tv Ayman MSNBC January 19, 2025 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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invisible on the skin. it works like a dream. why didn't someone think of this sooner? >> that'll do it for me. thanks for watching. i'll be back next saturday and sunday at 6 p.m. eastern. follow us on instagram, tiktok and threads using the handle at weekend capehart and blue sky using at capehart, dot, and catch clips of the show on youtube. you can also listen to every episode as a podcast for free. just scan the qr code on your screen to follow. don't go anywhere. eamon is next. good evening. tonight
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on eamon. >> donald trump rallies in dc just hours before taking the oath of office. and he is telling us what will happen during his first day as the 47th president. plus, what president biden is saying about the cease fire in gaza. it's in effect, and some hostages are out. but major challenges lie ahead. and we speak to a congresswoman who is calling out the house gop's priorities for what they really are. i'm ayman mohyeldin. let's do it. by this time tomorrow, donald trump will be back in the white house. the president elect is already in washington, d.c. ahead of tomorrow's inauguration. he wrapped up his victory rally this past hour, his first big d.c. rally since his now infamous speech before the january 6th riot. we can expect the administration to flood the zone monday once he is sworn in. nbc news confirmed a short time ago that trump will
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sign at least 50 executive orders, and he intends to publicly sign several of them in front of a crowd at the capital one arena in downtown d.c. as part of the event that is replacing the inaugural parade. now, this comes after trump spoke to nbc's kristen welker by phone saturday, saying that he will sign a record setting number of executive orders. when pressed whether it would be more than 100. trump replied well, at least in that category, he's once again, you know, trump is a man with a concept of a plan. nonetheless, trump's allies predict tomorrow will be a shock and awe rollout of his most unhinged campaign promises. and, of course, that is likely to include the largest mass deportation in u.s. history. nbc news also reports that trump plans to declare a national emergency at the southern border, which he did during his first term. nbc's julia ainsley also reported moments ago that plans for ice officials to carry out a massive raid operation in
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chicago has now been postponed due to media leaks. and that is according to two sources with knowledge of those plans. the sources emphasize the operation has not been canceled, and the people who would have been arrested in the operation remain targets for ice. the sources add that chicago will not be the first city to see mass deportations begin again. they are postponing the plans because of leaks. it didn't seem like much of a secret friday when trump's borders are. actually. tom homan had this to say on fox. >> am i blowing your cover? when i announced that there's going to be a big raid in chicago on tuesday? or do you want people to know maybe they can self-deport. >> there's going to be a big raid all across the country. you know, chicago is just one of many places that we got 24 field offices across the country on tuesday. you're going to expect ice. this ice is finally going to go out and do their job. we're going to take the handcuffs off ice and let them go arrest criminal aliens. >> now, trump also promises to
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issue an executive order to give tiktok's china based parent company more time to find an approved buyer before a ban takes full effect. tiktok restored service to users today after the app went dark overnight in response to the federal ban. among trump's other day, one promises ending birthright citizenship, pardoning the january 6th defendants, implementing tariffs, ending gender affirming care practices, and limiting transgender participation in women's sports. as you can tell by these day one priorities, cruelty is kind of the point here, but so is the chaos. i mean, remember what trump allies are saying about tomorrow, that this rollout is about shock and awe. trump's team is counting on the chaos, according to deputy chief of staff stephen miller, the architect of the first term's anti-immigration agenda. according to the new york times, miller believes the people he perceives as trump's enemies like democrats, the media, civil rights groups and depleted and demoralized are they are at least depleted and demoralized and only have so much bandwidth
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for outrage and opposition. the goal, apparently, is to overwhelm and exhaust them with a blitz of activity. tomorrow's blitz, of course, will be coming after a more subdued swearing in ceremony than we are used to seeing on inauguration day, all because the president elect decided to move his ceremony indoors because it was too cold to be outside. kicking us off tonight is tim miller, msnbc political analyst, writer at large at the bulwark and author of the book why we did it a travelog from the republican road to hell. also with us, amy cross, democratic strategist and former campaign adviser, obama campaign adviser. and ruth ben-ghiat, history professor at nyu and author of strongmen mussolini to the present. it's great to have all three of you with us. tim, i'll start with you. and you know, this blitzkrieg of a promise that has been made. let me play for you what trump said just a short while ago. take a listen. >> you're going to see executive orders that are going to make you extremely happy. lots of
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them. lots of them. we have to set our country on the proper course. by the time the sun sets tomorrow evening, the invasion of our borders will have come to a halt. and all the illegal border trespassers. will, in some form or another, be on their way back home. >> so, you know, this blitz of chaos tomorrow that we're going to see come down the pipeline with these executive orders? chaos is the point. but then because of the chaos, it becomes almost harder for anyone in the opposition or anyone to be able to respond. when you have all of these multi-dimensional things happening. >> yeah. how do you focus on one thing that the american people might get outraged about when there are 50 different things? right. and you have the january 6th, he called in the hostages. and another clip from the thing today. he said, you'll be very happy about what we do with the hostages, i guess release them, i guess. now the back, the blue part is going to be releasing
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the people that attacked the police on on his inauguration day. so that's one thing that you could imagine there being a big uproar over. right. like what is going to happen? what are they going to do instead of that raid in chicago? right. what is happening with the immigration raids? we saw this with the executive order around the first muslim ban. right. the opposition was able to kind of garner a force to oppose that, because that happened in one night where we remember the cast of the airports or protests. we're not seeing that this time. so i think that strategically, they are right, that if they flood the zone with, you know, what, as steve bannon said, they will be able to get away with most of this. and we were just talking about this right before they came on. like the coin that trump launched on friday night. i mean, in any other inauguration, that would be the only thing people are talking about, right? that the president elect is starting a new currency grift three days before becoming in office, that it's hard to have room to talk about that when there's so much going on. >> and mr. trump has promised he's going to do a record setting number of executive orders tomorrow. for comparison's sake, he only signed one executive order on day one of his first term in
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2017. what's the best messaging strategy democrats can do tomorrow to combat this flurry that they are likely to see? >> i think part of it is acknowledging it as the pr campaign it happens to be. >> trump issued a multitude of executive orders in 2020. one of them was actually a tiktok ban, and we know how effective that happened to not be at the time. i think that what he's trying to do is run a fear campaign in many instances, but also trying to basically crowd and flood the media cycle. >> he wants them to chase him, and he wants people to be overburdened with the sheer volume of what he actually plans on pushing out, most of which will not be actionable. >> but i will say that he is very strategic when it comes to his immigration plan. that was one of the things that he not only ran on throughout the campaign cycle, but it was also something that he carried with him throughout his last administration. he sees that it is something that polls well, and he is going to go as far as the law will take him. when it comes to doing that. i think that democrats should be very, very vigilant about how they talk about this, its effect on
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the economy. they should also look towards his anti die policies, because i do think that there are going to be several pieces of executive orders that come out that push against the culture wars around anti lgbt, anti die and just race based attacks. his rollout of stopping civil rights progress, i don't think, show any signs of stopping. and because it's mlk day, because he's going to utilize that holiday to really pierce that point. democrats should be ready. >> i'm ruth let's talk about this shock and awe strategy as well and what democrats can do. in fact, you warned about bannon's flood, the strategy in flood the zone strategy back in 2017 when he was in the white house, and he and trump had 100 executive orders planned for 100 days. they lacked the means to implement them. but trump has an even bigger ally than steve bannon this time around. he has a billionaire by the name of elon musk on the outside, who controls one of the biggest social media platforms in the world. and as we have seen, he is willing to bankroll to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, the maga and trump
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agenda. >> yes. >> and of course, all of this is very daunting, but i actually think it's important not to use their language and not to give them the compliment of repeating their propaganda. and the shock and awe goes with trump trying to justify using u.s. military within our borders by saying, remember he was saying that there's an invasion. he said today. and like places in the heartland like aurora had to be liberated as though this was iraq. and now, of course, is, you know, a reference to a former military campaign. so it's important not to echo their language because, for example, one of the reasons they're doing mass deportations is not just because of racism, but it is the excuse they need to use the u.s. military inside our borders, which nobody has really talked about. they talk about hegseth as being, you know, unsuitable. but it's a huge, huge change to
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use the u.s. military against a domestic population. and so, you know, echoing the shock and awe business, even though there will be some kind of blitzkrieg of orders, it's just important not to going forth, not to echo their propaganda, not to do them that favor. >> yeah. and that's an important point, tim, that ruth is bringing up, which is, you know, in so many of these different issues, it could be about mass deportation. but even within the issue of mass deportation, it's also breaking the norm of using and breaking the law of using the american military on domestic population. again, as you just mentioned, with the meme coin, it's, you know, for most people it's like, oh, launching a meme coin. but then you have the president of united states owning a currency that is directly competing and undermining the us dollar and allowing people in his orbit to probably make tens of millions of dollars, yet again, breaking the law in some aspect with who knows what kind of insider information is being passed around among people in that
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orbit? >> well, yeah, and they're getting rid of people that are going to do oversight in the government right over it. and so this is why there's it is a little bit overwhelming. and i think, as ruth said, it feels daunting. but this is the only thing to do is to, you know, take these issues one by one and talk about the ways in which people are getting actually hurt by some of them. right. and that's the only way that this is going to make any difference. right? it's not going to be about some democratic messaging campaign or what people say on their protest signs. tomorrow. it is these executive orders are going to have real world consequences on people. it's easy to throw darts at the biden administration. it's easy to pop off on x like elon does, to have these rallies where people cheer at you, right? the ice operation is going to actually impact people, and maybe there'll be people that deserve to be deported, but maybe there'll be some other people that get rounded up, right? like there are going to be people that are hurt by the by the economic policies. like that is really where the rubber is going to meet the road here. and tomorrow is going to be kind of a performative show that is, you know, at the beginning of a
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pretty long and dark path we got in front of it. yeah. >> and before people even get deported, they're going to be put in detention centers. and that's going to be, again, these images are going to flood our screens of what these detention centers look like. i'm sure we'll be getting accounts of people getting rounded up that should not be there. and then of course, the chilling factor and the fear of it. misha, i want to get your reaction to that new york times story that stephen miller is looking to overwhelm democrats who are demoralized with a blitz of activity. do you see this working? are democrats too exhausted? maybe right now, still licking their wounds from the loss of the election to figure out what to do and how to do it next? >> it's difficult because some democrats, quite frankly, are. i wouldn't argue that that is the whole of the party. and that definitely isn't the whole of the elected leadership across the country. when we talk about democrats, but there are many who have basically decided that they're going to sit this one out. i don't think that that is helpful, but i also don't believe that they'll be sitting it out for long. stephen miller has shown us who he is, donald j. trump has shown us who he is,
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and they are going to continue to not only flood the flood airwaves, but they're going to showcase their their prowess here when it comes to everything that it takes to work to demolish our democracy. i think that those are things that are going to force americans, not just democrats, but everyone, to have to fight back because they don't think that there is an end in sight when it comes to the unconstitutionality of what they plan to do. and that's going to put democrats on notice. >> you know, ruth, trump isn't even in office yet. he's already reportedly planning to declare a national emergency over the southern border. as you mentioned in your first answer, that would pave the way for him to, in his eyes at least, possibly use the military on a domestic population. but do you see this as an example of the autocrat playbook that you've written about, where demagogues exploit powers to declare national emergencies and then take advantage of that to further their authoritarian agenda? >> yeah. i'm smiling, although
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it's not funny at all, because that's exactly what they do in my book. i call them events, but they're states of emergency. whether the autocrat engineers it as as now or something like the reichstag fire where something happens, or the coup attempt against erdogan in 2016, they take advantage of these moments to do crackdowns, to have states of exception. and that's what happens when you declare an emergency. in our case, this would be, oh, we're going to use the military, perhaps. and so this is the classic autocratic playbook. and the other reason they do these things, and they talk about blitzkrieg, is to make people feel helpless and hopeless. and so it's really important, i agree that, you know, many people are not up for resisting right now. but i see day one, instead of saying day one of our doom, it's day one that we can start mobilizing to take back our country, because people are going to discover over time that
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the purpose of the trump administration is to make they don't care about public welfare autocrats. they take control of the government, or they get control of the government, and then they use it to enrich themselves and their cronies. and so public welfare is the last thing on their mind. and there are consequences to that. and i think over time people will see this. so it's day one to start being educated about what is happening and take back our country for democracy. >> it's not just tim, it's not just trump, it's also his allies. we got a glimpse of that a little bit in the confirmation hearings this week. and that has to be in of itself, unsettling. as you mentioned, the people who are supposed to be part of the oversight, the checks and balances, they're failing miserably. if you were just to look at it this week, let me play for you what lindsey graham said during the kash patel process. >> ask him about going after journalists, which he's also said. i'm interested in the answer to that question. >> i'm sure we'll be right back.
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>> i'm sure democratic friends will ask him, and you shouldn't worry about kash patel, okay? >> you should worry about reporting the news which fairly which you don't do when it comes to everything. trump. >> that was lindsey graham's reaction when he was asked about kash patel's potential enemies list and going after the media in his upcoming confirmation. but it's got to be unsettling that that, you know, you're hearing that kind of reaction from somebody who has an important role to play in oversight and checks and balances, and it's kind of hard to translate what lindsay was saying there. it's like you're doing a bad job, so i'm not going to do a good job. >> yeah, he's off the rocker a little bit, it seems like. but look, the kash patel thing is, is i think frightening, right? because he's laid it all out. and i think we've already seen the way he's come after olivia troye, for example, for comments she made on this network privately trying to sue her. like, that's the kind of behavior of somebody that is trying to chill speech. right? and this is what they are going to try to do. target people, try to limit criticism. and having
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somebody like that in the fbi is discouraging. and i think that these nominees, in the same way that the ice effort part of it is, i think you heard on the fox clip that maybe people self-deport they kind of want people to self-deport out of the government. like, it's not that's that's part of the strategy. right? i'm going to put in kash patel and rfk and pete hegseth, and if you guys don't like it, then you can leave like career bureaucrats and experts. and i think that's part of their strategy is another thing to monitor. that's pretty alarming. >> all right. it is going to be a long couple of days as we make it through this first 100 days. tim miller and marcia cross, ruth maguire, thank you to the three of you for starting us off. greatly appreciate it as always. next up, celebrations and relief pour in from both palestinians and israelis over the ceasefire deal. but the ceasefire deal. but anxieties linger. will it honestly, i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. great. one more thing to worry about. it was all too hard to deal with in the beginning, but making a plan with my doctor to add precision was easy.
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with images of palestinians crying tears of joy and relief, even though many are returning to wreckage, they are finally able to safely make the journey back to what was once their homes and their towns and villages. another welcome sight in gaza today, eight trucks containing food, water and medicine. shortly after the cease fire began this morning, hamas released three israeli hostages who were soon reunited with their families. one was abducted from the nova music festival, while the other two were kidnaped from a kibbutz near gaza. but president biden said today that they are in good health. in this first phase of the cease fire, hamas is set to release 33 hostages, mostly women, children, the elderly and some soldiers. meanwhile, the 90 palestinian detainees freed were mostly never charged or put on trial. in israel, they are women and children, and in fact, the youngest of them is just a 15 year old. many of these were
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locked up for things as small as throwing stones at soldiers or settlers. over 1000 are expected to be freed during this phase. and for those who are convicted, it happened in court just for palestinians with a near 100% conviction rate. this is just the first phase in this fragile ceasefire. but for now, some have a reason to celebrate. if in fact the cease fire does hold, palestinians get a moment of relief after 15 months of bombs, bullets and terror. for some israeli families, it is a reunion after fearing that their loved ones might never come back home. all of this comes as we face a dark shift in power tomorrow. biden, who folded to netanyahu and ignored palestinians, is passing the torch to trump and their approaches to israel and palestine are perhaps almost identical. now they are caught in a petty fight over who deserves credit for the ceasefire deal. in fact, here's some of what president biden said earlier today. >> after so much pain,
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destruction and loss of life today, the guns in gaza have gone silent. >> guns in gaza have gone silent. that tone alone is off putting, though, mr. president, it wasn't just guns in gaza that were going off. it was israeli forces dropping us made bombs, sometimes 2,000 pound bombs on residential buildings and hospitals and refugee camps. it was ground forces shooting people, many of them children, for simply walking down the street, sometimes waving white flags. and biden can't pretend that what we're seeing today is a win for him from any angle. it is clearly not. the biden administration has sent israel billions in weapons over the past 15 months. netanyahu misled biden on earlier ceasefire deals both in gaza and lebanon. the current ceasefire, nearly identical to one proposed months ago. biden's goal was clear eliminate hamas, free all the hostages. but hamas is still on the ground. we can literally see
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them in photos of the hostage release, and he let netanyahu prolong the war at the expense of the hostages that he promised to save. under his administration, the u.s. ignored international laws, broke its own while enabling israel's relentless assault on palestinians. now, biden wants to pat himself on the back and call this a success. he had a front row seat to all of it and played a direct role in not only what human rights organizations now call a genocide in gaza, but in not following through on the promises meant to benefit israeli security. as for trump, it may be true that all of this is happening because of him. who knows? but he shouldn't be too quick to call it a success for donald trump. how many times has trump said that he is tired of other countries taking advantage of the us without giving anything in return? well, he clearly has a major exception and soft spot like biden when it comes to israel. when trump was in office, he brokered deals to normalize relations between israel and several arab
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countries. he recognized jerusalem, not tel aviv, as israel's capital, and moved the us embassy there. he backed illegal settlements in the west bank and occupied palestinian territory. he recognized israeli sovereignty over the golan heights, occupied golan heights that belonged to syria. the list goes on. for someone who says, at least always says america first, this seems like a lot of effort. trump may learn the hard way that netanyahu is just in it for himself. netanyahu didn't warm up to trump because he thought he could get things done. in my view, he preferred trump over biden because trump perhaps is easier to manipulate. netanyahu is in the middle of his corruption trials, and some critics have accused him of using the hostage crisis to distract the public from it. and throughout his campaign, trump made it clear he is ready to do whatever netanyahu wants. he already promised to keep sending troves of weapons to israel with fewer conditions than biden. marco rubio, his secretary of state nominee. well, he's also promised to lift sanctions on israeli settlers and extremists.
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and in regards to the cease fire, he allegedly told netanyahu that he reserves the right to attack gaza again if he thinks it is necessary. what's missing in all of this is the context of how it started. long before october 7th, gazans were trapped under a relentless and brutal blockade. palestinians were and are still being dehumanized, with no path to self-determination. the cease fire doesn't bring back the tens of thousands killed, the families erased, or the generational destruction gaza has endured. and for all the political players calling this a success, it's not even close to success, it's not even close to the bare i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as seven days. now i can help again feel the difference with nervive.
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joining us. you know, moments ago, we also learned that 90 palestinian detainees were released as part of this ceasefire deal. tell us a little bit about who they are and what kind of segregated court process they have gone through. and now their release. >> well, thank you and thanks for having me. the 90 palestinians who were freed were people who should have never been in prison to begin with. the vast majority of them are women, and then a few of them are children. 21 of them are children. and of the 90 who have been released, 80 of them have never been convicted of a single crime. many of them have been picked up and thrown in prison under a system of indefinite detention, without charge, without trial. and then the ten who have been convicted were convicted of such specious crimes as incitement or stone
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throwing. one of them is as young as 15, and he was actually picked up and thrown into prison at the age of 13. and so all of these palestinians have been, have, should never have been in these prisons to begin with. but israel has a system of mass incarceration where it's a near 100% conviction rate and where one out of every two men, palestinian men, end up spending time inside an israeli prison. and it's because there's a two tiered system, one system that applies to israeli israeli settlers and israelis, which is a civilian system. and the second system, which is only applied to palestinians, and that is a military court system. and so all of these palestinians who have been released, these 90 who have been released, have been tried or were going to face trial in this military court system with once again, a near 100% conviction rate. all of
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them are coming out and reporting some form of torture, as was the case in the last the last cease fire in november of last year. and it's been well documented. the brutal treatment that they have received in the israeli prison service, particularly since it was a right wing israeli minister, itamar ben-gvir, somebody who actually opposed the cease fire deal, by the way, who was in charge of the prisons. so the conditions are horrendous. and here's the problem is that it's only the case that palestinians get released when you have this massive release. in other words, only through a prisoner exchange. that's a flawed system. and this is where there must be some international attention paid to bring this system to an end. yeah. >> and in fact, that's what i was going to ask you about, which is i know that palestinian society is certainly not monolithic, but when palestinians see the images of these, you know, wrongfully detained palestinians and children being released, how do
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they feel about, you know, are they conflicted about what has happened in gaza, the price that gazans have had to pay for the release of these prisoners? what does that do to the standing of hamas among palestinian society? certainly in the west bank, where hamas does not have the kind of robust presence that it has in gaza? >> well, today is a day of joy for palestinians, and it's a day of joy because we finally get to be reunited with our loved ones. for those who are in gaza, they get to go and try to find their dead amongst the rubble and perhaps try to give them a proper burial. they get to try to go home. and so today is definitely a day of joy because we are reunited. the bigger issue, though, is whether this is going to be continuing and whether we're going to continue to be in a situation where palestinians have to negotiate their freedom, where they have to negotiate their freedom from
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from an israeli prison, or have to negotiate their freedom from israeli military rule. this is how flawed the system is. and one would expect that after 57 years going on, 58 years of military occupation and 78 years of the denial of freedom, that the world would step in and say, enough is enough, and it's time for palestinians to finally be free. >> in the year 2025. we've spent a lot of time talking, and we mentioned earlier on the show how 20 years ago this month was the last time palestinians in gaza, and certainly across the west bank, had a chance to meaningfully elect new leadership. but we've also been talking a lot about what a day after looks like. even if we get to that point, we're still far away from that. with this ceasefire, after all of its potential phases. but is there any any hope on the horizon or potential on the horizon for a change in the political leadership across both the west bank and gaza that could potentially come out of this? >> i certainly hope so. you're
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right that, in fact, today marks 20 years since mahmoud abbas was elected into office. he was elected in for four years. we're now looking 20 years later. and so i'm certainly hoping that we'll finally be able to have elections. it's important to keep in mind that those elections were scuttled both because of israel and the united states. the one thing that i don't want to see is that israel or the united states is choosing palestinian leaders. the fact that we still see a country that has committed genocide, saying that they're going to be the ones who have a say in who leads palestinians is obviously very flawed. they shouldn't be able to say anything. they should be now facing prosecution for all of the war crimes. so i certainly hope that we will be seeing elections. i haven't heard that there's going to be a call yet, but i do believe that the demand is going to increase now that we've seen hopefully an end to this genocide. >> all right. diana buttu, thank you so much. i know it's late
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there, so i greatly appreciate you staying up for us. thank you. >> my pleasure. >> coming up, a look at the gop priorities and the congresswoman calling it out for what it is. and next hour, president biden's foreign policy legacy. how will foreign policy legacy. how will history score his global ♪today my friend you did it, you did it♪ pursue a better you with centrum. ♪♪ it's a small win toward taking charge of your health. ♪♪ so, this year, you can say... ♪you did it!♪ that's just $60 a month. so switch to the carrier ranked so switch to the carrier ranked number one in network cov still congested? —nope! —uh oh. new mucinex 2-in-1 saline nasal spray. spray goodbye. aaaaaaahhhhh! new mucinex 2-in-1 saline nasal spray with a gentle mist and innovative power-jet. spray goodbye to congestion. it's comeback season!
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rally tonight in dc. cruelty is so often the point with team trump, and that will be back on display this week. an official involved with his transition tells nbc news that trump will sign at least 50 executive orders on monday, including actions involving immigration and declaring a state of emergency at our southern border. however, team trump says it is postponing planned ice raids this week due to media leaks. and regardless, the gop has more cruelties up its sleeve. we know that based on the stated priorities of house republicans, the narrow gop majority house recently adopted a rules package for the 119th congress. it includes a bill already passed in the house that would amend federal law to bar trans athletes from participating in women's sports at schools and institutions that receive federal funds. there's also a bill that would criminalize abortion by prohibiting a, quote, health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care. in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion. as my next
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guest puts it, the rules package is full of hateful fear mongering and redundant, redundant provisions that do nothing to help american women and families. joining me now, democratic congresswoman teresa leger-fernandez of new mexico. congresswoman, thank you so much for joining us. i'll start with your response to the trump to trump saying that he will sign at least 50 executive orders tomorrow, one of which we expect to declare a national emergency at the southern border. your thoughts on that? >> well, you know, what trump has always been about is finding somebody to hate and not looking at what are his policies going to do? listen, i am chair of the democratic women's caucus. we are 96 women strong this year, and we are going to make sure that we call trump out when his policies hurt american women, including immigrant women. and that's what his policies will do. listen, if he deports everybody he says he wants to deport, who is going to be caring for our children? who is
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going to be caring for our elderly? many immigrant women do precisely that, and we can go down the list of what he wants to do. but we must remember the important role that immigrants and immigrant women play in our care economy, as an example, these raids highlight the confounding cruelty of the gop's policies. >> can you elaborate on your concerns about the priorities of your gop colleagues and the significance of the policy? focusing in the in this rules package? >> right, and the rules package? they said, these are our priorities. we know that americans were concerned about the cost of living. there is nothing in the rules package that addresses the cost of living. there is nothing in the package that they said are their priorities. that would make life easier for americans. instead, they are attacking women. they are telling us, we know what you should be. we know what you should look like, and we are
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going to limit your opportunities. you mentioned the sports ban on trans. how are they going to enforce that? are they going to be panty police? right. we already know that in utah, a similar ban has led to investigations of young women, young girls, because they don't look feminine enough. we should be able to look however we want. we should be able to play whatever sports we want and excel however we want. their criminalization. it's a criminalization of health care ban. listen, i almost died during a pregnancy. i remember being on the operating table and hearing the doctor say, we're going to lose her. we're going to lose her. because i was bleeding so much, my doctors needed to worry about saving my life, but they didn't need to worry about going to jail for the care that i had chosen. and
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that's what their criminalization of health care for late term pregnancies for problem, you know, for life threatening pregnancies will do. it's an attack on women's health care, an attack on our ability to do whatever we want to do and succeed at that. in contrast to, you know, the era of real pleased that biden did recognize that the equal rights amendment is the law of the land, there's a real big contrast between what democrats offer and what republicans say in terms of women's opportunities. >> this last election laid bare the misogyny and toxic masculinity that republicans have made a part of their platform. we saw it with the kind of media appearances donald trump made on the podcast circuit, commentary by people in his incoming administration, and anti-abortion and anti-trans policies, commercials, ads, you name it. but what does that say about where we are as a country? that that is the party that ultimately returned to power? >> well, remember, it was a
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small margin. it was not a landslide. and i think that it is really important for those of us in elected office and in the media and in our advocacy organizations to make sure that we tell the storytellers we are going to be, i call it guerrilla storytelling. we are going to be telling the stories of how these policies directly impact women in america and directly impact their families, because we have to break through the fact that there are it is difficult to break through. we need to make sure that we are telling those stories in every corner of america, and that women understand the direct connection between what trump is doing and what republicans want to do, and their opportunities in their life and their ability to lower prices. listen, his tariffs, that's going to do tremendous damage to so many families. the increased cost, the inflation. we're going to see that we need to tie it directly. we know that
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their planned cuts to planned parenthood will impact women's ability to get basic health car. in many rural districts like i represent, and those are districts represented by republicans. so you're going to see us holding shadow hearings and knocking on the doors with the women who are receiving health care from planned parenthood in republican districts, saying, do not cut it. you will cut my ability to get basic cancer care, basic health care that planned parenthood provides to many women across this country. so we plan to not stay silent. >> all right. congresswoman teresa fernandez from new mexico, thank you so much. i greatly appreciate your insights, as always. >> thank you. amy. >> thank you. amy. dry... tired... itchy, burning... my dry eye symptoms got worse over time. my eye doctor explained the root was inflammation. xiidra was made for that, so relief is lasting. xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if allergic to xiidra
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celebrate today the beginning of a cease fire. this is the first time many had a moment of relief since october 7th, and a chance to return to their homes. earlier today, shaimaa ahmed, a 21 year old student in gaza, told us a little bit about what she is feeling and what she has witnessed on the ground. watch. >> hello everyone. >> my name is shaimaa. >> i'm 21 years old and i'm a computer engineering student here in gaza. it's been 15 months and today, finally, it was the announcement of the ceasefire that we were all hoping to see. and to be honest, we still can't believe it. this negotiation has gone on for so long, so many times. it would come very close to actually happening and then it would stop. so we've developed this mechanism to deal with this by actually just really kicking away any kind of hope and trying not to anticipate anything. but it's finally, finally over. and our feelings honestly are really weird at the moment. we don't
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know how to feel because we're very happy that it's finally over. but at the same time, we're scared of the emotions that we're going to have to deal with later. all of the mourning that we delayed for later, our loved ones that we didn't get to see, we were displaced from the north. and now we're in the south, and a lot of our relatives got buried in mass graves, and we have no grave to even visit them or go back to them, or actually mourn and go out. go back there and find that they actually are not there anymore. we're finally getting footage today from our cousins, who are able to access their neighborhood again after their troops are retreated, and they were able to take footage of unrecognizable rubble and destruction. and we are honestly also very scared to see that and go back to a place that is unrecognizable. so we hope that we do go back soon, and that is what we want to do. we want to go back even if it's rubble, even if it's a lot of destruction. we want to remove all of that and rebuild our homes again, rebuild our
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neighborhoods again, restore them, make them more beautiful than they ever used to be. and our hope is that after this is over, the world recognizes what gaza has been going through with the blockade and the siege that has been ongoing for years. and now that the borders, when they're open, the people of gaza are finally going to have all of the resources they need to make it better than it ever used to be, under siege and blockade. this is our hope, and we know that the world is going to unite to make it happen. >> our thanks to shaima ahmed for sending us that report. a for sending us that report. a new hour gum problems could be the start of a domino effect parodontax active gum repair breath freshener clinically proven to help reverse the 4 signs of early gum disease a toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long-lasting eylea hd
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cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for $19. >> on this new hour of amen. it is almost time for trump's return. new reporting on what he will do on day one. we're going to talk to congressman lloyd doggett about it. plus, biden's lasting legacy in the middle east as the cease fire between israel and hamas takes effect and project 2025 is alive and well, how big of a role will it play in the next four years? i'm ayman mohyeldin, let's do it. inaugural celebrations are well underway before president elect donald trump is officially sworn in tomorrow. tonight. trump took center stage at his maga victory rally in washington, dc. >> we're going to stop the invasion of our borders. we're going to reclaim our wealth.
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