tv Politics Nation MSNBC January 5, 2025 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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consistent omissions of a government frozen in the ice of its own indifference. if you're looking at those stars, decide what kind of government you want to have. and you have to come back and we'll have the hour-long conversation about baseball. it's the greatest game ever played. >> ever played. >> ever. >> i love having you so much to very special. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> you can navigate all of his films on his digital platform, or at ken burns's website. we're so grateful to all of you for letting us into your home for this varies usher edition of deadline >> good evening and welcome to politics nation. tonight's lead, historic day.
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>> tomorrow will mark an extraordinary conversions in american history. they will be the fourth anniversary of the january 6th attack on the u.s. capitol, an event congressional investigators say was instigated by then president trump and his refusal to accept the 2020 election results. on that anniversary, a republican majority congress would certify the result of the 2024 election. returning trump to the white house. as if that were not enough, the country is still making sense of a new year's attack in new orleans that left 15 dead, including the perpetrator. president joe biden will travel to the city tomorrow to comfort
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its residents and will -- we will have new information tonight about what happened in the lead up to the incident and how it could intentionally have been even more deadly. and we are monitoring the white house this evening. later this hour, president joe biden will deliver remarks to incoming democratic lawmakers we will bring you the remarks when they happen. it is a busy night, so let's get started. we start the show with tomorrow's solemn anniversary. joining me now is congresswoman diana, a democrat of colorado, who co-managed trumps second impeachment and former capitol police officer, harry dunn, who defended the capitol on january 6th. starting with you, congresswoman, tomorrow, congress was heard of by the election, the 2024 election
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results. and the presidential, of course, certification of the presidential election of exactly 4 years after the january's next insurrection, which then led to president- elect donald trump's second impeachment, that you co- managed. trump has said on the campaign trail and social media that one of the first acts of his max second term would be to free hundreds of rioters convict did for that attack. what would be the impact of that? >> well, thank you for having me on and, harry, thank you for defending me when i was in the gallery years ago in the capital. those insurrectionists, they were trying to do something that has never been done, which is reversed the results of an collection. over 1000 of them have and tried by a jury of their peers and convicted and sentenced. it is simply against the rule of law and un-american that
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those people will get pardoned and i cannot even put my mind where that would be. i think it is outrageous and it is against everything we stand for in this country. >> sir, i want to thank you again for your courage. you are a true american hero, what you did four years ago. i want to pray a few words from bennie thompson this morning on msnbc as the incoming president promises pardons for those that participated in the insurrection and threatens members of the house select committee that investigated them. >> we stand by the work of the committee. obviously, the department of justice, who finally decided to move forward, brought a number of indictments and people are in jail and now this president elect wants to call them patriots. that is so unfortunate. every time ice the windows being broken come object thrown at one force and, staff, and
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members of congress running for their lives, i still shudder. how can someone come back and say those individuals did that? how were they patriots? >> mr. dunn, what is it like to have your life on the line four years ago, only to hear the incoming commander-in-chief praise and lionize the people who attacked you and your fellow officers and to go after the people you were defending that day? >> thank you for having me, congresswoman. it is good to see you. we knew this was coming. this was one of the reasons why i worked so hard this summer and this fall to do everything we could to get kamala harris elected. i will like to turn around and point the blame at two people, two groups of people. one, mitch mcconnell. when he asked for personal favor
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to not impeach president-elect donald trump, that was the case we would not be here right now. secondly, the american people. the people that did not think it was enough. they did not think what happened on january 6th, president-elect donald trump's comments before, during, and after january 6th, was enough. me and my coworkers went through a lot on january 6th. it was not enough to disqualify him from returning to office. you know, i have a lot of faith in the institutions above congress and the senate and the courts, and they all failed us. it was one more, you know, failsafe to stop us from president-elect donald trump and that was the american people. that field also. it is kind of disheartening, like a gut punch. i feel like this country let us down. there are millions and millions of people who stand strong and against pressand against what happened on january's asked, but it is truly a gut punch. but we knew this was coming.
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president-elect donald trump made a campaign promise. he ran on pardoning those people and call those people patriots while he was campaigning. this is not something new. it is just unfortunate now so many people are up in arms about it when he has been telling us for months and months, almost years, he was going to do this. >> staying with that, congresswoman, it is not just the capitol riot that he has been celebrating publicly. last night, at his mar-a-lago resort, he hosted a screening for a documentary on his max friend, john eastman, who played a massive role in his efforts to overturn the 2020 result. also, on the guest, among the guests, were other key trump's allies involved in those efforts, like rudy giuliani, peter navarro, and michael flynn. what do you take from that, with this anniversary looming tomorrow, congresswoman, that he will show that documentary last night and have among his
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guest those were part of it? >> you know, president-elect donald trump is still obsessed with what happened in the 2020 reelection and i myself -- and i think my colleagues -- we strongly oppose, obviously, any efforts to deny what happened that day and officer done is exactly right. when i was impeachment manager, we presented our case to the senate and at the end of our case, mitch mcconnell went down to the senate floor and he pretty much admitted that president-elect donald trump had committed these acts, but he said he would not vote to impeach or to convict because he thought the court should do it. then the courts did not act fast enough. what i think we should do is not be like president-elect donald trump and living in the past. we shall look forward, to see what president-elect donald
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trump and his allies say they will do to the american people because when the american people look at these tax cuts that speaker johnson and the republicans in the senate and press and elon musk say they are going to do, it is going to devastate many millions of americans. there will be tax cuts for the top 1% and medicare and social security will have to be robbed for it. i think we need to stop getting diverted by president-elect donald trump and his obsession with the past and we need to take seriously what he will do. we need to stop it. >> mr. dunn, as a former law- enforcement officer, president biden is headed to new orleans tomorrow following last week's deadly terror attack that killed 14 people there and then himself. investigators have new developments in that case. tonight, we will get to that
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later in the show. but with this upcoming transition of power, are you confident in the president- elect's ability to lead the nation in a time of christ is like this and what you have been through? >> you know, i appreciate that question. i really hate when you -- not you, but when events like this get politicized because there were real victims and family members that are having to plan burying their loved ones. my heart goes out to those individuals, but to answer your question, it is unfortunate that politics does play a role in this. if you look at his pick for the fbi, to leave the fbi, kash patel, he has already said he wants to root out what he views the fbi as the deep state. their reading this organization, and the men and women are doing their work to make sure events like this do not happen. yes, this was an unfortunate
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event, but the fbi men and women prevent so many things that we do not know about and just to have this hyper partisan individual be subjective to leave that organization, you know, do not believe it sends the right message to the american people. >> all right, thank you, congresswoman diana to get of colorado and officer harry dunn for joining me now is democratic senator from new york, kiersten gillibrand, a u.s. senator from new york. welcome to politics nation. you and i do a lot of things together, but i want to formally welcome you. let me start with we have been talking about the fourth anniversary of january 6th. you are at the capital that day. what are your thoughts about that? >> what i remember most is the bravery of the officers and the people who stood guard and particularly one officer who led the attackers away from the
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senate chamber. we did not know what was happening outside this senate chamber, where they just remember the vice president been quickly removed from the dais, having them replace him and then within moments, they ushered out of the room downstairs across the capital to a safe place. i can tell you that my family was texting me in real time. are you okay? we have heard fires, shots have been fired. we have heard they have reached the capitol. what is happening? are you safe? it was not until we got to a safe location that i serious breach. it was something that pressinspired and it is something that has forever changed our democracy the. so, we have to do everything we
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can to strengthen our democracy, to make sure there is justice done for those police officers who lost their lives on the day. to make this never happens again. >> you felt in those moments, editor, and your colleagues, some of them felt you were literally under siege. you did not know how much danger you were in, but you felt under siege? >> we knew we were under siege because the people outside the capitol who were watching television in real time kept telling us this looks really gary and really serious. are you okay? are you safe? we just started to look through social media to see what was happening and the images we saw were horrific. they were really horrific after the fact, during impeachment proceedings, when we saw all of the material, all of the photographs, all of the evidence of what actually happened that day. you look at those images and walking in the capitol late that night in the wee hours, coming back to the chamber to certify the election, seeing broken glass everywhere, seeing
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windows taken apart. it was something i never imagined what happened to our capitol. >> and they are being called patriots by president-elect trump. let's turn out to this new year's attack on new orleans that left 15 dad, including the perpetrator. the fbi and atf revealed the attacker had visited new orleans twice months ago and allegedly recorded footage of the french quarter. he had also traveled to egypt in 2023 and canada before the attack. later today, your new york colleague, chuck schumer, will be calling for an additional $650 million to fund anti- terror efforts in new york city and long island. what more can be done to secure our public spaces against attacks like this? >> well, i sit on the committee on intelligence, as well as a armed services committee and i focus a lot of my attention on public safety and keeping
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americans safe. the fact this attacker claimed he had joined i.s.i.s. raises serious questions to me. was this of foreign operation? was this a terrorism that was inspired or were their supporters or resources coming from terrorist organizations? we need a full investigation and i expect we will get that investigation in the intelligence committee and perhaps for the senate writ large. this type of domestic terrorism, whether it is for an inspired or foreign direct and, it's very serious. your work has been the number one terror targets since 9/11 and the extraordinary work of the fbi and cia come along with nypd and the department of defense, has subverted dozens of terror attacks that could have been as serious as 9/11 over the last decades. so, the challenge we have today
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is what can we do to keep this city and this community safe? that means funding the not-for- profit security grants, to make sure our pleas is of surfeit -- worship and our synagogues can be safe and to root out domestic terrorists, as ashley those that are white the premise exists, that want to destroy the fabric of society. it is as serious issue, so we need more resources. we need more investment in our first responders, and we need to be eyes wide open about what we are facing. >> newly-elected house beaker mike johnson reportedly said yesterday at a closed-door house republican retreat that trump was in favor of past a single reconciliation bill that would address border security, energy, and an extension of his signature 2017 tax law. you now sit on the appropriations committee as
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well. what are you and the democrats thinking about this idea? >> well, i do not know the details, but there a lot of issues you just raised. on the tax fraud, new york still wants to restore our deductions for salt. it is something that is heard a lot of middle-class families throughout our state and it was a problem created by president- elect donald trump. we would like those deductions restored. we want to make sure if there are tax cuts, they are middle- class tax cuts, not just for the one person of americans. if he is investing in energy, that is something that is very important to new york, something we will want to see the details of, and border security, as you know, we had negotiated a bill that would have surged resources to the border, particularly for agents, but it would have also created more resources to adjudicate these claims.
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we have a process that if you are seeking asylum, you are supposed to follow it. it should take a few months, not a few years. those have been the real log jams that of made our immigration system so broken in the past. i hope they can look at some of those bipartisan ideas and start there. >> now, this morning, senator, you called on president joe biden to direct the national archiver's to certify the equal rights amendment. dra has the necessary support of three quarters of the state since 2020, and yet it still is not the law of the land because technically the deadline for ratification has passed. we spoke yesterday with former new york congresswoman elizabeth holtzman about her work with president jimmy carter to get that deadline extended way back in the 1970s. can you talk about why it is so important to take action now? >> well, first of all, i can send comments to do 23
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attorneys general, that congress did not have the right to set that deadline in the first place. article 5 does not provide congress to shift the balance of power to say you have to do something like this in a short amount of time. i do not think that deadline is constitutionally operative. we believe the only thing that is left under article 5 to be done is the states have already ratified, 38 of them, three quarters of them, the house and senate, just the archivists. they are supposed to sign and publish the equal rights amendment and make it the 20th amendment until the states you have to follow the law. the archivist has been unwilling to do this, so we are calling on president joe biden to direct archivists to do this now. she is not supposed to analyze the lot. she is supposed to do it as soon as these things have happened. the only reason it was not done in 2020 is because president- elect donald trump was president and he told his office of legal counsel to knock it down, to make sure it did not get published, and the
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legal basis on which they did it was not true and was not valid. we believe if we have an equal right amendment, if you guarantee of quality or women, included in that is access to reproductive rights because it all male reproductive care is covered, but not all female reproductive care, that is fundamentally unequal, and states that have equal rights amendment like new mexico and connecticut have already ruled that their states the ra's protect women's rights for acts does to reproductive care, including abortion services. >> president-elect donald trump told them not to deal with this. before i let you know, congestion pricing began in new york city, meaning that motorists in manhattan's izzy's neighborhoods will have to pay up to nine dollars in charges. this aims to ease new york's traffic problems and raise money for public transportation. the plan has some vocal supporters and critics. what is your opinion?
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>> there are two issues. one is we want to fund mass transit. i sit on appropriations. one of my jobs will be to get more resources for mass transit so we do not have to burden new yorkers so much. one of the challenges we have are first responders. firefighters who drive into the city with their equipment, that equipment has toxins on it and they cannot take public transportation. to me, that is group of people that we could have a waiver. it may require the legislature to pass a new law to allow for more waivers. four people like first responders, critical workers, nurses and hospitals that do not get to set their hours, i think, i hope now that the law has been implemented by the legislature and passed, that they can look to see who does it burden disproportionately and really look to see what groups of people might be able to get waivers, to make sure that burden is not unfairly born by some of our most important first responders and
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critical workers. >> senator kirsten gillibrand of new york, thank you. i appreciate you coming in studio for this conversation. coming up, i will explain why -- why president-elect donald trump cannot pardon away the legacy of january 6th. as we go to break, an update on some extreme weather conditions. some 63 million americans are under winter alerts right now from the plains to the east coast, including 4 million under a blizzard warning and parts of kansas, nebraska, and missouri. the kansas city area feeling the brunt of this storm with multiple instances of thundersnow reported. icy conditions are leading to thousands of flight delays and cancellations, as well as many reported accidents on the road. we will be right back.
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>> tomorrow marks the fourth anniversary of the january's sixth attack on the u.s. capitol no one who lived through that day in 2021 could have imagined that just 48 months later, president-elect donald trump would be getting ready to take the oath of office once again on the very steps of the capitol, where a mob of his supporters once busted down police barricades. no one could have predicted that in his comeback, trump would go from condemning january 6th as a heinous attack to referring to the insurrection as a day of love. the day after january 6th, then president trump said the rioters broke the law and should pay for their crime. now, he is vowing to pardon them on the very first day of his second term. if trump makes good on his promise, it will be a slap in
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the face to law enforcement. the vast majority of january 6th prisoners in d.c. jail are accused of us halting police officers. it would also be an affront to our democracy at self. the mob that they busted into the halls of congress, trying to stop the certification of an election, that members of both parties agreed had been conducted freely and fairly, trumps mob did not want to validate those votes, even though trump has never been able to present any evidence of fraud that would hold up in a court of law. and trump -- if he truly cared about the prisoners, he had four years to familiarize hymns of with the cases and to get personally involved on behalf of those he feels were treated unfairly. of course, he has not done that. in fact, a number of january 6th defendants have complained they feel betrayed or abandoned
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by trump. the only reason trump is interested in pardons now is that he is returning to power in a selfish effort to wipe his own record clean. he thinks by getting rid of the convictions, he can pretend the whole day never happened. but americans will never forget. watching their elected officials cowering in fear while sitting -- seeing the people's house desecrated and vandalized. they will remember what it was like to see the capitol dome in shrouded in clouds of tear gas as if it were on fire, and they will never forget who lit the match that sparked the flame. we will be right back. be right. ? same. discover the power of wegovy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i'm keeping the weight off.
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remarks to new freshmen members of congress a little later in the hour. we will bring you those comments when they happen. in the meantime, let's bring in representative josh guttheimer, a democrat of new jersey. congressman, first of all, thank you for joining us today. >> i appreciate it. >> fresh off his reelection, is weaker mike johnson told house republicans at a retreat yesterday that truck once congress to pass one big beautiful reconciliation package that will look at taxes and energy and the border in a single bill. to do that, johnson will need to keep nearly every republican united in the house. they will have to win some democratic support do you think either of these outcomes are likely? >> well, so far, as you probably read, given how serious those policy areas are, each of them will be
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controversial within the republican party, let alone working with us. i mean, none of them expressed any interest so far trying to reach across and do this with us. i'm always open to talking, but what is amazing to me is based on what they said yesterday, they want to go it alone, meaning they have to keep everybody except one vote, which is probably what it will be down to. they will be able to lose one republican. that is a pretty risky move given what you saw a couple days ago and how hard it was for them to get a speaker. if they want to go this one without working with us, that will be tough given how many issues you have at stake >> on taxes, i know you are strong opponents of increasing the federal deductions for state and local taxes. the issue has bipartisan support and high stake -- high- tech states like new jersey, but there is also fierce opposition from some fiscal
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conservatives. are you confident some progress can be made? >> i am. i have been working on this for many months. i think the word -- republicans have elected people from blue states where s.a.l.t. is a big issue, like in new york a more they just elected several republicans who campaigned on restoring it. they cannot suddenly turn around and let these red state republicans just run over them, so they will have to put some increases in s.a.l.t. back and get taxes down for families. it is a big issue for me and also big for a bunch of the republicans as well. that will lead to one of those fights i was talking about. you will have, especially in the senate, a lot of red stators who do not care about s.a.l.t. , and they do not want it come against these blue state republicans who clearly needed and campaigned on it and think it is important.
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i am on the s.a.l.t. caucus in their democrats and republicans who want to bring s.a.l.t. back. >> you're running for governor of new jersey. let's talk about some other issues important to residents of your state. congestion, pricing took effect in new york city over the objection of money -- many lawmakers, including yourself, who waged lawsuits and campaigns to stop it. where does the fight go from here and is there still a compromise possible that would balance the needs of commuters with the need to protect the environment and strengthen public transportation? >> interestingly, if you are in jersey or the outer boroughs of new york, right, the congestion is actually very bad for you because it will move the traffic from new york and manhattan, south of 60th street, where many lives, who have means, to the pollution shifting away and into northern new jersey and the outer boroughs, leading to more smog and cancer-causing pollution into those areas.
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what the judge is said to new york is, you want to go ahead with this, fine, but you owe us a plan to explain to new york and the outer boroughs, like the bronx or staten island or northern new jersey, explanations of what you will do to deal with all this smog blooming in. the lawsuits are still ongoing. we have bipartisan legislation we are working on in the house with new jersey and new york members of congress, who say not only is this not the right time to jack up taxes on hard- working families like electricians or firefighters or nurses or uber drivers who bear the brunt of these costs, but it will hurt the environment in order new jersey. maybe go through parts of nicer new york, but not for hard- pressed families living in jersey and the outer boroughs of new york city. >> finally, congressman, the fpa added new drone flight restrictions over parts of nine more new jersey towns. there have been 57 such
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advisories issued since late november. when resident throughout the state started reporting, reporting a heightened level of drone activity in the night skies. what more can you tell us about what authorities know about these sightings, or what more can be done to reassure the public? >> the good news is that the number of calls coming into my office about drone sightings has gone down significantly in the last couple of weeks. the bad news is people do not have answers from the fbi and the department of homeland security about what all this drone activity was because the fbi, despite many efforts asking two, the fbi never stood with federal partners and briefed the public on what the drone activity was and the steps they are taking to make sure there are no threats to public safety, to reservoirs, to military bases, and what i have said all along about legislation is you have to get local law enforcement the tools to be able to monitor all these
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drones and if necessary, work with federal partners to take him down safely because you cannot just have drones flying wherever they want. it cannot be the wild west of drones around our country, in jersey or anywhere else. the number of sightings has gone down, but they have not solved the problem were addressed the issues people are concerned about. these drones are not going away and the issues are not going away, so we have to keep fighting them. >> thank you, new jersey congressman josh guttheimer, for being with us. coming up, we will take you live to the white house. president joe biden is about to deliver remarks on camera at a reception for the new democratic members of congress the day before congress is to certify the results of the 2024 election. that will return president- elect donald trump to the white house. we will be right back. suite! h!
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welcome back to politics nation. we are following breaking news at the white house at any moment now, president joe biden is set to deliver remarks to incoming democratic members of congress. we will bring you that when it happens. in the meantime, let's bring in my political panel, former new york democratic congressmanrose and also charlie dent. max, why are we waiting? you're a freshman democrat once. what is that first week on the job like for a new member of congress?
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>> it is far more -- it is difficult to feel like you are a true member of congress when you do not know where the bathrooms are. so, i think these members are balancing right now -- it is a desire to get the job going, right, to start serving, but also they have to hire a whole new office. they have to set up everything from the internet in their new district offices to hiring and all the like. for many of these folks, you will not see them actually up and running 1% for a couple of months, which i imagine they found very frustrating. every single day is also awfully special for them, to include a visit to the white house. >> same question to you. what is it like to be a new member of congress? >> it is a great honor and a thrill. but it is also a stressful day. these new members, they are hiring staff and trying to
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stand up local different offices, finding where the bathrooms are. they are just under a lot of pressure those first two days. for me, my first day, my father- in-law died the day before i was born -- it was a very bittersweet day. you are dealing with all these mixed emotions, trying to actually entertain your guests that came down to visit you while, at the same time, you know, vote and vote on the rules package and vote for speaker so, it is a stressful day. as max said, they will get things up and running the first couple of months. seas, tomorrow will be somber day in washington as congress certifies the results of the 2024 election and will return president-elect donald trump at the white house. at the same time, as we remember the fourth anniversary of january 6th and his efforts to cling to power illegitimately. what are your thoughts about the convergence of these two events? my gosh, what a juxtaposition
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were both parties stand. the democrats are saying once and for all, they put the country first. they put the constitution first irrespective of the results of the election. leader hakeem jeffries put it very succinctly in hisremarks before the house in remarks. they say they always put the country first where is the republicans resoundingly do certify the election stood with president-elect donald trump in 2020, all to put politics first. so, very soon this next election cycle will pick up and the democrats will be forced to figure out how to juggle two very competing and important propositions, one, the critical importance of democracy and the american values we hold dear and, two, always putting the kitchen table issues, the economy, always putting that front and center. i think that is a party that is going to be recovering and researching from this 2024
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loss. >> charlie, i want your take -- something flew a bit under radar. outgoing biden administration blocked the nearly $15 billion takeover of u.s. steel by japan's nippon steel, citing national security concerns. i spoke out about this and i have spoken for several groups on this, by the way, just so you know, but the move has massive implications, not only for the steel industry, but american auto workers. what are your thoughts? >> happened with the biden administration's decision to block this deal is a disgrace. i come from a steel family. my dad was 30 years in this business. i have seen this before. pennsylvania, we are done crying over the steel industry. japan is not a national security threat. nippon steel was going to spend $14 billion to buy this company and they would add 2.7 billion, refurbished some of these aging
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plants. this is a very good deal. they're going to save jobs and increase capacity in the united states to make steel. they are bringing cash and they are bringing technology. this is a win-win. this positions all of us better against china peak to call japan a national security threat two days or three days ago, the ministration approved air to air mrs. two -- missiles to japan. they should have. the next day, they block this deal and say japan is a national security threat. i think it is a disgrace and you're right that the automotive sector, if this deal goes down, steel prices will go up and the competitor who wants this company does not want to pay as much. i can tell you what will happen. they will have a near monopoly in prices will go up and for anybody else who needs steel, they should approve this thing posthaste. there are lawsuits for seas, your an army veteran. i wanted to ask you about the two tragedies that took place on new year's day.
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a fellow veteran who killed 14 people in new orleans before being killed himself and an attack that seemed to have been inspired by i.s.i.s. ideology and the green beret who died in an apparent suicide outside of the trump hotel in las vegas. we had retired governor russell on the show yesterday, who pointed out these are two examples of the more than 20 american veterans who take their own lives every eagle day. most of these incidents do not ever make the headlines, but what can we do about this? >> sure. we need to separate these issues of terrorism that are of critical importance. i do not have any pity or sympathy for the individual who killed 14 people in new orleans, but with that being said, we have a debt and obligation to our service members who signed the ultimate
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commitment to the american people when they enlisted in the united states military. that is that we will be there for them in the same way there were there for us. all too often, what we see is our nation's elected officials fail in terms of that commitment. this is going to be a critical political issue over the next two years that people are not talking enough about. d.o.g.e. and everything -- they want to cut the va. they want to privatize the va and that will be a massive disservice to our nation's veterans, who need not only services, but institutions that understand the critical places and the individuality that they are coming from. >> all right, thank you to former congressman max rose and charlie dent. we are still waiting remarks from president joe biden to move democratic lawmakers. we will bring them when they happen. up next, our final thoughts. stay with us. with us. chelsea: it's everything for us. we wouldn't know what to do.
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tomorrow will be the fourth anniversary of one of the darkest days in american history, where law enforcement was assaulted, where members of congress and the senate and even the sitting vice president had to run for their lives. and the sitting president let it go on, finally denouncing it later, now appraising those people as patriots, even having in the campaign that just concluded last year, then singing acquires some of his rallies. how do you on one hand enforce laws and another hand defend lawbreakers who assault law officers who are protecting congress all because you want to stop an election that you lost. it is a disgrace. it is a sad day.
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it is a dark day and we should never forget it. that does it for me. thank you for watching. i will see you back here next week and at 5:00 p.m. eastern and also on morning -- tomorrow morning. we have more coming back after this short break this short break ♪ miebo ♪ ♪ ohh yeah ♪ miebo is the only prescription dry eye drop that forms a protective layer for the number one cause of dry eye: too much tear evaporation. for relief that's ♪ miebo ♪ ♪ ohh yeah ♪ remove contact lenses before using miebo. wait at least 30 minutes before putting them back in. eye redness and blurred vision may occur. ♪ miebo ♪ ♪ ohh yeah ♪ ask your eye doctor about prescription miebo.
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