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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  November 2, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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cost you an additional $4000 a year. and, on top of that, donald trump still wants to get rid of the affordable care act. which, with throw millions of americans off their health insurance and take us back to the time when insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions. do you remember what that was? well, we are not going back. we are not going back. we're not going back. we're not going back. and we are not going back because ours is a fight for the future.
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as is our fight for freedom. like a woman's freedom to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do. >> and we all know how we got here. donald trump hand selected three members of the united states supreme court. one in three women now lives in a state with a trump abortion ban including north carolina and every state in the south except virginia. many with no exceptions for rape and incest which is immoral and understand donald
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trump is not done. he would ban abortion nationwide. he would restrict access to birth control. put ivf access at risk and states would monitor women's pregnancies. just google project 2025. which still i can't believe they put in writing. and i think everyone here knows one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree that the government shouldn't be telling her what to do. not the government. and not donald trump. >> good evening, and welcome to politics nation. we are down to the final three days before election day 2024. and vice president kamala harris and former president
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donald trump along with their camps are holding some of their last events of the campaign season. both candidates headed to swing state of north carolina today. we have a busy hour with great bests. but first, let's go straight to reporters covering both campaigns tonight. vice president harris is speaking in charlotte, north carolina right now. nbc's gary is in salem, virginia where donald trump will be speaking soon. gary, what has been the main message from the trump campaign today? >> reporter: we are just moments away from donald trump taking the stage here. we are in virginia just days before the election, this is not a battleground state. what they are trying to do is expand the map. you saw him in new mexico a few days ago. you saw him at the madison
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square garden rally last week. and now you are here in virginia in salem, virginia. as this is just wrapping up in terms of the campaign. the other part, of course, donald trump is very fond of talking about election interference. and election security. something that is incredibly important is virginia is a big spot for that this week. there are two big things that happen. first, the supreme court. they overturned two lower court rulings as it related to the voter rolls. so there's purging of voter rolls that was happening in virginia. doj tried to stop it. virginia is now allowed to continue purging those voters that are allegedly non- citizens. 1600 of them. that was one part. announcing 24 states around the country will have election monitors from the doj in polling places. six of those are going to be in virginia which is of course a very big part of donald trump's candidacy and a very big part
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of his stump speech is talking about election security. rev? >> all right, thank you gary. for your reports on the latest on the trump campaign. now we go to ohio and welcome senator sherrod brown, a democrat who is up for reelection. thank you for being with us tonight. >> thank you for getting around and doing all what you are doing. so many of us appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you. you know you are in the last few days of a pivotal senate race in ohio which we'll get to in a minute. but starting with the presidential race, vice president harris and donald trump are both on the road tonight. the vp wrapped up her rally in atlanta and is taking the stage. she is speaking for another rally right now in charlotte, north carolina. trump will always hold his second rally today in north carolina.
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he is on stage right now, or headed to the stage in virginia. three days are left, senator. and these very different campaigns with very different messages are deadlocked nationally. who wins and why? >> well. i have endorsed harris of course. and i appreciate especially how she talks about doing good work. i have been all over ohio. the last two or three days especially. i was in southern ohio, appalachia where there is great enthusiasm about democrats and great enthusiasm in my race and people recognize what a lot of people in ohio are particularly offended by is there has been more money spent against me than any senate race in the history of the united states because i stand up to the interest groups. i stand up to the drug companies and the railroads an that did such great damage in eastern ohio and to wall street. and it is why when i come on this show, i ask people to come
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to and contribute $20. they are outspending me. all of this $is happening and fight back. where it is a close race. we are probably winning by a point. we are building a grass roots effort we have never seen in ohio. >> the democrats hope to hold onto the senate may come down to your election battle against this republican businessman bernie moreno. in what has become the most expensive senate race ever. nearly half a billion dollars in add spending. and counting. and in a state that just enshrined abortion rights into its constitution, you seized on your opponent's openness to federal abortion restrictions as an indicater he is out of
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touch with ohio voters. yous also are counting on voters splitting their ticket ins the state that went for trump in the last two presidential contests. how does it look on the ground there in ohio to you? >> well we have the best ground operation we have ever seen in the state in part because of what you just said reverend sharpton. we passed with 57% of the vote. no less, november constitutional amendment on abortion rights. my opponent is 100% pro life. he wants an abortion ban, no exceptions. no rape, no incest exceptions. we make that contrast and it is clear that bernie moreno thinks he knows better but i think the voters know better and we are reminding voters every day as i spent my wheel career fighting
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for dignity of work. my opponent stiffed his workers out of $400,000 in overtime pay and shredded the records that the judge ordered him to turn over. though the billionaires are all over this race and my opponent is worth $100 million and spent several million in this race, i rely on small contributors and people to and contribute 15 to $20. with our grass roots organizations, that is what will win and that will make thel difference. >> i want to ask you about springfield, ohio. the trump campaign seems to have moved on after spending much of september pushing a racist conspiracy theory about haitian migrants eating pets was the statements they had accused them of. the town has not been able to
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forget it so easily. they dealt with bomb threats. right swing groups spreading propaganda. even ohio's republican governor says would hurt the local economy. what should the nation know about what happened in springfield since this started? >> what people should know, 50,000 or so, a city that is an old industrial, proud industrial town. they earned good middle class wages. like springfield, they move their jobs south. politicians of both parties sold that community. springfield, any community out. and jobs shut down and moved
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overseas. and the community gets hurt. they reelect the term rust belt. they know these are hard working people. my job is really the same as the governor's job. to help people, to help deal with the influx of new people and health care and housing and transportation. we have been doing that. i have worked with the governor. he is not of the same party i am. but we agree on some things that we need to invest and help this city grow and we are making progress on that, that's what the people of springfield and mansfield want. we turned a corner and i think it is better. people scoring political points. perhaps they moved on when trying to score political points. it always hurts the community. so i feel better about where we
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are now. >> scoring i might add, the expense of people. very racist points. thank you for being with us ohio senator sherrod brown. now let's bring in my panel here onset with me tonight. two strategist who's are both msnbc political analysts. juanita toilevr, a democrat, and susan del percio, a republican. i had barack obama on my radio show. i wanted to play part of my consideration where he addressed his successor, donald trump's treatment of t communities of color. listen to this. >> when it comes to the african
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american community, latino community, people who have been on the outside, you have in donald trump someone who has consistently shown disregard to people who are not like him. i don't have to tell you. this is somebody who has made a career out of demeaning and talking about and treating people of color in ways that indicate he does not think they necessarily are full members of the american community. >> now the former president's comments come in the wake of the controversial comments of puerto rico at the trump rally in madison square garden. outrage of the joke has spread like wild fire in battleground states like pennsylvania. juanita, do you think voters of color are surging for harris
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after this? >> i think there will be some movement. we have seen that in the puerto rican surrogates who have endorsed donald trump in the past saying this is the final line. i appreciate former president barack obama emphasized. he communicated how he felt about people of color. this is exactly what he believes and how he makes decisions in office. this is who he is. it is resonating now because voters are receiving it in a different environment than 2016 or 2020. may have a full track record of trump in office. >> that would be when he
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delayed the aid, he went down and threw towels at people. he did not want to be near them. they are investigating whether trump broke the law with his remarks at an event with former fox news host tucker carlson. about former gop congresswoman liz cheney. he suggested liz cheney should stand quote with nine barrels shooting at her. what is your action to what trump had to say about liz cheney? >> it was repulsive, it was scary, frankly. i have been saying for a while, as you know, juanita heard me say this. he is not running to win. he is running to contest this election. he is doing it by getting people riled up. he wants the sense of violence on election day and the days that follow it. that is why he is saying things like that. i don't know if you remember
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when gabby giffords was shot and sarah palin made a comment. and she was taken down immediately. and that was about taking aim. so, things have changed a lot. but i think trump is very deliberate in trying to drum up anger and violence. and we should all be concern about that. >> susan, let abme stick with you. it is looking increasingly unlikely that trump will make even a single campaign appearance. not even one, with nikki haley before election day. in spite of his continued weakness with the kind of moderate republican voters and women who voted for her in the primaries, do you think that is a mistake? >> of course it is. but i urthink nikki haley is so very lucky. i mean, what is better for her? if she is looking forward, she has nothing tying her to trump. in fact, she just basically ran against him. gave him an endorsement and
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never campaigned with him. donald trump is not looking to grow a piece or bring people any of any sort of women, of race. of background. he wants anger. and that's what he is playing on. >> juanita, just ahead of the election, tens of millions of voter haves already cast their ballot and the split so far reflects the close polls. right now, at 40%. for each party. several states have broken their early voting records. how much should we be paying attention to the numbers and what can it tell us about the race? >> more people voting is always a positive. but i will caution everyone to not use this data to make predictions about the election. there's a lot we don't know. when we see the gender gap.
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kamala harris has enjoined an edge on the women. when we see republicans surging in specific states, we can't assume every republican is voting against vice president harris and for donald trump. because the vice president harris campaign has done an immaculate job reaching out to republicans who will never vote for president trump again so take a breath, everybody. appreciate the surge in new voters engaging in early voting and the records being broken with early voting but don't try to make any predictions off of this. >> i will have to y leave it at that. thank you both. now to the state of new york. joining me now is the governor of the state of new york. kathy hochul. governor, let's start with the house races here in new york. they could be decisive. democrats are hoping they can reverse gains republicans made in the state in 2022.
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they are particularly focused on four house distracts where republicans won by fewer than five points in the midterm. all by districts biden carried in 2020. governor, you spent the day out campaigning. what is your sense of how things are going? are you feeling optimistic? >> oh rev, it's good to be back on your show. i'm feeling incredibly optimistic. i have been doing this for weeks on every weekend. making sure i'm part of the canvass launches. long island, hudson valley. there are young people who have never ever ever been involved in an election. the older people who are just joyful to be a part of history. making hakeem jeffries the first speaker of color in
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american history. and that is something we are enormously proud of. being part of that story and electing kamala harris president. so i have been working on elections since i was a teenager. what i want to do is just get a pulse of what's going out there. and it is electrifying. i'm so proud to be a democrat and see so many new people who cannot wait to caste a ballot for kamala harris. >> proposition one would increase the list of classes protected by discrimination and enshrine reproductive right ins the state constitution. right wing donors have poured millions into a campaign against these measures. are you confident it will pass?
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>> well rev, they are lying. the republicans and the dark forces interceding and spending all the money, they are just wrong on the facts. what we are trying to do is ensure that every woman going forward has the rights they had up until hadonald trump was president. you cannot take these rights for granted if it comes down to who the governor is. these rights are forever protected as long as i'm in this chair but you don't know what the future brings or if r there is ever a national abortion ban. this is simply recognizing that women should have control of their own body and republicans are not happy about that. they know this is an issue that they lose on every single time. let's turn to trump's rally in madison square garden last weekend. it was an event designed to be
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the start of his closing argument out from election day. it ended up becoming overshadowed by his allies' racist and crude remarks. what were your thoughts of this rally and what message did it end up sending to new york as governor? >> i was disgusted by the lineup of individuals who spewed such venom and hatred. women, people of color. now to single out puerto ricans? i'm so proud to represent one of the largest puerto rican populations in our country. one s million strong. and you know what he does? by not disavowing this, by not condemning this which he should have done and i called him out to do this. he just makes people feel they are not worthwhile. i know this because right after this, i went up to east harlem, i walked the streets.
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i was surrounded by people who had come from puerto rico. american citizens by the way. they are so hurt. and this was so painful for them. and so many hugs. we are so glad you came out here governor, we felt dehumanized and you do not think in this great country un that we should have laiders. we say this themselves or tolerate it at one of their rallies. i think this rally backfired on him and it gives me as someone leading the effort in our state to ensure we flip the battleground seats. it gave me a chance to tie the republicans running these seats closer to donald trump and remind everybody if you are voting for these republicans in new york, you are voting for someone who supports donald trump and you are anti-woman. you are anti-abortion. basically, you are anti- american. because you have just trashed american values and what our country is all about over and over and over. and you will rare this on
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election day. >> last question. looking ahead to tuesday, what do you think is in on voters' minds in these final three days before the election? >> they are thinking about who is going to take care of their kids. if you are a young parent. you have your own children. it comes down to who is going to take care of your children and your family. who are you going to put your faith in? someone who has heart and compassion and understanding but a toughness that is required. and they will come to the conclusion. the only person who fit is kamala harris. that is why she will be elected president. that gives us an extra bump for our congressional races and tough races in new york. i feel very confident about this. i feel great about this.
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>> all right, thank you as always for being with us. governor. w kathy hochul of new york state. the man former president trump wants to put in charge of federal spending takes election workers for a wild ride in in michigan. but not in a cyber truck. just the back of a u-haul. details next. l. details next. trying to figure out okay - what am i going to use on the shower, what am i going to use on the bathtub? i don't have to think about that. with magic eraser... i use it on everyday messes. i even use it on things that i think are impossible to clean. you just add water, and then i'm good to go. i can go from the countertop, to the stove, to the microwave, and just use one magic eraser. if you're a mom, you need mr. clean magic eraser in your life. it gets the job done.
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former president donald trump as outsourced his ground became to ring wing tech billionaire elon musk and it looks like musk is driving that effort into a ditch. veteran republican operatives are telling nbc news that musk's america pac van casing
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sop ration is poorly organized and riddled with fraud. wired magazine reported this week that workers sent to knock on doors in michigan face chaotic and dangerous working conditions. mostly black employees recount being loaded into the back of a u-haul truck with no seat belts and told their hotel rooms wouldn't be paid for if they failed to meet unrealistic daily quotas. in pennsylvania, musk defied a philadelphia george's order to show up thursday for a hearing in the legality of his one million dollar daily give aways to registered voters. mask has backed a fake new
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website for a fake harris campaign initiative called progress 2028 and sent out text messages trying to fool voters into believing the vice president is planning extreme policies she doesn't actually support. and targeting muslim and jewish voters in michigan. musk has invested $75 million of his own money in the pro trump pac in the past three months and if trump were to win, musk has already been promised a position in trump's administration. giving him incredible power over the agencies meant to make sure musk and his companies are following the same rules as the rest of us. i ran campaigns and have done organizing for decades and i can tell you from experience the way you conduct yourself
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and treat your staff is a reflection of your values and priorities. if your ideas are good, you don't need to resort to dirty tricks and lies about your opponents. if you care about the american people, you won't treat the ones working for you with contempt. they won't be anxious in seeing him cut trillions from the u.s. budget as trump has promised he would do. we won't want musk treating the country like he treats his door knockers. i got you. i got you. home standby generato, your life goes on uninterrupted. because when your generac detects a power outage, it automatically powers up, giving your family the security
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protect medicare and social security, and make life more affordable. i will always put the middle class and working families first. trump fights for trump. kamala fights for you. ff pac is responsible for the content of this ad. i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as seven days. now i can help again feel the difference with nervive.
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randy wine garden, president of the national federation of teachers. you too are there in philadelphia, you have been rallying with presidents of service employees international union. and national education associations. on behalf of the harris walls campaign. talking to nft volunteers who have been knocking on doors for the last two weeks as part of this effort, randy, how would you describe the response they have been giving? >> first, rev, thank you for having both of us on today.
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the energy in philly is electric. i wouldn't say the energy the last two weeks has been, but what we are seeing, particularly after both the madison square garden hate fest and kamala harris' speech at the ellipse. you have seen a big comparison. people have watched it. i have never seen, you know. i have been doing this for a long time. i have never seen the energy like this now. it was different with barack obama, that was a historic presidency. and election. this is very much about determination, to keep our rights and fight for the promise of america. it is a very determined electricity, but a sense we have to do this for ourselves and for our kids and our
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country. >> your sense of what you saw and heard today. lee? >> i have to tell you that i believe that there is an energy that is there, al, that is growing not only in philadelphia, and in parts of pennsylvania. but across the country. especially with our membership. where we are talking with them. we are urging them to participate in the process. we want them to be knocking on doors, having their community partners knock on doors. and talk about the importance of this election and the issues involved. i'm seeing a level of excitement i have not seen in a long time. and i believe that people are truly paying attention to what's happening and they are going to make a decision, those who haven't voted on tuesday, about what is the best for our families. what's the best for our communities. what's the best for our unions.
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and i truly believe we are going to make a huge and major difference on tuesday. and we will continue to work it. and we are going to continue to knock on those doors every single day until election time is over. >> both the harris and trump campaigns have courted union voters in different ways. the harris campaign has promoted president biden's staunchly pro union record to make the case for the vice president to union voters. when with a few notable exceptions harris has been endorsed by nearly every major union including both of the ones you two represent. the trump campaign has focused on appealing to rank and file members on cultural issues like guns and immigration. how would you describe the contrast of the two candidates on the issue of organized labor? >> let me tell you something, there is no comparison whatsoever.
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what the biden administration has done. what kamala harris wants to continue to do based upon what has been done already. there are still some improvements that must be made. many people are still suffering but she has a plan to move the country forward and support working families all over the country. what we have to do, al, is make sure that our people and our members understand that and they are sharing that information with their community partners. i have to tell you, and randy is right. we got here a couple of days ago and the level of excitement within the past two day is growing and you can feel it and see it. people want to be involved and engaged. i think they understand that this is going to be the most important election of their lifetimes. and they will be involved and vote the right way. we will continue to do exactly what we are doing.
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>> now randy, the naa put out an analysis of project 235. the blueprint for a second trump administration. and concluded that more than 180,000 teaching positions could be eliminated and 800,000 preschoolers could lose early education services. the trump campaign has denied any connection to project 2025. even though many of its authors have ties to the campaign. what would a second trump term, what could it mean the public education? >> i'm so glad you raised project 2025, rev. but it is almost the same, trump is playing from the same song book. that they have elect when he tries to create fear and
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demonization and what i'm seeing is the members and the educators, public service workers, by and large, they are not buying it. i have been on this bus for about 60 days. we have done about 150 stops all across america and we are seeing that. as to project 2025, he has said the quiet part out loud himself. he may deny it as a book, but he embraces its actions. what he is saying is he is going to cut public education. in every single school district, we have money from the federal government to pay for computers, tutors, extra hands in a classroom. that's called title one. we have money for kids with disabilities. we have money for pre-k. we have money for pell grants for kids going to college.
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we have money for career tech ed. all of that is going away. that is what he has actually said. i will say one more thing. if he doesn't actually agree with what a school is teaching, he will control that school and take away their founding. so what he is doing is basically taking away public education from anyone who is not rich. >> i have to leave it there. thank you both. politico is reporting out rage is spreading like wild fire after a.comic at trump's madison square garden rally made an insult about puerto rico. the backlash in puerto rico is especially strong. joining me now is dr. ricardo.
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former governor of puerto rico and currently the congressional delegate. thank you for being with us tonight. governor, let's start with your reaction after hearing the remarks made about puerto rico and donald trump's rally. >> well it was an impactful moment. it was egregious. i think a lot of people were shocked and stunned. and for a brief moment there, i thought the whirlwind of those statements would spin out not only to the portiere con community, but also to the broader latino community. you spoke about pennsylvania and how half a million puerto ricans are there. i have the benefit of leading a bipartisan effort keen to some of the causes you have fought for, for several rights.
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for equality and state hood. i have a pretty big spectrum of a focus group where i have folks on the right and folks on the left. and what was the immediate outcome was the following. first, there are people that are stuck in their ways. both on the support for vice president harris an trump. but there was a line in between of people leaning toward president trump that recanted their support and some with sympathy toward vice president harris but were not thinking about voting and this ignited that effort. so i do think it had a significant impact. i do wonder, however, what happened afterwards with some of the comments made by president biden. and how those might have had a contrary effect.
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>> high profile celebrities have come in defense of these comments. specifically superstars bad bunny and ricky martin to name a few. in your view, what do you think galvanizes puerto ricans so strongly about these comments? >> well look, puerto ricans are proud. we are 3 million strong in the island. almost 6 million strong in the united states. we have the second largest per capita participation in the military. they are patriots giving the most for their country. they felt disrespected. disenfranchised and they expect a response from the campaign. and there was a response, but they really expected a direct response from the president. as he has done in the past. talked about how much he has loved puerto ricans but in this
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case, it has not manifested. it keeps on growing and can this feeling there in a significant puerto rican community that can decide, pennsylvania, can it spread out to other battleground states and the broader latino community? >> now trump has tried to claim he knows nothing about the comic at the rally. but when the comedian called puerto rico garbage, it came after several weeks of trump repeatedly calling america the world's garbage can. and the former president has been insulting other latin communities for years going back to the moment he launched his first campaign calling mexicans rapists and criminals. do you think these comment would sway some latino voters to pull the levers for harris
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instead? >> absolutely. i see two main groups, reverend. one leaning toward trump that is not necessarily going to jump toward harris, but may not vote altogether. and a group of harris supporters that was thinking of not voting. i can read you some of the texts i received. some of them from known republicans in our group. they said i don't think i can vote for him right now. they said what was my party thinking. some said they were voting for trump. now they are not going to do it. it definitely has an impact. but that can only get you so far. i think there is an opportunity now to stress the issues.
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housing is an important area where the candidates can address. there are single issues that don't have to deal with complicated legislation that will allow for example taking out of receivership fanny mae and freddie mac to reduce the interest rates and get more liquidity and more affordable housing. i would say that getting vice president harris with governor shapiro in the final days, super popular governor over there might make the difference. >> and they want to hear substantiative issues and policies raised. let me ask you the last question. this story has brought new attention to puerto rico's complex status as a territory to the united states. i have long been an advocate for puerto rico and its people
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back in 2001, i did 90 days in jail protesting the use of the island as a bombing rage. this day and age, puerto ricans on the island will be voting on a non-binding referendum with three options for the future of the island. state hood, independence or independence with free association. how do you think this controversy is influencing that decision? >> i think people in puerto rico are entrenched in what they want. everyone has gone toward state hood and we will have one in tuesday as well. i expect the result to be similar. having state hood be the victor. what i caution is this is one of the most if not the most important issue for puerto ricans. if you want to help puerto rico, you need to resolve the
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underlying problems. the status issue. and i thank you for supporting puerto rico as others have in the past as well. >> all right, thank you for being with us governor ricardo, you certainly will be back hopefully in the near future. up next, my final thoughts, stay with us. h us. [♪♪] did you know, there's a detergent that gets your dishes up to 100% clean, even in an older dishwasher? try cascade platinum plus. for sparkling clean dishes even on the toughest jobs. just scrape, load and you're done. switch to cascade platinum plus. ♪ it wasn't hard with cologuard®, ♪ ♪ i did it my way! ♪ colo-huh? ♪ cologuard! ♪ cologuard is for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. screen for colon cancer in your home, your way. ask your provider for, ♪ cologuard ♪ my name is douglas. i'm a writer/director and i'm still working. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you.
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this week, i continued my national tour with central park five and others to urge people to get out and vote. no matter who they are going to vote for, they must vote. voting ends in many states today and tomorrow. you have until tuesday to cast your vote. i was in nevada this week where reverend bush of action network and i was joined by others. i'm on my way monday to winston salem north carolina. all the way down to the wire. we are going to be telling people i have my opinions. you should have yours. that does it for me. thanks for watching and i'll see you back here tomorrow at
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5:00 p.m. eastern for another live hour of politics nation. the saturday show with jonathan capehart starts right after a short break. k. we realize some home maintenance jobs aren't worth the risk. that's when we call leaffilter to protect our gutters. leaffilter's patented filter technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed. call 833 leaffilter or visit ♪♪ [children playing] easy guys. easy. [children playing] hey guys, come on! time to eat. time to eat. ♪♪ i don't want this. i want corndogs! corndogs! ♪♪ corndogs! corndogs! corndogs! ♪♪
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