tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC July 5, 2009 8:00am-9:00am EDT
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om/yourbiz or call 888-0-open. > right now on"msnbc suay" breaking news, a deadly accident at one o america's biggest theme parks aft two monorls collide. > new word from sarah palin day. the alaska governor gives more reasons why she's quitting her job. >>prident obama takes time out on indendence day to spend it with military families. ♪ pretty impressive, huh? we'll look at celebrations across theountry marking the good morning to you, i alex witt and ts is "msnbc sunday."
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>> first breaking ws from orlando. walt disy world cfirming to nbc ne that two monorails coided. the operatorfone of the trains dd in the collisio the driver of the other train has been rushed to the hoital. that collision ppened at approximely 2:00 a.m. eastern time at disney's ticket and transportation center, where people catch the monora to get into the mic kingdom from the parkinlot. it's not yet know why the two trains collided. when w get more rmation wel bring it to you. and thepresident's holiday message this morning. the obama fami invited 1,200 military families athe backyard for the white house for a party. >> iraq's futu now rests i the nds of its own people, as extraordinary accomplishment a th s, there will not be
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without problems and there will bedifficult days ahead. >> mike, good sunday morning to you. >> reporter: good rning. >> he said iwas like a lot of other backyar barbecues in america. few differences. let's begin with the settingnd the like. reporter: except somewh larger. >> yes. >> reporter: h did have 1,200 military falies, certain sff membs, certain members of the working pres were working there, ahem, and it was a very nice event. the presidentpoke glowingly of the military on this occasion addressing the family, saying thpeople in uniformin th country have tradition that back to the contental army. you sawhe marine band playin there and a big stage on the south lawn, free refrhments, ice cream. the uso put o the show that included jimmy fallon o nbc, michelle branch and a local band ne worldwide knowns the foo fightersnd it was a half a
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million people on the mal in genel but thehitese south lan, a nice event, beautiful event. you can't beat the view and what a grand finale they put on in that display. >> at's great. what a bnch of lucky people on the lawn. let's talk what the president is doing tonight in terms o heading to ssia wh nds to happen in russia for his trip to be considered success? >> reporter: you know, ale this trip is interesting. the president and hisdes said they want to rese the lationship between the united states and russia. you remembert was george bush who said he lood vladim putin in the eyend sawhis so. after he sid that, relations pretty muc went south. t as a result ofthat commen russia just we workings akrot ends. e obama administration trying to turn the pagend move on but there are ehoes of theld war being dealt wi 19 yearsfter the collapse of the soviet union. the priere event topping the agendat the summit the
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president leav thi evening indentally is an arms duction treaty left over from 2001 that needs to be renewed. there' nuclear stockpiles from ch country that hope to reduced. russia is upset aout plans for natoxpansion i georgia and the ukines. >> busy agenda indeed. thank you ve much, mike viquera. sah palin ung febook to share more on her plans for the future. palin is leaving her post for a "higher alling"d takes issue wi the news coverage of her resignation so far. "the response in the mainstream media has been most predictable ironic and as always, detached from the lives of ordinar americans who are sick of the politi of destruction. how sad washingtoand the mdia will never understand it's about country." coming up nbc host andrea mitchell there f us. new thisorning a major developmt in thenvestigation
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surrounding theeath of michael jackson. "access hollywood" repting the p icon's children have become e focus of an investigation by the los angeles county departmentf children and familyservis. are also ling new detail this is morning about tuesday memorial service at the staples center. let's go live to l.a. and michelle konski. good morng to you. >> reporter: hi, alex. yeah, there's -- go ahead. >> i wanted to t first about this investigaon with the three young children what is is out? >> reporter:fter michael jackn was found in his home anacrding to rports surrounded by various tes of prescriptionrugs, including an extremel powerful sedive that isn't supd to be used outside of hospita settings, access hollywood reporting that department of chiren and families wants look into the situation surrounng the children, how much exposure the may have had have possible drug usby michael jackson, and also what kind of situati they are in now.
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they're ling with ckson's mother at the family compound in encino. but the department of children and families wants to make sure they're ind setng and if kaerine jackson is granted permanent cusdy, rightow she has temporarycustody, will that the best place f them. that es alongalso with the custy issue of course when a judge is going to decide at's going to b best for these childre and of course, who is go to rt of throw their namento the ring to have custody, including possib their biological mother department of children andilies also nt too an investigatio which could take a month more, alex. >> okay on anoth front there are ing to be big changes fo the city of los angeles tomorrow in preparation for the memorial service tuesday. wh kind of chansare we talking about, michee? >> reporter: we're hearing some yelling and mayhem behind us as we speak, hopefully not leading up to the service tuday it is going to be ormous. as w knw, more than 1.6
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million people registered online to get tic, of whh only 17,500 will get them. so the city hoping that all of those 1.5 millio pple aren't going to converge here in downtown l.a. and the city has been trying to tell them not to come here, t watch itn tv, gath with friends and watch it home instead of coming ere. needless to say they think there will be a crowd,ossibly 100,000 le, is their estimate so ty're going to need a lot of crowd control. they have arnged for a number officers to beere andthe city has bunletdgeted for at. ty officials hav contacted presentatives of the fami to see if they could pay f some of this but they have not gotten a response yet. >> thank you for that live report. >>the los angeles times reporting investigars are focusing on at least five doctors who prescribed drugs to michael jackso authories removed drugs and
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other medical evie from the mansion fromaackn collapsed. they're trying to nd out whether they played any role i the pop star's death. onone saome prescriptions s rere made out to jackson alilieses a some drugsad no prescription labels on theottles. investigigats s artrying to determine how jackson g those ugs and a court hearing isis scheduleled tomorrowororni los s anges s decide who will tatakeemporary control of michael jackckson'estate. keep h here msnbc. 'll take totoouou cicino california, to a l le e rert a few minutes. brand new details onthe deatof 36-yeaold steve mcirir found shot teath onongse a 20-year-old womom in his nashvilille condo on saturd. right noww police are not talkig about the nature o ommcnair's reretionship with e woman. e e s saying she was "friend"d" ommcnair. the two weree gether t two day
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before the shootings. theyppppartly knew each other from a ststaunt where she ha been a waitress where mcnr's famimilydined. popoli are not loking for any suspecect t thi point. ththeyee not sasayi w who they believe is to b bame forhehe uble murder. lice say mcnair's fe, mimielele, was isisaught" when e e hed the news. > s. mcncnai obviously isis veve, vyy distraughtht by whaha ss takenplace. police department t apaplas did vivisi michelle mcncnai at her residenceeatathisjuncture, we dodo not believe t tat s she is involveded, tt i neeeed t to sao at we have not rud anynyining ou >>cnairwawas perhaps most famomousoror leleining the f fa tennessee titansrive that came a yrd short for f foinin ovtime in the 2000 per bowl. > what' next for alasksks s governor sarah alalin she e itites"myamamy dd i
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termined after prayayfuful consideratatiothth s sacfifici my title helps alaska st. i'm now lkikingahead and how we can advavanc ts country together with our values of les government intervrvenonon, grer energyindependencece strtrgeger nationalalsecurity, a mumucheeeed fiscal restraint.t." i'i'm inin live fr a ancrage byby nbc newsws coespondent ane mitchell, hoho here on msc of her own sow at 1 1: p.m. wedays. earlrlgogoodorning to you, andrea. she e sahe's l loongng --- >> reporter: gooood rnrng to you,u, ax. >>'m glad to h havee you in t ts long distancnce coconection, a lilitt bit of aelel but s shs looking to advance thehe cocotr. arthere any clueses on how she pls s too that? >> reporter: it'scertain she's' going g toee active on the speaking circuit, a lucrativeve position to takke, she's w wtit a bboo has a big bookdeal. she is a starr aonon social conservatives s inheheepublican pay y buthe whole q qution of elelecveve oice, alx, is higher elective officeceis a veryry bi issue no because even her
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supporters in nationalal republican cilelesayay tt the way she e qu b befe the e e of her term a year r ana a lf berere t end o of her termrm withoutfinishing or reololvi difficictitiesith the legislature heherenn alass is not good, t tha her farewell statement or statementntofof regngnatn was rambling andshe is veven, as you pointed ouout, tried to reframe it inin her facebook ststg yeyestdada because she wants prettyty m mu cocontl the messageand thehe wa she delivered it when s announced thee resignation o on friday was notot tt t fective. >> so the overalall acacti from ee political w wrld is enen as what, anrea? w w ma people h haeen left liraray scratching their h hea goininwhwhats she ining? >> reporter: right. well, there arar s somstrong supppporrsrs w argue this i ithe best way too ear the deck. she doesn't have to bebe tied dn up here in alka. shcacabe down e lor 48 morere often, c work the polilitill circuit, she's s sti g g dr on the political
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fund-raisingng arena b b that saidid,most polititic experts the republblanan party, includi some off her ststngnges s sppors say thatathehe had failed h hen alaska to reallll p pve that s coululdodo t job. she dididn finish thehe on. she will be calalle a quipteter. two othereading republicans who, mitt roromn s sai he wasas going toun for anoththererm in massachusetttts d d en he ranan for r esesidt but he finished his rr m m pa atlantay i i f finhihi hihis ttm,m, a p pontntl republn candidate in 2012. you don'tt it midterer w wit al ofofhe unnswered questionsns esespeally if youdodon' have a long trackececo inpolitics, 's's yo first term as governor and you need it after r e e la campmpai t tprove you ha t bstance to handle t t hihight t office in th land, s so her ststngngesfinancial b bacrsrssa that s s is notthth personthat theyey'rnonow ing to turnrn to r 1212. ththeye e loing forotothe caidides. >> an n dreieia, any eoes from the past, alaicicha nixon 1962, y yu'u're not goingg thahe
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me to kick around nynymo and six years later he quieieyy s things u up for the presidency?? >> reporteter:urur absolutely. there are differencece amdegurney, amart political ededit a athe "new y yk k tis" ototabout that comparison. the differenceasas ricicha nixon had beeeen for ghghyears vice esesidt, he had soso bn a member of congress. hehe had aoo pololitalal ceer toto rely on a a then knnew t t ros and could s spehe years rereilildi his career and h political image. so there is big difference, but of cosse, s srah palin is susurising fifigu. she's sprpred people all along and shshe h has aoinary persona appeal.. nobodyss sount couountcotiti he. shs s leing the speculationn alive so atathe can have more lucratiti reer on lecture circuit w wth her booko and litical fd-raising and helpingthth pootitica cacandatat. a alright, andrea mitchell
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our chihioreign correspsponntnt you seem ar awaway it aost seems appropriate nowow up t th in alaska. r repter: still the us it is a beautifull sotot behind u. >> repororte s suris. >> thhk u, andrea. catch "andndremimitcll reports" ekdays at 1:0000.m.m on msmsc.c. still ahadad, what lili ahed onhehe road to economic recovery. are we i for more setbacacks o sisignof a rebebou?? th soldier w made headlineneighting the talibaba in his pink boxer s shts is b bk home. >> usus iyou went to bed early the bghghte and thehe best fourth of julyirirewks from ararou t t country. here's a look new yoyo's celeleatatioover the hudson ver. keep i itee on msnbc sday. playing thrououghout ) ( unks ) ( coins splashi )
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> alaska g gvevern sarah h p getsts a little publicprofile isis holiday weekend followiwin rr surprise resignationn announcement. she was spottedririef at t the ststatee capitol's fourth ofof apa raid, askedtoto ride into a convertible but t ner r got bac to the organizersrs autut attending. ododunday morning to y, steve. > gd d rning, al. > a right, when arere we goi to see sarah palin reemerge?e? what do you u inink nexttor her, beyond d atat she has toto to finish o out her termuntil te self-imposed deadlinine ttre, i ink the 2th,26th ofof july, three weeks fromom owow >> finish out h h term asashe defifineheheterm, a fewmomore weeksnsnsad of 188 months. >>right. >> no onennow whether she'e'll try y toomomeut and r r for t t 2012 nominatioion. if she d ds by august/septemembe we have to see h h i in the low 48 arting to give speechehes. the repepti i think iss gng to be chilly. i think this carere imploding
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before us,s,ut i think it would be a matter of weekshe'd have to take advavaagage ofheher self-described landscacapeheher she saysys she's got tooet o ouf ththee i order to godown to the lolowe 48. >> do you think s she wants too rsue a politicaloffice?e? the e ve been so many discususonons out how shhe' very agessive and very focusused a a ryry determined, and y yetshshe talks about t pa of the reasonininfofor all of thhisis r fafami, , hefaith, that's more importanant h her than anynyin and d byllll accountsts, mean let's face t t t miaia has been brutal inntetes of the w they've coveredsasarapalin and her family andd n nhing has b b off limits, itwouldseem. so do you think this m b be just li, i have had enough, i'i'm do?? >> perhaps. it's verery possible. 's no doubt she, , keke a papare, , rn. she has young c chirereat ho.. this iss very demanding job n f for reresint. it d difcult at bestff you
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don't have ilildr. ii can't imagine watatitit like having youngngchildren. ththerss n no doubt s she has te bug. everyonene w r rs for vice prident gets the g.g. yohaha to go ck at sen or eight elections wheree t losing cece psidential candidate didn't go on to t to winhe nomination. eyey all tr almomo a all of them failil b bac to walter mondale to find a losingvice presidential cacaidate who went on to win the mination next me. t tt rarard she has t s sam ambition a aalalmo all of them but probobab t the same jinx. >> that person didn'tto on too win thee pesesidcy so the nominanati is one thingand even further step forthem, the ite house.e. >> you have to go backck fdr o someone wanan unsuccecesslllly for vpanan went t on to win the presidency. > whatbbout the epublican, reeling after several scandals.
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can the gop handle thhis kind o public isn't i it. >> well, alx, thisis not abbou theepepubcan party. each of these cases iss anctct f sese-d-desuction. sarah h pan n taking herselff ououofof politicscs,tt leastoro now. thototr two toook themselves out of the rununniby the nature of having ha affairs. don't think it reflectsts onn te partrt it does narrowhehe f fldld of potential candidatat, , bu it doesn't say anythingng autut e reremaing candidatate,imim paen pawlenen, , mi romney. it not a popular brandd nme i american life e bu not olyly the threee cases r reect onthat. >> s ste we'll get yo reflection on ototheththgs in ththe xt hour, thank k ou. >> myy pleasure. ariri's big birthdayay bash, ininnse moments here i inneneyok city, rtunately no one was injured witith a fire.
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1 million spectatato i in w w o city andew jersey lnining up on both sides the hudson riverer to watchch ee macy's freworks spectacular. e macy's d dplplayis the countrtrss largest. crowds gathered on thehe wt t a of the u.s.scacapil for the anannu capitoloothconcert. crowds were treated to peorornces frfrom aretha frfranin and rrrr mamaililow. theolks theren atlantata watched fireworks att thee centenniniallylymp park. ♪ with zezerpepeent apr for 72 months on sesele '09 chevy momods.s. including silveradado e.e. ititan epa estimated 21 mpg highway. that's better than toyota tundra.a. andndowow g zero percent apr or 72 months on any ' '09 silveraradoalal-ton with an averara fince savings ofof or r 7,800.
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will looook intohether the chilen had anany exsure to drug use byy their fathererin eir home and who wou care for thehem if katherine jason isn't t able to ok after theem. david smitith is defefense attorney and forr prosecutoror and james feahy, formrmer cminal defefense attoey and prosecutor as well. > hello. >> i'm curious whethther or no you think ththiss routinene, th normal? >> i tnk it is normall if a pare dies of drug overdose there's only one pent in thee house ththey hava responsibility to make re those childn didn't obsee drug use and things of thatat sort so this ia coon practice. >> okay, s in thissitutuation, vid, from what you know what do you think t they're ing? >> i interviewg people, tryining to find o what the k kids may have b been exposed to inhe house. obviously this guy lived a private life s so there's a lotf ople in the general p public who hahave a l of questions about what was going on bebehind clod doors. 'not m much of surpristo a lot of people he may ha been
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ininvolved wh drug use. ey're trying to d determine who should get custody of the children. >> to what e extent does the department of childrenen and familieses haveve power? n they swa a j judge and toto whatdedegree? > if hypothetically if the chdren saw him doing drugs d ifichael jackson's pares were therehen that haened, d the parents epecially the mother is trying t toget custod, th could haveve an effect but what child s servicess really ying to do is find outre these kids normrmal, what did ty obsee and if me sortof a psychological therarapy plan ha to be established for em, they'll l make sur that happens. > if they d don't le whathey findnd, could ey take the temporaryy guardianship thahat' beenen awaed to michael jackson's motheer, kakatherin coululd they move thehe ki someplacace else? >> i guessss they could. there's a lotot th has totobe determinined. just because michahael jacon may ve engaged inn dug use e and th children m may have served it, i don'think the parent
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themsees would have been thehere to see that.. that going to be one off the estions. mimichael jason's no longer with us so that i issue of whethere was beiningirresponsible,e, tha pretty m much ha been put aside. the question is will the mother ifshe takes custody, is shehe gointo be able t apappropriaty care for the children. less there's soome tie to drug use wi her or her obsbservation or condoning t that bebehavior don't t think th will be a proboblem wither getting cust y stody. >> t this is t real focus of the storyhese da, the fatete of the three kikids. we'll l have you back ia while d talk about it. vid smith, james feahahy, thank you. a live reporortn the tuation in iraq that that u.s. oops have pulled t here on "msnbc sununday." it helelps your natural cleanansing pross. helplower cholesterol. promototes overa well-being. and prprovides aood source of nural fiber. try metamucil today,y, in capsules and popowders.
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trains died in the collision and the driver of the other train s rushed to the hospal. that collision happened approximately 00 a.m. eastern ti atdisney's ticket and transportion center, that's ere pple catch the monorail to get into the magic kingdom from the parking lot. we are monitoring e situation. when we get more information w will bring it to you. hundreds of mility famies joined the firstily at thehite house to celebrate e fourth of july. the president anked the military families for eir service an sacrifice in iraq, calling them "e best of us." president obama noted iras future was now up to itswn citizens. >> d because of your be efforts, american troops this week transferred controlf all iri cities d towns in iraq's government toiraqi security forces, because of what you did. because the courage and capabilitynd commitmenof ever single american w has served in iraq a sovereignnd
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united iraq is ting control of its own stiny. >> nbc's tom aspell is in baghdad. good morning to you. how is the new suation in iraq working th u.s. troops pulling out of the cities d the towns? >>orter: well, pretty well, think, alex. the last casualties confied by the military comman mere were monday. the day before the handover of security duties to iraqi forces in the cities andtowns. since then, american troops laely confined to their bases the outskirtsf all the urbacenters. the vice president, je biden, has st wrapped up a threday visit to iraq. he's president obama point man in charge o the withdrawal and toldroops that victory a baghdad airporyesterday he told the american troops that the schedule would go ahead, coat troops o by next summer anmost of the 133,000 tops in iraq would be on their way home by theend of 2011. that's welcome news for the troops. there are of course a number staying behin in thecities,
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adsers with iraq unit a trainers for the iaqi armed forces and of cose th iraqis have a call on american air power or american forc indeed on the ground, sould they get in trouble against the insurgents butheice president's trip here alsoook in talks wh iri leaders where he urged them to go aad with political reconciliation but the iraqis dn't real want to hear that. they saidhat was an internal matter and nothing t do with the united states. they had t assuran american troops are on standby to help them i they get into a trouble ding the witrawal process over the next yearnd a half. >> thank you, tom aspell from wag dad. the soldiermade famousor fighting in his pink boxer shorts. zachary yd was pictured on the front page of the "new york times" fending off an enemy attack in s boxeanswer tee shirt. while on leave this holiday weekend, specialist boydtopped by willy's ice cream parlor with
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the t-irt was wearing in the photograph. he took it to ahanistan hoping his picture would end up a special display the store. got more than that. that display features customers wearing their wool listen ley' tee shirt. i thoht it would be cool if i brough it to a remote valley in afghanistan andring a picture back, ended up being a big picture. >> woolley's gave him a lifetime of free iceceil. pretood trade. new developments for michael jason's hildren, the subject of a new invesgation and we' also learning new tails about e memorial serve taking ple tuesday at stainless center inos angeles. weave two repoers covering the developments. al miguerand courtney halett anwith a good morning to t two of us, miguel i bgin with you. first the new investigation
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involvingjackson tee ung children what's behind it? alex, the los anges county "access hollywood" reporting the department of cild and family service iinvestigating the lfare of michael jackson's the investigation wa triggered by drugs were found iide michael jackson's home. investigators wanto talk to the three children if they ever saany drug use a also wat it was le living underhe roof with michael jackson. that investigationill likely me to the home behind me where they'll talko the jackson family here a katherine jackson about what wod happen if katyn jacon was unavailable to take ca of the three childr if the chiren were giv custody to the jackson fami here. >> okay, and miguel, further question to you about the scene outside. it's only 5:30 and change i the morning but overall was there still steady stream yesrday? have you seen anuptick in the terms of numbers of people as
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the memorialets closer? >> reporter: yes, in the early daysfter michael jackson's death we saw hundredand hundreds of people i this location if not ousands, that trickled down to dozens yesterday. there we crowds here, a steady crowd that contins to come out here b those mas numbers were just not seen the way we were several days ago although crowds stl do continue to gatr here. >> okay, miguel,thank you for at. let's move to courtney liven los angeles outside t first rican methodist episcopal chch what kind ofervice is planned there, courtney? >> good rning lex. this morning a service d by reverend al sharpton, met to a memorial service, something to speak to mhael jackson's spirit and the impact h had. alex, a fun fact a lot ofeople mighnot realize about this church i'm stag in front of, it's the oldest churc founded by afrin-americans in the city of los angeles and from a religis standpoint ofview, it's the fir majo religion borne out of not theological
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fferences but sociologil differences, rosts against slavery d wanting equal rits so in a sense michaejackson crossed so many boundaries racially and socially it's a faastic location for this service tay. >> okay an that is later today. however, as we look rward to tuesday, what more are you hearing about th memorial rvice? >> reporr: well, yesterday i found out that the fourth of ly was something of a breather day for a lot of thepeople involved i the planning. everybody needed a little bit of a break and iwas a holiday, so it wasn't a full courtress like we'ven before. bendhe scenes they're stl trying to work out the program, still ying to confirm the celeities who are going to be there anthe ones who are going to b here we're hoping are going to perform as we so the are lots logistics to point out. alex, justound out all of t peopleho entered that lottery to get a ticket insidehe memorial will have t wait until monday to find out if they get one of the 11,000 seats iide the stainss center. >> that's gog to make it hard forolks trying to make plans
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coming fm far away but knowing jackson fans theye probably on the way. >> reporte a litle bit difficult. >> thank you to both of you. keep it he for special live coverage for michael jackson memorial day all day tuesday on msnbc. looking head to wall reet this week,t is earnings season. the first report aluminum giant alco h been hit hardy the recession and also reporting this week, chevron and pep and how the retailers fared in june. among the expected winners, walmart. department stores an high-end stores may t do as well. a federal judge has uil friday to approve the salef general motors to the u.s. gernment. at make looking t emerge om bankruptcy protection. ce predent biden said the obama ainistration "misreadhobad the economy was but standsy thetimulus paage." as we starthe second half of 2009 will the economy start to
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rebod further setbacks? i'm join live by neil irwin repoert "thwashington post." >> good morning, alex. >> joe biden went on tosay its tee early to consider the possibility of a second stimus ckage but it's already bein talked about. ul krugman wrote thursday "they're peddling scare story as deflation looms so getting another round of stimus will be diffilt but it's essential. whato we need to happen the second half toee a turnaround? we don't need to be talking about another round of governnt stimulus? >> we're sengvidence the economy is going to btom out. the's a fference between the recession ending and expansion beginnin the difference beeen that and thin feeling again. the unployment rate will keep rising for many montto come, probably into 2010. there's a lot of economic weaknessut there and even wh growreturns mt people expect it to not be the roaring
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growth that woulget us back to normal qukly. if you agree wh paul krugman and theredent that fiscal stimulus is the way to ease that dama and create jobs then that would make the case for dog something more later i the perhaps. >> hopes of recovery mpened thursdayhen the latest jobless numbers were leased and the numbers, 467,000 jobs lost in june, goes uto9.5%he unemployment rate e right w. that is new 2626ear gh. soso weighing in on all of that and whe thihi goes from here. >> the reason thee numbe ththursdayas so disapinting is everince janua, where job loss peaked, numbers have b bn declining evevery single m mont you had a a good patter mamaybe th continues a and mayb we gofrom losg jobs to gaing jobs later inheyear, but this in ju t t number went back the otherer dirtion andthe numberf job l losses incased, to 467,000. at's enorus. we have aahad the number of
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initial claimsmsor jobobss nefits, number of p people fili has been aove 600,000 since middanuary that n number hasn'tt come down substantially. thiss a terrible lor mart. >> we hahave seen somome provements, economic tnds ke nufacturing, consumer spenenng to degree, thehe consumers seemedto be more nfidenthan they were in the winter. dodohe latest jobless mbers, does tt turn ththat arond potentially, more e a downward spiral?? >> it could. confidenceceisgood and t there'a lomore confidencnce thhan there s in march, february, in that titi period, but cfidence isn't theame as economic actitivity and ululmately consumumers can'buy ththngs, can't to storess an buy things and factories won't be making things ifif popledon't haha jobs and the daer is th jojomarket reremainso bador so long that it takes a w wileto gett out of ththis ande'll see the jobless rate hit 10%n the next fewmonthths, another psychological barrrrier. you know, the truth is the labor
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market's really bad d ght now. >>okay. neilrwin with "the wasashington post," thanknkou vermuch. ststill aad the predent and d sisit to russia. we'll have mororonhe message he wil deliver to moscow and ll it help thaw relations? 'll take a look. decisions, decisio.. which beneful prarared ml tonight? roasasted chken recipe? okay, savoryice and lamb stew. [ barks ] yoight. tonighis a beef stew kind of nit. u've made another r fine choe. at those beefy chunks cked with protein, threal vitamin-rich vegetetabs,s, the wholesome grainsns. and you think you're g getngngpoiled. it's so good f you too. [ annocecer ] beneful prepared meaeals. three new entrees. healthful. flavovorf. . beful.
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> we have even morereaking ne to tell youbout a right now. thisut of the town of merylville in northern indian we're tting word of 26people injuwhen a pedestrian bridge at hidden lake park colpsed late lasnight. the bridge was crowded with people who gathered at the park to watch aeworks display and at least 16 of those injud have been traported to area hoitals ambulance. authorities are sayi injuries range from laceration broken bones anddding they have accounted foeveryone. there are no fatalities to report. we'll have more on t story at the top of the hour. look at the scene there. wow. that's something else. president obama depart in
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just about 12 hours forhat will be three-day visit to mosc. the prent said spend several hours meeting with his russian counteart dmitry meedev and vladimir putin. joining me f perspective, stevensustanevich, senior llow athe council on foreign relations. good morning to you, steve. >> good morng. >> let's talk about what bot sides say they want to do, words from obama, "let'surn the page, t's reset the button." medvedev saying tas will oen up n prospects for the development of our relations and s a "prely pragmatic agenda." u work for the state department. do you think both sides e capablof and interested in doing the give andake that it takes to do what tey say they want to d both sides used this maphor of pressing the reset button and i think there's desire
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particularly ang the top leaders to put aside some of the prlem issues but t question is on what terms? this is a summit that's come together really quickly. they've got a lot of complicated issues to work on,nd just to simplify it a lot, the american apprch has been sort of t's see where we can agree and put all thos agreements into t go of showing that we're resetting relations. e russian approa has been if you want this agreement, then giveus somethin we would like you to address some of the things that have bugged us over the past couple of years s they're holding things up in order to gete of wt they want. predictable diplomac >> as we ve seen the president overseas, he's got this kind of obamaagic that works to the crowds and the mass in other countries and the way they turn toim is quite something to witness. does he have the potential for doing that with the menlity there in russia and moscow?
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>> hs going to be speaking to a variety of audiences he's speakg at the new economic hool, giving a commencement address t the best and the brightest ofussian youth who have adopted a kind of modern way of thinking about russia in a global wod. ther are -- that dience is going to le him. the broader auence that is gog to hear, well,the united states doesn't mean russia any ha, they're still going to be sktil and the miliry, the elite, the kgb people who run the country unr putin, they're ing to be skeptical, too. >> okay. did youkeep that to your ear? put that in. i want to have you listen to something that the predent said. you ha former president an current prime minister vladimir putin ry much still in power. and the psident would talk about the upcoming trip made a reference to the prime mister, form president in this
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thursday ierview. listo what president obama had to say. got that i >>resident putin has a lot of ayn russia and it's important even as we move forward with president medvedev that putin undstands that the old, cold war approhes to u.s./russian relions is outdated. >> is that an insult at puin, is tt a bad way t stt? >> putin has spent the past couple of years insulting the united stateso i think this is pretty mil by his own standards. but there is a diffict problem here with president obama wrtling with, who is really in charge and whom do you al with? he's spendingonday talking to president medvedev. he's having breakfast on tuesday with ime minister putin. he's hoping to ge the agreements reached o monday,
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but if president -- prime minister putin wants to show that he's really in charge,e madiover that some of those problem issues slop ove into tuesday and are on the brefast agenda. i think you'rerobably right the. steve sustanevich, thank yo very much for weigng in or stev i know your mom calls you steven. there you go, thankyou. >>coming up in the next hour, the big winner this is holiday weekend at the box office a up and coming competition, this is "msnbc sunday." hope you're hng a wondful holiday weend. here is the suay forecast. all e rin from yesterday up in ktucky and tennessee that's sinking further to the south. a chance of showers and storms atlanta to dallas. hot from new oeans and san antonio, thewest coast loo greaand not bad i new gland, finall some good weather for you and even as you
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thter tuesday. they're e eparinfor upwardrds of 1 millilieople who could turn up, many without t tickets jt so theyan near the venue.. chchstophe johnarley for the "wall street jouournal"oins know in stdio, good momorning. >> i'm glad to be here. >> ten days after the icon's deh, of a got people turning ouin drove ininnse scrutitiny response unpleeel of global propororons. have we ever seeeen an entertair do this? not princess di, hve we e ever seen an entertain irirth this reaction? >> hs set a new standard in whicic t world reactsts when an entertainener dies wee se great entertainers pass onon whenmarvin gaye and john len none passed n, there waa worldwideourning that went on, buthis iss now a didifferent vel today because of the globobal television overag because of the global tabloid coverage, moreeople see, mo people a tiedinto it, mre
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peopleeel likehey're therere, as part ofof the proceedings.. >> among thehe people that como mind yououidn't mention, elv and aceland wasomethg that cropped up as something that became elvis's home opened to o many. do y y thinkhat's going to happen with nevernd? >> we'e'll have to wait and see how theyey decide to use neverland, w whether it b becom some sort of memial to jackson's legac certainlyly it hathe potential to do so. i think thate're going to see jackson'ss estate inerms of peop caring about his music and leegacygrow the way we sa elvis and b bob marl, create fans after their deat he h that k kind of potentl. >> you knknow, his talent, h achievements as an entertataine absolululy undenble. ththat sd, and i'm reminded constantly by f folks on twier, mamany fanare ignoringg the contversy surrounding michchael inin his dth. and i'm not talking about the drugs, i i maybe misphrased,
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controversy of the molestation allegations.s. what do you say ababout at? >>hat's the case studies show thehe kinds ofords describing him on posts from moly, largely negave a few days before his death to largegy posive, now that he's passed on people i ink inin death are deciding let'ss focus on th musisi let's not fofos on the contversy because he'sassed on, no longer around toalk abouout it so peoe are nonow focusing on the musicnd his legacy and ththat's a natural occurnce when a celebrity passes on. >> chrtopher johnn farleley wit the "wall s street urnal," thank yo >> thanknkou forhaving me. appreciate i it. still ahead,, a pedestrian bridge collalapses flowing a reworkshow. the l latest on injy there is. andndwo monails collididing at disisney worlin orlando. thehelock iticking. the 72 hour sale i ion. with zero percent t apr fo72 monthon select ''09 che models.
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