tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC July 6, 2009 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT
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erratic behavior of drives. >> yyh, that isomometng that you see a lot eery time. inacac just last week, ththe e was ahaha upthe road in dadall w whe someone who was trying to tt away from police pleded right into ann teterstion and got h hity a truck.k. it bent the ca in hall >> watch a as he tes to get around t the rrs. this i iththe ment where he sttsts drinin or she, tamron hall joins meew.w. liveved t tas for a long time. yoyore looking thisis guy, when th continue wii this hihighpeed chche,e, they keke azy moves. >>nsanebebehaor, runningng from the lice, you will g cacahtht >> herereit comes ---- >> t the oicic hasis gun drawn - - h's close to binin blococd d in. an officer on foot r rnining upo
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an irational person with his n n ou and drawawn thehere buthw dodo you rationalize thth behavior, puttininglives in danger. saw this about t th meme lt weweek in lls, tuy e end up in crititalal coititn. >> thihis mas no sense.e. he's d dring a little bit, flippingng -turn, comomin arouound flipping anonothu-turn. his thought ocess is notot logigica it's not raonal to run from police. >> right. yorere running from policece. >> look at that. they t tieied thepipi stririp, dn't work. again,n, anotherer high-s-sede chase out of texas. it was around ts time last wewe we saw one end with the driver, who o watrying toun away from auororits in critical cdidion and now, ththis guy's been makiki u-turnsnsroron the median. it's almostst kystone coppish
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werenen so daerers. again, t therere liveve, innoce pepeop who are on the road. ese are officers puttitingheheir lives in dananr.r. one on foot just a a menenago, tryiyingo o ruup to the side to apprehend this individual.l. >> look at the i intsesectn. he's goioi t thrgh without even alal looking. wee e se several close calls.. one at the toll booth.h. one where he was t tryg g to squeeze ththugugh o vehicles blblocngngis path. > y s saihe was a robbery suspect? >> wilill,xpxpin why police were lling him over? sure. it's believed the suspspec is wawant f for burglarizing the veveclcle dthat is what led to e chase. jujust under an h huragago kii off. obviously, covered a great deae of territotory since th. >> and you poioint o out thatat again, thihiisis tamronhall, ho
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much gas miage is this g getting. imagine when hetarted thehe yy he didn't fill u u---- >> h h avoided atrtrik strip. >> i thohoug tey might b b ae to pininhihi in there. theraraff doesnot start a and li dadalls,s, hston haswwfu affic. he smsms tbe avoioidi the freeways. > h luckeduut. >> the officics s ar going toryy to gett himagain.n. we've e tt ere where there's's delay. > o foot--ow in the m milele t therain, th a a so desperatattoto get this guy - - >> t tt't's the onlyayay to put the strip down. >> on the line >> it's pathetichen p popople fe i is necessary to run from fifirs. it wasashilling a shortrt time agago,e sawaw o one officee o f running upp to thisis vehicle hihis gun rara. obviououslnonot wanting toopope fire onn the individual, but n
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wantining p put his own life i dangereither. >> the ives onn t tsese roads don't realalizththers v vehle comingngp p onheir tails. they don't realize eir lives e atisk at the very moment because somebody is actiting so erratically, r runngngrom police and through toll bohs. now looks like we'r'ren an industrial area o houston. ll, this has been a high-speed chasas tt has takenn us outside the city limitsts. w w fa diditit go? >> it left hriris county. he went i ioo fort bend c cnty - >> wo --- >> from what i understand,d, h madeit down f farsrichmond. >> whichchss a far distance.e. obviously you knowow how b b our great s stete of texexas is --
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just saw the oicerget more aggressisi.. they tried bump is guy fromom the sse. they want th to end. hang on foror a sesecod.d. i i wa to bring i my colleague, dadavi schuster, w w of course i washingtgtond.d.c. david, viviouy, this is not hohowe planned to start f our monday. we've got a l lot of political coveragege -cocontsandnd oneofo her highghpepeed chases. > we wanted a a good tasas s fofoyou, mrmron > another strip. heheusust nages to maneuver around them each time. >> and they don't wawantoo ge n the linin off rere. >> i was i in texas this weeken. 's 1055 degrees. hopefully hehel tt caught. >> lookkat this. lice officers, spiketrips and guns. >>his is a vavan. >>hat was tt such a great efrt with the spike strip.
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dn't seem that effectitive will, basically, ee scanner trtrfic, do you know what neighborhood this is that t he roing arrou in nono i i thk k ve ununte n nin u-turns in theaast nine miminus. >> sure, i c can chececk. if you gave me tenseconds, i'd have it. be rightback. >> what you'ree looking at h her is breaking nenews thhat arted ababou an hoour ago. uston, texasas, erere lice hahave started tohhe a man suspected d of burglary a ande' led thth this chase f f45 minutes plus in t thiwhwhe dodge, i i s he, that couldld ce out wrong. ususlllly is a he. >>ould be wrong.g. >> but t the pursue ththis y,ye fifir running upup to the
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vehiclcl t the gun drawn. that did not keep is perernn from cntntinng toon.n. we're n not sre how far he's gogott.. david schuststers s wi us liive in washington, d d. . foowing this. >> we were talking a abo t the chase in d dlalas st week. i thinink isiserson has survived a little longer t th theone did a week ago.o. usually when ththeyetet o offhe highway, thahas s th en whwhat neighborhood i i this? >>his is green's popoin an area a ghght ound the upper pa o of the beltway.. 's'sn thee north segment right around interstate 45. you were talking about thehe convergencnce t t very big arteries of traffific t t city. >> and right no it looks likee some of his l lu in termsf trafaffihaha contininue but again, he's drivivinririghby thesee squadarars that have p k
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parkeded strregegicly. there he goes again. now into a rking lot. this is a move thatate'e'veeen before. we sawustfifi or ten minutes ag going a arnd a aaround an ofce building.g. oh,, lkk at ththt. > where these officers are e showing strong psesenc -- he e got t thrgh there. th'r'r hopipinghahat the person llll he a b befefoment of rational ininki. > do yo er n notee how rarey it is that weee these chases end with j jt a rational m mene of jusust pulling over? >> we sawawththe worst case, a prprtyty b ending to onelalast week w whe the driver w wasitity man gog through the ininteection uware of whatat w ining . ththatriver endeded upnn c cticl cocondion here. > you'veve t to believe that this is going to endinin a
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simimila fashion a at some pnt unless he or she just g giv u u. ananagain, tamron, i lovedhehe liline lasasweweekexactly how c a 9999 nianan go. >> hehe's g gngng all thatfass he'suu m meueuveng through. we sawawnd havesesee people, they'r're blazing.g. is guy's really not goioi that fast.. >> befororee he g on to thee sd ststres,s,e s saw himim on thatt paparky and he was ying. mean, was jusust crrsising b these otherrars andnd noou e again, anothereru-rnrn with police in clolo pursuit.t. they were readad r rig thereoo trapap h a and i lookoks l li th're just not coordinated. >>hey'reototaking thehe m mos grgresve measures becauau
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obviouousl t thaofficer knew he was c comgg down.n. they could haveerammed the car frfromhehe side. now you've got---- are thohose regular cititize coming out? >> oh, brother.. why don'ttavave this blocked off -- just going arounun and arnd. >> thhiss s ke keystone cops i it weren'n't something g th c c turn dedldl >> i'm'm still cfufud as why ththe lice -- tnn let hi by. wiwi,, iwonder if there's beene anybody who's otted him with a guguororhy police are liling ck. >> nowow hssn a parking garage. >> thisis i routine when it c cs to houston popoli ase. er the years, there'seeee a lot of criticismsm for not b be momo a aggssive s so a lot of the e cas,s,fficers dootend to pu b bk fromththes thgs because theyonon't have
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cleaeancnce om the folks uphe change to tkeke more dstic measurures >> he's in parkinggarage. usually, therere'snene way inine way out. you know what building thisis is near? >> i do not. >> it's interesting because the other part t tha weften see in ththes chases is thateoeoplgive t tir vehiclelesndnd run on foot.. when there's choppers overhead, u u casee where ty'y' running. in t thicaca, not only can not see what's's happening, but the police chopoprr can't eithte whichakes this a a very intimidated siatatio wewe d't know ifhehe driverasas a gunn and now,hey are in a building whererehehe eye the helicoptpt a as u mentioned, yu n't see them. an thiss can be very scary, particulararlyffhis guy tries to get out andrrsoo go tt in someind of azeff glory in this p pkikinggarage. and if th's aotot or an
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office ilildi, you have a potential s suauati where someone who is desperate a behaves crazaz runs in andndhoho knows atappens athaha poinin >> and you can ditctch that hihicleheherend hide. this i is kekeomething out of a bad vivie, in a situation w whe we see t tss building but t n'n tell the audieiencwhwh's ppening in the. and y hope is not s somhing th w wl cost any o those fefe any of ththeirr lives.. will, if yu u ca help us did you findnd out werer thhis locan isis roro the street, there is s an apartment complex. prproblyly watching this ohe news and ran out. kprt i i on the scene. they've been followining the situatatn.n. you can see t thahere are a slew of p pole squadad cars outside t th parking garage now,
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howeweve t thehase, it would pear has eitherr continued inside thehe p pkiking gage or it's possible ththe iviver has ditched thee vehicle a andololi argoing to have to pursuenn fofoot we're being told, this may be a a pa of the wyndhdham ototel, private athleticll n nex to ththe hotel ssf. you see the entrances, theyey'v got themem covered. soso iwould be a matter of this driver t trng itch the vehicle, hping thathe would not t be ececogzed. but now, if h he'ininhhat garag, they've got a f bed truck, not going toetet past the ucuck. these entrances are bebeingg sed off w. they'r're nnnnin in. >> yeyeah okay,so this ishehe green's pooin club accordingng to kprc, the n nbc affiliatete
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this s sto right now, which is a ivivate athletic clclub. whwhato you know a aut the club? anything? will, , i i he you with e?e? >> s,s, i'm sorry. at this point, , its s xt to the grn's point mallll, which is a raththerfrfromhe me, it't's a shopping d deininion on t rth side, onene that's freqequelyly vy ssy, espececiayy at t this t tim of d andouou'r also v vyy cse to thefreeway. obououy, whenyoyou'inin t rkrkg garage, it's tt memeing where you havevethe ncerns of somethingg dngng sosoththinon the frwawa but a parking garage poses its n differenen s setf circumstances d d dangers. >>right. anan at is the- - don't like ining e word scary, because the police officics s ar traine to h hanee thesethingsgs,he
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multilevelarage w wit an ininvividu that you don't know is armed o or n.. now, they're on t t roroof thisisasas goo b the guy. >ome on. >> a a noww h he' -- >> oh no - >> does he -- >> no, no, .. we havave thisonon delay, so we're going to -- > yeah,h,hihis o a delay, he'sryingtoto scope outut -- he obviously,y, i this is the leman i question, thehe suspect, n n t theentleman -- he's tryingo scale over the de. >> andnd he didid >> he got a backpack. we donon kow whwhat in at. u u that true strapped baback across his body. he t tugught enough to take t t ththhim. >>ndnd wknow now thatee's on the ground. hehe's on the --ee onhehe grgrou. he's on the grnd. weoo no,it's okay to shshow it.
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>> they've gogo him.m. they'v've tttheir g guy here. ththeroes the ndndffs. >> h he ditched thaha hicle inside the parking garage. theyeye e be able to t tak that satchel fromimim. he's on hisisface down. i wonderer if he hurtmself, too.o. thatat a prettyteep distancece to jump dodothere. i sort of wonder -- >> ifhehe hurt msmsf, hehe's lucky.y. if that's the least of w wha happened toto m. >> he cocodd have killlledeople ilil trying to run for over an hour from authohorieses they've gogot ee dogs o on him ll. >> , and that dog is goingng crazy, too. aiain,his is a man that police had beenrying to pulull erer because hehe wususcted in vehicl burglary. they were trying to stop hhim never stopped. the chase began. itit took them me 30 mileses aw to susugland, xaxas.
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up too nw the, this area of green'n'spoint, a pririva c clu around thehealall, upp ttop parking structure. >> there yoyohahave it. i think wewe'r going become the hi-s-sed chase duo. pepefuy we can get back to t t news of t t da >> stop running, oopl >> okayay, quick brere and we'll be rightht bkkith more newsws, including sarah palilianand the laststappening out of los angeles. decisions, decisionsns.
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which beneful prepepared mea tonight? roasaschicn recipe? okay, savory ric d lamb stew. [ barks ] you're. tonight t a beef stew kind of nighgh yove made another fine choe. lolookt those beefy chunks alall paed with protein, e e re vitamin-rich vegetetleles, the wholesome grains. anyou think you're g gtitingpoiled. it's so good fororou too. [ announuncer ] beneful prepared mealsls. the new entrees. healthful. flavorfulul. nenel.
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first, a square-offinin court today overjackson'sestate. a judge s sangng his long t ti totorn and mily friend should take over t the singer's esesta. jackson'n's ththeras trying to get the e cot t delay apininng the two men. we sllll don't know how michael jacksonndied, but t the los anlele pooli department reports five doctorshoho prpresibib him medicinee are under investigatition a and las week, officiciss seieizedd esescrtion drugs f fm his hoho.. we have learneded ttt children d famimi services is investigating the welfare off t three young ccldren. officials arealalki with the kids aboututhahat eir life was li w wle they liveddwith their fathther >> now t the bigger picture, t mamaivive blic memorial in honor of jason. ththe rvice tomorrowmorning,
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more than 1.6 milllliopepele registster t to n the free tickcket butnly 8,750 people won theawawin police are w warningngverybody whwh d doe not hveve a ticket t stayay away. as far as is cost f handldlgg ee security and lodgistics momorr, the cici p puthe projectedd price tag at $2.5 millioion. and we're learning debbie rowe will notee attending. he chris jansing g jos s usrom the aples center. set upuphehe scene for us. >> r reptete already, therere's lot of activity d dnn there. people have e be g goi to dodgers stadidiumndnd gti i int wristbands. this is the medidi wrststnd. an y're righgh one ofhehe things police are sayiying is tt if you don'tave a isistbd, don'n't meme down he. ththeye still bracining forhehe
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poibibity, they're sasangng off to750,000eoeoe w just want to be i i proxoximy y of t event. frfromhehebeginning,theamamy said they wanteded sething to hohor m micelel jackson'segacy and that has to mean great mumusi 'r'rhearing steveondernd jennifer h hudnn perfrfmiming sittinin with meme, two women w eso cited. thia a a raqueuel. what dididd you do when u saw e e-mail? >> oh, mygod. i let ou a yell soououd that the kids came running in t the room. >> reporter: whattdoes michael jackson meme to u? >>e's a a legend. pure genious. i've alwaysys wanted too meet h in person a thihiwawas like an
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opportunity for me t t pay m m respectstsveven ough h's's gogoe >> reporter:r: i'm essing that virtrtlllly eryerersoyou know wantntedhahat ticket. so why raeueul? >> she's a gogoodririd. she cleled me yellingn the phonone. she said, tell m m the utut i wawas shock. i knew we wewe gngng but i couldn't b belve it. we wererjujustraying and hinin thatwewe would t i itas like 8:00 and i iasaslike, i don't think we're e gog g toet it. she ii i dodon' undersrsndnd why they haven'te-e-iled t.t. ouound 10:00 p.m.misis wn we the e-mail. out t 1 1.6illion eoeoe. >> reporter: it's greatff you to wait a and sit with u us andk to us for a a few nunute
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no chahae e of you s selngngtha ticket? nono way. > rorter: congratulationsndnd thank yoyo that really is one the thgs that ficials ntnt to g gua against,t,asas any kikind of scalpingng they say this is a m memiaia seicice,et's showw a a little respect. weant michael jasosos true fans to o a ab to come do here. i i inink e real qststn really is g goi to be how manyeople without ticketsts come d dow an there will be maajorr security presence and pplple who don't have tickets and wristbandnds a going to have to s sy y ouide. backck to u.u. >> chrisisanansi in s s angeles. thanks. >and be srere to tune in to msnbc tomorrow. dadavi chris andyself will anchor o o all-day liveve corae ofof michael jasoson' memeororia atat ststtiting 11:00 m. eastern.n. we heard chris talk about the scalpepersndnd authorities tryig to prevent t tha f fro hpepeng. tmzgogot a clipip from ebay at point, biddiding was at $10,00.
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ey took i down and id theye e reviving these ads as quickly as t the possibly cacan but$1$10,0?0? >> do we callththis afuneral, a memorial, an all-star c conrtrtr trtribe? itit wilbebe unkeke anything w e seen. > cebebraon of his lif >> i'm m wi you o o that.t. >> ilillaaadad, w numbers on homama formeraawmersndnd aiaidehave been bought a and pa for by the health care industry. us, rub a d dub dub. a lauauryry tub race from japan and theest of o our forore videos o of e e da ♪
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limb: dude thatasick! i've bn hang' up there for, what, le, forty years? and then - wham - here i am smackinghehetty off that wdsdshield of yours. , what you're lookingg for apology? ll, toss another coin in the wishing well, pal. it's notappenin'. mb: hey, what's , , doie? how you been? anncr: accidenents a bad. anncr:but geico's od ding! with onsite wiwishshie replacement.
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ask yourur doctor about trilipixix. if y you'ratigh risk of heart sease and taking a statat to lor bad cholestel, ang with dietadding trilipix can lower fatty triglycerirides and d raise go cholesterol to hp improve all three chcholterol numbers. trilixixas not been shshowtoto pvent heart attacks or strtrmore than a statatin one. trtrilix inot for everyoneincluding people wiwi l liv, gallbladder, oreveve kidney disease, or n nsisingomen. tete your doctor about allll the medicines you tata a and you are pregnant or may become pregnant. bld d tes are needed bebefo and during eatment to check r liver problems. contacact urur dtor if you vevelounexplained muscle papa o or akness, as this cacan a aign of a rare but serious s si e efft. isis rk may be increased when ilipix is used with a a stinin. ifou cannot afford ururedication, call 1-6-6-trilipix for more i iormation. trilipix there's morere to cholesterol. get thpicture.
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there wawas b big news in mw today. we'll teell you aboutt the meetg between presidenobama andd present medvedevev. does appear they have agreeeed on a framework f for reducg nuclear r weapons. also, republic soul searching tethe sarah palin boshell. whatathe gopstablishment wants from her and other big namesn the republicanararty plus, e e batt over michaeael jason's millions. llllhe family accept a rulin on who should gecocontrol of his estatete? you're watching g msnbc. ♪ gone too o soon
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well, you t e idea. copy and pasteonhe iphone 3gs the most powerful iphone y ye. including who i ust to look after my mey. ♪ (woman) the dust might be settling... that's great, but i'm not. ♪ (seconma i guess i'm st done with doing nothi, you know? ♪ (third man) oh, i'm not thinking about moving my money. am moving it. tdd# 100-345-2550
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i i want fewer pills and lief that lasts all day. take ext strength tylenol ever4 to 6 hours?!? takingngills a day... d if i take it for 10ays -- thth's 80 lls. just 2le can last all day. perfect.t. se aleve and you can be taking four times.... fewer pis than extra ststreththylenol. just 2 aleveve hee the strength to o reeveve arthritis pain a a d day >>ririghnow, with a half hour to close, t dow barely up a a inin ththe nasdaq is dwnwn over 17.
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l prices takikinghehe nose dive today. unging more than 3% toto $64 a barrel. this followsasas weeeess hh on employmement rates ithe u.. generara motors mama soon erer fromankruptcy protectionon. a judge has giveven a green lig to sell the bulk of assets to a company.y. accidenticicti s seeng to hoholdhe new gm a acununble for liability damamass a expected to pepeal anan pepsi ys it't' teaming up with theepep bottling g gupup to boost investment i i russia y $1 millionvver the next t thr yearars. the move increasaseshehe two companies'nvnvesent to over $2 biioio back to msmsnb welclcomback, evryone.
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i'm tamron hall ve inin new yo.. >> i'm davididcchuer in shshinon. the bibigg picture thisafafteoo michchl l jason fans are lining up to picick up their tickets f totomoow's memorial servicice. th say so far, s so good. they've b bn getting their tickets in arive through process. meantime, , pocecere sending out a strongng rnrng to tickett scscalrs. >> oncncyoyou ve a ticket, it is ununwfwfulor youo seiit, even foror face valalue or at li the city y los anlele ouou a identififiedavavg alped a ticket or tryingoo purchase a ticket,ouou're subject to rrest. >> t tororros public memoriri service andd concert i is expec totoost the city of s s anles $2.5 llon. >> andhehe fight o ov jason's
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estate, a jgege r rul against his momothr,r, givingg t temrar contntl l tohe two men the kiing of pop designatated in the wilie puput gegeer in 2002.2. weweve a new will has emererged fromom 1997. joining me from los a aeleles diane diamond.. also,, jay y hey, former prosecutor. diane, we'veve heardo much a abt how closeseicicha ckckso was to his momoth. why, even in a a will in 2002,y wouldndn he leave her in control? >> well, basically, herr age. shs almost 80 years o,,ut also, thihis fafailily, since ml jackson sarted earning money fothem when he was 7 7 yrs old,d, they have f fught overr chael jajason's money. it gogot to the p pntnt wre he s
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vivi one bikk checkto his mother every month.h. atat w a lot o ostrain oner and he r realy did i i think, l and cherish his mother. he alslso h had great respect john, the man in ccrgrge. i think it was p problbla business decision. >> jay, apparentlye e s a papart of michaeae jackson acqcquingnge sony music catalog. it has said to beeiiael jackson'ss btt a smartest financiall movove,reree going to far in anticipapaing a batattl here >> i think t the two seemoo keke a lot of sense. thother pepers is a a record ininstry executive. bran ka madade e s srtest business d disisiothat advdviss have made. and diane, we're jujustetetti a note inn o see of ee people
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th a a going tbe athis memorial. bebe bant, mariah carey, martin l lheher ng iii, brooke shields, ushsher andnd oerers. i find it intetereining thaha i was al sharpton whoho h h p peo no wantingo be photographed th him,bubu now, want tooe asciated. i'i' not implying ttt with a a of these. >> i'm n sure what y yr qutitions inll of thth. whwhato you think of the celebrities showing up? >> we, i i tnknk- i think thatat it's a timefofo all the bad i i will t tggo away. this iss the man's f fin farewell. thinkquincy jones,rooke shields, h a personal lationship with michaelel jackson. at's not unusual ththat they
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wowoulwant to c co and see h now. atats unusuals how h h really kept them at a's length in teter years.s. he sort of became e a nomad, living in bahrain,n, i irend an l over t the acace. i'm m rere many ononhehe list a thinking they wish thehey dd stayed in better touch with m.m. >> thahankouou very y mu.. jay, it's a pleasuree taining with you a well. and just aeminder, tamronn and i willll anchor liivecovera of michael jacksoson' merial tomorrow along wiith c chr jansing in los s aeles. it's's all starting at 100 a.m. eastern time right here onn nbc. > ee alaskann fireworksset off by sarah h palin's dececioio step down, it's igngnitg g a esh debatetebobouthe future off t t rerepuican party. >> is palin leavin the political spototlitt for r go o searching ththwawago foror a ru in 12? frayayshe appeared to leave e the door openoo either
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popoibibily. >> i've n nerer bieved that i nor anyone else ndsds a t tit to do this. so i choose fo m m state anddr my failily. more frreem m progress all way ound to thth alaska mayay progress.. i will not skk re-e-ectctioas governor. >>ith senator john ensign and mamark s sfoford both in sex scandals, whwherdodo thisslelea thfuture of the gop? here to m makee their case, jas andllis --do you, for sarah lili ononwitter today wrote critits s ar ininng, soso hang i ththe ahey feed falsls i in on ththririgh decision madede as i enter lalast ar in office toot run again. actually, her lstst year w wou not t arart until jananryry. so whyhy i she mislsldiding lik in? > lok, you now,hihis isn't
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the first time she'smimisskeke, tt she's still great articulatorf consnsertitive values. >> h can she h hav anyny credititabitity en theree s she, misleaeangng onhertwititte shsh sasaidhehe ran foureaears . itit w threeee don't you think this is ptt of a deliberaratefffft by palin to ke it seem like s she been in fifice longer than she really has? >> i thihink i it an honest mimiste. she'ssgegeing attacked by e left and right. itit'sot easy. >> why does shshe zefr a break. what do you mean by gigive h he breaea >> people are speculating all erer t place. a l lf it is totalalnnonnsnse. e'e's making decision t thatte feels is best foror her amily.
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i'i'm llllinto give her the benefit of the doubt on n th a a i hopeeverything woror t for her. >> she hsnsn't really givenny clearr explanation.. do you know the reason for hihi? > babase on t whole paragraph about poiointarar, i ththinththathe is garing up to sign lron as a free agegent in 2010. wel l see. i don't t se h h she moves into so sort sphere of gop c ntnt contender. i think the only ining, that care c cha f fm her performance is the guy t t chase d didtt blame t media.a. she all said t tte e could - why is sarah palin givingng u and fhting them d how dodoes that helelp the reblican party? >> i don't think itt helpss t rereblblic party, bubut she this
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it g goi to help her familyly. i i n'n't ink we're here to sendnd guess that.t. whwho ululd ame her for being sick of politicscsigight now? >> presisintnt oma from fringes of the r rig w wgg -- thehe inpependt women's forrum, thank you boboth >> sue. >> these people kill me, saying th've not e seenen morere hate didireeded wn as u pointntout, president oboba a so ofhoho rallies -- the list goes and on. t just obama. but throughghour nanaon's history. i don't know what barometer the people aresing when it cocoss to governor papali w wita dueerespect. >> you're ririg.. and yorere seng the divivisnn inhehe rublican party. erere e some who have lf-respect and sayalal does
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tt represent odds for her misleadingng a s strge behavior. atat'sot what theeepuican party is about. itit'sbout finishing a job.b. there e ar others w who j ju tog whatever p paline she wawas.s. >> she cacan takeit. shshllll fht back.k. >> yeyea i i gus. > wllll see. up next, wmakers ck to rk on heeal carr how moneneymay influence the mot important battle i i a generation. > and the presidenent r rsia. we've e go all the details. a revolutiononary stri that sticks to your teeth so well you can even drink ter with it on. new crest whitestrip advanced seal. get t a dratatally whiter slele while you do just about anything. satisfactiononuarantd.
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da many now lbbbbyi for insurance mpanies and hospitals e former lawmakers hopinintoto influence the final outcome. senatotocarprper rst to clarify, u u id thatt t public option wooulbebeoo expensive. now k keysenate comomttttee say it w wou b babout $6 mimiioion. >> i said we need someththg g to keep the privavateeect to the firere. weprovided for apublic plan, a publicicoption. m me it a fallback icase th didn't do ththe job. what i'vee suggested is that we have a fallbackk plan as a p puc option. ththerare otherpppprohes as senatotoronrad suggested we haveve a coopeperaveve and a susuccsfsfulne in attle. 's about, not a prate
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company, b bacally a member-only, member-run.n. >> yes oror no, first. are you supppporvevef a public plan or against it? >> states could have --- >>hat's a tototal reasonable position, butt he'e' the isue th "the washington post"t" g to today. if you look at the amountofof money, $2223,00 frfrom phpharceuticals andealth care oducts. why sououldt people e liliev your desion, that i i's's been influenced by inraranc companieie and cpapaes that don't want to baack .. >> iwant u us to pass billl. a good bibi.. ailil that will actualal rededuc
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costssndnd make i availalaee to people who don't't care. h hava lot of people who say i won't vote f for health carer form unless it haaa a puic option. others say i won'toote foor if it dodoe i thinin t the idea of what we t theedicare part "d" plan, to have a fallback p pititio o the shelelf, th seems to be a perfectly good optptio >> but, senator, y y'r'r underra lot of pssure, wouldn't you acknowledge, froroththe insuran cocompieiewith allhe money ey've given you? >> i don't feell a l l o o pressusuret t all. the most effectiveobbyistoror i i everything i have ever ne are actually pple from delaware that i kowow at i i trtruswhwh talkedd to me in all kinds of parades all o orr my state this weekendnd d people ththat call my o ofifice mostly delaware that have a a vw.w. what we n nee to do issaakeure whwh's's bn going n,n, which we're paying fo money fofor heheal c carthan any country on rtrt we don't get better results.s.
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14,000 p peoee le theiei h heah carereoorage today. we have 47 millionon pele with no healthare c cerage. we c can doetette than hahat. think we s suld devevel a bipartrtanan plan. hope that's whate do.. >> thomas carper, senator, good of you tooo us today. appreciate it. y y bet. >> interesesti intterewew up next, "crossing the line" lawmakerss youtube r rnt agains michael jackson. later in the show, men who puputheir hearts on theirr sleeveveanand eir wives on their backs.s. you're watching msnbc.c. >> i love it. spectacular. women who drink crysl lit drink 20% more water. crystal light. make a decis change.
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know tt. but when piticians say t darnedt things does itross e line? the king of pop ten on by new york congressman peter kin he'sn inrnetensation and not in aoo way after he decided it's high timeor the jackson tributeto sp. he had this say. >> this guy was a pervert a child molester, he was a pedoile, and to be giving this much coverage to him day in and day out, what does it say about us as a count. >> king went on to say we shoul be honoring licemen, firemen, verans. now we have update. hedoes not apologize for making e comments. infact, congresan king had this to say jt a short time o. >> what i'm saying is it wld be no different than whati believe the average amerin thinksnd believes, whether they thoug michael jackson was a good entertainer or not i believe the majorityf amicans thi tre been
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terrible excess here by the media i the glorification of michl jackson. >> congressman kingcertainly s a rit to feelthis i would. there are people who agree wth him. deatcertainly does not erase all the ong or right you hav ne. the thing that strikes me most is king in s comments claimed he wanted honor the reel heroes in our society. firefighters, teachers, veterans, like mywn father a master sergean the y, but in his grandstanding, he too, upstages those everyday hero at is we all love. whatever happe to no comment on michael jackson? but today i'd like to honornd then rea your list of peoe whoyou say, congres king, kay deserve to be honored. it cute when a 3-year-old says somethinoff the cuff, but what you call it when adult, better yet a leader, does it? crossing the lin you tell me. twitter us at twitter.msnbcom.
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we'd love to hr fr you. crossing lineat wa a great it'slmost 4:00 on the east coast. we're just getting strted. up next, the hunt for a possible serial killer terrorizing a small town i south carin wel have a live repo. lso, sarah palin in the wer 48. what the future holds for the most divive figure in the publican party. and, of course, all the latestews on michael jackson from the fight over his millions to the lucky few who got ticket to toorrow's star-studded meal. you're watinmsnbc. ke itard reathe.
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