tv Countdown With Keith Olbermann MSNBC July 8, 2009 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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katherine, p paris, ince, these wowonderfusymbols of america. i cacatell y as a member of the united states cocongress w understata the cstitution. we u understanlaw, and we know at people are innocent u until proven oerwise. that is whwhat theonstitution stands f f. so i mourn t today. i come, too, to thank k you. r many people don't undederstand the heheart ofntertainers. they don't knonohow bitheir hearts are. they don't know how theyey heal the world on behehalf of arica.
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whene're at war, icons likike michael sing aboututealinghe woworld. soe called us into publilic service. it did not matter whetetr we were black or white.e. he even toto us toeat it, beat the violence, and lookok at yourself in the mirrrror becse it meant if you u were gng to ke a difference, look k at the man or woman i in the mior. i come t to you toy to say thank you. me of you come from all l faiths and we respect thahat here i amica, but there is a storory whosostheme so symbolic of ththis youngnd beautiful man. i love thehetory othe good saritan because it talks a about those whwho walk bthe diminied, devastated anand the poor. therwas a broken and beatete man layingng along road. no onenetoppedbut someone called thehe samarit. it could be in any faithth. it's all about charirity andove.
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i i ll micel jackson the good samaritatan. i call hem michahael jacon who cad and loved for the worlrld. itit bothereme. i grew up with h h as alof us and so many did. so what t honornd a privilege see h up close when he came to the united statesesongres and my office anand lookedome 15 africacan ambaadors, representatitives ofeads of state,e, sitti in an office listening to michaelel jacks talkbout caring and fightiting hiv aids. they looked at him.. he had twinkle. theyeyistene he listened. what a miraculous s experien to be ablto listen and see michael in a action. there were wordsdsast abt, but i woer if anybody was on h his shshlder wn he walked into
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waltlt reed spital, and he walked along the aisles s and th rows and thehe hospil rooms. this w w in thmidst of the iraq war. doctors stoppeped and nues stoppe ininvidualoldiers who had lost limbs stopped.d. and were in essesence moveand tohed as michael was by y s dedere to me and thank them for their sacrificice. so don't telell me wt an american s story iall about. it is the saltlt of thearth. when this fafamily tk the talent that godod has gen them and made itnto a miraculous and wondererful sty for america. i come today for y y to recognize the flflag flyinand the e peopleho have spoken have
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spoken to the people's h house. they recognize and t ty spea ose of us who serve inin elected officecewe resnd to the people. mimiael foht for the tolerance of allll people. in fact, i am m remindedlthough i speak in the tonones of l ith, tt michael fought the good f fight. he was someone who u understd, and i hope, mr. . d mrs.ackson and the famimily will ow, the lord is our shepherd a a we shalnot want. michchael jason, you've got to know h h storynd it has not been told by all o of what y ve heard. he wasomeone who understood.d. if he was buburned, built a burn unini if a hpital needed beds, he e built thosose beds if thehey need money for veloping countries, michchael gave.. if hwas in namibia, he wenento orphanagages. the king, yes s the kingstopped ansaid, "i care about yoyou." thatat is why the house floor on june 25th, 2009, ththspecia black caucus and memembers of e
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house of repepresentives stopped, stopped, stoppeped, and had a momentnt of silee for this wonderfuful lege and icon. so to the family, let t me simpl come as meone who wishes she was long lost sheilala jackson lee, but i'll keep looooking a seeing a a come say to you that americaca appreates and thanks you for michaelel jacks's life. for th reason, we have intrododuced io the house of represenentativethis resolution
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600 0 that wl be debated on the floor of the house, , that clas chael ckson as an american legendnd and musal icon, a world humamanitari, someone who will be honed forever and foreverer anand foreveand forever and fofover. we are the wororld ande are bett because michael josepeph jackson lived. on b behalf ofyself and the ople who have spoken, mimichael jackson, i salute you.u.
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heai come, i want you to see somebody very special. so i go ov there and these five young guys e ther and they sang and dancedp a storm. a couple of weeks later,hey recorded my song. and i heard it. thought to myself, now they have pulled a fast one on us because this b cannot possibly be 10 years old. this sg isbout somebody who has somebo who loves them but they treated them bad. they tated him so bad until th lost em. and now they are paying the pre of wanting somebody ba that thetreated bad and lost. how could he psibly know these things? i quickly went over to him
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becausi wanted to see his birth certificate. i did not believe th someo thoung could have that much feelinand soul and know. he had a lot of kn. you had to know something to sing that song like th. it was wonderful tugh. a songwriter, that's a dream come true to have somebody sgs one of yr songs like that. i never thoughi would be here on today. my lite brother over there. you just don't thi that you are gointo see or you'll live to see him gon but he never ll really be gone. he is gog to le forever and ever and ever and ev.
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he has made an enoouimpact on all our lives all over the world. i mean, i have you kids coming to me now, you know, because when io concts, i sing "who's loving you"n the ncerts. they come up to me and say hey,ou're singing michael jason's song, huh? but he will live on forever. i am a firbeliever in blessings. and i have had so many, many, ny blessings in my life. one of my greatest blessin w i got a chance to know the jackson family and tknow michael and to see him. i'm glad i liv in an era where i got a chance to e what
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everybody's been comg up here saying, the greatest enttainer of all time. i'm glad that i live in is era. believe so much in god. i believe so much that this is not it. we have life after this is done. so my brother's in a place now where he is most certain gng to live forever in the hereafter. he is going to live foreve twice because he is going to live forever right he because the worlwill never, ever forget michaelackson. i love you, my brother. i celebrate your life.
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>> my name is kenny ortega. thank you. i was michaepartner in the creating and directingf many of his toursincluding "this is it" shaheem was inviteby michael in london tooin hiin the show. i want to thank you for coming out here to join evebody. we were re we were right here a little less than a week ago and michael was with uand the band and michael ardon and the singers an dancers and ouchoreographer trav payne and our designers and our crew. we were all here and we were a family ands was our house. so when the jackson family and randy phillips asked ken ehrli and i to pogether this memoal, we knew we had to do
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it here, we had tonvite the rld to join us here in michael's house. weere immediately surrounded by countless familrtists, iends and dear hearts wh unconditionally made this day possible. ase came together as a team, we knew wead to celebrate michael's life throu his music as well as commemorate his passing. both ken and i worked with michael over the yea. michl and i were here in the final,inal stages of mounting whate all knew and we all saw, i promise you, was his triumpha return to the world. it was also, i tnk, his grtest personal work. we d it all right here in this place, thetaples. so before we conclude toy's memori, we wanted to present a performance fromhe london
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"ts is it" concert. the fans have been aing for it. this is one of michael's very, very favorite moments inhe show always. he created thid brought it to life. its a living testament to his ability to be timeless and tily. musical and magical, this is for him, his living lega, his care, his het, hisoncern about our planet, about e human condion. michael jackson will le in our hets forlways, heal the world, make this a betteplace for our children, for ou children's children. michael, we love you me. join us. ♪
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great big family ♪ and the truth you know love is all we need ♪ ♪ we arthe wod we are the children ♪ we are the ones who ♪ make a bright day so let's start giving ♪ ♪ there's a choicwe're making ♪ ♪ we'reaving our own lives ♪ it's true we'll make a ♪ better day justou and me ♪ when you' down and out ♪ and there's no at all well if you just believe ♪ there is no way y can fall ♪ well let's realiz ♪ that day s already come ♪ so we can stand together as e ♪ we are the world
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♪ we the children ♪ is the a choice we are making ♪ we are savi all our life ♪ it's true ♪ we make a brighter day ♪ jt you d me ♪e are the world ♪ we are e ildren ♪ we are the ones who make brighter day ♪ so let's start givi ♪ there's ahoice we're making ♪ we're saving l those lives it's true we maka better day ♪ you and me ♪ we are the world ♪ we e the children ♪ we e the ones who make a brighter day
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♪ so let's art ging ♪ there's a choice e making ♪ we're saving our own life ♪ it's true we make a brighter day ♪ just you and me on me! ♪ only band-aid® b brand plus antibiotitic teteroof... hahas titiotic ointment didirely on the pad. and now it's 100% waterproof. one-step infection p ptetectn from the brarandouourust. ♪ 'cause band-a-aid® helps heal me!e! ♪ ouch! ow! oops! it's n to go!® ady. aim. protect. neospopon®ives you infefectn-n-otection, d pain relief. neo to go!® plus pain n relif ery cut. everery time everywherere. you could bubu 300 bottles of waterer. or just one ita filter. ( ( drop plis )
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plplace. ♪ tre's a place ♪ in yourur hearts ♪nd i know thought is l love ♪ t there is place ♪ for a betetter tomoow ♪ and if you really t try ♪ you'll find therere's no ed to crcry ♪ e every dayo there is no more sorrow ♪ the are ways to get therere ♪f you care enough for r the living ♪ make a better placece ♪ herere the wod ♪ make a a better pce ♪ for you and for me ♪ and t entire human race ♪ there a are peoe dying ♪ if you care enough h for the
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living ♪ make better place ♪ for you and for me e ♪ and it willll be a yful place ♪ a and the wld we once believed inin ♪ wll find anyway ♪ then why do we keep liviving likeke ♪ the persoson who hagold ♪ we cacan fly ♪o high ♪ letet us feare'll never die ♪ in my hrt ♪ i feel you are all l my broth ♪reate a world ♪ with fear ♪ togogether wel cry happy tears ♪ and we can turn i it to lauter ♪ we n do it together
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♪ if you cacare enougfor the livi ♪ make a littlele space ♪ make a better place ♪ h heal thworld ♪ make it everyththing ♪ for you and for me anand the entire han race ♪ the are people dying ♪ if yoyou care eugh for the living ♪ makake a beer place ♪ foror you andor me ♪ heal the world ♪ make it a better place e ♪ foror you andor me ♪ and the e entire man race ♪ there are people dying g ♪ i if you ca enough for the living ♪ make better space ♪ foror you andor me ♪ heal thworld ♪ make it a betteter place
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♪ foror you a for me ♪ and the entire huhuman race ♪ there arere people ing ♪ i if you ca enough ♪ if you u care eugh ♪ you'll ke a better place forr you anfor me ♪ oh therere are pele dying ♪ if f you carenough for the living ♪ make a better plalace ♪ foror you andor me ♪ therere people dying ♪ if you care enonough for e livingng make a a bettespace ♪ for y and for me ♪ for you andnd for me ♪ for you and for m me ♪ f for yound for me ♪ for you andnd for me dddddddddddddddd
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> ii stand here yiyi to understand why ee lordas taken n oubrbrotr. tryiyingo o unrstand why the lord has taken our broroerer t return home frfromucuca short vivisiheheren earth. michael, when you left us,s, a rt of me went with you andnd a part of you wiwi l livforever within me, but alslso papartf
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you will live e rerevewithin all of us. michael, i will treasusurehehem, thgogoodimes, the fun we had, , siing, dancing, laughing. i can remememb w whewe used to come home frfromchchooand grab a ququk bite to eat and we t tri to watch "the ththreststges." m mucof it as possible befofo mother w wou c cominto say it wawas meme tgo to the recording studio. i also, michael, rememembea a me wh i went into the recoror ststorand there was this manan purchasing a lot of f cd heould go on and grab anotheher batch of cds.. he was an older r gelelema he hadad ahohortfro, crooked teeth and his clothes wewere rumpled. wawalk up behind him and saiai
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michael,l,hahat e you doing in thisis srere?" he turnened m mand said, marlon, how did yoyoknknowt was me? i i ldld h, you're my brother. cacan ot you anywhere regardlele o of ur make-up. i know yououwawalki know your dydyanguage and those shoeoes did not help. michchaewoworehe same shoes wherevevere e we. bubui i gus that was his way of trying to experirien w wt we take for granted. we will never,r, nerer uerstand whwhate e enred. nonot ining le to walk across the strereetititut a crowd ththing around him. ing judged, ridiculed,d,owow chchain can one take? maybe now, michael, ththeyilil avave u alone.
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michael wawas e e ice of our angelic trumpetsts a h he ll coinin to be that angelic voice in heaven, neareresto o ou creaear r anawaiting us when our day cocos s toass. michael, i lovove u.u. i will m ms s wh we said our gogo-b-bye i would hug g yoanand y, "i love you," and your responsnswawas,i loloveouou me." you knkn t theord has a purpose for r evytythi. ansometimes we just can't sesee it or understand it,t, b i iwill be madadclcleaus to when we reach that ultimate,e,ltltime ward of being in his p psesenc
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and michael, y y'r're ere. you're right therere u have finished your w wk k he onarar and the lord has calllled for you to come home with h hi so i t tnknk y, michael. i thank yoyou r r althe smiles ththatou placed in many people's ararts i thank you u foeveverhing that you've done for otothe a aoss this globe in the e lo's's ne. anand have one request, mimiaea, one request. wowod like for you to giveve o brother, my twinin bthth, brandodon huhug r me. i love you, mimichl l d i'll miss you.
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>> just before w we , , ere will nevever a ather michael jackson. s s mucal presence has left t itmark on his family, hihi friends and the millionsns ofafa who have sang and d daeded oat least tried to do so like e mr michchl l jason. he was often imitateted,utut ner duplicicat.. he wantetetoto hl the world througugh s s muc, and in a small way y s suceded. his music reached acrorosshehe barriers of race, , ltlturand even natatnanal entity, unifying the planet if f on f for few moments.
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n nowt's up to us. s suld all look at the maman the woman in t theirirroand changege t w w we treat each other. les celebrate our uniqueuessss, respect our didiererens and make that change ststarngng tay. p pyer that is this will l be more than just a m memiaiafor chchaejackson, but a rememembncnctruly of what he means to us, bececsese a around us arere pplplof different cultures, different t liligis, different nationonititie and yet the mumusiofofichael jackson brings us together, , t t on hehe, but around the worldld. the famimilyasas aowed me to close this memorial wiwith prayay a and'm going to ask that would you just catatchhehe hd of the persononexext you, whether your this auditorium m or watchihi b by levision wherever yomight be, in solidarity anand remembrance of w whamimiael jackson's s sisic uly has done fous and what the man means s in
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ththislace. if youou a s so clined, will you bow your heads and letet'srara r heavenly father, we thanank u this day for the mememy y of michael jajasoson at means so much t to e everight now. thank you for the gift o of sisi thth h he ve us. thank k u u fothe man that he was and for r atat hsought to do with hisis le.e. we pray, fatatr,r, tt you will ju r remd us that we truly canan make a dififrerencif we make up our minds to d do .. help us to take e memesse of loveve a h heang and peace with uss s weo. let us demonstratete tt t lo en we go to school. let us demonstraratehahalove whwhene go to work. let us demonststtete tt love as we walk ththe rereetof our city anno longer turn a blind eyeye toto t n nee of those that we wa by every day. let us stop judging g pelele b e color of their skin n anbyby the accent of theieivovoic
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