tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC July 6, 2009 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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> good dd. i'mm anda mitchell, l live in wasilla, aska, whehe the sarah palin signation has taken the entire stste, d of cours the untry by surpse. ththstate of alaska iss still i shoc we'll bealking to clclose advise to sarah palin and getttting thvery test onn our legal l defense fundnd what possibly led her to all of is. and aalso, superpowerer diplol. ththu.s./russian summit ithe e of obamama. what's nexext f reducin nuclear weapons, fororgetting ssian cocoeratioon afghanistan, iran, anand a ho of oth issues. 'll be talkingo formerer defense secretaryyilliam cohen and former ambsador toto m mcow andeputy secretararof sta, thomas pickering.g. but fir to the u.s.s. summit, let'so d directl to scow and ite hoe
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correspondndent savanh gugurie. you were thehere andatched the ne conference between president medvedev and president ama and they announceded framework to begin negotiating.. how deep will thee cut be in the nuclr weapons?? are we talking o a goal of one-thirddeductions beyond whatt the aspipiring as control treaty wod have been? reporter: well, the president has laid o o that goal. he said that's s sethinge does want to seeee. for today, the mbers are this. the start treataty right now allows 2,200 warheads p p countr it will gogo down to 1,50 to 1,6767 and as for deliveryyehicles, it goes fm 1,600 to 500 to 1,100. g numbers today, anandrea. >> a and savannah, lett me just arify. thisiss just theeginni of netiations, and as wewee abo totohead out to live covege of senator reidid and a f fnken in
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washington, i wanant to thank sasavannah- thank savavannah guthrie, but w w go righnow to senator reid a the new u.s.s. senator, al frapgege >> don't takee my wordd for it, cessary, even thohough i tnk it's absolely true. i serve i in th hououse with for congressman vin weber, who was also someone that laidd things out the wayhat he saw them, and he said this mornining, whe ople fd out he'ss a smamart guy who's seririous abt issues a ana hard worker,, they'll b b pleasantly surpriseded. and they will bebe. much has been madof the expepectatio of al franken joing the senate. here arere my expectationons.
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hehe, of courseseis going too w ha for the people of miesota. thth've go far too long without fufullrepresenentation. i expe him to help deliveon the c cnge that this countryry demandinin to strengen our ececonomy,nd ensure all ericanhave access to quality health care anddake o country engy inpendent. i'm confident that senenor elect frann will make adifference,e, but we n needore than just h presenence to effectivively ade th nation's many problelems. these e oblems, thes alleng we face are n demomocratic chlenges or rpublican challenges orr nonpartrtisan challenges. ey are america'shallenges and they arar t great to be soed by partisanship.p.
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movingng ameri forward w will still requirirthe cooperation of any senate cooeagues who are reblicans. the e last eight yearsrs ha shon us the american pepeople wt too work totother. democrats aren't looooking t senator r franken's electionon n opportunity totoam leglation through this body. in turn, senate republicansns mt understand thahat senatator-ele franken'n'electi does not ababdicate the responsibibility them to govern.n. the that's why we hahave and wi cocoinue toffer senate republicans aa seat atny negotiatinintable. it's up to themo decide whether they'll continue toit downwn and the party o ofo oror sit downwn and work forhe comn good of the peoe. itit up to them. i would pethat the party of no is c comingo an end. al? >> thanknk you. ank you, mr. leader.
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i wa to thank the leader for all your support ding a afteter the campaign and i look forwd to working under y yr leadershipip. a lot has been madede of this number 60. the number i'm'm focused onon ie number twowo. i see myself as thesecond senator from t the statef minnesota.a. minnesots are v very practic people. they want to make sure that the work we do here in the snate makes sense e d thathe decisionon we makake for the f e ha a strong retrn on vestment. miminnesotanwant a rational health care sysystem tt provides health careor all americansns that is accessiblele and affordable. it getsshecosts down. minnnnotans nt an economomy at works for working families, a
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that means bs. it means a decent day's ge for an hest day's work and it memesprotectingpele's retirerement. americs want a new e ergy polithat creates jobs, thhat addrses clilite change andnd thatat is goin to wn us fro our dependencee on foreign oil. d minnesotan want theieir kids to have an educationon th prepareseshemor 21st century economy. i am gng woror day and nighght to make surur th ourids have areat future and t that amerera's be days lay ahead. i'i'm ready get to work. thanyou. >> we'ree goioi toave my
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stakeout tomorrorow afte the luncheon. a lot of queststions wl be asked thenena lot of questions wll be answered. and i are takining no estions nonow. >> thank you, evererody. >> senator al fraranken, senator-elelect, a frananken, w should ay. he'll l be sworn in around12: totomorrow othe senate floorrnd the sena majority leaeader harry id. let's go n now to follow up on e all-importantt meeting in mosco today. william cohen joioining us from washgton. mr. . secretar thanks so muc let't's talk aut what w was achieved. th're talking about -- welell, they're talkining i moow about just beginning to negegotiate me arms reductions, butut on of th more interestiting issues ththas brought t is th prpresiden obama seemeded to beaking a shot at vladimir putin, ththe pme minister, in an intnterview on iday. putin then s struck back over t weekend. a lot analysts are saaying this was not a aood stt foror this new u.s./russian
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relationshipip to ta a crack at puputin, who clearly is o one oe major pow brokers, i nothe majojor powe broker. this is what h hpened the ne conference tododayat the krlin when the p psident was asked whs in charge here. let's ask. >> mynderstanding is that president medvedev is the presidident. prime ministerer tin is the pre minister. and they alocate powow in accoance with rusa's form o of govevement ithe same way that we allocatee power i the united states. so minterest is in dealg directly with my coununterpar ththe presidentnt, b also to reh out t t prime e minist putin mytrong imimpressi is is that president medvedev and primime minister putin arereorkingery effectivively tother. >> now, the presidt is going to be meeting with puutin
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tomorrow. secrety cohen, what is yourur sense of the way theew administtion is paying this relationship so ff? complited relationship and we don't know whom we'ree negotiing with. >> think the presidentt played it justt right in thee commentn that we justst wer witnessing. i jus returned from moscow a spenensome te there, meetiting with vararus officials. d it seemem me that there's something tantamomountto a a presidcy actually in effefect. that whilele they h he a president,t, prime mister putin still a man of enormous power. that was dememstratelast weeek when he e engineer the llout fromhe wto accession talks that he been very far adadnced. so i think preresidentbama is definily going to deal with his counrpart, but prime e minister putinshares an enormous amount of power in russ and is still quite highlyy popular with the russiaian peop, noithstanding the ecocomic timemes theye going through. so i thinknk the statement hee d is jusright down e midd. he wilil al presidenento
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presidident, butnderstand that the is another power in russia that he should also show respect to and treatt with spect as he goes fororward with his negogoationst the presidential vel. >> you seem to be ying to calibrate tay, after the sortrt of sh he took at p pin on friday. let's tab the arms reducuctions. yoyou are as miliarwith, a anyonenewith wt's at stake here.. the arms r rductio trety is piring the russiansns are vy angry about the bush administration' antimissile dedefense iniative. isist going to be ssible foror president obama to separatee thesessues a and negotiate more arms reductionss than an extension of the startrt treaty without dealing w with missile defense first? >> well, i ink we e have to separate t tm out d say, do we ha a common interest in sayingnging th we systemly reduce the numbeber of weapons systems we have inin our arsen.
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we havthe most i the world,d, more than any threreor fou coununtries combibined that rrently possess nucle weapons. is t tre an erall global intest and a mutual intererest on our part to s s these numbers reduced? thanswer is s. with r respecto a a missile defense systememby theay, moscow has a an existsting abm syem surroundiding moscow too protect t scity. and so theyey know something abt the needed r a defense. what i have argued and argugued st rectly in moscowow was that we really d to ok at that missile defense e system in the context of ptecting the unit states andndthers agait a limid type an attack that could d be oppod eithehe by ira or nth korea. to t extent at rsia sees it as being inin its interest to reduce the t threat comi from iranan, if should possess s a nucleaweapon, w whathat means r the world,hen it's incumbt upon russia to step in more forcefully and sendhe sisignal to e iraniaians th they really mean whatt ey say, thhat
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iranan shoul not gforward with thatsystem. ifif that we to take place and if w wwere tsuccessfully convce the iraans n n to move forwardith a nuclear weapaps syst, that might vry well chae the calculation of what we n need in the wayyof a defensive sysystem. but i woululd argue in n additio that, anani madehis point in moscow, that assumuming in and north korea'situations are resolved, we s sill face the rik aossible accidentallaunchch and if that were to bethe casas wouldn't russiaand the u.and everybody elelse wanto have some kindf a limitedystem in ple? i think ththese are arere where the uniteted statesnd russia really can sit dodown and separe out from the current mixture of these twossues of wre theyre now. in other words, let'sreduce our ovall strategic systemem, b let'separate out a missile defee system so that we e can perhapwork coopetively togegether tmake sure thisis no of uare exexpose to eitherer a renegade or rue attack or an acdental launch.
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>> williamm cohe former sesecretary defense. fore iet you , just iefly, think that yoyou acactually traveled with al frananken toisit the troooops. i gus that was in his previoious role a as a comedn on a a uso toto, no dot, when you w were secretary y defense. now wee going too see him actually as a a unitedtates senanator starng tomorrow. >> s. he traveled with my wif janet, sepately after w weleft the pentagon. he never hetated to want to be with the troops. weet him initially y "saturday night t ve." then we were witith him live on saturd night whehen you ca to entertain the oops and his commitment wasas sever and genuine e d h m madehat commment long after he traveled with janet. ithows his commitment t to these younunmen and women who a serving . >> referriring to janet cohen, ur wife, who iso actctivewith the u.u. military, , both befor and ter your tenure as secrcretary of defefee.
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ththank yoso much. and d w to sarahpalin. hehe we ar in wasil, alaskaka let's go to austin xas. rk mcmcnnon was a key repuican opepetive a adser, a strategisisho heelped prare sarah papalin, at least rtly helplped sarah palin, according to yourost on the daily beast todaday for her debe with joe bid. let's s lk abo this resignation, w which took everye by surprisise. what is s the overl impact of the way she resigned here? >>wl, first of all i i'mery impresd that you're manning the wasilla bureau, andr. i'm sure thattook some- >> i am expanding, with a lot of help re, the wasilllla burea >> i can on imagine wasas the travel was likikyestery and today.y. >> we do itit all. >> listen, wawatchingarah palin is sort of lke watctching a m me on rolleleskates. it's never particulalay grgraceful, t it's always riveting. and certnly we can puthat in this catetegory. >> a moose on roller ates.
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it's an imagage i cat --it's t the most fltering image for a woman, but go ahead, mk. >> well,he isnormouy talelented woman andnd think th there's a lot of spelation ababt why this press conferencee why now, what is herer strategy for the future? i think it's a a combinatition, probab, of a lot ofthis. i'm nonoin theweeconspiracy busiss, so i don't think there's another shoeoe to drop but i'i'also the guy th ththought mrk sford was out hikinghe appalachian tril. so i not veryrygood in the predicictive biness. but t i thinkhe's got a a great fure. i thininit's pbably unliky thatat she actuauay runs inn 20 bu she's such a playerern public politics, and i'm always stru by the pple ththat i runnto that aren't part of e media elite that are justst sort of everydyday fks who are out the, wororking hahard, w really share a a lot of sarah palin's feelings aboututhe governmentnt and themedia a a i
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thinkkhat she's goi to have aa huge platfo, whether it'son tv o radio or bookssrpeaking to talk about folksho feel diseseranchid and it could be sort of a semilibertarian movement, a barry goldwater-esque movement o o he own sort of lin movement that has a lot ofof suorters and people who feelel as alasshat they'v've be left out of whatat happening g america toda and that government isn't recognizing their r needs. so think s she can becomeme a vy popowerful skeswoman on behalf of people who feel disenfranchihised, andhere's a t of folks out ththere rit now who o feel thaway. >>he's already sayingng that she's gogog to b speaking o out to them and forthem. obviviously, tre's aot of money to be e me, freedd the hassles s of beinghe governor of this state. shs been really getting nowherer with the legislare sinc she's come bk from the presidential campmpgn. freed from tthat, she can do h
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book deal,l, h circuitit,alk shows and whater else. she can make a lot of ney. this is a whole neww career for r. this is what s she saimost rececently on t twitte she said,, grateful t toddeft fishing grounds s to joi me thh weekend, but now hee'sack slaying salmon a a working the ds at the sitit angst to jn them what next for hers far as at she can accomplish h once she leaves officic >> the sky's the limimit. i do think tha she, for whatever reason felt restricted in t tms of whathe could d be dodong, both with he family and prprofessially. i ththink that she wanted to spd more timwith her faly and i think that thererare a lot of professional o opportunies that she s restricteddfrom pursuing, giveven her vernorip. that -- i'm not castingg a judgdgment wther it was right or wrong, it's atep down frothe governorship, but ceceainly that's problematic forher in the future, the fact that shsh stepd away from fulfililng h
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term a asgovernor.r. that's somethingng thathe'll have t address,if he decis to stay litics but i think for pracactical reasons thatat have tdo with her mily, primarily, iould hope,e, and secondarily, for pressional reasons, that she thoughit was the best thing g to do to step down. therere wasn't a whole lot that she could accomplishshs govnor or d do for alaska in t the capy thatshe was in,o she'e's puuing thisther anue, whwhich is uxpected and clalaic sarah alin. >> a and just quickly, we're gog toe going to calornia to live covoverage,ut how badadlyid shshe dama herself by quitti before s s finiss the term? >> i think t that's entirely upi the airand hard to telell at ths pot. i just t tnkhat she'sot so muchch pesonality, she's so dynamic,c,o tough, and shs got much moxy that s she's going to be arod for a long time. she's going to be a player. the only intetesting ing that i would say loking back is that it would have been fascinating to see what would h have happen to her had she en aowed to evolveve s slowly as a -- sesei
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botherms as alalaa governor witht having been throw into e spotlight and into t deep end so e erly in her pitical career. wod have been interesting g to see what wouldld have wi happened. but st as interesting and d fascinating to see w wt happs now. >> thank you,mark mckinnon. anks so mucuc now we'll go to liveve coverara sta courthearing in california on the e ckson estate. t's watch. > i'm hard whisman and this is jn branca. once again, ourheararelt condolenences a sympathies t to michael jackckson's amily. will allll miss m. thank you.u. >> mr. branca, will you sppeako the emerergency of this at all?? >> there is one ototr statent. ank you. >> l's go to cris jansing ght now. chris, what arethe legal velopmts there in califoia, the state court? >> i thinknk this is obvbviousl very signififint and bking moreignificant asas we len
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justst how mucmichael jackn's estate wilbe worth. hihisrecords have been selling li crazy. there's the possibilility ofll thes videoeos. the nameme and likens of michael jackson is at stake her hehere's wt was rereally ccial about this hearing. elawyers who ar named asas the ecutors in this will id, look, we c c't wait any lger. therere is biness at hand that nenes to b tendndedto. ta a look at where i am. i'm m at the staples center. there are big concerns abouthe mber of people who will l be out here w whunauthorirized miael jacksoson t-shirts, othth sortsf memorabilia.a. a big part of any celebty's estate, afafr theye gone, anand elvis is a peeectxample of this, is the corol of the name andd likeness. soe know that these lawyers will be taking -- actually, a lawy and a music exececive, the twoo that were nameme in th willll will be handlinghese afaffairs unl august whwhhere wille another hhearing. there is limited contntl, certainly by katatherine ckson,
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michael jacksoson's mother, but five-page wiwill, which looks vy skskpimpl vestraightforwardrd, s we're seeing, is incredibly complicated ininhe way it's goining to all play out. chris jansing, thanksks so much out therein california.. whwhen we co back from wasilla, we're going be talkinghat pennsylvania g governo rendl onhe democratic reactioion to sarah palilin's boshell annonouncement
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assosociioion,nd i know she's on the o'side othth aisle, b but whatat iyoyour impression of th way she ququitndnduitting mimidtm?m? >>well, first of l,l, andrea, le me say, i i did g to knowow sah pretty well from ththenga and i lii h and i ththin s s's a a go person. if she had m mad this nonocement and said she wawasn running fofor second te, she was going to go o andpupurs a national agenda and try t t hee asaskandnd t issues important to alaskaa a a america b boing all across the cooun and mpmpaiing for other cdidites and p phihingthe ageend i would have thought that t tt was perfececy y ooka bubu to rign after 2 22 years office and somehehow say that she was going t to a a lae duck andame ducks can't get anything done andd gogoveoror j go onn junkets during her la-duck perioio is riicicous. firsrst a allshe's afirst-term gogoveor, not a te-l-lited second-term governor, and ifif e dndn'tnnounced she was leavining, s wouldn't have beenn a lame duducshe would haveve bnn in arerett strong e ecutive position, nunuerer e.
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d d mber two,,this is not t the titimeoror governors to abanand their ates. as youou kw,w,andrea, every one of us,heheth it's the lower 48 or all 50 of us, every onene ous is facing seseve f fincial challenges brorohtht aut by the internationalecession. d d th is not a time toleave. pledge to our folks whenwewe asked themem telect tous, wee plpledd that we were goingngoo serve fourur yarar and weerve n thgood yearars, but wee also serve in ththe bad yearsrsasas l ananfor her to leave and t turn the e stee over to a a lieutena gornor with less thhan a month's nototic in the m mid of difficult finanancll memes, think it's just dead wrwrg.g. agagn, had sheusust id i'm n n rurunnggfor re-e-eleioion d announceddthat, i thinknkthat woululd rfrfecy fine. bubushshe'really abandoniningerr state at verydidiffult time. d d appreciate the pressures on family, we all u us in pupuic life have at. youuuys in thee media haveve t sasa presessus.s. i apprececia a all of that, but think she madede t wrong cision to leave h ste. ifif y w wt to help alalaanans
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lead dururintotoh and challengngg g tis. >> well,ouou we also a a dedemoatic payychairman, national chairman. the c coun'n't argument is t tt now shshe frees herself up,he's not bogged downnith the legislature that's b bee fightig her ever way, even overturnene one her cabinenet cices. d she can go outon the leururciuiuit,he can becomeme a starr in repubublinn circlcl d work herayay back to natatioll prominence, if yoyowi,, as popoteial candidate. what's wrong with that? >>irst of all, i think s sar palin will ctitinu to be atata regardless o ofwhwhat shed. ifhehe finished aear and a half, finished h her term as vevern, thh w wast going t to dimininishererstar powewe and se could have, as governor, madad nuererf appearances,, een ough i work prettyy hard for the people ofpennsylvania, andrea, i g goout andmama appearanans s atther state democratic dinners cetera and not sarah h pan. dodot have the national platform she has. but you nono because we had this didicucussn, iold you thth as prresenenobama askedee to serve in thecabibine a and he
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didn't, i wantnt tbebe sosolul clr,r,nd i'm nott s su that anyone in the obama administration ever hahad ee ightest interest in m m serving in the cabinet, b bf they did, i i wod d ha to turn it down because times were turning tough inpepesylvania and i i liliev my lilition was too stay, to lea, to gdede this sttee through difficult times andnd to do my jo and i i ienend to be workingfof pennnnsyanan the last day i'm in officece. i don't intend t tbebe a lame du. lame ducuc i is as a a lame duc does. ani i n't intend to be a lamame duck for a single e y.y. >> well, speaking of pennsylvanan, , yove got ai bubudg dficit of$3.2 billlln.n. you're onene oththtatate that cocod d goo routeff california. what can you do to tr to deall with that isis? >> well we've goto o a lalae. first, w we' g got t too cuts a i've proposed or $2$25 billion in cuts a a off at $28bibiion bubudg, much of whichch is ndndat services. d sendnd, we've got toaise
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venue, we've got to o be mature about it. there's no w way gen thth p porn our budget that's keyed intnt mandated services that we haha to do, there's no way wewe c tototay cut our way out o . so we have to have rereononab revenuee increases. i don't believe thth r recsion is going t to last for five, s yes, so what i've proposed is raising xes, the state income x x in pepennlvania, it's the second-lowesesinin t nation, t raraisitit f threeeaears d en have thatncncree automatically sunseset b bac toe level it is w, second lowest inin t nation. so i think youu n nee abalance.. i think that's's t aroach. but, you know, i havee t t laug en you said that sarah palin was having trouble with h th legislature,e, ty'y're f fghght her.r. so am i.i. soso am i. we're in a significant battle about whetherr w we' goingto cut education more delyly than wew have, whethere're going turn bacackhe ogogre we've made on economic development, energy, , education, so many different things. and d i' fightiting wi at leas one house in m m leslature,utut that's whatt bngng governoris alall about. thatat'shahaleadership is all out.
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>> all ght. rerededell no sign tatat you'r about to quit. so keep figightg g ose legislatorsn harrisburg. wel check back with you. thank you very much, e e rendell at the state cacaitol. > > wh we come back, we'll tatalkg to isisten cole,one of the sarah papalissongest standing friends and t therurust of her legeg d defse fund. kind of consider myyself a robinhood of e directing world. ick enclave the finest luxury crossosor ever i need some zen time thth when you're really in pain, relief can't come stnough.
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hi. mb two, please. would you like that to hurt now or later? uh, what? sir,t's a simple question.n. do youant heartburn pain, w later? these heartbn n mecines make you choose... pepepcidomete doesn't. it starts to neutralize ac in seconds... and keepit under control all da all night. sometimes you gotta makeke compromomes, man. no, yoyou don't. man. peidomplete, works noand rks later. now with a great new taste. we're back. m andrea mitchell -- welcome back to "andrea mitchell reports" live in wasilla, alaska. we are, of course, a wonderi
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about what's nex for sah palin. so what better to explain than krten cole, her oldest friend, longest-standing friend, i shou s. you've know her for more than 40 years. you met when she was in second grad you were in fourth grade here in wasill you've talked her. wh's her mood, what is she doing, what's her next step? >> i thi rht now shelves like it's absolutely e right cision to make. forher to idly s by and watch state resources be spent fr frifously and for ethics complats that aren her mind over the top and rilous, for r to watch those resources to be spent when they could be us for other things that the state does need to fus on, for he that's not her style. she's a get it done typeof person. fo her to idly sit by and watch this happen is not acceptable. >> she could ve stayed and foughtack against the
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legislature. uldn't that ave, a bte move i she wants to go on and seek national office? >> i think that's also a unrstanding. whethetional office comes for now, her motive is to do what's best forhe state of aska and alaskans. for her, this exactly the ght move, because she is not going to allow thi type o ethics complaints and this kind of mon to be spent when the resources could be spent on other things that are a lot more portant to alaskans. in her mind, to step aside and let someone else come in and move the state forward, ithink, that, in her mind, a much better use of reurces. >> and while the daily train goes through wasilla,let me just say that i' spoken to peop, we've spokeno people here in town, and en some of r strongest pporters say that sheet them down by quitting. >> i don't think sheuit a all. what she's ying is that i want alaska to move forward and i want us to be focused on positive things, resource development, andi think that
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she felt like this wasn incredible distraction by stepping aside. she can still hp and help other candidates andelp mo her values and t things she really stands for rward and at the me time not waste state resoces. i commend her r that >> what about se the legal issues? you've been the trustee of a legal defensfund. there are reports, and i confirmed this with her attorney, that more than $5,000 that has already been inrred. is she going to be able to pay her bills? >> that's exactly why we developed the legal defense fund, because these frivolous mplaints continue to come. e's notindependy wealthy. a lot of us g together and deded, enough is enough. and we've decided to raise money on her behalf to pay those personal expenses. but you have t remember, the state is also spending money at the personnel board level to really research these complaints and to her, that wa just unacceable to continue to waste state money like tha >> oy.
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kristan cole,hank very much. neither of us are go to go catcthe 1:35 actually, it's four hours earlier here. it wou be an earlier tra out of wasilla. first, to karen tulty of "time" magazine, thanks so much for joining usfrom washington. les talk about your taken sarah palin and how this is playing out politicallythe nation scale. >> well, you know, a i was watching thatews conference on friday, i was thinki that, you know, the politic figure she most reminded me of at that momentas ross perot. you know, a very sort impulsive political figur one for whom everyin that is polical is tied up with evythinghat is personal. and there's a certain appal to that, certa, ross perotot lot of votes in 1992, even as he was getting in and out of t presidential re. but i think to the stanrd bearer for a major party, it is hard to see thisind of impulsiveness,really, lting and wearing well through the rigors of a prestial campaignorven a primary.
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>> in your blo in you post fo "time" magazine, you ao saidt there is a pttn here. explain what youmean by that. >> yeah, i think i referred to it athe iquitirod. sheent to five colleges in as alaska gas a resource he commission after only nths on the job, saying that because she felt that she was getting, you know -- she was unableopeak out th way she wanted to, t it was destroying her oomph for public service and that she was afraid of getting cynical. again, this is the exact rt of issue that w have ere, where with sah palin,it does appear thatyou know, everying political d everything policy wise seems get boun with her persaleelings. >> ay. karen tumulty fro "time" mazi, thank you very much. when we come back, more on the president's overtes to e russians and what happened in
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moscow todayfrom a former ambassador, u.s. ambassador to russia, tom pickering. the great american holidays here. and here's something to celebrate - the gmc 72-hr sale. you only have 72 hourso declare your indendence from interest paents for 6 full yrs, with 0apfinancing for 72 months on all 2009ierra 1500s and yukon xl's... 0% apr for 72 months going on n... during the gmc 72-hour sale. visit!
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with welco back to "andrea mitchelleports," live from wasilla, alaa. it'song way to scow, but you can see ruia from these shor of lake lucille her now to tom pickering in washgton here, former us. ambassador to mosc, former u.n. ambassar to the united states. thanks for joining us. how important is building a personal relatish between president obama anpresident medvedev, or is it me important that he be buildg a retionship with vladimir putin, when he meets with him tomoowmr.ambassador? >> ihink that they're both important to have good relations with botheaders of russia. that gs without ying. presidentutin or former president putin, now prime minister, is consired by many still behe majortring puller, if i could put itthat way in russia. t i's also important to focus
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on some of the substantiative sues that the president is dealg with. so far today, we've hadigh or nineaj announments of various activities goinon, incoming a new commission to ersee u.s./russian leaders, which lead the strategic nuclear talks, whi have now moved ead toward a go. very importantn noroliferation and missile defense and other things. pure, personal relatiohips alone don't count foruch if you don't have the sstantive backup to follow along. >> in addition to the substae of this ummit, there ems be a lot of symbolism. i was really struck by the ct that the president has michee obama with him and the children. ey came offthe plane. e was at his side when they did the wreath laying at the to of the unknown soldier there, which is such a important ment because of the world r ii memories,heivid memories in sovi and russian history. how impoant is it that the president has his familyith
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himand ses to tryin communicate that this is a ver friendly rationship, to t an icy, cold warrelationship? >> well,hink you're right, andrea,the fact that he brought along his wifend his t children isboth a real illustrativehowi of the fact that america's a family-oriented couny, that he thought enough of them to bring them ong to ssia, to sho th what's ing on in russia. ande thought enough of the russian people to present himself and s family to them, as typical americans who are very, very interestein t country. and that alone, i think, is something that helps to cut throh some of e ice that sometis surrous these sues. e ssians are interested in present obama, as indeed people are all around the world. and as much interested in his family as they are in hi and that's vy significant. so that's presention, if i can put it at way, of the president, his family, and amica to the russians in wa that ihink is most sied, i
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think, to catch their attention and perhs their favorable actions. >> how serious willit be a setback if they cannot reh some agreement on real reductio in nuclear arms, the arsel, and an exteion of the treaty? >> well, it looks like they're prty well along. the anuncement today indicated the levelshat they were going to stre for. those seem to be well whin the bull park. there s a joint announcement, they've agreedort rification arrangements will continue with some changes. so i think the bulk of that is in place. the other areas thatre prably going to have to follow on are more ntive, wh to do about ssile defense, they so of put themselv into a position of a joint study, but we no longer see russian linkage of rticular steps that the uned states must take from their point of view o missile fense fore, in fact, they ca agr to a general reduction of nuclear weapons anduclear delivery vehicles, as ie said and nproliferation, bviously,
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is ver importt, because it lates directly to iran and north korea. there, there have been some general statemts made we await to see interms of the follow-on which ll have to come, as to how much the two can cooperate to dl with these very difficult and iractable problems >> thomas pickering, who's been there, knows it, and can give us the best guidance on what to expect out of moscow toda thank you mh, mr. ambassador, od to see you again. >> thanks, andrea. nice to be with you. when we comeba wasilla, alaska, and the attorney for sarah palin, exclusively on msnbc, when we ce back. freere! tell your friends, tell your dad, tell your mom never mind, they've been singing g ousosong sincwe first showed up witith our pirate hats on!
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to address the rumorsut there about another shoe to drop. >> weon't ha enough time for all the rumors out there. we can talk abt thenes that seem -- >> is there anything outthere? is there a secret, hien message? >> in terms of a scand or wrong doing, absolely nohing. no instigation of any type. no eths problems that have any merit. every complat filed against her wapartan attack and was smissed. >> what abt a federal investigation? i know the fbi hssue statement. >> in a vy unusual move, they don't normally confirm wheth they are working on an investigatn, issued a statemt saying wee not
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investigating thpalins and have nplans to. at confirms evething we have known as well. >> we know that she's got a book de. she's going to be doing speeches she's got other people represting her on that. but doou know of specific offers fm talk shows, vio networks? >> no. >> what is your expectation of her earning potential? >> would like be good, wever, that's not why she's leavg the governor's office. she's taking the battle a different ttlefield. she's going toelp conservative candidates for the 20 elections. she mentionedhat h speech. shs accomplished in two and a half years, more than mt have in eight years. >> you've talked toer since
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her resignation. was she uet about the w her speech here was interpreted? she was criticized by many republicans for ramblingand not being foced. >> i don't think she's upset. i think s sees it as the stdard criticism she's actual very articulate. i didn't find h speech rambli at all. it was really a fm of self-sacfice. she has beco the issue. the state of alaska has been spending mey on public record'sequests and she has done what she set out to do. with thethics for the g pipeline, something that ha't been talked about for over 30 years. sh got that done. tom van flein. attorney for sarah palin. thanks so much. that it for me om willa,
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alaska. stay tuned for cntessaewer on the other side of the break. we will take tomorrow off, traveling back t d.c.,while you're all wtching ms's corage of the michael jackson funeral. we'll be back on wednesday. i never thought cou happen to me... a hearatta at 53. i had feltin but turns out.t. my cholesterol and d otr r sk factors... inineased my chance of a hrt attack. i ould've done something. now, i t trust my heart to lipitor. when dieieand excise are not enouough di lipitor may help. unlike some other chesrol loweringedicions, lipitor is froved to r reduce thrisk... of heart attac stroke, and certain kinds of heart surgeries... in pients with several mmon risk factors... oreaeartisease. lipitor has been exnsively studied... with over 16 yea of research. lipitor is not foeveryone, including peopop with liver problems... and women o o arnursing, prnanant, m m become pregnant. you need simimple blood tests to checkor liver problems.
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