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tv   Morning Meeting  MSNBC  July 7, 2009 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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ststight aheadad ofs. > clinicalllly crazyzy >> yeh, let's go ililli geist.t. >> i learned iwiwill g get home day and put on mscc and rip ofthth dial andnd bask in thth michchll jackson memorial. >> i heard mika laughshs whenhe hears that somebody l le e da seno is 2 2 under 2. >>ah, wiie you are about t embark o on ee bt years of your li.. good luck.. >> you arereat role momode >> thank you.. >> and that's why i lookikike i lolook >> and t t i leaeded the country is more conservatitiveththan i thoughght. >> i learnediiikikes to t ta abouout re americans.s. >> i ne to lklk to dylan.
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>> thatat rough.h. >> dyn,n,hhat isup? if it'ssayay too early,hahat ti isis it, willie? >> it's time for "mornrninjojoe. good mornrnin toou. i am d danan ratigagan. it's nicee to seeyou.. the jackson ffamy, you cansesee aive otot at the jackson mpound inencino. >> o thank you so muh. we will rerememb h h here. i like t thinkff him as the most sctacular ithereaeati or otherwiwi man.
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the king o of autopspo t ty cal. we have a w wle bunchch of fun pepele arounun i b belie the verend jesse jacksoson lllloin us in a bit here. anand have a whole stringng of lks in the nextxt couple houur. isis i a specialal"morning meetining,ananit begins right w. there is alsoancing to the tablble. before we go tohe guests, i i want to getout to los angeleses with the latstststate of lay. whwhat i inin on outut ere, jeff? > rorter: jesse ckson is stanngngive feet from m me, s s imagine he will ben y you s sh
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soon. d o one ting th ismportant speak about as wellll, pocece are clearlrly at this poioint tg to opinion doctorsrs down. didid eyey supppp michaeael jac with pills thatat may hahave ki him when they should not hae? eyey pulled outut bottles and bottles of pillsls, anncnclung a strtrgg mmedicioio some o ofheboboles hadad labele and some did not, and some had aliases onon them. d d at's come in hollywood for whencelebrities get meeditition that thatt a and they arere try fifi o out if anybodydy is respsponblble r is. anand treres no official cause of death. d it's two weeks after hi dedeat 12 days to be exact. ananwe h hav heardrd cardiac arre.. and the medidica examinerer id ththerwere prescription drugs, and his friendsaa outndnd
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idid ty were worried ouou hihim. but todaythe focus on on merial. and t investigation will be on totomorr.. and no criminalcharges here yeyet, d that c cululd take mon. >> jniferhudson, john mayer, brookeke shshldlds, and thehihi keepcoming, and those arhe fofolk rfrforng at the memoall daday. and i waa to introducuce you to e panel andndththey will be wit us for the n next upuplehours. jonathan wilil b be with usut o wainingt. you knowow jonathan ina variety ofcontexts,ncncding to our contributions. and cotessa, i save the best for last. and ararli wall sting to the ghght. foerer psident of epic records at sson
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anand jenenine sits on theset. ni to see yoyou. andd contessa was singing in ee hallwaysyssisingg michael jajackn. >> yeyeh,h,hat was myy teterptation. >eaeah. and mr. sllll withss at the dedesk and, of course, , ntntes brewewe who wiill keep us from doiningg things we should nottbebe doing. >> no,usust the posite. i am the o o leading t ayay. >> you had a couple obrvrvatns, one your c cldren arare learning aboutichael jackson bebecausofof his death. itit like they are discoveverirg a nenew generation. >> it's an i itus g genation that t they e e owing up in, an it not the radio eyeyre listenening o.o. andd they are looking at the chts and seeeeing him p pop up.
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fofor 7 8 or 9-yeararldlds,ho is the guy that has bigger hihi than the music ey are stening to n.. atat ds that mean? it's transformation o of musici to anenew nenetion. >>alk to uss a writer. when youu lok at his hooks, yo look at the fafactshat he rolled up on mtv w wh an 18-minute music video,o, and itasas like moviewiwith smoke and fifire? >> yeyea it w was definitely unheard ofofthen. he opepeneththe doors for a loto artists lili myself. i am happytoto actually witness his magic, you knw.w. i i am not g goi to beone o of yoyounr kids coming up. i am learning abt miael. i actually w wiessed it. it's greatat. >> ianant to b bri revevenend sseacksonnnto the conversasati f frotheststaps ceerer jesse, have ianaged togege you
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agree tt michaelel jackson inventedopop sic? >> welll, am t suure he invented it.t. hehe extended it and took it another level. he brought i in a new l lev of sciencee to ee mumusi i guess at i cannot qtete get past the humumbl bininngs. f fcucus on the endd of h lif. 11eople are living g fr ros s ga, indiana, and a father that was cranane operator by y, and then a a discscipnana by ninit. we must remememberr thahat. >> d dyoyo feel the rags too richch successshahat is so amicic, and it't's soinspiring abt a ameca, not just for people in the couryrybut for peoplelehahat look to the county do yououeeeelikehaha opoppounity and that potentntia
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is as vrant todayss when n e e ja jacksons wewet. >> ruructed activity. father tatat worked two joobs y day, andnd by night aisisplinary father.. and they uld have had nine stray ilildr, and somehow tyy left thehere intact i think what haened in that house desererves iiatatin > we talked a bit, anthere s adedebe, and i dodot t kn if dadais the time togeget into it, but t tre is a a debate because there are ththos t tha wowould gugu thatt his father a the disisciinine was actually t intense and tooo much a a i i affected michaelel in n negive wa lateter i his life, and i don't havethth aswswer to those quesonon >> i am n surehahat it means. my mother used too make meakak
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the switch,, and then ee would say i whip youececau iovove yo i don't seehehers a c cru woman. >> theototrpopoin that charee mamade in the een room,m, sssse is is it impossible too h he th music,c, andven if u don't like michael jackson, and you say,hateichaeljackson, and u hear it in thehall,r where ever isit, a the next thing you know you a tappppgg your feeeet andd fingers. do youou know anybody --hat do yoyouhihink made him so effect inapapring peoples'' emotion dd atatntntio >> the music andhe timeses. he wasnot the first toto rea out, but hee w received well.
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ananthe cistmas song byy nat cole. aching out. and that the tiss that m micel was comingalong, walls are cocomi down. i rembmb being in ruia about 2525 years ago, a and they weree playing mototown it was michaelel and the jackso5 an d dia ross. anan so michael annd thtimes, and he e ss a transfoformveve cultural role figure. >> if you w we to look to tatak omom h passinin the st werful m mesgegehat you cld takeroro his life a and passing and apppp it to america tod and to the w wrlrld tododay, whd you think his passing and his work mostepresents going forward? whwhatan we takeroro what
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did, from whate hhied, and s death, a put i it to some forwarard vavalu eieierer molll spiriritlllly? >> out of f e h houseldld comes family off values, a awowork ethihic,ndnd ung your talent against theddds andmaking drms. all of u us have ththat cllkrng ususe at we hvevend not cry ababouwhat we don't't hhav we couldldump singer,,ndnd that mamar, that eacher, and that teacher, and wehohoe to be accordining t t inn our own tal. >> will you b b volved in the upcoming memoriaial, jesese? >> elell, the private ceremony s for the fafamiy.y. and ey wiill have it a at foress lawn appaparelyly. and thenen i willee he cryingg
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and cheheerin along with the owds. >> h h m man mnn w wkekers will there be in the stapleses cente today, a and will you be one of them >> yes. >> i am going toeave it o that short butut very effective answer. thank you for a piece of y you morning. anank you for your time. enjoy the day. and what i is your respspon to at you heardfrom theeverend there? > think he is rrig. michael gave a a lot to ththe w, even thoughghee ha a ntntversial life. i think thecongressman kingwawas a litttt h harsh o o him, comin out and calling him a pepervt. wowod d yoleave your kidsds w w him? th's'sikike meatat headd logigi. i woululdn lave my kiith him eithther, yy man ionon't knw i wouldn't leave mymykids. and the xtxt f hours,we wi just cebrate his
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contributions tomusic. i think wespent a a lot of the stst dade talkingabout the bizarree behahaviornd iisotion, anand p pstic surgery. we know that narrative, andnd w veveots of time going fofoard. >> yeah,e havespent the last week talking about hihis ntntritions and the legacy that he adads,however,r, can yo imagine whwhat h could have d de had he nene out w wi this cocoert, has hee done the 500 concncer, , anhad h h hadhe new ngs? talk a abo introducing a whole w generation to h h mmusic that's i h gagacy as a 5 50 contrarary old. weee it wii mannnn and cocongng o and rereienenti herself.f. there are legendary peperforrsrs that showw y you peoplelethis i at it means work hard and achieve your dreams. ifife lived and hadad done t concerts, he could h he e do that.
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>> wewiwill take a eaea and come ckck. and the question is, es a rckck arar he to go the michael jackson n route? how do youou g on the monon and bre e ringsteen's rorou,, wherer y are able to matrere totonn old anan g gr rocker? that's for anonoth time. i c see you as old and gray. i see it in your eyes. we are backk w wit a s spealal memorial too michael jackson right ater this.s. ♪ what about sunrise ♪ha about rain ♪ at aboutal the things ♪ you said we werere to gainin ♪ >ú>ú>ú>ú>ú>ú>ú>ú>ú>ú>ú>ú>ú>ú>úñ
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>>. > > hes music, and he spsped
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me myy whole life.e. the e not a d day don't listen to hi music, or you know, it means s so mu t tme, reallyly ♪ikike arainbow ♪ welcomee back, m micha jacksososs funeral in calalifor. a huge mmomoalcheduled at the staples. if you have seen a a lkekers me you haveeeeen insidef f th aples cecenr.r. and thehe a are a strange ofof folk most of the foss tt you can thk k of or u anticipate wodd be around an event l like this, are, inn fafact, therere i wanant to step outsidedehe amererican perspepeivive. we are very wewell areref what isis going on in ianan and t t and a the acacce t that we
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benefit from nw in general. michael jacksononbbefe any o of the faorsas reesesentive ofmerica where somodod could put o o a spklklinglove and ngng le crazy and walk backwardrds d d beme a millionaire, a andinin like t wind. uth africa,'97, thee first internatationapopostaroo perform m ost sooviet russia. and thehe garateful dead were the eses that culdcirclehehe obob >> arere y hge in japanan? >> no, n not rereal. i havee beeeenover there.e. ye. >> y y probably e.e. yeah, they veontessa in
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jajapan. marion hararss is in london. grew up in the a age o ckson frfromheheritish perspective, ththe atatle and others. and people say watat about the beatatle and isay, nah. no, not eally. te u u whatichael jajason, h what hemeant? >>well, i we outndnd bought an album, anand i played it ev daday an nit. anan before there wasipod, iad hi on tape untilhehe tape broke. i had a lot andi i wa a big
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fafan. >> maybe t today you couldtoto y aesestaant andet dry ice cream. >asas that responsibible -- didn'tis h ha catch fire? >> was trere because o oththe rrrrcucur at was n n easyy t toull ffff. >> maononthank u.u. iippppreate your sharing yourr memories wii us. and shshe rkrks r msnbc in lolond. and i w wan to goaa to something we sasa bore the break, and t tt't' we celebrate his aaccomisisents, and theyey are eextordinary. 's's a tragedy -- the tragededys that he was n able too continie to give his oious talents, and you can ve usinsights astoto whwhatou saw atthat rehearsal last weeeek, and rind folkshat you rere saying earlrlr?r?
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>> with all the l loing b bckck how accomplishedd michael jacksn wawa the thing is, the r real tragedy is wee don't ow what could hahave bnnt the e end o lyly we don't k kno what could havee been i iauaugu. he told people, this issit, heh is coming backoo d dut concerts in lolonn.n. maybe hee would have felt t buzz andnngy an felt healthier.r. we saththatrehearsalal he was in phenomenall shsha.. he d d no lookk like ararail od man. agine what might hav happenedd had he lived. >> when youlolo at the video, the last rehearsal, a evenn some of the footage of f mm comi u up watching thehe ddance and memeangge is i in charge of that show,,hat's thehe difference.. and it showed you what it coul ha been. itlsoeeacs you, in my opinion,n,hahat we need m more artists likekethi ii think we arere deperate, notn
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just t the united ststas,s,ut around the worlrld, we ar dedeerate for talent that ctctat culture o a wide scsce.e. i hope it will anangehat we have seen in t the car and musi business.. >> meaning a an artist wh not on writes but isis inssrere to producuce. mimiaeael jacacksoniinot just right or sing mus, , even justst pfoform musisic, he madee moviesbobo the music he wrote. >> he nventedthings. thatovov when he leansnsayay forward over the cecent o of grgrity. d those w wer special s shoe that have a a patten b becau h dinot want people to copy his moves. >> yeaea a andt's called ittun, and maybe ithould be
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ararsts. >> i think it w wil move th music business. ye,, t musicic buness was once abusiness, but it's's n a bubusiss. itit still a product. the peopople that m mak music h lost theay that theyused to get money for makingg music, a sohey need toigure outt a new wa to doo it, and have to tkeke a eak. >t's like pizzzeri and they u used to sellpies, and no they are sellinin pieces. givining away pizza is fununbuu 's's a a terrible business. >> and when weome back, i i wll do readidingfrfrom billie jean hi, jonathan. he i i in wawashinonond.c. >>eporter: i have poinin make, but when w comeback. enen come bk,k, gat pointstsrorom jojothan, and a
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reading from "billieie jea"" kind of nsider myself a robinhof the directrld. buick k ave e finest luxury ossover ever. i eded some zen time with thisis modethank you. when youe ally in pain, reli can't come fast enougug introducing new b bayer quick release cryststals. active crystals dissoe quickly on your tgue. wiwi an exa pain relieving booster, 's's rdy to go to work faster than cacaplets or tablets. it's a whole new wayrom bayer to d dislvlvpain...
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you are already tapping your feet at home rit now, and you can't helpourself, can you? ♪ the funeral to get under way shortly. the memorial service t follow shortly ereafter. and this is a special editionf the "morning meeting." i will ad back ou to california with the latest on the jackson family andhe day's proceengs. hi, michael. >> rorter: dylan, we are all waiting here. we understd the jackson family mbers re re.
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know la toyaacksonas here, and the hurst arrived here at sometime last nit. the jackson familyad a pva viing, perhaps a closed casket viewing of micha ckson. wh we see right w, a lotf media presence. thearrices are up in case there are any cros that might descend on the scene. we have seen 30arked and unmarked polichicles come up and line themselves in front of the funeral he. we understand that there is a small motor kad at left the jackson me. and we know that there is private ceremony, perps a funeral of some sort, tha will held here at 8:00this morning. understand iti last for a
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couple hours. that's what we are all waiting to find out about lan? >> we will te break, and then we arback with a reading from "billie je." a that conversation a very special "morning meeting." don't be afraid to let yr toes tap righafter this. ♪ i a the one ♪ wh woul dance ♪ on the floor ♪ twtwo medi cappuccinos, you're ready for the mimorning rush thanks a good breakfast. one coff witroom, one l lge moc latte. medi m maciato, light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espressos. ke one a double. she's fiber r focud! i havewo cpuccinos, one e ffee wh room, one lar m moc latte, a medium cchiato, a light t hot chococa, hold the whip, and twospspress, one with a dodouble st.
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>> i-artiststs. no mo i itunes, charlie. let'go. i like i it. t's do it we wi start it rightht here an t it up on the web and w we willo it, chaharlie. we can n do th. >> letet's do it >> bore we do thihi and that cludes readingsnd writgs of mhaeljackson, and a visitit om jonhan capehart. but fit i want get ou to memeredith vira who is inside the staples center,nd has a betteriew of what is about to hahappen arod herer >> s far not mu is happeng here. a fewworkmen i inside. it's eerie whhen you think abou michael jackson was her and nowe are celebrating his
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memorial servicee at 10:00. and 20,000 people wilill be gather here at 10:00,0, againin, pacific c time, and o tse will be 11,0000 fans thatwon the lottery tickets. the rest is friends of the fami anddignitataes, an media d the rest. you canan see flowewe. and there are two plexiglasss podidiums. and kobe bryant and magic johnson will bee speaking as well.. and y y can s the drum hits. the are a tremenendousist of performers, andd possibly rmaine jackson m maylso peorm. and th big sreen behind there as well.l. and so agn, this room wil be packed witith pple. thosee thatannot fit there,e,
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6,500 othehers wil be across th street at theokiatheater. >> weave coupl questions foryou, asas w are prone toto have. >>eah, i know. >> how arar they gogoing to rune staples center? ar they going to run it likeke the lakerssme? willhere be parking revenunue? will i it be -- wha happens that money?y? will thehere be contegss? >> i cannot anser that.t. i doubt there will be cocoession this i is a memorial service. and it's a trite to mimiael, and a waofelebrating his legacy. yoknow, the staples cent is handliling the cost of thisis particular event. there has been controversy. theityis putting o $2.5 million onn its end, and some criticized the folks thatun
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the staples cente and they feel thhe fafamily suld be chipng in. at this poin the citit sa it payiing the $2.5 llion, and if anydy wants to contribute d donate, so be it, they uld appreciate the mon. >> meredithth, thanyou forgiving us a slice of your morning. and youou gs are as b busy as i will get out, so we appreciate it. >>o problem, and t thank you. >> like the wayou did not question her a aout th jejermai jacksonperformingng. that's the real story there. >> ll, itounds like he may well do it. d i k know you take ise with my use of the word "perform" there. >> yeah, at is h he perform sn >> centerprpiece? >> jonathan, is thatt you lahing in washington? i t it t is. well, , if jermaine performs,s,d
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however yoyo want to define t t wo, will heteal the show? >t depends on n the performancnc i think. i don't ow. t, can i just-- >> y can do whatever you wanant. >>great, thanks dylan. liststen, on of the ththings tt contessa brougught up w wn we we talking about whatat michaell jacksonn couldave done,e,could he have reinventedhimself in the way madonna hasas done, and the rollingtones have done. e thinthatopped to mind, is that relativelyspeakinghen madonnnna bsts on tthe scene and t the rolling stotos burursn to the scene, they were relatively older thann michaell jackson when he brsts on to the scenene. he had been perfrforming since e 10. they bursts to the scene whwhn theyeyere me mature as people,, as h human beiis. and so michael jackson gr up the spotligig. we watched hi grow up,, ande wahed him transrm, literally, befefore o very es
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going from the cute ttle black boy with the afro,ll the wayay througthe varioustages to that a announment in lonnn, when hennounced theconcerts.. it was disturbing to see how thin he lookoked. the wig, and theheunglass that he wore. the sad things we went fro jackson 5 too his f first solo albubum offthe wal which i have on myipod. it's sti fresh. it's 30 yars later,r, to "thrililler," ich gave us, and you t talk about theoon wk being iconic thgs that he did at thehe motown anniveversa show.. and another i cconithing, and hopefully thth wil go on camera, you hear "thriller" orou see anybododydo this,ou know -- you know exacactly what
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thatat is. you don'n' have toto say what t is.. weweave "we are the world" -- >> that wasas jengenius, by the. >> and i i am sorry to talklk o ththemusic,utut afterer "" a are rld" theococus on michaeael jajacknn was all of the cocontveversl things,s, e court cases and ththe lawsuits, anth allegations of pedophile,e,anan thenenit went from the genius t michaelackson this oher worldly, s somhatrereep persono that people dinot quite understand who heasas o what hee had becomom i think inn epepth people
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rereaqinind thselves and discovered h his mic for the firsrst meme jonathan,n,onon't you think when you are lookiking at a pern that died ppreturely, that have u to take thehe wholetory of thr r life, and it's n n just ababt what a genius he wawas 1982 whwh hriller" was released, bubut it'shh he leded an crcrsingly bizararre lilife and maybe s life was bizarre in his 20s.s. but t he showed theublic how bizazarrhehe w by the time he wawas h hisate 30s a a 40s. >> absolutely.y. you are absolutely rrrrt. w why is the bizarrerene - -- thisisoeoes aigigr coersation. dd i recognize whereheheres a point where i ioes far too far, but if somebody doeseswowo in publicicwhwhetr three they are a politician w wkikingn puicic, or an artist that p paitsts pipic or comedianan that tetell jokes in public -- thank you.. >>ou are wecocome
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i i ininkhere is a broader quqution, where are we evaluatitingeoeoe and people becomingamous forhehe achievement for w wh theyey d o the e agage or inin t theater or on the ip orhhater it is, anandd have wewe lt t sit of t on the obsession ofverything at t ty do when they are n not onhehe stagee or cpapan trail or on thee ipod? i talked too reverend sharptptn this mororni,, and he erereed someme diomfort. infact, heasas very critical of those that arere focusing on th bizazarr behavior for michael jajackn. but let't'ss ce it, whene e ta about britneney spspea, it's --w uld not talk ouou her without -- but they y ardoing it in pupubc. if you a are bizarre in pririva out of the view of the cacames -- yeah, buthh follow y you around whhcameras. but it'ssinin your home.
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>> anrtist does i i to get attention, also. >> yeah, i it works.s. let's t ta abreeak you used to h hav a skill s that was pticularly engaging or cpelling, or whhaterer it was, cededn, or singerer >> yeah, aors had tooact. now if i go to sme partyanan shave e h hea baba, it dsn't matter what i do. >> yeyeh,h,that just getstsyoyo attention. >an you be famous without the bizarrefamous? >>t t ems like yocan't. have you a lot off artitist out there that c sisi,, sg,g, sing,, but if ty don't havehehe mamaetetabity, they don't get thattention. you know what i amay sng w who do you s s that are tants, andyou are rnning teter cords and listeningng a
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singererhoho is inincrible, hasn inincrible voice,utut- you n't make a business s ou of .. >> ah, itasas hahaur years agag because there e wa a a rdio andn v channel to play a video. thth viewpoint wasas narrow. now, anybody f fm anywywhe can break. th's'sood news. we are talking about michael because hehe d thehe most incredible ngng >> iaant t t read . t't's take abreak, and w wen we come back,k, i willll rad etety dd h heas successful in capturing, and weilil tlk ababou s sme of the ememes that you are using, jen winananthen e wiwi write a song? > yh, right. >> y yes we are back whh a a reading g
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exrience. >> yeah, that'sust looking likehe streets of los angeles. >> there are two of em, and the st of them came on the bus. >> are you there? >> i am here, dylan. how areyou? >> fantastic. >> i hear people in there comparing m with madon, which is interesting, which is intereing because they are two of the ggest pop stars of the era. madonna, does almostothing well, not that goodf a sger orncer, and sherings it altogether. when you talk about her reinventing hself, that's all thathe ha and s does it ll and i love madonna for it. miael jkson doesichael ckson. he doenot really change so much. just revamps what s doing a ttle bit as he is going
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ong, youw. and that's t gius of michael jackson, not visuay, but in terms ofat he performed. >> yeah, charlie hit it earlier. the response to the music is overwhming. the pleasuren creating musi and peoples' desireto make music is abundant asit has been, but t model from which move money from those who make music that enjo music is gone. and the only way to get people to make music is to pay them. and u would know tis tter an anybody, you could be mariah carey wit a new whateverand the peak sucss in music today is a joke in coarison to whatt was not that long ago i don't knowowou use the michaelackson moment as you
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justdescribed it to alter that demand for theotal artistas oppo to jt the performer, just the manufactured proct if you will. >> i think it sets the bar f great, i think that is wat we're lking about. bringing up a new generation and now th is the level ty have to compete ainst. >> rit. >> this guy named michael jackn, does not makesense? think that is what you'll see happening. kids are maki their music on computers today. if you g on myspace the next biggt acts is on there. >> the problem is the can't break throh. >> one thing lt inthe record business is artist development and ey used to have, you know, we talked to the artist and develod them and show them and, you know,et them learn how to perforand give them time to grow and mature. michaejackson mes from the greatest artistevelopment since -- thawe ever had.
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>> i don'thk it's the record company's fault. i think where there is a dire need -- charli record company- >> yes it is, yes is. >> i think there is a di need for greatness and we haven't seen greatness. madonna peorms and finds a grt producer and clabates and that fine. chael jackson kes music. >> me, i just want him to know, what is his name ain? courtn? >> toure. >> i never compared him to donna, definitely. i don't think there ll ever be another chael jackson. ever be another mel jason. its the record coany's fault because when they see a dolla a lot of mes, they go after it. >> yeah. >> all of the things tat used to happen back when i ca out in '96 and up until now, it's change tremendously. do you know what i mean? we used to sit do and talk and th is the way y do thgs and practice and not just walk back andforth, dinds what i'm saying? >> there are two sides to this, right? isn't it the record compa that
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creates the environment for that developmenthat funds the marketing,ll that? i recognize that critism have a lot of validity, too. >> i want to mention ware looking the live pictures. some over the staples center an me of thesecrowds outside. medith vira called back and did some checking around. you talked abo that earlier. they are havingconcessio. never mind it' a memorial service. you're talki about money to be made on music? >> going be. >> there ismoney to be men parking and concessions and when this productionompany goes ba and sells the mmoal -- and it will be there. and there's money to be made off these tickets. therare 15,0 dollar bids for some of these tickets. >> but chael wanted it, though. >> yeah. >>ertainly the way t califoia taxpayers wanted it. we will take a break. we are back after this snoetle the classic flavs s ofuscany inspiratiofofor.
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♪ >> michael jackson inspired most people and inspired people to do moonwalk or whether it was a glove on your d. i pled hockey when i w a k and they had sparklg gloves you could wear underneath your hockey glove. oh, yeah. theclaimas it was reflective, jonathan, so you couldeep your hand warm while you played hockey. >> hand warm? >> i used to take the hoey glove off.
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anyway, you got any more da moves r us, jonathan? >> no, but when i was in high school, at st. benedict's prep scol i newk, new jersey, one of best friends was bre greenleaf. i hope he esn't kill mefor bringing this u 30 som years later. he was huge micha yakson fan to the pointre he had the "thriller" jacket, the red leather with the black and he d the curl. >> you had one, too? >> i had one, too. i remember my sister had a miael jackson white glove and i didn'te one d i cried. and i had to havelike the right one, notthe left. you got a pair ofgloves. i wa the right, i ied for three days. >> you saw the jacket? >> no, i n't have the jacket but after motown 25 that is when i actually set out te the entertairhat i am today. >> that wathe inspiration, the moment? >> yeah. >> that was a shared moment for america the motown 25.
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>> contessa? >> as the daughter of a baist preacher, rock andpopmusic were not allowed in my household, so my first introduction tmichael jackson waon a street in main when me kid had a boom box playing, gbully type and said why don't you do what the song says and ju beat it! >> soun like a street top. >> beat it! >> we're going toake a break. we got a lot of conversation still to be had. i hope youon't beat t. i still have a bill jean reading i would ke to do here. man in the rror. the poet, the theme the tribute to an acan hero and american tgedy. we remember michael jackson this morning. we a back th the "morning meing" right after this. ♪ remember the time. when we fell inov ♪
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♪ michael jackson fans lined up at the staples centeran hour from now. the fal gets underway. a memorial servi to follow a couple of hours thereafter. mi taibbi, what is going on, mike? >> rig now, except for te lipters hovering overad and the 4,000 cops who have been deployed not a lot to see. they've t up inside the staples center. as you ow, they wod have to have done st a couple of hours before the start of this program toy. but they think will take about three hours an,000 people will be inside the staples center. i watalking to cops this morning whathey expect and a lot of them are saying they pect, at least among
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themselvesamong the pole and e inigence they are getting, for this day to be a little less than. that is to say, not a million people or more floodingnto los anges. and for simp reasonsp on thing toet on theomputer and regist to try to win one of those tickets, those 18,000 tickets at were available. anher thing to pay aiare fr whereverou where you registered and come to l.a. and arrange for transportation and arrange a hote roomnd get to this location. the thinking ishasince only limited number of people will be allowed either inside the staples or nokia ceer you're notoing to have the huge crowdsn this area. mike, is there y contacts for th as an event, put this in the context you can of th osrs and grammys. los angeles is a town basically but for hu events how does thi compare? >> you're rht about th me, obviously, it huge. a big celebrity sendoff one of the papers put it, is mornin one of the web sites thatver been i tms of the length of
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it, the breadth of it the number of stars performin whetr it's usher or mriah careand kobe bryant and big name here. even talk nowhat michae jackson' oldeston prince, might himselferform at thi ceremony tod. that is not confirmed but cotney hazlett brought that as a possibility a while ago. this is a sinlar event and somethinmemorable, no question abou it. yolook at the reporters and camera crews from around the world all over the rimeter, it's that big. >> mike,ha you so much. mike taibbi at the staples center welcome to the secd hour of th special edition of the "morning meeting." contes is with us the entire time and stephen a. smith is joining the conversation for the cond hour and genuine with us and charlie is here with us, preparin to launch i-artist. i believe you arethe first arst? >> yeah. we've got that thing under way. i want to talk about his writing
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and his writing themes. i'm going to do a dramatic reading of some ofis most famous song start withillie jean. he says -- is that you, jonatn? and be carul whatoudo becae the lie,charlie, becomes theruth. >> hey, he s. billie jean notlover. she is a girl who clms i am the one. >> i just want to know, do you have -- do you have any idea how sterical you sound just reading that? i'm notkidding! go d. >> she isust a girl wholaims i am the one but the kids not my son. >>you, too, should be an
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arst. >> i will be i-arstnumber two. after imprks e. >> man in the mior. i thi this wmostthe porf reading. as i turn up th collar on my favorite wter coat the wind is blowg my mind. i see the kids in the street not eugh. don't ugh at me. who am i to be blindpretending not to see their nes? obviously, thi talks about the disparities th exist in society general. i uld say we are the world. if there is one song tat captur his ambition as a writ, his ambition as an artist, it was t try to utilize music to force people to recognize sothin. smith and heere discussing yesterda we were talking more about the taxpayer abuses in this coury and how that, you know, mic maze colorblind and music makes us gender blind and so, too, is stealing your tax mone
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>> cl that a lyric >> than people thi. but, again, your thohts on his writing themes and their apications to today, all this. >> everying is seco to none. i think michael probably will go down as one of the best writers ever, to me, do you know what i mean? a wr myself, i can see that he's using his life as a blueprint, do you know what i mean? hes definitely writing from experiences. he's definitely writing fr his heart, his feelings and that is what writers like myself also do. >> i thinkhe thing you have to gi him a significt amountof credit foras that hwas a great iter that didn't have to re on his writing in order to be successful. if you listen to the song oth criminal" he said annie, are you okay a thousan times. do you know what i'maying? nothing innovative about that but you couldn youray off of him the way he cou move and dance. it was magic in th regard. the fact tt he could rely on those but still was an ceceptnal writer you have to
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ve him credit for that. >> remember th video? "it' black, it's white." doesn't that say something? it's ue. we all, underneath, wre all thesame. >> right. >> some are blue, actually. >> right. yeah. that's true. you're right about tha >> you talked about the total artist andtephen makes a gre point which is michael jackson one of the sxu mat total artist nobody thought of him as writer,hathe was su a great perfoer that the performance that he could put out was so mu better than any performer toy that people lose sight of the fact that the music that he wrote ad the lyrics that he wrote were also,gain, new stanrd or different andard. charlie the pointearlier stephen, that he is the r. you want to be a succesul
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artist today, be betterhan michael jackson and then -- >>actually, that's t tr beuse very few people on this planet earth, if anybody, will evere more successful than him. if that' the bar,hen we're going to have a wole bunch of fa musicians outthere. let's be real about that. no way that anybody -- this guy" thriller" sold $50 million copes copies. >> at least we know -- >> he is the greatest. it's a gatblueprint. >> let me mentionwe're following live covage here. you can see the copper overad on t left-hand side of the screen over the family's compound in encino. the jackson family. they willbe observing a private memorial this rning closed to the public. we know tha fily friends have not been asketo attend. reverend jacon said this morning he is attendin the puic memorial at e aples center. we understand the falys getting rey to leave. they are going to be escorted by california highway paol and the los angelesolice to t forest lawncemetery.
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that is the best news that i've heardbout the jackson family since michael jackson passed awy, becae nothg has been private. everyt has been about publicity. everything has been aut whether or not they're going t charge people to g to the funel and then ultimely somebody has to just elimin that report, what have you. the fact the fily is having something private, intimate iends and loved ones and family, frnds, et cetera, et cetera shows there some level of decency being exhibited. ank the lor >> nbc news is confirming the casket has bee transferr to the staples ceer. in fact, michael jackson's by and his casket wil be the staples center f thisublic memorial. >> wow. >> jonathan? you n hear jonathan reting there. do you want to jump in? >> wll, yeah. that's surprin i thought tre was going to be a private funel service a cemeterylose by where would be surrounded byother legender people in ameran entertainment but the idea that the coffin
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wi be there at the staples nter, i think,dds a whole her element to this celebrion. you can'call it anything else. celebration the life o this remarkable enterin. >> did youike my readings of the poetry, jonathan? i did and i'm kind of jealous cause, sometimes, i do amatic readings of michael jackson songs but i do it with a little more passion, i thin dylan. >> i wanted to focuson the words, youknow? >> sure. >> i was focusing on the word. ian halpern is with us. as spectacular ashis man's rise contributions were, his scendentsy toeculiar and unusual environment, all we say,as equally startlg and
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spectacular. ian, i don't know how much you were able to get into sort of explanations as to what most troubled him,what most brought him to isolation thate lived in, buti'm curious the themes that you picked up on in wring this book in unmasking use yourwords, his final years. >> first of all, dylan a very symphetic portrayalof mil. let's nofoet that this man, his legacy is indelible and it's going to live on forever. he ansformed pop music and the inrpop culture as wel but what i say in my book, the were aot of vultures around him. is couldave be prevented least a bit he was iut so many people were just gnawing on himor cash and they tried to extort things out of him. look bk at e child molestatcharges. when i heard theverdict, i was fuous in 2005 and i s out to coict michael in dumtary and there was nothing i could find. this man is no a child
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lester. i interviewed thousands of people for my film and for my ok and micha jackson, unfounately, became very depressed, as people tugged on him. i've been in contact with people in his interrc and, fortunately, we have to see is sad turn of ents and i think it's terrible, but h we are d i hink, toy, we have to celebrate his legacy and really honor him for wh he accomplished. >> ian, what is your sense of how many true friends this n had over the later portions of his life? you mtioned vultes. s theranybody that you're aware of in his life that was friends with a guy named mike from gary,indiana, who happened to have this crazy life? >> you know, dylan, thas one of the best qstions i've been asked about this whole ordeal. michael was a veryonely human being. he really cared for his kids. that what gave him the inspiration to liveon. he was a doting father and
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incrle parent, but he really did not kn who to trust becausevery time he put trust in someone,he got burned. >> i guess my queio he didn't have anybody he was friends with from gar anybody he was friends with from motown? he didn't bringnybody to los angeles with him as heot to e bright ligh? >> i didn. >> he didn't have a chance. he was a child star so maybe he di't have achce. >> there's a lot of unequivocal nonsense bei bandied about right now and i want to do due diligence, i wan the thorities to do due diligence beuse people haveot to be held accountableor the way michael jackson, an american icon, pop icn, most famous rson in the world ended up and we want answers and i usted the authorities are going to get the bottomof thi >> chare, i don't ow how -- here is t speculati, rig? let's just- let's just be honest. we're this meeting. let's have theconversation. >> please. >> this is a man who is a talented man and a peculiar and bizae man, all of those things
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are apopriate adjectives. stephen, i'm sure you ve a few your own. this was a man about to go on a big tour who was probably looking to get some money from that tour. i woulday tha's not too much of a lap on my part. likely, nded the money and wanted themoney for whatever reasons and doing rearsals. on second. was in aulture where he was using prescription drugs, other drugs to -- as part of his lifeyle, right? stands to reason that somebody, afr that rehearsal or someone allowed him access to some st of pharmaceutical t waateast partially respsible for his death. i recognize that's a lot of conjecture and speculation omy part. we're still waiting f the toxilogy report to come out. >> tt's not news and not toxicology. that ime sitting here and looking at circumstances sayin you tell me how iis if you am irazy to even be tinking this? >> you saw - >> no, dan, you're right on the money here. >> go ahead, ian.
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>> in fact, i did notook my flight to london because i knew and i predicted this on natnal tv in the uk the day he announced this comeback that it would not happen. i was ry skeptical. concert dates,ichael wa fuous when this happened. he originally expecteten. he was in no shape to ha a 50 concert tour. he has had a lot of lnesses and sufferin from anorexia, all signed of sid effects and the people arod him turned a blind eye. theyere more intereste in on getting him a the sge instead of the right medica help. >> jackson had a number of llion dollars d thought heould hit that number with ten and they said no, it's going to tak50 to get to that number. theris a conversation truly that was had prior aboutow many shows and all this and which i'm sure was tied tohe money. ian, i have to take a brk. we have everybodhere. ian is author of "unmasked, the
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fil years." we are back wit a special editioofhe "morning meeting" after this. hi. number twoplease. uld you like that to ht now or later? uh, what? sir,t't's a mple question. do you w wanhearurn pain, now or lat? these heartburn medicis make you choose... between huhurting now or later. pepcid complplete n't. stas to neutralize acid seconds... and keeps s underontrol all day or all nht. sometimeyoyou gotta make compromisises, man. no, you don't.t... man. pepcid comple, works now and worklar. now with a great newaste.
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♪ welcomeme back. agaiai l loong at live pipictess as contessa wil tell you anand
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will tell you as well, out of los ananges.s. again, prereraratis complete. michael l ckson fununer soon to ben.n. >> we knonow ss casketssoing toto t staples cteter forhhis memerial service. in fact, thehelalan is for the sket to be closed.. the faly, we're to, is heading toto forestst wnwn cemey withhehe califorora a hiway patrol escorting f for his prive nenera >> stephen a a. smimith and gene and ia halpern isiith usnd charlie aree w wit us. you righthtly point o o and cocontsa did the same tngng in the last hourf f th coerertion hereoror all of the celelebrioio of his musisi whic wawarrts celebration andhihi waanantshe atttttition that i it gets,, you have-- i'll l youu articulalaour own concernrnsnd yoyourwn points. >> the reality isthis. i i waa fan of micicha jason,
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thth musician. let's be c carar about at. >> yeaea >> he has p pasdd away i think t tht's been highl inapapprririate to soome degree, you know, when peoeopl y to focus on some of thee tinin that he allegeded did outstsid of t music woworl off ssta. ththiss not the time and place toto gntnto that. i willppen admit it. unfortunately, some pepeop f fce you toto a situation w wre you catt help yourself, becauau they -- i in such a fashion tha you're sitting b ba and sayo you have 20/20 vision? y y have twowo ? what h havyoyou en paying tetentn to? this man was hihiororic. 5050illionllbu sold.d. >> go a all day. he didttallll his humanitararnn effortss cnn t tak away. take awawayhehe childld momosts because he wawas ququitd on all charges. > y. . >> but you h havononeofof t greatest producerss of all timi
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uincy jones whohoasas just o ththrecord quoteds saying, michael jkson didn't wanan to be blk.k. michael jackson didn'tavav -- you know, heididn'have vitiligo orranything like that. in my opinion, this isis what quincy jononessaid. he did not ntnt to be blacack, okay? ththiss a guy who blblchchedis skin f crying oututlo yogogot father inoeoe jjacon. the boy hasn't't been dead88 hohourand this man isn the r red carprp l loong like aomplete fool,roromong his album a as if we would buyomething with his nana associated now t tha he is promoting himself 4 4 hours a at his s n n died. yoyou kekell o those thingss into csisiration, you c condeder what michaeleljackson n wa surrounded by, cleear,,e was livivingnnbubble. wasproblematicic.. he was never givivennn opportrtuny y toe achild and thisis i u uortunate so it's not all his faultt but, ststi, he t himself innsosomerecarious situtuatn n -- for opleoo expect otherertoto iknow that is diculous. >>ouou'rtalking about joe jajackn,n, we wee just watchingg
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the insee know compoununhere joe jajacknn and thee sblings o michael jackson, prpresably, are thther at any mement they are expected to leave this coound and head toto aririva fufuraral there. 're eieinghe gate o onn to e e jackson filily cocomund. arrate fuunell at forerest lawn cemetery where m mhael jackskso is reportedly going t to laid to r rstst and theniill come e pupubl memoriaia s serce much later. you'u' tting therere,ggn, live p picres that we'r're wahihingromencino, california, at thihispoint, waiting for thth family toto det go to the cemetery. > t conversation we ha earlier, stephen, i i think iti applieies w whayou just said is is. ere's a timehehe the people that we look to infront of us, howevever u u lk, whetherr y werelilisting to the radio or gathered o on ee cnene to lisise to a a mistst sing long ago or on the intntnenet today, the opopleou were attracactetoto hehear jokes, ng nn, rform, whatever it may e, w we tre
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cause they had proven themselves a a m mo tenente than hers atdoing that t thgg whher it wasathletes, actors, sicians, comomiaians hosts, whwhater you want. we've transitioned beuse of e prevalencef thnology, in mymy onion, to a ctuture wheree me is m mo easilil achieved for wh you do aayyrom the stage. so a culturepoliticallyhehere mark saord and where y you are judged profefeioionay, not byy how y you c couct yoururlflf a presesonal, i thinkelelio spitzer by thehe w was very gogo g govnor and aveve good attotorn g genal. iill defend himim inhahat regard, contessa andnd will talk ababouthat. yeah. >> we wiwill that'sappropriate.e. >> but that's for another day. >> i itii be w wrgoror usoror t to let cntntsa make her counterprpois s ich are cecertnly valid. >>erert metoto jump inn here. >> p plee e do. > t problem with michael jackckso t theast ten ararsf his lilife he d not have one
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friend he cocoultrust. everyone tririedto burn him. in my bookok i got accesess to document frromhehe fstst childd molestation ce,e, the jordan chanandl ase. ii proved t thahe insurancnc company forced himim to sele this case. wh michael heear this, he literallyolollaed in tears, oke do. and afterthat,, i never found oneehred of evidence, including the sendnd case 0404, that this guy ever molested kids. hehe led children. he opened thedoororor cldren. worldwide. n nev had propoper childhood so he wanted, , afrr he h ha al the success, he's b bee inhehe spotlight s sin he's, you know, just a litittld. >> i h ha toaake a eaea here, iaia stephen made the poioint human beings donon'tikikeo watch other human being diststor ththemlves in me fashion asas evidencece of tirir own didislef what this look li.. people g gupsethehe soebebod i forgrg the name o of eectress omom "dirty dancing." had a nose job. everybody is my god, aififrent
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actress. th is arr in the buckcket compared to whatat michael jackn did.d. >> it's v ver simme.e. forgetet t c chi molestatati chchars.s. he was acquititte >> he was m mor -- >> he was aitit different.. atat's it. mhael jacksonasas a b bit ffffert. leaveitit the.e. i'll comom b bac to you after t break. romise. heasas bit difefere. but he w w a a heck of sising.. we're back wititththatfter this. ♪ [ female announcer ] arthrititargetyour body where it's weak. where it's vulnerable.
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♪ >> tt's the jackson famy compou in encino,california.
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again, 30 minutes f now, t private funeral will begin. a public memorial will be held a few hours later at the staples center. we are joid d we have the true pleasure of the company of contessa brewer who i adore. stephe a. smith who seems pretty nice. ginuwine, who is talented and has a nice smile. and chaie walk. >> handsome. >> and hdsome who is chaing and witty and used to run epic cords so has some cribility on the suect of musi i tink we have the itunes download chart in the last week terms of his explosion, viously, as an artistnd he went to the to of erything. i think christopher farley from "the wall street journal" is ing to join us who is their music critic. but your observations fro the se of michl jackson's muc and itunes, who is buying it, what itays about th current generation o artistsnd the ate usic in today's er >> if you look at the top 100
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songs on the itunes char that they plish and put up there, r the most part it's yng a stuff. the kids are buyg it. that's where the kids go. that's theirind of monitor as it's lng chart andchanges. >> like data, it's constant. >> it validates what is cool and vadates what swubles someone else is stening to. you see michael jackson at the top of. what is happening as we speak is a whole new generation of young kids is being tued on to miael jackson. it's new music. interestiny enough, when you click onthat 30-second hook and compare it to the current music outoday, it blows it away. th'sinteresting. we talk about the blueprint. we talk about the bar that's t. we're not sayg there will be anothe michael jakson ain. what we're saying is quality music, that's timeless, it's very, very iortant for the future of music. >> christoer j rl, are you there? >> i'm right here. >> you'ren the room even. >> i'm in the room. >> weran out of chairst the
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table bu a delight to s you. your response to mr. walk's characterization of mus today and michl jacon's success as evidence of the failure to produce, not only is it idence of michael jackson's greatness but it's also further confirmation theack production of uemegatalent in this country. >> well, i disagree with that. i think that it'slear michael jackn was a great talent. but, you know, before"off t wall" was released it wasn't ear that michael jackson would become the super global star that he became. i i think eve today we have a lost young talent that perhaps in the future after they release thei"off the wall" type album they might become bigger global sts. 'lee sha keys has a cnce of being a bigger st than she is now. shakira, talented writer who knows where she can go in the future. still farm team of great artists out there.
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yes, michael jackson s a high standard to other artists. album.k created the inve befo mhael jackson u got one or two singles off the album. but with "thriller" seven songs became huge hits. that set a standard for event albums. around that same time you saw albu like "born in the usa. and we don't see that is much anymore. >> i jump in. we talked about this earlier. isn't itune responsibleor that? in other wor, once we stopped selling whole pizzas and gave away slices to use a metaphor usedarlier hemusic, you lose the mus business once i start giving away songs effectively, io longer have a business. wh i was selling albums, i had a tremendousbusiness. >>ell, you still have a buness. i mean, look at the music dustry. yougot people sellg, you know, ds or what have you. that's just the way the world wos, but the reality is whatever assisting your
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popularity assists in your populaty so that makes sre as an artist you're not going ywhere. if people are listen to your music and you're popular you will still sell songs. >> say that again? let mep in for a second. >> go ahead, ian. >> dylan, he ansformed pop culture, the eertainment indust, but one of the times met chael, onehing he said was don't give me credi michael knew hisistory inside/out about pop culture, renaissance t. he respected artists like van gogh and picasso but respected ople in music to open th door r him. like james brown and muddy waters and jack johnso littlerichard. michae knew his stff. he justook it to the next level. >> christopher, you get the last word andn, jonathan, on the
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other side of the break. >> i think is important what artists think big,he results can be big. i mean, michael jackso wanted to turn himsel into the biggest superstar in the history of music. he did so with "thrier." artists today han't quite reached that spot, but when ty think g, big thing happen. you thk of green day releasing their big album and rock opera went mber one and got rave reviews. as a result a g thinking. i think we'll see other artists in the near future, maybe it will takelonger. create albumshat are the result of big thinking that real excite the masses and not just a fe. >> here the point, though, chstop you're a hundred percent right, shakira and alicia are so much a part of our ture. the pot is michael jakson music isumr one rightow and a new generation is discovering and finding that music. that's the heline and that is at's imant. >> all rht we will take a break. what are we going with as a
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characterization, stephen? >> a little bit differt. >> but a hell of a singer give me that? >> i'll give you that. >> we're back with the manho is a lile bit different but a her -- helof a singer after is. whn you're rely pain relief can't come fast enough. inrorocing bayer quickelel crystals. it's readydy to dissve faster than capts or tablets. it's a wle w way from bayer dsolve pain fast. new bay q q release cryststals. sweet! if you love sweet things, sweet! you'll reallyy ve them whwhen they' made... with splda® no calorieweeter. splenda®.. imagine life sweeteter®
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do you remember. weell inove ♪ charlie, you had another case in point er he. you t play the music without that happening. >> erybody has their own move. >> should i do another reading? >> i think should. >> i will -- no. i'll a readg and then do some this. speang of this. jonath capehart withus. gi us a little context fro rspecte, jonathan. michael jackson's funeral, memorial and the conte of jhn lenn in theonxtof prinss diana. when you watch someone o is knn by so many and has all this emotion attached to their fe, even if there is no reciprocity,obviously. >> right. dylan yotouch on all of those people you mentioned, princess
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dian elvis and johnlen lennon. these wereeople who were extremy pular and famous who puched people not ju in the united state but around the world here in the heart there was an attachment there. but, also, for those younger artists that everyone was talking out in the pvious block, there are lessons to be lenehere in mchael jackson's life. his professional life. and that is, you know, he exhits lots of trasthat y n't see today. you dot see a lot of it today. wasn't famous for being famous. he was famous for really working hard. he was famous for being bett at doin -- he was famous for being bett at doing what heid than anybody else that was trying to do wt he did. >> well, tt's true, but no one will perhaps rise to the level if they follow these tngs you notice from michael jackson's ofessional life, they can rise
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to great heits. hard work, focus, discipline, but also recogning the facto reacthose heights requires so sacrifice. we know all of the saifices th michael jackn went through, that princess ana went throh, elvis, all o these folks. >> by theway, all of the people he is mentioning all dd prematurely. it's also the shockof losing someone wh should have had -- >>ho should ve had had a life to be honest withyou. i think what i get out of it is the importance of family. i dot care what i go through. there's a tremendous foundatn i have. i have a wonderful moth. iave a wonderful fher and wonderful sisters and nieces and nephews. i thinabout that. i sayth because the saddest thing about allof this is that michael jackson never had a chance. i said this on your show. i've said on the air throug the last week orso. he may very wel be resting in peace now for the first time he was never given a chance to
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ha a chihood which is why he couldn't let go it, it seems, becaushe was starving for it his whe life. that's what i think most of all beuse of theadness ftor because he was never given a channd living in bubbl since he was 5. what man do yoknow o this plan is going to have a chance they were exploed from the me they were 5? 5, 5! >> nobod >> nobody and to be forced to be reserved over the cose of your entire life. >> i brought up his father la weekecause why? his father show you by the way he was baving himself on the red carpet f the b.e.t. awds, clearly, if you're willing to explo your son less than 48 hoursfter he passed away, wt were you doing the evious 45? >> i have to take a break. contessa >> i think wa wh we're watching is one, aery pubc outcry against losing a genuine artist so early, but don't
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forget the live pictures we'r seeihere, family members who have also lost a lite brother or a big brother, a son. and in this case, their grief is unmatchabl >> yeah. we'll take a break and we're back with aspecial, very spial edition of the "morning eting." a michaeckson tribute coming up. ♪ (aer) what do le notice aboutut?
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people notice my devotion to familyly peop notice my love for amama my smile. my psion for teaching. cool car. peop notice i'm a good ieiendnd a good listener. people notice thatat m a good boss. ople nice my love of natuture.
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pot, which is forll of the conversaon which we've had this morning and the worldas been havinathis momt, these are people who lost a brother and a n. >> he's the suvs now just pulling out again. california highway patrol and the los angeles police department will esco the family. obously, they feel the need to have mo that's just for themselves, that's just for his three chilen who have lost, let's face it the only parent they'vever known. they have t d a mom in their lives and michael wracks has been the pivotal grown-up in their lives and he is g an f janet and la toya and jermainend all of the jackson siblings now, this was a cherished brotr and he is gon and they will have aamily moment now athe forest lawn metery where he is be laid to rest and that will be a moment when there aren't en a lot of faly friends who ha
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been asked to attend this. we heard from reverendjackson earlier that he is going to be just part of the public memorial service. he won'te part ofthat prite family unal. nbc's george lewi is there in encino outside thehot you're seei. george, set the sceneor us. what are youeeing? well, 's a huge line of cadillac escalad suvs, rolls-royces and very range rover suvs on the street in front of the jackson fami compound all lined up waiting rjackson's mother a father and close family, relatives to come out. we've seen inside this courtyard in front of thejason family house at least one of the jacksobrothers getting into one of the vehicles. it's kind of hard to mak out who is i what car becau most of the cars haveery darkened windows and so can't seeho is riding in t cars, b the california highwaypatrol, wich will escort the motorcade on to
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the10 eeway is standing by. they'v all gotten in their cars ready to escort the escalade o to the motor of rs. allan, pan left and show the line of cars waiting to join the motorcade as we wt for the firstars to come out of t compnd. you canee the line o cars goes all the wa down hayvenrst avenue. >> arell of those people going to the funeral? those are people led up that are attending this prive funeral service? >> we believe thathese cars are all rrying people to the private funeral service. theye all going to go as a single funeral procession dn the eeway toward forest lawn metery. that's about a dozen mile east of here, and they will be escorted by th california way patrol, t state police, and suspect that they will get throu the morning rushour traffic in l.a. fairly rapidly.
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so it shoul'take them too long to get to the cemetery. they are running a bit late. weere told that the service a fore ln was supposed to starat 8:00. they probably won'tet there justt 8:00. we were told that the mcade would beeang some time around:00 and, obviously, it's now 7:52 west coast time. so they are running a bit late. back to you. >> we will take a momentary break. we're back with the whole gang here in a moment. it is a special edition the "morning meeting." don'be afraid to tap your toes as we go to break. ♪ introding one a day womes 2o.
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the first complete women's multivitamin in a drink mix. with more calcium and vitamin d... to support be and breast health... while helping you hydre. one a day women'2o. refresngly healthy. thearious jackson family in various cars eparing to ke their way tthe fest lawn cemetery, cemetery that has more celebrities than you can thinkof. liberace, bee davis, all of these folks are buried at the forest lawn cemetery and we are, of course, are anticiping the rival of atholeotorcade
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basically, waing outside the jackson compound. >> we know that in encino, t family has fargeed and that there is a longine of cars waiting join them to go to the forest lawn cemetery for this private family funeral and only those clost to michael jan and the jackson family attending that one. e big public memorial servic coming up in another few hours. we know that ere is aine of cars, isaid, joini ts caravan butid you also s the line of fa that have been outside that jason family coound ever since michael jackson died? they werehe the d that joe jacksoname out and made that -- he had an unusual news conference genthat his son had died. >> i want to bring something up with you guyshere. we talked so much of th convertion today, rightly so, i think wasbout his contributions d his greatness andaccomplishments. there's aragedy herehich was something we've touched on a litt bit along the way which is, again,e didn't have to go thoung, it didn't have to be this way. there's a cmment in that in
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family and in havi those that you trustround youndha happens whenou that is not the case, ginuwe. >> you have to have your family around you wit thingsikehat go wrong, you know what i'm saying? >> evebere. in otherords if you look at the y we are as a society right now and the unwaverg eye of t camera, e unwavering click of the interne and how people are sucked into th universe and completely lose a real bas of a relatnship with their family and their friends. when you're in the public eye, you have to ve somebody that you trust in you ate fesomebody that you know you n talk to and confide in and you don't haveo worry about it being the tabloi. you don't have worry aboutt being ciulated all over e world and sebody who is not a yes person and will tell you the truth. can assureyou, i he that and i know you do. h name mom! >> mom and linda andeverybody. you know? i don't have a problem with peop looking me in the fce an telling me aboutmyself and
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i don't ha to worry about it being publicized all over the wod. and that is real, really important, because michl jackson, clearly didn't have that. a lot of these stars have faded, elvis presley, died at th age of 42nd marilyn mro it's that isolation factor that kicks into high gear and, unfortunately, these stars suffer fro th. >> charlie, we celebrate the accomplishment at thexpense of alife, accomplishment -- i don't even mean a life and a ung death but aife as you're living, as bizre as i may be, who wants to be sittg in a house with no friends? you know? theris nothing attractive about th so you become the mostamous and wealthiest performers in the world but sitting alone inside your own amusement park. >> they thinkhey are willing to sacrificthat because for the fame and to the pay. >> gentlem, nowe see the procession binning from encino, california, hading about 12 miles away to forest
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lawncemetery. this is whereichael jackson eventuly will be laid to rest d where the filyill be observing, presumably, a private funel, although we knowhat the helicopters are there,he news cameras areutside the compound watching this caravan gets under way. i saw a pture of s, michael ackson's little girl, she was at the cemetery with her aunt and here she was looking for, you know, for all eyes like s daughter with her sunasses and a mask up over her face. it was the kindf momenthat u never wanted toee the children having to go throug is, mourning their fatr and, yet, carryg on what were some of the me usual legaciesf hi life. >> yeah. it will be interesting to e how hishildren velop. in oer words, willse chilene raised in public? will those children be raised in private? i think a lot of folks would make aery strong case for making it a very private
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childhoofothose children if it's ssible. >> it prably depends on who gets custody. we know a custody battle is shaping up. right now, katheri jackson miael's mother has tempora guardianship but debbierowe is willing to fight forustody and will is willg to ta a dna test to prove s is the biolical mother the childrennd would be able t ke custodyf t baby blanket. >> there is a level of considerion and wmust afford the children, the mily, their level ofcompassion, that le of consideration. that's whawe're talking about, because at the end of the day, they are whomatters most. the aduts made their decisions anbecause of the dcisi that ty' made professionally an personally throughout their life, they've en in a bubble themselves. do you understand? they have to rap the percussions from that but the childr did nothing thave the spotlight placed on them. >> 80s a reflection o our ciety how we dal with children, perd. how we raise and educa our children as country and then
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god help us, how we deal with children from a situation like this, ere visibility and attention on them i so obvious and overwhelming it's a reflection oou culture and the ability protect them. >> the shot you' seeing is a shot comng to us from within the motorcade. again, thiis p of a caravan of vehicl that are carrying mourners to michael jackn's private rvice at forest lawn cemete. that would be e picture on the right-hand side of your scen. a mnificent burl ground where a lotf well-known llood celebrities ha been buried in the past. in fact, som mausoleum a shot from the cavan on this day whenichael ckson, the king of po 50 ars old,ied suddenly, take awaynd leaving so many fa heartbroken t, again, it's his family who have really suffered the greatest loss. >> i want to thank ou, stephen smith and ginine and
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charlie walk and contessa. msnbc coverage coinuesight now. we pick it up fromalifornia. today, the wld rembers michael jabson. a morial tributeor the king of pop. familyfriends, fs and celebrities gather today for michael jackson's final curtain call. ♪ ♪ good morning. i'm chris jansing live at the stam staples center in downtown, s angeles. we are seeing quite a scene here for th memorial service for michael jackson. we just hrd a big cheer go up from the crowd. within the lt ur


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