopers and holocaust in hitler that is a little misleading. nowadays, in the modern world, most autocrats are democratically elected and once they come to power, they begin to dismantle the state. they take advantage of their
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office. they take over bureaucracy. a takeover institutions. in the united states, they could take over the department of justice and they systematically begin to dismantle things regardless of the rule of law. and what trump is telling us by using the language of, i can use the army, i can do whatever i want, my opponents aren't human, they are vermin, they are enemies, he is telling us that is what he is planning to do. he is offering us a blueprint. as you have said in your introduction, he is doing so because he thinks a part of the population wants to do that and they want these instant solutions. use violence. do whatever you can. fix everything. that is exactly what he is appealing to. >> what is the it? whether it is mussolini or hitler or mar modern worse we are seeing, what is he
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promising disgruntled people? that the solution will be authoritarianism , dictatorship and use of the military. when we look at problems in america, we like to believe there are political solutions to them, and he is suggesting something else. >> this is the automatic narrative you will hear from russia. you will hear it from shine up. it is described in my book, actually. lots of other autocrats do the same for go he is trying to describe autocracy as stable and safe. i will fix everything for you. i am the leader. i am the will of the nation. i can fix everything and then you won't have to worry anymore. he sometimes even hinted you won't have to vote anymore. i am going to fix it. for some people in a world that is genuinely confusing and in a world were all different kinds of information comes in all day long and it is contradictory
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and there are conspiracy theories and there is a lot of emotion online, offering people this sense of stability is what he is trying to do, and he is trying to appeal to people who feel overburdened, who dislike the fast rate of change, who dislike demographic change, social change, economic change, and just want one leader. that is the kind of language that has worked in turbulent places at other times and other places. notice another thing. when he is making these calls, he is at the same time describing america, and he is the expression "garbage can." america is chaos. it is being destroyed. so he is painting the picture for people that there is horrific chaos and there is carnage that he can come in and fix. that is what he is doing. that is the group of people who want to hear that kind of language. that is what he is trying to appeal to. >> with 10 days to go in the selection, this important voters understand a point that you made.
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in modern times, fascists, dictators, and revolutionaries do not come to power through revolution. they come to power because voters give them the power to do things they are going to say. there is zero reason to believe donald trump will not do the things he is threatening to do. >> he is certainly preparing the ground to break the law. he is implying that he would have the right to do it. that he would have the, you know, popular support to do it. he is implying that he is somehow above the law. when he suggests as you said in your introduction that he could use the military against civilians. that his enemies are noncitizens. that he doesn't have to give them any rights. he doesn't have to treat them as human even. that is all. that is a kind of preparation. it is preparing people to accept a breaking of the rules of that is what he does.
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you are also right to point out that in his first term in office, he had people around him who were stopping him. i mean, we had people saying, we used to take papers off his desk. we used to prevent him from doing things. i had john bolton describe how he was once on the way to a needle summit and trump turned to bolton and said, let's make history. let's move out of nato today. let's quit. and bolton of course talked him out of it and jim mattis talked him out of it. but will those people be around in the second term? many have resigned. many of them have come out against trump. many have been very vocal about their fear. and he will be surrounded by a different kind of person. somebody who will enable these authoritarian impulses that he has prepared, at least a part of the nation, to accept . >> thank you for your great writing and great insight. anne applebaum is the author of multiple, very, very important books.
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if you're looking for some great books in the next few days, "autocracy inc. the dictators who want to run the world." the motto is that democracy dies in the darkness, but democracy dies in other ways, too, like when billionaires exert their power over the press and the press yields. plus, bob casey looking to swing the seat in pennsylvania. a
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all right. turning and now to the middle east, last night israel continued retaliatory strikes on iran. this followed the military attack on israel that took place on october the 1st, and those drugs on october the 1st, most of which by israel, held by the united states, came as a retaliation to israel's killing of the leader that happened in
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september. and she'll had publicly vowed to retaliate for the attack and said it went after military targets in iran and israeli officials tell nbc news that israel did not target oil fields are nuclear sites. three u.s. defense officials tell nbc news that the united states was not involved but was given a heads up by israel prior to the strikes. sources with access to the issues told actio's that they sent a message to iran ahead of the parties, warning them not to respond, and that was an attempt to limit the back and forth going on between these two countries. two soldiers died in the attacks, but state news agencies have been downplaying the attack over all. three military bases were targeted, but that it's air defense system helped limit the damage. u.s. secretary of state anthony blinken was in the state this week. he had meetings with israeli
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu and other officials where he urged them not to hit sensitive targets to provide escalation. the strike should be the end of the direct military exchange between israel and iran. jointly from beirut is nbc news correspondent matt bradley. good afternoon or evening to you. how is the region reacting to this highly anticipated series of strikes? >> reporter: yes. i mean, the region is reacting with kind of a jan. especially in iran. we saw a school and everything was kind of back to normal. television continued to show regular programming. airspace was opened. here in beirut, we are not exactly in the mix where it comes to the direct fighting between israel and iran, but very much in the mix when it comes to proxy fights because of hezbollah, the main cat's paw against the israelis.
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we have not heard much against the unusual pounding against the hezbollah targets. here in southern beirut. but , you know, this is still a moment that is very dangerous and one that might not necessarily lead to some sort of i ronnie and it retaliation. there are voices within iran, particularly within the parliament, who want the iranians to retaliate against the israelis, but everything about what we saw last night, ali, makes it look as if the israelis had really tried their best to give this a face-saving climbdown. an offramp, if you will, that will allow both sides to step back from the brink and avoid a region-wide war. the retaliatory strike we saw back in april. it looks as though another issue here, ali, the israelis were listening to the voices from washington, telling them to moderate their response. >> matt, thank you as always for your reporting. matt bradley as always. united states senate hangs in the balance the selection. i will speak to senator bob
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♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ pennsylvania is the largest swing state that is up for grabs this election with 19 electoral votes representing more than 13 million people. in the last two provincial elections, the presidential winner and loser in pennsylvania has come down to roughly 1% of the vote. pennsylvania reliably voted for the present from 1992 through the election. in 2016, donald trump won the state by just more than 24,000 votes. in 2020, it was biden's win. both campaigns have spent record-breaking time and resources focusing their attention not only on the
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state's two major metropolitan areas, philadelphia and pittsburgh, and also the collar counties that surround philadelphia. bucks county. delaware county. and montgomery county. whose populations together are larger than those of philadelphia and pittsburgh combined. meanwhile, pittsburgh could also be instrumental in determining the balance of power. bob casey is up for re-election and is fighting to keep his seat in the senate, although he has won by a relatively large margin in past elections, his lead against republican david mccormick is shrinking. in some weeks, the lead has diminished with major pollsters now calling the race a tossup. joined me now is the senator from pennsylvania, bob casey. thank you for being with us. your lead-in kamala harris's lead is bigger if you consider registered voters, and then it
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changes a little if you consider likely voters. tell me what this is about. >> ali, i am not sure if i can analyze that precisely, but i know this is going to be a close race. and part of the driving reason is my opponent has been benefited by these huge super pacs, one of which is funded by billionaires from all over the country. out-of-state billionaires coming into pennsylvania to attack me for one reason. the they know that david mccormick is going to be supporting their billionaire tax cuts there and they know i have voted against them and i will vote against them again. and they have taken it out on me and i have also gone against greedflation when big corporations rip people off. they are buying about 80% of his ads. i asked people to go to
8:29 am to help us because we need to be able to fight back against those billionaires that are propping up my opponent. >> yeah. i live in montgomery county. the ads that mention your name have shifted. they have become attack ads. however, pennsylvania voters no one thing. they know that this election may actually come down to them. and they are fighting for something bigger than normal. they are a powerhouse. those pennsylvania voters are just absolutely a powerhouse in the selection. does the fact that voting the wrong way in the selection could get you donald trump and the republican senate motivate people you're talking to? >> i think it does. voters across the state and even some republican voters know what is at stake. just consider one road. writes. road. writes voting rights and democracy are on the ballot. women's rights. it is very clear in my race that if my opponent were to win, he would block the voting rights legislation, he would block the women's health
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protection act which stores roe, and legislation designed to strengthen unions. so on basic rights for workers, women, and for voting rights, he will be part of the majority blocking the support of those rights and the restoration of rights. >> i want to play part of an ad that your team put together recently. >> i am a republican. >> i am a democrat. >> our marriage, poor bliss. we do not agree. except for bob casey. he is independent. >> that is right. >> bob casey is on the side of stopping greedflation. and he stop china to prevent cheating. >> it is bob casey who is doing right by pennsylvania. >> i am bob casey and i approve
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this message. >> if you're going to win pennsylvania you cannot have a narrow strategy. and a whole other bunch of people. whether they are moderates or independents or republicans. what is your closing strategy here? >> in this race, it is really a choice between someone who is as deliberate as the people of my state. deliberate on the child tax credit. if we are able to reinstitute the policy from 2021 and change the trajectory of children's lives and reduce childhood poverty, i have delivered on infrastructure something my opponent opposes. he wants to repeal that bill. so that is my record. the other choices whether we will support a candidate for the united states candidate, who has a hedge fund ceo was investing in our adversaries and making a lot of money doing it. maybe the worst part is while he was investing money in those
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adversaries, pennsylvania workers in pennsylvania companies were hurt. so i think our record is in the balance for people to consider and i think i will win. >> we have watched pennsylvania very, very closely in elections. what are we watching for to tell us which way this country is doing? because people who have nothing to do with pennsylvania will be laser focused on pennsylvania. >> i wish there was one county that will tell the whole story. obviously, it is a state where most of the contest will be urban and suburban communities versus rural communities. we need to make sure we can reduce margins in rural communities and also get the vote out in big cities and suburban communities. i think we can do that, across the state, even in rural communities, they know what i have delivered as far as infrastructure. some of the smallest rural counties in the state know that i delivered high-speed internet, investment in roads and bridges, and i think they
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are going to make determinations based on those kind of considerations. but, ali, with these billionaires coming into our state, i need to continue to raise dollars at a much smaller dollar amount so i hope folks will go to to contribute five dollars, $10, or whatever you can do and also sign up to help us get the vote out. >> the democratic senator bob casey of pennsylvania. by the way, we also extend and indication for republican candidate david mccormick to come speak with us on the show. he has not responded to come speak with us. a few choice words for the newspaper's decision not to endorse a candidate for the first time in more than three decades. decade s. ur life on uni ed. because when your generac detects a power outage, it automatically powers up, giving your family the security and peace of mind they deserve. we don't have to worry about whether we lose power or not.
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but with 10 days to go in one of the most consequential elections of our time in which democracy hinges, and election that will be decided by razor- thin margins and is already overrun with mis- information, they are now endorsing a candidate for president, despite the fact that an endorsement for vice president kamala harris was already written and prepared by the paper's editorial board. in a note from washington post publisher will lewis, he said the post will not endorse any candidate in the future, and although lewis wrote the note, most journalists already suspected that the billionaire owner, jeff asus, who is also the owner and founder of amazon had put his thumb on the scale to block the endorsement. in the wake of the announcement, prominent editor at large robert kagan resigned from his role, and more people may follow suit soon. 16 colonists signed their names to the letter calling the decision a terrible mistake. one unnamed member told, if you don't have the balls to own a
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newspaper, don't.asus is not the only billionaire to interfere with a newspaper endorsement project this close. blocked his paper's endorsement of kamala harris. three editors at the l.a. times, including the pulitzer prize winning writer resigned and both papers are expecting thousands of readers to cancel their subscriptions. thousands already by the way. the post-'s justifications included that they did not endorse candidates regularly until 1976, and this would be a return to that tradition. did not want the l.a. times to contribute to the country's vast political divide. let's be very clear about what we are actually seeing here. two billionaires with x-men's w' interest stepped in at the last minute to prevent their newspapers from taking a political stand, specifically a stand against donald trump who denigrate the media, keeps a
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long list of political enemies, and threatens retribution against many of them. it works like the threats worked. reats worked . have you compared your medicare plan recently? with ehealth, you can compare medicare plans side by side for free. so we invited people to give ehealth a try and discover how easy it can be to find your medicare match. this is pretty amazing. i can go on a vacation with this money. i have quite a few prescriptions. that's why people call us. we're going to compare plans, and i'm gonna try to get you as much bang for your buck as possible. that's great. this one here covers all your prescriptions, your doctors as well. oh, wonderful.
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before the break, i told you about how the billionaire owners of both the washington post and the los angeles times had reportedly made a decision for their newspapers not to endorse a candidate in the selection despite having done so for years. both papers were preparing to endorse vice president kamala harris. i have with me darcy, and of the newspaper status. the washington post justification was -- they were claiming this was journalistic independence.
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your thoughts? >> obviously, the owner jeff bezos played a role in this. contrary to what they are saying, jeff bezos made the decision not to run this editorial in favor of kamala harris, and is really in abdication of duty. i mean, these are supposed to stand up to power, to speak truth to power. their own slogan, ali, is democracy in the darkness. it is inexplicable and it shows how afraid the business community, i think, is of a potential donald trump presidency. he has made it very clear he will use government and weapon his government to go after his perceived enemies so people like jeff pesos, even mark zuckerberg, that met the chief, do not want to be in his crosshairs and they are effectively bowing to pressure preemptively before he has possibly elected. >> this preemptive bowing to power, the obey in advance, the participatory obedience, this is way bigger than if you care about the los angeles times are the washington post. it is the concept that the state has said we are at risk from the threats that donald trump levees. this is deeply serious.
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>> jeff bezos has been breached. he is influencing whether the opinion pages has endorsed the candidate they wanted to endorse. >> and these are the opinion pages to be clear . >> it is the opinion pages and it means something. i think actually the striking thing is the most powerful people in society, ali, the jeff bezoses of the world, it would be nice if they safeguard a society when there is a threat or sinister forces trying to seize power. instead, you are seeing them kiss the ring. and the journalists who make far less money than these billionaires with less power than they do, they are the ones resigning in protest taking a stand saying, democracy is on the line and were going to hold this line the best we can. >> both papers are facing
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massive cancellations. tell me about this? >> obviously, readers are going to be upset. if you go on x or twitter or whatever it is called these days or threads, they tell me i am canceling my subscriptions. the problem is if you are a subscriber to the washington post, you expect that newspaper to stand up for something. you expect them to stand up to people like donald trump and when you see them bow down to the altar of donald trump effectively, that is a problem for the washington post. they have had journalists do extremely good work. it is sad to see them lose resources to do that good work moving on but people want to subscribe to outlets that they believe in. and, clearly, right now, that is a problem for the washington post. >> oliver, it is a surprise you have never been on this show. you work for cnn for a long time and welcome to nbc and welcome to are show. oliver is the author of status which is a subscription-based
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new site where i get a lot of my information. ahead, already was on the stage with ted cruz. shared the stage with someone you might have heard of, beyonci. what is at state for every texan? >> i am not here is a celebrity. i am not here is a politician. i am here as a mother. a mother who cares deeply about the world my children and all of our children live in. a world where we have the freedom to control our bodies. . d the swiffer powermop. it has a built-in solution that breaks down dirt on contact. plus, it's 360-degree swivel head cleans up along baseboards and even behind the toilet. bye, bye bucket. with the swiffer powermop.
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the democratic presidential candidate spending in october night in texas, of all places. it is more likely than you think. last night vice president kamala harris had her largest campaign event to date in the state where everything is bigger. nearly 30,000 people attended the rally to see harris as well as country legend willie nelson, the queen be herself, beyonci, and her childhood friend kelly rowland. she is not supporting harris as a musician but as a mother. take it from her, america has a problem. >> it is time to sing a new song.
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a song that began 248 years ago. the old notes of downfall, discord, despair, no longer resonate. >> the campaign went to texas in the middle of a pack swing state heavy schedule treating texas at the epicenter for many of the horror stories we heard and reported on in post roe america. >> texas has a long now that offers a cash bounty for turning in someone who really helps a friend or a family member to get the care that they need. in texas, the law provides prison for life or healthcare providers for doing what they believe is in the best interest of their patient. and in some counties in texas, they have passed travel ban's to prevent women from going to other states to receive care. these are the stakes. >> now, if you think texas is
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in play with democrats, you might be drunk in love with the harris campaign so don't hurt yourself. but the real race to watch in texas is the race for the senate were senator ted cruz is barely leading representative colin allred. he came close with beto o'rourke in 2018 for him to just come up short. he will have to be flawless. joining me is texas congressman and democratic nominee for senate, colin allred . there is no room for error in this one. >> well, thanks, ali. thank you for having me on. i do take a little issue with it. we are here because of the contrasts between who ted cruz is and who i am. also, because of what he has done in the last six years
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since that election that you just mentioned where he went to cancun with the lights went out or has been responsible for this abortion ban and has tried to overturn a american presidential election. and i am the most bipartisan representative in the country. representing areas that are purple are politically quite mixed. and i know that we are going to beat ted cruz. folks need to wake up to what is happening here in texas. that texans are sick and tired of having our freedom taken away. we are sick and tired of these stories about texas women and families being used for the country. and we are going to change it. >> and immigration is also central to your state and to your race as well. what is the balance that immigrants need to strike and that you are striking on immigration policy to win this election? >> well, thanks, ali. as you know, my family is from brownsville. that is where i spent a lot of my childhood. and i know we have to talk about border security in a
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serious way. but we have to offer solutions to it though. everybody on the internet can point out problems. that is not what you elect people to do. you elect people to solve problems. that is the issue we have with ted cruz. for 12 years, he has not only solved this problem but prevented us actively from doing what we know we need to do to try to fix the border and our immigration system. and it is not just this year with a $20 billion in border security and said we do not need a border be billed. it also is even going back to 2013 when barack obama and a group of senators were working on a comprehensive reform then that marco rubio and john mccain ray part of. he took that down, too. he has never been a part of solving anything. he wants things to run on. when you are all hat and no cattle. when you don't have any substance behind you. that is why we have to turn the page.
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>> you were on stage last night. you shared a moment with amanda sarawoski. texas laws. she wanted to have the baby she was having. it was not a viable pregnancy. they literally told people the stories they make fun of. literally come back when you are dead. when she was close to dad, she nearly died. she lost some of her reproductive organs. this is what texas laws are doing to women whether or not they want to terminate a pregnancy. >> that is eye. amanda and josh are friends of mine. and i do just want to note, ali, that it is very difficult to tell a personal story in any setting. it is incredibly difficult to go out there in front of 30,000 people in a stadium with millions of people watching on tv and talk about the worst moment in your life, and the bravery that that shows in the commitment that shows to make sure other texans do not have to go through what you have to go through. to me, that is something we
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should all be pointing to and saying if these women and these families are willing to go through this and willing to step out and talk about their most difficult moments, then what can we do in our most personal capacity as knocking on doors or making phone calls or go to my website of or what can we do to make sure this does not happen anymore. we as fellow americans and texans need to get involve, too. so many people have told me their stories. just the other night, i was shaking hands after doing an event and more stories were coming in just every single second. and i am telling you, ali, this is something happening in texas. this is not who we are. and folks are understanding that we can change this by beating ted cruz in the selection. >> some of us have thought we have seen this movie before where it looks good. the polling numbers look good. high profile democratic
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candidate looks like they are in striking distance and then something go the wrong way. you say something is happening. what is happening this time? >> as i always say, i am not really interested in our past and i am interested in our future. the fact we had a really close election last time is how you can point to why we are building on that. most folks would say, we came close. let's do it next time. to me, there is that. it is also just true. as i said, in the six years, this is what we are doing. it is basically a job interview. and you have had six years to show you since the last election who you are that ted cruz has enacted this abortion ban and he can responsible for that. he has gone to cancun when we needed him most. in january 6th. i was going to hold a door and protect my colleagues and he was hiding in a supply closet. we know exactly who he is. this is not a surprise. we have been running a race that is bringing cloaks together from liz cheney to every other folks other folk . we are going to shock a lot
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of folks but in my opinion, it should not be that big of a shock. these next 10 days are incredibly important. >> as always, thank you for making time for us. colin allred is the democratic nominee . i should mention, we have reached out to the incumbent senator to invite him on the show and -- wait for it -- we did not get a response. that does it. catch me here tomorrow morning from 10:00 a.m. to noon. "velshi" is available as a podcast for free wherever you get your podcasts. stay right where you are. the katie thing show starts right now. katie thing show starts right now. i'm katie phang live from telemundo studios in miami, florida. here's the week that was. >> let's get back to normalcy. let's get back to actually respect -- >> how big arnold palmer was. are you kidding
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