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tv   Countdown With Keith Olbermann  MSNBC  July 7, 2009 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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coatoo leleated his 3636 birthday. n't worry, rachch,, i've got the top stories covered. >> i knew n non of thse. ththanyoyo kent. thanank u u fowatching tonight. ououdown with keith olbermrman starts now. which of t tsese sries will yoyobe talking about tomororro did sarah palin jujustesesn again? can you imagine yoursrsf f rurunng g fopresident? i i d't know what the future holds. can't predict what the fisish run'n'gogointo look like. >> but evidentnt t thehairman of the e rnknknowhis fish. >> i take 201212 o t theable right now. >> simply because e miaeael eele adaddsgiven everything she's been goingnghrhrou personally, dealing with the finincicialess and d alofofhese ludicrous investigatatio h havput her and todd in at the moment, i i tnknk she'e's yiyingo focus on getting her house in order. d presumably her fish.h. >> i a aa a fiter. i thrive on challeleng >> ricicha w wole on the fish -- on the politics. gene robinson ononhehe ctinuing comedy.
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her full-court preressnanagy is explained ininiaiagr form. nini! and the last laugh. . > a the governor of alasksk sarah palin,n, ileleing the officece she's stepping dowown. gogoveor -- sosomeinini said? >> thehe oererovernor still hasn't resigned bubut e e n who once s saicecense was not enough for r bi c cnton gets censured t t republican party. and the big 6-0.0. > io.o. c conatulations, senator. > oy,y, the dog caught the c. what do ththe momoats do with the super majority? answers from howard d de. and worsts, the far ririgh offers conflictitingnsnswe on how best to o serere arica. joe the plumber at a a t p par. we need to spendnd aitittlmore illegal immigrants, g g t the ththe llll o of our damn country and close the bobords s wn. what does that have toto dwiwith taxes again? and a formerer c b b laden analyst t ysys - >> the only chance w we veves a country righght w w for osama
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bibin deden deploy and detonate major weapon in the ununit states. >> well, that t kekes nse, if u'u' a terrorist. all that and more now w on "cntdown." >t's not worth a buckcketf f warm spit. good evening from new w yo.. governoror sahah pin is still resigned. anshshstill hates the mainstream media so mumuchanand her r ssssagis so impeded by its bias, thatat oouour fth story on the cocounown," she invited reporters s omom the m mor neorks join her f fm the private fishing grouous s sohe can talk a abo i i again. televivisi c corspondents lined on the shores of alaska's's bristol bay lakeke le e afrnoon aitraffic at l.a.x. to interview w thsosoono be former gogornrnorf alaska in waders trying to explplaiagagaiher decision to bail out of f th gogoveororsh more than a year before her term m watotoxpire. her first t tetempfriday not
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hahavi g ge so well. thgogoveor making it seem, in n an interviewew wh h ouown andrea tchell, that her decision n to leave office by the enenofof t month had beenenreredermined on thday john mccain selectct h her asas h runnnninggate. that w wou b be re than ten momont ago. >> i knew that i wasasn'gogog to run fofor -e-eleion. i knew t thaeveverhing changed onugust 29th in politics in n alaska. that's the day i iasas tped to run fofor ceceresident of the united statate thinin c chaed, and it was quite obvious that n notngngould ever be the s se e foour administration. >> if governoror pinin h known even by the e coluluon of the electitionn n vember, as she put , , evything had changed, why did it take e r r unl july 3rd to annnnncnce ose changes? escicial if her stated reason n fofor itting is to save alasas taxpxperers e money that it is costing them t tininveigate her alged ethics violations?s? >> i think that sosomeeoeoe may nonobe fully aware of all l --f all ofofhehe cditions. and it perplplex m me at we have sat down with many reportetersnd wewe he e own them how it's cost thousands and d thsasas of hours
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in state timimanand llions of dollars s intatateesources to continuallllfefendff these prifl yus, ridiculous ethnicic violations. >>owowuch did it cost you yourself? how much debt do you have,e, lal feeses? >> o o w we ve a legal bill of out half a million dololla.. but that's notothehe consideration. >>alin's lawyer having described her resignatatioasas form of, quote, seselfacacfice. rmrmeroint guard sarah barracuda supposedly stitill taking one foror t t tea >> so i said, you knowow, atat's kind o odidistcting but that still isn't all l oft.t. wh is all of it was knowowg g i wawa't't gng to run for relection. alaskans, being perfefelyly honest with them, nonot ntntinto plpl thth political game thahat st politiciaiansdo. they kind o opretendnd ty y dot know if f eyey wt to run again. well, i knew.. i didn't want toto r a ain. so i w wou b be nest with asaska and say one term was enough. >> you haven't finishehed e e b some wououldayay. >> you're not t lieneng to me as tohyhy iouldn't be able to finish that final year i in fifi without itit ctitinghe state millions of dollarars d d countless hohos s ofasted time,
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wasted -- we have true, , wohyhy public cauaus.s. >> when fafacewiwi another question of andrea m mchchels that she did not l lik t the governororimimplinterrupting it, susuerstanding, possibly deliberately, claiaimsheheas had trble getting back to work after her r rufofor ce president. >> some pepeop h he said that you saw the brigightigightfrom the e tition campaign and came babacknd it was very hard d readjust to the nittttgrgrit work of -- >> the nitty-gritty, youou mn,n, like the fish slimimanand e dirt unundethe fingernails in junun >> no, the state capitital thhaha, legislative slog. >> no. that's not -- - amam aighter. i rive on challenge. >> except for r wh s sheoes not fifit and quits the job toto wch she has been e ectcted as for her fututurinin ected office, gogoveororalin telling abc news, quote, polititalally spkikingif i die, i die, so bebe it. and what is guarantete t to n the do you supuppo t theush doctrine awawardororhis intervrvw w cye, the governor lklkinabout what she calls
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ththos quote, frivolous ethihi violatatio, , al telling abc news that she bebeeveveshere is a departrtme o olaw at the white house. que,e, ihink on a national vel your department ofofawaw there in the white h hou w wou lolo a at me of the things that we have been c chaeded wh and aumatically throw them out.. time now to callll iououown political analalys r rhard lffe, author of "renegege:e: t making o of prprident" and also a teran of the white houou department of law.w. chchar good evening. >> good d evining,eith. >> what -- do we h havtotooint out that thehe i is such thing? whwhatoeoeit say about the cacandacy from last october and november of this candidadate?? >> as we likike s s down on the fish farm, there's notothi q qte so dead d as d deafish. anthth is a dead fish of an n idea. look, there wewe c clu in this campmpai.. i don't know if you reremeerer atat wle fruit fly incident t thth i loved so much. this wasasotot seone who took thjojoseriously, the candidadacy riously. didn't benefit frorom l l ofhe
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resources that a a nioiol presesenenti campaign could and would throw w aterer and itit q qui clear from what we s sawrorom dd purdum's fafabuususiece in "vanity fair" that she didn't want t tprprep shwawas zy, she was ignorant.. look, shshe snsn ready for imimete. i'm not sure shehe w r rea for daytime. >> what idodon't understandosos all of thths. peperhs will leave the possibility here o ope that t t rest of itit, it's me, nott her who's s nott makingsesens hee,t this one point abtt her h htrtd and her c cviction that t the instream mediass here to didistt what she has to say. yet, on the other handndshshe could not resistst iininting repoports s toalk about what she had to say, how exactly dodo tse two -- thahat'anan ephant and a momous well, yes. i love -- the mainststre m mia, c coue, which doesn't inclulu the murdoch h emrerewhich is the biggesespipiecof the mainstream media. les s st set that aside for r one secondnd buheher ill set was supposed toto bpublic presentation, a a she flubbed it enormrmslsly.
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all of these i intvivis we've ju been seeing, includinin anandr m mchell's wonderful sce down at the fish lake there, y younonow,t was all designed as a cacatcupupas a rerecory job for that botchehe attetempjuju before the july 4th weekend. so if shshcacan'do the public presentation, , s shean't exexain herself right, if f sh loses her authentic voicice d d comes up with all l t the platitududesbobouthe troops or abt t dog it all for alaska, enenhat does she representnt? anand memeage to bill kristol, it's not that peoplelerere sred of her, , it t thathey're shocked d atowowrankly incompetent she e ist t e things shshs supposed to be stronong . >> t t q quo, i can't predict what the next fishsh r's's gng to look like much less thehe nt couple years, basicacay y sh can'n't y y ything about the esidency in 2012. repeatininththe rase, can't prprevt t at the next fish run wiwi l loolike in many of the terviews. but the chairman o of e e rn michael steele basasiclylyaid, 12 is off the table becaususe the investigations. d d spokesman clarified ththat saying, , pan n id everything is on the table.
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eeeeleakes no issue with thaha are the republicans in s suca a otot rht now that the rnc is acactuly trying to keep goveveor palin on the tablele he?e? n n i think the rnc is blblsesed th a person at its he who's even less disciplinined than sarah palinin. that's n not c crification. th's's total correction. was speaking out of t tur hehe sllll tnks he's a pundit rather than the guy runnining e rnc and he j jusmemess up yet agaiain. >> last point. as we begin to cirircucrcre the ngnge of possibilities as totohy she quitit, n narw it down, it seemems b be ing towards she quit because shehe dn'n'want to burden thehetatateith the price of defefdidinggainst these hihi investigations. a,a,onon'they -- isn't there a chce some of them continue i in her absencnce d d shburdens the state ananyw b,b, dsn't that attitude meaea that a govoverr r somebody who hahas even higher calling shououldwhwh confronted with esesably false and lie-filille ethics charges resesn n raer th disprove them? yes and yes.
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you can't get hounund d ouof office by frivivouous mplaints. otherwisise,hehereould be nobody le in public office. that's not leadedehihip. ok, i still believe itit ceses downwno o moy. no matter what s sheaiaid out, ohohhalf a million dollarsrs i nothing. really? a a lflf aillion dollars is a t t tonyone. i think she gogot unund and that's a sad thing f forveverye, especialal f foreople like bill kristol. >> msnsnbc r ricrd wolffe rerepoininoutside the white hohousdepartment of the law. many thahas s aslways. > the e wes after a maximum of 40 people g gatrered tside the ed sullilivaththter calling for dave letterman t to f fir in protest of a a jo h htold abouout lilis elder daughter, a joke s so alalit caused john ziegler to fleen a new york ci cab for f fea of ing phohotoapaphe in an incredible r restt of orninition, we know letterman's tenure o on atate night" will l ngng olive palin's tenure as govevern..
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letterman retuturng g om a long weekend just as palin n s s heading into perernenentacation. >>hehe's a surprising announunce the over t t w weend that the gogoveororlaska, sarah palin is leleining e office. shs stepping down, governor r -- applause ] sosomeining said? >> palin's attorneney,hohos van klklin answering in the firmative, telling cnnnn tt t letterman's jokes s coriribud to ththe vernor's decision to s sp down. quotot w whepeople don't accept normal bounds ofof denen making jojokelike that about childrdr, mamae e th is not good for the ste right now and maybe mebody else who is notothehe subjbjecanand ose family is not the subject of thihis ruruny can moveve t s sta forward. let's turn n nowo o r own eugene robinsnson, , sociate editor an pulitzer prize-winningngololumst " "e washington post." gene, good evening. >> good evening, keiei. . > bororwe get started, any chce you used to live in alaska, , to >> no, you got me e the.e. did, however, used to workrk i the department of law.w. >> oh, we all didi th's'shere i got my start. this is the mainstrere m med's fault. itit'she fault of the late-night comedians. itit'she fault of the blogosphpher it's the faultltf f anne who ququtions her ethics. it's t t f fau of anyone who
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mementns her children, even n en she dragged them o outntntthe stage.e. has s e e so to be ex-governor palin raised t theicicmhood to highgh a?? i i tnk that pretty much sasa it. yes, she has. inin ft,t, s's kind of leading a vauaua. it's a a mteteous switch where the republicans s us t talways accuse d demrara of -- of, you knknowviviimhood and being pressional victims. and d noitit sms to be the republicans who arare wawa inting the finger and d sengng themseselv a abeing picked on -- by mean liberals with h fangs.s. >> the t td d puum "vanity fair" piecece,f f setor mccain won, the vice presidencncwowoulbe in thhahas of a woman who did n not ve the temperament for thehe job. are we sorort b bacilling on the voracity of that c conususio e e fa that she could not handle letterman's j jok t to e point whwhe e helawyer actually ididhat contributed to herer signing because she couldndn't
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take jokes also o spk k the suititabitity her temperament? >> look,k, t thi it all speaks i i i ththinththishole episode really tells us ababouwhwh we need to o kn a abo sarah palin's suitability for high o offe.e. look, if you can't't sveve o a full t tm m asovernor of alaska because you're beiei p picd on by frivovolo i iestigations or whever, you know, i juststonon't think you're goioingo o are down putitin teteially if you became vice president l lt t ti or if you ran for president 201212. it's's jt t no-- i think this is not her skill set. think her skill set is shehe's able to inspirire opople she'e's leleo articulate a vision o oamamera, but in terms of actually legislatatinanan executivive titionnd stuff like ththati i dot think that's her strong point. don't think rigor is h her stngng pnt, and i don't -- i ininthose who want to suppppor her for 2012 are going to o ultititetelye disappointed.
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i think she's s ining flake t.t. >> if you can't beat al qaqaed-- ifif you can'tbebe paul shshafr how can shshe atatl qaeda? she's leaving the governorship but clearar b bas on today as s inrvrvw festival, e'e's t leaving the public eye, at least not yet,t, i there -- do o yoththinthat therers s so expectation by her or p peoe e arnd here that the late-night tv jokes s argogog to a awasuddenly? >> i would assume not. e e --he almost has to maintain some soso o of gh public profile. the's probably an inner needed ththeranand ere's certainly a financial need thehere shshe'writing a book. eryone expects her to pop p up you knowow, tetentlly, who owows? she can be on tv.. e e cabe competing against this show fofoalall know. >> gooood ckck good luck! >> y youisis bushshe she's going to be outut there and she's going g toe e sarah papan.n. anshshs -- of course, she's s gog to be the target of the e same kind of humor as s y y
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potitici gets targeted with these days.. i mean, this is the e he t tt is inhe kitchen and one has to o t up with it or get ououofof i >> and you're right.t. she's out there. by the way, , ju a as terthought, if letteterm d did contribute to thisishehe's underpaid and underfeared,d, me importantly. gene robinson,n,ululitr-prize wiwier of "the washington n po" and we are l lkyky he on msnbc. anan, gene. >>everybody remembers hihi tenacity, his relentntlenene as heheotot sod up by john mccain last october k kwsws that one je ouousomething he said is n not the end d i it. to quote another l legd,d,this is n nothehe e. th is not even the beginningng of the end but it is p perpspshe end of t theegeginng or maybe nonot. it is justst t b binning for senator al fraraenen b if you e a so-called countertrtrorori analyst and you go o on lelevion d insist the only chananceoror this c cntntrys for it to be the viviim of another terrorisist tatacky osama bin laden, well, at damn well better bebe t e end of your career as anan alyly.
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as famously pointed d out ken burns, t theivivilar so disrsrteted erican politics that it t tk k a rely employed store clerk in galinin i illois, and de him general in chieief three years and d esesidt in eight. al franken didn't quitite tctch that reptivity, butut evewiwi the court t deyse went from raradihost to commentator to u.s. senator in threree arars d nine monons,s, aof today, the fishshine. > lar,r, w do i get the feing that the david letteterman voey against sarah palininonon't be thehe endf f ? ananinin wsts, joe the plumber does not realizeze tt t th uncumented immigrants in t this country outnumber ththe mitata, and a man named michchl l saer does not r reali y y can't go taking osama bin ladaden'sidid when it comes to b bwiwingp things andnd peoe e this country. you're watching "countdodown" o msnbnbc. ( honkin news radio update )
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today, july 7t 2009, the man who played baggage handler number one in "tradi places," star o"snl," and the movies tuart saves his family," author of ush limbaugh is a big, fat idiot," toothe oath of oice as the junior u.s. senator for the state minnesota, meani his resume is more impressive of all about 7% of all tse who ever preceded him into the senate ofur nation. our fourth story tonig, accoanied by senator amy klobuchar and former ve prident mondale to his swearing in current vice presidt biden, ladies and ntlemen, senator al franke >> please raise ur right hand.
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do you solemy swear that you support and defend the constitution of thunited states against all enemies foign and domestic, that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that you take this obligation freely without any mental rertion or purpose of evasio and that you will well and faithfully discrge the duty of the office up which you are about to enter, so help you g? >> i do. >> congratulations, senator. >> thank you. >> congratulations, senator. republicans responded with ts web ad showing frankeneemingly work up, making this the face of the newuper majority in the senatehere democrats now have 60 votes, enough to block republicans libusters, except at the video shows an imprsion franken was doingn the e stumofofis idol, former nnnnesa senator paul wellstonene when he was s cohihingis son in trtrack. all of which r rubublins know already bebecae e no coleman used the samamvividelast year en franken won.
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an e-mail to the plum m linelolo the gop suggestetererepling the boboguvideo with a picture o o franken in a diaper.r. a bogus pictururphphothopped by ohio bluns toto slam democrati shononrorown forssssiating thth fnken in 2006 when browow won. lelet's rnrnow to the arititecof the new democratic c super majority, formrmer d chair, formemer rmrmongovernor wawardean. mumu thanks for your time e tonight, sir. >> thank you for havavinmeme o itith. >> republilinsns sgest using a boguguststilpicture that failed to defeat nonow nanatobrown to replace a bogus videdeththat failed to defeatat n s senor frankekeinin aad they hope will defeat the super majajory.y. your doctoring days, , yomumust haveveonone psych rotation. can you addresesththisepeated reliance o on ctcticthat are both m misleininand failures? >> t this a aold political oboble people whohoo o thsame thing pect the different resesul.. i thinknk e pupuicans are,
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ununrtrtunely, they a are inheh past andnd theyy arehe pay basicallllofof he and negatitivism and in order to recover, they haveimply got to start contribung in a positive way to the debate. >> it reminds methe bob liot-ray gulding set about bo said to somebody who doesn't spk english, you don't speak english, so i'll yela little louder everything sms to just be loud, when in fact -- does the al franken succe here tually indicate that we're moving the her way? he won hisolitical career as a rhetorical bomb-throwe and i say that reverenal, but he won his campaign by playing it much more safe than that, i guess much more responsibly than that, certainly muchore circumspectivay. and i say th reverentially, to what bce does he have to find now in the nate? >> hhas to be himself. he's increbly bright and very, but i think he will ha t focus on theery bright stuff. he kno a lot about public policy.
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i thinhe wilbe a tremendous addition to the senate, i really do. he has lot of deep knowledge i think he just has toe s al self, and i think he already knows to park the acerbic stuff from "saturd night live" at the door and i think the people ominnesota recognizthat. >> he kicked therap out of me on "jeopar!" when we were on. two membs of t big 6-0 here now e independents, senator byrd and sator kennedy have eir health issues we know of, of course. with franken on the health commite, can harry reid, if he n't muster 60 votes for health care refor are we sure he can muster 60 votes to sp republicans from filibtering health carreform? >> we don't ne 60 votes from health care reform. all weeed is 51. we have conciliation. the republicans made it rely clear there's not going to be any nd of a bipartisan lution that's going to be any good. all of the demands thathey madee essentially already gutted health care reform so the real only solution here to
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get the 51 vot don't think al franken went to e sena to be a rubber stamp. i know the senate's used to being a rubber stamprom when presidenbush was around. buthis senate is not going to be a rubber stamp. th're going to do what they think ist right and hopefully that will be what the american pele wt. >> we talkedbout rubber stamps last time and obviously democrats got to where ty are day by running a nationwe progressive agda. what happens to the party now if senator reid and president oma let a handl of so-called blue dogs hd that agenda hostage or even slow it down? >> w then there's trouble. we're going to lose ats in 2010 if we don't pass what the president said washange you n believe in. you know, change -- a litt ange is not change you can believe in. you need a l of change, and the president's delived on that so far. but the health ce reform is his biggest -- his bgest problem. you know, the sue is not so much blue dogs running thehow or whaver. the issue is peoplnot having enough nerve, not havi enough
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spine to dthe rit thing. this is a battle between the insuranccompanies and the american people. % of the american people wt a reallyood health care reform bill tt includes their ability to choose between the publ and private plan. 72%. this change is not abou being conservative or liberal. this is about whether you side th the insurance companies or whether you side with the americaneople, and it's as simple as that. now we're going to find out whher th is really change you can believe in or something else. >> as you correctly point out, the public always ahead of the media and the politicians on these things and if the politicians and thmedia n't listen, they pay the price. governor howard de, on the occasion of al fnken's swearing in today. than for your time, sir. >> thank you. meantime, inside the corridors of politic power, it's nice and comfy and secu and, shh, it's nap time in the council india. >>and, you know, you just don't hear that many america coming out and rooting for osama bin laden to blow something el up here and kill more of u but
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"bests" in a moment, and mom tells her sohe can't sell those otos of her naked. first, it's the birthday o the third mber of the comedic triangle who animate"the toght show" to such brilliant heights in t '60s, '70s, '80s and early 0s. doc severinsen actually joined "t tonight ow" a decade
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before jnny carson or ed mahon. he took over the band adership in 1967 and quickly became one of carson's more subtle but hardly subtly essed foils. here he's a "countdown" ewer and ermit me to recap the "countdown" story. doc is here, doc i't here. doc, doc -- let's play oball. we begin in china wherthe country's prince of tight rope walking, here tied beten two mountains ano lakes 250 feet in the a but that's not all. halfway through thact one of the prince's student shows up anthe rope simply september big enough for the both ofhem. onlookers would be witssed for the great ll of china. the stent lays down and the prince makesisove by stepping on the guy's chest. ow, ow, ow. both prince and pupil make it to saty. asked what they did to ppare for such a daring fe, they stressed t importance of a balanced diet. in india, the new spker of the lower house of parliament kumar is giving llow lawmakers
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a two-day orientation progm on the nuances ofawmaking, and it's cutting into naptime. that y's sawing logs and so is this one and she's not even trying clearly, the lmakers mistook kur's address for a sleep study. the speaker s ked about the incident and insisted all of the listeners we awa, even though the man wou clutch his woobie and suck hithumb. and in japan to a tribe to a bygo era. the wn's annual tub run, honoring tho w washed their clothes by t banks of the matskowia river. what better to respect the ancestors th dressing up like a beer mug with a fakeustache? while using spoo racing down a quarr-mile river and keep your tub afloat. e winner, it's a tide -- ha, ha. the event was success and many more are looking forward tnext year when competits ll float
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do the river in actual washing machines. >>speaking of rivers and paddles, or thlack thereof, governor sanfordtill does not regn, which enables his own party to censure h. why do i get t feeling david leerman's sarah palin monologues have only just begu these stories ahea but first "countdown's" "best rsons in the world." selling. washington, best soul holier tn thou gene schmidt of ohio andjohn shimkus of illinois. th gay bashers. both support a constitutiona amendment to preve same-sex marriage both a using tickets to a concert saturday as fund-rsi devices. they buy if yoresell them to suorters. the coert is by elton john. don't tell anybody. let them finout after they get ere. number two, best honesty by th bank. viktorosiichenko is the head of company that charges high rates but it's the collateral
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that mak this newsworthy. quote, your iortal soul. but you get a free toaer. and "dateline" welliton, new zealand. number one best dysfunctional fami. 18ear-old identified only as michael angry with his mothe for telling him to cleanhe garage andhen sell anything of value he found in it. he starts an online auion of, quote, fivnaked photos of my mum. mum, jennife 44, quite properly objected and then she suggested that iad he should sell the other eight glamo photos of her iner underwear. ♪
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>>memeanile, back at the ofceces the luckiest governoror t t country, the one who o no doubt hopeped ererody would foforg a aut him, today it's official, wewe, , gornor mark sanford and his fellowow republicicanararno longer soulmates, if everer ty y re. our third story on the "countntdo,"," gernor sanford has now been censusurebyby sth calina's gop leadership p teter a fractured meeting ofof aizizab
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minority insisteted h his signation. after a late-nighthtononfence call and t thr r rnds of ballototin t ty voted to censure vernor sanford. the final tally, 22 inin foror, members cacaining r sanford's reresiatatn. 9 members ouout t t 41 leaders voting for support. the committee characterizedd t gogoveor's statement about his notably leaving the e ste e toee his argegeinine ver as a breach t t public's trust and confidence and his abibityty t effectively peperfm m e duties ofisis oice. sasanfd also failed to adhere to republican party b butararri fufurtr r velation, the censure ll be the party's lastst wd d on the e maerer ththe atatemt also claimed that the state's rerepuicicanspoke in a unified voice, nototeaeallvery unified, and w wlllly consistent with mosost pupuicans including sasaorord mself said about the censure ideaea bk k 1988. then congressman sanfofordotot to impeach presidedentilil inton, claiming only that t or clinton's resignatioion ululbe enoughgh. sanford hahas spspond to last
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night's s ceururthrough his spspokmama quoting, the governor fully apprecectetes e party's position and he intendndtoto wk diligegent t tearn back its trtrt.t. rt of the statement he madade wiwi wife erased and partyty inserted. let's brining t t washington editor of "the week"k" mazaze, political corrrrpopondt for bloomberg news, margaretet carlson. good evening. >> good evening, k kei.. how are you?u? >> i'm w wel how is governor sasanfd?d? didid actually manage to squeak byn this one? >> w wel h he d, because there's nody in the party establishmenent atatants to give e e litenant governor a leg g on getting elected i in e e xt gurnrnatial election. there's not a lot in it f for ththemo force him out at this point, and he said i iyoyou er give it t tohehe by of your erers,ou're pretty safe because theyey'rnono the ethics committee in congress s isyoyo know, it's not g gngng thurt you. itit'sikikthese dissent decrees where you say,y, d didt do ytytng wrong but i'll nevever
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it again. it's -- it's a twowo-ps s y of doing g itheheyou leave it up to the voluntary apapraratu >> yeah, an etetcscs cmittee in ngngss is still made up ofof congress people. >> y yes and the majority of the s sta republicicanenenats called for his resignation.n. do this vote by that gopop executive e coitite after three rounds of balloting,g, aa a reminder here, d ds s iteem like a torture e alal? is it a a maererf expediency over principle? because cleaeay y the were ople saying to heck wiwi t thi not giving thehe lututant governor a a hdsds uor a leg up onhe next election, we have e to do this. t tre are some but not enough the establishmhmenanand e peoplele ipopor don't want to give the lieutenent t gornor a head u up. and now they hadad tirir cnce and ththchchan is gone. ey didn't get their waway,hehe hard-liners, and, , yoknkn, he -- i think -- thahanktoto miaeaejackson and sarah palilin, i think k ma s sanrd makes it.
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>> hard to belieie.. has he learned at least onone ththe nynyessons that is reired to see daylight at ththe end of this, the one aboutut shutting up? ororoes he still risk refufuelg those e whwowod prefer that he resign and - -- fufuelg the rest of us at a almt t y given momome?? >> the first pressssononfence i would giveve h t t benefit of the doubt in somome ysys. i mean, he's been on an n 18ouou fligightndnd hs just been crying inrgrgtina for a week. he has to fafa t theameras. it's -- it's a m mndnderg mbling, but, you know, f falngng in love is a l lite e ke temporory y innity, and the guy was off his game.. the ap i intviviewas -- was insasane toalk about his forbiddedelolove anhihis ulmate and he hopes hehe falls in love e wi h h wife. alththe politicians should thk, are my children able toto read o oopopere the remote control? because for r s s so to read
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about this, theyeye e olenough r rd about it, and they'r're young enough to bebecacarr for lili. . >> final damagage sesement for governororananfo and for a party ththatsesed self-righteously say, oh, no, c cenrere'sot ough, we need another r 11 months of investigatioion d d imimpehmhmenthat we're going to lose? >> you know,w, is s alst not wowoh h sang hypocrisy anymore cacausthere is such hypocrisis yoyoknknowif we were to do to ouour other prprofsision capita ninishnt for this i i don't want to name anyny profession,utut let't'sasay journalism would be cimated. you know half of the n n yorkers, more thanan hf f nt eliot t spzezer ck. you dodoavave be a little bit cacaful about getting rid d of peopoplehoho fl in this way. however, theheececonpress conferercece ialmost worth cacapil l pushment for mark saoror but he doeoes keket and he will ayaynd he does no more hararm. >> margaret cacasoson,apital punishshme a aocate.
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>> thanks, keith, , go n nht. > last night john mccacain learned what it t anant take on david d leerern from a position weakness. this year r sah h pan will learn on what it means to tataken n david lettermamafrfrom position of w weaeses > when rachel joins yoyoatat t top p ofhehe hr, former bush memediadadser mark mckinnon analyzing thee plili sisignion drama as i it agagon. and ththenhehex-cia analyst who id, quote, the only chchcece w have as a coununtrririt now is r r osa bin laden to deploy y and detonate a major w wean n the ununit s stas. rarely has the t ter"w"wor persons" b beemomoreeriously plpliethan it will be tonight. nonounr: kids who donon'eat breakfkfas aren't getting thnutrition they need - to keep theieir didi strong. - ( hohoolell rings ) - hey, jesescaca. - hey, billy. announcecer: a nutritious startrto o thday is essentitial that's why carnatatnn instant breakfast t esntntls supplies a allheheutrients of a comome breakfast. kids get the proteinn and calcium they need help build strong muscles and healthy bones. carnatioion instt breakfasast essentls.
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>mamannramirez forgets to leavave titip. jojowuwurzbacher forgets the undocumented i immrarantin this country significacant o outmber the e lilita personnel in this untry. and havingngsasamain laden comeme he e d blow some of it up again. "worst persons" next. and the last lauau o on rah papali q qte, was it something i sasaid e revenge of david letetrmrman
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ahead onon "ununown." zip by other carars. t t welso speak mpgs so you can fly by gas stationon. in fact, we s sakak mpgs so fluently,y, wcacasay one mmorththin the e w w fo fusion is the momostueueefficient miizizsedan in a amecaca. and that's somomhihing no one else cacan y.y. we speak the 2 201 ford fusion.. gein... and drivive e.e. [ door closes s ] [ footsteps ] [ man sighs ] whew! loloes through your mind after an accident. but with liberty m mual, insurance issues won. ma m m! cause we offer unlimited rental coverage,e, new car replacement, d accident forgiveness to heleaeaseour mind. anthth's our policy. liberty mutual insnsurance
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07, he bought his temporary teammates a meal that cost him 3 grand. roger clemens boug a team a new clubhoe. joe mainez, o makes the major leue minimum salary, boug his teammates in modesto full postgame meal. ramire the newspaper "the modesto bee" rorts despite two games withlbuquerque and his rehab got him ba into shape after he shamed the sport and the dodger organization, he bought hisormer friends new nothing. his new contract will pay him $23,80494,000. our nner-up, joe the plumr wurzelbacher speaking at a rally in houston stunned the crowd when he nounced, quote, i believe making sure our couny's sa first. i believe we need to spend a littlee on illegal immigrants. d you get hit by lightning or something? sadly, no. get them the hell out of our damn country and closehe borders down.
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can do it. 've got the greatest military in the world and you're llg mee can't close our borders? that just ridiculous. two points that cists like wurzelbacher always forget, the officialovernment estimate that there are bween 12 million d million undocumented immigrants the unit states. e official government estimate is there are 3,385,000 mbers of the milar including the reserves and including evebody stationeoutside the country. so if 12 million immigrants don't want to leave, exactly h are you going to get tm to? cond point, this a guy ned olbermann talking to a guy named wurlzerbacher. i know my cestorwere not native aricans. i'm sure you weren't either. do have any records proving urs were not illegal immigrants? ounners, in the biden section in the '90s, michael scheuer and glenn beck of fox news a lot has beenrittennline saying hrits a special comment. the man has a perverseetish about seeing this country destroyed byuclear weapons. he came on the show in 200d practically ood at the prpect. he deserves somethg but not
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a special comment. his comment -- the onlchance we have as a cnt right now, he said on fox news last week, is for osama bin laden to deploy and denate a major weapon in the united states, becauset's goin take a grassroots, bottom-up pressu because these politicianprize their office, prize the praise of the media and the european it's an absurd situatiagain, on osama can execute an attack that will force americans to demand government protect them fectively, consistently and with as muchiolence as necessary. scheuer's intervwer gln beck of fox ns did not attempt to rrect him or scream at him, what t hl you mean the only chance whave of a country, nor innity or palling around with terrorists? beck did not burst into ars. beck nodded gravely as this made sense. whicis why i was thinking, he said, if i were him, bid
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biladen, that woule the st thing i would do right now, beck answered, agreeing and rely containg his disappoint as he did so. need bin laden to destroy part of america to save america. you know, nce that worked out so well for everybody on 9/11. he has aeady gen comfort to the emy. adding the dingenuous, criticized onle saying he never saidhat he clearly had said. far from wishing fornother attack, he wro, i trust that churchl'judgment that god looks out for drunksnd the united states of arica still hos goodnd we remain safe. god better do the jobecause no one in our elite is doing . of course, here mrscheuer is rrect. no one in their elite dock doing their jo mr. scheuer has issued a call for al qaedao detonate a major apon in the united states, and yet for me reason, to my knowledge at least, e rtment of homeland securit has not yet been to see hi nor beeno see mr. beck nor fox news for havg provided him a platrm and passive assent, for
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appring of not jst a terrorist attack wch could kill americans, tpproving of one that might kill even fox views. if we're goi to continue to prent terrorism in this country, international or domestic, we have lally stop t people who view terrorism as acceptable means affecting political change in this country, people le michael scheuer, and we haveo lelly stop the people like glenn beck be enablers and mp nod gravely as if the idea and the speaker were not treasonist thor michael scheuer and glenn beck of fox news, today's "wor persons he world." nnuncer) it ishehet advanced aututomobile we have ever createted. a car that can help waken its driver if h begins to doze... keep him in his la if he starts to wandnder.. even op itself if he beomes distracted. if you want to see the future of the automobi,,
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> forgive the repeated analogy, but to sit next to david letterman on the night john mccn first canceled on hiand then proved to have lied to him and then showedp on another show on the sa network beg shown on an in-house feed and to watc letterman respond and respond and respond and respond was kind of ke sitting next to the du ofellington as he eviscerated napeon at waterloo. the anybody one story the "countdown,"ut wellington did t get to follow up that fit by then fighti don quijote. in a moment, in english,he first post-palin resignation letterman volley, whh i think based on the contiing pounding of mccain last year is not gng to be the last. one brf detour. member the governor's revelation speech analogy, t basketball stuff, referring to the media as the natiol full-court press, she said the point guard, she, drove her sound priories, the length of the court r the win. if the win is the esency in 2012, this diagram was offered today by mmy scrags and ben cohen.
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and look, here we are overn the right there. pan avoiding us and the rest of the mediaext to a slowdown against high-fiver bill krisl, and then the w for what? governor palin may havgoen past letterman in thatiagram but in reality, the ball game may just have gun for the most famous bald state cardinal >> president obama iin russia and we know th because sarah palin yshe can see him from her house,nd -- and there's a surprising annocement over the weeken e governor of alaska, sah palin, is aving the office. she's stepping down. [ applause ] something i id?
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but she -- well, a lot of pele dohis. lot of public figures do this. and i've tried to do it. it doesn't wk. you blame the mea. when you have trouble,ou blame the media. d today, as a matter of fact, she was up in a hecopter shooting wolf blzer. but -- i was talking to lady here in the audience who's from alaska. and we were wondering about this, how does a thing likthis work, cause if she steps down and noonger the governor of alaskand we figured it out, the tle now miss congeniality. ink is now the governor of alaska. and now a message fromhe former governor of alaska, sarah palin. sarah, take itway. >> the world needs more insane governors. >> this thing witharahin is puzzlin y did she step down essentially midterm of her first servicas governor of alaska? and everybods saying, well, we have an answer. at is she going to do next? we have an answer.
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>> we do? >> yes. we talked to some people we r it by the focus group. we have an answer. here wt she's going to do next. take a look at this,adies and gentlemen. >> she may be resigning as governor, buyou haven't seen the last of sarah lin. catch sarah this fall on h n talk show, "sarah and dave," 8:00 p.m. week nights on tbs. sarah lin, effective adership. >> yep. say what youill, and i -- she -- i think sheould have been our most attractive vic president since spiro new. >> yeah. >>oue going to hear about that from agnew's family. that's "countdown" for this the 2,25h day since the previous president declaredission accomplishedn iraq. i'm keh bermann. goodight and good luck.