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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  March 10, 2025 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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ie in what's right and i will stand up and i will fight for that. dennis murphy: despite the conviction, cheryl said her fight isn't quite yet over. what was once a struggle to find out what happened to her son is now a struggle to return her estranged granddaughter anslee back to the family, that child who lost so much one blustery day long ago, a father and now in slow motion justice a mother, too. lust and greed setting a banquet of sorrow for all. that's all for this edition of "dateline." i'm andrea canning. thank you for watching. [music playing] hello, i'm andrea canning, and tshe was" she was incredibly brave. why didn't i know that she needed me
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and that she was alone and that she was hurt? nothing was the same after that, nothing. andrea canning (voiceover): they found her in the soccer field, the straight arrow student killed by a single bullet. and i just hit the floor. i remember the pain. every time i talk about it, the pain comes, like, rushing back. that someone would shoot my child. like, why? this was a small town whodunit. oh, yeah. we were afraid. andrea canning (voiceover): what had happened that night? was the answer somewhere in her circle of friends? we're trying to find out why. i would never hurt halee. they came and talked to me. it was four fbi agents. he's there. he's got a gun. how could it have not been him? andrea canning (voiceover): then a secret spills out in court. that's a bombshell. that definitely was. i feel like i had gotten my heart ripped out. for that mother to get on that stand was absolute silence.
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hello, and welcome to "dateline." halee rathgeber was barely out of her teens, but to friends and siblings, she displayed a maternal instinct. halee enjoyed taking care of others, so it made sense to them that she was studying to become a nurse. what made no sense was that anyone could want her dead. the crime scene told investigators little, but a jaw dropping moment in the courtroom spoke volumes. here is "on the outskirts of town." andrea canning (voiceover): i'm miles from my family in new york, but i'm driving, oddly enough, through a place that feels like home. quaint downtown, the kind of place you feel safe. andrea canning (voiceover): this is newberg in southwest indiana.
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you can see the early days of the midwest in these historic buildings. open farmland everywhere, hometown usa, a place for putting down roots. turn left onto county road 475 west. then your destination will be on the left. andrea canning (voiceover): and there it is, what i've been looking for-- a gravel lot by a soccer field, a spot to play sports, to hang with friends, not a place for a young woman to die. it's jarring to think that when a life ends, so much begins-- a family's grief, a community's shock, and in this case, right here where i'm standing, a murder investigation. andrea canning (voiceover): heather collins has always been proud of her three girls, especially her oldest daughter, halee, who, even at a young age, was eager to lend a helping hand. there's so many pictures of her holding the baby sister,
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you know, and just taking care of them. yeah, she's always leading the way. my kids, they, you know, they wanted to feed the bottle, and can i change the diaper? mm-hmm. she was the best diaper changer ever. andrea canning (voiceover): a mother's helper and sister emilee's best friend. with halee, she says, she felt safe. emilee rathgeber: she was always definitely what you pictured an older sister being like, the big, protective "don't mess with my sisters, or i'll come at you" type sister. andrea canning (voiceover): that protective streak continued all through school, even extended to friends. carley sollars and ansley bowles. she kind of just acted like everyone's mom because she was so caring. she was tall, and everybody, all of our friends are so short. and so it was always like she stuck out. and she didn't care that she was tall. she wore heels and wedges and whatever. and so we would go places, and she would just, like, tower over all of us, which made the mom thing even more funny because she would, like, huddle over us. the mom and all her kids. yeah. and so people always-- like, she was the first one that they noticed.
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the world was kind of like her catwalk? yeah, pretty much. andrea canning: beautiful girl? yeah. i love when i get told that i look like her. it makes me really happy. aw. that's really sweet. andrea canning (voiceover): but halee's beauty was more than skin deep. tattoos, like this one on her back, testified to her strong faith. i said prayers to the girls every night. andrea canning (voiceover): tharon rathgeber is halee's dad. tharon rathgeber: and at the end of our prayer, the most important line was, "and those that are less fortunate than we are." and i think she really grasped that. andrea canning (voiceover): and drew strength from it, especially in difficult times. one night in particular was a defining moment for young halee. she was just 12 when she went to a friend's house for a sleepover. that night, the brother of the girl that my daughter was staying with had a friend stay over. and he was 19. my daughter was 12. and he tried to molest her. andrea canning (voiceover): at first, halee said nothing
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to her parents, but when she learned that the man had preyed on other girls, her instinct to help led her to act in a way few her age would have the courage to. she testified and sent him to prison. and after that, i think that's when people realized they could always go to halee, that she would fix anything, and she would stand up for the weak, the less fortunate. andrea canning (voiceover): it was no surprise then when halee announced she wanted to continue helping others as a nurse. after high school, she enrolled at nearby university of southern indiana. i hear that the girl was constantly buried in a book. she worked really hard. where does that come from-- emilee rathgeber: i don't know. --to just want to study all the time? 'cause i don't have it. [laughs] she had so much drive and ambition. and she knew what she wanted, and she was going to get it. andrea canning (voiceover): when she wasn't hitting the books, she was waiting tables at the texas roadhouse. that's where she met and started dating isaiah hagan, a shy fellow waiter. he seemed really nice to me, and he seemed to let halee do
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her own thing, which i liked. how did you feel when you saw them together? did they seem like a good match? yeah, i mean, they weren't lovey dovey at all, which i prefer, to be honest. he joked with us. he actually took an interest in talking to us, which is more than i can say for a lot of guys. andrea canning (voiceover): the romance didn't last long, though the two remained good friends. besides, 20-year-old halee was laser focused on her schoolwork. on a sunday in late april 2017, she was home studying for a big exam the next day. just hours later, the sun was rising, and halee's mom heather was starting her morning. heather collins: i was reading facebook, having coffee on a monday morning, just sitting on my porch. and i scroll across a news article. andrea canning (voiceover): it was shocking. police had found a body in a soccer field near newburgh. heather collins: it says it's a young female.
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so i immediately start looking for the younger two because they're in high school in newburgh. you just want to make sure. yeah, you just want to find your kids. andrea canning: i just want to find her. just as a mom, i just want to make sure everybody's safe. yeah, i just want to find my kids. andrea canning (voiceover): heather found her two youngest. they were ok. but halee wasn't answering her phone. and friends told heather she didn't show up to take her exam at the university. it's not like her to miss class, not like her to have her phone turned off. andrea canning (voiceover): not like halee rathgeber to go missing. coming up, what had happened to halee? andrea canning: are you getting a sick feeling? oh, i was sick all morning. it was so much anxiety. and i just started screaming her name. like, my stomach had dropped, and i was like, oh, my god, where is halee? andrea canning (voiceover): when "dateline" continues. upset stomach iberogast indigestion iberogast bloating iberogast
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access and ad free listening to rachel maddow chart topping series, msnbc original podcasts, exclusive bonus content, and all of your favorite msnbc shows now ad free. subscribe on apple podcasts. each week, veteran lawyers andrew weissman and mary mccord break down the latest developments inside the trump administration's department of justice. >> the administration doesn't necessarily want to be questioned on any of its policy. questioned on any of its policy. >> maine justice new episodes heather collins couldn't get the news out of her mind. that morning, april 24, 2017, local police found the body of a young unidentified woman at a nearby soccer field. you know, immediately, i'm worried about whose child this is. andrea canning (voiceover): it certainly wasn't hers-- at least, that's what heather told herself. and yet, she was worried. she couldn't reach her eldest halee by phone. i called her friend ansley and said, you know, hey,
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have you heard from halee? she's like, i know you have her apartment key. can you drive over there and see what she's doing? andrea canning (voiceover): when ansley did, she saw halee's car parked outside the apartment, meaning halee must be inside. ansley put the key in the front door. ansley bowles: i swung open the door. i was like, halee! and i just started screaming her name. like, my stomach had dropped, and i was like, oh, my god. i was like, where is halee? i was like, where could she be? andrea canning (voiceover): around the same time, halee's sister emilee was driving to work with a friend. suddenly a sense of doom washed over her. i'm freaking out. something's wrong. just like out of the blue, it suddenly came? yeah, just out of the blue. like, we were driving, and all of a sudden, i was just like, you got to turn around. i've got to go find my sister. something's wrong. like, i don't know what's wrong, but something's wrong. andrea canning (voiceover): emilee posted a picture of halee on instagram. if anyone hears from my sister, please contact me. friends responded, telling her that police were trying to identify a woman found dead that morning. and that's when people started sending me that article.
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oh, gosh. at the time, i was just like, no, like, i get you're trying to be helpful, but that's not her. like, it wasn't even like i felt like i was in any denial. i just 100% knew that that was definitely not my sister. andrea canning (voiceover): meanwhile, warrick county sheriff's detective paul kruse was just pulling up to the soccer field to begin his investigation. officers had already roped off the scene. when you pull up, what do you see here? there's a body. we've got a body laying here with a terrible wound to the head. this is a very desolate area. i mean, i'm sure when people are playing soccer, it's active, but in the middle of the night, there's nothing around here. paul kruse: this place is just pitch black in the middle of the night. the nearest neighbor's probably half a mile in a straight line away, separated by trees and fields. andrea canning (voiceover): even at a glance, the detective could tell the woman had been murdered, left to die in agony. the coroner would later cite the cause of death as a gunshot wound.
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what did it tell you that she was shot in the back of the head? it tells us that she knew and trusted the person she was with. could you get a sense of her last moments? unfortunately, the evidence here at the scene showed that she had lived for a while after being shot. andrea canning: you could see it in the gravel? paul kruse: you could. it almost looked like a snow angel, where one of her legs had rubbed back and forth and had rubbed a bare spot in the gravel. andrea canning (voiceover): and this was odd. next to the woman lay a blue towel. other than that, there was little to this crime scene. did you find a weapon? did you find a bullet, a casing, anything that might help you? no, we had detectives actually assigned to get on their hands and knees with scissors and cut the grass away, looking for a shell casing-- wow. --or bullet or anything. we didn't know who she was. there was no identification, no phone, no-- nothing laying with her at that time to help us identify her. andrea canning (voiceover): but that mystery would be solved soon enough.
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heather, by now in a panic, called an old friend for help. i contacted a detective i knew from vanderburgh county. and-- i mean, i'm getting chills right now. are you getting a sick feeling? oh, i was sick all morning. it was so much anxiety. and i didn't know what to do. and i just kept thinking i'm wrong. andrea canning (voiceover): she gave the detective halee's full name and description, and he forwarded the information to the warrick county sheriff's office. investigators there immediately checked facebook, where they found hailey's profile and picture. paul kruse: and there was a tattoo visible on facebook that matched. so we were pretty certain at that point who our victim was. andrea canning (voiceover): warrick investigators called heather collins and asked to speak with her in person. she walked into the meeting, dreading what they might say. they said, you know, there's a body found, and we've identified her as halee. in an instant, your whole world is shattered. nothing was the same after that.
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nothing. every time i talk about it, it-- just the pain comes, like, rushing back, like how awful. and i've never felt so awful. like, i just remember just-- i didn't want to exist anymore. andrea canning (voiceover): the family was horrified to learn that halee, just 20 years old, had been murdered with a shot to the back of the head. that was the most shocking part. never in a million years would i have thought that someone would shoot my child. like, why? as you're processing the most horrific news you've ever had in your life that your daughter is gone, do you immediately ask these detectives, who did this? they asked me. they asked you? who do you think, you know? andrea canning (voiceover): one name sprang to mind immediately. heather blurted it out. their eyes just-- they couldn't believe what they were hearing. detectives knew that name from another case.
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halee knew it, too. andrea canning (voiceover): coming up. she had said, what if they want to talk to me? like, you talk. andrea canning (voiceover): had someone wanted to keep her quiet? halee could be poking a hornet's nest if she starts making accusations. she absolutely could have. andrea canning (voiceover): when "dateline" continues. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms... ...with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after trying humira, rinvoq works differently. rinvoq is a once-daily pill from the makers of humira that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling as fast as 2 weeks for some. and even at the 3-year mark, many people felt this relief. rinvoq can stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower ability to fight infections. before treatment, test for tb and do bloodwork. serious infections, blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; serious allergic reactions;
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outlive his own daughter. when they said she'd been murdered, you know, you go to the dark side. we all have. i wanna kill myself because i wasn't there to protect her, you see? andrea canning (voiceover): it was hard for him to know how to move forward. but even in death, halee was a comfort to her family. and the things that have impacted us the most is her tattoo that had psalm 46:5. and it was god is within her. she will not fall. he will help her at break of day. paul kruse: it's just so difficult to to imagine why any human would do something that horrific to another human being. andrea canning (voiceover): detective paul kruse looked for answers with grim determination. halee's murder was not the only tough case weighing on him that april morning.
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a few weeks before, he and his partner were assigned to look into the suspicious death of a 10-month-old baby named jackson. when detectives spoke to heather after her daughter's death, she revealed something that stunned them. halee was the godmother of jackson. so their jaws dropped. yeah, yeah. andrea canning (voiceover): heather told police baby jackson was the son of halee's old schoolmate, jordan. she had got a baby to play with without having to have a baby, so. andrea canning (voiceover): but then a terrible accident. jackson had fallen down some stairs. halee rushed to the hospital where jordan explained what had happened. her boyfriend, a man named thaddeus rice, had dropped the baby down the stairs after tripping over a diaper bag. jordan was crying, and we gave her a hug. and i looked at halee, and halee looked at me. and i was like, what are we going to do? andrea canning (voiceover): they did what they could to help. they got jordan some food and went to her apartment to get her some clean clothes. we walked in, and halee's like,
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do you know what's weird? and i was like, what? she goes, the diaper bag is sitting right there. like, as soon as you walked in the door, the diaper bag was sitting right by the couch. it didn't look like the diaper bag had fallen down the stairs like what thad had said. so you're thinking, we might have just caught thaddeus in a big lie? yeah. andrea canning (voiceover): after two days on life support, jackson died. grief stricken, halee agonized over whether she should tell police about her suspicions. heather collins: she had said, you know, what if they want to talk to me? like, you talk, you know? andrea canning (voiceover): but the more halee's mom thought about it, the more she worried what might happen to halee if she spoke out. thaddeus had a bad reputation around town. halee could be poking a hornet's nest. she absolutely could have. if she starts making accusations. andrea canning (voiceover): now halee was dead, and heather wondered if her fears had come true. had thaddeus killed halee to shut her up? i just felt like he was looking at some pretty
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serious charges. if i had to think of people who had reasons to hurt her, that would have been number one. andrea canning (voiceover): the day after halee was murdered, someone sent heather this snapchat video. it was thaddeus brandishing a gun. you got that video so that must have really heightened your suspicion. oh, the video was huge. i was positive at that point, he did it. andrea canning (voiceover): and heather wasn't the only one pointing the finger at thaddeus. halee's friends knew that she'd gone to see the baby's mom, jordan, the night she died. there's these messages the night she was murdered where she was messaging back and forth with jordan. hey, i'm going to go pick up my wallet from your house late at night, the night she was killed. so then that was the theory. she went. she told jordan. thaddeus killed her over it. andrea canning (voiceover): investigators decided it was time to find out what thaddeus and jordan knew. thaddeus refused to talk to them, but jordan did.
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we did interview thaddeus's girlfriend. she was-- she said they were home together all night at thaddeus's brother's house. we checked out the surveillance video from that neighborhood, and we were able to see halee come into the neighborhood when she was there to get her wallet. and we saw halee leave the neighborhood. but we never saw jordan and thad leave. andrea canning (voiceover): it seemed like thaddeus had a good alibi. heather worried that investigators seemed no closer to making an arrest. i think that the fear was overwhelming. i kept saying, i hope that they make an arrest before her funeral. i don't know how i can stand there and wonder who's hugging me and who's coming through this line. you know, did they hurt her? andrea canning (voiceover): but as heather prepared for her daughter's funeral, investigators were already talking to someone who'd surely be standing in that line of mourners, someone very close to halee. you wanna take a seat over there? andrea canning (voiceover): coming up, video from the night of the murder. police have a few questions for halee's friends.
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so are you thinking, they think i might be involved? yeah. andrea canning (voiceover): when "dateline" continues. on medicare? living with diabetes? progress is having your coffee like you like it without an audience. ♪♪ [silence] the freestyle libre 3 plus sensor can help lower your a1c over time. covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. ♪♪ this is progress. ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 3 plus sensor. ♪♪ i got this wow skin from olay body wash. it's new super serum: sink into my skin with 5 powerful ingredients. 5 benefits in 1! look at this olay difference. so luminous! olay super serum body wash. *air wick* how far would you go to set your home ambiance?
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>> i'm richard lui with. >> a news update. five people. >> were hospitalized sunday after a small plane crashed into a residential area in pennsylvania. officials say that no one on the ground was injured in that incident. >> and hundreds. >> gathered at the edmund. pettus bridge in selma, alabama, to commemorate the 60th anniversary. of bloody sunday. several speakers at the remembrance drew comparisons between the 1965 clash for voting rights and concerns about voting rights and concerns about the state of democracy today welcome back to "dateline." i'm andrea canning. detectives wondered if halee rathgeber's murder was tied to another recent death. her godson reportedly died in a horrible accident. but halee suspected the mother's boyfriend, thaddeus rice, may have
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harmed the baby on purpose. did thad kill halee to silence her? to find out, police plan to retrace halee's final footsteps, a trail that would lead in a surprising direction. here, again, is "on the outskirts of town." andrea canning (voiceover): the young people who had worked with halee at the texas roadhouse were reeling-- the shock of her murder, the fear. waiter jake allen was one of them. they were going to have a candlelight vigil at the soccer field where she was found. and i was just about to leave my apartment and go there. and my roommate told me, hey, there's somebody at the door. it looks like a cop. andrea canning (voiceover): investigators wanted to talk to jake about his best friend since eighth grade, isaiah hagan, halee's ex. they asked jake what he and isaiah had been up to the night of halee's death. police had recovered security camera video from the night halee died, showing isaiah picking her up at her apartment a little after 10:30.
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an hour or so later, he met up with jake. they played video games and then went to walmart, where this camera captured them at about 2:00 am. there was no sign of halee. andrea canning: so were you thinking, they think i might be involved in halee's murder? yeah. andrea canning (voiceover): jake told police he hadn't seen halee that night, but isaiah had told him where he'd taken her-- to a local park a few miles from the soccer field. he told me he dropped her off, and he went on a separate way because she wanted to go there to meet somebody. andrea canning (voiceover): that didn't sound right to jake. i feel like he wasn't that type of person to just let her be there alone at that time of night. he was way too overprotective. something wasn't adding up for you. not at all. andrea canning (voiceover): and there was something else that bothered him. jake told police that the isaiah he knew had always been a standup guy. but recently, he'd heard stories about isaiah stealing from people. his roommate was telling me he owes us rent.
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he stole my tv. and i said, he did what? my gosh. so he was on a downward spiral. something was going on. andrea canning (voiceover): isaiah had been borrowing money, too. halee was one friend who'd helped him out. she mentioned that she had loaned him $600 to pay his rent. that's a lot of money. andrea canning (voiceover): but apparently, not enough. me and halee had been hanging out, and she goes, it looks like someone had taken money out of my bank account. and she's like, hang on. i can pull up a picture. and she pulled up a picture of the check, and it said, to isaiah hagan for groceries. and it was $300. andrea canning (voiceover): halee being halee, she told friends she'd forgiven isaiah after he promised to pay her back. andrea canning (voiceover): three days after halee's death, police decided it was time to talk to isaiah themselves. he sat there in that chair, and i sat here. what was his-- what was his demeanor like? this is a big case. this is a young guy.
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almost surprisingly calm. just very, very quiet and didn't show much emotion at all. andrea canning (voiceover): isaiah told investigators the same story he told jake. he'd picked halee up at her apartment and then dropped her off at that local park. andrea canning (voiceover): what isaiah didn't know was that more than a dozen investigators were watching his interview remotely from the next room, and they had proof he was lying. they checked the park's security cameras, and there was no trace of isaiah and halee. cell phone data showed where they had really gone-- to the soccer field where halee's body had been found. we saw him leave her apartment complex on surveillance video. the cell phones are traveling. hers and his cell phones are traveling together. ok, so they're definitely together at this point if you go by their cell phones. right, and they're traveling straight to this location, right here to the soccer fields. what happens to the cell phones at that point
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once they're here? her cell phone goes dark while they're here and remains dark. his cell phone stays on, and we see his cell phone leave here and go back to evansville. andrea canning (voiceover): isaiah didn't miss a beat when the detective confronted him with that information. andrea canning (voiceover): he insisted he'd left halee alive and well at the soccer field with her wallet and phone. but investigators questioned that, too. their analysis showed halee's phone had been in the same location as isaiah's phone hours later when he was long gone from the soccer field. detective kruse pressed isaiah to explain, moving his chair closer. andrea canning (voiceover): isaiah's explanations kept changing.
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car. paul kruse: he said that it just happened to catch his eye when his headlights hit it. andrea canning: he's just driving along, and there it is? paul kruse: yeah. andrea canning: and does he pick it up? yeah, so that's what he says in that version. are you buying any of this? absolutely not. andrea canning (voiceover): and where was the phone now? isaiah said he'd thrown it out of his car window. but that didn't make sense either. paul kruse: he texts her that morning after the body has been found saying, are you ok, or something to that effect. he knows she's never going to get the message because he threw her phone out the window. so you believe he was establishing some type of an alibi. he was trying to lay down an alibi at that point. andrea canning (voiceover): detective kruse raised the heat again. andrea canning (voiceover): he tag teamed with other investigators to get isaiah to confess. you did this.
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>> why? andrea canning (voiceover): isaiah stuck to his story. it was 3:30 in the morning when investigators finally let him go home. jake says an fbi agent told him to keep clear of isaiah. he didn't know what to think. he never has been an aggressor. i've never known him to be that type of way. he's never been temperamental or violent. so you must have had a lot of conflicting feelings because something's bothering you, and yet, you don't think he's capable of murder. right. andrea canning (voiceover): coming up, was isaiah really behind this? it seems like a leap to go from forging checks to cold-blooded murder. oh, absolutely. andrea canning (voiceover): when "dateline" continues. [fighting scene] —ugh! here we go again —wait there's a red hulk now? excuse me... what do i do about this? —we use tide oxi boost. —it's a life saver. the most powerful clean in any universe.
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tiktok in the us. >> president trump has promised to carry out the largest deportation force in american history. >> the surge of international outrage. >> following suggestion that the us take. control of gaza. >> the congressional progressive. >> caucus, calling for elon. musk to be fired from his position. >> reporting from. >> philadelphia. >> el paso. >> and the palisades, virginia. >> and the palisades, virginia. >> from msnbc world as his father, i poured everything i could into that young man. and to even be considered to have committed such a heinous act to another person was just inconceivable. andrea canning (voiceover): isaiah's father, wandel hagan, was dumbfounded when police told him his son was a suspect in halee rathgeber's murder. he and his wife, donna, a corrections officer who worked for the sheriff, said isaiah had always been a good son. he was pretty shy as a kid, good-natured,
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happy, easy to get along with, eager to please. everyone loved him. andrea canning (voiceover): the hagans said they raised isaiah to put his faith first. the family went to church several times a week. their other love was sports. isaiah was a gifted soccer player, even scored a partial scholarship to college. he talked about wanting to be a teacher and teach athletics. andrea canning (voiceover): they didn't know much about isaiah's relationship with halee, didn't realize how much she meant to their son until he told them she died. he was very, very distraught. i mean, his elbows, his hips, his knees, his ankles, everything gave. he was collapsing to the floor, and we caught him. andrea canning (voiceover): but police believed isaiah was a cold-blooded killer who had shot halee from behind, then robbed her. they hauled him down to the station again.
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andrea canning (voiceover): isaiah asked to speak to his mother. donna, the corrections officer who had brought suspects to these interrogation rooms for years, was allowed to see her son alone. all i could do was hold him. i just felt extremely helpless. andrea canning (voiceover): whatever they talked about, donna wouldn't tell detectives. isaiah stopped talking, too. but police were convinced they had the right suspect. they charged isaiah with two counts of murder and one count each of robbery and obstructing justice. but when the trial began in the summer of 2018, prosecutor michael perry knew that proving the charges would be difficult. his case against isaiah was largely circumstantial. this was not a slam dunk. andrea canning (voiceover): the prosecution team methodically laid out every piece of the puzzle before the jury. we wanted to show them that isaiah was the last person to see her alive, that he lied about her cell phone, that he had money problems, that he did a lot of things
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to cover his tracks. andrea canning (voiceover): and the prosecution presented perhaps the most explosive piece of evidence they had-- what investigators found when they searched the home of wandel and donna hagan. we were able to locate a towel from that home that was actually the same make, the same model of the towel that was located at the soccer field. andrea canning (voiceover): and there was something else investigators discovered. wandel owned several guns, but one of them was missing. did you think that maybe isaiah took it? it wouldn't be something that we would suspect because-- he didn't like guns. --he didn't like guns, was not comfortable around them. andrea canning (voiceover): the prosecution told the jury that isaiah owed his father some cash. and on the night halee died, wandel sent a text to his son, got the money yet? we do know that he left $210 for his dad the next morning
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on the counter. andrea canning: one of the things that seems somewhat weak is the motive. i mean, we're talking about, what, a couple hundred dollars to just kill somebody for? right, i've actually prosecuted cases where somebody was killed for far less than that. it seems like a leap to go from forging checks to cold-blooded murder. oh, absolutely. it's zero to murder in 3.5 seconds. it's not the usual situation. andrea canning (voiceover): it wasn't the usual situation because it didn't happen. that's what isaiah's defense attorney, mark phillips, said. he argued the prosecution had been fixated on isaiah from the start and had built a case out of guesses-- nothing more. we had no physical evidence. they had no gun. they had no bullet. they had no casing. andrea canning (voiceover): and that blue towel investigators found at the crime scene? the dna testing they did on that towel showed that none of isaiah hagan's dna was present.
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andrea canning (voiceover): though there was one thing that was plain to see-- isaiah's lies right there in the interrogation video. the prosecution played the entire 9 and 1/2 hours of it to the jury. i think any time somebody says something that the state contends isn't true, you have to try to understand the dynamic of where it was said. andrea canning (voiceover): phillips noted that detectives questioned isaiah aggressively for hours. they used profanity, invaded his space, intimidated him. andrea canning (voiceover): maybe, he theorized, isaiah simply lied to make them go away. andrea canning: were you worried, though, the jury is going to hear lies, and that's just going to trump everything else? this guy's lying. why should i believe him that he didn't kill her? that's a hard one to overcome. but we had no confession, first and foremost. isaiah never said anything like i
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killed halee rathgeber. andrea canning (voiceover): so if isaiah didn't kill halee, who did? the defense pointed to thaddeus rice, the man halee suspected of killing 10-month-old jackson. thaddeus was eventually found guilty of neglect of a dependent and reckless homicide. but at the time of halee's murder, he was roaming free. had he been worried halee had evidence against him? she knew information about the suspicious circumstances of jackson wheeler's death. he and jordan were the last two people to see halee other than isaiah, we believe, based on the information that we were provided in discovery. and it just seemed curious to us that for some reason, they weren't pursued. andrea canning (voiceover): and according to the defense, there was other evidence that showed isaiah could not have killed halee. after halee's cell phone stopped sending a signal just before 11:30 on the night she died, it had mysteriously turned on about four hours later
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and pinged off a cell tower near the soccer field. when that happened, cell phone data showed isaiah was miles away. at the time that her phone came back on and started traveling, it was nowhere near isaiah hagan. in fact, he was in a different county. so he could not have been pinging off the same tower that she was. andrea canning (voiceover): which, according to the defense, meant someone else had to have halee's cell phone. but the prosecution insisted isaiah had the phone all along. it looks like it powers back up at the soccer field, but we have since come to the theory that when you power your phone up, it hits on the last tire that it was on when it powered down. and so that explains the reason why it looked like it was traveling. is that exact science, or is that the theory? that's a theory, but we have found absolutely zero evidence that there was anybody else involved other than isaiah hagan. andrea canning: the prosecution and the police, they believe that she was shot before isaiah left the soccer field, that his alibi doesn't hold up because she was already dead.
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well, that's hard for me to understand because there was testimony by the coroner that he could not determine a time of death. andrea canning (voiceover): halee's friend, carley, who attended every day of the trial, watched with growing uneasiness as the defense poked holes in the prosecution's case again and again. every day, my dad texted me and would ask how the trial went every single day. i was like, yeah, we're not going to get this conviction. it was that bad? it was that bad. and then a bombshell. [scoffs] that's putting it mildly. andrea canning (voiceover): coming up, a stunning moment in court-- isaiah's mom on the stand. what would she reveal? that almost doesn't even really happen in tv dramas because it's too hard to believe. right, truth is stranger than fiction. andrea canning (voiceover): when "dateline" continues. (♪♪) ♪ (slow down) ♪ (♪♪)
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welcome back. isaiah hagan was on trial for the murder of his ex-girlfriend, halee rathgeber. prosecutors argued isaiah's money problems and the web of lies he spun to investigators proved he was the killer. the defense countered that detectives intimidated isaiah into telling those tales. but soon someone very close to isaiah would take the stand and reveal an explosive secret. here is the conclusion of "on the outskirts of town."
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andrea canning (voiceover): as each day of trial passed, heather collins became less hopeful. there was no direct evidence tying isaiah hagan to her daughter's murder. no gun, no dna, no eyewitnesses, nothing to prove isaiah was a killer. i was at the point where i was prepared for him to be walking the streets. andrea canning (voiceover): prosecutor michael perry urged patience. we knew that we did not have enough evidence to convict at that point. but that's why you go to the end. andrea canning (voiceover): there was one person in particular he wanted the jury to hear from-- donna hagan, isaiah's mom. the prosecutor had no idea what she'd say on the stand, but he had reason to believe isaiah had confided in her that day at the police station about the night halee died. so the mom takes the stand, in your words, as a reluctant witness. yes. andrea canning (voiceover): would a mother actually reveal something he told her in confidence?
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tell us what happened. i don't specifically remember what question was asked. but the answer that she gave was that isaiah had told her that he had shot halee and had done it accidentally. andrea canning (voiceover): and with those words, donna hagan turned the trial upside down. instead of defending her son, she pointed the finger right at him. andrea canning: i mean, that almost doesn't even really happen in tv dramas because it's too hard to believe. right. nobody would do that. truth is stranger than fiction. andrea canning (voiceover): isaiah's attorney mark phillips could not believe what he was hearing. i started sweating. i felt like i had been sucker punched. had she just torpedoed your defense? yes. she said something that we couldn't expect, we didn't expect. and as i sat there in that moment, i had no idea how to address it. no one saw it coming. it was probably the first time that everyone in the room cried. it was an amazing gift.
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andrea canning (voiceover): the judge called for a recess and cleared the courtroom. all sides left to absorb the enormity of what had just happened. heather drove to the soccer field to reflect. she honors halee by wearing the same tattoo her daughter once had. the prosecutor went home, humbled by a woman's confession. i don't know that i've ever had more faith in the words coming out of somebody's mouth than a mother that would actually say that against her son. you almost look like you're getting emotional. i am getting emotional, i'm sorry. andrea canning (voiceover): the defense attorney, on the other hand, got straight to work. he needed a new plan to save his client. when court reconvened, he called donna hagan back to the stand. his goal-- to show the jury that she couldn't be believed. on cross-examination, she admitted that she believed that if the jury heard that isaiah said
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it was an accident, then they couldn't convict him of murder. so you think that perhaps his mother had said these things so that her son could get perhaps a lesser sentence. well, yes. the problem is the genie is out of the bottle. yes. the jury cannot unhear what she said about her own son. how do you now overcome that? well, i think it goes back to, we have no confession. we have no direct evidence. we have no dna. and we have no other significant piece of evidence that's compelling. andrea canning (voiceover): and in his closing, he made those same arguments to the jury, but the damage was done. it only took the jury four hours to find isaiah hagan guilty on all four counts against him, including murder. that's the most relief i've felt since it all happened because all i wanted forever was
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just to get justice for her. andrea canning (voiceover): but the hagans were angry. they didn't believe isaiah should have been convicted of the most serious charge against him-- murder. you were in the courtroom for the verdict. yes. what is that moment like for you two? i was in disbelief and just devastated. just, how did we get here? how did we get here? i know this isn't right. i know this isn't right. andrea canning (voiceover): their pain was compounded when isaiah was sentenced to 60 years in prison. on appeal, the court ruled that three of his four convictions relied on the same evidence in what amounted to double jeopardy. his robbery conviction was reduced to theft, a misdemeanor, and one of his two murder convictions was thrown out. but on the remaining count, the jury's verdict stood, as did isaiah's sentence. we want him to know that we love him.
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and we're going to be there for him, no matter what. we will always love him, regardless of what you or anyone else has to say. he's my son, as long as i'm living. this is a very special place for you and halee. yeah, we came here a lot when she was little. andrea canning (voiceover): heather collins doesn't want to think any more about isaiah hagan. she comes to this park to think about halee, the good times they had here as a young family and the woman halee could have been. i don't think that any of us have come to terms with what happened yet and that she's really gone. you think that she's just going to come walking back in the door to pick up her laundry, you know. andrea canning (voiceover): emilee finds herself picking up the phone to call her big sister, only to have the sad reality come crashing down, only to be left with one sad, unanswerable question--
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why did isaiah do it? i wonder how he could do something like that and what made him do that. why was he so desperate to hurt someone so kind? and there's no one that could say she wasn't the most giving person, so why wouldn't you just ask? because if you would have just asked her, i'm sure she would have given you the world. that's all for this edition of "dateline." i'm andrea canning. thank you for watching. >> this sunday. this sunday -- tariff turmoil. president trump reverses himself, pulling bak


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