tv Alex Wagner Tonight MSNBC October 29, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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the commemorative doubleheader drew athletes spanning three generations. this 23-year-old was the first player up to bat following in the footsteps of his family and japanese americans from years before. >> it is like a surreal experience. a place where my grandparents and great grandparents played at. >> reporter: he hopes it can be an annual tradition. for now he is thinking of his mother on this field of dreams, finally realized. >> how was that? >> that was amazing. every now and then i stop and look at the mountains and think -- [crying] -- think about where i was. it is very, very special. >> reporter: nbc news back to you. >> a very powerful tribute to take us off of the air tonight. on that extraordinary note. i wish you a very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc
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news, thanks for staying up late. i will see you at the end of tomorrow. you at the end of tomorrow. . do you remember donald trump's women for america first protest to save america rally? no of course you don't. nobody remembers it by that name. that rally will now, and forever be remembered as donald trump's january 6th ellipse speech. >> these people are not going to take it any longer. they are not going to take it any longer. >> we will never give up. we will never concede. it doesn't happen. you don't concede when there is theft involved. >> we will not let them silence your voices. we are not going to let it happen. not going to let it happen. [ crowd chanting ] >> all vice president pence has
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to do is send it back to the states to recertify. we become president and you are the happiest people. >> i think right here we are going to walk down to the capitol because you will never take back our country with weakness. you have to show strength. you have to be strong. >> that was the moment that president trump incited a violent mob to attack the u.s. capitol. the worst attack on the seat of our government in generations. the first time an american presidential candidate refused to accept the results of a legitimate election. now, tonight, just one week before an election in which trump seeks to return to power his opponent returned to the scene of that crime. to lay out a new vision for the country before a crowd of at least 60,000 people. remind the world about who donald trump really is. >> we know who donald trump is.
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he is the person who stood at this very spot nearly four years ago and sent an armed mob to the united states capitol to overturn the will of the people in a free and fair election. he says one of his highest priorities is to set free the violence extremists who assaulted those law enforcement officers on january 6th. america, this is not a candidate for president who is thinking about how to make your life better. this is someone who is unstable, obsessed with revenge, consumed with grievance and out for unchecked power. donald trump has spent a decade trying to keep the american
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people divided and afraid of each other. that is who he is. but america i am here tonight to say, that is not who we are. that is not who we are. that is not who we are. >> vice president harris is the prime time address to lay out an agenda that ranged from lower the cost of housing and groceries to ensuring access to reproductive choice. she began these remarks and ended them by emphasizing the ideals of america. and how those ideals still very much remain at the heart of the american project. as long as voters choose to protect them. >> nearly 250 years ago america was born when we rested freedom from a petty tyrant.
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across the generations americans have preserved that freedom, expand today and in so doing proved to the world that a government of, by, and for the people is strong and can endure. [ cheers and applause ] and those who came before us, the patriots at normandy and sulma. senica falls and stonewall, on farmlands and factory floors. they did not struggle, sacrifice and lay down their lives only to see us seed our fundamental freedoms. [ cheers and applause ] >> they didn't do that only to see us submit to the will of
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another petty tyrant. these united states of america, we are not a vessel for the schemes of wanna-be dictators. the united states of america is the greatest idea humanity ever devised. a nation big enough to encompass all of our dreams, strong enough to withstand and fracture or fissure between us. fearless enough to imagine a future of possibilities. >> joining me now is democrat from the great state of member and congressman raskin i am eager to get your thoughts. an extraordinary backdrop, kamala harris, vice president
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of the united states, standing at the ellipse which is where trump incited a violent mob to subvert democracy. standing there saying the united states of america is not a vessel for the schemes of wanna-be dictators. what were your impressions after her speech tonight? >> reporter: alex a beautifully patriotic speech. and i thought it traveled expertly in this campaign. that is generally when most candidates hit their stride. she was able to navigate the divide between talking about concrete policy proposals like the childcare tax credit and making home care part of medicare. and then soring to america and about the democratic project we are all engaged in. and all of it was contrasted
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periodically with the authoritarian dangers offer bide trump and those that are holding up his campaign. it was a beautiful way to make that final pitch. i know the people in my district in maryland in the 8th district throughout maryland in dc, have been just on fire about getting to that speech. a huge massive overflow crowd which i am sure is going to upset and destabilize her opponent. >> he is obsessed with crowd sizes. 60,000 people in attendance there at the event proper and on the fringes of the event. i think you are raising such an important point here, congressman. billed as the vice president's closing argument about democracy. certainly there was a deeply thoughtful meditation on what america stands for and how resilient we can be in the face of potential tyranny and in the
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aftermath of some version of tyranny. but there was also a kind of laundry list of bread and butter economic issues. from the sandwich generation and grocery prices and it seems like the democrats have decided it is not an either or choice. we don't just have to talk about democracy. we don't just have to talk about american principals or the economy. we can combine them, they can coexist together in a closing argument with no sacrifices made in terms of topic. is that how you see it in terms of how the party closes it out? >> absolutely. i mean look that is what democracy is. in democracy government is an instrument for obtaining the common good of all. it is about talking about home care and people who need to take care of elderly parents t. is about the childcare tax credit and making it possible
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for young people to purchase their first home. that is democracy. it is the system that cares about the common good of the common people as opposed to the vladimir putin, donald trump, kim jong un version of government. it is anything but ruled by the people. it is about the guy getting in, making as much money as possible for him and his family and his corporations. find any critique of the speech just that part of it is left out. donald trump is first and foremost a con man that took us for a ride for millions and millions of dollars from foreign states, kings, princes, the oversight democrats released a report on all of the foreign government monuments we could lay our eyes on. but also we found hundreds of
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thousands of dollars that they got with him charging the secret service and other federal government agencies totally unconstitutional. and donald trump junior says well, he did not even take his salary when he was president. that is all you are allowed to take. not allowed to take the american taxpayers to the cleaners by shaking down all of the government agencies. it has come out during this campaign they have gotten not just millions in deals they are making with foreign governments now but billions of dollars that k ark shner brought back. $2 million from saudi. he really should be registered as a foreign agent. those are two radically contrasting forms of politics in government we are talking about. >> congressman you name checked james comer. i have to bring up, a comment
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that trump brought up about a secret he shares with mr. johnson. how concerned are you about trump and johnson sharing anything let alone a little secret. let's take a listen to the sound first. >> i think with a little secret we are going to do really well house with -- our little secret is having a big impact. he and i have a secret. do you know what the secret is? >> i don't know what their secret is but we know donald trump is willing to lie, cheat and steal literally to hang on to public office. it is such a great moneymaking opportunity. what he called the biggest of all-time. if you think they will not engage in further corruption, fraud, deceit in order to take office. you are too innocent to be let out at the house at this point.
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but the great news is the democrats in the house and senate and our lawyers are prepared for all of their mischief, shenanigans, whatever their secrets are. they tell trump about the election provision in the 12th amendment. if they can somehow deny the rightful majority of electors to the winner of the vote it is kicked into the house of representatives where we vote. not according to one member one vote, but one state one vote. we are the republicans have an advantage and he thinks it is a big secret. because he does not know anything about the constitution. we understand that is in there. we are going to see the certificates of ascertainment that are sent in by the governor's are honored based on an honest and accurate counting of the votes. and, president biden is in charge of the national guard, not donald trump who sat there eating cheeseburgers and french
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fries and watching tv while the capitol was stormed by the mob that he incited. so, president biden will be there to defend the government and the constitution of the united states. we have nonscalable fencing and we are ready for proud boys or oath keepers who you are going to try to overturn an election result and overturn the constitution. so, i am more concerned about them trying to steal it earlier in the process by challenging the certification not at the end but challenging the certification at the precinct level, county level, state level >> yeah, can i ask you about that? we have the footage of ballot boxes being burned in oregon and washington. the "new york times" report that before 2020 there only had been a handful of incidents where election commissioners denied to certify an election. in the years since boards have in 20 counties across eight states.
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so, there you have, violence, literally as the ballots are being cast. you have fraudulent activity in and around the commissioners who are selected to certify these things. on a scale of 1-10 what is your level of concern here? 10 being the most, 0 being the least? >> reporter: well, no, i feel pretty certain based on what we have already seen that there are going to be attacks on the ballot boxes. there will be attacks on people's right to vote. look, they are a minority party in a shrinking minority party operating as a cult of personality around a figure. the majority is not with them. even hillary who lost in the electooral beat him by five million, joe biden beat him by seven million. we have more young voters, pro
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choice, pro environment, anti- maga. against their gay bashing, immigrant bashing agenda. they know they can not win it fair and square. there will be every effort using both, you know, whatever internal means they can think of to try to thwart people from casting ballots. might be outside stuff by proud boys and oath keepers to stop us from having a fair and honest election. we are ready for them this time. america is ready for them this time. we understand what they are capable of. that is why on the democratic side and i have been out to 27 states, alex, we say we are going to run a fair, honest, strong, tough campaign, we are going to win the election and then we are going to defend the election against all comers, if it is donald trump and maga or putin or any other foreign forces that want to try to
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interfere with american democracy and freedom. >> congressman, thank you very much for your time tonight, sir, i really appreciate it. >> you bet. we have a lot more to get to tonight including the daily show jordan klepper who spent years, literally, talking to trump's faithful supporters. we will get into what he has learned and what he thinks will happen after november 5th coming up later this hour. first, why a racist insult for puerto rico might cost trump the whole election? maybe might cost trum that is next p the whole elec that is next i got this $1,000 camera for only $41 on dealdash., online auctions since 2009. this playstation 5 sold for only 50 cents. this ipad pro sold for less than $34. and this nintendo switch, sold for less than $20. i got this kitchenaid stand mixer for only $56. i got this bbq smoker for 26 bucks. and shipping is always free. go to right now and see
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allen town, pennsylvania, home of the large puerto rican communities in america. it has been 48 hours since maga comedian tony hinchcliff made a shockingly racist comment about latinos and black americans at a trump rally at madison square garden >> i don't know if you know this there is literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. i think it is called puerto rico. >> when questioned by reporters earlier today about his comments, trump did not apologize, he pretended not to know him saying, i don't know, someone put him up there. i don't know who he is. that does not mean trump didn't really like that new york rally. >> it was like a love fest. salute love fest. it was my honor to be involved.
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>> my honor to be involved. as a reminder, puerto ricans are americans and they can vote in this election including 472,000 who live in the battleground state of pennsylvania. joining me now is victor martinez. owner of la mega and host of the morning show. victor, we saw each other, it feels like two years ago but i think it was a week ago. thank you for being here tonight. first i want to get your view from the ground. trump's rally just concluded in allen town. there was talk there might be protests in and around that rally. what is the mood been like on the ground? what was trump's reception like? >> reporter: yes, there were a few people who decided to go and protest. i personally told my audience not to. i told my audience it was not worth going there and put themselves out there that way.
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i think and i thought it was dangerous for them to do so. what i told my audience is, if they are really upset and really want to protest the best way to do it is next tuesday at the ballot box. you want to take your flag and be proud of being puerto rican, the best way is tuesday in the ballot box. >> the comedian at the rally said such appalling things about many americans. but really, he reserved a particular amount of vitriol. i know you do columns but what has their reaction been? >> the last two days, yesterday, today, taking hundreds of calls. people are calling. they can not believe something like this would be said in such a public way about any country
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but especially us about puerto rico. they were upset and now they are just mad. one thing that has gotten us mad by the hour is the fact that even though, yes, trump did not say those things for the last two days he neglected to even address the situation. even acknowledge the situation, apologize or maybe even distancing himself from what happened. then today, this morning, 10:00 a.m. he was having a news conference we thought, okay, now, maybe he will finally say something. and then we hear him say it was a love fest. he loved it. he was proud of being part of that event. that just told us flat out that he agree with everything that was said. >> i mean, it is also a reminder of the attitude trump has taken to puerto rico in the aftermath of hurricane maria. it was abysmal response from the president and you know, for people in your community who
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may have forgotten about that this is a reminder of the attitude he has taken towards an essential part of the united states. do you think this is the kind of thing that will make latinos, people in your audience change their votes if they were trump supporters? >> reporter: from what i am hearing right now, yes. i had a listener in that called in this morning and he told us he is a republican. he already voted for trump by mail. and yet he was upset. he was mad that he already voted. when i asked him, okay, now what? he said in order to make up for already voting for trump, he is now -- [lost audio ]. >> that is an example. you mentioned maria, time heals all wounds, we let it go.
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what happened on sunday brought all of those feelings back. it reminded us, oh, that is right. that is the guy that threw paper towels at us. wanted to trade us in like a used car. lais the guy that called us poor and dirty. that is the guy that now is part of this puerto rico is trash comment. it is like, it is like a wound, right. it was healing and now that wound has been opened back up and it is bleeding again. >> in the wake of the madison square garden rally, prominent latino and latina artist and from puerto rico. j-lo. her heritage is puerto rican. bad bunny. the culturally the most relevant artist and happens to be from pr. danny yankees. they came out and endorsed kamala harris to have those
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endorsements roll out after trump is doing this and saying this to the puerto rican community do you think it makes a difference? >> absolutely. impact, all of those artists are out there endorsing trump. the representative in congress come is a republican, a trump supporter and candidate for governor in puerto rico said today in puerto rico television she believed this situation will hurt donald trump in the states where puerto ricans live. >> you are in one of them, victor. i want to hear daily dispatches about what is happening on the ground there. you are our eyes and ears, thank you so much for taking the time. great to see you. >> thank you. coming up. the daily shows, jordan klepp, r attended dozens of magga rallies and spoken to hundreds
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of trump diehards over the presidential runs. i want to know how has the maga- verse is it a new brand of crazy or always like this? he will tell me when he joins me in studio, coming up next jo me in studio, coming up next (husband) we just want to have enough money for retirement. (wife) and travel to visit our grandchildren. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle, goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio. (wife) what about commission- based products? (fisher investments) we don't sell those. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in your best interest. (husband) so how do your management fees work? (fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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of the houses. the abandoned factories >> why didn't he is a that? >> trump at this age, at his age he has had the eloquence speaking of his life. he does not give a -- [beep] >> we are passed prime eloquence trump? >> when we were every in prime eloquence trump? when was that time? when was that time? for the past eight years daily show correspondent traveled the country attending dozens of magga rallies and interviewing hundreds of trump supporters. in eight years a lot has changed. trump is more unfocused and bizarre. he toggles back and forth between overt fascism and talking about arnold palmer's gene genetillia and his
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supporters are more extreme >> back to back hurricanes can not tell me that they did not have a hand in that. >> the democrats are controlling the weather? >> the government. >> trump gets in office he will have control over the weather? >> they will pass on the torch i, assume. >> trump is a time traveler. what? i have not heard the time traveler. bullet hit his ear. >> it does. so he came back. >> he had already been there once before? he must know he won >> i think he knows he is going to win this time? that is why he is so angry. if i don't win it is because you guys cheated because i have seen it >> is this what you are usually hear something. >> we can not be the most far out theory. >> how much for the kamala harris toilet paper? >> democrats control the weather and donald truth is a time traveler.
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trump rallies is always an eco- system on to themselves but this year, they feel like it on mars don't take my word for it. jordan klepper joins me how the man and his movement have gotten more maga, next d his mo gotten more maga, next the time ? that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet.
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(man) look at this silly little sailboat... these men of means with their silver spoons,t that! eating up the financial favors of the 1%. what would become of them when they discover robinhood gold allows others to earn their very liberal rates on idle cash, unlimited deposit bonuses and handsome retirement matching? they would descend into chaos. merciless chaos. . i was curious which news do you follow? >> i ask questions from my lord above. and honestly i get a lot of stuff from x. >> so god and twitter.
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>> the daily show jordan klepper has been going to trump rallies for nearly a decade and he is still standing. while some are the same and things are different. musk, democrats can control the weather and don adtrump is a time traveler. daily show presents jordan klepper fingers the pulse rally together. thank you for making me say that, jordan. it is basically everywhere. jordan. i want to get all your thoughts. >> sure. let's get into it. so, you know, you are a seasoned vet of maga-land >> i have been there, bought the t-shirt. tried to return it. they do not do it. gives me a different one. crew neck not a v-neck. "new york times," far from
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showing strength, writing about the msg, far from strength it shows the maga movement is a spent and exhausted force even if it is not defeated. i wonder as you go to these events if that comports with the reality you are witnessing. does it feel like a movement lost steam more carnival than it is political movement? >> i do feel like the circus has come through town many times. but people are still coming out to see the three-armed man and telling themselves lies it is not a prosthetic it is a third arm, indeed. but we are seeing less and less people. the diehards are there. a lot of people who have been to 93 rallies and keep going to more and more rallies like the deadheads, the deadheads will still dead head. hearing about the msg that is what i saw as well. impressive to philanarena. to philanarena pull of new jersey folks will not win an
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election just -- to fill an arena full of new orleans folks will not within election just ask the jets. if you are presenting to the world your final case and the best thing that you have to offer is dr. phil and hulk hogan. d-listers out there, just anger and bad jokes that do not play and jokes that are offensive and racist and feel like mad scribblings by mediocre men, if that is your final offer, that is your team, party, that is 18,000 people but somehow he made 18,000 people and the event and the party seem tiny. >> we were talking before the segment began about the commodian that made the most racist garbage comments -- comedian that made the most racist garbage comments. >> i don't know him personally.
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>> you are familiar with his work. he is not, he was not secret or surprising. this is what you are expecting. not surprising that hulk hog an ripped his shirts off. he is a roast host. the thing that is shocking it is usually happening in a small austin comedy club or back rooms at maga events. in front of him it said trump/vance. the secret is out. it is laughable to me like trump did not know what they were getting. of course, they pretend. we were just joking, no, you know, i know, and i am not vetting this whole thing. >> we are told for people who are not at the rallies and not familiar with tony's sets down in austin this is the stuff that resinates with young men.
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that is the man overse. they might seem like weird sideshows but that is what is getting a whole generation of men who feel marginalized. is that, is that, is that an assessment of the merits or the value of these people at those events correct? >> this excites some men. not all men. i mean. kind of the worst men. but if this is what gets you going you need a hobby, learn to play guitar. i have empathy for it. >> you see it resinating with the young men at the rally. >> yes, i think maga-rallies evolved. that is devolve might be better termology there. but part of the excitement at a maga rally is rebelling. rebelling against what is not
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defined. they buy t-shirts to make people angry. they want kamala harris toilet paper. it is, it is more akin to a rebelious teenager that wants to tp a front yard. and then might play with a dirty dark joke like that. but it is so surprising to see it but this, this is not the back room this is somebody asking for your vote ask support >>and you want to win over latino men and women and vote period. this will not help you do that in addition to being racist. you mention the kind of like trolling the libs aspect to all of this. we played sound of trump supporters saying with straight forces trump may be a time traveler or democrats can control the weather. is that, is that, you know you are up close with these folks, is that them more sort of trolling the libs, owning the
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libs saying outlandish or do you think it is. >> it is not what the truth of the situation is. they are not seeking truth they are seeking comfort the weather conversation is them, they have their worldview everything is us versus them. literally air is something that has to be them and not us. so, it is not a discussion what they believe. it is muddy. they believe most in winning, most in donald trump. so they comport these worldviews to that. trump giving them just enough, just enough rope to hang themselves in a bad information world >> do you, you know, when you have conversations, i mean, whatever happens on november 5th the country presumably is going to save the united states. i wonder what is it when you get out of a cult there are certain ways to bring people back into society. i wonder if there are any sort of devices or tricks you
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learned to help people who are so deeply embedded in the cult of maga come back or at least see a light at the end of the tunnel that may be in fact the truth. is there a way to approach these folks? >> the short answer, no. >> really? >> i am not seeing change. to be fair i am not trying to go out there and change people's minds. i will say in a special that we did. edward, i seen at a bunch of rallies, been to 93 trump rallies. we brought him to a kamala harris rally. he never been. his perspective everyone at a kamala harris is a paid actor. they don't believe anything. we bring him to a kamala harris he is critical, he is trolley but he is a good-natured person. i like edward. he feels like your uncle. and, over time through exposure through engaging in conversations and through talking one-on-one he did not change his mind but he at least thought there is a movement here. not my movement but there is a
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movement here. it is so -- >> maybe people who are not lizard people >> they are real people. the internet is not a real place. if you look at somebody face-to- face and want to troll them it is super hard. so easy to troll from the confined -- confines of the internet. you can connect and help that person. dictators prey on loneliness, we see that. you have to deal with the loneliness and it may provide a path out of that into some light >> that is very, very wise and very reflective. i should not sound surprised. >> yes. i have been through the fire. >> jordan klepper, thank you. the daily show presents jordan klepper fingers the pulse. rally together. yes, that. it is available on paramount plus. thank you, great to see you. when we come back
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republicans are losing some key court battles over the 2024 election and election day is not even here yet. lisa reuben, our legal eagle joins me next t. lisa reuben, our legal eagle joins me next power's out! -power's out! power's out! -power's out comcast business has you covered, with wifi backup to help keep you up and running. wifi's up. let's power on! let's power on! let's power on! -let's power on! it's from the company with 99.9% network reliability. plus advanced security. let's power on! power on with the leader in connectivity. powering possibilities. comcast business. power's out., online auctions since 2009. this playstation 5 sold for only 50 cents. this ipad pro sold for less than $34. and this nintendo switch, sold for less than $20. go to and see how much you can save. i still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol's extra strength, high absorption magnesium
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we are one week out from election day. the trump campaign is setting the stage for a legal fight after voting ends. but its allies are already racking up losses in their efforts to restrict the vote in key swing states. in north carolina, state court of appeals unanimously upheld the ruling that the state cannot block overseas ball ballots from the spouses and children of service members. election officials can count mail-in ballots that arrive without a postmark. as many as three days after election day. and in pennsylvania, the state supreme court ruled last wednesday that voters whose mail-in ballots are rejected should be allowed to vote with
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a provisional ballot. the republican party has now appealed that decision to the supreme court. joining me now is msnbc legal correspondent lisa rubin. lisa, thank you for being here. i want to kind of go through as many of these as we can. but the nevada one where voters are being held accountable for a postmark on or not on the ballot seems to be insane. >> that's what the court said. the nevada supreme court telling the rnc which is a party here. it is not reasonable if the statute says that we are to count it where the postmark cannot be determined. putting that burden on the voters is incompatible with the legislative intent of expanding the right to vote. not contracting it.
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>> did they have an argument to make? how could i even begin to ensure that it got postmarked? >> i will read to you from the decision that the rnc asserted that the voters can ensure their ballot is postmarked by visiting a post office in person and requesting a postmark from the postal service associate. and the court says look, that's possible for some voters. but it might not be for other groups including people who most need to vote by mail. home bound seniors. to ensure the most vulnerable among us have access to the franchise. >> can you talk about what has happened there? >> tomorrow the winners in pennsylvania owe their response to the supreme court in terms of where it is going to go and if it is gowning to go.
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but in pennsylvania, you have a bunch of people who tried to vote by mail and somehow got it wrong. they failed to include what is called the secrecy envelope. the inner envelope you put it in before you put it in the mail. >> and they were notified by their county they messed up their mail-in ballot and tried to vote provisionally in that state's primary and were essentially told no, your vote cannot count. they then took the case to court and now you have the supreme court saying not only do you have the right to vote provisionally or you a ballot without your signature. counties must count them where voters cast. >> interesting. so basically, people were messing up the sort of secretarial part of voting and not enclosing it in a ballot were informed you messed up
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your ballot but were told the provisional ballot would not count. this is still the line republicans are trying to push all the way to the supreme court. >> right. and the pennsylvania supreme court saying a variation of what the nevada supreme court said which is the whole purpose of this is to expand the population of people who can vote. it is wrong to penalize people for getting the technicalities wrong so they didn't include the secrecy envelope or failed to date or sign it. but if they are notified they messed that up to not give them an opportunity to cure it provisionally is punitive not in the spirit of what our state constitution requires as well as what the law allows. >> in north carolina they are trying to restrict the ability of the families of service members whom i would assume probably vote in healthy numbers for republican candidates, they are trying to restrict their ability to vote by mail is right as well. >> yes. someone described this to me as
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not necessarily something republicans expected to win. but a spaghetti at the wall kind of effort. in an attempt to make that red mirage we might see on election day itself feel like a red finality. if you can exclude through litigation the votes counted last of all, you can make what looks like a decisive victory feel like the result that should have happened all along. they are grasps at straws and they did not expect to win and in all of those cases that involved the spouses or adult children of service members they have lost across the board so far. >> for a lot of us watching the coverage of ballot boxes burned, and state and local elections, the fact the courts are still resisting efforts on the part of republicans to subvert democracy, this should be good news indeed. especially as we head into an
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election season where there is bound to be a raft of lawsuits. >> let's hope the courts stay as integrity filled as they have been so far. >> lisa, thank you for your time. that's our show this evening. please be sure to tune in at 9:00 p.m. eastern for a special we are having here, your power your vote which i will cohost alongside my friend the incomparable joy reed. now it is time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. good evening. >> good evening. after that historic speech by kamala harris, we need a big thinker here. isabel wilkerson joins us, i feel so lucky to have her. >> that is an excellent booking. i'm looking forward to that conversation. >> thanks. >> have a great show. >> thank you. kamala harris has been a candidate for president
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