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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  July 5, 2009 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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i just want fewer pilllls d relief that laststs alda king 8 pills a day... and if i take it r 10 days -- at's 80 pills. ju 2 aleve can last a d day. peecec choose aleve and youou can be taking fourur times.. fewer pills than extrststngth tylenol. justst 2lele have the strereng t to lieve arthrititipapainll day.
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i'm alex tt. right now here msnbc sunday, theatt on two big breaking stories we'veeen following all moing. first toorthern indiana where a fourth of july fireworks celebration turned trgic. at least 26 pple injured when a pedestan bridge collapses at a park in the town of rrillville. it is about 75 mes southeast of chicago. that bridge was crowded wh abou100 people who had all gathered at that park toatch a fireworks display. joining me with the update of thnews, a reporte for
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wbbm-780 radio. iou understand you do have new informatn. >> i do. merrillville police saying that a structural failure is the reason that this brie collsed. we are talking about a 90-foot woen bridge that's snded by cables. the was quite a few people on it lt night a this fireworks celebration. initially they tught 100 water. had fallen intthe poli a now saying 50 people acally fell into the ter and 25 people were sent to area hospals with non-life reening injuries. nobody thankfull was illed. initially there were also reports that near a dozen people were unaccounted for. that is not the case,according to merrillvill indiana police who are now sayin that everody was accounted for. >> let's talkbout the people that were gathered there. this was ae night, early eving celebration for fireworks but you got t assume there were kids there, families all together. do we know the age ranges of those injure >> no, we don't. we do know at this point that 10,000 people they're estimating
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were a this fireworks displa remember during the day, rained aay here and a of a sudden it reay turned out to be wonderful last night, woerful weather. you can imagine why everyone gathered for this wonderful fireworks displa inside ts gad, osed-in park. this is aridge that i want to addhat's not only a foot bridge but also used for vehicles, aording to officials out the. >> but it is a wooden bridg correct? >> yes, th's correct. >> aut 90 ft long? >> suspendeby cables. >> a colete structural collapse here. >> that's the preliminy cause is what they're saying atthis poinwith this la formation. >> my frances, thank you so much. we also haveew details at th hour on the breaking news from orlando iolng a deadly monorail accidenat t diey. just a short timego we learned the operato of one of the trains dd at the scene after two monoils crashed. the driver of the oth train was not injuredut was taken to the hospital as a precaution. five park guestsere treated at the scene.
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clig happened approximately 2:00 a.m.eastern time and t monorail is closed wile authities try to figout what caused the accident a b new development th rning involving mhael jackson's childr. e los angeles county department of children and family serce is conducting an investigation intohe welfare of jason's three young kids. we're also lening new details on the investigation io the pop icon's death. the "los angeles tes" rerepoininthatnvnvesgators are no focusingonon at leastt five doctors who were all prescribing drugs tojacksks.. a courtthearing is schededul torrow morning in l loananles to d dea with whowiwi take contrary cononolol of michael ckckn's ststat nbc'c's m miclle kosinski i live inos angeles with a of the e late-breakakin dedevepmen. gogo morning, michellll what newew he e u learned about tuesesy'y'semorialservice? >> hi, eex. ses s ke every day there i i something new w to report. asas f thehememorial, eveven thh we're onlylytwtw days ouout, th
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is still alolo people d't't know. it wasas hastily planned dd the family's obviously had lott to dede with. beside michaelel jkskson death alone they'r'reeaeang with stody, et cetera. but thiss memororll svice which will be enormous, moror than 17,000 pplpl nothose peopop w who were chosen randomly byomomter won'tet the notification untnttomorrow. it was susuososed to be tayay now ththeyoon' havehhat much memeo plan.. more thahann 1.6 million people apapplonline to g those tickets.s. that doesn't giveehhem veryuch time. we're a aumumin most of temem a coming from this area but who owows, withth a star lee michae jajackn, they couould have been planning to o meme here from vaouous rts of the world. we d don ow eactly who wl be performiningor what the sset ofof thiss s serce will e. we also donon know aboutiichl jason's privatate morial, or funeral, and his burial. that has beenept prate. ananotr r estion is who wl pay for of thehe popoicice. about 1,4400of them will have to
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in attendance f fcrowd control. thcicity says thatat so of tha budgeteted of c couse but rtrtn city officicial wantedto t t touch withth t f famy and trtry ask them i they could kick innomome to help pay r this eventnt whh willasasally shutut dn mostst of downtown l.. so farhhey haven't goenen a response alex. >> ay. michelle with regard toto the fofocuofofhe investigation into jackson's death, right no i understand "l.a. timimesrererts five d dctctor are invnvol to meme degree.e. what do you knowbout ththa >> yeah. it was sculated about fromomhehe beginnining. if michael jacksonon according o frfries,s, athey say,asas taking lalargamounts of pakikiers, whwherwas he g getng them,whwho was prescribing em? it's also been repepordd cocordg to s srcrceshere were multipipleamames on somee prprcriptions that wereeound, asas wl as multiple prescrcrtitionin his house, incling that powerful sedative we've be hearing about, prof, something that should never beinin seone's house. th s suld be admininisteded aa hospital. now th "l.a. times" reporng fivedoctors are being loed at
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police but of course there could be oers. tails there are keept u uer aps for the mostpart. that drug i it been stead ththee is a s stu done o o it recently inin wch they lookedtt the ababe of the drug. apparently i it ababus. they loeded att 25pepeop who we addicted to p ppopofo and 7 ofofhohose5 died from u usi .. very wewerf, as wesaid. theree ve been ququtions. rt of utragecocong fromom dodocts hearing about this ca that who ululd have given michael jackson thisis drug to treat what heclclms was trouble sleepingng? if this istrue, when h he couldndn'tleleephe was apparently beieingnonock out by something that wldld only be admininisteded normally for someone having surgery, alex. >> yeyeh. okokaymichelle kosinski,ththan you u live from dat l.owntown l. live coverage of m micelel jackson's memeririal service all day tuesday y on msnbc. now to americaca'sigig
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rthday bash. crowds gatheredonon theeses lawn of the u.s. capitoll for the annual capitolol 4thth concert. d.c. crowds weretreated to perforormanc b b aretha frankli d b bry manilow. estimated 1 1 million ectatored l lineddupupn both side of the hudson riverer to watch h th mmacy' fireworks ecectalar. the macycy's display is the country's largest. intense e momess though in new rk city. a babarge us in the fireworks display caught fire. rescue crews quickly exextiuished the flames. the cause of the f firs under investigatatio last week g gvernor sarah palin gave a rprpri resisignat announcement on fray. she was s brieyypotted on t the sidelines at herertata capitol's fourth of jululy parade. she had been asked to ride in a convertible but s never got back to the o organererabout attetendin i'm joinedbyby a.b. stoddard, editor a and columnist from "te hill" " nepapar. n n iust pick o what we just idid? a.b. -- i had d a giggle over
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this. >> i if atat'strue, wt's that say about sararahalalin? shs reached out to officials organizing this sta raradehere in the atate' capitol. ey want her to ride i in he convertitibl that's not reaeayy uuneececteto asask the govevernor o o the se and she doeoe't't g back t to them? >> i ionon't knowf this i i rticularly a tough weekend for r but it actuallydodoes follow aatatte with thesee events atate werere discussssin on friday eveningngththes very importrtt t evts and the pupuican party has invited sarapapan to since january when she wasas trying to build nationonalrofile separate fmm jojohnccccaiand put t t election hind her. she wasnvited by e house republicans to come to their wintergrgreen retreat anand spo ththem. she said she w was attending alaska business and d codndn't make it bubu s was indeed here in washington, d.c. . righ neary going to the a aalalfa dinner t see presididt t oba speak. ererwas a coconsvavati political action c comttee
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confereren.. they are her bigiggest susupptes asasd d heto come. she ended up sendiningg a vididt wawavedd about whetetrr she coud cocomm. then there was big fund-raiser in june that she w waver so often on andnd t tey endede u u asking fmeme houou speaker n net ngngri to keynote b becau i i was the d deaine to printup the intatati. we allllnonow e came toto th event in the end a a e endedup nospeaking. therisis a ttf erratic behavior when it comomes her schedule d makakin commitment. again if she isis going to g g d write books andndo tv and do a lot of expensive spspchcheshat wowould fine. t t ifshe's goioi to try to ntntin tongngtiate heelel within thehe rubublin party and geget the right events and ke her r ccomtments, she'sgogog to have to anan her bbit >> d did palilin raee expectati for a 2012 by r resiininor lowr them? > ihink she's kept it open and kept it on the tatable by sayingng amm l leing politics,"
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i mean s she had a few c choic words criticizingolitics on frfray but she did n say ee was leavaving. she did n notsay sheasasoing to --hehe would neverer be a future candidate, s she wld ner seek higher office. she was out of the game for goodod. as we know on saturday s was tweeting a a wrwritgg submississ forfafabook talking about h how wee e l in thisistogether, we need tooforce pgrgres togethehe in thisscountry, you neveve n n aaitle before yrr name too something. th is all about ccoury. join me, se e said. soso think she madade it clear that s s w wan to remain inn t gagamen the futurere. >> bottom l li here, d her resignation take a a options r her f futee off t t table politicallyspeaking? >> i have t to say, ale publicans i'veppen to scece friday, or quotioio i'i've re from them, are very disparagagg ababouthis move tonot -- it's not thatat s didn't w wa to run r a second rmrm, itit tat she bowewedutut with 18 m mtths lef. her appeal isas an ecutive. if s sheanan to gettanywhereen
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the party she really neeeeds toe a leader anandhe neeee to h have ack record of leadershihip. when youeave a teerm as governor b borore you're f finh anand tr t t blame it o on th that t t end, lameduduck governors ofofte just take jujunks s anshe didn'tanant to do that,as if e cocoul't't stay d d wo hard. really takeswaway from her record ofcomplishment. th would be atathe would need to runon. so her own rublican partyis coererd that this mve really cripples a any kddof futuree r inin t future. >> alall ghght, a.b. stddddar a alalwaysththks for joining uss n ththis holidaywweendnd. keepanan eye out fofor sara lin's next mo, logon to fifirseaead t to new dtails on the d deat ofof former n nfl quarterback s mcnair. the 36-yr-r-d, a former teessee titan,, w w found shot to death alongngside 20-0-ye-o-d wowomain his nashvilleeondo on sasarday. polilicerere n talkingng about e ture of mccnair's r relionship with thisis woman. saying only sheeasas a "friend"
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ofof mcnair's. e two were t togeerer just two days b borore e sshootg.g. they parently knew eaa other om a restaurant whehereheheas a waitress anand wherecnana's's family ofnn didine 're also learning picic are t lookiki for a suspects. this point they aren't t sayi who theheyy believe is s to blae policece s say mcnnais wife chelle was distrauaughwhwhenhe hehed d thnews. >> examination of the bodies shows nanairas hit muiple times,s, incdidi a gun sht wound to the head. an examination of mssss kazemi' bodydyhohows she s stained one gunshot wound to thehe hea a a his toll was fouound n nr her bobo.. >> m mcna was perhapaps most famous foreeadg the tnnessee titans drive thahat c cme a y y shshor in the 200202 supeper wl. >>what can w we expectt to como from prereside o oma's trip t visit russianan leaders? he's basket btttt of jokes acroro t theountry for his trouble with the la well, now m more trouble for lr
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ononbay. you're watatchinmsmsc sunday.
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msnbc isishehe placaceoror litics. esident obama boards a russian-bound d aifofoe one this eveninin but when the presidedentrrrres inin moscow, hecould be in for morereservedreeting t tha the frenzy that'ss marked hisis tris through europe. nbc news rrrresndentoins us mike, good morning to you. thpresident says hee wants to reresererelaons with russia. how's he planning to do th?? >> the ministration is pointing to an agreeeeme t they expepe t announce att this mmit where russss h haslllled u. militaryflights overfly russian airspacece o tir way to
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afanistan. americicanovovnment says it is going to b bee a great helplp i effort there i t t naeffort, ththe ght against the taliban and al qaeda exexememis. there arar echoes ofhe cold war frananklththat stillaao o dealt with. presididenoboba said fmously a few days ago a c comnt interpreted in russia as being very provocative, the former president andururnt primeme minister there, v vlamir utut, still hass a foot in t theold ws doing business andees toto moveventnto e new ways o o d dn business. dmitry medvedev hiss predeceses president t oba a prsed. they'll sit down d talk about missile defefee e ineurope, something thatat h r rusa very upset. posssslele no membebersp p r countrieies russia's boer lilikeeorgia and ukraine. sosohe very important item o o renegotiatatinanan arms controll agreement due toxpxpe in december. lolotof vestiges of tthe cold r r he,lelex.
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but allthings considerer,, the administrationon eerer to turn e page from the chilillyrerelaons that these to o untries have exexpeenced over the last eieit years. > ke, as alalys, many thksks from thehe white house. look to msnbcor c ctinuing cocovegege opresident obama's first tripip tussia asee tries to findagagement between t oo super popows.s. > former d.c.. merededitvivi onbarry's s inrorole with the law aa. s. park police inaashgton sasay barry wasas a arested and charged for stalkingng a woman. police say the f fmer marho currrrenyy d.c. councicil memeerer w charged w wit mimisdeanor stalking and released. 1990 barryry w arrststedor possssesngng cck caine and tetesentenced to sixoont in pronon new ththismomonining access hollywood reporting thehelos angeleles ununtyepartment of chdren and family serviceces conductingng aininveigation into ththe lfare of michael l ckson's ththreyoung chihireren. the investstigioiowill reporteded i incde looking i it etethethose childrere h any exexpore at all todrug use byy their r faerer i their h hmeme whwhwould care forr tm if the childrenen'sgrandmother kherine jackson was nott a aeto look
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after eem. joining me f fro clevelala,, . mcddav,, cld advocate at rarainw babies and children's hospitalal. good morning, doctor. what do yoyou inink of the department of childreren dd mily serviceslooking into this sitittition? what d do u u ink they'll b looking for in the investigation? >> let me set i i up like this. what if these children'ss last nanameerere jones in their fatr was nomadic?c? we don't know i if theherere home-schooled or no-schooled.d. we don'tnow where they were when t t resuscititatio took place, what did eyey see. and they're lilivi i a house that's full o drugs. as far as we're ncerned, with ilildr, legal drugs versus illegal drdrss rereallyoeoe't make a a difference if ty'y' in e home and thehihild may or may not hahehe ability to access thehem. >> so in oththerords, y y''re saying thihis i i absolutely y appropriate. >> oh, yes. >> okay. let's talk autut therelevance of this to the p pottial child ststod battlelehaha is brewing. you know that michael j jacks'ss will callsls f h hisother kaththinine take custody butut
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theoldest twtwo biological mother bbbbierowe'sinting ck and fororth e may fighgh f fr custody. w much d do what ththe c cld wawantroi into thisis versus th biological mom who a appea to have been, forhehe most part, detataeded fm these chchildn'n' ves? >> thahas s a legal issue anan lalaisis gng to havaveoo deaeal with t ttt difffferenyy anan th issu o of the depapartntnt o children and family s svices investstigatg g is familily. rr the legalpart, thewowo older ililen who unundetand e e 10 and 1111, they mayay be d thei preference. ry much like i a d dororce when children arere asd,d, not whihi family -- icic parent they want to go to b butf teyey have a preferencece, th m me taken into effect. thth other thing thhill -- eyey'l look at isishehe age of the grandmomoth.. thth'l'll okatat her ho, why wouldn't they do home s sty thererlilike the would do i iff were any other cild out in the community in. so you think ththat might be an investstigioion forthcoming or that it ououghsnob.
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i ihink they're gogogg to be two very separate things. i think theree wi b b an vevestation by the departrtntnt of children anand filil service as to how thesechildren have bebeen treated in e e pat,t, an whatat havthth beenexposed to?? we don't know, are thesee children meme-sooled? arare ey no-schooleded? he has vevedround a t.t. th're very nadad. wewe d't't knownynythg aboutt these children, a a nowhhr whwhol biology is bein discussd in the mmiaia. are they b bei exexsesed that? >> let's hopope they're in sor sa cocoonelatively speaking asas bt they can beett this cuenent time inheir livives. talk about thehe "today show"" exclclusivthth we g got om jermaine jackson w who said tha they took the chchdrdren to see their fatheher'ss bodyy after h dieded listen to what he sa. >> the therapist thoughghththatt was imimporttto let em see their father so thhey c can get every andundererstd.d. >> so they w we e tan ino see their father after h had passed? > y.. yes. >> that's a hard thing kids. >> yes. but now they're finine and i k n it's toughgh, tt i think i it s the best t thingtoto do. at first ias against itit, bu
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what do you sasay if you don't show them?? >> dodoct, how dyoyo figure outt if that's thehe best coursrse f children? c can certainly be traumatic for some,etet it c could give se closure to others? well, ihhin for him to say atat it'svvernd that ty'y' fifine now is vry naive. don't know wat they s in ththe ususe en he wasas being rescscated. suscitation can look v ver violent to chchildr espepealall. and soso don't kow what theyy sasaw. we don't know howhhat was handled. and a a rerent death, especially it is thehe primaryy cataker's ath, is verycacary to children. ey don't know what's g goi t to happennenext the perersonhat was aund for ememvery day is n no longer the.e. >>ll right, dr. david, t tha you foraking time rr us here on msnbc s sunday. we v very ch appreciate it.t. nbc news giveves you an exclusi look insnside the neverland ran. "inside neveand" at noon eaern, 90 pacific time right
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it's loveve an marriage on the runun wherere veveget carried awawa it's finlnlanss annual wod wife carrying chahampnsnshi yep, therereis one. couples from 13 c cntntri dared to run in yesterday's grueling obstacle cououe.e. for the first timeme a couple fm finland to t t top ppzeze as always, t winning couple wins the ife'seight in bebe. foowed up by thisis o --- that is thehecountdown toto champ-do at athan'samams hot dog eaeangng contest.t. amereric j jo chestnut downed 68 hot dogs iteten nutes, for third tight until ththe e stight
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yeyear the rrni's top stories comingup plus how some of hohoywood' biggest stars are becoming big flolo athe box ofce. you'rereatchinmsnbc sunday. we'lbe right back.
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...and a new map. itch to verizon wiwileless ner of the nation's lgest push to talk netwo coverage area and ththmost riable voice network in ameca. activate push t talk and get this great deaeal. we are learning more this morning about how the city of ange isreparing for chael jackson'semorial service on tuday. hundredsf thousands of jackson fans are expected show u but police are asking those without ckets to sta out of the downtown area. joinin me nowlive, los anges councilwoman janperry, currently servg as the cy' acting mayor, and sergeant jim mcdonald with the los angeles police department. thanks for jning unlwoman perry, i want to hear more about the plans for
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curity on tuesday and are you confident the city can successful and safely host this morial? wh a your chief concerns? >> well, my chief concernsare that f those who do not ha tickets, we would encourage them -- and ral urge th -- to stay home and appreciate and celebrate the life of michael jackson from the comfort. their own home. it's been made clea that there will be a z around staples that people cannot penetrate unless thehave a ticket. so if you don't have a ticket, please stahome. >> okay. chie mcdald, when we think about thetaples center, you think about the l.a. lakers. we sawhat haened following their victorious r the at the world champiohip at the recent nbagames. you think, are y worrd about the same kd of reaction, people worng themself into flen zi or because there is a different tone her not so much? >> . i thinkit certain will be a different tone we do anticipate pele will come in from all ove the country and literally all over the world.
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we're encouraging people, as council member perry said, to stay home, watch it on tv, get gether with friends and watc it in that way so youn see what's going on. people who co down here without aicket can anticipate one to two blocks away a a minimum, standing in the sun on a hot city streetith a lot of people. find a nice cool place and with friends watch the event as it plays out. >> do you feel you have resours you need, s? you have by last reports1,400 police officers on this kind of security detail in the dntown area. is that going to do it for you? >> we're not putting out any numbers at al not sure wre you got that. we dbeliev we'll have resources to keepthe ci safe. we brought in officers on ovtime. we fl we'r in a petty good position and feel in a good position that the event
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procee if we can cutoffsers loose to release hem from overtimee ll do tt in an effort to be able to save costs well >> councwoman perry,espite no knowing the precise nus of etr security and the like, in terms of cost to this city, who's going to foot the bill? it is not like los angeles has money reservedrom whichto draw right now. >>ou're absolutely right. t we do have an account for s geles police department for extra ordinary occurrences like marches, proteststhings like is. but thisne isunprecedted because ofits agnitude, cause mr. jacksonas a global figure. so of course anyone who wts to lp as they did in the laker parade, which we deeply appreciate, weould also appreciate that help and assistance in this situatio because we don't really have a precedent for someing of this magnude. >> councilwoman perry -- >> anyone, any corporation. >> is there any tth reports
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that los angeles has officially extended a request to the aeg coert promoter and the jackson family to help contribute to the cost? >> i'm sure a number of people are speaking to aeg and the jackson fami. i' had someery posite convsaons with reesentatives from aeg and i will continue to do my outreach on behalf of the city of los angeles. >> okay. la question tyou, chief onnell, my questi about overall throughout the city of los angeles the air that has permeated that place or the last ten days so, have you had trouble withpeople gathering, ohave things en retively calm? >> we've had a nu of spontaneous gatherings at various venues throughout the city and beyond. you saw i think what ocrred at neverland ranch inta barbara bu we also saw similar gatherings at the hospital initially, the coroner's offie, chael jackson's boyhd home, as well a the residence that was rented that he was staying
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at at the time of his dea. so therowds have bee peaceful. the crowds have been respectful. we don't aicipate we'd see other types o crowds here at this venue, although we're certaiy prepared for a eventualy. >> as i' sure you are, sir. los angeles councilwoman and acting mayor right now, jan perry. sistant chief with the lapd, jim mcdonnell. thanks very much and best of luck on tuesday. all of you keep it righthere for special ve coverage of michael ckson's memial servicall day tuesday on msnbc. president obams fourth overseas trip a cmander in chief starts tonightita flighto ssia. amons goals, menning relations wi moscow. relations th he says worsened under the previous administration. the president will al attend the annual g-8 summi in italy and wiltravel to afca to address gna's rliament. families joined the fitamily at the white house to celebrate the fourth of july. prident thaed those members
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of the mily for sacrificin in iraq. he also ned iraq's futureas now up to itswn citizens. >> and bause of your ave effo arinroops this week trsferred control of all iraqi cities and towns in iras gornment to ira security forces. becae of what you did. because the courage and capability and commient of everyingle ameran who has served in iraq sovereign and united iraq is taking control of its own destiny. >> c's tom aspel is in baghdad. >> reporter:t's been five days sincthey pulled ck from the cities and the hasn't been an american casualty since. the last americans killedwere on the day bore that withdrawaln tuesday. thamericans are now inside thr bases well outside the ties and urban centers, some just a few miles outside the
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city limits. they are available to come back in andhelp the iraqis should they get into any kind of trouble with fightingwith insurgents. en on thesecurity fron perhaps cae of the weathe you see behind me, we're cked into a sandstorm here at the moment, activity has been quite low allver thecountry. there have ben a couple of iraqi policemen killed in bomb explosionsn northern iraq but by an large it's been quiet not on in baghdad but around the american bases all ov the country so far. >> i was going to ask ou that. it looks bind you i thought what is that smog? so that's a sandstor tom? >> tt's right. the airport's just reopened for a short window here. we're told ty'll be using thei nding lights toring plan to land and takeff agaijust for an hour or so because it's expected to get worse. this is the season for sandstorms. sibility down to about 150, 200 meters on the ground. many iraqi checking into hoitals reporting breathi prlems. but it's certaly kep most ople off the streets for a couple of days n. >> wow, tt's a mess. okay, tom aspell, thank you very
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much. thre weeks go befor sarah palinxi fromlaska's governor mansion. does she have another b house in her sights? potical strategists from both rties weighing in nextxt heronon msnbc sundayay.
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> le's's go n now acathing attack o onarah palin and her decision to step down alasas's'sgovevern.. ureen dowd o of hehe " "n y yor times" r rghtsaribou berie is one n nuy puppie. rah wanted everyoyone to know that she's notot h hving f and people are being meeano heher. she abruptly announcedhahat she wass making the ultimate saifife dumping thetatate on heher lieeutanan" i read t tha earlierndnd did one ofhese - -- memeow mamaurn n do, therer's's no one wiwittr r wh it c comto those
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tytypef pieces. but chrhr,, isn't it just thehe sort mediaia treatment sarahah palin wascomplaining aboutnn does it prove herigight in a way? > i not suret proves rr ririgh listst, , th is a tough busisine, , politics. th the r replilin and democrats. it's never going to be dierent. it i ialalwa going to be that way. h haslways been that way. so theotion tt t u can't take maureenn dowd's words,owow are you s supsesetotand up t t the words o of a tetentl dictator if you bomome prididt? i thinink i is an easy excuse. what i think weawaw from governor pinin is what people re always concerned abt -- a rambling u urerepad complelete unnecessary y eeeechhat didn't make any sensee too anyone exce toarah palin. i think it just frther makes the point shess not qualifieded either to be governor, let alone president of t t united states. >> i'm goioing to letyoyouick up on this,s,brad. is op-ed i i hshly wordrd b but the fact i is palinn did st do nearly 18 months early. so ifhihisis the s srt of some sort o off a 2012 presidential
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campaigngn, snsn she swung the door wide opentotoriticism that she lax political peperice? y youet she has. this hkens back to the 62 speeeechhaha n nin gave aer he lost the cacalirnrnia governororsh.. that is you'u'reotot going t t e richard nixon toto kck arouou ymyme. you'u'reotot gog to have sarah palin to kick aunundanymorere?? alal, alaskans eleleeded h to do a job anan absent aomomlling asason forher to leave,e, l la dudu i is not a comompeininreas toto s st down. everybody in politicics becomesa lame ducksosoon or lalat. >> i mdede thettatentararli, the ananagygy of th richard nxn '6anan then sixix y yes later look at where h was, at 0000 pepennlvlvia avenue. that said,,ririchd nixixonad the nenefiof eight y yrsrss a vicic prpresenent. he had fufulfleledlected officeces. he wasastly moree qualified in his stage o of his rerer, at asast terms of qualificatioions politically spspeing. he had smemeing upon whhic bud.d. does sarahahalalin have eouou re? >> shehe d doeotot havee enough takeke this to t the next level
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she leaves.. and shshe oing toleave. whwh is she goingo dd she's gogoin make money spkiking perhaps shshllll wte a bobok. but her executive expereriee e w cos s to an endnd and the a amea people arere gngng tbe lookingn for leaders s whave executive experience,egeglative exrience and now shshe just taking herselflf outff that. >> i'm riris. billll kssto of t the weekly standard sayayss -- if palin wa to rununnn2012, why notto exactly what s she announced today? it's an enormomogamble. but i could bee shrewdone. nonoshe can doer ook, give speeches, , avavelhe country thout being criciciz." couldn't'thihis seen as a n-win situation, pan's time freed up, alaskans have a gornor that's sewly l lyly focun ththei state. >> if any rerepuican's thinking wanting to lose t t
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miminaon, they should not lienen t bill kristol. the amameranan pple will look at meone with a 2 1/2-year recocod asovernor who chosee tooalk away mid stream? it is laughablee on its face. is an insulttto vorsrs how are yoyo g goi to goutut ththeranan run thisgrassroots cacampgngnnd win over the massss?? how are youoioi to win t morates and overerwhmimi mamajotyty o americans who wanta stable leader an s stle visionon? you get neither omom governor papan.n. it is just a furtheher d to veve bizarre cacarr.r. >> okay,y, uys. that's'sotot tbe thehe last wor for nnow.. ththan. appreciaia i it. remember for erything politics, , uu can gogoo o e nb ne politicalunt.t. logonn t big changes arexpected at the summer box o offe this holidayweekend. w new robots coululdetet kickedd out of the t toppopoby some old imimal >> you'r'r going toeet a nice
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girl with l low standards, no l opons, or sense of smell. what many meaeao say is -- no, i g it. have you your r falyly a i'm better offalone. myself. >any animated mies are ususg g thhottest tetechlolo around, 3- ththisss just on othe reeonons why "ice a age 3 dawn"" is on t fast t tckck tumber ne. totom o'neal, senior editor for "in touch weekly" magazine joins us. it is a family weekend, holidays d all. family mies o of the he, no surprise. >> but "ice age" is supposed to be well out fro over this holiday weend and it's jt a little sliver out ront over fiv ds it's gotten $68 millionto $66 million for "transform er "transformer." things are down from lasasyear. it is a little h ha to competet against 28 8 wh you had"dk
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knigig.. and "ironman." we are upp 12 this y yarar in ts of dlalars >alalk about johnny dedeppnn "public enemies"" which i s th my son yeyestdada lolotsof earar buzz suggesting that this perfoformcece wl garner him a f fouh nodod at th oscar r anththis one couou b be winner. >> ihink it couldet him an osr nomination but i tnk it is a lile reseed and emotionally speaking. > y a a fightingme on this! why is ththt? >> well, i guess johnnyny's alys reseed. this uch, it is coming outut wrong timeme of year. >> good point. >> r ruell crowe with laladior" it was thewrwron titi of year. >hahat it about his performance that youou'rnono jut over the top oor? ioon't think the mvivie is warm and fuzzy nough. normallyly o ocacar movies have have -- "umdog millionaire." at came out ofof nowhwhe.e. this is a a little toooo cool,s
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ememotnanalldetached. yoyolike it though. >> we can totallllydisagree. i'll givive u u aug whwh we get off the seset. ank you. >lolos geles prepares for a mass iflflux of michael jackson fans. memeanilila surge service i about to b b he in los aeleles stay w wthth us, you're watchin msnbc sunday.
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let's go new developments surrououndg g miael jackson's chp. they are t the sjeje of new investigatation,ndnde have some details thisisororni about the meririal service taking place esday athehe stapless it are in los ngngel. nbc's m miguealaguer r isivive outside theacacks family compound andnd's courtntneyhhaztt outside l.a., a church hololdi a a memoriri service later onontoday. miguel we stararwiwith you firs. let's get thelatest othe new
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invevestigioioinvolving jackson's ththe e yog children. what are youhearing? r rorter: alex,ss you know, "a"accss hollllooood" is r rortg the ls s geles couount dedertrtme of family and cldld services i is cducting an investigation into t the welfar of m mhahaelacacon's three children, who arar12, 11 a and years old. 'r're ld this i ivestigation wawariggered cacae he drdrugfound insidee micelel jasoson'home. investigators willll taltotohe childrdrenndnd a them what it walili living wiith the kingg of pop, as well as if theyvever saw y drug usenside his home. investigators will a al likely cocome tththjackson c comunund lk toatherine jackson a als as parart o their inststigion. >> okaka andhh infnfortition certainly y ining be u ued rerelati to chdd cussdydy. cotntn, outside t the first rican methodidistepice collll ururchthere. what i is the s svivicebout scheduled a ttle more than an hour from w?w? >> r rororte just about an houo from n now we'reoing to have rererend al sharpton herere, he going g to address th congregation and alslsooing to ask for aational day o
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remembmbncnce r micichaelacacon. whetheher n note willhave jacksonamamil members hereisis clear at this point i in time, ex. hovever,oe jacksks was just spotted leaving theaason falyly cpound in encicino,bobo 10, 15 minuteses ago, so t thes popoibibily he's onn his w way r but wewe havnono gottenen at coirmed yet. okay,, courtney zlett and mill el, thank you f for your reporting. >> t's go toheherowing qutions about michael jackson's hltlt and what could have causedisis death. joining g me dr. lobert lahita, professosoofof medinin at mt.. nanai medical s scho and good rnrng to you.u. one final titi let's t talk to u about the lastst inhell. times" i invtitigaon f fe doctors s beg g loed at for prescription drugs, ththeyllll rere apparentltl prescribing f michael jajasoson. what isthth problem inn that?t? >> i donon'tnonow the problem is with the doctors, alex. mean i c seethe doctors wrwring prescririptnsns for thi gugu who was prabably addicted
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to tseseontrolled substances but t questionon that has to underlie everything is why wasas he so dependent on tain didicaons. did he h have cononicain ndition? therere aree a l ofpeculation t t ere thatat he had something that produced a great deal o of pain andnd that h h was not capl of sleeeeping w wasn i inmniac for exexmpmple >> whenyou have prpresipipti ugugs,octor, y yu've got fveve fferent positions physicians prn things it's lilikehehe lt hand no knowing whathehe right iss doing. yoveve g to say touchhahat' vital. > tt's correct. that's why we ne a a nationall database to see what dugug patititsts a taking from what ctct. i have p patntnts at come along anget a prescscriptn n om me d two weeks later prescription om another doctorndnd three ekeks later otothe esescrtion for ththe sameme narcototic a te occasionally i i g c cald by a pharmacycy to yy you knowwyoyou patient't's onoooouch rcrcot. weonon't know. we simply have n way of contllllg that. >> when you say too much
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nanarcic what comes to m mind ts diivan, a seriousus drug that ss cfirmed to be fod innside ofofjacksks's's he in which he collapsed. > rht. >> tellle about tss drug and is there any r rean it should have been administereded in h e sesettg g aspposed to a hohospal? >> it isis a ug wee only use under very ntntlled rcumstances in the p prenceof anan anestheheolologt, anesthetist. i is not a a drug giveven nigh or c casuayy used. genenerallyoyogive a dgg that strong you haveooave somemebo ththat available to provide ana rwrwayor the patient because a loof the patititsts he diffulul breathing. >> a r rspspirorier that s, anesthesiologigistcardiology, a team in place. >> someone who c can establish aiay, an emergency physicician whwho canput an airway i in or anototr r phician or nurse anesthetisis c can do the ick. >> doctor, thank you fofohehelpg
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sort thrououghit. that is a wrap of our live "msnbc sundnday"coverage. up next, matt lauerakes you inside everland. i'm alex witt. have a gooood one. a at difference is in every vehiclclin oulineup... which inclcludes the most uel-efficient mid-size sedans in america. now, dre e ford difference home and we'lllover t first three payments. hey...different is gooo test drive it f fourself. get to yo ford or lincoln mercryealer or visit forcom and dr the ford difference. combines two popoweul medicines for fast relief f of your diarrhea symptotoms so you c c g get back out there. imiuium. get backck o t tre.
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