tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC October 30, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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right now on "andrea mitchell reports," six days to election day. kamala harris tries to correct -- or try to clean up an untimely gaff, distracting attention from her 60,000 person rally last night. her biggest rally of the campaign. >> i strongly disagree with any criticism of people based on who they vote for. >> delivering her closing message to energy the base and reach out to persuadable republicans. >> if you give me the chance to fight on your behalf, there is nothing in the world that will stand in my way. >> followed by a sharp rebuttal from former president trump. >> if we win, america will be feared and respected again on
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issue after issue. kamala broke it and i will fix it. i will fix it very quickly. ♪♪ good day, i'm andrea mitchell in washington. vice president harris drawing her largest crowd ever, delivering her closing argument just beyond the backyard of the white house and calling donald trump a petty tyrant. >> unlike donald trump, i don't believe people who disagree with me are the enemy. he wants to put them in jail. i will give them a seat at the table. >> the trump campaign seizing on a slip of the tongue from the president as he was on a zoom call with latino voters, responding to the trump comedian
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calling puerto rico an island of garbage. >> the other day, a speaker called puerto rico a floating island of garbage. i don't know the puerto rican that i know or puerto rico where -- in my home state of delaware, they are good, decent. the only garbage is his demonization is unamerican. it's contrary to everything we have done, everything we have been. >> it didn't take long because two hours later, donald trump speaking in allentown, pennsylvania, where there are many puerto ricans and hispanics when senator marco rubio came back on stage. trump comparing it to a gaff by hillary clinton in the 2016 campaign. >> remember hillary, she said
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deplorable? then she said irredeemable. that didn't work out. garbage i think is worse. but he doesn't know, you have to please forgive him. please forgive him. for he not knoweth what he said. >> the white house issued a revised transcript, cluesing an apostrophe, changing it to calling only the comments sunday night as garbage. last night on fox, mr. trump conceding that comedian who sparked the garbage uproar was a bad choice. he falsely suggested that vote cheating was going on in pennsylvania. they filed a lawsuit in bucks county. the democratic governor firing back. >> they have started cheating in lancaster. they have cheated. we caught it with 2,600 votes.
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every vote was written by the same person. i wonder how that happened. >> i understand that donald trump wants to again use the same playbook where he tries to create chaos and stoke division and fear about our system. we will have a free and fair, safe and secure election in pennsylvania. >> shapiro was speaking on cnn last night. we begin in north carolina with mike memoli. and jonathan allen in washington. mike, one harris aide tells nbc that biden's comment is not helpful, whatever he meant. how is the campaign trying to get the focus on harris' successful rally? >> reporter: there's no doubt that the president's comment last night has proved to be quite a distraction. the campaign really is trying to keep pushing forward. we heard the vice president, we
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heard tim walz try to address this this morning, saying that the president was quick to clarify his remarks. but it doesn't reflect how they view the voters who they are appealing to in the closing stretch of the campaign. they are trying to keep the energy going. what we have seen at this rally behind me, you see governor cooper, the outgoing governor of north carolina speaking before him josh stein. one of the biggest crowd reactions here today was when somebody had a puerto rican flag and was walking it across. they played puerto rican music. that's an issue. they want the vice president to continue to build on the closing argument she was making last night, talking about her biography, a middle class upbringing that her career as a prosecutor that shaped the way she's viewing her role as a potential president of the united states. the agenda she would put forward. i thought it was interesting the
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ways in which she continued in a nuanced way to make that distinction between her and president biden, talking about the fact that she has been proud to serve as his vice president but that because she faces a different set of issues than biden did four years ago, her presidency would not be an extension of his. she also focused primarily on the contrast between her and her opponent, donald trump, and the presidency she would go forward with versus what we have seen from donald trump. let's listen to part of what the vice president said last night. >> it's a choice about whether we have a country rooted in freedom for every american or ruled by chaos and division. on day one, if elected, donald trump would walk into that office with an enemies list. when elected, i will walk in with a to-do list. >> reporter: the reporters are about to head into the oval office. there might be and opportunity
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for president biden to clarify what he meant or what he said last night. you and i both interviewed then vice president biden in the closing days of his time in office when the deplorables comment from hillary clinton was very much salient as an excuse why she struggled. as biden said, he looked at trump supporters and said, they are not racist, sexist, they just didn't feel they were heard. that's the way advisors say he views this. >> it's not an accident that he was in the white house not very far from the rally, just across the backyard, the south lawn, but wasn't there. he has not been campaigning with vice president harris. >> reporter: that's right, andrea. we saw him yesterday in baltimore. i was with him there. he did campaign with a senate candidate. that's a race democrats feel
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better about. he will be on the road later this week. he has an event friday in philadelphia where he will be focused as he has been on rallying the union vote. he is going to his hometown of scranton. a swing part of pennsylvania, an important part of pennsylvania. >> it has been red. it is biden country as well. it's a place that's near to his heart and they love joe biden there. thank you very much. good to see you, mike. john allen, president biden's comment could not have come at a better time for the trump campaign. how are they using that comment? we showed a little bit of it. >> they are jumping all over this. trump last night right in the moment campaigning it to the basket of deplorables that hillary clinton said half of trump supporters fit into. this comment of the -- they said
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that he was talking about all of trump's supporters as garbage. they are lighting up social media with it. i would be surprised if we don't see ads. trump will speak today in north carolina and in wisconsin. i'm sure that he will make reference to them there as well. >> the hillary clinton mistake happened when she was actually -- she hadn't disclosed this, but she was ill with pneumonia. it was a friday night at a fund-raiser in new york city. it was on september 10th in 2019. it was not just days before election day. i'm not sure what you think. was it better or worse that her gaff was two months before and there was time for it to sink in or is it worse coming in the closing days right before the election? >> look, i think something that happens in that time frame in september is worse, because it allows it to sink in. people have cast ballots.
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what president biden said last night at best, it's a distraction for the harris campaign. she did find a place where she could diverge from biden, hearing her comments that she disagrees with everybody that says what he said. it's a distraction. they are having to spend one of their last days on the campaign trail fighting this battle. that's not good for them. worst case, it moves people to vote for donald trump. >> thanks so much. thanks to mike. >> happy birthday, andrea. >> thank you. we are ignoring this. it's too close to election. thank you very much. joining me now is harris campaign communications director michael tyler. michael, you don't look distracted. >> i'm going to say happy birthday as well. >> thank you, sir. you had this big event, closing argument, great backdrop, biggest crowd ever. right in the shadow of the white house.
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then the president of the united states says something that he didn't intend. he fixed it right away. but it was out there. they seized on it. that's what people are talking about in the media conversation. >> sure. the president did clarify that his remarks were with reference to the comedian who made the racist remark towards the island of puerto rico, the people there. you heard the vice president make very clear that she disagrees with the idea we would disparage any american. you saw 75,000 people on the ellipse and spilling into the national mall and millions more across the country saw kamala harris pledge to be a president for all americans who is going to reach across the aisle to get solutions for the american people, who does not care about whether or not you live in a red state or blue state, who is going to fight for americans in every single community. i think that is the contrast that we will present for the final six days of this campaign. you have somebody in donald trump who whether it's madison
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square garden or at his maga rallies, when he does get out and campaign and leaves mar-a-lago, talking about the fact that all of america is the trash can of the world. he is referring to half of the country as enemies from within. as the vice president made very clear last night, it's either donald trump walking into the oval office with his enemies list or her focused on the entirety of the american people with her to-do list, restore reproductive rights, bring people together in search of solutions to get things done. that's the contrast this campaign will present. >> clearly in your final week, you need to get out the vote. you are reported to have a better ground operation to get your vote out than he does. you have got enough money. you have a loyal base. you have to get those marginal voters out. are you reaching out, as you did through a lot of her speech last night, to those republicans, independents who might not be sold on her, that show the
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contrast with donald trump and show in your view how dark he is and how dark, frankly, his language has been? or is it to reach out to smaller slices, black young men, who -- and other men who might be reluctant to vote for a woman? the undisclosed to pollsters part of the gender gap that has men -- male bias, prejudice against voting for a woman. >> what this campaign is focused on is reaching out to all of those voters in the final stretch of the campaign. we know particularly as early voting has gotten underway, people have cast their ballots. we are focused during early voting and on election day of reaching out to those people who are undecided, whether they will vote for the vice president or donald trump, or if they vote at all. making sure that they understand the stakes, the clear choice in this election, between the vice
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president who is going to restore women's reproductive rights, who will focus on lowering costs, whether it's groceries, housing, health care, make sure they understand on the opposite side you have donald trump who is unhinged, is unstable, who will walk into the oval office with his enemies list focused on revenge. he will be incapable of focusing on things the american people want a president to do. that resonates not just with moderates and independents and republicans but some democratic voters, that we are reaching out to in the final stretch. we think that by presenting the vice president earning every vote, those undecideds will swing our way. folks thinking whether they will get off the coach will understand that in the vice president they have somebody who sees them, understanding the challenges they face and will go to work every day on their behalf.
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>> the gender gap is a canyon. most largely because of dobbs and the abortion issue. how do you frame that? is that the most compelling issue you have in this campaign in order to get this vote out? or is it something else? is it the contrast with donald trump? >> listen, i think there's no person who is more responsible for the harm that's playing out across this country right now when it comes to abortion than donald trump. he is the person who appointed the three justices that helped overturn roe v. wade. i saw the vice president go to houston, texas, not because texas is a swing state, but because it's ground zero for the harm that donald trump has caused across this country where you have one in three women who live under an abortion ban. she took that message and went to michigan with michelle obama to make clear the stakes. if donald trump regains power, the harm that's playing out in text is going to be the nationwide nightmare that women across this country are going to
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be forced to live with, that men will be forced to live with as well. if you are a husband having to watch your wife as she -- wait for her to reach death's door before she's able to receive medical care she's entitled to, those are the stakes. we think that this is a message that not only will resonate with women but men as well who are thinking about when and how to start a family. these are the stakes. this is about people's lives. there's one candidate in this race who is focused on improving the lives of the american people, whether it's reproductive rights or putting more money in the pockets of middle class americans, entrepreneurs, understanding the reality in which we live in the 21st century, kamala harris is the only candidate that gets that and would fight for the american people. >> can the puerto rican comment, the garbage comment by trump introducer, can that help you win pennsylvania where there are more than 300,000? >> there's about a half million puerto ricans in pennsylvania. i think donald trump has made it very clear who he sees is in his
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club and who he does not see in his club. i think whether you are a puerto rican american living in pennsylvania or anybody else across this country, it's very clear that one candidate traffics in chaos, division, thinks that he can build himself up by beating others down, and there's another candidate who realizes that we are at our best when we bring people together in search of common solutions, that we have more in common than what divides us. that's the way she will govern when she's sitting behind the desk every day. >> michael tyler, thank you. >> thanks for having me. happy birthday. both vice president kamala harris and former president donald trump will campaign in wisconsin. the state is part of the blue wall for democrats.
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a state joe biden won narrowly by a little more than 20,000 votes four years ago. in georgia, early in-person voting has reached a record shattering 3 million, michelle obama appealing to young voters at her non-partisan when we all vote rally in the atlanta suburbs. >> ask these brothers, you registered? you want to pull up to me? let me see your voting card. did you vote early? you cute but did you vote? >> joining us now are the democratic party chairs of wisconsin, ben wickler and congresswoman williams. let's start with georgia, what does the get out the vote effort for democrats look like there? >> we know that in battleground georgia where we only won by 11,780 votes, that means between now and november 5th, we have to continue to talk to every single
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person that we can reach. last night, i wish i could have been there with first lady michelle obama when she was giving these remarks to young people in my district. i was at georgia tech in an auditorium full of young people who were helping us reach other young people to get out the vote. we know that's what it's going to take us. it's going to take us reaching other people. once we cast our early vote, which a lot of people have, because we have shattered every early voting record in our state's history with over 3 million people already voting, but once we vote, then we go and reach other people and bring them to the polls with us. we understand the stakes in this election. it's going to come down to turnout. we know it's going to be close. we keep hearing that. we knew that from the beginning, that in battleground states, turnout matters. it means we have to get our people to the polls. we're doing that. >> ben, let's talk about wisconsin, both trump and harris will be there tonight. harris is in madison. trump is in green bay.
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the race is tight in your state. it's partly because of that tighter than expected senate race where tammy baldwin won comfortably last time is being attacked by her republican opponent. they are attacking her same-sex partner. how could it affect the top of the ticket? >> wisconsin is the ultimate nail biter state. four of the last six presidential races has come down to less than 1%. on the ground, get out the vote operation is critical in the final stretch. folks can sign up if they want to be part of it. what we see on the republican side is a 100% negative scorched earth flood of ads, in the presidential race and legislative races. the democratic side, a combination of the message around freedom, democracy and an
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economy that works for working people. on the democratic side, more than the republican side, that's paired with a ground game operation where our volunteers and groups are on the ground in communities all over the state turning out voters to vote for democrats at every level. this could be a squeaker. i give us the edge for ground game energy in wisconsin. >> in the presidential -- do you think there will be ticket splitting? what about the senate race? >> wisconsin is a state where ticket splitting is not uncommon. that said, a lot of the republican strategy has been to get trump voters to switch over to eric. it's not about persuading people to vote for either republican. when you look at how republicans are organizing, musk's superpac is talking about trump. they are fragmented. they don't have disciplined and focused campaign that harris has had.
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it's how we won most of the last elections in the state by making sure people fill out the ballot and vote for democrats at every level. i would rather be us than them. make no mistake, every poll, every model says this is going to be a squeaker. if someone is watching who has someone who lives with them who hasn't cast a ballot, help them cast early today. that could be the one that tips this election. >> congresswoman williams, the georgia secretary of state, brad raffensperger, we know him from last time around, he said he is ready to defend the results of the election, it's a clean election. how concerned are you this time around if donald trump tried to overturn the georgia results four years ago that they will try that again? they have tried and lost in an early round what they were going to do at the local level. >> we have been in court over this issue because we know that when we tell georgia voters to turn out and cast their ballots,
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those ballots should be counted and certified. we won those suits in court. we are continuing to do everything that we can to make sure that every vote that's cast is counted. it's indicative of the campaign that vice president harris is running. she's not running to be a president for just democrats or republicans, she will be a president for all georgians, all americans. that's what this campaign is about. it's about getting past the division, chaos and hate of the republican party of donald trump and it's about moving us in a new way forward with someone who has the vision for this country so that people can get ahead, not just get by. also, fighting for our freedoms. that includes the freedom to vote, making sure in this seat i hold, that was held by the late congressman john lewis, that every vote that's cast is counted. we stand up for free and fair elections. vice president harris is the president to move this country forward and to bring us together. when people go out and cast their ballots for freedom and our future in this country and
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in battleground georgia, they know harris is the only choice to make that happen. >> finally to you, congresswoman, you have a lot of hispanic and puerto rican voters in georgia. are you hearing impact from the garbage comment, the racist comment from the trump comedian? are you hearing anything from what happened last night with the president's gaff? is that being picked up? >> what we know here is we have always had to build multiracial coalitions. we have been doing the work on the ground in every community. we have a strong presence organizing in the latino community, in the black community -- we got white dudes for kamala down here as well. we are building multiracial coalitions. that's our only path to victory. we are not focused on one comment or one issue. we are focused on people being able to get ahead, not just get by in this economy.
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they understand that donald trump has continued to try to divide us and take us back to a dark past. georgia voters aren't having it. we are moving forward so people can go to early voting ends friday, november 1st. >> thank you so much. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. keeping the election safe and secure. disinformation spreads about the integrity of the votes being cast. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. . . nice reach! brooms can just push stuff around, but swiffer grabs dirt and even traps the hair. swiffer. the mother of all cleans. love it or your money back!
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the fight over whose vote will be counted is underway, as the supreme court cleared the way for virginia to remove 1,600 voters from the rolls, that includes non-citizens and citizens. the governor said it's a victory for common sense. they will rule on provisional ballots in pennsylvania that republicans want invalidated after they failed to place them into an inner envelope. democrats are fighting it. there are threats in polling centers. trump tries to undermine the vote.
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joining us, kimberly atkins stohr and phil rucker. welcome both. kimberly, to you. donald trump and his campaign have been filing a lawsuit in pennsylvania against bucks county, one of the counties outside philadelphia, also bordering on trenton, new jersey, accusing them of turning voters away and alleging they are not allowing voters to cast ballots. how concerned are you about the lawsuits, supreme court the final arbiter? we should point out that four years ago, there were 43 lawsuits in pennsylvania alone. the democrats led by governor shapiro, who was the attorney general, won every single one of them. >> so far, we are seeing what is expected, which is a flood of litigation around the election around procedures and what is allegedly happening. so far, the guardrails have held
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in that most of the attacks that we have seen, what my colleague called press releases dressed up as lawsuits -- >> you are an attorney as well. >> i am an attorney as well. we have seen them largely fail. we have seen the guardrails hold. we saw in georgia a lot of rules that trying to be implemented to make voting harder and make objecting to the vote coun easier. it was thrown out. they want to address them as they come. they started showing up. in virginia, these rules that purge voters from the rolls got upheld without any explanation, with just a simple order. that i think should draw a lot of concern. these are citizens who are kicked off of the rolls.
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that's exactly what people who want open access to voting were fearful of. i want to say, congratulations to you. you are one of the first people to have me on here and your mentorship and friendship has been wonderful. congrats to you. >> kimberly, my judgment validated. you have been a great advisor and help. thank you. phil, let's talk about congress. congress has changed the election certification process, making it harder to object. president biden not trump will be president this time around, unlike january 6. are you confident this time that the process will be smoother this time around? although you have a republican speaker. there was the suggestion by donald trump the other night that he has a secret with mike johnson. no one knows what that is. >> well, andrea, we have to be
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prepared for the process to be rather bumpy and for there to be complications at a number of steps. it's important to keep in mind that right now the system is working exactly as it should. there has not been widespread problems to date with the early vote. it's fully expected there will be a ton of lawsuits. that doesn't mean there's been any wrongdoing. that's just an allegation. as you noted, last time four years ago, all of those lawsuits failed because there was not the evidence to support them. in terms of the congressional procedures for ratifying and certifying the election, those procedures are well established. there are rules to be followed in a democracy. we will see if there are any complications or problems that emerge in some of the state legislatures before they come up to congress. we will see what speaker johnson does. the rules are well established. i think there will be a lot of
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interested parties watching and having an interest in ensuring they are followed. >> kimberly, what about deepfakes? that are not well screened. we know elon musk on his social platform is in the trump camp. but also russia, china, other outside people interfering. they have warned about it. >> just like we saw russia use social media very well in past election campaigns, they have been using deepfakes. videos as one showing ballots being ripped up, which is fake. manufactured by russia. it's out there. people are being fooled by this. people are being scared or convinced that voter fraud is taking place when it really isn't. once it's out there, it's hard to get ahead of it. i'm hoping that federal authorities can do more to maybe try to crack down on it. at this point, a week out from the election, it's a big problem.
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>> phil, bob woodward, our friend, your colleague, was on "morning joe" today addressing the lack of an endorsement. it's controversial and so late in the game by "the washington >> this is a case where i r believe that great reporting that "the washington post" has done on donald trump should be backed up 100% by the editorial page. this is a super mistake. >> as i say, it's controversial because since 1976 they have endorsed a candidate. in this cycle, it endorsed local and state races but not presidential. >> yeah, that's right. i'm an editor on the news side. i'm not involved in decisions that the editorial board made and our owner jeff bezos wrote a column earlier this week explaining the decision not to
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do the endorsement. i think it's important for your viewers to understand that that decision has no impact on the journalism, the reporting we're doing on the news side. we're continuing to do fair, aggressive and independent coverage no matter who the president is. if i could also add, my congratulations to you. you are just a hero and icon in journalism. it's wonderful to see you moving on to focus on your reporting next year. if my information is correct, happy birthday as well. >> thank you. >> happy birthday. >> thank you so much to all of you. all of the messages have been lovely. i appreciate it. >> we love you. >> thanks. love you back. up next, a former longtime republican congressman now is supporting vice president harris. he will talk about his decision and his pitch to fellow republicans on the fence. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports." this is msnbc. is msnbc.
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this morning, former republican governor of california arnold schwarzenegger endorsed harris, writing on social media, to someone like me who talks to people all over the world and still knows america is the shining city on a hill, calling america a trash can for the world is so unpatriotic it makes me furious. i will always be an american before i'm a republican. that's why this week i am voting for kamala harris and tim walz.
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joining me now is former michigan republican congressman fred upton. he endorsed vice president harris last week. good to see you. thank you very much. >> happy birthday, girl. >> thank you. arnold schwarzenegger, a big democratic state, but he has been someone who could make up his own mind about a lot of things. do you think he would have impact on male voters who, he is the famous star body builder from years past, do you think that might have an impact on some of the men who seem to be reluctant, according to the gender gap, to vote for a woman? >> i hope so. michigan, where i am, it's always been a purple state. what makes it purple is the area that jerry ford used to represent when he was in congress. my district, kalamazoo, battle creek, oakland county, a suburb of detroit.
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susan ford, myself, joe schwartz, former republican colleague who represented battle creek and was mayor of battle creek, and dan trott who represented oakland county, we have endorsed harris. more than 30 former republican members of congress, including the former head of the national republican congressional campaign committee, bill paxton from new york, have endorsed harris. why is that? because we have got enormous problems in this country. we know that. washington is a mess. it's dysfunctional. the only way we will clear the gates is to work together. we saw harris last night again pledge to seek common ground. that means working with republicans and democrats. she's indicated she's going to have republicans in her administration, including her cabinet. as we look to next week's
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election, we have to solve these problems and doing that on a bipartisan basis is the only way it's going to get done. >> when i think about michigan, i think about the reagan democrats. i think about the labor union this year, the teamsters and others who have not -- the firefighters, largely men, not all but largely men who have not endorsed the democrat. firefighters were always in joe biden's corner. is her problem not just with republicans, anti-trump republicans perhaps or other trump republicans who need to be persuaded, is her problem with reagan democrats? >> there will be a number of folks that vote for harris. i have to have a quick note. my sister-in-law is a former firefighter. she's voting for harris as well.
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you look at the margin with women and men, by a good margin harris -- it's part of the dynamics, in michigan, we are a complex state. we have unions. we got urban and rural. we have traditionally a purple district. we will see how it shakes out. the harris administration, they were here this last weekend. you are seeing walz come for a number of days later this week. we are a battleground state and probably will be one of the determining factors in terms of who wins. >> you bet. what about george w. bush? president george h.w. bush voted for hillary clinton, made it public. what do you make of the silence of george w. bush, despite what
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dick cheney and liz cheney and others like yourself have said? >> with him being silent, it tells me who is going to likely vote for. i think he decided to sit on his hands, as has mike pence. it's hard. i gotta say, it's hard. this is the first time i have voted for a democrat. i have split my ticket in the past. i voted absentee this last week. it's hard to endorse a presidential candidate on the other ticket, whether it be republican or democrat, depending upon your viewpoint. it's hard to do. that's why it is unprecedented now that more than 30 former republican members of congress have said, we've had enough. we have to work together. it's going to happen under a harris administration, frankly, probably not very likely under a trump administration. >> fred upton, former
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congressman from michigan, republican congressman from michigan, thanks very much. great to see you. next, the biden administration preparing to press israel's prime minister and others to work towards the still elusive cease-fire and hostage deal and to stop the fighting in lebanon. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. bc . discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2,
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a big issue in michigan, and other states as well with large muslim american populations, is the continuing war in gaza and now in lebanon as well. in the closing days of the campaign, senior biden aides will be in israel tomorrow, pressing prime minister netanyahu as they have been for almost a year about trying to end the fighting in gaza, but most particularly that has also spread to lebanon, according to a source to nbc news. a meeting comes amid growing optimism in israel to end air strikes in lebanon could be reached without first ending the war in gaza. joining me now is ambassador ryan crocker, former ambassador to syria, iraq, afghanistan, lebanon, and pakistan, among other important posts. ambassador, you are a survivor
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of the 1983 embassy bombing. i'm not telling you that. i'm telling our viewers who may not know that. israel, until days ago, was insisting it had to continue to strike pockets in southern lebanon. do you think they accomplished those goals and as well are willing to agree to stop hitting beirut, which has been the real concern of the administration? >> i think it is definitely time for israel to work with the united states and others on a cease-fire in lebanon as well as in gaza, that they have successfully decapitated hezbollah, something that i certainly applaud since among those they have targeted were individuals responsible for the bombing of the embassy and later the marine barracks in 1983. but we have to remember that
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hezbollah was born in the israeli invasion and subsequent occupation of lebanon in 1982 and 1983. it is highly unlikely that is going to be exterminated by another invasion and another occupation. and i think the israelis need to, again, take the win and withdraw their forces in the context of a cease-fire that hezbollah would sign on to. that's the only way i can see the inhabitants of northern israel returning to their homes and, again, it is important to remember that the invasion of 1982 was called "operation peace for galilee." well, 42 years later, we're a long way from peace for galilee. and hezbollah has shown an ability to continue rocket fire into northern israel. so the biden administration effort to achieve a cease-fire is something that a very much hope will be successful, that the israelis will listen
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carefully, and that iran will too. >> i was traveling with secretary blinken last week, and was questioning him and minister safadi, the prime minister and deputy prime minister and the jordanian minister said to secretary blinken that israel is not listening to anyone. his conclusion after the week of diplomacy from the secretary was that israel's prime minister is just not listening to the u.s., the u.s. doesn't have enough leverage. is the u.s. not using the leverage it has? >> well, this has been a hugely complicated and very tragic situation for all those involved. the palestinians suffered horribly in gaza. the trauma of october 7th on israel and israelis cannot possibly be overestimated. and now we're seeing suffering in lebanon. i think it is very important that the prime minister of israel take a deep breath and
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consider where he is, what has been achieved, and what the options are going forward. again, we had this situation during operation peace for galilee in 1982 where then defense minister eric sharon had his own plan and his own intention of doing things and was singularly unresponsive to the u.s. that did not end well, not for the u.s. and not for israel, who lost about 1100 idf troopers in an 18-year occupation of south lebanon. and, again, having now inflicted significant damage on hezbollah, a prolonged israeli presence in south lebanon is guaranteed to regenerate popular support for the movement they're out to defeat. so, again, i would hope that the united states and this administration has a proven and trusted ally of israel and will be p do what's in the best interest for regional peace
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and for israel's own security interest. >> ambassador ryan crocker, a cautionary tale. thank you very much, we appreciate your experience. >> thank you, andrea. happy birthday. >> thank you, mr. ambassador. and that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." thanks to all of my friends and all of my viewers, all of our viewers who have been writing to me. i appreciate all of that. and remember, follow the show on social media at mitchell reports. and you can rewatch the best parts of our show anytime on youtube, just go to "chris jansing reports" starts, my good friend chris jansing, after just a short break. , my good friend chris jansing, after just a short break for easier heartburn relief, one beats ten. prilosec otc. one pill. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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