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tv   MSNBC Reports  MSNBC  January 1, 2025 9:00am-11:00am PST

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suggestive of motive. they are running down the providence of the car. it's not clear that the car was owned by the person driving it. that is one of the things they are looking into and trying to run down. it has texas plates but that does not mean the person driving it was from texas. they are trying to figure out what motivated this person. they likely know the identity by now. here is what we know. there has been a large number of vehicle attacks going back more than a decade around the world including in germany and new york city in 2017. many of them have been inspired by isis. that does not mean isis was directing them. it just means people radicalizing the united states, take their cues from things they see online and carried out the attack based on inspiration from isis. that's what authorities are trying to determine here.
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not only did this man rammed his vehicle into a crowd of people, he opened fire. investigators are trying to determine whether he used a rifle to shoot at people while he was driving. they say he shot two new orleans police officers and they are also investigating potential bombs found at the scene. he was shot and killed by police at the scene. again, whether he had identification or they are using fingerprints they are likely running down his identity and learning more about who he was and why he did what he did. >> we have state and local investigators playing their prior. the fbi jumped in pretty quickly, three hours after the incident. what does that tell you initially about the investigation. >> clearly there's an indication they think this was a planned event. it could be some sort of terrorism. that's why they could be bringing in additional
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resources. there is also a heightened sense of awareness since new orleans will be the location of the next super bowl. a lot of things to unpack here. they want to get on top of it very quickly. >> what is also in question is how did this happen. local and federal officials have been saying the driver just went around the barriers. the question is, we have eyewitnesses who spoke this morning mentioning that the barriers were down at this point on bourbon st.. that has not been confirmed. when you talk about something like this, it is new year's morning. you have the sugar bowl, college football, given that this is in the heart of the french quarter on bourbon st., what are you factoring in. what are you looking for when it comes to the security measures that should have been
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in place? >> my sources on the ground telling me there's lots of questions regarding what was the guy wearing? was he wearing military garb? was he wearing body armor? were the explosives and the truck in addition to outside indicating that perhaps he had help >> they are now looking to see if there's any help you could of had. right now they tell me security has moved to the superdome where they are now expanding out to secure the area around. they are sweeping right now. obviously there's a concern about some type of connection with the sugar bowl. the question becomes motive as well. that's important to know. this is an attack on a soft target. we have talked about this many times. we have seen this recently. not only this attack but in the christmas market attack in
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germany. the barriers were thwarted. here there's a different element with the fact that this individual had a weapon. that was not the case in germany. it's a big question as to motive and how prepared was see to do this. >> that's what we were hoping to get answered at this hour where the law enforcement authorities were supposed to brief us. that has been pushed back two hours from now. frank, you are factoring in as much evidence as they are collecting. you also have to consider the witnesses who were there, any cell phone video, surveillance video as well as any intel that may have been flanked by authorities. >> this is a large crime scene and its complex. everybody has their phone, everybody is recording something.
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even if they weren't, they may have been focused toward the suspect or victims. there's lots of witnesses and victims to be interviewed. some will have to wait because of the critical condition of some that are hospitalized, but there will be interview teams set up. i'm sure it has happened already. often peering police with agents. state troopers with an agent. so everybody is getting everything in real time as they draft interview reports. i am often amazed at how quickly the fbi evidence response team out of quantico can get on the ground, go wheels up just about anywhere and come alongside the field office evidence response team that i'm sure is already in action. similarly with the bomb techs who will go over any believed ied and figure out was this even a valid weapon.
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could have exploded, was it a decoy? all of that has to be done. everybody wants it done quickly. often the ag and white house will be calling. i've had the white house calling while i'm trying to run a crime scene. i was polite but i also said, i have things to do but thanks for calling. >> so many moving parts in this investigation which may be the reason they are delaying the press conference. let's go to jesse kircher was on the ground in new orleans. >> reporter: a short time ago we had a vehicle out here. there are federal law enforcement personnel on the ground. we are waiting for that's press conference. they pushed it back about two hours. we are told that's because the fbi is now in charge. we are outside of the superdome and that is really the focus
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moving forward in terms of security threats. this is where we expect the sugar bowl between notre dame and georgia, one of the most high profile sporting events of any air. certainly now with what has unfolded. i will have the producer charlie move over here with me. this is right across the street from where we are. you can see this sidewalk with minimal metal barricading over there. there are numerous police vehicles and you can see the flashing blue lights. there's plenty of police. we are obviously hours from the game. i don't know what kind of blockade they have plans how the security posture might be changing. just speaking to the scenario or the scene over here right now. these kinds of security measures will get that much more attention in light of what has unfolded. there's quite a bit of law enforcement over here. we were waiting for this press conference a short time ago. officials were making a comment
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but then we heard they were delaying the press conference. one of the key questions, this is bourbon st. on any given night it is populated with people. it's one of the most high- profile tourist destinations in the country, possibly even in the world. you would imagine on new year's eve we would have that much more security presence. and others hundreds of law enforcement out there. the question is, was every security measure that was supposed to be in place in place. that's one of the key questions we will be asking at this press conference that has been pushed back about two hours. >> jesse, before you go i want to ask you, heavy hearts with many of the fans who will be entering the venue tonight knowing this happened. also, we can't forget that the super bowl in february is going to be there as well.
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>> that is right. this is a security situation that's under a lot of scrutiny. it would have been regardless of the schedule, but you are right. we have tens of thousands of fans that will potentially be at the game. tens of thousands of people that will be here at the super bowl. the super bowl is always a high profile security situation. you have to imagine there's that much more scrutiny because of what has happened. earlier today at the press conference which occurred less than 12 hours from in this incident is alleged to have been unfolded, i remember hearing very clearly from officials that they were asking people to stay away from this area but to go about their day. speaking of how they have these fans coming to town for the game, there are already people. somebody across the street is in a football jersey. my plane ride was filled with
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georgia fans. there are tons of people pouring into the city for the game. it was really interesting to hear so soon after the event unfolded such a clear indication from officials that they were moving forward. i will also be looking to ask about where that level of confidence and assuredness comes from so soon after this when you could imagine the review of what unfolded will potentially take quite some time. >> especially considering this weekend is the biggest tourism drama given the fact that it is new orleans, bourbon st., new year's eve into new year's day and so many of these fans here. it's worth noting out of the 30 people that were injured that 10 people have died. local authorities have said the majority of those victims were local, not tourists. that may change. we will wait to see what they have to say it and update us with. jesse, thank you so much.
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>> carmen, i want to talk about this. at the beginning of the briefing there was some discrepancy where the police superintendent said that this was terrorist. than that was kind of backtracked by the fbi saying it was not terrorism at this point. what constitutes an act of terrorism especially given now that this is being looked at as an act of terrorism. >> there will be several things they factor in. as you noted, the fact that the event was at a time weather's going to be massive people there for the event. the fact that it looks like it was in some way planned. it was armed, intentional deliberate acts. this very much simulates other events that have occurred. they want to jump on it immediately and treated as such until they determine it is not.
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they did have so many safety measures in place, but even with that it can be compromised at times. they want to be sure they are doing all they can to discover what happened and why. i would say this though as the chief, former chief when these things occur there's a lot of scrutiny right away, but for those officers being out there and for their quick action it could've been a lot worse than what we are witnessing right now. >> that is the tough part to swallow knowing that those improvised explosive devices if they were to go off, if the long gun rifle was being used, if in fact the suspect was shooting at the crowd while he was driving down there on bourbon street. michael, considering those factors, talk about what we are looking at here. it's been very limited as far as the visuals we can offer understandably because everything is so block off.
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what are they looking into given there so many moving parts and so many aspects of it. >> the focus, as your panel has related, it will be on the individual. then who does the individual now? right now they are obviously trying to get his identity. once they have that, going through social media to see whether or not there was any communication they could on earth that would indicate other people are involved. the fact that this individual did this, it indicates planning. it indicates a desire to come and commit a heinous act with multiple fatalities. for law enforcement and security personnel, a suicide attacker is one of the most difficult and dangerous and impossible things to anticipate. when you look at, in 2020 you have the christmas day bombing
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in tennessee, and nashville. people scratching their head saying what was the motivation for this guy doing this. it is still kind of under investigation. they have a lot of theories but that will be the question here. to me it is complete speculation. you let the evidence take you where it takes you. you never tried to presume where some things are going. to me this feels more of a domestic issue than something we saw in the german market attack. >> tough to do at this point when it comes to not jumping to conclusions, not coming up with your own hypotheses of what happened here i want to ask you about that specifically, what we do know and what we do have confirmed from law enforcement officials when it comes to this photo of the truck. if we can show that it was a white pickup truck that was
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involved in the situation. it could very easily be a rental, but also what investigators are closely looking into was what was attached to the back of a truck. if you look closely in between the headlines that white pipe and there's a black piece of cloth attached to it. all of these things will be closely looked at. at this point this is what we are dealing with now. but it definitely gives us more to go with than just a white pickup truck from what we knew earlier. >> any attempt by somebody who's committing murder to communicate with us even after he has passed on is important. i know everybody is concerned about the nature of the flag and whether in fact it indicates affiliation with an international terror group or other organization, we will know that soon enough but i will also caution people that could be a distraction to just
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confuse law enforcement. even if it is the flag of unknown terror organization, we have to look at the degree to which that organization was actually calling the shots. there have increasingly been loan actors who acted out on only the slimmest of signals from some kind of leadership, sometimes not at all. we have to be careful what the motivation is or not. i expect to learn far more as the hours go on and we hear the press conference. >> we have some significant information now. what can you tell us? >> reporter: four senior law enforcement officials say they have preliminarily identified the suspect. a date of birth of october 26, 1982. they are still working on information about his background and potential travel
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history. obviously investigating whether there is an isis connection here. we are working to learn any information we can. there is a divorce record in texas. we have the information on this deceased suspect by multiple law enforcement officials. >> now that we have this significant piece of information, the suspect identified. talk about how they will cast the net and find out if he acted alone. his digital foot print and anything that may help shed some light on the investigation. >> you are absolutely right to speak about the digital footprint. we all have them. that is a great help. even if
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this person was not active on social media, we all leave digital dust everywhere three credit cards, geolocation on phones, they have been for hours running down every stitch of that information to find out who he's been in communication with. the vehicle had texas plates. obviously how that came to be and who he was communicating with. there are encrypted platforms that make it difficult for the fbi to look at the content of communications but often they can find the to and from on almost anything. they are obviously trying to talk to relatives, trying to look at job history, medical history, anything they can learn about this subject to find out why he did what you did and who with anyone he was working with, whether there were any co-conspirators. >> a significant development
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with the suspect identified. michael, i want to ask you with law enforcement identify in him now. >> they said you want to crowd source this. you want to put this out there to see if anybody has a relationship that can provide more information. it is everything from what activities people knew. his hometown, what he was doing the day before, was he preparing devices, was he going to a gun store. what are the things this individual was doing. now you get into the whole thing about motivations. now you're looking at was this a lone wolf. was this somebody that was on chat rooms from an organized
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foreign agency. were there other places that could possibly be at this as well. everybody and security law enforcement are paying close attention to the details of the event. specifically who the individual was. any connections to see wrap it up in new york and los angeles. this is something they need to protect against this or was it just a one off. >> how do you factor the involvement of local law enforcement. the f vi -- fbi has taken over the investigation. how can they be help full now that we know this information. >> they can be enormously helpful. nobody knows this like law enforcement. the early information we are
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getting is perhaps this individual is are has resided in texas. the local police department would be my first call. i will say what you have on this guy. any criminal record. what do you know? what do the sources tell us? get us in touch with the right people. a very practical level you have search warrants to execute where his last known address was. getting media attention. the patrol officers will help you set up perimeters and keep people safe. >> with the influx, how is that filtered through. now that this name is public and out there i can imagine local law enforcement through louisiana, texas, across the country, people who may know him flooding with calls.
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>> that is very likely to happen. they will take information and coordinate they will follow up as quickly as they possibly can . law enforcement will be talking to other agencies both federally and locally this is not the first time they will deal with this. these will be set up and immediately filtering through as much information as possible. they are encouraging people to call it anything they might know about this. >> especially after this development the suspect identified as shamsud din jabbar, date of birth october
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26, 1982. the suspect investigators say was behind the car attack, driving the vehicle, plowing through crowds of people on very busy bourbon st. new year's eve into new year's morning killing 10 people and injuring at least 30. thank you for being with me. we will check back in but for now we will take a quick break and be right back. right back. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. and adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for type 1 diabetes or children. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take if you or your family had mtc, men 2,
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on this new year's day we are following breaking news out of new orleans way man plowed a truck into a crowd during new year's celebrations last night. at least 10 people have been killed and dozens of others injured. three senior law enforcement officials telling us the suspect has been primarily identified as shamsud din jabbar. the fbi is investigating the attack as an act of terrorism. we spoke to a woman who was on bourbon st. when the attack happened. a warning, what you are about to hear is disturbing. >> one man, deceased. he had tire tracks across his back. when somebody turned him over he had tire tracks across his stomach and he was clearly crushed. the mother that was in front of us, she was horribly disfigured.
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a little girl that we had seen dancing as we were walking up the street was as flat as a pillow. it just kept going. every eyeshot, body, body, body , body. >> let's turn to fletcher lewis on the scene in bourbon st.. fletcher, as a reporter i'm sure you have seen and heard a lot. as a native of new orleans it has to hit differently. >> reporter: it does. on born and raised in new orleans. i have been here for 20+ years and we've never covered anything like this. we have a city that is beautifully messy at times. we deal with a lot of chaotic situations. we have a massive crime issue. we have so much history and culture but nothing like this.
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an act of domestic terrorism with 30+ people injured on bourbon st. 10 people have died. they are searching the french quarter for ied's. we heard a couple of explosions this morning as police canvassed the area. we were supposed to start 2025 with the super bowl in six weeks, sugar bowl today. so many people optimistic on a beautiful day unfortunately filled with horrific tragedy that is like nothing we have seen before personally and professionally. >> we are getting new details about the suspect. the investigation is ongoing. the fbi is leading the investigation. there were supposed to update us at this hour but that has been pushed back to 2:00 eastern time. let's talk about the families and the people involved here. i want to hear from you and
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what you are reporting as far as those who have been impacted by the tragedy. we understand that many of the victims were locals, not tourists. i can imagine these families waking up on new year's morning , finding this out and not hearing from family members. let us know where they can find out more as they like so many others have so many questions. >> reporter: early this morning we met a woman who was crying on the corner, saying my family was here. my friends were here. i hope they are okay. we've had people coming down wondering about the people they were with and is everyone okay. our photojournalist will get a shot here. sometimes the picture says 1000 words. you asked me about being from new orleans. you are looking at the st.
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louis cathedral. that's the most iconic structure in new orleans. the other side is jackson square. that's why people come here. to see the culture, the history, these beautiful buildings. this is something out of a nightmare, a movie or tv show right in front of the most iconic building in our city. it is littered with police tape right now in the most popular street in the city is empty right now and all the businesses are closed because of this tragedy. to me this sums up everything right now. the st. louis cathedral unfortunately in the foreground. you have three blocks of lease tape and law enforcement officers everywhere still canvassing the scene because they want to make sure there are no ied's. for people that live here and for local media, we see you wallcovering that around the world in conflict areas and war zones. you hear these words like isis and tied
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to isis and things like that. that's not something that we hear on the local level but that is our reality this morning as we wake up and deal with this. we see these images as new information comes in it truly is a real life nightmare that has no end in sight right now. >> it is a real nightmare for all of you especially with what you describe as the beauty there behind you juxtaposed with the war of what happened this morning. talk about the tourists and locals who have been converging especially at a time that could be a joyous celebration new year's day and also the fun of a college football game with the super bowl happening just a few hours from now. >> reporter: we have the sugar bowl will still be scheduled and played tonight. they are changing some security policies and procedures as we speak. a heightened sense of threat level or security.
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the sugar bowl between georgia and notre dame will still go on as scheduled, 8:45 eastern time. 7:45 local time. new orleans is hosting a record tying super bowl in a couple weeks. we have had law enforcement and elected leaders talking about doing more and working with federal agencies to be sure something like this cannot happen again. the crazy thing is there's always a ton of law enforcement on bourbon st.. one of the things new orleans does well is big events. mardi gras, new year's eve. that's one of the things just from perspective, new orleans is an all-night city. the bars here do not close at 2:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. when the incident happened it was as packed as it has ever been. so that affects the people here because we take for granted sometimes that we do these big events well and we are safe and it is our time to shine so when
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something like this happens it hits the locals, the tourists, the businesses are closed right now. this will be one of their busiest days of the year. the iconic restaurants and bars and tourist venues are now closed along bourbon st. because of this. this is affecting a lot of people, >> something that has been so celebratory and so successful as far as protecting the public in the past is not the cased. our hearts go out to the people affected as well. thank you so much. msnbc will be back with more from new orleans. keep it right here. right here. where you grew a dream into a reality. the all new godaddy airo. put your business online in minutes with the power of ai.
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director for counterintelligence at the fbi. michael, former homeland security advisor and jim cavanaugh, special agent in charge and law enforcement analyst. jesse, let's start with you with law enforcement coming out and identifying the suspect. >> reporter: we now have the i.d. of the suspect. we will be asking questions and looking into his background more. this is someone who is accused of killing at least 10 people by ramming a vehicle intentionally down bourbon st. we are not in that area. were in another part of the city where we expect a press conference from law enforcement, but also quite relevant is what is behind me here. this is the superdome. this football stadium is supposed to be hosting the sugar bowl tonight between notre dame and georgia. two schools, two teams with massive followings.
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a lot of people expected to be attending this game tonight. this is coming less than 24 hours after what appears to have been a relapse insecurity on bourbon st. whether somebody overcoming security measures or security measures that was supposed to be in place and work, we don't know. either way this is a security situation being scrutinized. even as that is unfolding, it is all being reviewed, this is supposed to be a place with a lot of tourists and fans later. i want to show you down the block, you can see that this is a sidewalk curve. just beyond it a metal barricade. there are police vehicles with flashing lights. we sauce -- we saw homeland security out here earlier. i don't know what this looked like yesterday or what it will look like tonight. the game is not for another eight hours or so. just down the block, actually
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on the same block as the superdome, you have what appears to be a softer barricade situation. i do not know what the foot traffic will look like but it will be interesting to see how the security situation evolves. we were supposed to be hearing from officials this past hour. they pushed it back by about two hours. they told us that's because the fbi has taken charge and wanted to push things back. they have not yet taken questions and there are a lot of questions unanswered when it comes to the security situation last night and moving forward. there's not just one big football game that is scheduled here this year. we are looking at the super bowl that is set to be hosted here in less than two months. that is always a major draw for the game itself but many people come to be part of the festivities around it. of course, when people think of festivities and new orleans
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they think of bourbon st. it will be interesting to see how that changes. >> security paramount them, tonight, also there will be questions about the security. i want to bring in jim cavanaugh to talk about that. i know you were very vocal earlier talking about whether this could have been prevented. we have eyewitnesses that spoke with our local affiliate that mentioned that the barricades and barriers were actually down on bourbon st. at some point. we know from the first briefing that this driver plowed in and went around the barriers, if there were barriers. what can you tell us given you that you were so vocal in saying when it comes to something like this being prevented, that is something you don't subscribe to. >> i used to tell my people all the time, we won't make the same mistakes. we will make new mistakes. i did not get mad when my agents made new mistakes, but
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if they made the same mistake over again i was really upset about that. i did not want the same mistake. in the world of terrorism attacks, all police commanders know, they get bulletins from the fbi and homeland security all the time on terrorist attacks around the country. police commanders have to be in tune to that. certainly of the attack a few weeks ago on the german market, berlin, france, these are all attacks on gathering places. here we have the most iconic street in new orleans. one of the most iconic streets in america. we dropped the vehicle barricades. so we are not learning from the vicarious experience of the police in the world. that is your responsibility to say yes, this is my venue. how could it be attacked. it could be attacked by explosives.
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it could be attacked by small arms, pistols and rifles. i need to talk to atf, fbi. it could be attacked by vehicles. what do i need to do? michael, when he was in new york state they constantly had medians about this. they even had a vehicle attack in new york city years ago. so how are we missing this kind of attack? in the defense of any police force, you cannot prevent a vehicle attack on every street in the city. it is not possible. but look what nypd does. they secure times square. that is a huge venue, but they have 3000 officers and they can do it. we are just talking about securing bourbon st. it is eight blocks long and very narrow. we aren't saying that this is police have to secure the whole city. it is not really possible. terrorists can come and attack
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people somewhere but you don't want them going right down the heart of your biggest, most iconic venue because terrorism as brian jacob said in 1974, is theater. that has never changed. when you attack an iconic place like this, you have world news. you have a high body count. this spurs on more copycats and other things. every police commander, especially ones that had events last night for example, should be looking at what they did last night in their city. would we have been able to prevent this? did we have the proper barricades up? did we have our streets blocked? in the critical most iconic areas was that done? if we did not do it we need to learn the lesson and then we need to do it. that is a big lesson. >> then you mentioned, i want to bring you when talking about that. we are not just talking about
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the vehicle and the suspect who plowed down very busy bourbon st. we are also talking about the use of a long gun rifle possibly shooting at the crowd as he was barreling down the road. also, the ied's that have been donated and found within blocks here. you have so many of these parts , not just a suspect with an intention of mass murder. >> you can't protect the entire city. that is what they want to do is they want to send messages. the fbi has been talking about the beer terror attack on u.s. soil
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since march. he began last year talking about the same thing. you have the awareness. you take a look at the confluence of events, the sugar bowl and the super bowl. new orleans is the party capital when you consider from that perspective. these are all things that you sit there and say you cannot let your guard down. you protect to type. in other words, what do they do in new york city. that moment the ball drops leading up to that. you be sure you are controlling the crowds. perhaps what happens here is that it's 3:15 in the morning. the time has already passed for new year's and now the barriers go down because the guard goes down. we figure we are past that moment. so how did the guy know? how did the perpetrator know that these barriers would be down?
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was it preoperational surveillance? how did he pick this moment and this opportunity? >> that brings in the question his plan. how sophisticated his plan was boiling down to the motive. we want to bring up this vehicle, this significant piece of information that we have from law enforcement about this white pickup truck that was involved in this incident, in this act of terrorism as the fbi is calling it. texas plates, from what we know. law enforcement officials telling us that. also, the attached piece of cloth you see in the back attached to a pole, a pipe on the hitch in the back of the truck and what the motive would be. frank? >> he is likely trying to communicate with us through the flag.
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it could be a distraction but more likely than not it is probably him telling us what is behind this. in terms of motive, we hear this and i have to preach this every time we go on to cover a mass casualty event. mass shooting. i tell people, people don't just snap. he did not get up yesterday morning and say, i think i'm going to do this today. he has been obsessing for weeks if not months. he may have even disappeared. it's very common for people as they are pushing -- approaching the flashpoint to violence to disappear. interviews with friends, family, coworkers will be important. saying he could not get off this topic. he felt desperate. he was using the language of despondency. it's going to help explain and put this in context. doesn't bring any closure to families of the dems?
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absolutely not. but it may help educate and get us to a point where we are more aware of people around us and warning signs and indicators that somebody is headed to violence. >> i want to ask you really quickly what is it as far as tangible, physical evidence at the scene that investigators can gather that can really answer some questions knowing that the suspect is deceased. >> they want the fingerprints, dna, personal property, the shell casings, the ied. we have to be careful not to assume that this was always a plant vehicle attack. michael raised that point. maybe he did not know he could get down bourbon st. maybe he planned on pulling up in the truck and jumping in the back bed of the pickup and firing a long rifle into the crowd. maybe that was his plan. he shows up on bourbon st. and guess what?
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the door is wide open so he drives down there. a lot of times criminals and terrorists are opportunists. i think the guy went there to kill, but maybe opportunities present themselves where he could kill more. he went with at least a vehicle and firearms and maybe explosives or ied's. he was intent on killing. that's where he's got to be confronted with all the stops. the barricades, armed officers with long guns like s.w.a.t. officers. they can diffuse devices and stop them quickly. he took advantage of the failure to have the imagination that it could happen in my backyard. departments federal or state get complacent. they do it so much they think, the secret service in butler, pennsylvania, like in new orleans yesterday it's just, we do this all the time we are great at it. guess what?
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you dropped the ball one time and this is what happens. >> a really tough reality. you consider also the timing. the timing that this happened around 3:15 a.m. maybe the intention was the stroke of midnight or after, some people heading home calling it a night. many of these questions still exist. hopefully we will have them answered in a little more than an hour when law enforcement officials brief us on the latest. jim, frank, and michael, thank you so much for the perspective. we have morehead on this breaking news in new orleans. we will be right back. right b. so the five blades can get virtually every hair in one stroke. for the ultimate gillette shaving experience. the best a man can get is gillettelabs. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday.
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deadly attack in new orleans last night as an act of terrorism. at least ten were kill aand endozens injured after a truck
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plowed into the crowd. the white house said president biden has been e briefed on the attack. gabe gutierrez joins us from oiwest palm beach, florida. en route to camp david, the president said he was very, very frustrated and upset by hearing this news. >> reporter: yeah, that was the reaction he had. anger and frustration. the president spending the night in wilmington, delaware and right now, heading towards camp david. on the tarmac en route to camp david, he spoke briefly with >> again, i'm not going to comment until i speak to the -- i've spoken to every member of the agency from cia to national security team. the fbi. we're going to gather them all
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in. >> reporter: you heard reporters asking the president about the suspect's origin. the president declining to comment as is common in the early stages of the investigation. as you said, he has been briefed by senior officials in the fbi and department of homeland security. his official schedule has not changed later on today, but we're r awaiting word about aiwhether he might address the public again. he did say during that brief interaction with reporters that he would have more to say in a short time. >> all right, we know president-elect trump is in florida as he was celebrating the new year at mar-a-lago. he's also commented on the en attack. what did he say? >> reporter: yeah, that's right. we're here in south florida near mar-a-lago where president-elect trump rung in the new year,
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going to a black tie reception at his mar-a-lago estate. just this morning, the president-elect did post on social media. he said in part the crime rate in pour country is at a level that nobody has ever seen before, although i should point out that sats it did drop. the president-elect went on to say our hearts are with the innocent victims and their loved ones, including the brave officers of the new orleans police the trump administration will fully support the city of new orleans as they recover from this act of pure evil. that's the latest we heard from president-elect again, he is here in palm beach, florida after ringing in the new year. >> we'll certainly be watching. gabe, thank you. we're going to take a short break and we'll see you at the
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top 'lof the hour with more breaking news coverage in what law enforcement are calling this act of terrorism in new orleans. law enforcement are calling this act of terrorism in new orleans. that grimy film on your teeth? dr. g? ♪♪ it's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria which can cause cavities. most toothpastes quit working in minutes. but crest pro-health's antibacterial fluoride protects all day. so it stops cavities before they start... crest.
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we begin with breaking news out of new orleans where officials say a man driving a truck plowed through a crowd of people gathered to celebrate the new year on bourbon street just after 3:00 a.m. at least ten are dead and dozens
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injured in the attack which law enforcement says is being investigated as a terrorist incident. police say the suspect is also dead. just last hour, we learned that the suspect has been preliminarily identified as shamsud din jabbar, born in 1982. this as we get harrowing new images from the scene and a warning that the video is disturbing and partially blurred because of its gruesome nature. here, you can see the aftermath of the chaotic attack as the suspect barrelled down bourbon street. officials are expected to hold a press conference in the next hour. joining me now, jesse kirsch live from new orleans. also, frank figluzzi and barbara mcquaid, former u.s. attorney in michigan. she is also an msnbc legal analyst. let's start with you, jesse.
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and what are the new details learning from law enforcement as they investigate this and as the suspect has been identified? >> reporter: that's right. the suspect has been identified and one of the things we're going to be watching for throughout the day is what happens where i am right now. we are outside of the superdome. this is supposed to be hosting part of the college football playoff tonight. this is going to be a nationally televised game. georgia, notre dame, two schools that have massive followings. i was on a plane with people from atlanta with georgia gear on. you can see the fencing already up here and the metal detector set up they've got outside of this stadium right now. i also want to show you as we head further down the block, charlie, our producer, if you can pivot and show you outside of the superdome. again, tens of thousands of people presumably are going to be here tonight for that game. this is coming less than 24 hours after this massive security incident. as we get further down the block, you can see we still have right, these kinds of barricades
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in place. i don't know what that's made up, but it's something that would be hard to ram through. but we get further down the block, these barricades go away then you're just left where this metal barricading over here and a short curb. just to give you a sense. i'm going to step on to the street to make sure no one's coming. i'm in a parallel parking area so i'm not in open traffic. just a short hop up on to the curb and these barricades go away over here. we'll be watching this throughout the day to see how it changes. again, i don't know what it was like yesterday here. don't know what it's going to be like tonight. but this is the scene outside of the superdome. we just saw a sheriff's department vehicle pulling up and setting up a command post, if you will, over there. so this was already a high profile event. all the more so now because of this. this is coming as the security posture of the city is under real scrutiny now. we have a lot of questions for
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officials on how what happened last night was able to happen in an area always teeming with tourists. also, there has been two months out from the super bowl which is supposed to be hosted here in new orleans and the nfl have said it's been planning for that for two years with officials to make sure it's a safe event. back to you. >> all that weighing heavily on the people, the fans who will be there for that game tonight. thank you. frank, i want to bring you in and talk about the fact that we have the suspect identified here. how will that change and factor into this investigation knowing that investigators may have known that, that may made his id public and how may that change things. >> well, it certainly means they don't have to waste resources. precious resources on an attempt to identify an unknown
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individual. there are situations where there is a body, the suspect is there, but there's no identification and the car doesn't lead you back to anything. so those resources now will be focused sharply on what needs to get done to establish motive and far more importantly, to answer the question, is there any greater danger to the public. did he have accomplices? and of course, the big question. was he radicalized by any ideology or group? we keep hearing references to terrorism and i'm taken aback by how quickly the fbi took that lead. so there's something there, but we need to figure out what there is. is it domestic? something in his personal life? or has he been recruited, perhaps online, to act out violently because of a terrorist cause? while we throw around the word, terrorism, we have a definition. it's a similar definition to domestic and international and simply, it's the use or
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threatened use of violence to threaten, coerce, or intimidate a government or a civilian population for political purposes and related idealology. you're trying to change thinking, influence thinking, on a big scale. we're not going to prosecute a dead suspect. that's not what's going on here, but we need to ensure we've got every bit of this locked down and get to the attribution, maybe even overseas, if that's the case. >> given that, barbara, i want to ask you about the intel and what may have been missed. you heard the discussion about how barricades may have been taken down. there were ieds that have been detonated. the use of a long gun rifle here. what could have been the signs if you have maybe one of each of these things, you know, that's tough in itself to follow it and find the bread crumbs but then you have these three moving
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parts that come into play. >> yes, i think that from an investigative perspective going forward, some of the most important things that investigators will do will be to look at any digital devices or online footprints the suspect has left behind. so was he communicating with anybody about the attack? perhaps there was a cell phone found at the scene of the crime. there's been reporting he rented this truck through an online app. was he active on chat rooms? was he talking online about intentions? not only can that help to develop the motive, but most importantly as frank points out, what's urgent now is finding out whether there's continuing danger to the public. are there other people out there who are planning a second wave of attacks. those are the things that will be most urgently sought after. then of course, securing the location if they intend to go forward with this game tonight, i imagine they'll be bringing in additional sources to shore up
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and harden the target so people can feel safe going to that game. >> frank, i want to talk to you about the anatomy of a mind based on what we know. it's still very early. we're getting slow pieces of information here. and the psyche of somebody who wants to pull off something like this in this manner. what are you taking out from that? >> yeah, this isn't something that happened overnight. he's been planning this and i think it was jim kavanaugh or another guest who said very accurately that this may have been a plan b or c for him. the fact he had redundant weapons. the truck, the guns or singular gun, and possibly explosive devices tell me he was ready to get turned away somewhere. and maybe the barricade was going to really work and maybe it wasn't. maybe he was pleasantly surprised in an evil way when he was able to see a barricade that wasn't going to stop him.
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but it could have been, there could have been another target or method to his madness. then again, i'm really into the signs and indicators. his family and friends are going to say, they may not have recognized it. i don't mean to to blame them, but once they understand the warning signs and indicators, once the interviewing agents say to them did he disappear recently? was he obsessed with something? was he writing? were you worried about him? the answer is often yes. that's where we have to learn as a society to do the right thing. and if your gut tells you something's wrong, you need to act on it. >> i want to ask you about that, barbara, when it comes to a situation here where we know law enforcement are going to be speaking to us within the next hour. what is it that you're hoping to hear at this point given that they made the identity of the suspect public. what is it you're hoping they'll reveal next? >> i'm really curious to hear about what it is they say causes
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them to believe this was an act of terrorism. we know that he used a truck ramming, which is sometimes used by violent extremists, but it could also be somebody who's disgruntled. in a school shooting, nobody jumps to a terrorist act. so here, certainly, it's not simply his name that caused people to say this is a terrorist act. my hunch is what i would be asking if i were a reporter, what are the factors that caused you to label this a terrorist act. my guess is they may have digital evidence. they may not want to reveal that to the public because they may not want to tip off associates. but i'd be curious to see what caused them to identify this. there is however some value in identifying the attack as a terrorist attack even though when you have a dead body no charges are going to follow. because it enables the justice department, the fbi, to use certain kind of tools that are
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otherwise unavailable. one of which is fisa. so it allows the searching of digital devices quickly. if he's deemed to be probable cause agent of foreign power. that would be a reason to quickly go to terrorism if there's evidence to support that. >> all right, barbara and frank, thank you so much, as always. i want to bring in now former new orleans mayor, we have him here. apologies, sir. the president and ceo of the national urban league. first off, i know this has got to be such a difficult day for you. in your position, you've been through, endured, and gone through so much in your time. how are you processing this one? >> i'm outraged at this act of
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criminality. this act of terrorism. this act of taking the lives of ten innocent people. this act of disruption on a day of festivities and celebration, which is what new year's day is. i am outraged and americans should be outraged. while at the same time, keeping the victims in prayer. i have confidence that law enforcement will do its job and i encourage them to let us know, let the public know, let the people know as quickly as possible what they've learned about this suspect because here's what we should be concerned about. and that is whether this is the beginning of a series of terrorist attacks like this in new orleans or in other cities. number two, we also have to focus on the fact that there's a major college football playoff game tonight in new orleans. 70,000 people will be at the
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louisiana mercedes-benz superdome for the notre dame georgia game. there's got to be great emphasis on showing the safety of those who will attend the game and the many, many visitors who remain in new orleans. every mayor, every police chief, every community that hosts a major college bowl game or a major festival event should be concerned and should reevaluate, double down, strengthen the security around those events so that does not and cannot happen again. there's a whole host of things that will need to take place at this point in time. i am certainly interested with respect to new orleans why the metal barriers that face the event trucks from going down bourbon street may not even had been working or may not have been there last night.
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that's an important part of this evaluation and this investigation. >> and that is the question that so many people have. when you talk about the family members of the victims, those who have been impacted by this, what would your message be to them as far as ensuring security and saying yes, those measures, those barriers should have been there, but what do you say to the people of new orleans when it comes to the people going to the games tonight? for the super bowl or just in their daily lives and feeling secure from this point on? >> the leaders of the city and the leaders of the region. the mayor, the governor, has placed the state police in the city for the last several months. they have got to step up and publicly ensure. it's their responsibility. along with law enforcement. to ensure that they have taken the steps necessary to ensure the maximum safety of all patrons. residents and visitors alike.
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i know that they are in effect evaluating and looking at what they can do to strengthen security around tonight's activities. they're going to have to make a hard call as to whether they want to close down the french quarter or close down portions of the french quarter tonight while this investigation continues, but also out of some respect for the fact that right there on bourbon street, a historic street, not only in new orleans, in america and the world, is now in effect the site of the death of ten innocent people. so they've got some decisions to make and i'm confident they will make those decisions, but they've got to ensure confidence. safety is psychological, but it also is letting people know what measures have been put in place. when i was mayor after 9/11, mayor of new orleans, we had to
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host the super bowl in january, february 2002. we worked closely to harden the security perimeter around downtown new orleans, french quarter, and the dome. those steps that we took in 2002 now have been standard operating procedure for all super bowls since then. that same protocol needs to be put in place for these college bowl games now. it's important to maintain safety. >> we hope to see those procedures, new ones, come into play after this. thank you so much. want to bring in tom winter with some new information. tom, what's the latest? >> the federal bureau of investigation in new orleans is now conforming the information we broke several hours ago, that shamsud din jabbar, 42, a u.s.
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citizen from texas, is the one responsible for this attack. while you were speaking, we were actually reporting that they believe there was a potentially an isis flag on the back of that vehicle. that information is now confirmed. according to the fbi, he was driving a ford pick up truck which appears to have been rented and they're working to confirm how the individual came into possession of that truck. on the back of it, there's a white pole coming up from the hitch and on top of that, it's difficult to see. there's a blmaterial. some sort of a, whether it's garment or some sort of a flag, but either way, the fbi says on the record in a statement an isis flag was located in the vehicle and the fbi is working to determine the subject's potential associations and affiliations with terrorist organizations. in addition, weapons and a potential ied were located in the suspect's vehicle. other potential ieds were also located in the french quarter.
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the fbi special agent bomb technicians are working with their law enforcement partners in this case, i'm going to step away from the statement. that's going to be the new orleans police department, but perhaps more importantly, the louisiana state police to determine if any of these devices are viable and they'll work to render those devices safe. separately, it's the reporting of my colleague and myself, they're looking at at least two improvised explosive devices planted near the incident area. and trying to determine again if those were in fact actual explosive devices or operable. this is a very active investigation that is ongoing and what is now becoming a robust terrorism investigation spanning multiple states in the united states and looking into any potential connections abroad to recap for you. the fbi says on the record that this individual had an isis flag that was located in or on the vehicle, that they're looking
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into potentially another ied inside that vehicle, trying to determine whether it's viable or not. and it is nbc news' reporting that there are at least two other ieds they're examining that are located near the area that may have been planted there in advance. jabbar is a united states citizen, originally born in texas. that's the latest on the investigation, but some fairly significant updates coming along both on the record and from multiple senior law enforcement officials briefed on the investigation to my colleagues julia and ken dilanian. >> very much appreciate that significant information we're getting ahead of the press conference we're expecting. tom, thank you so much. i want to bring back in frank who is a national security analyst. what are your thoughts? >> yeah, look, we're moving closer, clearly, to a determination that this could be the real deal in terms of an
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international terrorist act. i caution people, yes, we now have confirmation through tom winter's sources and releases at the fbi that this flag seems to be an isis flag. i caution that could be legit or a distraction. it's less likely now that this is a distraction. i also note that there are always concerns at doj's level about backlash. so, you know, there are parts of our public, as we know, that will hear a name that sounds like it's muslim or middle eastern. they will hear there's an isis flag attached and make certain assumptions like this person must be foreign. this person must have come here illegally. see, i told you. actually, this is an american citizen. there are indications that he may have converted to islam. we don't know that yet. we've got to proceed carefully here, but i caution people not
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to make assumptions. is it getting closer to the confirmation of an act of terrorism? yes. does it mean he was self-radicalized? was he in communication, did someone instruct him on how to build an ied? how crude or sophisticated were these devices? all of that, intriguing. he felt confident with a weapon. does that mean he had training. did he serve in the military? was he in law enforcement? all of this, we're going to find out. it's not going to be that hard. the harder part was there serious overseas involvement in this. >> also, would it make it more likely that he was not a lone wolf, that he did not act alone? >> yeah, i go back to, got so many cases, but the 2016 automobile attack, the car ramming that occurred in germany
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at a christmas fair. that was a tunisian individual. he had some contact with sis. to say he was a full blown, trained operative of isis, those days are few and far between. there's going to be a more tenuous link here, i predict. but is it possible he got trained? that he traveled? the travel record is going to be essential. i can tell you now that dhs with i and cvp are going through his records right now and determining whether he traveled to any place of interest that could result in training or radicalization. >> a lot to consider, especially with the news conference expected at the top of the next hour. we'll see what is forthcoming as far as information on their investigation.
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frank, thank you so much. we're back after a quick break with more breaking news coverage from new orleans. keep it here. more breaking new coverage from neorw leans. keep it here liberty mutual custd my car insurance so i saved hundreds. with the money i saved i thought i'd get a wax figure of myself. oh! right in the temporal lobe! beat it, punks! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ our right to reproductive health care is being stolen from us. i can't believe this is the world we live in, where we're losing the freedom to control our own bodies. we need your support now more than ever. go online, call, or scan this code, with your $19 monthly gift. and we'll send you this "care. no matter what" t-shirt. it is your right to have safe health care. that's it. go online, call, or scan right now. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need,
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new orleans police officer. mike, since you've been a new orleans police officer, i want to get your perspective as we're getting this new information in, that the suspect had an isis flag either in or on the vehicle. that there was also an ied found in the vehicle and also two more around the vicinity. this information coming in ahead of this press conference we're expecting in the next hour. >> also, again, he did have an isis flag. it was tied to the back of the vehicle on long white poles. there was ieds and material inside the vehicle. there were two found on the scene. so one of those ieds was disarmed on the scene. they used a disrupter and later used the other one. a small fire broke out at a house uptown, also. that fire broke out, police got there and recognized there was bombmaking material inside of that house then trailed it back
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to the individual as being rented the house and there was a lot of bombmaking material inside of that house as well as a fire that started. >> okay, that's something we have not confirmed or heard here on nbc news. is that something that you're hearing from your law enforcement officials there, that this individual who has been identified as a suspect was linked to a small house fire where they found explosives in the fire? >> it was an airbnb and inside, somehow, a fire start d after all this this morning. police got over there, recognized what they believed to be bombmaking materials. notified atf, they came over and that house is locked down and they're doing an investigation, having linked the two together as the place where most probably the bombs were being made. >> as nbc works to confirm that, i want to bring in mark and talk to you about that. when it comes to your
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experiences as an nypd officer and you're hearing this information coming in, it speaks to the planning and sophistication of the planning of what it took to have this happen. >> yes, it speaks to the planning and preparation. it's also part of a larger, more intensive investigation. i'm sure there will be additional information coming out in the next few minutes, hours or so because of the extent of damage here. the similarity to other incidents is pretty striking to me. a lot of the elements of this incident are similar to what occurred to new york city. in 2017, it was a bicycle path incident that occurred where individuals utilizing a heavy pick up truck. he also, he came out with two weapons, if you will, turned out
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to be a paint ball, a paint gun and something else. he was shot in his stomach, but he had isis documents and flag as well. so there are similarities and i'm sure the investigators are trying to make sure that they connect all necessary dots in order to investigate and ultimately come to some determination about the causes here. it's important. 2016 and 2017, there were a lot of these type of terroristic incidents across the world. stockholm, sweden, london. 2016 even had a similar incident at a christmas market in germany. so you know, these things being kind of predictable or expected on some level does not in any way make them easy to prevent. i think law enforcement's responsibility has been with this effort against terrorism
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and these type of violent acts is to mitigate the damages as best as possible and to create infrastructure that makes it less likely that there will be mass casualties. >> rob, you're a retired fbi agent. so how is the bureau processing this latest information here? that it was what appeared to be an isis flag on or inside that vehicle and how is it assessing the next step in how they disseminate what information is there. >> fbi took the lead. normally, they don't take lead that quick unless something triggers them like an isis flag on the vehicle. i think that was obviously seen early in events and the fbi took the lead knowing that it most likely is going to be a terrorism case. so all the evidence collected will go into federal side of the evidence. but i think we have to look at, you know, just because he had an
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isis flag doesn't mean he was planning it with someone. he could have been on a discord channel that talked about it. he could have seen the germany event. one that actually came up on intelligence circles and germany was kind of warned about it and still had it happen in two places in germany. i kind of predicted that even if it's not a planned, coordinated event, it could be a copy cat event. so this person may have been wanting to do something. he saw the event in germany and came up with this plan. it wasn't an overnight plan, obviously. making ieds isn't something you do in a day or two. i think some of the precautions could have been better. when you're talking about barricades, if you look at new york city and boston, they use dump trucks, garbage trucks, buses. from what i'm hearing, these ones they had up were more traffic control.
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so any incident like this, you have to take a look at. the precautions they're taking now are just pushing the crowds out further. for the sugar bowl in new orleans, they're not letting vehicles in, but you're going to have uber dropoffs. so there are still soft targets. that's what they go for. where security isn't. so there will still going to be vulnerable people out there. >> mike, from your perspective, when you hear that precautions could have been better, what could have been different in avoiding this? >> what we notice in the video we just recently got was there was a police car. now, i agree, we didn't have cement trucks blocking the ingress and egress. you did have a police car actually blocking that street. when he drove down canal street and made that right on bourbon, he had to pass a police car, go up on the sidewalk and put his truck between a sidewalk and a pole to get into that block.
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we're just getting that video within the last ten minutes or so. again, you can always do a little bit more and make it a more secure area like the other towns did. >> mike, how do you assess the reporting we've gotten that this suspect may have been shooting from a long gun rifle as he was plowing into the crowds there on bourbon street? >> we haven't gotten that yet. there's been some indication that he might have had one or two long guns with him. we know there was other bombmaking material in there. we'll know for sure in the next 45 minutes or so, but we haven't been able to say for sure if that was the case. >> with all the dots here that need to be connected, i'm sure the majority of your network are local. how are you working and how is our local authorities working with the fbi? especially in finding out this new information that we have not confirmed yet. but you found out from your sources about this small house fire that was rented out to this
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suspect, an airbnb with i believe explosives inside. is that correct? >> explosives and other bombmaking materials, yes, ma'am. >> how is that being shared when it comes to the fbi since they are the lead in this investigation? >> we have a great relationship with our federal partners in new orleans. atf, fbi, nopd. anyone knows if it's a terrorism related case, it's going to go to the fbi. we have no problem working with them and happily share all the information. this started with nopd being alerted to the residence with a small fire. they came out because of the bomb making materials and other things in there. we're protecting the perimeter of the scene. dealing with some of the casualties of the individuals who were run over there and
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assisting the fbi in all other federal entities with whatever they need. >> mike, mark, and rob, thank you for the insight. keep it here as we learn more about this deadly incident overnight on bourbon street. you're watching msnbc. ddleay it overnight on bourbon street. you're watching msnbc. e with yo? same. discover the power of wegovy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i'm keeping the weight off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only weight-management medicine proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events such as death, heart attack, or stroke in adults with known heart disease and obesity. don't use wegovy® with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines, or in children under 12. don't take if you or your family had mtc, men 2, or if allergic to it. tell your provider if you plan to have surgery or a procedure, are breastfeeding, pregnant, or plan to be. stop taking and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or any of these allergic reactions.
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people dead, dozens injure. authorities are scheduled to hold a news conference at the top of the hour, but we are getting new information in the past 30 minutes. confirmed from the fbi that the suspect has been identified as 42-year-old shamsud din jabbar, u.s. citizen from texas. and fbi confirming an isis flag was located in or on the vehicle. the information we got from law enforcement, as you can see in this vehicle there, that there was what appears to be a pole and a black piece of cloth. now, the fbi confirming an isis flag was found on or in that vehicle. meantime, president biden and president-elect trump are speaking out about the incident. let's turn to nbc's white house correspondent, gabe gutierrez, who joins us from west palm beach, florida. what are you hearing from the president about this as he landed earlier at camp david? >> reporter: hi there, frances. the president has been briefed on this incident throughout the
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day by senior officials from the fbi and department of homeland security. the president also speaking with the mayor of new orleans and pledging full federal support. now, he did speak with reporters briefly as he boarded air force one enroute to camp david. he declined to comment on details of the investigation. he was asked several times about the origin of the suspect and he said he would not comment although he did say he hoped to be able to say more later on in the day. now, he also said his reaction to this tragedy was one of anger and frustration. before that, the white house released an official statement from president biden. president saying quote, i am grateful for the brave and swift response of local law enforcement that prevented greater death and injury. i direct my team to ensure every resource is available to federal, state, and local law enforcement. he says my heart goes out to the victims and their families simply trying to celebrate the
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holiday. there was no justification for violence of any kind and we will not tolerate any attack on any of our nation's communities. again, that statement from president biden earlier today. he traveled from wilmington, delaware to camp david and he did say he would have more to say on this tragedy later on today. certainly, we're awaiting that news conference in just a short time from federal authorities that should shed more light on this investigation. >> and gabe, you've been covering the president-elect as he was celebrating new year's last night at mar-a-lago. so he's also speaking out. what else is he saying? >> reporter: yeah, president-elect trump speaking out today. we've not seen him on camera on this incident, but he did post on social media a little earlier this morning. he said in part, that the crime rate in our country at a level nobody has ever seen before. though i should point out according to the fbi between 2022 and 2023, nationwide, the crime rate actually fell.
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although it did go up in certain cities nationwide it actually declined. but the president-elect also said that our hearts are with all the innocent victims and their loved ones including the brave officers of the new orleans police department. the trump administration will fully support the city of new orleans as they investigate and recover from this act of pure evil. again, we're here in south florida where president-elect trump is spending the day after ringing in the new year at his mar-a-lago estate. unclear if we will here from him later on today. >> gabe, thank you. let's turn now to louisiana congressman, troy carter, who oversees the new orleans district. congressman, i know you'll be attending that press conference, about 15 minutes. talk to us firstly. what are you hoping to hear in this conference? >> well, i'd like to hear as we briefed throughout the day by local, federal, and state
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authorities, that we are securing the area. that the shooter at this point has been taken down by law enforcement. we are continuing to investigate if in fact this person was alone or had help. every single resource, as you mentioned, from the white house and from federal government, has been deployed to the city of new orleans. working with our local new orleans police department, our state police, and our surrounding sheriffs. the fbi is currently on the ground in charge of the investigation and bringing every resource to bear to demonstrate that we are going to secure the area and protect the citizens and the thousands of visitors that are here for sugar bowl and for the holiday. >> are you hearing about any changes in the sugar bowl when it comes to the planning, the
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event tonight, security? >> my understanding is that there is a better than likely chance that the sugar bowl will be moved until tomorrow to ensure that people are safe. no one does crowd control and security better than the new orleans police department in conjunction with our state police and our federal agents. as you heard, the president has pledged the full faith and credit of all law enforcement to be on the ground to secure our city and the surrounding areas. so given that security and public safety is number one. >> want to ask you when it comes to the sugar bowl, this is a huge college football game there with georgia versus notre dame. what is being considered right now when it comes to deciding whether it should be moved to tomorrow? who are making the decisions? >> those decisions will be made by the sugar bowl, the governor, the local and state officials who are on the ground who are
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doing an incredible job, i might add. local and state law enforcement agents have been incredible in responding to the threat, addressing the threat, and now following every possible lead. the number one issue of the city of new orleans and the state is to make sure we are providing a safe and secure environment for people to enjoy the sugar bowl and enjoy our great state. new orleans does it better than anyone else and i am confident that the resources are here and they will stay here to ensure that our citizens and visitors are safe. >> when you say that, we also are considering weighing witness accounts and the sentiment that there are barricades there that this driver went around, the suspect passed through them or some areas that were not protected. what is your response to that? >> years ago, i served on the
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city council. i know the security systems in the french quarter very intimately. there are electronics used at the entry point at bourbon street to disallow someone to drive in and cause harm to the many visitors who are pedestrian based. unfortunately in this case, this individual appeared to have gone around a vehicle that was there in place. jumped the sidewalk and gained access to the street. we're still investigating how that happened, what the details are. i know that in ordinary circumstances, those are more than enough to secure a vehicle from gaining access. in this case, because they may have been under some repair or advancement being done that the vehicle jumped the sidewalk and
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went around, circumventing whatever the blockage or a police vehicle allowed them to gain access. >> congressman troy carter, we thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> joining us now --
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>> in that vehicle as well. how is that being factored in with what you've learned so far? >> it's a factor for every major american city that is hosting a large event. this is an attack on our country. it's an attack on my home near in new orleans. i was in the french quarter having dinner with friends last night. my college age son was downtown as well. this is an attack on my home and i feel it that way.
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i'm sick to my stomach, but this is also an attack on america. and we need to make sure that every other city is taking note and lessons are learned with whatever may be planned for our country. >> i'm sure that's a work at hand along with comforting your constituents and reassuring them. thank you so much. that wraps up our breaking coverage this hour. christina picks up with much more on the deadly attack in new orleans after this short break. w orleans after this short break speaker: goodness. my daughter is being treated for leukemia. [music playing] i hope that she lives a long, great, happy life and that she will never forget how mom and daddy love her. saint jude-- maybe this is what's keeping my baby girl alive. [music playing] narrator: you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. for just $19 a month, you'll help
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us continue the life-saving research and treatment these kids need now and in the future. speaker: cancer makes me feel angry, like not in the feel on the outside, just the inside. i'm angry at it. speaker: when your kid is hurting and there's nothing you can do about it, that's the worst feeling in the world. [music playing] narrator: 1 in 5 children diagnosed with cancer in the us will not survive. speaker: those that donate to st. jude, i hope that you will continue to give. they have done so much for me and my family. [music playing] narrator: join with your credit or debit card for only $19 a month, and we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt, or, for a limited time only, join for $39 a month to receive this exclusive st. jude jacket you can proudly wear to show your support.
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speaker: are you ready to go have some fun? speaker: yeah. speaker: when we came here, we didn't know what tomorrow would hold. st. jude showed us that tomorrow, there's hope for our little girl to survive. narrator: let's cure childhood cancer together. please donate now. [music playing]
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we are following the breaking news on what's being investigated as an act of terrorism in new orleans. in moments, the fbi to provide an update after a 42-year-old man intentionally rammed his white pick up truck into a crowd of new year's eve revelers on bourbon street just after 3:00 this morning. ten people are dead.
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about 35 others are injured. two senior law enforcement officials briefed on the investigation now telling nbc that the suspect had what appears to be a black isis flag attached to the truck's rear hitch. and that he has been identified as a u.s. citizen from texas. witnesses say the driver weaved through security barricades and drove for blocks plowing down victims before crashing into a crane. >> the guy in the pick up truck just punched the gas and mowed over the barricade and hit petty cab passengers and there are just bodies and the screams. i mean, you can't, you can't not think about, unhear that. it was chaos and very, very scary. >> local officials say the driver also shot at police officers, hitting two of them. the officers are expected to survive, but investigators are trying to determine if the
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driver also fired into the crowd with a long gun. you can see apparent bullet holes in the truck's back window. the fbi also says a suspicious device was found in the truck. at least one other was found and destroyed at a second location. new orleans police say the driver was hell bent on creating carnage. >> it was very intentional behavior. this man was trying to run over as many people as he possibly could. >> there is a heavy security presence in the french quarter and across the city where fans had already arrived in droves in advance of the sugar bowl which has now officially been postponed until tomorrow. joining us now, nbc's justice and intelligence correspondent, ken dilanian. former fbi and assistant director for counterintelligence, jim kavanaugh and vice president for global operations, who spent
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more than two decades leading operations for the fbi. ken, i want to start with you. the suspect is deceased, but what more do we know, are we learning about him at this point? >> well, he's been identified as shamsud din jabbar, 42 years old. he was not the owner of that white pick up truck. we understand that was a rental. it had texas plates. he is a u.s. citizen as you said. unclear where he was born. the fbi says that they are investigating any potential terrorist links that he may have had. they're looking at his travel, his movements, who he was communicating with. any social media profile. we are also doing that, trying to determine anything we can about this person, but clearly now, they've established his identity and also the fact that he was flying what they say was an isis flag on the back of that pick up truck. so it's sort of their worst nightmare. appears to have been an isis inspired at the least attack.
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and the fact they've now postponed the sugar bowl suggests they don't have a handle on what this was. they are still searching for accomplices or trying to rule out co conspirators to determine what this was or however this reaches. but clearly, a horrific attack. >> hang on because we want to bring in jesse kirsch at the site of this press conference. jesse, what are you expecting to hear from law enforcement? what are the big questions that still need to be answered? >> reporter: it's a pretty straightforward answer. this is a street that on any night is expected to have people out walking around. this was a holiday. a major event on new year's eve into new year's day. questions about the barricading situation there. barricading situation there.
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around what is to come of the sugar bowl, which was supposed to be played at the super dome tonight, and we are waiting for more information from officials around that as well, and i can tell you this morning, they wanted people to go about their day here in new orleans, but it's hard to imagine how you have the information you need at that hour to make that determination. and that's another question i have for officials frankly, what has changed over the last several hours and changing their outlook on what they want to see in the city over the next 24 hours or so. we're waiting for a stream of officials in the elevator banks, waiting for our opportunity to do that. i can tell you a short time ago, we saw people in official jackets with their names on them. it would appear to be the seal of the city, escorted by an officer brandishing a weapon, a firearm, across his chest, so definitely a heightened sense of security around here. i have


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