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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  July 7, 2009 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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ever sincei i wa born daddy has beenen the best father y cod ever imagine. and i jusus want say i love him so much. >> paris jackson, dadadds little girl, saying gododye to her father whoho s m my in thee wor lolove a and she shed heraddy wiwiththem. mimiael jackson, of urse. this was a memorial s serce that
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was ofofte emotional. at perhaps the momo emotioiona moment, but bokoke ields also having difficicul,, mariaharey who had dfifilty beginning her sosong it was funny, magic johnson i thought really hit s so good notes.s. bygraphical, berry gordy, taining out findingnghahat extraordinarary 10-year-olold michael ckson and helping to introduce him to the world. it wasaspoetic. mamayaangelelou the great poet, had him. d,d, of course, i it s musical. soanany eats from the world of music who caca t to perform. lee cowanasasinside. courtneyazaztt wasinside.e. wegogo into thestaples center ro get your takee on atat it was ke to be iiide that auditorium. >>eporter: for me i tnk onene of thehe mtt remarkablee things was just sort of ththe roller
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asasr that this aience was for the courseff thiss whole memorialal at times as you mentioned ththeye standing up, clapping, singing with the music, a five minutes lalate they'd be b bac down inn tir seats ryry sobeber, very quiet, and thenen a c cplp minunuteafafr that wououldee ughing. you mentioned magic johnson lking aboutichael jackson lovingenentuy fried chicken. it came at the perfectct m momt because it hadad been ttng of sasad inings i t thk just t creography of how everything flowed.d. >> it t s s rely artfully produced a a the was somethihig in it t fo everybody. it was aery clear famamil memeagage this memorial,,nd sosohere ss somethinghhat renanate with everyone. when "we are thewoldld ca onon, it was like 1986 in herere agaii ople standing up and swaying. i remember ththatoment on 1986 when evererybyy e rest of the world. itit w r rlly wonderful you could go t touough that range
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emotion and be respspeculul but joyoyoust t e same time which is exactly what the jackson family wanted. the other ththin too,if you ju look at how ththis a all cam together, , thfafami really didi't't he a olole t of time p pulall of this togetheher. the fact c camoff pretty much withthoua a hitch,h, d don thin you cocoulcaca this uncomplilicad.d. it was simplple t theense that ere were speakers, butfor the way the everything went off with the video an thee musicic rel ateteament toto t folks thatat lllled it off. >> thereere ararly5 minututes where nobodydy spoke andnd the auaudirium with thhsasandand ththsands of people, and that time betetwe when everyrybo t to theieiseseatand when the program tually began, tererwas nothing hpening, andverybody just sat reallll quietet and was theigigge of michael ckckn fans herere ststapss center and reelyly respectful ad itituurn out greaea >> and we rereal s s that all e e whh through. from the t ti everybodydy start filingngn n unl everybodyfiled ouout,t just ---- it wntnt with a tctch. > have to tell yo thatat ase
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are upbove the plaza oututsi the staples center, ppple ee movingng vyy owowly 's's aost as if theyydodot want to leave. th'v'v been through this shared experience, thisis e etional experience. r most of t iwawas a trememenusus eototiol lead up to ths,s, especiaiay y th fans o found ououtusust few daysagag thatat ty y we going tooet tickets, andnly a a few thousand t t 1.1.6 millioion two triewh get them were able to o coo ththe stapless centeternd they' rerelyly jt lingering and mingngngng a i'm sure sharing their thoughtss about what they've justseseen and experienced.d. mike t tabiisisutside for us.s. mi, where are you?? r repter: i'm on t the other corner of the stippaples center with a couplple fans w are kinding hangingaarod.d. nessa and cheryl from m up t th coast. you were bothh nrr trsrs wn we
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w w yo and asked if youwanted to come over. what g gotououo that oioint pas at the end? >> it wasthe whole production and it was putut together veryy cecely, a lot of lve and compasassi, , anthe audience, it was just soo mu love. a as chris jujustaiaid onhe air, it wasn't a a huge a airf ceceleatatn,pepeop weren't leing the arenandnd cheering, they were subdued d dd touched. >> even in twomenen estroom, it's total silence and everyrybo is -- they'r're shock. >vanessa, yououaid there w ws kind of aonnectionmomong everybody w who showed up at th thing. only onene io o aring a t-shir. evevybody seemed to recogngniz this was a sosomr, importanant occasion, and d eyey ce ready fofothat kind of occasion. >eople were reallll dresseded like nice. there w was n no ddisspect at a fo the faily. reallytouching. >> something y yollll remember l your life one sumes? definitity.y. >> repororte w wrehearing that from everybody. hoabout you? you'll neverer forget thiis. >> oh, no, i i waiaid with him
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lilikeveveone my gege. anan my daughterer sa i dodot think i'll cry,y,but s se e wa crcrng right along withh me. >eporter: do you sharee y yo appreciationon omimiael jackson erer t years or was isis something rececent >>ee like lo and lots of sic. >> alwayays dancing. tt cryingg or every littlee thg,g, b thihiwawa very mu a tear jerker. >> reporter: a andhehe pple luckyenengh to g g tickets range in age omom the vereryy o i saw aouple people s strning to walk k out,and the veryry, r young g as ll. >> it wass rllll cool to see everybody ghehed togogetr,r, especicilylyeeing his daughghte talk. that was reallyy tearful for everybody. itit w r rlly ememotnanal. >> repororr:r: tnks for stopping by. >>hank you so o much. >> reporter: drive s selely. >> love youou michael. >eporter: chris, backck to y, two of the many p pople whoaame out of here w withh the se e reaction, very emotional, vy y much touched. >>hahas very much,mmik erere e so many t thi that we want to bebeblble sharere w wt you. r r exple, withe saw sky
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writing before thehe service. therere wawas heartrt now there's jt a simple mj, his ininiaialsre in the sky ababe e th staples center. ththeytarted to change some of the gasraicicthat we'reseeing, and you're sing s some still photos, albumm covers,s,nd grea ments of hisisife. similarr t what weeawinside ththprprogm for this, and, of urse, we'reaalkg about the ththgs that peoplesaid, calling miaeael e world's's greatest entertrtair.r. queen latifafahcalled h h the bibiggt t ar on earth. trutut from so manyy people, and,d, ococour, at thendnd his fafalyly wantiningo h hav their final sayy reremeererg their brototr.r. in fact, they're g getngng into the momorcrcad weoot know whehe they're adadin we haveeeeen toldbyby rest lawn atat there no plans foror a burial there. we have c cececke wthth neverla whwhicwas o orinanay the ace somemeeoeoplsaid that h h might li to be buried, a and they say
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that thehere is nothingng h hpe thther and also therereisis a looca ho that hasas confirirme f for us thth are having some sort of gathering aferwards, and eyey are expectctin small gup of fafami a and friends toto cveve there, but wherere t t cass kek ining,here mchael jackson lllle laid torest, we have yeto see. harriet t co from "ebony"y" magazine has been watatining l of this wiith us. and harrrrt,t, want to get your imimession. >> you oow, i lt keket was acleansingng.. this exexpience, every no that wa tououchith theeople who knew him f foroo longand couldd share meries of him a little boy, a ahhis prodigygy, e mucc and h h okokey said w whe chael took his sonong and ma ithis own sog, it fefe like a eaeansg, like we were w whed th love of michael jackson, the purity of his iririt, and that
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was reallyly important because there's been so muchch negativ, and it reallyelt lilike it was washed away in his love. and our experienen when "ebonyn mamagane was with michael jackson two yearar ago, when we met hhim we methis manhoho was full of love and light and gerorosi and jusus a s swtness ababou him t tha came forth through ththrere celebration anrerely throughgh his dghter who withth s su a sweetaa and pure eyeyes ididhat so many have said, that he was an incredible faerer. he was also o eost amazing peperfmeme but he loved his ililen. he loved his family. he loddisis fans. anthat love and thatgrgrtness will le on rerer. >> i thihinkhehe ggestvavati that camehroughout this service washen berry y rdrdy called him t therereatt entertainer that everr veved. people jumped toto eir fe. eyey we clapping, bubutefore
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that, and can't believee haven'tt talked about t tisismo in t thehours we've ben onontht aiair,ee said when he sawththe moonalk at motown 25, it was mac,c, a there's no one w hasn't seen n atat ip in the past few d dysys who wowoul't'te with hat. and youeeee all thehe imitators and it's just not the samame, a here i iwhat berry gordy said, haharrt. he ssai withththat momo wwal miael jackson went into orbit d never ce down, d-- >> that wawasoso great. >> i guess 1 billion peoplee wawatcd d th today, who cooul didispe that? >> but imagine if 1illion pepelele d watch it today, eveverody got to see moreofof michael, this incredible irit, this incredible entertainer, great frnd, father,r, family member, got to see part of him that we haven't s seen inn rec times, and fo berry gordy to kind of celebratete it like tha
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he's on n thmomo and stillll on the e onon a in eaven, too. w great is at? a a it was going tbe maa people thought a tremendous comeback. obvivislsly,ou sell a million tickets as soon as they go o o sale and there ar going to b b 50 concerts inlondon andndthen potentially a a wodd ur. harriett cole thank k yofor shininyour thoughts. wewe areciate it. > tnk you. >> and i just want to go overer before we take a break to diane dimond. whatat dyoyomake of the fact at we still don't knowowhehere michael jacksoson g gng to be la to sst? >> you knw,w, i was sting inde the staples nter wahing the caskeket comen n wi s brothers and others ashehe pall bearers and i wondered whwhat the ne stoop. i think theamamilknowsws. toure e mit t ow beerer, but i thinink eyey mt have a plan. under californrniaawaw you caan bury a person o a a private piee
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ofof ppepey like nenevland without specific r russ an regulations and documentnts a a crcratatio so i don't thihinke'e'going to neverland. ththeyust have a lalan, butwewe just don't know. wewe just don't know. there'ssa a lo of qestions actually. > tt may be s sothing that ththey wanted to have fofor ememsees, this kid whoived hihis fe so muchnn public a i ought booke shields spopo veryry poignantly tothat, that may be t reason theyey developed such a c cose friendshipip beca they gww up in t the p pliliceyy we'll talk moreand we have our correspondentstshoho a out in thth streets t talng to the fan, and we're variouslocations. weavavpeople over at thth hotel where e weelelve there is going to be a gatherining aftetearards and we will bebe showing you so of the m memabab moments frorom ththiselebration of the life of michael jajackn.n. so keep ihehere you're watatining nbc.
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♪ smile ththghgh yrr heartisis acachi,smsmil even ththou it's brbreang when there are cloudss in ee sky yoyou' get b by ♪ ♪ i if u smile withth y you fea dd sorrow,mimilett may be totomo tomorrow, , u'u'll find that l
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isistill wthwhile ♪ >> jermainee jackson who i singing his brotother'fafavote song, mmil" we learned tayay from brooke ieield his fefe-lg friend that that t s his favoritete,ven beyond any f the songs that h h wrotete, dd jermaine, , c coue, weangng the single white glove that was so much a adadark of michael jackson. e e faly has now gononeinto eiei liliusines. they are in thee ototcade, and we believe thahaththeyre headidg over to the beverlrl wilshire. were toldd thereilill an after gathering t trere f family and clososefrieies.s. jinah kim is at the beverly wilshire. what are you learning g ther jih? >> r reporr:r:haer >> reporter: thahat'ririgh we're hereret t th"pretty man" hotel because thth's's where th movie wasasshot.
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they did confirmrm with us that the family allgg with u up to ofofheheirlosest friends anan other family membebers wl l coming o ove here f for the quo unote, after partrty. he is calling ittomething i haha never heard befofoe,e, a repasse. ays that's's somhihi that is going to tatake p plehe. they've e ntntedut the entire babaroom. any y mitete n we expect some of those guests,s, pritete guesesto one else is bebeing initit, wil bebe aivivinhere at theeverly wihihi four s seansns to begin the after party now thatt the cocoert is over. chs?s? >> all l ririgh jinah,hahanks vy much.. all across america a and around the world we k kow that opople reololng gatherergsgs to watch the michaeael jasoso mememoalal somef f th indede of movie eaters. sosomef f th insnsee of public auaudiririum we also knkn that peoplele were ontaneously gathering i in some places, a much smalalle g gro ththanas expepected here aund
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th staples centnter b oututdede thepopoo theater, that legegearary ace ththat was the beginning f for so my ts, ininclining the jackson 5 who w talent competitioion tere when michael jacksoson waveve young, people gagaerered there oday. teter alendnd is o ouide in haememutside the apolloo thtete and, peter, what was it li? >> reporteter: cisisit was remarkable. wewe g here just a astheereremy wassegeginng. lyly sml l owd had gathered. i would say in the dozens. as the day wenent oon,s the momoal continued, the crowd just sweell.. seral hundred people, lkekely 400 or 50000eoeoplby the end of th. so many inin thicocounity where chchaejackson really got hisis stt.t. it was in 67 when j jackskson took the family, the five e bo inin tololwagenanan and drorove th from gagar inanan right to this neigigororho, just a blk k om h heein the apollo eaear. michael l jasoson sically just tang the crowd d by storm. thatatirirst week we were paid
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about 1,1,00 for 3131 prformancs that first week. it's o obvus how his career ha grown over the years. wawa speaking wh one gentleman and aededim exactlyly why he wanted to be re, and he said becauau i i didn't want t b ale e onhis dada heaaideven years ago when h his mom passed away, he wass lilisting tothe music o of michael l jackson, t song "y"you are not alone." he said i it asas as i i michae ckckn was singing to me. another womann sa i itas earth shteteri. anotherr sasaid a h hunn instrt has gone extinct. ththeelebration o o his fefe doesn'n'enend this neighborhood or around thehe world. i i wa sppining the folks at th apollo theatat.. ththere ss spontaneoeo l lin of fofos s whbegan dainingoo h h music after t the first h hea wo h he passedaway. latethth summer the allo is plniningnother celebratatnn of sorts toononor michael jackson's fefe you can ststl l he some of thee
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muc c bend us. it's ovious while terer was s s muchch sadssss that people w wa totoshare, there's a such a a celeleatatiothey wanted b b a papartf aswell. >> peter alander in harlelem. thanksks smumuchor that. d there arelso all of these persistent r rumor thatththere wiwi b be e more concert. there was, i understand it, a fullll rehearsal t thenight bef michaeael ckcksodied here at the ststles center. the show was together. it was planned. it wasas olyly really t two wee from opening in ndndon and s the is talk thatonon his birthday when hehe wldld he turned 51,hehewill have thth showowwith thosose dancers, th peororrs, those sets with ss others and peaps other famomous friends o michael jackson pererformg g songs thatat hwowoulhave performed en he did his tour and s show you how farhehe's come from tse few thousand dollars,, he was t make $1illion a nitt for those first 50 cocoerertsn ndon.
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we me it fun and we made it real. en he started wearing the glove, i was ke, what'sup with the glov i'm like, look if you'rgoing to hold my hand, it better be the nongloved one because sequins really hurt me. >> brooke shies, long-time iend of michael jason with some funny reminisces and some
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realtear-jerkers use they shared a l together. we have seen many pictures of them together overhe years. they said what theyoved to d most togetheras laugh. watching alongith all of us have been david shter and tamron hall. i guess beten brke shields and, of crse, pari at the d of the memorial, there wasn't a dry ey in the house. >> yeah, or even in t ahor udio. i mean, y know, you think about jackson's music and his lega, but at the end of the day, i mean, he is the father of ree young kids who are trying to process what it's like to lose a pare, and that momen tamron, when paris katherine, age 11, go and said ev since i was bn dad has bee the best father youan imagine. i think in a way it emotionally trumped everything else. as much asll of us feel th loss or the mortalityr the
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muc or the ic, they've lst parent at such a tenr age >> it's fascinating,david, because we were watching, you're oking for glimpses of these children and at one poin we saw prince and paris had their heads restedn th shoulderof their grandmotr who now has this awesome responsibilityf making surethese kids understand what theifaer meant to the world but to the family, and you saw michael jackson's other with those memories all the way from gary, inana, the steellls of this small town, this shotgun home is really at we called themn the south, to this enormous life a lookingut, can you imagine being this 11-year-d child looking o at the audiee and being so brave -- you heard the team say paris wants say something, and she wnt u to that make row pho -- microphone and some part of her hear wanted the audien to know what she thinks of her
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father. toure,ou talked about how this was kind of like a ospel, ligious church ceremon we know that the family is having what's known a a repse in beverly hills wherehey get an opportunity to kind of and take abreather from everything that's happened. but it was interesting all of the sus' love and we know tat michael jackson was a jehovah's witness or his family had been. you talk about the religious conflict and we sa so much o it in th memori. >> the same gls wind that you saw at the top there, the andre crchingers at the beginng. so much god is love rerend sharpton who comes frothe ristian tdition. i ink that michael changed or was chaing in the process of changing to slim in the last period of his life, had lived so long as a jeh's witness but this felt to me like i was in a bi los angeles 1,000-perso
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congregation baptist church. where the person next to you might be a bck doctor and the person on the other side might a sanitatio work. but here everybody is in suits looking aet and grt an happy to pisthe lord on this sund morning. when you g those there i singing,here is dancing, there is someclapping. they raise the roof and have a good time, b it was the right tone in there, i ink. >> it really was. >> and it wa an amazing send-off. >> we re talking as well abt brooke shields and her saying that people saw her friendship th michael jackson as an odd coupleanhere you got glimpses of what life was real like, them sneakinginto liz taylor's room or even dr. martin luer king jr.'s children talking about michael jackson calling coretta scott king in her last hours oher life. >> there's a humanity you don't
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get to see with cebrities when they're hind the veil. it was all rel. there was a humaty to michael jackson that again even if y can't stand him, evenif you are so gry about the allegations that were made against him, for hifriends, for his kids, for his family,hat's not the michaejackson they know, and it'sike we got a gimpse of the michael jacksonhat they love today,nd it was a very intimate, very seing, emotionaevent. the michael jacksothat's been a mystery. chris,it's interesting a well becausberry gordy, the man behind motown, said michael jason made some questionable decions. maybe he made some ong decisions, but he went on to acknowledge of coursthose great things i thought it was excellent ey did not ignore somef e ntroversy. they ackwledge it, move on, and went ont the bigger picture of what they wted the message to be, which was their love for michael jackson,chris. >> sheila jackson-lee reminding peoplebout the u. constitution and th peoplere
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innocent until pron guilty and ihink that the family and the organizersf this, ty recognize what'seen in the tabloids ove the lasmany years, and th know the questis that have been raised, anthey brought it up in a very small, brief, sule way, and they med on. th didn't ignoreit, but they really made this a tribute to his life we're watching as the motorcade has left the staples center now, we are told it is, in fact, headed to the family home in encino. geor lewis is sding by there. george, what's the scene? >> wel chris, a bit of a crowd has gun to gther here in antipation that e fily will return here to the jackson family compound. they left here shortly bere 8: this morning onheir way to frest lawn for the private memorial service before the public service at the staples ceer, and the question is, i guess, is the ente family
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coming back here to the home or are some of them going to peel off and go to the berly wilshire hot in beverly hills for e recepti that is planned there for about800 people we're not sure of th. we're not sreat everodis coming back here, but anyway people are beginning to gather athe makeshift memorial in front of the jacksonfamily house. police are securing the area. is is one of the many venues theyave to worrybout today. wh they're trying to avoid is large crowds of people getng out of hand. whathey've done is they've osed thetet in frt of the jackson family hometo most vehicular traic. only people who live on this strean drive in her otherwise yohave to walk in here. they have barricades at both ends of the steet. this has been going on since the 25th, the day michael jackson died, and, of course, the neigors are getting a little tired of it. theye hoping for some return to normal now that michael
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ckson has beenmemorized. they hope things will calm down in this neighborhood. chris? >> thanks very mh, george lewis. i can say that there were a numb of mningen i was out there to do the "today" show before4:00 in the morning, d i was completely astonished to see people were alreadyoming the family hme before ty went to work for the day. theyere leavi notes and flowers,eaving stuffed animals. think they would getut of bed to drive many of them some distance to come to the family home, pay their respects, an likee've seen throughout this, it wasrespectful. i ner saw anything in the hours i spent otside that mily home in encino was anything but quiet, respectful. people conveing with each other. some crying, some huggin king contact with people they didn't even know. but who felt compeed to in some way let the family know that they felt ts ls. i also wantto say that, you
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know, we haven't not taken notice of the fact that there were people very important to michaejackson's life who were not there today. elizabeth tayr, who twittered and talked about why she felt that thisasn't an aropriate place foher. ana ros' blicist just came up to our location and handed us a statement from diana ross sang that she's decided to pause an be sint. that she was athe memoal in her heart. a treasured part of my world is gone. part of thfabric of my life. mil wanted me t b there for his chilen, and i will be there if they ever need me, which is a statement that takes on new meaning given the fact that a lot people were surprised that after his mother heamed diana ross in his 2002 will as guardian of his three children who we saw a today's memorial. let's go back to the verly wilshire. jinah is standing with more informatn about this gathering of i guess several other people invited by the family, jinah.
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>> reporter: that's righ chris. we weren't able onrm it until just within the past couple hours whene talkedto the beverly hls police department who told us absolutely the jacks family along with about of their clost fily and friends will be coming ov re. heidn't know exactly what time. he just knew it s going to be over probably by about 6:00 this evening washat they were told, but they have rented a ballroo space het the beverly wilsre hotel, which is a four seasons hotel, also commonly known as t "pretty woman" hol because that's where the film was shot. the last time i spoke with you live, didn'tow what a repasse meant because the poce departme said it wasn't rlly a wake it wasn't an afterparty. apparently a lot of viewers are callg in and saying it's an african tradition that african-americans re in the u.s. havadopted, at's mply a time of fellowship, a
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time to gather, break bread, d to just ki of remisce and destress aerhat is sure to be a very chaotic andtressful time post-funel, post-memorial. so that's what we expt here. whether e ballroomth has 800 people capacy will be filledwe're not quite sure yet, but so far no one inde. surelyhey are making their way er here. chris. >> jinah kim reporting li us outside the beverly wilshire. we continue to hear the helicopteroverhead, and we still see a sizable crowd here outsidof ttaples cnter. it's just as if people don' want to leave. they want to continue to feel wh they felt en they were inde there and sre some of eir thoughts, and as we wat the motorcade with michael jackson's fami heading we the family home in encino, we'll take a break and be back with more. you're watchg a tribute to michael jackson on msnbc
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we all havcoconfidce and we all he doubt. but when the momoment cos...
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thee more i thihink and tlk abtt michael jacksks,, i f fee
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the e ki of popss not b enououghoror m.m. i thininke e is simply, i thinke isis simply the grreastst tetertner that ever lived. >> beberrgogoy from momoto who knows aa ttle bitt about whatt grgrea enenteaiaineis, a a he certrtaiy y ve more than a few superstars theirtart andsasays miael jackson was the biggest of them all. i'm chris jsing outsisi th staples center aftfter 2 1/2-ho momori service fo michael jackckso i'm here w wthth tououre and di mond. one e t thethings his mothebro marlonon,aiai remember nevever being able to walk across the ststetet. then we saw pariris u u tohehe microphone. th is the most wve seen off those children. many photograpap w we'een they were veiled orr masasker shrouded in somewaway.
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michael jackckn n clrly wanted to protect h hischildren. you have been ararou t ts bubusissss f a long time, i have. wh do you see for these kids? ll they be left alone? >> oh, probably not. i'm a mothereranani saw that ttttle girl taake that curageous stst o of speaking. first time have evereaea any of the chihireren tually speak and she was sobrbrav and ihink shshe'gogog to n nee to be because she and herer two b brhs will foforerr be pointed at as, oh, there's micicha ackson's chchdren. and d th c can choose a differe life. they can go in anonymitytyff they w wantotonnd me out o iin publicicnlnly en they so choose, but it's goingngtoto b very, vey difficult t rr them. maybe all or o one of thh will wawa to go i int the music busisissss. >> i was that iing about tininn cocompison with princecess dians children and the palace stepped in and s sai please l lea these
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kiki alone.e. but they are public ffigeses. they a a p pries so theyey hee publblic ole. in spite of the name prince and prince, the younger one known blblket, and paris, thehey veveo reononbility to be in t the public eye. >> right.t. they are not being paid b by the ststa, and yet you k kw the interest in thehe i think paicicully now, don't you thaha i, toure,e,isis ttrendous. >> peoeoplwiwi want to seee ho eyey grow up, what w wil they look likik how will they responond t this life change? ey have been gallivanting g around the world w witmimichl jajackn. now suddenlnly p phaps you image that they're going g toe e in school, steady, cacafoforn. how w wi that changethem? u know, and i also clearly papari has a dep connectition w wth net. ere deep rootots within this group. ifif kheheri is too old, she
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wiwi t turto janet. peperhss blanket w wil turnto otrr bthers and sisters. the'e' agigigaic support systemem whihin e jacksksfamily for r ttm, within thxtxtend ckckn famamil f them, t, you knknowththeyill be in the lilimeght foforerer >> absolutete.. and you stckck on s somhing ver imrtant. theyeyavave ver gone to school orone to a scout meetiting or tennis club to takekeesson with o othchildldn.n. they have e nobebe out h hin puc alone ever. they go to a t toy storore, t y store gets shutut down and theyey g after hours. >> with b boguguds a and sometis day says in the middldle of the life, let's jeje o to somemewhe.e. their life is goingooe very different. as a mother i dottreresu to give t tmm adadvie,e, butkikids con stan si. thth n nee a disciplilinendnd a routine. yoyou vevewo children. >> yes. > b they're young eyey c ll night. told me atat recently. but kids nd to feel i i he a
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are you te roinine, have a place i belong. >> thehey ntnt structure, thh waroutine. every night at 6:00,0, they go bebe e eve nightt a 7:00. ththeyespond to that. letting kids do wtever they want does not lead to, you knon, responsible children. ththe ee willllrr w wthth a s s guidining it. without, the t treill not grow. >> you also w wonr willhey ke t tm awayfrom the tabloids because already thehere b be so muritten about what do th okoklike? dohehe look like t tirir dad? wewellththeyon't look k keke tir dad. ththeye light skinned. ththeyoooolike debbbbie wewe. wh i ithe mother o of anket? thther i i s so chch fodder ere d they're dsds and d yoanan i have talked autu hohow deeply michaha has saidhe was scarred abobout beingeased about his nose as child. imagine being in the tabloioid.
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>> hisather unfortunately lived anand died byhe swswrd. his father s set hiscocot early you are in show business. yoyou e e stage everyy momentof yoyour life. and iknow in m my heaeart and f opop around that family, michael jackson did d tt want that for h childrere he wanted them t to ve ononity. i'm jstst not s seehe ilils and the masks werehe right wa to go they needd oher chchilenen ththey ed to have t t loveofof ththeifamily, and loved it when j jan -- enen little paar rned to janeneatat t end of thatat emotionon statement. that's family bond. >> we have to go break b b somethining ryryheartening. again, i saiaid eaeaier, when they were walking intoto forest lawn and blket was holding h hs older brother'shand. yoyou sosoee t the's's a bond between these ililen and they ve lived a life thatat no one else could fully ndnderand. >> or imagine. >> sohehey ve each o oth. diane, i know y h havto go,, but it's en aleasure having you.u. toe will stay with ussutside
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etaples center where people ntinue to linger. we will continueueemememring michael ckckafter this. multivitamin with more. only one a day men's's 50+ advantage... has gingko foremor and concentrtration. plusupport for heart healtlth. that's's great call. onone a damen's. i'm pretty much the samame as i am in a plastic bobo? except ththat you'lsave, likke, $600 cks a year. othethan that, we're etty much the same. pur. good, clean water.
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onbehalf of my family, mylf, fans, friends niec andnephews, sisters, brothers, i would like to thankveryone for coming out. as you know, i'm lost forwords. i was his voiceand his backbone. i had his back so did the family, but we thank you. that's all can say. we thankou very much. >> bviously, that's jermaine jason at the end of what many have dcribed as wonderful, beautiful, even on our twitter page, david, i put the word wow,
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and we had insta resnses from peoe saying tto. it's haro explain or findhe right words. you saw the jackson sons there with their sequinned gloves all in yellow ties,and ts is right now cars -- part of the motorcade arring at the beverly wilshire. we're told that's where th family will have a pass, and that is an oppnity for them to grab something to eat, to kind o destress fromverything that's happened,nd just get their hands arnd all of the emotions tha have tbe ooding through their bodies right no >> a lot of peop who are not familiar with the repass, is an african-american traditi. >> it follows the neral itself. in the south very big and as african-americs migrated to the north, u saw th trition go right along with them, and in our culture we go ha dinner and you get lot of hugs and just kind of as jermai jackson said, that backbone that ueed. it is the time where the reality hits you that this person is
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really gon and like any other family, this is what the jackson family igoing through right now. they have three you children that they have to exain what happens now. live pctures from the beverly wilshire. >> we'veinah kim. we can see the shot of the cars riving. describe the scene. what'she overall atmospher boy, the sne just fired up literally withinhe past 10 to 15 minutes. police he now jumped into the stre to tr to ct traffi all theoverhead helicopters just arrive now. i can countt least five that i'm looking at overhead. this is not the case eve as of about 15 minutago. u ow the motorde is working its way or here. wh we ha been able to confirm from the verly bill poli department is this. yes, is where the repass fo the jackson family will be. they apparently rented out a huge ballroom her at the beverly wilshire fur seasons hotel. this is, of course, the faus
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hotel that was made famous i should say by the movie,"pretty woman." they will be accompani by up to 800 of their closest family and friends an i believe we ar talking about the lis o diana ross d elizabeth taylor wh did not wish to go to the staplesenter but wished to also celebrate michl jackson's li with the family, wantedo be with them here toda and this would be more of an appropriate ven for people such as diana and elizabeth and otrs who weren'tble to make it to the chaotic ene thats the staples center and perhaps they wilbe joininghem here. there will certainly be enoh room forhem to do that if, indeed, we are to expe up to 800 people. >> nbc's jinah kim at the beverly wilshire. thanks so much. >> i'm curious abouthe crowd control. they we lking about the scene at the staples center. it's not as if this hot is far away like nevland where it's an effort to g to.
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it wilbe quite a scene think as fansealize this is where the family is going. we have amy palme with "in touch" magazine. chris jaing wastalking about michael jackn's chdren and pas and sayinghose brave words. our es are teang up. when you see a child front and center come out a say those rds, b lisa marie presley was abl to ep a lowfile until she got olde and decided she wanted to be in the celebrity world. is it possible to kee these children from -- i don't wa to say magazinlike yours, but lot of magazines that follo them. >> lisa marie presley gw up in a very differenttime. we're now in a world of internet technology, twitr, facebook, the world is a lot smaller these days, so the whol entire world just saw paris d really she just w so heartfelt, and i thinthe entire world ju fell in love with her today. peep want to people want know what
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happened to her >> princ william and prince harry live in the technology world we livein and somewhat they were protected from th media. it's not unheard of in ourtime. >> no, it's not. i think they'rpart of the royal family and t press -- it's sortof like the barack obama children. >> sasha and mal. >> right. there's an acknowledgent by the pre to prote them and i think thee with wiia and harry. >> but we won't see tha with the jacksons. >> ielieve that pris and blankeand prince mha wi be pret -- they'll be followed. >> let make it clear. whatill your magazine do if u're approached by photographers or people who say we'll sellou some photogras of them getting ice cream for $10,000. will you give them money f those photographs and crte a market? >> that's something that the editorial staff has to decide. that not something i could speak on. wh i do know is "intouch" does remain a publicatio where we verify facts. we're very resctful of people and that'ssomething we will
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stn throughout this story. >> and you're waiting nowo get your magazinen newssnds. quickly, let me ask you, what is your impressio of what we saw today? i rely think this entire seice how manyi ihumanized mice jackson. it brought him to adifferent lel por people. there's been so ch controversy aboumichael and thisfew hours of bnging to light of hi charity work and what he cared about d what he spent h time with behind closed doors. that really lent itself to an empathy that i don't think a lot of people really understood. >> david, kind of takess back to our question about how will you remember michael jackson? that answer may have changed. >> for people who dn't know a lot about michael ckson, they learned a lot today and i think in a good way. in any case, w'll do another hour. >> one more our. we're gointo go to a break and be rhtack after a quick break. could someone tosme
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