tv The Ed Show MSNBC July 7, 2009 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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♪ no message could have been any clearer ♪ ♪ if you want to make the world a better plac ♪ ♪ take a look at yourself ♪ then make thehange good evening, americans, ve from 30 rock in new york, the king of po was given a final farewell today. it was a svice to remember. there wacelebrion ofis life a tremendous emotion to go with it. we'll have reaction surrounding the story and the rest of the sound from the memorial, the absolute best sound. this music wa fantastic. the speeches wer just fanstic including the memorableoment when michaeljackn's young dahter, paris, spoke about her dad. plus, the big political ory. sarah palihas left theoor wide openor a political future and the head of th gop absolutely lovesit. al franken is officiay in t u.s. sena, but the60th vote may not be coming so ey on the
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big issues. we'll ha all of that late for you in the ow. but rst, the jackson sty tonight. there cobe no bett celebration of michael jacksos life and career. it was an emotional day for jackson fans a especially his family themoment that everyone will be talking abou for days and possibly years to come, mchael jackson's daughter, paris jackson, decided s wanted to say go-bye to her father. >> every since i was born, dadd has been the best father you uld ever imagine. and iust want to say i love him so much. >>hat aouching moment.'s courtney hazelett was inside thetaes center today. she joins usnow. courtney, there were so many moments to remember,ut that was such a captivating moment.
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i just don't think it could be outdone i any wa and it was so real a s emotional. at was it like being in there seeing that? >> reporr: first of all, i want to say, i was very honored to be thereday. when saw pa -- sorry, i'm having some earpiece problems. iteally made -- there wasn't dryeye in the house. if y didn't geteared up, your heart is cold. i can goo far aso say that. one of the amazing things about paris saying at was that it was so raw. it was this moment, where kids can'take that. and we've ard so much about michael jackson, he might not be a good fathe or, you know, what ty of man was he? yo know what? paris put a periodon the end of this sentence. he was a good ther. and i thin today it's very importantat that's what w fos on. we don't take that away fr him. he was an iortant person in this family, and emphize the worderson" because it's easy forget hat. and tomorrow is a new day.
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and we're going to as journalists continue to follow this story. but that moment rely did say, thiss lightning in a bottle. paris saidho her father was and brought ts very dvisive family togethe as well. and th'ssaying something for a ttle girl who is quite, quite brave. >> courtney, how emotional was the crowd today inside the staples center? >> rter: you know, it was really magical in some ways because they were emotional. the hiest of highand the lowest oflows. and that was the brllnce, really, of the way this production was staged. you had really faastic moments of nging. keep going back to the "we are the wod" moment. it was suddenly like, 1986 in there again. and people were stanng up and swaying and holding hands. i remember tt when it came out. and then there were times, like you saw with paris, it was just veryad and very touching. and think the honor here is that for 90minutes, we were a part of michael jackson's world. yo know, this wasn't just a
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celebrity who had celebrity friends come up and say some nice things. it was real. it was relatable. we hea about eating fried chicken on the floor. was a fantti tribute to a man who was just a populture unier. and i keep going bk to this, we've been getti critid about how wre not covering some of thearker periods of his life. listen, we are. we're t forgetting at. in the days to come we're going to heaa lotre. but today, thiss aboutichael jackson's impact on history. d i just thoht it was pitch rfect and fantastic. >> i also thou a very profound moment was when reverend al shaton spoke to the children of michl jackson. what washat like? >> reporter: one of the biggest responses in the house is what that was like. i mean, people didn't jt cheer, they roared. and i also -- like when brooke shields spoke as wl, and she said, the reason she and mhael jackson got along so well is because they h to grow up very fa. but when they re together, they could be very young.
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and that defin the challenge of being child star and reall why tese two very different people could come together. and th's exactly what michael jackson did in his life. and i believe will contie in his ath as he brings v many ffent peop from different walks of life together. and everything about this service today really spoke to that. >> courtne thanks for joing us tonight. anks so much. great reporting out the. michl jackson's other, jermaine jackson, was the o meer of the jackson 5 to perform. he took stagefightingack tears and sang the songsmile." ♪ did you sme through your rrow ♪ ♪ mbe tomorrow ♪ youl find that life is fied ♪ ♪ if yojust smile
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>> and just before jeaine took the stage, we learned from brooke shields that "smile" was michael's favorite song. t'bring in nbc's gina kim. she's standi by live at the beverly wilshire hel. gina, whats happening there tonight, and is this emotion continuing o at this private celebration tonight? >>epter: well, fortunately, only invite ed guests are being invited inside, can tell you we do have a producer in thereho's confird for us that the family members have rrived. usher, wesley snipes, brooke shields, they are all in there withhe family along with hureds of other people. but it is an invi-only list that is in thereight now. and byall accounts, this is where all of thevents of today, all the emotional and probably atimes stressful events of the day wi end for the family. after this wepresume they will go back home.
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but right now they a really enjoying time wi their closest friend those who -- some of them did not make it to staples. they simply wanted to be here for so priva time with the family, and that's what ware being told is hapning behind me here at the beverly wilshire. >> tnk you, jinah, for that report. c's jeff rosen isoutside the staples center wherehe memorial took place. jeff, how are fans reacting to this afternoon's event >> reporter: hi, ed i spoke with several fans. and look, they touched by it. you know, and how cld you not be, eecially after seeinthe mateal with the children? i mean, that's what really touched, i think, a lot of people most. not th celebrities, not the songs, b the children. and that's reallwhere the cus now goes tothis cus battle tt may be coming ahead on monday as you st of look forward. now that he's been memialized, there a court hearing about custy. you have the ee stillup in the air. and you have this drug investigation. i spoke withhe police chief here in los angeles, bill
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bratton, justrt time ago whto me they are aggressively questioning doctors, cohorts of chael jacksos, his inner circle, to figure out who caused his death, if drugs were a part o that death, and if so, were doctors wrong in escribg himrugs at he didn't need and contributed to his death? there are a lot of questions in the air as we look fward from where we are today. >> jeff rosse thanks very much. the sty will continue. of course,jacksonas an inspirationafigure to many african-americans. joining us to talk about his impact, sthen a. smith, journalistnd commeator. don't all want to b remembered like that? wasn't this absolutely fabuls today? >> iwas tch perfect. there's no denying that. from mariah carey and usher to al sharpton and his wonderful speech to brke shields remiscing about their time together this brothers to magic johnson an kobe yant, smoky robinsoas well talking about h this 10-year-old kid captured the hrt and soul of wh he was trying to display wh he wrote the son for the jackson 5, all of those things
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just camtogether today. there was not any mistakes whatsoever that i could think of. it was absuty perfect. >>ou know, stephen, that moment when paris said what she said, all thehings that have ever been said about michael jackson or thought about michae jackson, that ally gave, i think, the worl window that anyoould love se >> of cours >> that was just an unbievable moment. >>t remied the world at this guy was father. that when you talkedabout him and kids, actually, he loved kids. he loved being a father. thatas one of hisbiggest aspitions. and what she did with thosery fe words was remind the world how much michaeljackson actually loved being a fher to his children. >>he emotiona humor thata out with it as well was a real flavor to it as well, i thought. >> tre's no question about it. i mean, evebody was letng their persalities flow. and they were bringingut the personality of michael jackson, the jackson that most of us did not kn. and i think that that was
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extremely iortant to bring forth because lot ofele weren' paying too much attention to that in the last few days. >> h will live onhroughhe muc. >> mmmm. >> what kind of an impact do y think he'll havn the african-american community for years to come? especial the music? >> well, he'llave a profound impact simply becse his music will have a profound impact. anthat's what the african-american community will choo to remember him for. and ihink that's what ultimately overrides everything. when you think aboutremember the time, thriller, bad," it doesn't matter, theist goes on and on. i was listening to his mus last night. i was playing his music all day long during e fourth of july because his music is t greatest ever. and that's what we'll choose to rememb him more so than anythi else. it doesn't mn that youorget erything else, b what he will be remembered for most more than anything will be his music, no question. as well as his humanitari rts. >> what abthe sharpton sound bite, his contribution today? speang to e kids? >> it was profound, but at the same time, first of al everybodwodn't agree with whathe said.
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but it was more than appropriate for him toay that because he was directing it at michael jacksochildren. anwh he was saying, listen, your father may have been strange to everydy else, but he was notstrange. the circumstances were trange. what he saying those kids were, this is how we want you to rember your dad. and becae he was directing that messageto miael jackn's children as opposed to just the viewing public, it was more than appropriate an definitelyclassful. >> let's review that moment wh al sharpton hadthis to say at the memorial service today. >> i want his three childn to know wasn't nothing strange about your daddy. it w stran what your daddy ha todeal with. he dealt wit it anywa he dealt with itfor us. some came today, mrs. jackson, toay good-bye tomichael. i came to say thank you. thank you becausyou never
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stopped. thk you because you never gave up. thank you because you never gave out. thanyou because you tore down our division thk you because you eradicated barriers. thank you because you gave us hope. >> what ll you remember about michael jackson and s impact? >> i'll remembeis music. i'll remember the impact that he d a lotike what reverend al sharptonas alluding to because he broke down barriers and made thst easier r lot of us in s many different industries to really excel and mve forward. that's what i'll remember most about him. of course, you don forget everything else that ces with the package, but at the same time, the overring issue is that hwas pretty much the greatest entertainer all time. >> you know, steph, i don't think a t of people understood his glal impact, you kn, his global impact. >> theyidt say that because they didn't want to. >> he reached so many generations. >> iyou know anything about music, you know what ki of impact hhad. if you studied t man a all and his humanitarn efforts,
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his philanthropy,you must have own what he was doing. unfounately, because of some of the questionable decisio that se people allege he may have made througho his adult lifethe reali is that taint everytng else he did. but it doesn'tean that you eradicate it and forget it. nobody is going to forget the impact tat this man has had. >> stephen a. smith, great to have you with us. >> my pleasure. > 750 miio albums sold in hilifetime, but imagine what happens next with the michael jack brand. nny deutsch joins us next to talk about that next. stay with us.
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> > e king of popop w laid to rest totoda chael jackson h hadan credible impact o american p p culture, a i will lili on. jackcksos s imct will be flt through the musicc rr geraratis to come. rtrt of thattmpmpt caaieies big financial l pre.e. jackson sold 75750 million ala, and it won't sttop anytime ooo. for more,e, l l's turn t t d dn dedesch, chaiairm o of deutsche inincoorored, a $2.5 billion ad agency.. it only getsbigger from this point on.. at leaea t thas my iinsncnc whatat's yours?? >> because it't'aa business, i wawa to -- first, my condolences to the familyly particularly the kiki,, wching that daughter a a a dad,d,your heartbreaks. hangngaid that, a and it's a loss, i thininasas a cocontry, wee e lo our mimiss little bit. i'm m noeveven t tking aboutthts algations against him becaususe we live in a country becausese
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yore provenilill found innocent. w was wonderful singer andd dancncer but the iication, in theasast w days oror o oth americansns tt have died, kennethrusso diedat 89, h he flew2525combat msions ininhrhreeviaia levin,egistered republicans and decrats. the samemeayay michael ackson died,, lieutenant ian brbradaw fifititingor his country inn afafghisista 24 years old, , th man was a wondndfuful nger and dancer. th's what he wasas.. he brought musicicoo us. but i would have thougught i wa watching o of the great wororld adaderof all time,,nd i think as a country, wve lost ourwawa a little b bit it's a tragic c ssss f his family. but the millions of other people that it's a lososs their lliv, i'm m stst - i'm s suggling a lile bit. anani i dot want tobebe the cold-hearted guy because i i'm dad. and asas said, his children, heart goes out to themem.. but he sangg a dadanc.. veve i lost my way re? > no, you haven'n' >> am ihehe most hteted man on
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television right nowow? >> nno. becacae e wh my mom andadad died, i i an, i fe just a as bd as anybody elel. >> people were c cyiying in the stetets at don't know him. they n nee t t maybe tt little biof a ff >>hen j johlennon didied,, same reaction. whenen eisis eded, same reactio. >> there wasn't ququitththsame acacti when john lennondied. >> t tught it was pretty close. the music and d ee arts have s u an i imptata place in our country.y. but it alsoso has trong i iact on o oursoul. >> i thkkur soul a country lost our way aitittlbit. beyond theorrow i was feeling for his familynd p parcuculay his chililenen, i crddhen i listened to his daughter. bubuas far as we as a cootrtry ded dei deifiing t thimaman, doctor, richard -- n no e disagrees with that. nono odisagrees with tht.t. > b we've lost o our way as country. and d nodydyill say it. >> and i'm nott trying to, you know -- no, you're t. yoyou' n n the bad guy.
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>>here areerers giving eieir lilivefor this ununy, and we in the mediaiastand by, a and y he was an amazing singgerndnd dancer. th's what he was, a sierer and dancer. an amazining ne. > b he had a aimpact on alolo of peoplplss vves i don'ttisisage with that. bubut opop knew who mchchae jackson was, and heonnected with more pople than those who have been ununseisisfor this country. s sakingofofchildren, are e hehero in life that d d't'tet talked aboutanand that we a ath media, because i it a great media a sty y d because it gets eballs, and no, we don't rertrthe planes that land safely. i i dedersnd that. i'm m noanan idot. and d dodon'want to be theadad guguy here,utut i think we a ciety have lost ouou w a littlele bit. i justhink we have.. and itit's tragic loss. he was a grereatsising and dancnc.. that's what he wasas. i don't think hehe cngngles. i don't t thk k sic changes lives. think it enhahanc lives.. it's beautiful. protect our country. doctors s do i thinin schoolteaeachss do.
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>> ddon, you knowow t th from te business you're iin, you live i a fishbowl. e world wonders w wtt it's ke. today y wh t tha little gi, pas,s,ot up thehere and said what she said, weotot window toto t j jacon family. >> heeasas a wowondfufufather - >> t to eir love and spspt a and admiration whihicharar the heart. >tt ds warm the heart. i it warms the heart. > idodoesarm theheart.. my statement as s a g guy who follows culultu, , o followows trtren, who markets for a a livg and fofollss indivividus s is m heheargoes out to the family. but as w wat we - -- how we elee this cture for the effectt it has,, think w ovoveracact, and if ilanded on mars, i would have -- >> all this s an overreaction today? > iould have thought if i i landndedhehe, i would hee thought one ofththgreat world leleerers the last three centuries passed away today w wo was resespoibiblefor savingens ofillions of l lveves if didn'tt know any tter. we've got to stoppurursees in thmemea for theeayay we lookatat things. th's's a i'm saying here. soso'm'm theadad guy. >> no, y won't get thousands letters here - -- we are the netwtworofof aot of opinions.
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donny, good to have yoyo in tonight. thanks so much. comi up, michael jackson changed everything in the music video world.d. he created some off the most enring images e ever on the small scen. one of the originalal mtv veeja joins us to talk about t tt t exceptional lelegacyatat this hourur o"t"thed show" r rhtht he on msnbc.. > > bufirst -- ♪ bcacaful what you do ♪ don't g go around baking young girl h hrts ♪ accesso favorite courses chef's meal withpommess perhaps a night athe theater with extra special seats
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additional hohotel night, our treat your world in perctct harmony: pricess look k for rl on your r masterca to get rewards and offers that matter to you. look k for rl on your r masterca the $1 cream. flabbergasted when we cread the $700 cream! founder $30 regenerist cro-sculpting cream hydrates better than 32 of the world's most expensive cream faastic. phenomenal. regenerist.
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announcer: why thw away yourur money? switch to sprint. sa $ $360 a year with thehe everything data f family plpl anand t the blackberry cucurv8383 smartphone for ju $49.99. deaf, hard-of-hearg and people wh sp disabilities ce ♪ and i wonder ♪ ooh ♪ toove you babe you i wrote that song. i thought i sa it.
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i did not believe thatsoone that young could have that much feeling and soul and know. >> that was smokey robinson at today's memorial inos angeles. the sheer magnitude ofmichael jackson' popularity brgh about huge changes in the music dustry, one that ll never be forgotten or maybe never mahed. here to talk more abou at is billwerty, the editorial director of "billboard magazine. howo you capsuli it? >> unprecedented, in a word. yoknow, "billboard's a 11year-old brand, and we've seen thingin the last couple week've never seen beore. >> such as? >> for the first time ever, fr example, anartist's whose catalogs outsold the top selling album. last week it was the blackyed peas that got trumped by ree
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albums. th week sources are telling me that a couple of jackson's albums will lkely outse the number one album. >> where do think it's goi to be a mon from now? six months from now? a year from now? >> i think a lot will depend on what additional releases we start to see. andalso the news cycle atle t. you know, ihink things are going to level off a little bit the coming weeks. i think next week'sharts even after this one will stillbe all mich jackson because attention was paid to michael with the tributes a all the things wve seen in the la couple days. i think ter that, moving forward for the coming weeks, it going to be reissuesand repackages and portion music that hasn't been release yet, these sorts of things. >> right now themerican people ar buying th and also the fact thatou've got new relees that will be coming out, stuff that's never been heard befe. that is going to gra a lot of people as well. great for the industry. he'll have an impact for years toome. >> yeah, no, it is gre for the industry. anyou look at the way stars ke eis or hn lennon, you know, me of these folks have
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continued to really sell solidly over the years. i thinkichaeljackson's futu is much inthat vein. >> what we saw today, bill, is at going tonhance his image, his music sales, s impact in thinindury? >> yeah. i mean, it's a sm dunk for chchaejaksks. itit'sike, listete for anyone who h had liningengn questions, i think thosewewe set iide ananovoverhe last weeek o o so, everyoyo's's kind of takenen de breath and reembraced t the mus that made him aa celebrity in h first placace. honestly, , wh p pis got on age and had that amazing unscriript m momt, i meaa w can n yo s sll have doubts sort of about some ofof tsese tngs? >> yououanan't. it was a very human moment.t. >> a vy y man momement >> witithhll the controversysyn alall eevisibilily,y, you wononr what it t warereal like. that gave us a real sense of whatathihi family has been goio througugh. i mean, thahawawa a momenthaha i think jackson fanansarar goingg reremeereror dedecas.s. >> yeahah >> that meme is going to be wi that girl forever. s somne said earliernn the progogm,m, ltle girls can't't li little chihireren n't lie. and that was such annoppest
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momentnt. >> tststaing. it wasas aoutstanding momomt. bill, good to have yo w wh us. >> pleasurur >> thank you. still to cocomeththebarrier michael jackson b bro not juju in music but i culture andndin polilicscs. and speaking off litics, there was a lot going on in the w wor totoy.y. sarah palin, m mkk sanfnfor a a franken and michael steele a al making news. next up we'lletet you cahthtp onon ttt onthe ed show." stay with us right he onn msnbc. nancial viviceou need? nancial viviceou need? where e will y find the stabilitity and reurces to kp you ahead of this rapiy olving world? these are tough h questis. ata's why we brought gege two of the most porful names in the i industry. introducing moan snley smith barney.. here trerethin wealth management.t. here to o answer... your questions.. rgan stanley smith barney. a new wealth manageme firm withvever 0 years of experiee.e.
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♪ gone too soon welcome back to "the ed sh." we're continuing to watch velopments following today's michael jacks memoallos angeles. this afternoon michael's other, marlon, whose twin brother died shortly ter birth asked one last fav of the king of p >> i have e request, michael, one request. i would like for u to give our brother, my twin brother,
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brandon, a h for me. i le you, michaelani'll miss y. >> mucmore coming up later in ou broadct. moving on politics tonight. sevel interesting stories today. the head of the gop, michael stee, has open arms for sar palin. in a tv inrview, steele say he'd like palin's help to reorient the republica party this fs withhe political hierlling some in e palin camp have talked about. this opens the dr for palin to stay in the puic eye and in the party mix. 'sl par of the plan. palin gave aninteresting interview to andrea mitchell, talking abo the future and leaving the doors open. >> reporter: what are u going to do next? >> well i look forward to, ter handing the reins ove a ooth transition of power, to shawn parnell, our lieutenant governor inhe next few weeks, look forward to getting out there and wking hard for other peopleho want to fightor the rit things, the ght reasons
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that anybody would want to serve and help other people in out of fice. iant to fight for other peoe who want to get out there and fect that kind of change >> and other political news tonight,l franken checks into the united stas senate, becoming the second minnesota senator, almost reluctant to remind his followers that he is number 60. and in south carolina, governor ma sanford has weathered the orm. he will not be impeached. the south carolina republican party ved to censu the govern, calling sanford's behavi a breach of the public trust. >>and there are mxed signals coming from the whithouse. ief of staff rahm anuel is telling"the wall street journal" the white house might be willg to give u on the public optiono get biptisa support oneah care reform. this is true,any amerins may view this as sellingut to the republicans a cavingo the insunclobby. joining meow for more on all of this, radio talk show host, bill press, politico's abram
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jaers joinsus and also republican strategist karen hadready. a lot of political news. bill prs, i was watching you on friday when this story broke. you said nobody does it like is. her political career is over. what do you make of michael stle now saying, hey, come on in and help us out? what do you think? >> well, they're starting to throw her a life line, ed. let me tell you, the weird news conference ofriday ihink was only matched or surpass by the weird intervw e gave to andrea mitchell. it's the first interview ever of a national politician in wers. aned, you know what tat -- >> bill, you do remember the show last night, bl, we had the float planes gog behind. >> the other thing i've got to sayichael steele d say today that for 2012, it's out of the qution for rah palin. i thin that's the first honest thg ir heard mhael steele say since hs been chair. >> karen, what do you makef that? is it over for sah palin? it would seem to m a party with leadership right now,an i s think we're findingout that she
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was the maverick in 2008. certainly goin the unconventional route. but if she's got a foowing and if s can raise money, why wouldn't shee able too something in 2012? >> ed, you just hit onit. i think she canraise money. look, tre's a new gallup poll out that shows -- i think it' you know, 58% of americanshink th she's being treed unirly themedia. anit's almost like, you know, hillary clinton, whenever hillary was most unde attack, her numbersent up. and i think we'r seeing something simila wth sarah lin. i think she can go raise money for the republican paty. i think michael stee who, you know, is not rea pola among rank and file rightow for a lotof gaffes he's made, it's probably smart to emace her. take her on the tra kind of ride her coatils within the bas of the gop right w. whether she has 2012 ambitions, i'm not sure. i n't personally seeit, but, yokn crazier things have happened. but i do think she can go help raise money. i'm curious to see how mh she
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actually does for otr candidates. >> eon, you look at the republican party and whe they're polling right now, they're reallyot in a position to throw anybodynder the bus. they need all the friends ey can get, d't you thk? >> yeah these high-ranking republicaneaders keep implodinpolitically. i lked to a high-ranking publican pan supporte today, and i asked him whether she's got a ture in the republican party. and he said, look, she's got a future definitely, she can raise theoney if shewants to. and that's the questn. does she reallwant this? she's not behavg right now like somebody who wants to have a future in the republican party as a presidential candidate. maybe on lecturecircuit. mae on the talk sho circuit. definitely. but as a presideial candidate, she's not behing that way right now. so there looking at the fire in the belly questn with palin. what doeshe want from h life going forward whetheit's her mily, her state or her presidential ambitions? >>whato you ke, bill press, of al frnken? he's in the senate. he's downplaying that he is number 60. is tt going to help o hurt the pay some big fights coming up?
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>> you kw what? yeah, he is number two f minnesota, ed. but look,et's be honest. thbig news is he's nmber 6 i think fit of all, it's a huge opportunity for democrats really seize the rins of power and do some great good for the american people now th they've t th power. but it is also a time where we have to sayno more excuses for decrats. they've been saying they need republics. i think this is a chance for democrs, forget the repuicans even exist. who cares what chuck grassley says about anythinanymor they g the60. run with it. >> well, in minnesota "the star tribune"ad a poll out today, responded to it said thathey thought he w going to be an awl senator. >> fabulous. let me tellou something, everyone's calling himhe 60th senator. the reality is, if you want t pass hlth care, if you want to pass cap and trade, it doesn't fall onfranken'sshoulders. it falls on the moderate shoulders of democratsike mary landrieu and ben nelson and
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others. this is, you know, rahm emue is outhere saying well, w want to make this bipartisan. we've got to get republican votes. the reality is they don't have enough democrat votes t pass eier piece of legislation. >> andeamon, we'll come ba with you when we star again stay with us,folks. for more on mchael jackson, 20,000 fs came to the staples center in los angeles to celebrate jackson's life and music. there are ill questions about how he died. joining me nows "los geles times" reporter rhard wenten. good to ve you ontonight. what do you consider to bes a journalist the b questions at are out there surrounding the ath of michael jackson? >> i think th biggestuestions clearly, was there mications inlved? were there pscription drugs inlved? what ect killed him? an ultimately we'll know that when we get t aopsy results or the xicology, but at tis stage, clear e law enforcement agencs here are pursui the issue of whether prescription dru and
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medicationplayed an iss in hideath. we have unmarked medicions, deprovan wch seeminglcame straight fr a medical facili facili. there were no nas on them at all. >> now, looking this police a sense of just how intense all of this is in thcommunity of los geles. >> well, i mean obviously, it dailyews here and hourly news. there are man tablo news there's intense tv coverage and obviously this is a big, you know, it's a whodunit. is this actually a dea caused by anotr, or is it somhing he died of natural causes? and then we have the question parately is were pele prescribing or giving medications to michael jackson which were plain-out illeg? >> earlier in tis broadcast, donny deutsch came on and said
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that -- wel some pretty interestin things thatsome other impoant people have died as well. has the recognition for michael jackso gone overboard? are there any in los angeles th think that this is overkill to an extent that mayb this has all gone t far? yeah, i think there's a certain degree in the cmmunity who thin you kno has this ju gone too far? i think there's always -- the death o a very well known person, loved b the cmunity. in the aftermath, there's oft a real outpouring of love for th person. yoknow, that's understandable. we may now see some pulling back and more analytical approach to what happened here. but in the shortterm, there are a certn degreof people who are kind of shocked at the adulation that he's receed. >> fro"the l.a.imes oirksz rid wynton with us here on "the ed show." coming up, wha the sucss of michael jackson mea for black americans.
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s head and crossed his arms at my attempt. when he started wearg th ve, i was, like, "what's up with thelove?" i'm, like, "look,f you're going to hold m hand, it better be the nongloved one, because sequins really hurt me. they would dig in." he'd jus shake his head, and he would just smile. >> there are so mnyconic images of michaeljackson, t moonwalk, the stum the glove. he bke a lot of raal barriers in the music industry and made a lot of lasting impact on american culture. for more,et me bringin tricia se, brown university professor of african-amecan culture and author of "hip-hop wars." professor se, your ke from what we saw, what we experienced today. how special was it? >> well, thought it was an extraordar event today. and i think it really speaks
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to -- >> unrtunately, we lost the miophone connection with tricia rose, a we, of course, will yto get back her -- get her back here on the progr. she is a brown university professor of african-american sties, talki about his ntribution. we'll y to reconnect -- okay, we can go back to her now. it's been a veryectic day covering all of this. our tenil crew rely has done a fabulous b considering all the ings that we've had to do today. professor rose, the impact of michael jackson. do you think the ceremon captured allof that and capsulized it today? >> i thought the ceremony s fabulous, and think it's definitely a fitng tribute. and inotal contradiction to an earlier guest, i actually think that we need to understand, and it's far more an just a relar singer and dancer. e outpouring for michael jackson ound the world and his 45ea of traordinary, not
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just performing music, has been just ofoundly impactl. for ample, he has elevated art forms to a spiritualevel. people feel deep connection to his work. so tli there would be an extraordary outpouring whether the media covered it or not. i think that said, that doesn't mean there'snot other news to be covered and other heroe in the world. but i think this kind of reduction of what he's about has been really our problem. flankly, i think we lost our way a long ti ago. and if we rlly listen to wt michael jackson has been singing, we're much mo likely to find it. >> well, you simply cannot argue with thencredible interest thats t there, the lifend times andcontribution of michael jackson. the michael jackson memorial is the single mst streamed event in history of yao!. 500 -- excuse me, 5 million totalstreams, second biggest s the inration with 1.8 totastreams. does that -- that pretty much speaks volumes of his impact
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right there, a snapshot of . but iwant to giveu an opportunity to respo to what donny deutsch said here earlier tonight on "the ed show," professor, about maybe we've gone overboard, and we don't really recognize oth contributors to society. what do you think? well, i mean, look. there's no dou that there's a tendency to overplay certain mediavents once there's a lot of interest. but i actually thi that what we really have don in the case of chael jackn is 've unrestimated his extraordinary impact for a very long time. and that now, inhe face of his death, which is abit late, i mighsay, we're really beginning to understand what it is people feel about him. and this isn't just aboutrazy fan behavior. 're talking about millions, you know, te of millions of people around the world w feel a deep connectionot to him, per se, but to t spit of what he expresses. we can't underestimate the power of beautiful art and muc to connt and touch people. i mean, you know, to say he was
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just a singer and a danceris like saying mhelangelo was just a painterr shakespeare was st a plwrig. could make the claim tat jesus was justa carpenter. thatould only make sense if we don't derstand the power o the individual t create a spiritual connection. and i think wh we really bin to understand michael in those ways, i think we'll get at the heart of what this fren's about. people are not downloadg and wahing youtube just beuse the media paying him attentn. there's something going on much deeper than that. and it would behoove us find ouway by payingost close attention to it >> professorrose, brown university, great to have you with us tonight and your insight on ts. thank you. >> my pleasure, ed it wasn'tjust the sound, it was the sight of michael jackson, t the danng, the orytelling. it wasbout the video mark goodman, one of the original mtv veejays, j joins nextith hi thoughts on the gacy. it's next on"the ed show" on msnbc.
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the fnder ofmotown recds today y at the ceremony. michchael jacksonold 750 million records while he was ive. he has the best-selling single of all ime, but hi lacy, his musical legacy, isdeeper than the numbers. and toda we heard artist after arartistalk about t the debt th owowto micel jackson's music. joining me now in stuos one of t original mtv vjays, now at sirius adio, mark goodmaman. mark, , great toave you with h . >> thanks for havivi m ed. >> ifhere's anybodyy that could really feel t thempact as far as a career leing to another reer, hink iwould be you because of mtv a ahat michael jacksomeant to mtv. those early yes, what were they like?e? >> you ow, it was t center of t universe. anmichael was the centerer of the center. really was a eat moment for both of us. and he made us.. we made him. >> and it wawas fun. >> it was beyondnd fun.
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yoyo know, for u us at mtv, it became a day without a a michch jajackson ne story was like a day without susunshine. you know,e really need that. the fans n neded it. you know, we'v've been talking lot abouout hriller" and howow great it was, , how imrtant it was. > di you know- great momen >> --hen "thrhriller"ame out and e videoeo we out, dididou ththink that it wassoing to be ke this 20, 30 years latater? >> michael jackson had something. for days,e've been hearing nothing butt the superlativesesd timate d even en, you knew, "bill jean" was the firstideo we got. ththat was gat. then "beat it." that was eveven beer. thenen "thrilr" whereit wa't a vdeo anymore. it was an epic piece. was beyond. >> what wouldld v have been in the earlyays without a a michael jackson, wthout that ility to caure? >> well micel jackson earheaded something.
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ere was a change thatt was happeng in musichat really y even our executives werer little bit hind. ththe was little bit of reticence to o play mhael, but not -- wasn't a ra issue, it was a genre issueue. and we didn't quite realize what was happeneng. and he led the chargrge. h really did lead the c charge in so manany ways of course,e, there's a lotf materi that has not beeen released a as of et. is is a soun cut fm mmy mottola. let's lien to it.. here it is >> 12 to4 songs woululd end up the album, just a as you sasa. there wowould prably be anywher fromom5 t 30 songs recorded. those songs aree still in the n, unreleased.. at the end of thee day, the decision wasas michael's whatato put on thehe album and what not. that doesnsn't mean at the songs that were not releaeased were n as great as the hits ththat you know. >> mar where does it go fromom here? >> well,, as tommy s sayaying, look, were going to hear t tse pieces. i'm exted to hear ttm.
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the fafans areertainly excited hear them. i've got to say i'm a litittle nervous. ththat the's things that were left off of " "thrillerand t thn th were left off afte compilatioions of "thrler," michael didn't want t them out. i'm n n sure t. >> how gooood would he have bee had hehenoteen the dcer he wa i mean,n, there wasn't't anybodo uld ev dance like this. >> agreed. >> he wawas made f video. he was m made foyou guys.s. >> he abablutelywas. anand hee knew itand we knew it. i think you sell himhort to say hogreat would heave be if he wasn't't the dcer he was. heas spectatacular. and that motown 25th annivers y ananversar that moment changed the world. everybodthe next morning was talking about only thahat. >> nnow, with all of this coveverage tt's been going on, i wantnto say something that i think maybe hasn't'teen sa. >> okay. >> wha phenomenal dexteritynd athlic ability.y. his foot control, his leg contro who can do th? >> there's little subtleties to his dancing.
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there's spanish influenc. there'e'roadway influences,, jazz, tap,vaudevillele watch -- whhen you watch him dance,e, watchis dance. he knew e ectly where his fifingers we going to be. >> and let me ask u thisis, mark. how grt would thth last concert tour h have be? > from all the looksf it, i looked likike it wld have been fantasc. it's just t the saddest thihingr th his comebackck has to be posthumousus >> wod it hve d a grter impact t than wh we've seen? woulthis have added d to the legacycyndaybe sometething bigger than with a we saw bac in the '80s?s? >> it s seemsthatay from whatt we've seen, a and i think partiaially beuse of the inspiration for hihito do it, it wa't a cash grab. it wasn't, i'mback,, let meeell more records although that would have hpened. he wasas doingt for two reasoso. first,t, his ildren. he wted his c cildrento see why the world l lovedhim. and the sesecond was for his fa. > mark goodman, you sound grt on sirius. good t have youith us
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