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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  July 7, 2009 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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kaththere,e, pais, ininc these wonderful symymbo of amamririca i can tell you as a a memberf the uniteded stetecongress we understand the cstitution. we understand law, andee know that peoplere innocent until prenen otherwise. th is wh theonstitution stands fofor. i m mon n today. i come, too, t t thank you.u. for manyy people dot dderand the heart t of enenrtainers. ththeyon't knoww how b their arts are. theyey d't't kw how they heal ththe rldonon behalf of americ. whenwe're at war, icononsikike mimiaeael ng aboutut healing t world. sohe calleds intopupubl
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service. itit d not mter whether w w wewerelack or white. hehe en toldss to batat it, beat the viviolcece and look a yourself in thehe mirrorr becau iteant if youou wre going t t mamake diffrerenc look at the maororoman in the mirror. i come to youu t tayo say thank u.u. so of youou comerom all faiths anand we rpepect that heree in amamicica,ut theres a storor whose thememe so mbolic ththisyoung and b bututif anan. i love t t storyy the good samaritatanbebecae it talks abot those who walk byy the dininied, defendant the statated and ththoor. ererwas a broken and beaten man layingg algg a road. no onesstoeded, but someone llll thesamaritan.. it could benn any fafath. it all about charity and le.e.
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i llll michaelaackn the good maritan. cacallem michael jackson w who cad and veved for thehe world. itit bototrered me. i grew up w wit him as a a of u and soanany did.. so what an honorand aprivilege to see h him up c csese when hee to theninid states congress and office e dd loook so 15 african amamassadors, representatitiveofof hds of state, sitting an office listeningg michael jackson talk about c cining and fightin hiv aids. they looked at him. he had a wiwink. they listened, hee listened. what a miraculoususxpxpernce to be ablbl l lisn and see michael action. ththerwere words cast ababt, bt i wonder if anybody w was on his shouldererhehe he walked into
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walter r reehospital, and walklkedlong the a aieses a t rorowsnd the hospitit rooms. this was themimids of the iraq r.r. ctctor stopped and nurses stopped. invivial soldiersho hadlolo limbs ststopd. anand re in esesseee moveved an totoucddas michael was byy his sire to come a a thkk tm for their ssacfifi. so don't tell me w what an american stotory is all about. it is the salt of the eeth. whenen tssamily took the talent that god has g giv them and m md it to a miraculousnd wonderful ststor for aririca i comeetoday f f youoo recognize the fgg flying and the p pelele who h hee spoken h spoken to theepeople's house. they recognize anand theyppea
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those of us who s sveve in elecd offificewe rereonond to the ople. michchaefofoug for the t tolance of allllpeople. in fact, i am remindeded althou i speak in t the tongueues o of faitit that mchchlouough the good fight. he was someone w who unundstood anand pe, mr. a and m mrs jackn and theamily willknow, thee lord isouour shepherdanan we alall notwwan mimichll jackson, you'veve got o know his s sorory and hasotot been t tolbyby all of wh you have heear he w was someoeo w who unundeto. ife was burned, hee built a burnununit ifif a a hospital needed beds, built those e beds. if they needed m meyey for develolopi coununtrs,s, mhael gave. if he was i namibia, he went to orphanages. the king,es the king, stoppe
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and said, "i care about y." at is why o the house floor on june 25th, 209, the special black caucus and members of e house of representatives opped, stopped, stopped, and d a ment of silence foth wonderful lend and icon. so to t fily, let me simply comes someone who wishe she was longost sheila jackson lee, but i'll keep looking a seeing and co to say to you that americappreciates and thanks you forichael jackn's life. for that reason, we have intruced into the house of represtatives is resolution 600 that will be debated on the
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floor of the use, tt claims michael jackson as an american gend and musical icon, a world manitarian, someone who wi be honored forever a forever and forever and fover and fover. were the world d we are better because michael joseph jackson liv. on behalf myselfnd the people who have spoken, michael jackson, i salute you.
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♪ >> we love youmichael.
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you mean so much to us, especily me. ♪ike a comet ♪ blazing across the eveng y ♪ gone t soon ♪ le a raiow ♪ fing in a twinkling nigh ♪ gone too soon ♪ shine iing bright ♪ there were days gone
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♪ like the loss of a ght ♪ on a clou afternoon ♪ gone too soon ♪ like a candle ♪ gone too soon ♪ like a bird ♪ that is just beyond yo reach ♪ gone too soon
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♪ here one d ♪ gon one night ♪ oh like a sunset dying from the raisinmoon ♪one too soon ♪ gone too soon
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♪ if i had you ♪ i'd tre you fair ♪ and treat you wel ♪ d't pushe around ♪ with my he down ♪ and wonder ♪ who loves you ♪ oh ah ♪ i need you
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♪ yeah ♪ loving you ♪ i wonder >> i wrote that song. i thght i sang it. i wre that song back in, in -- a few years later here comes this little ki he's 10 years old. berry had aathering at his
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house. he sd, come, i want you to see somebody very special. so i go over therend these five young guys are there. anthey sang and dand up a or a coue of weeks later, th cordedy song. and i heard it i thought to myself, now they have pulled a fa one on us because this boy cannot possibly be 10 years old. this song is abou somebody who has somedy who lo them but they treated them bad. they treated him so bad until they lost the and nohey are pay the price of wanting somebody ba at theyreated bad and lost. how could he possibly knowhese things?
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i quickly went over to him cause i wanted to see s birth certificate. i did not believe that someone that young co have that much feelinand soul and know. he had a lot of know. you had to know setng to sing tt song like that. it was wonderful though. as a ngwriter, at's aeam come truto have somebody sings onof your songs like that. i nerthoughtwouldbe here on today. my little brother over the. you ju don't think that you are going to see or you'll live to see him gone, but he never will really be gone. he is going to live fover and
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ev and er and ever. he hasad an enormo impact on allur lives all over the world. mean, i haveoung kids coming up to me now, you know, becse when i do concerts, i sing "who's loving yo in the ncerts. they come up t me and say, hashgs you're siing michael jacksos song, huh? but he will live o rever. iam a frm believer in blessings. and i have had so many, many, many blessin in my life. one ofy greatest blessings was i got a chance to know the jackso fami and know
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michael and to see him. i'm glad i lived inn era where i got a chance toee what everybody's been cing up he sang, the greatest entertainer of all tim i'm glad that i livedin they area. i believe so many god. i believe so many that this is not it. we have li after this is done. so my brother's in a place now where is most certain going to live forever i the hereafter. he is going to live forever ice because is going to live forever right here because the world will never, ever rget michael jackson. i loveyou, my brother.
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i celeb your life i amproud that i had the cnce to know you. god bless you. i know he is. ♪ when i
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♪ ha you ♪ you said theit yourself ♪ girl say you love m ♪ don't kick head when'm down ♪ i wonder who's with you ♪ and with a love ♪ don't stay with him ♪ all my life ♪ all my life ♪ girlo one will do you ha
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again ♪ come on and make it girl ♪ oh yeah, ye ♪ all i can do ♪ all i can do suns sce you've been gone is cry ♪ whoa ♪ is wonder howard i do ♪ don't you know ♪ hang around with my head ♪ hangg down ♪ and i wonder who's been loving
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you ♪ ♪ i wonder who's been loving you ♪ >> i just wanto say i love chael jackson. i tell y now just want to thank himso much for blessing me and every single individual on this eart with h amazing music,nd just tha y very much. i love you, michael jackso
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>>y name is kenny ortega. thank you. i was michael's partner in the eating and directing of many it" shaheem was invited by michael in lonn to join him the show. i want to thank you for coming out here to join erybody. we were here. weere right here a little le an a week ago and michael was with us and the band and michael beardon and the singers and dancer and our choreographer travis payne and our desigrs and our crew. we we all here and we were a familynd this was our house. so when the jackson fmily and
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randy phillips asked ken ehrlich and i to put together this memorial, we knew we had to iter we had to invite the world join us here in michael's house. we were immediately surrnded by countls family, artists, friends and dear hearts who conditionally made this day possible. as wca together as a team, we knew we had to celebrat michael's life through hismusic asell as cmorate his ssing. both ken and i worked with michael ov the years. michael and i were here in t nal, final stas of mounting what all knewnd we all saw, i promise you, was his triuhant return to the world. it was also, i ink, his greatest pernal work. we didt all righthere in this place, the staples. so before we conclud today's
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memorial, we wanted to prest a peornce from the london "this is it" concert. e fans have been asking for it. this is one of michael's ry, very favorit moments in the show always. hereed this and brought it to life. it is a living testament to his ability to be timeless and timely. musical and magical, this is for him, his livi legacy his care, his heart, his conrn about our plet, about the man condition. michael jackson willlivenur hearts for aays, heal the rld, make this a better place foour cldren, for our childr's chen. michael, we love you more join us. ♪
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♪here comes a time when we heed a rtain ll ♪ ♪ wn the world must stand together as one ♪ there are people dyin and it's time to lend hand ♪ ♪ to life t greatest gift of l ♪ ♪ we can't go on pretending day bday ♪ ♪ that someone somewhere will soon make a change ♪ ♪ we are l a part of g's great big family
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♪ and the truth you know love is all we need ♪ we are the world we are the children ♪ we are the os who ♪ me a brighter day so let's start giving ♪ ♪ there's a choice we're making ♪ ♪ we're saving our own lives ♪ ♪ it's ue we'll ma a ♪ ♪ better day st you and me ♪ ♪ wn you're do and out ♪ and there's no hope at all ♪ell if you just believe ♪he is no way you can fall ♪ well let's realize ♪ that day has already come ♪ s we cantand together a one ♪ we are the world
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♪ we arehe children ♪ is there a choicee are making ♪ we are saving a our life ♪ it's true ♪ we make a briger day ♪ just you and me ♪ we are the world ♪ we are the childre ♪ we are the ones who make a brighter day ♪ so let's start giving ♪ there's a choice we're making ♪ we're saving all thoselives ♪ it true we ma a better day ♪ just you and me ♪ we are the world ♪ were the childr ♪ we arehe ones who make a brighter day ♪ so let's sta giving
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♪ there's a choice we're making ♪we're saving o ownlife ♪ it's te we ma brighter day ♪ jt you and me >> think about the generation and they want to make a better place for our children and our chilen children so tha
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th, they know it's a better world for them. i think we can me it a better pl there's a place ♪ in your hearts ♪ and i kw tught is love ♪ there is aplace ♪ for a ttertomorrow ♪ and if you really try ♪ y'll findthere's no need to cry ♪ every dayso there is n more sorrow ♪ there are wys to get there ♪ if you care enough for the living ♪ make a better place ♪ here the world ♪ make a betterace ♪ for you and for me ♪ and our human race
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♪here are peopl dying ♪ if you care enough for t living ♪ me a better place ♪ forou and for me ♪ a it will be a joyful place ♪ and the world we once bieved in ♪ we'll find anyway ♪ thenhy do we keep living like ♪ the person who has gold ♪ we can fly ♪o high ♪ let us fear we'll never die ♪ in my heart ♪ i feel you are all my ber ♪ create a world ♪ with no fear ♪ogethewe'll cry happy tear
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♪ and canurnit to laughter ♪ we can do it together ♪ if you care enough for the living ♪ make a little space ♪ mak a better place ♪ heal the world ♪ make it everything ♪ for you and for me and the entire human race ♪ tre are people dying ♪ if you care enoh for the living ♪ake a bter place ♪ for you and f me ♪ heal the world ♪ make a better place ♪ f yound f me ♪ a the entire human race ♪ there ar peoe dyin ♪ if you c enough f the living ♪ make a better space ♪ heal the world me
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♪ make it a better place ♪or you and fore ♪ and t entire human race ♪ there are peopleying ♪ if you carenough ♪ if you care enough ♪ youl make a betterplace for you and f me ♪ oh there e people dying ♪ i you care enough for the living ♪ make aetter place ♪ for you andor me ♪ therere people dying ♪ if you car enough for the living ♪ make a tter spe ♪ for you and for ♪ for you and me ♪ for you and for me ♪ forou and for me ♪ for you andor me
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♪ for the world w livein ♪ save it f r children ♪ heal e world we livin ♪ savet for o children ♪ heal the world we live in ♪ se for our children ♪ heal the world for me ♪eal the world for me
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>> on behalf of my family, myself, ns friends, nieces, nephs, sisters, brothers, i would like to thank everyone for coming out. as you know i'm lost for words. i was his e and his back
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bone. i had his back so did the faly, buwe thank you. that's all can say. we thaou very much. >> i hurt. i stand here trying to find words of comfo. trying to understand why the lord hasaken ourrother to return home from such art visit heren rth. michael, when you ft u a part of me we with you and a part of you will liveorever
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withinme, but also a part o you will live forever wthin all u michael, i will treasure them the good times, t fun we had, singin dcing, laughing. i can remember when we us to comeome from school and grab a quick te to eat and we tried to watch "the three stooges." as muc of it as possible be motherou come into say was time to go to the recorng studio. i also, michael, remember a time when i went in the record ore and there was this man purchasing a lot of cds. he would go onand grabanother batch of cds. he was an older gentleman.
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had a ort afro, crooked teeth a hi clothes were rumple i walked up behind him and said, michael, what areou doing in this store?" he turned to mend said, marlon, how did you know it was me? i told him, you'remy brother. i can spot you anywhere gardless of your make-up. i know your walk, i know your body langge and those shoes did not help. michael wore th same shoes wherever we went. but i guess thatas his way of trying to experiencehat we takeor granted. we will never, never understand what he ended. not being able to walk acro the reet without a crowd gathering around him. being judged, ridiculed, how
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much pain c one take? maybe now, michael, theyill leave you alon michael was the voice of our angelic trumpets and he will continue t be that angelic ice in heaven, nearest to our creator and awaiting us when our day comes to pass. michl, i love you. i will ms when we said our good-byes. i would hug you and say, "i ve you,"and your response was, "i love youmore." you know the lord has a purpose for everything. and somemes we just can't see
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it or understand it, but it will be made clear uto when reach that ultimate, ultimate reward of g in his presence. and michael, you're the. you'reight there. yohave finished your work here on e and the ld has call for you comeome with him. so i thank you, chael. that you pced in many pele'ses hearts. i thank you for everything that you've done for others acss is globe the lord's name. and i have one reque, michael, one request. i would like forou to give our brother,y twin brother, brandon augor me. i love you, michael anll miss you.
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>> i think janetants to say somethg. >> i just want to say ever since i was born dddy has been th best fher you couldver im imine. and i just nt to say i love him so much.
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>> we want to thank you all for loving my her and supporting our family. thank you and good night.
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♪ ♪
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♪ >> just before we go, there will never be another michael jackso his musicapresence has le its mark on his family, his friends and the millions of fans who have sang and dand or at ast tried to do so like mr. michael jackson. he was oft imitat, but ver duplicated.
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he wand to heal the world throughis usic, and in a sml way he succeeded. himusic reached across the barriersf race, culture a en national entity, unifying the planet ifnly for a few mos. so now it's up to us. should all look at the man or the wman theirror and change the way we treat each other. let'scelebrate our uniqueness respecour differences and make that change starting today. my prayer that is this will be more than just a memoriaor miael jackson, but a remembrance truly of what he means t us,because all around us are people of drent cultures, diffent regions, different nationalities, and yet the music ofichael jackson brings us together, not only here, but around the world. the family has allowed me to
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close thisemorial with a prayer and i'm going to ask that uld you just catch the hand of the person next to you, whether in your this auditorium or watching by televion wherever you might be, in solidari and remerae of what mhael ckson's music trul has done for u and wha the man means in this place. ifou are so inclined, will you bow yoands and t's pray. our heavenly father,e thank yothis day for the memoryf michl jackson that means so much us en right now. thank you r the gift of music that he gave us. thank you for the man that he was and for wat he sought to d with his life. we pray, father, that you wi just remind us th wtruly n make a differenc if we make u our mi to do so. lp us to take a message of love and hling and peace with us as w go. let us demotrate that love
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when we go to school. let us demonstrate that love when we go to work. let us demonstrate that love as we walkhe stree our city and no longerurn a bli eye to the nee of those that we walk by everyday. t us stop judging people by the color ofthr skin an by the aent of their voice. let us rather look in the heart of ery man, woman, boy and girl, and desir truly t reach that person with the le that michael jackson showe us in his music, but eve now, the king of pop must bow his knee to the king of kings, and we pray that you remind us, lord, that our lives are but dust. we are here for a moment and then are gone. thank you, lord, for how michael impact us an may we now impactthers for we pray that this momt will not be forgotten asn event to have been joyed, but raer a reminder t we, too, can ma a change.
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bless us and keep us withhe ve by which you kept michael and ffer this prayer unto you in the glorious name of jesus our lord that a who agre say amen. godless you and praise god forward. >> so a prayer closes the memorial service for the king of pop michael jason, that his mily andhos who organize it wanted to call a celebration ofis life and there was so much about his life celebrated through music, by people from politics, wod of religion and rtainment. somef e world's great singers,ennifer hudson and mariaharey asher who sang
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me of the michael jackson and jackson 5 songs. great speakers with poignant memories and sometes funny remembrances of michae jackson and their time with him, including a eulogy by the reverend al harpto no matter how poignanthe tributes, no matter how well-planned or thght out or produced the show, there are few things that canatch for emotional impa the little girl saying good-bye to her daddy and that what weaw at the end with paris who went up the micrhone, clutching on t her aunt janet and saying how much she loved her daddy and how much she was going to miss him. i' joined her as i have been thughout by diane dimond d toure. ur thoughts, tou. >> first ll, it was the right tone. i felt like itwas a black baptist urch service. you had music.
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you had preachers, several preachers, even the jackson lee was like a preacher. brooke shields was gre. magic johnson was gre telng us he liked kntucky fried chicn. >> andhey saon the floor and ate it. >> i loved reverend sharpton commts that nothing was strange about your daddy, what was strange was what your dadd had to dl with. he was talking directly to the children. no matter whayou ma think about that comment, th children ed to go forward thinking their faer was an extraordinary person wh dealt with extraordinar circumstances anmarched to the be of his own drummer but was brilliant person whoshone like nobody before or after him. you know, i mean,o many gr performances, stevie, mariah:did
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if you didn't cry when stevie did those sad songs, when paris said daddy was the best daddy i could ever image, you had to. >>nd jermaine jackssinging smile ter brke shields had said the briiant songs he wrote re n his favorite songs, it was charlie chaplin and she quoted a line om the song, smile, she quoted from "the little princ" this was really a mix of what most people strive for when they ha a mial sevi. they want laughter, they want tears, and they do nt, i think, to help the ople who really d know him and wer close to h or the fans who felt they knew him and ft close to him to be able to move forward and felte had been given his due. 're going to come back, but i do want to go downstairs cause there are some fans who are coming out of staps center, and they're standiy with jeff rossen. wenow the family made the decision that they wanted to
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include fans in this emorial, jeff. >> reporter: yeah, and there were plenty of them here. let me swing around because ns are beginning come out righ nofrom ttaples center. many ofthem, but what's interesting,nd just standing outside for this and watchingt on television sets is that this was no the sort of chaotic situation thapd had feared. in fact, at one point they had said 750,000 people could show up outside theerimer and they actually urged people to stay home. it was more like 1,0 people when yo add up the staples center and nokia theate a uple fans who wer inside who wanted to share their views abt it. what was it like for you? you're om california you were tellin me. what was the most poignt moment, you thoug? >> it wasust an amazing event. overall, it was the whole scheme of things. it wasn't a concert. they were real ppls
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it was a true dedication to a man th's going to live on forever. and toe it wasn'even a sense of memorial. was a dedicationo somebody and it was just outsnding. it was amazing and itas a once in a lifeme thing to do. >> you actually got tickets to inside. it seemed like brooke shiel especially, she broke dn. >> oh, yeah. >> wt was -- i don't wanto say the bes moment but the most poigna for you is probably the best way to putit? >> jennifer hudson looked like angel comin out on the stage. she me out from t back and it wasall dark behind her. she just looked beautiful. >> reporter: and they ended with the children. >> yeah, it was grea >> reporter: and youere telling me brooke shlds was one of your favorites. >> she was one of m favorit, and i so likedthe jmaine ckson singing t song "smile that made me kind of choke up a little bit. >> dyou thinkt struck the right chord between performanc, you sort of walk th fine line at a memori
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service, not being a conctnd also paying tribut to his service. >>eah. >> it was real. >> it was extly what you would expectrom michael jackson if he wastaingn stage. it wasn't about a performance. >> it washat he would have wanted. >> it s amazing. >> reporter: thanks r stping. i know the crush of people walking out. >> reporter: and the thing about thiss the lapd did a very good job at leastm theutside, really only one block in each direction is closed off. this is a frozen zone. theans are beginning to come ouwith some interesting memories of this. >> all right. also on the grounds migu alguer. miguelwhat do you have for us? >> repter: chris, we're just a few et from the door of the staps nter. right behind us are thousands and thousands of pop who were all iide of that memorial who are now walng out and hded to the entrance thateads out the staples ceer. all of the folksyou are lking
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at folks that attended t memorial andere inside. we're joined by one fan who was inside. tell us aboutour eerienc >> wo i grew up listening to michael jackson. i'm an entertainer myself. i'm anctor a used to do mu it was a fitng tribute. like i was telling the other media, he's clearly the greatest entertainer that er ived. it was just a ving experience day and we feel lucky and blesd to be a part of it. >> reporter: what was the mt memorable part for you? >> al sharpton's spch. i thought it w right on point. it was something that needeto be said. i think america need to hear what a sharpton said. ink the lineh stuck out to me the most is when he directed a statemt directly to michael's kids when he said there's thingtrange about your dad. what was strange ish your dad h to deal wit and i don't think anybody that you see out he, any of us, even know a little bit of what michaad to deal wi on a day-to-day
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basis. >> w45hat s it le to see michael'children up on stage? >> when his daughter spoke at the end, i broke down and cried. it was very stouching, very sad to know what she's goi through. and i prayuturewise that the couror whaver makes the right decision on if they go through a custody battle. the kids don't need to go thugh any more pan. >> reporter: was thi a fitting tribute do you think >> it was more than what i expected. it was way more than what i pected. th eeches, al sharpton, the things they said about michael are 100% true and sitive. >>eporte thank you very mu. another live loo these are thousaof people mangheir way out of staples center headed towa the its. all these folks wereinside. many of them spent hours in li trying to get innd now are makingheir way out. everyo we have spoken to called this a very fitting tribute. chris? >> miguel almague thanks very
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ch. we have much more coverage. we'll show you some of the highlights of the memorial, talk toore people who were there, and take a look aheaat what's next for the family. you're watching msc. ible or r u♪ ♪oo bad i didn't know cdit was whack ♪ ♪ 'cause now i'm drdrg off the lot in a usesed sub-compact♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, that spells frfree credit report dot cocom, baby.♪ ♪ sawheir ads on my tv thought about going buwas too lazy ♪ ♪ now instead of loing fly and rollin' ' at ♪ ♪ my legs a are sticking to the vininyl ♪ ♪ and my posse'ss tting laughed at. ♪ ♪ f-e-e, at spells free- cred report dot com, baby. ♪ rightowow, 1.5 million peoeople are on a ononference call. 750,000 wish theweren't. - ( ps irping ) - struion workers areaking 244,000 nextel direct connect c calls. 1 million people are sponding to an email.l. - 151 accidental hit ". - ( foghorn n s )
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