tv Prime Weekend MSNBC October 27, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT
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♪♪ ♪♪ the harris campaign is sounding the alarm about the threat posed by donald trump . as for trump, he appears dead set on proving them right. the closing message from the disgraced, convicted, twice impeached, four times indicted, ex-president is an endless barrage of meteors and insults launched at vice president kamala harris and his political critics and anyone standing in his way. and the country he seeks to lead. here is what he had to say last night. >> they are coming from 181 countries as of yesterday. we are a dumping ground. we are like a garbage can for the world. that is what has happened. that is what happened.
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we are like a garbage can. you know, it is the first time i have ever said that. every time i come up and talk about what they have done they get angrier and angrier. it is the first time i ever set garbage can but you know what? it is a very accurate description. >> interesting strategy to refer to the united states of america as a, quote, garbage can for the world, when you are the guy who was to be the president of that garbage can. here is vice president kamala harris. >> i also do want to address the comment that donald trump made about america being the trashcan of the world, whatever he said, something along those lines. you know, it is just a clear example of how he really belittles our country. this is someone who is a former
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president of the united states, he wants the bully pulpit and this is how he uses it, to tell the rest of the world that somehow the united states of america is -- is trash? i think, again, the president of the united states should be someone who elevates discourse and talks about the best of who we are and invest in the best of who we are, not someone like donald trump, who is constantly demeaning and belittling who the american people are. >> belittling and demeaning the american people is, at this point, something most people have grown numb to come apart and parcel of donald trump's angry, apocalyptic campaign message, his dark vision of what the country is. it is something he has made clear he will use to justify taking a wrecking ball to our freedoms and our fellow citizens and our institutions. team trump argues he will be
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completely unrestrained in doing so if he wins in november. this is what former president barack obama had to say about the warnings from former trump officials, general john kelly and general mark milley at a rally last night. >> now i happen to know john kelly and mark milley. they served under me when i was commander in chief. these are serious people. these are, this is a decorated soldier and marine who served in vietnam. they are not quote-" liberals. they are people who have never, in the past, even talked about politics because they believe that the military should be above politics. but the reason they are speaking out is because they have seen that in donald trump's mind the military does
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not exist to serve the constitution or the american people. he does not see being commander in chief as a solemn, sacred responsibility. just like everything else, he thinks the military is there to do his bidding, to serve his interests. he said if he is elected he will use the military to go after, quote, the enemy within. which he defines as anybody who criticizes him or refuses to bend the knee. he can't handle that. and unlike last time, unlike the first time, he won't have people like john kelly around to stop him. he will be surrounded by people who are just as loony as he is. [ laughter ] >> and will let him do what he wants.
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>> in a brand-new interview with the "washington post", general john kelly is warning of chaos if trump tries to do what he is saying he is going to do and use american troops against americans on u.s. soil. in a new interview, quote, to use the u.s. military in terms of domestic law enforcement, it's not the american way. the fear is he will tell them to do something illegal and that is a really bad thing to do. and you have generals resigning and very possibly within the ranks, you have people refusing to do it. these guys are going to follow the law. trump deploying the military inside our country against fellow americans is not some , hypothetical thing. he actually did want to do it and did try to do it in his first term. once again, from the "washington post", as protests swept the nation after the murder of george floyd and some rioting broke out in washington, donald trump demanded in a white house meeting in june 2020 that 10,000 troops deployed to the
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capital, according to people familiar with the matter. the number, one of them said, seemingly was pulled out of thin air as he sought to counter any perception he was weak. the incident prompted a study in which pentagon officials and others in the trump administration reviewed how to address the president's demand, but trump never gave the final order for the active-duty soldiers to be in the streets. standing in trump preface way at the time, his own defense secretary in this instance, mark esper writes about it in his book, at this point, even if we were wrong and violence spiked in the city, i did and one active duty forces quickly available to the president . he said, quote, we managed to keep them out of the district so far. guard forces were flowing into d.c. in heavy numbers so i decided to send all active-duty units. did not inform the white house about these decisions, either. i could not trust they know what -- they would not reverse my decision. the fact of an unrestrained
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donald trump acting on his autocratic plans in the final 11 days of the presidential campaign season is where we start today. here at the table "new york times" investigative reporter mike schmidt is back, host of msnbc's show, reverend al sharpton is here and the man i call my humans annex because of his read on the polls is here and former senior counsel to john kelly, kevin carol, is here. he signed a new letter backing kelly's warnings against donald trump, along with other former trump administration officials. thank you so much for being here. i am grateful to get to talk to you and understand more of what you saw on the day that donald trump referred to
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veterans who have given their life, people like john kelly's son, as losers and suckers. >> i remember that day very well, nicolle. it was memorial day, 2070. i was in section 62 decorate the graves of fallen men and women and i saw the president and john kelly standing, very often as he was, over the grave of his son. i went over with my own son, who was five at the time. he was visibly upset, which is not usually the way he conducts himself. he asked hymns? i asked him what was wrong and he shook his head no. my son was perceptive enough to see the stranger, who was upset, he asked him if he would like to say a prayer. my son he and kelly said some hail marys over his son's gray. right after he got out of the administration, i was talking to him and it was crazy stuff that we have both seen and he mentioned that trump had said over his son's grave, what was in it for these men that they gave their lives for the country? sir, was at the time i saw you at arlington and you are upset?
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he said that was exactly when it was. it was shocking and disgusting language coming from the commander in chief. >> the story of your five-year- old son just does may in here. we have two hours. what do you think and feel about a five-year-old having more empathy and understanding of service than donald trump? >> anyone has more empathy than donald trump. he was just an ill man, in that sense. it is part of the reason why trump despises the military. he does not want to use a military because it is trained and equipped to do these missions he is considering. he just wants to drag the military into the gutter with him. this is a man who lied during his service during the vietnam war and for his family to be financially comfortable so none of his children had to serve
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after 9/11 and the lack of empathy is exactly one of the reasons why trump should not be commander-in-chief of the united states because he will abuse the men and women under his command and order them to do illegal things to other americans. he specifically named sitting members of congress, such as adam schiff and nancy pelosi as people whom he wants the active- duty military to somehow take care of. it is a bizarre statement and the universe -- military code of justice does not support that. it is against congress and absolutely disqualifying as a statement for presidential candidate. >> you have some insight as to conversations happening behind the scenes among general meds as to what donald trump will do if reelected to men like general milley and secretary mattis . >> my understanding is the retired gentleman of five officers are extremely concerned. they made strong efforts to stay out of politics. they looked at the general of the army and presumably they
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supported truman but didn't even vote so there was no appearance of them being partisan in politics. that is why you won't see them come out and make any endorsements because that is against the grain. they are seriously concerned if he is elected, trump will, for example, order general milley to return to active duty and prosecute him under article 88 of the uc mj which criminalizes the use of contemptuous words against the president and other elected officials. that would be, you know, a gross abuse of his legal authority, but, you know, the statute that they could try to do that. i am very afraid they will do that. there is a crisis in military and civil affairs if you start adding political prosecutions of the military by retirees who have gravely and appropriately spoke out against the
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president. >> mike, in hearing the last couple days of rhetoric from trump, i wonder if people, when you hear kelly's warnings about trump, it feels like it is about trump. my son and i , talking to kevin, it is what he would do to the institution he reveres, the active-duty troops. talk about those concerns he has. >> i think this comes back to why kelly decided to speak out. kelly has obviously had a long time to come forward. there are a lot of people who wanted to hear from him. he put out a written statement a year ago but up until this point had not really done much certainly in the election cycle. over the summer, you know, i tried to engage him on this and tried to get him to answer these questions and he told me to get lost. that is a nice way to put it. so what it was, what changes
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kelly's mind is what trump said a couple weeks ago when trump said he wants to use the military domestically. as someone who has studied kelly and reported on his life and wrote a mini biography of him a couple years ago, to kelly, the military-civilian divide is something that goes all the way back to george washington. he believes george washington had the foresight to keep the military away from domestic politics in the way that he told some soldiers that wanted to go down to the continental congress and make complaints during the revolutionary war, like, you know, like getting history 100% right but this is something that kelly looks all the way back to washington on. he looks at eisenhower on and he can recite to you the times that the american military has been used domestically, the few times it has and he even, when he was a younger officer in the marines in l.a., he took over
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battalion or a group of soldiers who had been part of going into l.a. during the riots in the early 1990s and he said even though kelly had not been in charge of this unit, they complained constantly to him about the fact they had been used domestically and that lying to him was just too much. that is why he does the stuff he has done in the past few days because it was trump saying this publicly and not just saying it as just some random politician, as someone seeking the presidency and saying this is what i am going to do if i come back. >> um, there is a new ad out with general kelly. let me play that.
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>> do you think he is a fascist? >> you know the general definition of a fascist, far right, ultranationalist ideology characterized by a dictatorial leader, the former president is certainly authoritarian and using the military to go after american citizens. that is a very, very bad thing. he admires people who are dictators. >> hitler did some good things, too. >> if he were left to his own devices, would he be a dictator and have people around him? >> i think you would love to be pick? when somebody is president, the authority is total. >> i am kamala harris and i approve this message. >> what do you think? >> it is a very powerful ad.
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you know, with the conversation we had the other day, i think this is one of those sort of key moments that i think could be determinative of this race. um, i actually think of as i was listening to this and as we talked about this, it is actually a test of us , honestly. it is a test of us as american voters because trump is exceedingly clear. he has told us who he is. the interesting thing to me in the last 72 hours with all this outrageous stuff is that basically he is and saying, no, that is not what i am going to do. he just basically says i don't like general kelly telling people the things i am going to
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do. he does not deny this is what he wants to be in the course of this, but it is really a test of us, as american voters. i was thinking about what would happen by the time we get to election night and i think about this. even under a scenario, the scenario that the vice president wins, donald trump is going to get at least five or 6 million more votes than he got in 2020. think about that. he will get five or 6 million more votes. he will get nearly 80 million votes. that is a disturbing, donald trump is disturbing. what he wants to do is disturbing. the idea that this test of us as americans of who we are and where we want to chart our path as a country and what the constitution means, it is a test of us and we have 80 million americans that donald trump has clearly said what he will say in a voting for him, is incredibly disturbing. it means this work is going to go on long after election day. >> um, it is a haunting point, but it needs to be said. i will ask all of you to stick around. kevin carol, your story, your insights, your courage in
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let's go boys. the way that i approach work, post fatherhood, has really been trying to understand the generation that we're building devices for. here in the comcast family, we're building an integrated in-home wifi solution for millions of families, like my own. connectivity is a big part of my boys' lives. it brings people together in meaningful ways. ♪ ♪
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♪♪ >> i think the bigger problem is the enemy from within. not even the people that have come in and destroyed our country, by the way, totally destroyed our country, the towns and villages are being inundated. but i don't think they are the problem in terms of the election, i think the bigger problem are the people from within. we have some very bad people, some very sick people, the radical left, lunatics. i think they should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by the national guard or if really necessary, by the military because we can't let that happen. >> rev, i guess my question for you, if the people who are here
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in this country would lead him to believe we are a garbage can, he has described as muddling the blood of america, in his credits, the media, the judiciary and more, what is that mean? >> it means we are on the precipice of a dangerous time if he were to win this election. let's think about the fact this man is saying out loud that he considers people that are seeking refuge in this country, i think that needs to be said, the they are not garbage. they are human beings. to say we are a garbage can, we had to be taking garbage in. who decides the difference in those seek who come to hear? his in-laws became citizens when he became president. are they garbage? or is it only for mexicans, venezuelans, haitians, people of color? when you deal with the enemy
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within, who determines who the enemy is? it is him. that is why you have to give respect to general kelly. i may disagree with them on a lot of things. i was not a military guy. i was that age of the vietnam war and they didn't call me. he believes in this country and those of us who may disagree with some of the foreign policy believes but he believes in the country. trump does not believe in what the country stands for, what the military is supposed to be. he believes in nothing but donald trump. if you are going to have a president that is going to defined enemies based on how you react, relate or talk about me, then we are going all the way into a question of fascism, as general kelly said. lastly, i agree with what was said, when you vote, this turned out, i believe i have been saying, this is not whether you like kamala harris
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or trump, you vote for the candidate that is closest to representing what you believe in. when you go in there, you are voting for harris, you are voting for you. this is your statement. i think what anybody has said, it is all right to talk about fascism and all right to go after the enemy and all right to mont military men, forget protesters, military men, that put their lives on the line and you will vote, that tells you who you are, not who donald trump is, we know who the enemy is. >> do you have any insight as to why the other generals who come and talked about general milley and general mattis have sort of cooperated or added their voices to what general kelly has testified to, in terms of, not if it were the same incidents but what they saw? >> i think that these generals are almost allergic to the
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politics. i don't think this was kelly's first choice, this was not something he wanted to do. obviously, he is a grown adult who made his own decision here but it was something i think you had to ask him a lot of times to do. i think they also, they find themselves in the crosshairs of a political moment. this is the final weeks of a presidential election. john kelly's name is out there, admits, you know, whether people will vote for donald trump or not. if you are john kelly and someone who hates partisan politics, that is not a place you want to be. john kelly is not someone who was, you know, making the rounds on cable television and then will go sell a book. you know, there are no pictures
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of him, you know, we have this audio of him and that is why i think the audio was so important to hear directly from him. but he is not sitting in front of the cameras. he is not going out on the campaign trail. my guess is he has very mixed feelings about all of this. he sits there and probably says, you know, i hate partisan politics, i can't believe my name is out there in this, you know, i don't think he is particularly comfortable with it. i think if he was comfortable with it, you would see more of him. there was a quote today in the "washington post" that popped up from him. specs hope springs eternal. i understand the point you're making. i guess, matt, i bring you in, i think it is important to point out that these are not
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men afraid of being punished or men who are scared. it is not a court-martial, i don't think, that is my theory, they are afraid of. it is what mike is talking about, their allergy to politics. i guess what i would say, and having worked in the white house, it is difficult to articulate the reverence that you all deserve and the sort of thing these days that someone will get everything cheap, easy, shallow and fun and decide, no, i am going to go serve my country. i will go stand on the line and these men love them and that in ways that gives their lives meaning. it probably gives them a sense of not wanting to tarnish that things so precious to them. that is exactly what donald trump is promising to destroy because you put your son on the streets of texas to round up his neighbors, that ruins a soldier's life. i wonder what you would say, as someone who knows this, and
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knows this meaning to those generals who were holding out? >> you know, it is interesting you bring up my son. my son, who did, as you say, did two tours in iraq and was actually in the first-class boot camp who enlisted, knowing they would be sent to war. he was the first class. when he enlisted, he knew he would be sent. he knew he would be in harm's way when he decided to join the army because it was already happening in the course of this. it is funny. when i talked to him, just to make this personal, just that service and where it is, they do it with a great deal of human lady? humility. they are not aggressive, most of them are not aggressive.
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they don't want to shoot people. they will do it if they have to be, they will do it to protect others and serve the country but they don't want to in the course of this and somebody like this who served with everybody says has this appeal to young man, when he disparages their service, i can just tell you, my son, my two brothers, one was in the marines, what was in the coast guard 22 years, all three of which can't stand that guy. they can't stand the guy because he has no concept of service besides self. when we come back, millions of voters are casting ballots ahead of election day. it is a sign of planning, engagement and activism. we are seeing it all across the country. we are joined by wnba superstar renee montgomery, who used her platform for social change as she blazed the trail from the basketball court to the courtroom. she will be our next guest. it is about two extremely visions for our nation. one, donald trump's, who is focused on the past and himself. and we are not going back. were not going back.
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>> we are not going back. >> here is why. here's why. because we, because we are focused on the future. and we are focused on the needs of the american people as opposed to a donald trump who spends full time looking in the mirror focused on himself. [ applause ] >> okay, you know what? hold on a second. listen, hold on. hold on. listen. i want to talk about donald for a minute. i want to talk about gaza for a minute. we can and we must seize this opportunity to end this war and bring the hostages home. [ applause ] and i will do
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everything in my power to meet that end. and we are here because we are fighting for democracy. [ applause ] >> we respect the voices of all people. and we've got a job to do in the next nine days to fight to keep the democracy we love. nine days. and we understand we have an opportunity before us to turn the page on the fear and the divisiveness that have characterized our politics for decades because of donald trump. we have the ability to turn the page on that same old tired
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playbook because we are exhausted with it. [ applause ] and we are ready to chart a new way forward. yes, we will be joyful in the process. [ applause ] yes, we like to laugh. yes, we know that when you care about the people and you understand what you are fighting for, there is joy in that fight. that is why we are all in this together. we are fighting for the future of our nation where we tap into the ambitions and the aspirations and the dreams of the american people. we are a new generation of leadership that is optimistic and exciting about what our nation can do together!
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[ applause ] >> the great thing about living in a democracy, as long as we keep it, is that we, the people, have the power to choose the direction of our country and its leadership. the power is with the people. from the beginning our campaign has been about building coalitions and building community. look him over the next nine days
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, we are going to win, that is our highest order. through that process, to all the friends here, i say, let's be intentional about building community. let's be intentional about building coalitions. let's be intentional about understanding we all have so much more in common than what separates us. we will be the better for it. [ applause ] that is what our campaign is about. we know we are all in this together. we have so much more in common than what separates us. we are going to fight for the country we love. [ applause ] >> and that is why we are all here together because we love our country. we love our country.
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you've got to fight for that thing you love. you have to fight for the thing you love. i do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism, the expression of the love of our country to them fight for its ideals. it is the highest form of patriotism and one of the most powerful ways. we do that with our vote. [ applause ] >> so, all right, everybody is here because they are prepared to do the work so here we are. from now until election day, we are going to get out the vote here in pennsylvania. [ applause ] if you will give me a minute, i really right now
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want to speak to the young leaders who were here. is genz in the house? [ applause ] >> who is voting for the first time in the first election? all right. now here's the thing. here is what i love about you young leaders. you are rightly inpatient for change. you are rightly impatient. you have only known the climate crisis. you are leaders and what we need to do to protect our planet. you, who grew up with active shooter drills, you know what we have to do to fight for safety in our schools. [ applause ] >> you, who right now no fewer rights than your mothers and
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grandmothers, understand the importance of fighting for the right of a woman to make decisions about her own body. [ applause ] >> and not have her government tell her what to do. [ applause ] >> and this is why i love you young leaders who are here. for you, this is not theoretical. this is not political. this is not about some debate. it is about your lived experience and you are here and i see you because i see your power. you are here because you know your power. and i am so proud of you and everyone, let us applaud our young leaders, our first time voters. let's applaud them. let's applaud them. [ applause ] >> let's applaud them. [ applause ]
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>> so, philly, we have nine days. nine days to get this done. for the next nine days, no one can sit on the sidelines. there is too much on the line and we must not wake up the day after the election and have any regrets about what we could have done in these next nine days. so let's spend these next nine days knowing we did everything we could, that we connected with each other, with our neighbors, that we wind up to perfect strangers in the grocery store and said, you know what? i see you. let's approach this moment in a way that in the face of a stranger we see a neighbor. let's talk with each other. about what we have in common. let's build community. let's knock on doors. let's text and call potential
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voters. let's reach out to our family and our friends and our classmates and our neighbors. [ applause ] >> tell them about the stakes in this election and tell them about their power. so we are going to get votes to the polls and we are going to make our voices heard. and let's give folks important information, let's start with the basics. okay? election day is tuesday, november 5. [ laughter ] >> i am serious. everybody is busy. let's start with that. let folks know you can vote then or early from today through tuesday, october 29th. that is two days from now. so now is the time to vote early. get it done tomorrow, if you can.
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go to i will if you need information about where you vote, if you have received the ballot in the mail, do not wake, fill it out today. [ applause ] because the election is here. the choice, really, is truly in your hands. the path to victory runs right through all of the young leaders here. all of you. [ applause ] your vote is your voice. your voice is your power. [ applause ] so today, philadelphia, i ask you, are you ready to make your voices heard? [ applause ] >> do we believe in freedom? do we believe in opportunity?
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[ applause ] >> do we believe in the promise of america? and are we ready to fight for it? and when we fight, we win. god bless you, god bless the united states of america. [ applause ] ♪ leo! [whistling] ever since we introduced him to the farmer's dog, it's changed his quality of life. leo's number 2's are really getting better. better poo, better you! that's a good boy, leo!
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that there is someone sitting in the oval office they can look up to, someone who can be a role model. i am incredibly proud. i know vice president harris will do that. >> i have seen a lot of republicans go up to liz cheney and thank her. they may not be doing it publicly. they may not be doing it publicly because i think she has shown, to your point of extraordinary courage. i have seen republicans come up to her. from my vantage point, she is actually not alone. >> that was vice president kamala harris and former congresswoman liz cheney making their pitch to voters in a trail of swing states today. the candidate for all people, all parties, appearing
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alongside liz cheney, who, like so many republicans, is voting for a democratic candidate for the first time in her life. it is an extraordinary display of patriotism and bipartisanship in the face of deep cynicism, deep division in our country. division that our dear friends is looking to change by seeking common ground across the political divide. fred's national door with former national congressman joe walsh called two dads defending democracy starts tomorrow. i have been following every stop . you both are doing exactly what liz cheney and kamala harris are doing and that is with humility, affection and respect for one another, lifting all of us up. you know it doesn't have to be the other way. >> it is crazy that i love joe walsh. until one day, he made the first reach out, but when we started talking and realizing we had each other wrong and there is space for common
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ground, even for guys who are incredibly different, we realized there was something important there. that is what democracy is about. nicolle, i am so flipping there is a candidate running for president who says what he says, lies every day and what he says is quite stupid, to be honest, you can't lie and know you are going to get their votes unless you are cynical and think they are stupid. like johnson was cleared this week and he feels the same way about those voters and it me off. joe and i are doing what we are doing because i think if we keep talking to people, if we keep explaining why this election matters so much, we will be okay. and so tomorrow we have the final event of our two guys
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defending democracy before the election. we hope to continue postelection, if democracy survives. if everybody listens to this interview across the country and does one simple thing, boat, and get everyone you know to vote, we will be okay. >> i always think of you and now i think of you as joe walsh on your side and jamie on your shoulder. what are you thinking about is you go out there and campaign and pour your heart and soul into this? >> so you showed kamala harris. i want kamala harris through the school where my daughter was murdered back in march. i gave her every chance to say no before doing it because the school is still an untouched crime scene. jamie would love kamala harris. jamie would be all in one this. and what kamala harris stands for. jamie had what i would call the
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greatest [ bleep ] detector in the world. she was screaming at the television saying, people, you crazy, can you not see what that man is about? that has not changed. right now i know jamie is standing on my shoulders and on this country's shoulders saying there is one, one more thing we need to do. we have already started the work. bipartisan safer communities that, gun violence prevention led by the vice president, by the way, it's working. violent crimes are historically down. i know jamie doesn't get to say for herself but i am her voice. if we vote, the work continues. if we don't, the work stops. i can't make it any more simple than that. vote. >> you are a girl dead forever. i think i keep thinking and i
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said this to you and i will ask you what you think, i think girl dads are these silent sleeper voters. they see what trump is and they see him talking about another man's and calling vice president kamala harris a [ bleep ] vice president. they see women dying in childbirth and in pregnancy because of trump's abortion bans an one's pics to the supreme court. what conversations you have with other girl dads? >> donald trump is demented. he says things that none of us should want our daughters to hear from another man, okay? he is demented. he believes men want to hear that. he believes men want to see his performances. i mean, he is a demented fool. [ laughter ] >> i don't believe men think that way. i don't believe men want their daughters to date or marry men like that and so i am with you.
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think dads of daughters and sons, also. you know what? i am a dad who raised all of his children with a simple motto, always do what is right, not what is easy. always treat people with respect. you just, you have to live with yourself at the end of the day. i think men and women across america, whether it is a red area or a blue area understand that basic premise of life. we should be ashamed that donald trump uses performative art to try and destroy this country that we love, okay? we should be ashamed that this race is as close as it is. >> this has been trained for. i am nicolle wallace. please tune into deadline white house and all of our prime time shows weekdays on msnbc. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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