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tv   The Rachel Maddow Show  MSNBC  July 2, 2009 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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i'i'david shuster in for k kei olbermann. veve areat holiday weekend, everybody. ♪ >> good evening.g. i'm chris s nsnsinin los angeleles. rarach maddowis taking somom will-deserved time s somofof the "rachel maddow s sho r rurns mondayay nhtht. susurrnding the death of michael jackson. an in-dedeh h inrview with jeaiai jackson, plus an all-access t touofof verland, jacksoson' famous zoo, theme rk, mansion and ranch.h. first, key developopmes s totoda mimichl jackson will surely fill one more arena one last t ti before he's lalaido o re. thlatest michael jackson memoriri p plafocuses on a
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service e athehe sple complex in los angeles. authorititiearare awing up plans for a a msisiveaw enforcement ployment on tuesday mornining. meananwhe,e,here may or may not be a custody batate e ahd. michael jajasoson'ex, debbie rowe, says she wants h her children. a 90-minute telephonene inrview, rowe said she had wiwillg g toubmit to testing provove atat s's the children's biological mother. late today a attnene represenenti d debe rowe held a conference call with r reptete annonounngng tt michael ckson's ex-wife has not yeyet decided whether to purure e custody. s sy tuned on that one. and now w the e encies are looking intoto t p posbility thth d dru were involved in his death. we jusust t t is information in. w, in addition to the dea,a, t drug e enfceceme administration, anththe s angeles police departmentnt, e e cafornia bureau of narcotic e eororcent is searching t thetata database that monitored doctors w who
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didienenserescription drugs. de agents a are looking specifically at thee role pepersal physiciciss and these soso-cled pill mililay have playeded imimiael jackson's dedeat also tonight, michchaes s alst stst dce. new footage e fr h hisehearsal just two d daybebere he died. but we start with a a "tayayshow exclusive. rmaine jackson revealili n new and painful detaililababouhow the family is s congng wh michael's dedeat >> let me ask ababt t yo family, jermaine.. how are ththeyoioi? >> we lost our broththerouou-- r r he, our -- the world is s mourningng, 'r'rmourning, the fafansre mourning. it u ueal. 's unbelievable. i ialked to you on the phphon a couple dayayagago,ermaine. you said, matt, i'm trtrngng t st s strg. wewee all trying to stay s strg. have you allowed yourselelf t t the opportunity toto n b b stng, to just kind of break k down?
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>> well, matt, t tt't's rd, because mimichl l s a presence, anand has an aura. when michael was alilivei i pled his music all l e e ti. i worked out to his musisic. ngs like "earth song" " an "gonone o o on." "smile." "somomewrere ithe dark for me." esese e songs that i cried when he was alive, bececau i i feel him.. i feel what he's sayinin a and feel what he's a a a abo, and the perception, which h , , wh he been through, it's totalllly differenenfrfromhat he sings and writes from his heart.t. d it just made me cry thenen, and it like -- i i gsssshat's kekeepg me strong is my belili knowing where he is.. anhehe'ss much as live today he was yesterday, bututt't's tough. >> when you lilist t to ose ngs today, jermaine, s scece h papassg, first of all, can you bear to liststeno o th and
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second of alall,o o ey take on a different meaning fofoyoyou? >> they don't t keke oa different meaning, butut y - -- bebeg an artist, you feel l hi emotion. yoyofefeelhat he was trying to say, what t heasasrying to conveyeyo o thpublic. just certain emphasis s onererta lyrics and just -- j juswhwh he was all about. i anani'm pretty sure some o of these songs wewe w wrien with him sitting in these t tre h he, t thiproperty, and it's tough for me, bebeususe he's my hearart. i i el -- it's tough. 's tough. >> you spentnt se e ti around hihichchilen. theyey'r121211 and 7. boy, that's totoyoyounto lose a fathther >>es. wewe, , we, you know, they -- how i got the nene w wasi was across town, and i t thi i iwas
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-- called my wife anansasaidid yoyoknow about your brotheher being rushed to the hospspit?? and i immedidiaty y caed my momoerer, d she said she was on her way, and 45 5 nunutewent by and i was s lklkinto janet. i was talking to a f fewthth peopopleanand en i called my mother back k teter minutes she wacrying, saying he was s adad. anand atato hear my mother say, michael's deadad.. feel and hear the tononinin h voicice,o o sa her child is dead, is -- it's nothing, , therers s noing that anyone can ever imagigi, , anto hear her say this, and i'm heher n,n,oo, anto know that when she e elels like this, it's realal it's real. and i i ruededcross town and i -- as i i goclcle i saw the helicopters inin t s s. that's where he is, , ani i rued
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the hospital, and i w wen straigig t to mother, and i tried to cononso h herbut -- i wanted to see michchae a and wantntedo o e my brother, and seeing him therere lelelesand breathless wasas vy y otional for me, but i -- i heleld sese together, becaususe knkn he's veryry mh h ale, his spirit is, and d th w w just a shell, but i kisseded h o ohis forehead and i hueded h and i touched himnd i said, michael, i i'lnener leave yoyou. you'll never leave me.e. i ltlt, ough, really, really ememy,y, a this sounds strange, but he went too o onon. he went too soon. i n'n't ow how people are going to take this, but i i ha wishededt t wame. >> you said that to o men n th
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phone, and i mean,n, ie e ard rents say that about w wheththey sesehildren. i'd trade places, but why y doou feel that way? >> becauause'v'valways felt that i was his backbone.. sosomee e -- someone to be the for him. i was there and he was - -- inin he couldn't t sa i i wld say. [ chanting ] >> d dining e trials, during everything, i knew he e wa1,1,0% ininnont. i knew. we all knew. >> n nerer dbted as brother you? ner said, for a second, , jermaiaineleleme look at this frfrom different poioif view, is it t poibib that this is trtrue? >> listen, m micelels a gift from allah, , d d heas taken him ck. the worlrldididn appreciate it.
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the e wod d lod him, certain opople. certain industrieses arereated m, and his time on this eaeart he did good. he wanted good foror eryrye. hehe s the good in people that were, even p proaiaimeto be bad, bubuhehe wted to change things. soso the messagageshrhrou h songs, through s lyrics, thugh his aactns, going to hoitals, going torphanages yiyi to cure children of cancer. trtryi t t-- to just bring lightment. this place, neverlanand. look at this place.. i love it here.. fefeelim. is is his creation. >> what did this mean toto h?? what did he e fi h her > this meant wonderment, the ululmate happiness.
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he h hadomome mps with the county when the triaial d d ererytng. thth humiliated him and rurush hihim thth iestigators and this and that, bubu s sti, the love that michael has in hihis arar and the love foror pplplcannot be just pushed asidede. this place, it s sti f fee like he just playing. d he's not here. >> youou mtiti this place, jejermne. i mean, it wasas, e e acsation that becamame e e ial took place here. so did it changege h l lovfor neverlrlan d he look at this placac didiffenentlafter that? >>e e oked at it a little fferent because he was hururt. he wasasororn art, because we're afcacan-ericans, and to be eaead as if you weren't eveven from herer to b briridiled. to be madede jt t a ckery for the world to see, and d heelel th they sort of invaded his s pracacy, place that was so
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beautiful, thehey ntnt to turn it into something so ugly.y. thth i is place -- this was designed for kidids c comwho were less fortunatat w whoere sick. who were d dyi o ocancer. ererwere wheelchair ramps.s. in t theheheat, there are two rooms with a b bedhehe kids who can't even sitit usoso ty can watctcmomovi and cartoons and stuff, and -- > a yet the way it was rtrayed, gegemamane youuknow, th was more of a l for chchilen rather than a havenenor children. >> no. the e pele who don't want to see someone ---- ty y ren't readady r r miael. that's whyhy allah took himim b. they werer't't rdy for him. michael was a gift. > cininup in part two of matt uer's interview, michahael brother jermaine o ope u up out popossle jackson reunion tour and how mihaha's three children e handling their loss.s. and later matt takes u uonon a azazintour inside jackson's s
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excuse me? buitoni? (announcer) take an italian masterpiece home. new from buitoni, wild mushroom agnolotti. simple ingredients, artfully prepared. buitoni. the italian art of food. new, in the refrigerated section. back now with msnbc's
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special coverage of michael jackson. we heard frojermai how the family is doinsince michel's sudd dth last thursday. he was more than a brother and son, he was the only parent his three children have ever kwn. what will haen to em? he's more of matt lauer's interview with jermaine ckn. >> let me ask you abouthis children. as i said, they're 12, 11 and can you describe t day or two days after his death, w did the family erace them? how did they gather around tm to suppo them? >> whe michael was here they were bus with michael travelg. my wids would say, dad, can we go to italy and see prince, pari andlanket and also they love tm. they're playg. ri the time when michael w here, they were busy wittheir father traveng and my kids,
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can we go to see blanket, ris >> how are the kids doin >> they're strong,ecause when i entered the hospital, they were there, and it was impornt for them to see their father to t it over and und. so they were taken in to see their fatherfter hhad paed? >> yes. >> that's a hard thing forids? yes. but now they're fine. and i know is tough, but i think it was theest thg to do. at first i w ainst it, but what do yosay if you don't ow them? what do you say if ty don't seit? they're very speal, because the love. miael ve them the most important thing which the lo and he hadhe love from both the mother and father. the right world, the rht principles. he was a wonderful father, a to have all thate accomplished and toot be troubled by terial things, that wa-- he was a victim ohis own success. what i mean by that , was hard for him and then the thgs that happened during his life and then the pssure. the pressure
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>> talk to me about at clearly michael did not live what was a typical orormal life. mu has been made of he fact that some of t reasons for that were started very young because of yourfamily's being in the stlightt such young ages how much pressure do you think michael felt? >> he felt tremendous essure. i don't kn exactly, but i can fe at times way was gog through because y work so hard to do good and it's perived in a different way. you look at your life and you say, i've beenn stage all my li. i never had a childhood. that's why he wrote the song "have you en my childhood." i'm wearing this this is jackson 5. this was a creation from motn, the jason 5, and before then my father prepared uto be scered, or prepared us to ready for the big stage, but the
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jackson 5 years were sspecia to me and tito, marlon and jackie. why? because we sethe stage for everything to happen and to lose origil member of the jackson 5, that will never be. it wilnever be again. we had plans of geing back together we hadlans of getting back o there. we wanted michto get these shows done and in london, and we were prably going to join him, but we had plans to do it all over ain. >> now, we're going toave more of matt lauer's inrview with jermaine jackson coming up b i've been nded a one-page press release confirming a memorial service tuesday morning at 100 a.m. and tomorrow morning there will be a press briefing a the staple center, but what we do ow, staple
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holds out 20,000 people pending on the configuti of the sea. 11,000 tickets will be availle free of chge to the public. how theye going to distribute expect to find out tomro we'll have much more on this comi up, but confirmation of the public morial we've been reporting on tuesday, more information to ce tomorrow. alsooming up, some incredible new footage of mhael jackson just relead today. michaeonstage with his backup dancergiving us kind of a glimpse of what the sold-out comeback tourmight have looked li, rehearsal just two days before his death. and then later, ma take as scinating look inside michael's neverland nch. so stay wi us. ♪ lokokthis man ♪ so blessesed with inspiration ♪ ♪ i don't kw w mu ♪ but i know i l love yo ♪ and thahat may bebe
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♪ al i need ♪ to know (announcer) customers love ge rcraft engines almost as muchch as we love making ththem. innovation today y for america's tomomorrow door closes ] footeps ] [ n sighs ] whew! a lot goes thrgh your mind tean accident. but th liberty mutual, insurance issues won't.. man: manan! because offer unlimid ntal coverage, new careacement, and cicide forgiveness to help ease yr r mind. and thatat's our picy. lirty mutual insurance. [ femalennnner ] thk k again. expertrts at goohousekeeping gave pantene nature fusi their seal.. fodadama protection results leadining san brands can'bebe. the amazing fufusion of the shampoooo's cassicomplex th ptene pro-v science.... makes frage hair stronger ait damage in just 14 days
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get dadamage ptection results leadinsalon brands can't beaeat. [ female aouounc ] natu f fusiofrom pantene. healthy makes it happen. see, i could get u see how-- see?
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whereas if i d not have it, i would, uh, like this, oh-oh-oh. ly two aleve n n pain all day. that would take sisix tylenol arthritis pain. this feels good! ( ughing )
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it seems like e a rarae quesesti.. in hindsighthtjejermne, but was hehe utotot? so much talk about hisis psisil cocondion and how thin and frarl he was. doouou tnk he was, a, ready r r ese 50 shows in londonon, and anythihi b beyd that? what w wasisis psical state? >> i i'ltete you. 50 sowow is a l lot of shows, io o beeve and i do know michael's very strong. not just mentally, p psisicay. and he's a danance he never stotoeded dcing. so he was already rerey y phicical. understand he passed the physical.
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he was strong. he was reaeady but i think k h had lot to do th the mental tear andnd jt t the stress, and i i alallyon't kn.. i don't want to speculule,e, b i do know seeing h hime e st had a bibig mimilyay. we just had a big surprpri f for my m motr r d father, and he was there with the kids, a a h he s excited. i'i' s seeou guys in london, and 's going to be really exciciti, , d him and i were nging. i was complimenting him o oa a song he did. and we w we e siing harmony, and ♪ baby don't makeee ♪ b babon't maa me ♪ baby don't make me fly awaway sasaidmichael, i love this song. i said, yoyodidid great job. he s sai t tt means a lot to me coming from you. anand l l the grandkids were the. my mototr r anfather, and everyone, and he -- - weadad a great time..
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>>hat's jermaine jacksonon telling matt lauer h hispipion of his brother's's hltlth the days before hehe dd.d. and something echoed by ththe prprototerof his upcoming tour, aelive, whohose ceo described ckckn as, "h"hap,, excxcit a and fit in hisisininalays." now judge for yourselflfowow healthy you thinink chchl jackson n loeded. today aeg liveve reaead footage fr his second to last rehearsal atat splplcenter in l. it wasasapapedwo days before his dedeh. did the king of f p p stl have it wawatc ♪ they don't really c carababou us ♪ ♪ >>h!
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♪ >> in wat will g goodown in historory tgrgreast densnsation for freedom in t the history of our natatn.n. ♪ in history ♪ s somthings in life they just don't wanna a e e ♪ t if mtitin luuerer was livin ♪ he wouldn't't l t thibe l i wanna say is that t eyey don't really carare ououus ♪ alall wawannsay is that they don't really carare ououus ♪ all i nnnna y is that they don't t relyly ce about us ♪ alall wawaa say is that they don't reallyly ce e out all i nna say is that they d d't't realallyarare out all i wanna sasay t tt they don't really care about us s ♪ [ horn honking ] ]
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>> joining us now is nbc news contributor r an"rololli stone" contntrititingditor, toure. i'm wondering ifif y w wated th tape what do you think? i thought he looked g gd.d. madede mththinabout michael rdan talk about practicingng t waway atat y're going to play and not taking you know, y you energy down n foprprtice. i think he looks goooo i ththinheheoes his steps well.. i i n remember an mtv awarards thing i think he d d w wit'n sync. heooooke a me. maybybe w w the grammys. that w waseaea ago. this looks diffefentnt. he looks sharp t to .. going througugh meme othe steps slowly, but i think that's's t get it right.. you know, i think wewe wldldave been if for a gogo s sho i mean, when jermaine saysys tt he's seen rehehesisinghe's been dancncinalall ong, that makes me fe g gd about his physical stamina to be able t tdodo i because e peorormi is an
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athletic sort of t thi.. yocacat just jump out of thehe sport for ten years s j jumout ofererfoing ten years and jumpmp ckcknto it, but michael's s be goining i it. lolooklike it would have worord out. >> yeaea a and mean a lot of opop have commented that h he looked frail in recentnt mthths. pele said he was so stick in, but i mean, he's a aayays seseem v verthin to me. eses happear frail at all toto you? >> well i mean, ththisererso ems very thin, but notot necessarily to where, , yoknkn, m m feing like, oh, my god, lelet'have an intervention.. we need do something.. yoyou ow, but i mean, michael jackson's physicical appearance s s be changing steadily along e years, so, you know.w. > yh.h. let me ask y youbobo, put on yo "rollllinstston" hat, if u u wi. the numbers have a absututy been astotoniining. e three best selling albumums the u.s. last t we w werall by
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mimiaeael ckson. a agaggeng 2.6 million downloads ovoverhehe iernet in the days following his deaeath we've never seseennynythg like thth.. hahavee?e? >> no. i i an, these are massive e numbers. lalasteaea i believe he sold 2.8 million digigitadodoloads. last week,k, 2 m mlion digit's dodownads in a week. in a a wk.k. last week we w wenalalst gold. 414100000 cords moved in a week. an extraraornanaryeek. but these n nuers are relatitily immaterial. they don't move the e ededleor what michahaelacacon has, the cacatag of his music is wortrt $100 mililonon. ththe atles catalog, his share, $500 million. so, you know, if wereryoyou stdidingn the stack of money that he alrereadhahas, don't know if you'd really n note e wh eyey tow the stack of new moy that he made last wewe o on there, you know,w, y'r'ralready sksky ghgh. although i would imagine e there e armomorehan a few artitistououthere very happy to have those numbebe, , toe.
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dedetand you're coming outut here to join us. look forward to seeieingouou > a r rig. i look f fwawardo seeing you, to >> thanks veveryucuch. comingngp,p, me of matt laueuer'ininrview with jermaine jackckn.n. wel l he his reaction to some e of the c ctiticis leveled to the jackson family, inclcludg g th cusations that they'rere tining to profit frfr m micel's death. ththat n nt. and just ahead,d, matt takes usn aneye-poppipi t touinside neverlrlan stay with us.. damaged hair, fr, is crunchy.
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>>wewee back now with morere o matt lauer's intntervi w wh rmrmai jackson. did michael jackson ababe e drs? wiwillis mother be able to cara for michchl'l's ree children as directed by his will?? and atatill be the legacy of the king o of p?p? they're among g thbibiggt questiononsusurrnding the
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papaing of michael jacksonon, d jermrmaineacacon discussed them all. >> dpapachopra said something,g, jermaine that t ugughty attention.n. w wasery worried about michael's healalthndnd wried about prescriptionon dgsgs a he idid he even talklked tfafaly memberers ouout me kind of intervrventi, , t that michael got wind of it and p phehed everybody awayay. were you aware o oththat >> d d't know about drugs. i hate anything about t ugugs. i try to live e my le,e,at to ve, not eat to live. fopepeop toomome forward and say thingshhen they n'n't have the facts s isvery d dagagin to family,o o , to us because weon't know. we d d't't kw. after having a phyhysil l an being provovedo o beotally healthy. >> b b w witsuch persistent rurs, if the autopsy reporort comes back and the toxoxicoly y report comes bacacanand does shshowe was using prescriptiti
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drugs s orbubusi, would you be surprised? would you bebe sckcked >> i would be hurt. >> hurt? why. >> because m micha h h always been a perersowhwho s against anythihing le e at, but i'm not saying i it'ririgh because it's nonot ghght,ut in this business, the pressure and the thihings u gogohrhrou, you never know what one turns to. turn to -- > y're saying it's possiblel? >> really don't know, mama.. i reallyly don k kw, and i'm ining nest. really don't know. but i do know this, , atat mhael was alwaways cceceed about just everybody, and to haveve tha weweig on your shoulders, toto have that kind of f presrerei don't knknow.. i don't know. a aording to the will, michaeael ntntedour mom, kaerine, to care for his children. yes. >> your mom's 79 yeaea o old jermnene. is she capabab o of at?
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is shehep p tohat task? >> she's capable.. shs s up with it because shshe' alwaysys wh h althe grandcdcldldreall the time. she loves the e ugught and the crcryingalalthe excitement. ye she isis. memeanwe're still her kids.. ke, to them, we never r ewew u t t shs definitely capable andnd she has someonone thth h to make susu t there doing the right ing. ththght it was a great wilill, becae e e children are fine, mother's the perfect peperson to bththe, and it's definitelyly him, and it t s s a rt of the chcharitwhwhh is definitely him. definitely. over the last 10, 15 5 arars, jermaine, when yououooookeat his fe from the perspectivivofof being a brother and d wh y youaw covered on tv, d did y f fl rry for him? the way he had been n forc t t veve ththwaway was living? >>o, but i used to say, itit was
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tough for r him. my sistete l la ya, driving through beverly y his,s, s said there's a crowowofof pple ouidide e of the stores a the trafficicndnd t street had shutowow i think it was a sharper image in beverly hills.. and lala ta a asd one of the guards, i think, whahat's inin on? and the guard sasa, , ohthat's chchl jackson in there shopping, and i said t tmymyse, yoyou kn, , at must be tough, to even -- you u can'evev go out to normal things. like i said bebefo, , heecame a victim of hihis sueses >> well, so whwhat iththlegacy michael jackson? hehe wl be considered a geniusu always, a a toururedenius? a flawed genius? how would you dedescri h h? >> the l legy y ofichael jackson is a wonderful, wowoererfu lelega. e legacy of michael jajackn n is
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michael beining wowondful person, a wonderful fathther, caring pererson, h hanitarian, a rson who wanted good foror everyone, a personon w w wou give his last t whatererust to ma someone else happy. >> d doeththe ntroversy, though, belong in the biogographininome acace? >hat? >> does s e e coroversy belong in h hisioiogrhy in some place? is ia a rt of his life? >> no. do youounonow y, matt? no. cacauswhat he has done for industries, fofobubusisses, for institutions, what he e hadodone for the wowod.d. t t ju the financial, but justst the happiness s ofeoeopl what kind of price cananouou p on that? how y y value that, matt? meaning, theheoyoy tmake someone happ to makaksosomee smile through yo a actns, through what you're doingng. where do youou -ththeris no
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price e foththat >> wn n u close your eyes, jermaine, and d u u linow in bed at night, is therere oneonon u'u'llear his voice singing?g? >> i - -- lolove"smile" and i'll tell you why. beuse we were very closeseo o the chaplplin family anand arli chaplilin wre e at song andnd chael l love charlie chaplili i singt t l the time in the ower. >> do it for me. ♪mile when you're heart i is aching smile even thoughgh ♪ it's tough, , tttt, u know why? beususyou feel -- you feel him. ♪ you fefeel h i ithe music. you feel him. w whahe's seeing, and you askeked meheheuestion, michael
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didid at he felt from his heara, an whether itit's genius or whever, it's a gift omom odod, bubuatheheamame ti,, pplple lolook at it as michael's gacy. michael jackson, the j jkskson. we're all connnnecd.d. we've all lost somomnene tt was very, , veryeaea very dear.r. it's hard. there are e no wdsds there e e e noords to describe. it's tough. joining me now is jacacks family f friendrdrkarr. dr. karr, thanksks foreiei here. let me t tell u u m sorry for the loss of your frienen >> thank you very y mu, , chs. >> we were jusust loininat the video just released d h his sesecondo o st rehearsal two days before he dieied,ndnd smuch has enenade of his appearance.e. how do you think micicelel jkson was in t the te e fore his death? w w doou think he looked? i think he looks thin, , but he's always been thihin, a i i like to say alalso tt t chael jackson was a health nutut, an
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insofar as thehesellllegions of dr abuse are concerned, ththat's mething that's outrageges,s, chris.s. i'll tell you why.y. none o oththe ckson children or none of his sibliningsavave er had drdr o or inking problems. ififhehey ve, i'm not aware of itit. michael jackson's mothther w very strict t shwawas e strict disciplinarianan. a very releligio p pson. a jehovah's s wiesess d still isisththeyon't even smoke around her. theyeyonon'trink around her. to say sometethingikikthat is ally outlandish. >> yetet we now havave in addi to the .a.a. and lad, weuust learned inhe l la hour that the attorney g gener's'sffice in lifornia is getting invovolved in this investstigioion. obviously ththerisis atrong suspicicion atat drugs were bei used, and jermaine i iicicat that if ththat w t t case, there was so much ststssss imichael jackson's s li.. what c can y t tl us about the essures of being michaelel jackson? >> well, michael jacackson there's no oththerern like him on the face e ofhehe eth, or no other person that was s li h him
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t t en close to him, chrisis, anand atat iave found that's very interesting and oututstanng that although he had a a lot pressusus s onhis shoulders he still dealt wiwith tngngin a ryryalm, collected, methododic way. i'd also like to mentitionhahat michael jackckn,n, bng who he was, this mamahahas en, people coming around him, tryryg g to leecech ofhihii should say, over 1,000 cacases aiait him. he has been sued o ove1,1,00 titime chris, which is outststaining,nbelievable, and that's a lot of pressurere. >> there's alslso enen, viously, a a t t ofressure other than mily to come to some decisions. it's taken a long timeme. it's been a weekeklrlrea since hihis ath and they're just geing plans together at t e e staple center anand the'e'been indidicaonon ofriction within e family. do you think t thiththateen a ry difficult -- obviououy y it very d diffiltltor anyone to sese seone close to them, bubu has ththe e be an unusual amount of conflict within t theamamilin the week since his deathth?
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> in y y mily, a large faly, you're going to haveve soso i intfamily conflict, but whwhat you're hearing a abtt is miaeaes family beein very prprective of, not ly of his children, but of hisisegegacand of his f fortu why is that? because as i mentitionedthth've enen sd, michael's been sueded over 1,00000 tim e family has been in a a o out of court frorom pelelerying to tatake adntage of him, so w w you are hearing g is pbabay inaccurarate they a a c coascing together to prprect michael's name, hihis legacy and his c cldldre dr. carr, thank you very much. we a appciciatyou coming in. >>haha you very much. >>coming up, neverland r rchch with michael jackson's's he,e, h playayououndhis sanctuary from e outside world. matt lauer was graraeded aare look inside the king o of p'p's private domama, , anwe'll go wiwith h, , xt.
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it's been a a we s sce the dedeatof michael jackson and pls for his public memororl l e e ju now falling into placac for next t tueayayt the staple center arena in dodownwnwn l angeles.s. that repeporfofolls days of rurumoand speculation that the memorial would be e he a at nenerlrlanranch.
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michael l jackson's 2,7000 acre property inn los ololiv, california, , whe e lived for y yea. nad after the fantasy islandnd in the s sto o of eter pan" had it a park, a zoo, two rarailadad for the papasteeeek ns have been shshowg up to mourn, to pay ththeirespects and they've b bn gathering g ouididthe gates of neveveanand. indede tse gates, the "today" " sh's'satt lauer was given anan extraordrdiny y ur of the pratate treat for one of the rlrld'most public people. >> i'd like to take you u in t t ototheacactu wing of the house right now and toto dthth we're going to go up some ststrsrs rht w w anthen go through the ning room and then eventuauall we'll end up i in chchae jackson's private bebedrm.m. now, michael jacaconon d entertain n hiclclosfriends here. people like cory f fdmdman macauly callki mararnn brando
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was here,llizeth taylor a a mimichl l poensky actually got rried here in 1991. th w washe formal dining room.m. we understanand eyeyidn't use it l that much for meals.s. michaeael ededt more as a conference room, b b i it located d ju offff theoyer i shsheded y a little while ago. if we cross over t t f foy that wawas llll with artwork, tuning in for the first timim t the contents of f thhohoe was taken out for an auction plalaeded earlieier t t year, an auction that never happeped d anmuch of e e ntents on the way backck here. now i'm entering theheririva area of thisis he e d stepping into michael jacaconon'srivate stst bedroom suite. i just w wt t tohow you on wall a security code panel l sohahat mimiaeael uld push this to enter th area or anyone else who would d veve aess to this area wowod push this. chael could find out who w was coming to see e hi he had one of ththe e serity pehoholein the door so he cod d ll who was knocking oror delivering something. step down. michael jackson had d a o-o-sty bedroom.m. e sitting area, couchehes d d chchrsrsn here. a a betitil tile fireplace he lod to use. agagn, you don't see anyththinon
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the wall but you c c t telby the wingngn the floor here, thisis wawathe media wall here. thererwawas huge flat screen tv there was s huhugelat screen tv rere a the stereo system, obviously a place ththatasas llll with music whenever michael was here.. let's gogo io o e bathroom and it's a big, bibig ststerathroom. picture it with the e miorors d towels,, andhey are alall gonene n, , bu thees in this cornrnerththe is a beautiful thtub, a jacuzzizi b batutu tha overlooked a walleded-ipapati area herere at hadada a cole o fountains and pools ouout rere. e king's of pop needed a l lot ofof cthes and, boy did he have a closet. alof his clothes would h he e be h hging here, folded itemems on these shelveses something that is sosomeatat ecial and interesting.g. if you look at these c cabetetup rere, d then you open this
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cacabit t re, you see another securiri p pan, code panel here. if you push h thririghcode on thth p pan, it unlocks -- keep inin md,d, tre would be clothing hanging g he, , this would be cored, triple locks on t ts s wall here and d itevevls a secrcretececti of this closet. i'm m nosusu what he kept in there. clearly, he didndn'tananmany people to know thahaitit ested. 'r'rgoing to come back outut o the cedar closos h herfor a second and t takknkn the other arareaof the bedroom. walking ththroh h e bathroom. i mentioneneththatichael jackson had a two-story y drdroo let me movove ouou here. it's'souougho navigate with our caras and everything. is area over here, there w was otothebathroom, full bath in th s secon. another fufulleded closet over here andhehen go the ststai to whereichael jacksks slept.t. this was the sleleepg g lo over herere.. ththbed was against this w wal a huge bed. whatat indndstand from a friend of his w w waswith me yesterdaday, thebedspread i in s
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roomas full sequins, ke many of his outfits heheorore concert werere. of course, this was ananrerea at wawagone over by investigagato, investigating ththatllllation of sesexu m misnduct that resulted in the trial back in 200005. anit was after that triaiaththat miaeaejackson never returneded to neverland. >> matatt ueuer'look inside the neverland ranch. coming up, i'll hahaveheheatest news on michael jackson'n's furara the custody of his childrdrenndndhe investigation into his death. stay with us. u have questions. who can gi you the financial vivice you need? where e will youind the stability y anresoces to kp u ahead of this rapiy evving world? these are tough ququestions. thata's why we brought gegetherwo of the most poweul names in the industry. introducing momoan staey smith barney.
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the big picture todaday msnbc michael jacksoson news,igg is h holng a n nsononfence tomomoowow t announce plans fora tuesday's memorialatat the staplelececent in l.a. nono t theenter can hold about 20,000 people, 11,00000 ckcket will be given away to the e puic for free. ananti, the mother of jacksosos s twoldest kids may or y not want custody.. debbie rowe totoldnbnbshe's willllg g tondergo any testing, dna, psychchogogic. she wants her kidsdsback, b but enen h lyeye call a pone conference, andd ey say she snsn'tecided. in his will, jacksksonefefhis childrenen io o e care of his mother. today, a judge d dayayed guarardishshipearing for the ngng's mother and deborah h rowe. and the california bureau of narcotic enforcement isis joini th iesesgation into michael jajackn'n's uglolong with the
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drug e enrcement administratioi and the l.a.p.d., andnd joioinis to talk abouou all of these delolopmts, "inside ededitn"n" ieie correspondnden and attorney jim morray. let me ask you, first, w whadodo you mamakef f althis back and forth about dedebb r re? will shehe fhtht f custody? >> it's hard to say.y. what's interestingng iththatith the heheining layed, it does signal thehe ft t th they are probably going to o bealalng. that's's aooood ing. debbbb r row under california w, is the mother, and d sh should get cususto u uess she's fofod d toe an unfit mother. but to g givheher stody of two of t thehihiren would fectively split up thehe teeee chchilen. she's not the nanararal ther of the e yogegesthild. michael jackckson n ma it very clear he wanted hihis thth to hahaveususto. al, debbie rowe once triri t to gi u ucustody. but an appeal at couourtululedhe retatain h h parental rights. that's what t cousus this whole issue. it hopefulullyililbe resolved in e next week or so. there'e'obobvisly a lot riding on this for r thchchilen. >> it also took a wewe, , bu
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filly details are going g coco o outomorrow morning on this memorial service thatat's gogointo be held at staples. what can you telell a abo it? w wel as you mentioned, thehe woululd 1 1000 tickets offered for free. ththe ena holds 20,000 peoplpl l.a.p.d.d. a e estating as much as 750,000 will be in n thararea itit'still a logistical nightmare. we don't r rlllly ow what's going to happepen thth tse folks o o e outside, who is goining pay for all of thihis. you'll need to bring i ia a loof ficers to monitor trafaffianand security. anyoyou member the l.a. recentntlyosostea parade for the lakers. that cost $2 million. yoyou n n ly imagine that this could d stst sewhere around the same amount. and a lot of folol t thi taxpayers should not foot t th bill. >> jim, , weavavabout 20 seconds left. latetestn n e investigation into whether drdrugplpled a role in michael jacksosos s deh? >> the deaea iininlved.
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that means onene tngngthe popoibibily of drugs. ctctor prescriptions, aliases. thisisououldake some time for the investstatatio "inside edition" chieie correspondenent d d torney jim reret. always good to seeee y, , m. ththan v vermuch. >> thank y youchchri the public's intereresinin michael jackcksos s fe has becocome f fcination with his death anand thth h legacy. msnbc will contitinufufull coverage of the jacksoson orory momoow and throughout the e weekekenalalthe way through the memorial on tuesday.y. i'm chris jansing g inosos ananleles. anks for watching. good night.