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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  July 5, 2009 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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next a scramble for life, a pedestrianridge gives ay. videof the life-saving efforts coming up. two monails collide atisney wod, orlando. an sarah pal follows up her long exit speech with a statemenbut did she do any real explaining it's a fast food frenzy. a reco feat in an annual td eat. good morning to all of you. i'm alex witt. we'll bring you thaand the latest on theurr of quarterback star sve mcnair. breaking news a fourth of july fireworks celebration turns tragic, more than two zen injured when a pedestrian bridge collapses in the tn of merrillville inorthe indiana. we're gettg word of 26 people
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having been injured whenat bridgecollapsed. it happened at hden lake park. the brid was apparently crowd witheople who ghered at the park to watch a fireworks display. 16 off those ijujud hado be transpspord d torea hospitalsy ambulance. auauthities reporting the injuries rangedd from laceratios to broken bones and a adngng th accounted fofoeveverne and g gla to say thehere a are no fatalit in the incididt.t. more b breinin wswso tell yoyou ououtrom orlando. two monorails llided erernit and the resultlt n rertedly deadly. nbc's orlando affiliatete reporting the opoperoror oone of theerarain died in the collllisn.n. the driver of f eeotherrarain was rushed to o thhohoital. the collision h hpepene apapoximately 2:00 a.m. eaerer timett the epcot ticketet transportation center,whwhere opopleatch the monorail to get to the magic kingdom from the parking g t.t. authorities arere trying to fgue out w watat cusused the collisi. "we mourn n th loss of our fellw
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cast member. our heartsgo out t to h family anan those who hveve lost a f fd anand -worker. we arere wkiki with law enrcement to determinehat happenened we are follolongng w vevepments inhehe falloutt rrrrouing michael jackson's s death. thee department of family o children and s sviviceis cocondtiti an invevestatatiointo thth welfare o o jackson's thre young children. the "l.a. tim" reportss that investstigororarareococusg on five doctors who prescriribe drugs to ckson. a court hearing isis sccheleled torrow morning los angeles todetermine w wtt llll take temporary control of michael jackson's esatat chchelkosinski, good m morngng to you. >> reporter: hi, alexex, that ia tt to talk about there. first of all about the instigation into the welfare ofof jackcksos s children,t's momo to be e eececte in this casese, enenhere is a a questio
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of ccusdy,here's a potential cucuodod battle about t art in about a w wek's titime we d d't't know actly who is going to asking custody. don't know exactly what the judge wiwi c choe and then you havehihis invesesgagati uncovering e evincncthat michael ckcksowas usininglarge quantities ofrresiption drugs sononow it's's bining reported the d dartment of children anan families wants see hoow chch exposure thehe cldldn mightave had to that dugug use andnd howe situtuatnn isiigh now as they'ree s stang with michael jackson's moththerndndhe rest of thefamily, alex. >> aa etet's talk about other nenews with regard to th ds. do we have any idea if they ha -- dooe know the state of how they are d dng? do w we kw ifhey're ppy, who they'reeanangi around with? do we knowff terers b be any contact by their ther,ebebbi wewe wth themoror with kherine jackson? r repter: well, we know they'retaying at the j jason mily compound in encino and ally the onlyly nss we've had on how ththeyee doing, we h hat
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se t thein das, which isis,you know, to be expected inin this case, but the fathther of micha jackson, joejackson, said t tha they a a happy and they're happy toto be playing with otothe chchilen, the other cldldn in ththeacacks family a are there with them.. we don'tknknow if thheyee stayig th them all thetime, butthehe saysyshehey' dng well and other daiailsave emergedd asas o how they were titied of their father's d dthth, detatail ke that b buthehe family saa theyee dodoinokay, andnd that th'r'r happy.y. alex? >>kakay d real quickly, chelle, with thefive doctotors what do wewe know abououttheir coection to michaha j jacon? those that a are reported aboboi the "l.a. timimes""today? >> reporter: not a lotot of detl beg given surrorodiding them but we know according to this rertrt, quotiti law enforcrcemt sources that fveve dococto at least are being looked a as popontiallyrresibing medicationontoto michael jksks. ththey haven't named a nnam.. we knowhat hiseeonal doctor washere witith h w whoas denied prescribing h him powerf
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pain kikilers. whwhatamame out of th popo wa that large quantititie supppposy of exememy werfuledative privan, known as propofol, which is s supsed to b bee ministeredntntranously at e hospital was found at jackson's housese. the's been comment frfrom doorors saying that should never be prerescbebedo a p psoson for something like e hangng trouble sleeping, whicich whwhat jacks alallegegey was saying h was suffering from. so disturbrbgg tthe,, and detais will probablymerge withininhehe next couple ofof wkskswhat exactly was going onon, why he a that druru i in his house, alex. > mhehell kosinski, thahankou for the e li r rept from downtown l.a. >> mdonna payingriribu to michael jajackn n the same arena where e w waslated to stagage s s comeback. aa picture ofof a young jackson appeared on sgege as a jackson impersrs ators showedd o some of the kingofof popp latest dance steps.
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t's take a look. ♪ >> and here's how madadnana pd tribute. >>ll right,,people, l's's ge itp p one of t the gatest artists s thororld has e eve known, michaelel jkskson lolo l livthe king! ♪ >>ackson is scheduled toto perform a series of c coererts ss tbelater this montnth. coverage of michael jajasoson's ibibuttuesday on msnbc. >> whats next forlaskas soon to beex-governor sarah palin? shshs leaving her post f for a higher calling a and takes issu with the news coverage of her resignation so far. she e wresesthe response t the painstream media has b beemomo
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predictable, ironinicc and as alysys detached fom theiviv of orornanary americans who are sick of thehe politicssff destruction. how si and sad washingt and the media will never underand it'sll about country." andrea mitchel is i anchorage, alaska, with more. >> reporter: alex, sarah palin spent the july 4th weeke largelunnoticed. she appeared briefly at a parade. most people didn't ow she was there. she has respondeto critics on he facebook pe saying tat she is going to be leading a social movement, clear indicating she's going to be ry vocal. she's goingto be speswoman for social conservatives most like, the people she feels are not beg addressed by the political culture in t united stes. that id, many ofer long standing supporter and chief financial backs say that e has ally damaged hopes that she might have had for national political office, for hier office for running for president in 12.
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precisely cause she quit with all of theseutions surrounding the way she quit, she quit with a yearand a half to go on her first term as governor and she did't finish e job. so it would be very difficult for he to resurrect her career, d to provehat she has the credentials for the highest officen the land. th said, n s's really cleared the deck, she doesn't have that four and a half-hour daily mmute tohe state capitol fromwasilla, once s resis by the end of the month an she aaoid a lot of the tabloid exploitati and focus on her family and focus o making money on a nicer lifestyle. >> tt wasndrea mitcll, chief foreign affairs espondent reporting from aska, and tune in weekdays 1:00 p.m. stern time, "andrea mitchell reports right here on msnb the cros gathered on the west lawn of the.s. capitol for the annual capitol fourth ncert. d.c. cros re treated to
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performaes from arena franklin and barry manilow. 1 milln spectators in new york city and new jersey linin up on both sides of the hudson river to watch the macy's fireworks spectacular. wi more than 22 tons ofyro chniques themacy'sisplay is e country's largest. a barge used in the macy's fireworks dispy caught fire. rescue cruise extinguied the flames. the use is under investigation. president obama parts for russia ts evening and when we fz he could be in for a re reserved greeting. mick viqueira joins us live washington. the president wants to reset relations with russia. how does he intend to do that? >> reporter:here are problems that theresident has to ercome. firs there's a mind-set this administration and the president lieve is on the part of the russians who, think th because america might be strng that russ necessarily has to be weak and vice versa anded al
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adversarl relationsp they'll try ercome. the president will me a speech direly to a foreign population this time in russia, to follo on his speeches in practicing and cairo we've ha in the first six monthsf this administration b there e cold war issues that aretill on the tabl arms reduction, the number of nuear warheads left over from the cold war that each side possesses. russia known to beve concned about plans for nato expansion, people talking about nato expanding into georgia and ukine, on russia's borders. also a missile dense system is the table, the united states wants to place a missile defense system in eaern rope, russia known to be not very happy about that. the white house and administration officials point to the fact there an agreement announced at th summit where russia is allowing the u. military to overfly russian territory, as weresupply our nato forces in afghanistan so thatis oneght ot here as
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president heads thi evening overse to begin this three-nation trip, alex. >> mike, may ask you about rest of e week for the president? what areis goals in italy a ghana? >> he heads totaly for the g-8 meeting, an annual meeting and the g-8 includes some smaller economies in the world now, and so they've expanded over the last several yea to bring in china, to brin in other countries, india, br brazil, the so-called brac countes and a lot of side meetings, held in l'aquila, italy, the sit of the earthquake last year. the president will meet with the popend he goes on ghana, a prosperous st african country where he will spk to parliament and also the notorious slave depture point from the 19th cenry that is found there in e nation of ghana in west africa, alex. >> mike vueira at the ite
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house, thank yo look to msnb for contuing coverage tpresident ama's trip to russia as heries to find agreent between the two perpows. brand new details in the shocking death of nfl quarterback steve mcnair a former tennessee titanas found sh to death alongside a 20-year-old woman ins nashville condo saturday. right now police not talking about the nature of mcnair's relationship withhe woma saying she was "friend" of mcnair but we'reearning these two were together two days before t shooting. e two apparently knew each her fr a restaurant whe she waaiess and where mcnair's family dined. we're also learningolice are not looking for any suspects. at this point they're n saying who they believe is t blame for e double murder. mcnair's wife, chelle, was distraught wheshe heard the news. shows that mcnair was hit multiple mes, incling a gunshot woun to the head. an examination omiss kuzini's
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bodyhowed one shot to the head. >> he l the tennessee titan's dre that came yard forcing overtime in the super bowl. one of the mos lily respted u.s. leaderss some vice for the present. we'll te you who it is and what he's sang. plus me trouble for the mayor of the nation's capitol. > sleeping on t job, lawmaks catching a few winkz dung a windy spspeech, wel share thth on "msmsnbc suay."
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prepararation foa fireworks
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show turned deadly in eastern north carolina.. instigators say two peopl didied, fo others serusly injured when a trtruck c carrie firerks exploded on north rolina's outer banks d the workers were settg up forhe anal fourthth of julyhow at the me. ferry service was suspended teorarily. it is now running again. marion berry is in troue with the lawain. he was arresd and chargedor stalng a woman. police say the former mayor, now a currere d.c. council memberr was chcharged wth misdemeanor stalking and released. 19, barry was arrested f for possessising cra cocaine and later sentenced to sixonths in prison lelet's get the latest on michael jackson.n. hundreds of thouousandsf fans regiering online forr ticket tototuesdsd's concert, this is e "l.a. times" repor fifive doctororwho prescriribed drugs mimiael jason now under investation. joinining me on studio,,the chaian o of theepartment of medidine and profefessor of medidicine at mt. sinai m mical
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school >> good mornining, alex. >> how are a ahoriti going to determe if these medications s that michael jackson w was takg were beieing done s s propoperl? >> well,, some of the medicatios that he was king suchhas diprivanan, which i'veve heard h had aat h hme unheard don't un ge diprivan toake hom out ten if ththey go to thee se pharmacy, whichch i notusuall the ca that somebodyy wrote the same narcocs escription for th patient two weeks prior a
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x-month or 30-day supply. there's a lolot of duplicatitiod a lolo of problemsms,nd i t tnk these dococtors well-intentntio that they were were writi legitimate prescripons but did not know theirr colleues were writg the same drugugs. >> with r rard to the diprivan you say it's not possible toget by prescscption and thahat's trtrue. sohat aut d conra murrayy -house, resident rsonal phphysician r at least a month oror so leading up to his death. would he hav been abab to ha privan and been ablbl to minist it and what kind ofof environment would thatat b like? clearlrly not safe. >> not safe. any doctor can writ a prescrcrtion, his l license o his ea mber allows him to write e rtain classes off narcotics. toave the use of thisis dr at home, whwhhis administered intrenously is kind of usual. i ununrstandr. jacksonwas a an
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ininsomniac t to usean anestheticic like th thout, say a respiratoryy therapist,n esthesiologist presentnts unhear of. >> if you wewe administering this to him for sleep, which i understand i i doesn'tive you ththe r.e.m. sle you needed knknocks you out, you're nott waking up feeling refreshed. you're just out. >> you're out. >> but to do that wouldd at mean for proper r supervion you would have to havevehe cardiologist, you u would ha to have a a respirory therarast,n theseiologist popotentiall you'd ve to have a a whole mi tup there. >> right. the thg that is dangngous is that your respations, ability to brehe decreases.s. you have to have the ability to create an airway if the patieie stops breathinin such as puttg a tubube down the throat. you've seen this happen the operating room, in thetrtree whwhenomomne is hit byy a bubus you esestaisisan wawarey. ifif t aiaiay was n not establisheheanan he hadad that stngngnesthetic and peerhss
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other narcotics board, he wowoulbe in trouble. >> quklkly,he last q qststioi wantnt too ask ouou,heautopsy, will show iff dipririva in s system? >> don't know if t therere tetestg g fothat. iuspect they are cacae the dea a involvlv a andhey would be a abltotoest for diprivan. > d robert lahitatarreat to se yo thanank u.u. >> thaup. > > ere's more the sarah papalistory. you'll see what a witty column cyst saying about palin's exit plan. and the boxffice blues for hollywd heavyweights. the stars fading on thebig screen.ra yore wating "msnbc sunday." i sa, "you're joking." amandai know sanaa personally. and d she was ly able to afford a weekorth of medication at a a ti. sandsome of my medicationn was $100 for one prescription. anandabunow, she's able to gewhole month's generiprescription for $4. amandashe's alsoto get a three-month h sulylyor just $10. sandrai just w wantotoay thank you, froththttom of my hear
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vo: save money. ve better. walmart. grab the e wheel of ford, lincoln or mercury a youl drive the ford dfence. the difrence is ford qualiy. quality y thatan't be beat by h hondar r yota. nd that difference iis in every vehiclin our lineup... which icles the most fuel-efficient m-s-size sedans in ameririca. now, ive the ford differenence home and 'llover the first three paes. hey...different is good. testririve for yourself. get toyour ford or lilincoln meury dealer or and drive the ford diffefence.
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now toto scathing aacac on sah palin and her decisionon ep down as alaska'sgovernor. maureen dowd writes - -
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i'm joinediive fromaashgton byhe editor of "hootlee on caca."." good morning to yoyou. i saw your r reaioio there. is this kind ofriticism fair or exactly the kindofof hahahh treatmenentarah palin was talking g about? >>well, osos are toughwords, but you know wh?? she isis bailing on h job, two and a half years in. she is aone-term g gornor and with all the ambition ee has, i thinkk v vors would like t t se her especicilyly i a aaska doo job. it's hard t take someonone riously when they s i justst can'n't stand the heat, whichch eieis enis enially what s w w sayingng t o oth day. we're lpss t a abrtntness of tht announcement makes me wdede if there's anototrrhoe to dopop whetherit's personall o political. itit just all a tt mystifying at this point,and certainly sarah papaliisis bit a national novice asee knowndnd
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she's taken theaa whether it's been omom david letterma or all the razzing the family's ha h h childrenen, the feud with he w w levi johnson.. she isn't sophisticateded enoug yeye ohno whehen she stays out thefray. e seemed brittle t the other way. what do you ththin t the futur holds for sarah palin? >> i don't knono i i thkk whathehe did endd her political cacaerer. i'muu she has natioioll ambitionons ssti. i imaginine she's going to make t t money off of t tha book that's in the wororks andhehe still clclrlrly has afan club amongst the conserervaveve base but iththkququesons remain about herer fness for national ofcece, whethth s has th general p picicy knowledge, a i imagine thathehe establishmhmen whh she already had a a bit a prickly rerelaononip with, is going to take her lssss seriously, now t thashshe' stepped dodo.. she said the other dada i k kn
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wheneno o pa the ball f victory and i thohohtht what constitutes vivicty y at this point? atatasn't clear to me. >> interesting.g. the rereblblic party eell, jennifer, isis r reininfrom sesevel andals. yoyou have johnssn, mark sasaorord,oth admitting g to affairir how is the gop handldlinthth kind of f blblicy? > t thi it't's interestingn john ensign's's n new brokeke ultimamalyly mk sanforord ececld him and n n sarah pinin ececpspsing ma sanford. youu know,, i think they're sesepatitinghe weak from t the chaft for 201010 ahis pointnd mimittomney wherever he is, is smiling,g,ss minnesota gornor timpawlenty, t two men who certainlyy have eyeye onheh 1212race. enensi's done, sanford's done. palin i think is done, d this will --hey're clearingngthth fifidd forhemselves three yrs beforere t ntntes 's's tgh to watctch andf f course, they hve a a tonongutitd
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national c cirirman in michael steele so thhe'e's no one t to p forward and sosof clean upuphehe ssss a t thi point. they're inin a a tough spt,t, ink. >> ooka soberining thoughts. jennifer, , asalalays, thanks s much. >> t thas,s,alex. this is gog to make you chklkl lawmakers may n ndd a wakeke-ucacall cameras caughght somerowsy legislatorors llllinasleep. mamanyf thosewho stayayedllllow wake c cararly had a hard ti keepepg g thr eyes en. reportererlalate told the speakber allll oththe s sozozint ee i instetedveryone was awake anlistening. i don't know,ot so much ♪ 'causthey'r gonna wash away ♪ ♪ t ts old heart ♪ gonna takake ememway [ quacks ]
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right now, all over the countryry, discover card cucustomss are gettttin 5%asashbk bonus atat t pump.
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( rake scratching g why throw away youroney? - ( pianc playing ) itch to sprint. save $360 a ar with the everyin data family anan get the blackberry curve 8330 smartphone fojust $49.99. deafrof-hearing and ple th speech disabilities access www.sprintrelay.c. this hour we're following breaking news onhe fourth of july fireworks cebration in indiana that turned tragic. more than two don people we injured when a pedestrian bridge collapseat a park in the town merrillvie in northern india. joining me on th phone is mar ances brag report for wbbm 730 radio. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> talk us thrgh what happened
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st night. was it just too many peoplen the bridge, is that what they're suspting? >> that's wt i spoke to a ross township trustee this morning that says this bridge is a 90-foot wooden bridge apparently used by pedestria as well as vehicles and at one point peop were walking across it after th fires display, which wa10:00 p.m. central time and a couple witnesses say that they heard a snap and all of the sudden this bridge collapsed anmo than 100 people went into the water below which was inside this gated type park. initially we had heard that 11 peoplehis morning were still reported missing, naccounted for. however, this trustee who was out the this morning tells radio 780 as far as he is aware everybody has been acounted for. >> i guess if there is any silver liningbeing it was a fireworks display you have to think emergency crews, fifighte wereon scene, so ey were just rerected? >>ou would think tat but from what i'm reading from the
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reports that were received in this morning apparently the ews th went out to there to help the pple in thewater had trouble getting to the victims because of all the vehicles around. so carly it wasn't planned accordinglbeuse obviously no one ought this was gog to happen. >> of course. what about those that were injured badlynough to be taken to the hospil? what injuries do wehave? any status on their mical conditions? >> at this point we have not heard of life threating emergencies. nobody killed out of it. people taken to local hospitals and being treated. >> cuts, brok bones? >> absolutely, not life threatening that we know of a thispoint. >> how manyeople in total had gathered at the park? you got abt 100 or so what sounds like rickety wooden bridge, 90 feet long. how many people do we know in total? >> a couple hndred people at least. it's aairly largeiz rk. the weathe cleared up st night around here after raining all day so people wre out and the firerks they gather for, a
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big celebration out here as it is acros the untry. quite a number of peop were outhere. you so much. es bragiel, thank thank you. > we also have this breaking news for lando this ur. a deadly accidentt disney. o monorails collide overnight disney world in orland the operator of one of the trai died i e collision. the driver of other trn rued to the hospital. the collision happened at approximately 2:00 a.m. eaern time. the monorail is closed whe what caused that ollision. we'llmonitor the siuation. when we get mo information we'll bring it to you. new developments surroundg michael ckson'children, they are e subject of a new investigation, walso are learning new details about the memorial service taking place tuesday at the stainlescenter in los angeles. we have a couple of reporters coring theevelopments for us on tse angles miguel lala gu era in live in cino, califoia and couney
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hazlett tside of a church in l.a. holding a michael jackson memorial svice later on today. miguel, i'll bin to you get th latest on the investigation involving jackson's three young children. whe does tt stand? >> reporter: alex, we've learned access hoywood is reporting the los angeles cunty department ochild and family investigation into theelre of michael jackson's three children. they are 12, 11 and 7 years old. we are td that investigation was triggeredecause drugs were found inside michael jackson's holmby hills home. they'll ask their children about the living conditis of michael jackson and also if they saw any drug use. investigators will likel come to the home behd me and talk to kathe jackso and the jackson family here and discuss who ey would stay and where they would b cared for if katherine jackson is not around. the new informion coming in the midst of ptential custody battle for the ildren that could play out in e coming
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weeks. >> and with regard tohe fans coming by the home the, is it still happening? i ow it's gettg a little bit ghter about 6:36 in e morninlocal time. are peopleoming by this morning yet? >> we haven't seen any fans yet this morning but can tellou few minutes ago the los ges county police departme was putting out more barricades. they're expecting more people to come here especially as we apprch tuesday. cers close by say that they are anticipating larger crowds d preparing forhat just in case it does happen. >> okay, miguel almaguera on that. courey in los angeles, another good morning to you. i knowou're right there outside of the first african methodist episcop churh. what kind of service is planned there today? >> reporter: goomorning, alex. we're waiting f reverendal sharpton to arri i few hours r the 10:00 a.m. local time service, a tribute to michael jackson and the focus is on counity and howichael jackson brought so many
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mgregants gether. there are 17,000 people and inside they hold 1,000 people. it will be interesting see h many show up, what overflo crowd there is. from the memorial service planned for tuesday there ar far mo people who are inrested in memorializg the life of michael jackson than the is room toctual y come date swe have to waitnd see how it unfolds here. >> with the reverd al sharpton leading the serve there, there will be lot to talkabout. tuesday's memorial service, anything new on that frt that u're hearing? >> reporter: one of th newest things on that fronts that the peop who entered this lottery to get tickets are notgoing to findut if th're inside or not until monday now. the folks who are behind this aren't cmmenting ads to wh yet. my hun is that it's because there are so many people, more an1.6 million people trying to get one of the 11,000tickets and i think it's definitely a way of keeping t crowds
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controlled a littlebit, in other words if you he to wait until the lt minute to plan, you're less likely to come to los anles anyway for nothing to see. the mayor said, please, not the mayor but city official its said plse, stay hom watch from your television set. can'te date 1.6 million people standing around outside of los angeles. i think it's a crowd control sue. there ll be lot of disappoint fans out there. >> thank you vermuch, courtney hazlett. president obamaheading to russia for talks wi leaders. meanwhile ther are quens over wheth t presidt's trying to do tomuch too soon. but does th concern show up in a new job approval oll? we'll lo next "msnbc sunday s he. and he's something to celebrate - the pontia72-hour sale. you only have 72 hours too declare your indepependencee from interest t paenents for 6 fulllleaears with 0% apapr fincncg for 72 mohshsn all 2009 poiaiac dels...
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inin a n n inerview, one o o president obamama's e earest an most pmimine republican ppppters is questioning ththe size ofurur growing govovnmnmen former secrereta o ostate colin
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powell says "iththk one o of th cautions that has to given to thpresident is thatou can't't haveve smamany things on thtabe th y y can'tbbrb it all. th president has start really taking a vevey, very har look at whaha t cost of all ththis isis." m joined live f fro wasashitoto eleanan cliff, contributing edor for "newsweek"k" magazinin andriri in new york frfr you're not in new york you'reren washingtonontotoo. i'i'd veve to have y you bothhe maybybe xtxt time.e. anyway. elelnonor, i'll begin with you. the charge that t tresident is taking on too o mu,, it's nono nene onebubutow conceceeded shod thprpresent be t th this is coming from popowe? > y'r'r right i's a familiar charge and i's come from critics and aso come f fro friends anan colinpopoll in particular is somebody t presidenent spspecnd admireres, but i t tink ifbarack obama w we answering the question, weweoud say whatxxtly wououldououant meme to back aw from?m?
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and i think t the concern i ish he doesn't have a aililit to tws enenou arms to get legislativiv apprpralal o all t things hs set motion and the democrats don't gett a healalth care foform bill this time, it would bebe devastating,g, i i t devastating athe ballot bin th electionsns of 20 sohahat's critical. d d i think there's also a a hu vulnlnababily with his opponents t tms of buildiding the size of vevement and the cost o vevernnt and that's w whatt coln powell is toucucngng on. i think the whwhithohous is ver mumuch aware of it but i donon think they're gogoin to baback y from it. ininact theymamay be bacac a th troughoo to speaea trying toetet ngngre to give more money provide more imimul money, the nitmare scenarioo i unfoldldin job recovery. pepeop think the stitilulus package was nott t bibut too
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small. he may be back a congress trying to get moone f f tht. > t gallup ororgazazaon says barack obama is s ilill the hoymymoophase o o his presidency, mataining above average approval atings. thth average being a aut 55% o so. mostst psisides enjoyed a a seven-monthoneymoon period. what is accououiningor the continued phasase d durg two wa and h hioror ecession? > ihinki'i'd like to piggy ck on something eleanor said that this congress seems to be one of the most conservative demoatic congresse've seen. from the very outset they've aed every move the presint has madeince he ce into office. there's alread talk about tm chopng up orot passing portions of the health care policy. e energy policy they've passed satol hi as usual lan with pork and incentives, and the cap and trade poli is a pocy knows evhere else it'seen triedone where energy corporations have cheated and
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it's been largely infectual. there's been dcuss whether ben bernke should rema his position as head of the fed. ere's a lot of dissention and nervousness but theongressnd obama despite a lot of the promisese made is having a ry difficult time getting a majority demratic congress to go alon with the this he wants to go, and i think that's shocking to e white house and to the american people. >> which whatyou're saying, bria may lead into thetial answer eect from eleanor wr to what gallup says. i'm looking at the poll gallup di the idents truman there nixon an average honeymoon period of 26 months. now it's down ton average of seven months. is it our leaders? is it us? is it congress weighing in? what is it that has duced this number? >> i think everytngs
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accelerated inhe modern times and the news cycle is faster, everything is unrelenting, and as brian points out, this esident does haveubstantial majoriti in both houses of congress and yet he's getting more pushback reall from his democrats than he i in many cases from reublicans, and he's been unwilling so far to get in touch with ier lyndon johnson and twist arms and try to persuade the democrats and maybe to a little threaning along the way. he's very popular. he has a lot ofache around e uny. he could put more pssure on the democts if he wants to. >> why do you think the honeymoon is over for presidents on average? >> i think eleanoris rht. the problems obama is having, he has not been asn theefront ase needs be in aressing the problems with this congress.
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this congress doesn'tant to do anything overly cautious, they ha majorities in both houses, they have a veto proofajority inhe senate and you hear people like lieberman complaining abo the health care bill opey to the press and other democratsalking abt things that harry reid saying tat you know, the public option is not going to be on e table. it's too cost. just all sorts of thingshat are seeping outand they're lking about this openly in the press. i ink the american peopl would be a lot happier with presidt obama if he dropped the hammer onome ofhese guys, but he himlf has been somewhat cautious so it's just -- i think the arican pele just a't sure where this i going and whether or no anything is goin to get done. they're hearing a lot and seeing a lot, b they're not seeing the results thathey were promised >> bri debose, eleanor clift anks for weighing in. appreciate th.
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for everytng politics from the misincoming news political unit logon to theos angeles deparent unty of children and famy services is condting an investigatn into the welfare of michael jackson'shree young children, thenvestigation will rertly include looking into whetr the children had any exposu to drug ue by their father in their hme and who woulcare for them if ktherine jackson is not able to look ter them. joining in studio psychologist dr. de atks. good morning to u. >> good morning. >> what o yoink the department of ild and family servic is looking for in this investigation? >> they're probably lookinto see whether orot the children were exposed todrugs themselves, and h involved ey were, if at all. and i think that younow it's their job to do that vestigation. it their job becausee have to b sure the welfare of thchildren is looked ter. >> and to that extent, the welfare of the children, wit regard to ctody, how mu doe their opinion weh ? i mean the older two being 12
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an11, they're able to speak the 7-yearld as well will ll. able to weigh in. debbie rowe, the mother of the older two, may looki into custody. not sure. katherine jackson, the woman michael jackson would like t have custody, 79 yrs old. a lo forhe judge to think about. >> in response to your specific question howu do the children's opinions weigh? they weigh a lot. but yet the department's opion al does have an ermous amnt of weight because we have to p attentioagain to what's best for the kids. one of the things thate're not paying attenti io that these children are urning. losing a parent is a catastrophe and this was their only parent whom theknew. right now wat's important is for them not to be in the limelight and not be are of all of thefighting that's going about their stody because childr who lose a parent and are in mourning need to have stability,hey need to have curity and the adults in their
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lives are the ones w are sponsible for giving that t them. i think that wh all of the investigation, it's important for them to be kept awayrom that ande able tol with how they feel. >> in termsf how they feel, in a "today show" exclusive, jermaine jacon said that the family took the children to see their ather'sody after h had died. les take a listen to part of that. the therapi felt that it was important them se their fathero they can g it over and understand. so they were take in to see their father after he had passed? >> yes. yes. >> that's ad thing for a kid -- >> yes. but w th're fine. i did think it washe best thing to do atirst i was againstit. but what do you say if you d't show them? >> how do youweigh in on at, whether is the right thinto do or no >> it a decio that has to made for each child and each family. a highly indivial feeling. some children ve a sense of compleon soheyan say the feelings tha they have to their parents. for some children not seeing a
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parent who dies is very traumatic an for some children seeing a paren who dd is traumatic. it is really highly individual. but i think at's important is that they have an oprtunity to talk with someoneho is objective and n'grieving him or rself so that they can talk about theeelings they have. very often chiren have feings of confusion a fear. for these childn i would agine, in adtion to loss of control, in addition, thes children should not be aware of all eferent people whore vying for them and they need to ben this cse right now wi their grandmother who isooking after th, perhaps t nanny, because continuing the continuity of the peopleho love them and were present with them and fg else cano on around them. bigbuild, big flops at the box office. stars hiding the skids on the silver screen. also ahead - gutting it out.
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one hot dog at a ti. this is sothing else to see. 're going to show you on msnbc sunday.
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fr, three, two, one! >> that't's the countdown to t chomp-down a at nathan's f famo hot dogg eatg contest. american joey estnut downed fourore than the runneup, 68 hot dogs. he's won the july 4th frankfurteter fest three strara yes. god bless s him. we ierviewed him last year. he taled about thesalt. ooh. the day top stories coming ur way in justst a mome. an parnt setback in an econoc comeck in this cocountry. what's's the pblem no you're watchining msnbsunday. wewe're taki a look. the doctor diaosos arthritis in my righght kn.
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