tv Politics Nation MSNBC December 14, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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politics nation. tonight's lead story, vigilante injustice. this weekend, donald trump is using a fatal tragedy to endear himself to the right wing's worst impulses. and to thumb his nose at the manhattan district attorney that has prosecuted both him and former u.s. marine daniel penny who was acquitted this week in the choke hold death of jordan dealy. he was acquitted of negligent homicide. i met the family and did the eulogy at the funeral of
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jordan. but what i categorically condemn is a decision by both the president-elect and vice president-elect jd vance to even host penny at today's army navy college football game in maryland. elevating him as a hero for killing a mentally ill black man who witnesses confirm was not physically violent before he was choked to death for nearly six minutes. tonight, several of new york lawmakers of color have called penny's acquittal and i would add his elevation by trump for exactly what it is. a pure endorsement of vigilantism even if it leads to death. a lot of political news to cover on this show but i must start with the lawyer of the
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family of jordan neely. we appreciate you joining us tonight. before we get to mr. penny's hero welcome by the president- elect this afternoon, i want to check in about jordan neely's family. his father had to leave the courtroom earlier this week. his uncle was with us at a rally today. and when penny was acquitted his father had to leave the courtroom after the jury acquitted his son. describe the family's reaction and how they are doing. >> the family is doing in a word, pain. literally, i got phone calls as soon as the verdict came in from mildred, from clarence. jordan's great aunt, his uncle and grandfather. and you are talking about people who have lived through injustices during the 50s and the 60s and they have seen it
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before. so mildred sat in that jury room and in the courtroom and she watched the jury while pictures were going up and videos were going up. at a certain point she looked at me and said she felt this jury was not going to give jordan justice. and that is exactly what happened. the last two dais of trial were the most difficult days because it seemed there was a downward spiral. the case went in well in terms of what the district attorney put on but the last two days when they dropped that higher charge of manslaughter 2 and a juror put down his head at body was telling. it meant something, maybe they were frustrated with the system, frustrated with how things were going. and when they came back with a verdict that did not make sense where they allowed a man to walk away after on video
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killing another civilian it was too much for the family to bear. >> i firmly believe jordan neely's family was denied justice with the acquittal. the manhattan district attorney alvin bragg says he respects the verdict. jordan's father has filed a wrongful death suit against penny in the new york supreme court. to the extent you can tell us as the family's lawyers, where can they go from here? >> a civil trial, i want everyone to understand, the burden of proof is different. in a criminal trial you are going to deny someone of their freedom. in criminal, it has to be unanimous. but civil is not beyond a reasonable doubt. it is literally what's more likely than not and it can be five out of six jurors. you're not dealing with 12, but
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five out of six, but importantly in a civil case, daniel penny has to sit for a deposition. he has to answer questions about what he was doing and what he was thinking and what was happening in those moments. he didn't have to do that in the criminal trial. once the jury hears when a trained man who should have known better. if you read the manual the marines had for these types of chokes, you are supposed to let go, even at war. the enemy is allowed to surrender. and daniel penny never gave him a chance to surrender. how personal it is to snuff someone's life out and squeeze the life out of them. that's what happened. >> and the civil trial has a different as you said, different bar to reach, but what troubles me and i want
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your prominence about lawyers. doesn't it put all citizens at risk if we start saying legally people can take law into their own hands even if it ends up a fatality? i mean, this beyond race. and i think race may have been involved here, but beyond race, isn't this a dangerous precedent? >> absolutely. vigilante justice cannot be allowed anywhere. it is a slippery slope to say someone trained to kill can get off and someone who is not trained can be reckless and you can even act just because you are afraid. you can do something to someone. listen, rev, i absolutely understand the concept of being afraid in the city. i understand seeing crimes happen. i grew up in brooklyn. i watched a woman get attacked on my block when i was a first year law student and i intervened in a crime. a fault with a man i didn't
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know for a woman whose name i didn't know. i punched him until he stopped moving but when he stopped moving i stopped. so with courage must come control and compassion. and i don't see that happening in the daniel penny's case. >> daniel's actions, deadly as they were has conservatives seeing him as a hero. including our next president, donald trump, who like penny was also recently prosecuted by the very same manhattan district attorney's office in the hush money trial. meanwhile, jd vance offered to host daniel penny at today's army navy football game. there have been some reports penny is there. but nbc hasn't confirmed it yet. when you think of this is the same jd vance that talked about haitians were eating people's pets in ohio. i have to think about where
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race is involved in this. how is the family processing jordan's killer being elevated like this by the president- elect of the united states? >> there are a few ways to look at this. i don't have a problem with the president inviting him to a football game. i think every american should have an opportunity to meet their president. what i have a problem with is the messaging. where is the invitation to the neely family? daniel penny represents questions about how we treat people who are mentally ill. how we treat other citizens who are struggling and you can't invite one-half of the problem without inviting the other half. why not bring in the neely family and talk to them. what can we do as leader to help so this doesn't happen to another family? i think the issue has national attention and that is why people from washington are looking but the solutions have to come from our leaders and
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you need everyone at the table. you can't just be the president of some, you have to be the president of everyone. >> i remember when he was president before, george floyd happened under him. i don't remember, maybe i missed something. i was involved in all of those cases. i don't remember the families being invited anywhere. but quickly before i let you go, what if this was reversed and it was a black man choking a white one to death, imagine even if both men were white? then what would happen? >> so here's the thing. some people were upset. a lot of people were upset when daniel penny was arrested and charged but whether his name was daniel penny, daniel o'reilly, daniel johnson, whatever this action that has to be accountability and when one civilian kills another civilian no matter what they like like, it's up to the community to judge so that is why it was necessary for him to
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go through this process and let the community say whether or not they believed he was guilty. that's the bottom line. >> we'll go onto see what happens in civil court with more of the community hearing at a different level what has to be held accountable. thank you for being with us attorney edwards. attorney for the family of jordan neely. and nbc is now confirming that penny was indeed at the football game with president- elect trump and vice president- elect jd vance moments ago. joining me now is congresswoman robin kelly. democrat of illinois. good to have you with us tonight. i know the story we just discussed is not in your home state. but i must ask you for your general reaction as a member of the congressional black caucus to daniel penny's acquittal and him joining president-elect donald trump at today's army
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and navy football game which nbc has confirmed. are we at risk to see more vigilante cases in this case ending in the death of a vulnerable unarmed man and death of vulnerable people. people of color under this new trump administration? >> well i think the old trump administration and the new trump administration because of all the rhetoric, all of the us versus them, the black versus white, the good guys versus the bad guy. people feeling free to say what they want and do what they want. as you can see some lives are very undervalued. they are not as valued or worthy as other lives. and i think this was another case with jordan neely that this has played out. >> now this week, trump reasserted that on his first
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day he would pardon most of the more than 1200 people who had been convicted or pleaded guilty in the attack, some of whom who have admitted to assaulting police officers on january 6th. between this and his invitation of the daniel penny to today's game, what kind of message is trump sending on violent vigilantism? you had violence january 6th. he is talking about pardoning some of them. you had violence with daniel penny, unarmed man who was not fighting him. and he is taking him to a football game. >> it sends a horrible message. i was one of the last 20 out, stuck in the gallery on my hands and knees, 20 of us or so not knowing and about seven or eight of us were cvc members not knowing if we were going to get out unharmed or not. if it wasn't for them shooting
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that woman which made the mob pause, that's how they could come and get us. and here we are running downstairs, running through halls to the safe place. so for me it is personal, besides the message it sends publicly is absolutely horrible as your last guest said, he can invite who he wants but not under these circumstances. >> staying with that, trump is also calling for a current and former house members to be imprisoned for their efforts to impeach him or for their work on the january 6th committee. president biden is reportedly considering preemptive pardons for people trump has named specifically like senator-elect adam schiff and former congresswoman liz cheney. are you worried about the safety of your colleagues and what is your stance on the
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preemptive pardons? >> i think president biden should do whatever he can do. they were coring out their duty as assigned. i'm worried about the safety of not just those colleagues but colleagues in general. i know members of congress right now who had to be taken to the grocery store with police escorts and people having people come outside of their homes. this has been going on over this last congress and i'm sure before but it has only amped up since january 6th. it has been going on. and there has been more incidents against congress people or threats than probably has happened in a long time. so it is happening currently. >> the incoming trump team is reportedly considering a purge of top pentagon officials. trump has threatened to prosecute military officers that facilitated the
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afghanistan withdrawal. and he and his top defense pick have promised to purge our armed forces of woke policies and leadership. replacing the latter with loyalists to the president- elect. how can democrats in this next congress fight back if trump does attempt to politicize our military? >> we need to speak up, speak out. i hope our republican colleagues don't think this is okay. we have many veterans that serve in congress and hopefully they are going to speak up too. at least for the first 100 days. the vote will be tight period. but for the first 100 days the vote will be even tighter. maybe because of that, we'll be able to rectify that or stop some of his actions and
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hopefully, my republican senators will not let the fox news commentator take that position. he does not deserve it. >> thank you for being with us. now for a quick update on breaking news. abc news has agreed to pay $15 million toward donald trump's presidential library to settle a lawsuit over anchor george stephanopoulos inaccurate on air assertion that the president-elect had been found civilly liable for raping writer e. jean carroll. in the last hour, abc news released the following statement saying quote we a pleased that the parties have reach an agreement to dismiss the lawsuit in the terms of the court filing. still to come on politics nation, donald trump is back with another grift. just in time for the holidays. i'll explain after the break. , there's a detergent that gets your dishes up to 100% clean,
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with just over five weeks to go until inauguration, you would think donald trump would be laser focused on the transition to his second term. instead, the president-elect is dreaming new ways to profit off of his political good fortune. just in time for the holidays. he has even enlisted the biden family in his cash grab. trump used a photo of himself and jill biden at the reopening of paris' notre dame cathedral. in a pitch for a line of colognes and perfumes called fight, fight, fight. according to the ad, it's a fragrance your enemies can't resist. the tackiness of the product is
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part of the sales pitch. same as with other trump wares like golden sneakers and watches and trump branded bibles and nf ts that portray donald as a buff superhero. supporters claim it is all in good fun but trump's insatiable appetite for merchandising is cheapingen the president of the country he claims he wants to make great again. he appears to not be manufacturing most of the products. instead, he relies on licensing deals. many with limited likes. what is their relationship with the president-elect? apparently, team trump doesn't think the american people have a right to know. it goes without saying that no past president has engaged in
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similar ventures on this scale. even trump himself tried to avoid the appearance of conflicts of interest by handing over the reins of the family business to his sons. but whatever sense of deform trump felt obligated to display in 2016. as he seeks to cash in on corny stocking stuffers. if you ask me, the whole thing stinks. i got you. stinks. i got you. rate from 20% to more than 80% within the us. but that means one in five children still won't survive. and every kid in this family is our kid, so we won't stop until no child dies of cancer. because that's what you do for family. this holiday season, join our st. jude family.
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what are folks 60 and older learning these days? new perspectives! ♪♪ how to fix things. ♪♪ fun recip... (high pitched sound) (high pitched sound) (high pitched sound) welcome back to politics nation. democratic attorney generals across the country are preparing to respond to possible legal violations by
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the incoming trump administration. some are readying to the possibility to take president- elect trump to court to stop policies he may implement that they may deem to be unlawful. joining me now is one of the 23 attorney generals preparing for this. minnesota's keith ellison. thank you for joining me today. attorney general ellison, you have said that the 23 democratic attorney generals who will serve have already been strategizing. what is your course of action and what you the most concerned about? >> it has been several months as far back as march we anticipated the possibility of another trump presidency. when he was the president last time, we had to bring lawsuits against him over 100 times and we were able to successfully
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block him about 70% of the time. but we do anticipate he will be more prepared this time. he will be more aggressive and he has a play book. project 2025 is that play book. and then you know, he has already introduced some executive orders last time that he will try to introduce again. so it is not like we have to guess about what he wants to do though i'm sure he has new tricks up his sleeves as well. >> one of the legal battles is a showdown with sanctuary cities. trump's advisers are reportedly discussing how to strip federal resources from the city of chicago and other democratic cities if they refuse to participate in deportation of undocumented immigrants next year, how to the attorney generals anticipate to respond?
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>> without showing our whole strategy, let me just say he has to follow the law. and there is a very important legal question. can the federal government withhold money from the states that the states are entitled to simply because we don't do the job that is the job of the federal government? immigration is a federal job. it is not our job. why should the states have to carry out the responsibilities of the federal government when the federal money is our money, the state money is our money. and the money at the federal government controls is used to do their statutory responsibilities. i think there is a real problem. a basic issue of fairness your
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listeners should know. rather than get snagged? the legalisms of the situation, why should the states and the cities have to do the bidding of the federal government when that's not what we do? so that is where we are going to go. and to conditionallize aid to us because we don't want to do someone else's job is wrong. >> earlier on the show, we spoke about the killing of jordan neely. a manhattan grand jury cleared daniel penny of criminally negligent homicide charge. neely was unarmed, black, and homeless. the defense painted penny's background as a marine as a protecter. i condemn the decision to acquit the white man choke holding to death a black man unarmed and a case of brutal vigilantism and i'm more angry
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by the fact he joined donald trump and jd vance at today's army navy football game. as attorney yep, what are your thoughts? what signal is this sending? >> that's the question for me. why would they politicize this? i didn't sit and watch every bit of evidence. didn't see how the testimony went in so i'm not going to second guess the jury but what i will second guess is the decision of a politician to elevate this to some sort of a symbolic message that it is okay to kill unarmed african american people. that is really wrong. if they would have just said we respect the jury's decision, fine. i don't know if i would have a problem. but when they start taking people like kyle rittenhouse and now this fellow and others
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and parading them around, lifting them up as some sort of political symbol, that does bother me. it signals they don't believe in equal justice under the law. they certainly don't respect all americans. and nay are trampling on the feelings of the victim's family. they love their loved one. he is now dead in the ground and no one is being held accountable for it and now the president and the vice president-elect want to smear it in their face? it's horrible. it's a signal of thing to come. >> and thursday, both minnesota and new jersey filed a lawsuit against glock was a they make a product that makes it easy to attach a switch into a machine gun. and those switches have caused a lot of harm and havoc in our
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communities. please tell us more about this lute. >> the lawsuit says not only do you know your gun is converted into a machine gun, you make it particularly easy in your design to do that. it is foreseeable. they advertise automatic weapons that the public is not allowed to buy. law enforcement officials. citizens, neighbors, victims are outraged that glock has not taken action to make sure their product is not used to become a
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machine gun. which is illegal. and glock could easily change their design. we believe the havoc on our streets like this doesn't have to happen. >> i'm very interested in your opinion on another case. this week, texas attorney general ken paxton opened a new front in the contentious battle over access to abortion pills by suing a new york doctor for sending abortion pills into texas. this appears to be among the first attempts. states like new york can refuse to cooperate with the temps by other states to prosecute or sue abortion providers who
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prescribe and send pills across state lines. but legal experts say they expect texas to try to pursue its case which could end up in federal court. your opinion on this. can other states get in a similar situation? >> i have to say we will be it will gailing this matter. women should have and must have the right to safe legal abortion in states like minnesota, new york, california, and many others. most of them are medical. and the fact that people in other states may want to get that opportunity to vindicate their rights. i mean, the fact is that you are going to see folks in the red states ags coming after people. but i want to make sure everyone knows this. in minnesota, if you come to minnesota to do what is
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constitutionally protected in minnesota, no matter where you are from, we will fight for and protect your rights no matter where you are. so that is the thing. these folks, battle lines are getting clearer, just to let you know, this is something that is very much on our mind. we expect to fight it out in court. and there are still unresolved decisions. the dobbs decision didn't solve everything because just to the issue you raised just right now. >> before i let you go, i would love to hear your thoughts on a quick update in the case of the 2020 killing of ahmaud arbery. the ex-prosecutor made a first court appearance wednesday more than three years after being indicted. she was georgia's top prosecutor for a judicial court
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for a decade. she went to court charged with violating her oath of office and hindering police. you did the george floyd case. what are your thoughts on this? >> no one is above the law rev. if a prosecutor, someone in my position breaks the law and mr. is probable cause to support that charge or indictment by a grand jury, they have to face justice just like everybody else. i'm saddened that a prosecutor would violate their oath, for the public to continue to believe in equal justice and that there are fair prosecutors you have to prosecute prosecutors when they violate the law. protect my reputation and that of the other prosecutors who try to lift up equal justice under the law. how do you protect our
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reputation? by holding people accountable when they don't do it. you won't hear me crying any tears for that particular prosecutor. as a matter of fact, it's an honor to be a prosecutor. the only thing you have to do is what is just. anyone who violates that must and should be held accountable. >> keith ellison, thank you for being with us. coming up, republican haves moved to strip powers from their recently elected governor just before his term begins. could it happen in other states? back in a moment. states? back in a moment. e eczema disrupts my skin, night and day. despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now, i have rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill... that reduces the itch... and helps clear the rash of eczema— some taking rinvoq felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days. and some achieved dramatic skin clearance... as early as 2 weeks.
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welcome back to politics nation. let's bring in my panel for today's other political stories. republican strategist and msnbc political analyst susan del percio and michael hardaway. former spokesperson and communications director to minority leader hakeem jeffries. welcome to both of you. michael, i want to start with you on the upcoming senate confirmations. trump's pick for the pentagon pete hegseth has already met with one democratic senator so far. it was pennsylvania senator john fetterman who said he was just quote doing his job. what can we exspect from other
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senators once this specific confirmation process starts to heat up? >> i think the overwhelming majority of the democrats in the senate, there's a it will any of issues but the biggest problem is he is not qualified to supervise 2.8 million people in that position. that is a real issue. our current person in that position is an army general. this individual mr. hegseth didn't serve in the army or the navy or the marines. he was actually in the national guard which there is nothing wrong with that, but i think in terms of someone fit to lead our military, and the 2.8 million people in it. i just don't think he has the qualifications. >> senate minority leader mitch mcconnell who is recovering from a recent fall on capitol hill is speaking out for the first time on one of the more
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sensitive trump picks. robert f. kennedy jr. ment he not only defended polio vaccine as a survivor of the disease, mcconnell. but shot down the thought of any of trump's picks playing politics with the vaccine policy. while he didn't mention rfk jr. by name, can we expect more statements like this from senate republican ins you know something that those that have a spine. let me put it that way. >> i think there will be more. there have been a lot of people trump have put up for nomination but we still have five or six weeks until those names have to go through a vote. and during that process, we are going to hear a lot more. when it comes to rfk jr. specifically, i think we will
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learn a lot more. he may withdraw when the pressure of an fbi background check comes in. but mitch mcconnell is very interesting to watch and i say that because not just in the case of rfk and the polio vaccination, but because he knows all of his colleagues really well. not only the same four can't keep taking hard votes against trump nominees or putting out word. so i think he is working behind the scenes to string together different groups to back or go against other nominees. it will be interesting to see how far some of these get along once the hearings come. and you know what? when it comes to fetterman, he is absolutely right. and other democrats should meet with every nominee. it's their job. they can't look as petty as the republicans have done in the past. if they want to be the party of
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governing they have to do their job. >> i want to pivot to what most democrats are calling an absolute power grab. they overroad governor roy cooper's veto of a bill that provides disaster aid while also stripping key powers from statewide offices. >> i see this as part of a larger conversation that we as democrats have to have in the aftermath of the election. republicans play to win. and all of these scenarios in terms of how they address losing the governorship in north carolina, their answer is to create this work around that dilutes the power of that governor. i think democrats should
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approach these situations from the exact same perspective. what we should do is show up to the fight ready to win the fight. and i think to your point in terms of other states, that should be our policy and we should be playing to win. >> tech moguls jeff bezos and mark zuckerberg are now putting millions behind donald trump's inauguration fund. i want to remind you he is the same man who filed lawsuits against meta and google during his first presidency. what should we make of all of this? >> they have gotten to know donald trump. they know he is completely transactional. so they put some money behind it. trump forgives them. and they move forward. this is just such a hallmark of what to expect in the trump administration to come. we saw a little bit in his first term. but now, we are going to see at the heart of it, he is
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transactional. this administration is all about making him healthy. he could care less about what policies are going on unless it helps him. so yes. he also likes being around people who are billionaires and these guys have a lot more money than he does personally so i think he is trying to play with the big boys. >> republican strategist susan del percio and democratic strategist michael hardaway. thank you both for being with us. up next, my final thoughts. stay with us. stay with us. patients who have sensitive teeth but also want whiter teeth, they have to make a choice- one versus the other. new sensodyne clinical white, it provides 2 shades whiter teeth as well as providing 24/7 sensitivity protection. patients are going to love to see sensodyne on the shelf. my moderate to severe crohn's symptoms kept me out of the picture. with skyrizi, feel symptom relief at 4 weeks.
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in europe has undergone a hip replacement. she is a woman that has fought on many issues that i shared with her and many goals that i continue to share and may she make a full recovery. i also want to talk about how at this morning's national action network's weekly saturday morning rally in harlem at the house of justice, we celebrated my one and only grandchild. marcus al sharpton bright who will be six years old. time does play. he will be six years old at the end of the month. as we were celebrating i thought about what kind of world are we giving our children? our grandchildren? it is almost unbelievable to me he might grow up in a world with less rights than i have. the women's right to choose. voting rights being in many ways altered if not eliminated.
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immigration rights under siege. we must continue this fight so that we can hand ittoour children and grandchildren. that is why january on one side of washington, to become 47th president, we will be at metropolitan ame church marching way away from the inauguration to take our oath to keep dr. king's dream of civil rights and fairness alive. that does it for me. thank you for watching. i'll see you back here tomorrow. 5:00 p.m. eastern for another live hour of politics nation. the saturday show with jonathan capehart starts right after a short break. a short break.
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