tv The Weekend MSNBC November 2, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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welcome back to "the weekend." we begin this hour with breaking news from the harris campaign. on monday night, election eve, the campaign is planning to hold simultaneously connected events across battleground states. the massive mobilization effort will be live streamed for what i hear is officials says, may be the biggest interconnected get out the vote event in american, political history. the profile will feature vice president, governor walz, and performers. it is all a part of the campaign's effort to close this election on a very, very high notes. joining us now to talk about how high that note will be is chair of the democratic national committee, my man, jamie harrison. welcome, chairman. >> morning, mr. chairman, how are you? >> how are you, symone.
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>> alicia, here they go, here they go with the chairman corner . they just can't avoid it. now jamie, i have heard people describe what has gone on in terms of the fundraising with the harris/walz campaign. somebody else is quoting, more money than god. to me, when you can advertise on the sphere in las vegas, when you can put together seven highly produced, and highly coordinated events for election day, that to me says, the money is being put to good use, that democrats this cycle are not sparing any expenses trying to win this election. >> we are not symone. bottom line is this, democracy and freedom are on the ballot. we are going to do everything we can. every party we have on the table
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in order to fight for the american people. we are going to be creative. i've got some new ads that are running this weekend in rural communities, in north carolina and georgia. we are going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that we can reach the voters, communicate with the voters and let them know what the stakes of this election are. >> chairman, governor walz rex said something that caught my attention. this is what he had to say friday in michigan. take a listen. >> to put this into perspective, i was looking at my watch, we are under 100 hours until polls close, 100 hours. i know that kind of hits you in a way, because these next 100 hours of the work we do now and what happens when the polls closed are not just going to shape the most next few years, they will shape the next few generations. >>. what caught my attention, the four of us in rooms have been
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sitting around talking about this the last six months, but there are a lot of voters that will tune in the last 100 hours and are making up their minds in the last 100 hours. we just heard from the davis harris/walz campaign, those voters are breaking for harris double digits. what do you think is informing that choice in this last 100 hours? >> closing arguments, alicia. look at what you hear from kamala harris. she's talking about unity, about bringing all america together, democrats, republicans, independents. she is saying, everybody will have a seat at the table. when she is in the oval office, she will have a to do list to work on behalf of the american people. the contrast on the other side is just stark. donald trump is talking about payback, retribution, revenge. he's talking about a firing squad for his political enemies. it is, really a mind blowing to see how unhinged this guy is.
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he is delusional. the american people don't want to go back. we had four years of bigotry, hatred, and division when he was in the white house. he targeted every single group and has continued to do that now. if it is not him directly, it is the people he surrounds himself with. they have gone after puerto rico, gone after the latino community, gone after black folks, palestinians, and jewish folks. i don't know if there is any group in this country that has not been targeted by either donald trump or his sycophants. what we need is, i think the american people are just tired. sick and tired of sick and tired. now, they just need some hope and some joy, and somebody who is going to give a damn about them, their families, and their communities. kamala harris is that . >> so, chairman , let's get into a different part of this. there is the big billboards and the great las vegas lights, where you can put all of that
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money and have a good time with it. there are some harsh, political realities that still lurk in this campaign, and it has to do with-- really kind of summarized by what nbc news reported on friday, the supreme court's one friday handed eight loss to republicans by allowing pennsylvania voters who sent mail in ballots that were flagged as being potentially defective to submit a separate, provisional, in-person valid. you have these sorts of skirmishes out there on the political landscape that are engaged between democrats and republicans at the ballot box, over where the ballot box will be, whether or not the ballot box is on fire, whether or not voters have access to the ballot box. how positioned is the democratic party, irrespective of the campaign? you and i know , those are two different animals. you've got more
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concerned than just the presidency at stake here. you have got your down ballot candidates who get caught up in this thing when voters are denied access to the ballot that also impacts how you win or lose races on the ground. how concerned are you about that strategy? what is that strategy, how does it look, and do you think that you have much been able to meet the republicans on that battlefield toe to toe in a response, or your own offensive to push back on their efforts to, what i would say, take this election in a different direction? >> well, mr. chairman, my underlining philosophy is this, as the chair of this party, i want to see every american who is eligible to vote cast their ballot to vote, regardless if you are democratic, republican, or independent. of course, i want you to vote democratic, don't get me wrong. i believe
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as americans, we should just want all americans to vote. the republican party is hell on bent on putting a barrier or obstacle in front of folks to take away that right . so, what we have built is the largest voter protection program in the history of the democratic party. we are ready. we have millions in the bank ready, lawyers all over the country ready, in the battleground states and even the non-battleground states to make sure that everybody can exercise their right to vote. if you've got any issues, i am talking straight to voters here, if you have any issues on election day, go to i will we have a hotline ready, or you can text vote to 70888. i have lawyers ready right now to address any issues that you may have in terms of voting in your precinct, or in your states,
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because we fundamentally believe that all americans should be able to vote. that is a core component, a core value that this party has. i believe that right now, the democratic party is the only freedom party. the only party that really values that franchise for all americans. republicans can throw whatever they want, but we are ready. the return is strong. we will be not only reactive, but proactive to make sure that everybody gets to have their right to vote and their voice heard in this process. >> mr. chairman, in these less than 100 hours until election day, i feel as though my democratic friends have become more confident, more emboldened, the bets are a little drier, i don't see as much bedwetting out there. it makes me think about a conversation i was having yesterday with a podcast or. i said, kamala harris could be victorious during election week
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, because we might not know until wednesday, thursday, friday who has won. but she could win this election next week. women in texas, and georgia, and literally almost every place in the south, except virginia, would still have barriers to make decisions about their own bodies, even if she wins this election right away next week. there is not a magic wand that will be waived if she is victorious. what are you telling to folks in these final hours, yes, democrats feel confident, but democrats have still got to run through the tape. what happens after election week ? there is still lots of work. i'm thinking about candidates who have just learned, thanks to propublica reporting, she died in texas because she could not get the help she needed. >> this goes back to something michael and i talk about all
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the time. this is why the state's strategy is so important. it is not just about the white house, it is about winning races up and down the ballot in all the states. it is about mitigating what you see from some of the republican party's, you have to compete in those red states, brick of the super majorities they have in the red states there. you need to win gubernatorial races, win some of the attorney general races, secretary of state races. that is why we have committed millions of dollars into, not just out of ground states, but all states. and it is important that we win and get strong turnouts. i don't want anybody that feels as if we have got this in the bag. no, we don't hear this will be very, very close. that is why we have got to put everything we have into this this weekend. last weekend, not locked across the battleground states, knocked on 1.5 million doors, made 15 million calls. we need to dwarf that this weekend. we need more people knocking on doors, making phone calls. in
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pennsylvania alone, i think we are eclipsing 20 million doors knocked, over 50,000 volunteers . folks, i don't care if you are in south carolina, alabama, mississippi, north carolina, georgia, where ever you are, go volunteer at your local party office. knock on some doors, make a few phone calls. this is about creating democracy across the country, up and down the ballot. that is how we start to change things for folks caught in these red states with these extreme jews republicans. that control them. stand up to them and show them you will not have the division that they have been pushing these last few years. it is important for all of us to do that. don't sit on your hands. don't say, i know what he will do it, guess what, you are somebody. it is time for you to step up and do your part in order to secure the freedom that we all enjoy. >> the nc chair, jamie harrison
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, we appreciate your time on a very critical weekend. next, senator elizabeth warren is standing by to talk about the strong economy the next president will inherit from the biden administration. tomorrow on "the weekend," don't miss-- i'm talking about myself in the third person! don't miss my conversation with the second gentleman doug imhoff . this is his final interview before election day. 9:00 p.m. eastern. i am running back to me in the studio. we will have a special edition at 9:00 p.m. eastern. much more ahead on msnbc.
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i will give a middle-class tax cut to over 100 million americans. i will interact the first ever federal ban on corporate price gouging on groceries. >> voters have made it crystal clear that the economy is top of mind as they head to the polls. most americans feel like the economy is not doing well, despite the fact that inflation is down and gdp has grown. even the "wall street journal" says, the next president will
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inherit a remarkable economy. if there is anybody can explain this, it is democratic senator elizabeth warren of massachusetts. she joins us now. >> morning, senator. >> good morning! >> just yesterday, we had former president donald trump out there bragging about how he is going to launch a quote, economic miracle during his presidency. my hope is this is not like his covid miracle, because that did not turn out too well. i want you to listen to what he had to say that he wanted to do. let's dial in on that. >> when we win, you are four days away from the best jobs, the biggest paycheck, and the brightest economic future the world has ever seen. >> i'm going to put 100% tariffs, and if that is not high enough-- and they announced it a little before the forum, actually, and i said, we will put 100%, maybe i will make it 200, 300, 400, i
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don't give a damn. >> maybe this economic miracle could be like the covid miracle . could you help us understand exactly what donald trump just told the american people he would do to them by imposing a 100, 200%, oh i don't give a damn 300% tariffs? help people understand exactly what tariffs are and what they are not. >> okay, so understand this, the underlying economy very, very strong. the question is costs for families. what are families actually spending? right now, think of all the things around your house. the washing machine you just bought me the refrigerator. think about what you are wearing , the sweater you have got on, the shoes. a lot of those things came from other countries. right now, there's a lot of competition and you end up
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paying a price that is basically whatever is charged in that country, they send it over here. if there is a terrorist on that item, as donald trump talks about, and he is talking about a 100% tariffs, if that item cost-- let's just say the shoes cost $50 to import here in the united states, it will not be $50 for me it will be $100, $150, or $200, wherever donald trump wants to go with this. what that means is that, everyone in this country will be paying more, more for refrigerators, more for washing machines, more for sweaters, and more for shoes. that is what these across the board, indiscriminate terrorists do. it is just like adding a tax on top of every single thing that your family buys. that is donald trump's economic plan for your family. >> so, senator, alicia,
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symone. >> shook! shook! >> i have a question for you. i want you to respond, senator. i feel like i am already over asking senator warren to respond to cardi b, but i want you to listen to what carty had to say on the stump. >> he said, he's going to protect women , whether they like it or not, i am repeating it. donnie doug, please. protection for women, especially when we talk about maternal and mental health care is him telling women what to do with their bodies supporting them and giving them the care what they need for what they choose to do with their bodies. >> we talk a lot, senator, about these issues in silos the way we talk about reproductive care, the way we talk about the
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comments made in madison square garden about puerto ricans. all of it to milk me comes under this umbrella, who is considered a full american with full agency? who is respected enough market is very telling to me, i wonder if it is telling to you, this is what the trump campaign is choosing to make their closing argument. >> you know, think about what donald trump is saying when he says, i will protect you, whether you like it or not. what he is really saying is, i will control you. i will make your most intimate decisions. i will be the one, the government will be the one, a handful of extremists in washington will be the ones who will decide your personal life, and how your life unfolds. i think of this as truly about, who is going to have the power in this country? donald trump makes it clear, he wants all of that power to come to him. he wants to be a dictator. he
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wants to be the strong man. he wants to be the guy who says, he really thinks hitler's generals were the right guys. he also wants to say that he and the government should make decisions for everyone else, because no one else should have power in a donald trump america. and here is the thing, we do have the power. we have the power for 3 more days to decide whether we want to hand over our power to donald trump, or whether we want to go out there and work our hearts out for kamala harris and tim walz and grow the power for all of us, grow our power to take care of our families economically. we were talking about this earlier. look at trump's economic plans, look at kamala harris's economic plans. she will go after the price gaucher's at the grocery store and gas pump, so you have got
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more money in your pockets. she's the one who says, she will go after, try to help families, senior care for all those folks who have an elderly parents that they are trying to figure out how to get care for them, kamala harris says, we will find ways to do in-home care for people and help take that burden off the family. she has been out there making sure we get rid of junk fees, $35 insulin. in other words, things that bring down costs for your families. let people be able to strengthen their own families and let women make their own health care decisions. that is what this election is about. for 3 more days, we, the voters , have the chance to make the decision. whether to hand the power to donald trump, or do we want to keep that power for ourselves
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and have more opportunity for hard-working, middle-class americans?>> you know, senator, it just really strikes me that this is the first presidential election since dobbs. we had a midterm election, and i don't think the data fully captured, prior to the midterm election, the effect that dobbs was having on the electorate. i do think that it is similar in this, for tuesday, when voting in, because that is the end of election. i thought about this this morning and we want to put this on the screen. the texas tribune talks about another abortion that. pregnant teenager.after trying to get care in three visits to texas emergency rooms. the first hospital diagnosed candace belle's daughter, naveah crane with strep throat, without investigating her sharp, abdominal pains. then, she went back again and
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screened positive for sepsis, but her six month fetus had a heartbeat. the hospital said, they could not do anything for her. that she was fine to leave him and she died. earlier, i misspoken. noted, it was candace belle, this is her daughter. this is real for women across the country, and men, and their families, in a way that it wasn't, it was theoretical in 2016 and in 2020, but this is not a theoretical conversation anymore. >> that is right. and you know, i am reminded in this, this is our moment in history. we have a decision to make here. partly, it is about recognizing 30% of all women live in states that effectively ban access to abortion. and the stories are starting to trickle out about what that really means, and that it means, for some women, that they die, because a
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handful of extremists have changed the law and made it impossible for them to get the medical care that they need. but understand this, it is not going to be 30% if donald trump and jj j.d. vance talk off in the white house. i know they recognize that their position is unpopular, but they are trying to put up as much smokescreen as they can about this, but the reality is, they are coming for access to abortion everywhere. and that means wisconsin. that means michigan, where michigan fought so hard to protect access to abortion. they are coming to overrule that at the federal level. the plans are laid out. j.d. vance has already worked on how to execute them with the department of justice. they are coming for pennsylvania. they are coming for every state in the union. we have got three days to fight back against this and say no.
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understand this, the only way that we will protect all people in the united states to make their own healthcare decisions, is for kamala harris and tim walz to take the white house for democrats to maintain a majority in the senate, and for democrats to take control of the house. we get all three of those, then we will sign roe versus wade into law and women will not have to die, because they can't get access to the medical care that they need. >> senator elizabeth warren, with just three days left, thank you so much for joining "the weekend." you at home, stay with us, we have got so much more ahead.
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president george w. bush to break his silence. he or she is on the new yorker radio our podcast. >> it was not a difficult decision at all for my dad. he has been absolutely, i would say, as concerned for maybe even longer than i have been, about the danger that donald trump poses. and i am-- i can't explain why george w. bush has not spoken out, but i think it is time and i wish that he would. >> our colleague, nicolle wallace, who worked for former president george w. bush, also weighed in on his lack of endorsement yesterday on her show. let's play for folks at home what she had to say. >> on election day in 2004, while air force one set parked on a tarmac, because we decided we needed to beam into half a
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dozen local television interviews in battleground states to help get out the vote, george w. bush turned to me and the other communications staffers and said this, quote, whatever happens, nicole me at least we will know, we left everything on the field. i make this public plea to former president george w. bush in the spirit of doing what he taught me to do, leave everything i know how to do in service of our democracy and freedoms, the things he taught us to cherish, on the field. >> yeah, you can leave it all on the field. i think everyone is leaving it's all on the field. for me, it is not just one person. i get the symbolism and importance of having a george w. bush weigh in on this. i love the president to weigh in on this, but i understand and respect where he is coming from. i need everybody else to leave
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it on the field. that is kind of, at a certain point, that is where you have to put the energy into making sure everybody leaves it all on the field. and i think for this particular president, he is not out of character for where he has been since he left office in 2001. he just has-- i mean in 2007, he has not been out there in front since he left office. the reality for him is, i don't want to do the politics. okay. the rest of us will do the politics and leave it all out on the field. >> i just think we are in a moment where things have shifted and you do have people who are tuning in. some of those people who have already weighed in and landed with one group, i do think there is an opportunity in this moment for a group that is just now beginning to pay attention. >> i agree.
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>> because trumpism, trump-ism is not going anywhere, donald trump lose this election next week, but trumpism will still be here. >> there it is. i had, andrew weissman joins us to discuss the dangers of a possible second trial trump administration. administration. that reach! making hard to reach... so easy. swiffer. wow. the mother of all cleans. love it or your money back! will
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when life spells heartburn... how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. trump is increasingly, however, someone who considers his political opponents the enemy. he is currently out for revenge , and it is increasingly unstable and unhinged. his enemy's list has gone longer. his rhetoric has grown more extreme. >> according to new reporting from propublica, russell vought, former white house aide and co-author of "trump 2025," has plans to have the military respond to domestic unrest and
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put civil servants in quote, trauma. joining me now, andrew weissman, former new york law professor and former general counsel. also, most of the msnbc podcast, "prosecuting donald trump." that's it-- here we are. [ laughter ] >> andrew weissman, i mean, just like-- can i just say, apparently, my conservative media friends and conservative folks are saying that the media , the liberal media has taken donald trump's comments out of context yet again when it relates to liz cheney, as though donald trump has not regularly talk about turning the levers of the investigative powers of the department of justice onto his enemies, as though he has not amplified things like a firing squad, military tribunals. look it up on the social media
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site, are we making it up, andrew weissman? should we be concerned? are they just going to do their good duty, because he is going to hire the best people? this is just liberal outrage, right? >> yeah, absolutely. this is what where you don't have to really think about sort of what possibly could happen and sort of speculate. you can look at what happened when he was president. you can look at what was said in a project 23 five about reproductive rights, their plans there. you can look at the eradication of lgbtq protections, the elimination of career people. the fact that the president to the united states gets to tell the department of justice if he chooses to say, you know what, you should prosecute these people, but not those people. there are crimes against enemies , the department of justice can
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just say, we are not going to prosecute that. the president can hardly pardon people. you can have the president do what he has suggested he might do, which is to say, commit crimes, but don't worry, not only will we not prosecute you, i will pardon. the litany of things the president can do that are completely antithetical to the rule of law is really stunning. and it is not speculation. you can just look at project 2025. you can look at what he did when he was president, and look at the language he is currently using. >> let's talk about what we can expect in the next two days. i want you to look at two things side-by-side. first, you have the earth campaign they fully expect trump to declare victory before the votes are counted. then, we have a listen to what steve bennett is using to sort of whip up his folks from tuesday. take a listen. >> they are signaling you right now what they are going to do. every day, we will delay, we
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can't count the vote for seven days. we will take mail-in ballots five days later. every day after november, the evening of november will be installing. they will do this to slow it down if they can't take it away from trump, it i can't nullify it right there, they can't nullify it right there, they want to at least delegitimize his victory. >> we actually are from democrats, from mark himself, it will take time to count the votes properly. there are some expectation management around the fact that we may not go to bed, you and i are never going to sleep another three weeks, but on tuesday night. instead, they are trying to act as though there is a plot on the democratic side to delegitimize this election. >> let's understand in certain states, letting pennsylvania,
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they can't actually start counting a whole series of votes until election day. so, that is one of the reasons for a delay. second, we can look at exactly what donald trump has previously done, which is sort of the account, because he thinks that he may be ahead because of the so-called red mirage. there may be less of a red mirage this time, if there is, what he previously did, they stop the account. just to be clear, that is illegal to say that. that is a violation of the civil rights statute federally. you will hear exactly that thinking, if you can stop the incoming vote, it will cost the democrats to win. that is illegal. you have to count all votes. i fully expect that if donald trump thinks he is ahead at the start, and there are more mail- in ballots, absentee ballots coming in that will favor the
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democrats. he will be doing exactly what he has already done, which is to say, stop the count, and it is actually voter fraud. in fact, the voter fraud is saying, don't count the votes. >> you say, it is illegal to get up and declare-- stop the accounting, i won. who is going to enforce that? at the end of the day, i have heard so much stuff about donald trump being illegal. nobody invoices it. when they do, the courts ago, oh no, he can do it anyway. this is why i think what mark alliance and third-party groups out there in the democracies have been doing is setting the battle armaments to go into court to really drive the messaging. we know that politics is going to say one thing, andrew. donald trump will get out there at eight, 15, 8:20, 8:30 and
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say, guess what, i won, i am ahead, i won. that is illegal, folks, per andrew, but it don't mean jack. >> quick question. a couple of things. there can be private parties. there can be the campaign. we know that the harris campaign is loaded. they are ready to make sure everyone's vote is counted. so, they have plans in place. people should not overreact. the other thing that can happen is, the department of justice. that is the trickiest. you know if they were to go in, there would be claims of one, merrick garland may be, i'm sitting this out, i don't want to have claims of politicalization. the problem is, if there is something illegal going on, everyone will be thinking, where is the department? >> this to me things like the moments where you do need
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titans of industry and culture to come out and say, there is a way we do this in democracy. when you hear ambassadors talking about autocratic capturing, why it is you have these billionaires either endorsing trump or sitting out, withholding newspapers or endorsements, what is done is done. there might come a moment where we will need those social rallying cries even bigger than any one institution. >> i think keep thinking of cassidy hutchison. there, you have a young woman who is showing more courage, more gumption with her entire future ahead of her then, in my opinion, jeff bezos. people need to stand up. this is a democracy, and as nancy pelosi likes to say, it is a democracy, if we can keep it. the way to keep it is, not worrying about your pocketbook, and not being sort of subjected to the fear that donald trump is trying to inject here. you have to, to the point, it
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looks like this is what is going on where people's votes are not counted. people have to stand up. that is where the electorate matters . people at the ground level can make a huge difference. >> ground game. >> the ground game, the people. the people have the power. i know it may not feel that way, but the people have the power in this represented democracy. we give the jobs to the elected officials. they work for us so folks can exercise and be allowed to work. i like my black job. andrew wiseman, you don't have a black job, but we are glad you are here and we appreciate your time. much more ahead, folks. you are watching "the weekend" on msnbc. . r workplace benefis and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing.
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and treatment these kids need now and in the future. speaker: cancer makes me feel angry, like not in the feel on the outside, just the inside. i'm angry at it. speaker: when your kid is hurting and there's nothing you can do about it, that's the worst feeling in the world. [music playing] narrator: 1 in 5 children diagnosed with cancer in the us will not survive. speaker: those that donate to st. jude, i hope that you will continue to give. they have done so much for me and my family. [music playing] narrator: join with your credit or debit card for only $19 a month, and we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt, or, for a limited time only, join for $39 a month to receive this exclusive st. jude jacket you can proudly wear to show your support. speaker: are you ready to go have some fun?
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speaker: yeah. speaker: when we came here, we didn't know what tomorrow would hold. st. jude showed us that tomorrow, there's hope for our little girl to survive. narrator: let's cure childhood cancer together. please donate now. [music playing] symone, i know you have a very important interview ahead of you today , but you have left me alone with michael steele and what you are missing is the peptalk he is giving yes in between segments about why they should feel good going into tuesday. >> you should feel good going into tuesday, folks, i'm just telling you. when charlie kirks and elon musk running your ground game, baby, you should feel good about tuesday! democrats, stop wetting beds.
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>> i mean, michael is not wrong. charlie kirks and elon musk, donald trump outsource is basically his whole infrastructure of organizing to those two entities, and these are two people that have never actually won an election. you never want to give the ground game to people who don't know the ground, first and foremost. a reporting from wire that says, elon musk has really messed it up. i don't know, michael. maybe i am just skeptical, because i used to be out there on the campaign trail this time before election day. people have got to continue to run through the tape. if you feel like vice president harris is doing well and democrats are doing well, they might be, also, republicans are going out there voting too. some people are going to vote for donald trump. it will be close, i think. i think she can win it, but it is going to be close.
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>> it is, no one has ever doubted that. although, i don't think it is going to be as close as you think. we will play that card. the reality of it is, elections are not just about what everybody is talking about up here, elections are also about what is bubbling up from the ground. what is bubbling up from the ground are a lot of things that don't have to do with just the crazy of donald trump. it is how women are looking at this race. it is how young people are looking at this race. it is how our seniors, our elderly-- because they are looking at their grandkids. trust me. we have seen this now in three election cycles, with people at the last minute are facing the future for their children and grandchildren and this thing we call democracy, this constitutional republic we have, and by the way for all of you maga idiots out there that don't think they are the same thing, they are. the reality of it is, they think about that. and that matters to them.
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we have seen that play out now not once, not twice, but three times since 2018. i think that this is something that you can't discount, in terms of how this election breaks at the ballot box for a lot of voters. >> especially because it is both things. it is the infrastructure piece you're talking about, the fact that the rnc was gutted in terms of gop efforts, and it is now simply about challenging legally people's ability and right to vote, and the fact that, the lack of discipline from donald trump, when put side-by-side with the immense discipline of kamala harris in the final days, and the contract and visions they are selling, when you put all of these pieces together, we will look back and say, was it in large part what happened at madison square garden that turned things for folks who are deciding at the end? >> look, again, that is one of those things that bubbles up.
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no one had that on any card, bingo or otherwise, you would see this type of rally full throated in front of the country. the residual impact of that is real. >> we have much more still ahead of us. you can tell we are not done talking. you will definitely want to stick around for velshi. ali will be joining us to discuss the election season. we will be right back. bac.
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it is going to be a busy few days, yell. i mean, the three of us, we are going to be right back here tonight at 9:00 eastern. we will see you all and have a special "the weekend" episode. you will see my exclusive interview with second gentleman doug imhoff, his last interview before election day. tomorrow, we will air the rest of my conversation with the second gentleman back here tomorrow at 8:00 eastern. i will be back at the table with my friends in new york. be sure to follow us on social media, all at "the weekend" msnbc. do not go anywhere, because velshi will continue our coverage right now. >> i am offering two thirds of a hug, because two thirds of you are here in new york right now. this
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