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tv   Morning Meeting  MSNBC  July 8, 2009 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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>yeah, andd i i it's wayoooo rly, what time is it? >>f it's woooo eaeay,y, it's memeormmning joe." >>hahat boy. goodmorningng. i am d dyn ratigan.n. and krl rove, w will this go k to accusatations that karl rove s firing liberal judges. ill get i into that dd etethethe demomocrathaha the firerepowetotoo as far d dow th roadad as we mightlike. another r daanand ethics complat for r ou friend, sah h lin. shshe is saying enough is ooug e e is t.t. lots off flklks think thaha s s heheadg g to new yoyo f for a primetime e caee tk show and or a presidential run. some folks think it'sth.
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in addition toto what peeoplehii is a need d of aouple buks. >> chchina, hhduras, in,n, you pick itndndhe world iss vivially in chaos. it beeususe w we have cameras eveverhehere we willl get intoit with journalists, oldld andnew. > thmimichl memorial is over. a a t of flklks sayinghank goness. the kiking pop may have costs the cityf l l. $ milliontoto million. and californiaa already in decit, and we will te a a look how california iss running their businines the statat is a mess. hocan we fixit? it's 9 9:0 a.a.,, dd 6 6:0 out west.. good morning tu. e "morning meeeeti" " stts right t w.w.
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we are not going to do a special memorial fornynybo totoday, but we will stararitith k kar rove. red nine u.s.attorneys, and i s sidid dds, and i w was wrgg earlierer. dd n white h hse rrrresndent, savnanauthrie has b bee follllowgg this in r. i was nosureif i was going to have yoyou. nice to see you, vannah. atats going oniith mr. ovove? >epeporr: he finayy stified before thee house juciary committee. and e evyy since t the nine u.s attotorns s we fifid,d, let's fe itit, democrats on the hilll ha their r eyesnn karl rove. theylwlwsuspected that thee fireings were politically titivad. u.s. attttneneyso serve at the eaeasu of the president. e alalletitionll along w w th these partitilalar u.s. attorneys wereirired because they were not prececutg the nds of ses that republican
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politiciananhat those in the whwhe e hoe like karl rove wanted them to prosecute. th is something kll rove always denieied. it wass hard forheheouse committee t to get rove. and rove's's lyeyer struck a de with the house judiciarary committee e h hav rove come a testify. itas not dede oaoa.. but it ds s t matter tt much because he c cod be p psesecud for fafals sttetemes. he issssentiallyestifying undethth possibilityofof penalty of perjury if he doesn't tllll the trh. h h onethther day fofo the committee. whwhen h intervrviewsrere done th are committtted under the seals oththe traracrcrip. we w willnono more about wt he sasays >> the estion forhe mocrats have to o , as theyy trtr t to refefmm alth care and dedealitith what will bebe an
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emerging e eney converertition, d the cocoododits arket, do they not have te room or lilitil currerency to go after karl rove at this point. arare eyey ghghti an o battle when there aree too many n new s coming. >>heheare fighting anld babale aeaeady and d eyey a already investigating. th have been investigating. so i think that theyan do loloofof things at oonc clearly, health rere a clclatate changege arehehe gggges itememr ngngre. remememb, , th is not the entire congress looking the tions of kll rove, but i's jstst the house juudiciyy comimitt. as a joournastst i apprececia what theheomommiee is doing,, because ii w wa to knknow, i wat the answewe and f find out whha his invovoememen wawas. >> how muchch of a can of wormss is potentiallyly f for the enenre -- a least the bush publicans? inththerords, is this jus a ka roveiiestigation, or doess this have thadad that wi g g ckck tthe formrmer presididen o ck to the aococtes of the
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former presidede a and etc. >> elell, we will find outhen e j judicryry committttee finiss s work. we will gegetoeaead the transcripts s an f fin outxactly wh karl rove kneww and whate did d an what kindf roro or how g of a role h he played i in t fireings off those nine prosecutors s omom aund the country. ananitit suld be pointed out, d i cannotemember i if t thi was pointedd out fore, b an ininrnal bush invesestititionnto the matter sheded thathere werereomomeolitical coiderations in the firing of atfofo of the ni people fired.d. i ththkk this is something ththat - i i's a st thing in thh bush admininisttition i dodot think itill have tent kuls out. >> let's closehehe loop o on ka veve a get into sarah lin.
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is is anrgrgumt rah palin he phoenix to r rise from the ashes ofof thehe republican rtr that karloo perhaps represents. we arewawaing the arrival of a decratic s sategist at the dnc, and j jonhan is with us, donontea will be along shortly. bebeforee e t into the nvnvertion, i wantyoyo to die st a bit ofof sarah palin'swn rhetetoric as she prepares to ke thee transition. this is from a conveversatnn sh dd recentlyly witith adrdrea mimihell. >> yoarare tisisteng to me. it wououcostcocotless hoursofof waeded te, and uuortunately, i i wa not ing to pu alaskaens thugh that. >> whether i's's the energrgy regulation orinincial regulalationororealth care
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regulationons, sararah pinin actually, b bararres it may be findserself in a very rare set of pelele. arnoldld hwarzenegger, and miael bloomberg, a sarah pali a a group of smalll folks outhere that c raise money aggressively, and h heah care and energy l lgely f fus politicianans. and thth positions h as a mamacc i an interesting positioo tottttk the establishment regardless o ofour view of her lilicsrrexperiencece. so there is pnty of omom for ititicm. she is a al not bought andnd pa for by fincncrr health care. r democratat strategists a and commmmunicioio directorr at the
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dndnc. she is positioioningerer s se aa maverick. is she a crcredlele mamaririckn smart enough, inour opinion, to exploitththe dissasatiacacti thatexiststs? >> yoyoknow, dylalan, that remas to be eeeen. on the onene hand, i she uss this time to c caaign in the lolowe48, and do fund-raising for thee g gop andthther candidateses, u u know, rerembmr thatthat s srt of 20% of t the core of f th republican ptyty ththat h herase and leverage and poweweinin t rtrt if s she ps togetherr a a straty to build on n that, she c culd a force in the party. unfortunatelely wh we have seen in t theast few w months, itit' back annd fourth and she seems ununrere. we havave arard stotoeses of a beeen her washington team a and the alaska team. the poll that we w today i in "usa today",, e a atacks
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levelled againststerer over the ekend arehelping r.r. th helpsps heraaveck status. thee 20% see her asas somebody t a catate of washington, a a we sort of make fun of herer for going fishining,ut a l l of pepeop l look at thatat a say that's a normal, regulararperso. >> yh,h, and thatat normal regur person is o thh is very frfrustrededith the tax draw, the $14 tlllln th is still at risk to o suppt t e banking syst, , d a lot of folkss d d't ththinthat money shohod d be the anwe are noteeing enough action, anand ee auto tax sisituatn,n,nd wmay h he e to bail out calalifora a thetutun ofof $ $ billion. sarah palin, whethehe you like r or nonot, is onef the few polilicicianis that nonot bough and papaid for -- >> well,ot and ididor r rig nonow by the political establishment, bececau - -- >> well, shecaca raise money i
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a way hehers cann't. and it't's because of her celebrity status. >> dylan, we d donnow whohehe can r rai moy f from onon t th nanatial stage by hherlf,not attached to a mccain/n/pali ckck. we havee n seen her hit the fund-raisingng til, toeeee where heher nene w wou c cme from. >> do you g gysyshink i amff th resesvavati toththk that e can tapntnto thentntnet efeffeively toto dawaw ay, a af she wants to be a verick, am wrong g to think t ttt she is w positition t tory and pulll it f? >> iththin that shess popotioned to pull it off. again, i thkkhe ququesonon mains whether or not s she i going to bee actuallyy pl totother in a excxcsisive strategy to do so. what we h have seenn the lastst few momonthsfrom the politicaca de, she ha not h t t eration to execute much h of a
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ststra strarategy i think the popoteiaia is there. think whatever s she does nnex she willll have to come upii a better explanatioion ofhyhy she leftft. the state of alaskskaa is i in of a ououbl and she bled out on the state an n n wille to t the in the tough times. she kind of threw som ofof t otothe incumbmbent governorors the bus by suggestingng that th lala d ducstatus, she should st step aside. >> i i feel kekehere is an obvious and valid basisis criticism off her, which y arcuculad to, a a i agr w wth wh you are sayinin and in adtion to tt, alasska is one the most entrenchededstates, and she was not part of ththat and this woman is frrom a small town, and regardless of h her capabilititiesshshe managed to become theovernor of ththat ststat andrren herself-- she has p pron heheelelfo have the ililitto standututsi of the
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stst, and go ahead, jonathan.n. >> but,again,she has proven hersrsf f toe able to do ththatn e state in the united stat,, and -- >> we,, yo want to stay governor of---- >> we are talking about whetethe or not she canan reallyriri to thee vel of a a national polititici a and carry t tatat n a national way. that's the o op ququeson. we j just don't know the a aner to. >> i i agrere w witthat. jonathan, yoyou rere going toto something? >> yeye,,nd -- >> i am tellining you,hhe a maririck >> yeaea s shes a vic and popular withinin t rublican pay,y,nd we a knonow atat she is becocoming with eacach painin day, moree a and moreofof a regl papart until shee broadenedd h appeal, her popupulatyty a natural ambititionwiwillnly goo so fafa popolically speakiki.. >> if the politicians in our
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untry, at least i believe, if ouroliticians in c.c. do not come up withthhehe tttt explananatiofofo the1414 trillln in t banksks and all of the ththingsththe stimululus i i no woworkin a a all of things,and think sarah palinn i i i in a o sisiti to exploitthahat frustrationndnd a ager w wi enenched d.cnd nobody esese can do that >on't youou t think she woul haha b bee a betterr position d do that, somebodyhhis the goveveoror the state? >> well, don't know if shehess is best qalalied to do that rightnow. she ha th 10:00 0 .m.m. on x, and imaginethat. >> trere i another pieie to this. wewe a ssing the int hher her power righght n now r res w ththe fathat she the most popular figugurenn the republicn rtrty. a la rush limbaugh.
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he has wer. sh potentially has t ttt power. if she can leverage that power become a bigger figure the republican party, thatat codd krkraett a slotoror her nationally. yeah, the maverickck. you know,, dylan, iill get u a t-shshirt. we don't y know. ain, i think shsh has ququitaa few options o on he table. she c cou b be the nexusus limbmbau.. we don't know. >> u u e here for abit, thth of yo i amm grateful f for it. karen, we willl talk tyou soon. jonathan, , we done. she is well seup an n not bought andndaiaid r. jonathth i is going to a palin enrsrs by the end ofhehe meeting. >> we nd to get a veveri mu and w wat i is going n?n? >> theoroner's office released michchll jackson's deathh arere certificatate. the memedill examiner i i still
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looking at a a part of jaconon braiai w whi will be rernrn to the fafami f for bual. we don't kow w when or wrere tht burial will l happen. andndhe world's l lears w wl holdld intsesealks for cucuty, climatehange and the econono crisis. anand ama met privelelwith the esesidt o o italy. >> invnvtitigars are looking fo aacker on government web sisitein the last f f daday the hacacrr hit the transportatiti d deptment amongg otrs. interesting thing hehe, , dan, thth attackeked some of thee agagcies that are ininteeded t protect yoyoonon t internet. > rerely? >>yeah. >> why is that? >> we,, apparently there isis hoholeand gsgshat can get past them. > nodody likes bubugs, digitr herwise. > ahead, three hospital assoatatns concedingng $1 billion over ten years.
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that a b b number o l lttttle nunumb?? how can they come upith $15 billion? is it t an insurance mafia, or brokenenstem, or the way it has be? dr. naayysnyderman with that nversation right afterer ts.s. introducing ona day womes 2o. the first colete women's multivamin in a drink mix. th more calcium and vitamin d... to support bone and breast health... while helping you hydre. one a day women's 2o. refreshingly hlthy.
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shows captions of everything a caller says. i'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor. announcer: to learn more about captioned telephone, call 1-800-552-7724 or go to our website. i'll see you at 3:00! announcer: captioned telephone - enjoy the phone again! > welcome baback. 10:30 eastern time. joe biden wii anunce a hospital announcement o o healt care. they s they can n me upith $155 billion and onee of the asassociatio genenerate me $6$6 billion in revenue la yea and that's's not even t wholee thing. i don'know, that's 3%, and probabab 1% or 2% of their revenuee based on that n number
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that they y e wiing to give . we are obvisly begegning negotiating phase e tween e hospitals and t t drug companies and the u.s.s. government. we have done thisisefore. and chief memedica e editor and host of "dr. nancy," she jins usere in the studio.o. >> rrember, we e t talking about tenn years. >> now i is $15 billilion. and then iook at the 6 mber, d thatat's the billion-dollarnumber for the hospital. and that's not even rerenue. and 3%% it souounds ke a lot of moy but isot that much money. >> well,l,what happenens is we k appl and oranges. >> it's like we aree playingng game he? >> yyeah, we are. >> okay, good. let't's forget the 55 -- >> evverybody wants a a at at te table.e. and they want toto say i ll give
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th much,h, and then - yeah, don'n't pas this law. i wi give you thihi >> you can look at it, for profit h hospitals and not for-profit hops, and p public hospitals, and thehey are h hin alall diffent kinds of way to make money. and o is going to ta the dicare hit? and those details,, i have nott seenenanying. >> nothing atsoever. concern is we e are seeingngou poliliticians hat t they do best which is play games andd come u with nunumber. we are n n going to the 155 for the or fur yea, and it's acally or 3%f the total revenuestream -- >> yeah, it's th big compromimi. but whatoncerned me all along, andd i said t thisbefore, if yo lolook at the peop cing to the tablend say l us help you mamake a deal, hpitals are
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stepping up anand farmysan phar epping up. >>he americanpublic is missssingfrom the tle. nobodydyants to talk about the "r" word, thehe ratitioning wor. >> i want to talk aboutut it. > if want access for everybod which i think is a veve amerin thing to do. you can't get erything. we a going to he -- >> do wee have the ge m mnth lo super lifextensi by a any chce. wehave a machine that y you can ve an tra month, and just costs $10 million. annot everybody america can have access t to thelife extendr
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until we figurout how t to come upwith the mmey, and the life exteer is not really methin so donon't wri in. >> in the middle, most of us willll have to make rational decisisis, witthe help of thehe physicia and a a ral consciencece, and you don't want to waititfor the 20-yeaeard to sayay yo cannoto ththis,have you u use common sense. >> you mentntn rationg. > i think itit a dirty wo. no,o, it's not a dirty word. it's a reality.y. we have thebest medical technology and d developnt in the e world, i jt cost a a smal fortune, if everybodody wants t have thehe super best technolog at t end of their lives.. why areewe not eing more conversatitions no only abo rationing but aboutandatory insunce. surance onlyorks ifhe
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gogovernme cates a lalaw tt says everything hasas to have , anand theore pople that participate the caper it gets. we have t this logicic with ouro insunce, but we don'n'have thehe gic with the health insurance. as a sult, we as taxpayers are vulnerabable to myfriend, fast eddidi and h propensityy th walks s ound whout iinsuran, anand wehave tpay for h himnd thgovernment is trotecting from thaat. >> what i is the first thing yo say to you childhen they come out of college. okay, , here is your r suranc and keep i it up. >> there arare o very dirty rds in alth cacare, r rioning and mante. they don't like tho wordsds so iould say i thebama administrationon wants t see thi work, you wiwill haa toigure t kinr, gentler, soft
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wordto replace those two. they are hugee push backwarards. >> so we have m mandatory healt insunce from a catastrophic standpnt, and i think that's something peop c cannot understand. if you undersnd car insurance ---- >> eah, you want to o beriven into b fast eddddie that does nt have car insurance,e, and the swer is yoyo don't you want to ve a law thatat forces fast eddidie to buy car insururance. andd that shouldlde used the sae fo catastrophic h hlth care insunce. and ththere is a use o a mandatory force sasaring account. >> yeahah, that has beeenloated ou there foror e laast 15 year. >> ah, wehave a a sysysemfor soci security, wherewe thhold money,y,nd i get to assume my sococial secuty mone,
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and why notorcing m dau tore ae healthh insurance and forcin hi to o ve forhe routine healththca, and let n now the doctors aree patient-driven, d the patients are doctor-driven, and now we havee t peopl most intereststed in myealth care and this retionship, and w w have the greatest investment inin ta i don'understand why the nversation doesn't endnd up in places like that? >> i seems liken old idea. it was floed out 20 years ago. ere was huge bipartisann rankerer-- >> and whahat are the savings wh the mandatory catastrophihic insurance? >> the burdrden is on thehe peoe in the lowerer economic scales that cnot afford that. now we are sayin wowow,hat's t much mone i think t t ecconomics t ttall shshiftinghe coconversati, and noit's looking like a big dosee of common sesense. >> yeah,hree people can be responsible for your heah
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care, your employeyeho is responsible for myealth kair, and general lectric, god b bles em -- should we be taxaxed on that? > i thihink it' outrageous we lay theeesponsility for health care on thehe rporations o we want to be competitive and innovavative and crcreative want them to h he as mucuch mon ound to creat jobs, and healalth care s suld be my responsibilityty. i want to do t tat for t the governmentnt forcing savings aa early age, so as i getolder, beuse -- the 28-year-oldylan ratigagahas need d for health care, in his head at least. >> s should you get dingeded r cigarettes and smoking? >> that's a dferent conversation in myopinion. if you areoing too get in to havior taxation i is a bigger dedebate f mme. forced health is logical. don't see why y y wouldn't d
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th. it takeses the powerr awayy froe insusurance kabal.. and theyey are rationing,g,nd te are saying no, andthey makeke moneney by saying g no. the insuranc company b bcame te y or gal t that was saying . we areaying andou ar saying the gernment needs g get into the no business with rrationing anan opposed t to the insurance company, and i am sayiying we should getetnto ru makg. >> you don' like mandates d you don'tikehe government telling youwhat to do you h have to use common n s onn your owown. you cann go doctor shopping untiyou get t the answerou want.. no m mans no. there arare people in theystem at actually no m mre thannou do. no is an okay rd. >> self regulationon to me ishe dirtst word in amica. >> you don't thi it works? >> wel i watched what happened onall street, and i it costedd the taxpayer lotot
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wewere n givng $14 tllion to the b bks that are self regugulated. we have 4 47 million insure and we don'have laws that force health insurance, and you sho me with lf regation woworks. >> i amm tellingng yo inmy offie ery day there is s self regulation. but me of them look at me a sasay pleasegive me the dicine i thatat i neednd let mealk t of here. and this is whereoward dean and i disree. tort rerm is pposedly oly reportg for of the mess are in. do you get the mri? the ct sscan? we dthat all the ti.
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>> yeah, we create a incentive sysystem whe the doctors are playing defense instead of health care. this is a wonderfuful nversation, d i eoy havaving with u. and the revenue for one p pce was $600 billionrom a hospit last year. weweave bun a process, b but beware of the games. mucuch more on the "mning meetetg," inuding california andow they mayay fix someme of their problemsms coming . hotel booking fefees,
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we can go on and on. the estion is t world acting meisruptive and mo violent and more ou of control than ever, or are seeing more of it and is ithe same as it s ever bee host of the online show, and blogger for the huffington post. and we hav a vet journalistshatcovered conflicts aund the world, preand po dital universe. m, what is yo nse of the world today in otherords, is what we are seei evidence of a world that has gottenore violent and more out of control or is there just more evidence that wecan see it? >> probably mo evidence we can se it violence has always been ound. but what surprises me how quickly people move towa the violent situation when they ar
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pushed. d in the knowledge that their actions will seen around e world a helped? >> the existence of thecameras the back, the idea that you n get anaudience quickly if you have a violent protest tually makes folks more willing to escalate moreickly to aviolent siation, basically for publicity? >> reporter: yea i think that's partf it they c certainly t an audience, whher it's sympathetic or not from different parts ofhe world, dending on the severy of thei reaction. in mo violent nfrontations, being a civil war or full out confrontations, and people, the amazing prepence tthought that i their righ minds would react violently tohe force of ra against them in the countries,
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and yet people aretill fighting right dn to what is happing in china toy. and i am pretty sure that had the cas no been around, then those things would be over ickly or the level of violence would be lower. do you agree with that? no. i don' the people in iran that were protesting in the streets were perfectly peaceful. it was ini governnt cracking the skulls. and they were not mugging for the camera. how about when nedda got shot. she did not know a camera was there, she just got shot. andthey shut wn the suppss completely. and the protest in iran and china are very real and the come from t people. yo just tnkod there is some sort of media in there empowering tm to show the rest of the worl what tir rnments aredoing.
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>> tom, how do you respond to that? i said iraq, and i did not say iran. but yoare right, in iran they we not armed and yet t lice, the securi fors opened fire again them. my point , the people rert to violence as an ereme measure ofrost in theope at they will gain something, usually economic advanta, and usuay something to with ethnicscrimination or whatever in the various parts of the world. people will react violently wn pushed by authorities, and th act more reil with vionce againsthem it seems to me in this day andage. >> one country, be uncovered by any for of media is nor korea. what is north korea, inhe way ey build fe walls a fencing eectively that we don't see a lot of north korea output, bute see it froiran
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and elsewher >> iran is a far more moderate country. they have the internet and sallite differences, andnce you have that frastructure, it's hard to kee things ut. and you can sh down differt parts the press, it's hard to shut down everhing. that's why titter worked so well because the iranian governmentould not figure out how to bring down ttter for quite metime. but in north koa, they don't have any of the strucre. the peop are poor, and partly purpose, cause they don't want tem to be able to be empowered for any way. and the bes thing we do for northkorea, is to give them some of this uff. i know it's a hell of proble to deal wth in north korea,nd technology helps us and the ople looking for freem. thk you, and a lot more here on the "morning meeting." we still have toick up the subjecof california. d we spent so much time th michael jackson yesterday,hy
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would we not revie that. first, the california mess. problems solutions. sho should the u.s. bail out sacramento d thnks? that afterhi ♪ chant a bit... and you're sure toet a reaction. [ motorcycle engngine growow] ♪ don't let erleysfunction this down. ♪ viva viagra! viagra, america'a's most prescribed ed treat, can help y you enjoyoy more satisfyingngual experience. to learn more, cruis. ask your dtotor your heart isis healthy enough for sex. dodon't take viagra if you tae nitrates for chest p pain... as it may causnsafe drop inodressure. de effects may include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal visn.n.
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and indigestion. you deserve better than to always be compromised by urges and leaks. ask your doctor today about taking care with vesicare. welcome back. michael jackson, and onef the aspects of the sry was the spding on thetate's part. $4 million they claim for security and servis for aound that particular funeral. and $4 milli for state that is billio in the hole, b that takes to the bigger problem, which is why is california seing ios, and why is it $26 billionn debt? well, we asked some of the folks
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out west what was going on, and some of the best journasts work out there at the san se mercury news. and i want to present sme folks that areamiliar with califoia's situation. tom campbell is going to join us. former california ate budget director, and currentl an economic and law proor. and tom mcclintocks onef the california'scossmen. i want to ben the conversation with the two of you on the ending side, and i want to start th how governor schwarzegger has spent california's money, and there is an additional $10 million that continues to be spent ove and beyond the rate of inflysion and the popation growth o that state, and $4.1 billion is
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prisons tied to califoia's three rikes law that incarcerioin that state is an expensive undertaking. and health care, which is a conversation we know and ve. futo give away, but noby wants to talk about who will pay. and then the vehicle license refund, $2bilon, $200 to everybody in california, but ey have toreace that revenue. at's breaking the state. tom campbell, ain, you hav the best budgetfamiliarity. is the san jose mercury news, is the excess spending because of health care costnd politically expedient decisions legiving drivers refundsto the liceing fees, is that a fair charactezation that california hasthe spding problems it es? >>t's not aomplete explanation. if you g back t years before davis or schwarzenegge and
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brought the numbers forwa for inflation and populaon,we uld be $2illion in surplus today. s, there are hig dedegrees of spending in california. we have h a faster rate of growth in increase in medical care than any other category. and the cost for prison is mo than twiceh the naonal erage. it'scross the board, not just in those areas. if we simy implied rule, you don't spend more money, we would be in splus and not in decit today. >> i feel like we are in a situatn, and i feel calornia is --well, you have a politica cuure h is basedn i will ke my job by doing what i need to do to stay here, and a culture meaning, americ that wa not accepting of borrowing from future generations to create expedient decisions now. suddenly t's how we d
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business. as soon as i can take my children'smoney and my children's children's ney, and gi it back to an special interests,hether it's to bail out citigroup or bring back health care orin votes with a licensing refund, it wos for the politicians t not f anybody ee in america, pecially for a period time? >> yeah, you cann spend your way rich or borrow your way out of debt andtax your w to prosperity. you need to not look fther than california in exhibit a than wt happens when you try. the california vehicle's cense tax, that reducon improvedhe state's revenue because it imoved economic activity. they just now doubled the vehicle license tax along with a lot other tas, sales taxes wentp 13% by a pennyon the dollar, and anoth quarter
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inease -- >>f you want ta taxes, i will flip it to that conversation heres what blows my mind about carnia. but calirn appears -- i don't want use th graphic because it has ypos, and all of this, but if you lo how they collect their money, they collect their money, meanin california through incometax, and y you tax people for making money dsn't make sense to me, and sales tax at time when they have the proposition 13 where they have no property tax base. they have a huge variableax se based economic activity. as a resultsomebody like warren uffett, he pays $2,500 year in taxes in laguna, and $15,000 a year in taxes in nebraska, which ishere he
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ep his primaryesidence. your revenuestream is tied to economic activity, an you are taxing people f the income that ty generate is a state known for ontrentrepreneurialis. what is th tional there, tom campbe? >> well, we never crea what we should have create a long time ago, which is a rainy day fun 50% of our revenue comes from the rsonal sales t or revenue tax, andn we can drawdown in the lean years. >>he state doesn't se. if y are going with the boom bu cycle, and the gold rush an california's histy and all the rest of it, and not save the
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money, it's madness. you have to -- >>ou need the fund. but i want tomake one slight digreement. i don't ink the proem is prop . i n't k the problemis we put a cap on the percentage real estaten the state of california given the high cost of reestate. we are actually numbe 10 in the amou of property tax paid by all californians, which is number 10 in t nation. ando if you have r of prop 13, whichs what you hea warren buffett was suggesting. you run the ri that no commerci eity or manufacturing entity will sink foundations in the state of california because the know they will bassessed and we will tax you more. the thing is to create a reserve fu. we should have de that in 20. i drafte the proposition that went to the legislare in that year. it was turned down by the people in an initiative, b that's what we needed.
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>> the oblem is politician and people, everydy lovesto spend money. wh you have lots of it, people spend it. > i wa t continue t conversation. tom, we will take a quick break and then we will come back on calirnia, and when we g to the point whe the u.s. taxpayer ispending billions to sacramento. we will be back with the gentleman from california ter this ltivitamin in a drink x. with more calcium and vitamin d... to support bone and breast health... while helping u hye. one a day women'2o. refresngly healthy. free credit report dot com tell your friends,ell your dad, tell yourom! nenever mind, they've been singinour songs since we first shohowed up wh our pirate hatats on ifououe not into fake ororghts pointy slippers andd een wool tights tata a tip from a knigighthoho kws fr c cret report dot com, t'go! vo: offer applies wi enllment in triple advantatage.
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we're stillalking cafornia with two toms. tom mcclintockrom california and m campbell, former ste california budget pfessor at chapman university. welcome tom and tom. what is th most polital viable way to move forwd? if we have some undstandi of the problem which , obviously, you hav too little money a spending too much money, what do you ink is the most potically viable way to close that gap?
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>> unfortunately theres no polititically viability way at this pnt. two years ago, they pasd conventional meansill not addres the problem. they running out of credit and their interest costsre eating them alive and there isnly so many lin item reductions u n make in the budget without cuttingnto vital servis. what they ve to do is restructure the delivery systems, reduce the burecracies and ey still lack the political will to do so and even if they had the political will,th are o of time. >> t campbell, your thoughts? i think tom has it right and i want to complimt tom mcclintock on s leadership when he was a state senar. he was very much in the lead to hold the line on all of that what we call formulaa snding. you pass it and ncreases expenditures year afte year. out 10 billion of tt number
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is the automatic increases. if you were to a hard freeze which is to say look, don't spend any more than we did last yearu would bring at number down byabout 10 billion. w that sll leads $16 billion gap, substantial b bear in mind we're talking about t ay aalifornian household would call a cut, we're talking about a cu from it oerwise would be. the rea number would probably be lessf we just -- >> i find it entertaining when we're like 6 billion is so mu money but we're now 14 trillion to the amerin banking system. yway, 're not going to have time for this tom mcclintock, you but i'll ase you with it and talk about i at a future meeting. what about t legalizati of marijuana and taxation? california retails marijuana and listens majuana production for a specific community, though, this would be an opportunitfo thosin that university to push for legalization and taxation. well, i think the first step
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would b lelizing industrial hemp. wee had severaleasures tempting to do that, but that doesn't get into the drug questions, b that's a very viable product that was grown for centuries in cifornia. it's lal in other sates to grow it ought to beegal in california. >> just a bunch of tax ney, obviously,re and california retaing and producing the product. anyw. nice to talk to both of you guys. thk you very much. thank you very much. >> we'll continue the nversation, i'm sure of that. lots more stil to me on the "morning meeting." joe biden having aconversation about that stimul money and whethe ifact, we are seeing any response. so far, the answers no a are we using the fact we are writing the huge checks to the various institutions and states get anange in the way our government runs? so far, not much. ten karl roveeposed over firing u.s. attorneys. he about t -- is this position of him abouto open up a can of worms for what was the bushadministration d is sarah palin the phoen to rise
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t of the ashes of the gop that karl re represents? is sh the maverick som is sh the onehat can te out the entrenched interests of finance, energy, and health care in washington, d.c.? that conversatn and more comingp. i ner r ght it could happen toto me... a heart attack at t 53. i had felt fine. but rns out... mymy clelestol and other risk f ftotors. increased my chae of a heart attac i shoulde e done something. now, i trust my heaeart to lipitor. when diet and exercise are not enough, adding lipit m melp. unlikeome other cholesteroll lowering medicationsns, lipitor is fda approveved to reduce the risksk.. ofeart attack, stroke, ancertain kinds of hrt surgeries... in patients with seral common risk ors... or heart diseasese. lipipitohahas en extensivively studd... with over 16 years research. lipir is not for everyone, inuding people withiver problems...
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> mu m mor toome in the
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cond hour. sarah palin is shehehehe phoeni rising f fro the ashes t th k k rove is s ofhehe rublican party? anand little more money for nothing. ( honking, news radio o upda ) when you're really in pain,, relief can't come e fast enoh. introdudung newayer quick release cstals. active crysystals dissolve quickly your tongue. th an extra pain rieving booster, it's ready to go to work faster than caplets or tablets.
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and how we can help you. call 1-1-800-336-90 to take one of these ea steps tordrd bter hearing. that's 1-800-336-90 callllow! good orning. welcome back to "morning eting." les reset our agen for the . karl roveeposed facing another day of grilling by the house of reesentatives. they a expecting the house wi try to se the but that the senate may hold off that he, indeed, lied or brokethe law. rah palin facing new ethics complaint but coming out swinging. will her starise from the republan ashes. is shehe national maverick? n she gerate funding away from traditional sources like
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finance, energy, and health care? from parisbreaking down yesterday to the soulful tribute. we look back at the memorable and not so memorable moments from the michael jackson memorial at the staples center yesterday. vice psident biden making what they call a major health care announceme at thi hour. three hospitalssociations apparently going toay they can cut $15 biion a year over ten years starting in threor four years whic amounts 1% to 2% of the oerall revue stream at the hospital associion. that's why i debate the majorness. anyway, it 10:00 a.m. les get back to work. welme to t "morning meetg." i am dylan ratigan. ni to see you. we begin with mr. rove and ms palin. use judiciary committee over 8 1/2 hours deposedarl rove andnitially subpoenaed him in 2007 andnvestigation into nine u.s. attorneys that were fired and were they politically
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motivated because th attorneys were not serving the political administration? savannah guthrie hat latest of the sto from rome wre the present is attending the g but comeack to that. what is yourhoughts on what is going on th mr. rove, savannah? >> well, this is inresting, you know? every since ts storybroke, the folks onthe hill, democrats the hill anyway ha really wanted to get rove before the committee, rove and harriett mis. now it seems they've had their ways. he has testified hind closed doors. it is t unde oath but iis under penalty of perjury. you can't e to federal authorities and cannot give falsstatement. it's not done yet. i'm told he has anoth moment before the committee, probably at the end of the mon and they still have the option to call him publicly for public testimony before the mmittee. we'll see if that that. >> got it. sannah, ank you so much. julie maso joins u no she covers t white house politics for the white house
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examiner and jathan pehart back and contributor with us atsnbc and editorial board member for "the washington post" and carol fiey is also with us. sheelieves that sarah palin i thfure of the republic party and a maverick! >> i agree wth you, she is a maverick, dylan! >> oh, yes. so i want to doove here and palin and i'm going to throw a little bit of china if if i have time. ren, you haven't had ahance tond off on t rove deposition. what are you thinking? >> yeah. well, look. i'm glado seehe finally agreed to com before and swear unoath to tell the uth. we kn, you know, wen you go back and you look at this case, there are some pretty serus allegations. 's not just about the firings but also weknow, for ample, in thease of new mexico where, you know, criticismas that the attorney geral there was rsuant -- was pursuing voter fraucases which, again, was not part of the agenda of th bush administrion so there some pretty serious allegation
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i thinkhe way ty are proceedings the righ way to do this. it's appropriate let's have a process whereby the judiciary committeedo its investigation, if there are, indeed, laws that were broken en we' take the appropriate action from there. we don't need this to be a made for tv kind of event in the w we saw during the clinton years. >> julie, ishere athing -- this purly gog to be advice-- in other words, is there a beyond that, is there any -- the house get a chance -- you're t devil,we hate you! and then nothing reallyappens aftethat? or is there some forward value beyond the emional gratification of folks that don't li him? >> well, dylan, you're right. a very stro segment of t democratic party that want these bush white house offials brought up ocharges, but having covered rove as long as i have, i i can't imagine he is giving themucho hang himon. he is crafty and i can't imagine this going very far. >> i went to my favorite polling
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website whe you ve to pay money to express your point of view as oppo to just sot your mouth f. this is a probability that rah palin will be e repcan nonee in 201 i think we have this cha. before s rigned, she was priced at 17% chance to win the reblican nomition and absoluly cratered. it went down to a 6% cnce that she uld get the nomination when she resigned, jonathan capehart, but ry quily spiked back and up to 10%. i think it is because o my casting her as maverick. >> maverick! >> come on! maverick? let it , lan! >> come on! say it, jonathan! >> she is a maverick in the sense he is is not in washington and no longer in politics. >> tune in, jonathan. >> fox, fine as a television person, fine. great. but politically speaking, no.
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but, listen, but listen. u know, sarah palin, her problem , right now, she's ring on a wave of sympathy, but the proble that she has is that there's no there/there, no substance, no foundation that she can standn to talk about the pocies and the issues that are cing the country and how she, sarah palin, maverick, leader of the republican party, whathe wants to do for the couny. >> go ahead, kan. >> who is that? >> the things actually if you -- this karen. if you lat wherearah lin's real support is, i don't think tt that's a segment of the population tt i really looking for substance. they areangry, ase were lking about a little bit eaier in the meeng and she is able to tap intohat anger an agn, i tnk we can't underestimate how powerful that actually can be. again, the question is will she be able toarness the political strategy toxecute on it. ok. the more people in washington and as she would c , the mainstream media attacker, the betterhe is going to do, i
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think. >>he is tapping into a anger th in a party that was once national party and nowith each passing day is boming a regional party. fo her to be powerful, she edso rocket past the right ng conservative base of the repuican pty and appeal t independen and democrats who are running away from her accointo tha -- >> her lack of attack to special inrests at this poin and the intensity of tat anger- i think with with thero of joe bideabout tonnounce 155 billion as if it was a big nuer over ten years in health care, and some grand huge number, yet the nonchant we put trillions of dollars into the banking system and they don't disclohat is held there. i don't know what is big number d small number anymore. ihink sarah palin can capitalizen that frustration anrk it, jonathan. >> i thinknother plitical point to be made here -- i'm sorry! >> no. karen finney, keep gog, karen!
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>> karl rve basically got orge push elected on on tapping into people's anger by apegoating different population. so she is actually utilizing that same kind of strateg it could rk. >> i would to, that dylan, if i may. >> please, please. has almost a lewd appeal. she can give voice to people d peopho don't like is obama administration. >> now we're talking. >> about a year ago there wa speculation that l dobbs could run f president. i dothink these two ideas are mutually exclusive. >> but notice, he didn't run for president. >> he didn't. he could have. >> okay. let's say how far he ts. let's se how farhe gets. i think politically speaking, i don'see where she goes. if she crosses over to our line of wk, i think she will be a supersr. >> onmore serious subject. i think you can help me deal with it. the g- meetingnder way.
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we just talked tosavannah. the chine president pulling out of that meing because of the violence in mainland chin the violence in mainlan china ethnically dven bu all the young men have dynamic economy it has needed to keep the people at work as they g more unemployment. the energy resources are a lot of those energy sources are locad where the violence is emerging. karen, jonathan, as you look at th, how long can barack obama go before h gets sucked int a domestic china conveation because of the violenceand, again, i woun't bring it but fothe ct the chinese leader just left the g to deal with ethnic domestic violence in his country with all of these young men with all of tse resource energy isues. >> i'll jumpin. i think a l depends on how china reacts to thisiolence. if t react to e crackdown, then, obviously, obama is dragged into it. ifheyeact to it reasonably
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he can stay out of it. >> whats aresponsible, reasonle resnse to violence where your resources are at a time when you'rerying to keep your eno functioning at a fa enough rate that you don't have millions o unemployed men under 25 with nhing to do? >> right. . it's firing proteers, tear s and more violence. ere's a way to handle it. >> right. >> and -- >> go ahd, caren. >> i agree wh -- i agree with julie. a lot is h they handle it. if we see more violence in the stres thats not -- not only is that ba for cna, but it is bad for their represenpags reputation around the world that will create more reason for obama to get dragged in it. but they are able to quiet the protrs fairly quicy and with relatively little violence, i think thisay be wrapped up sooner we think. >> jonathan? >> dylan,yoknow, there is another element here we have to
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talk about. that is china not iran, vis-a-vi t united states. china has bought up a lot of our debt. china one of those retionships that t united ates has this very quirky relationship with, so whatever cha does, what's going on with those wrs in thaprovince anyou raise all of thosereat energies about energy resoues and all of those ung men who are in that area, who are tal to the chinese econy, whether oba wants to or not, he is gointo have to pay attention to what is going on there and how china reacts bcause how we react to their reaction could reverberate beyond just focusing in on protesters and pple being killed. >> o worth watching. again, i wouldn't bring itup it wasn't for t intensity of the violence a we had a withdrawal fromhe g- by the chinese leader. it is so important to them
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politically it was more impot than dealing with an economy that is in a state of disarray. i ank the three of you. i enjed that even with a little bit of the aos there. chaos is fun. >> thas, dylan. >> gre job, guys. we're back wit the governor of minnesota,im wlenty, republican, talkingstimulu talking keepintrack of taxpayer money and talkg gettin jobs in america. think of its another edition of green chutes ready black hole as appropriately named by our friend eliot spitze money for nothing. the governor ofnesota with a look on state level as to what we're doing with all of this money. what's in a triscuit? simple ingrednts ke soft white e nter wat gathered togetheror 22 grams of wholole grain goodne.
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it's w what maketriscuit worth every te. triscuit. weavave some w wder. o'beenenaving ople money and who doesn'n'want vue for0 their dollllar? en true since the day i made my first dollar. whwhere is t tt dollar? i got t to show you... irather old and wrininy? yeahah, you saw it? m fancy a crisp? geo.o. fifen minutes could saveve you fteen percent or more onar insurance.
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so theruth is tre was a
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misreadingng of jus howbad ann onomy wee inherited.d. >> all right. at is your vice president. wenow the story. our banks, agaiai lending 40 dollars s revery 44 dollars they had. meanthe housing buule creates a whole bunch of jobs and credet bubble goess awaynd house ices come back down, we lose ththe jos. fed presesident ben bernanke introduces infinite amou of momoney in the system andnd tha amounts s to4 trillionn and aves the promise e if more is needed too suppt the banking system. thatas his pointback in february. that money, of urse, coming from borrowed money in china as jonathanan capehart just rereferenc, or from our children area r children childreren and our children chilen. as wee cut the checks, t the taxpayer is going intotoot onl banks but our stimulusus money d the rest of itnd geing veryy little s stimulu change inn the
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nature o o our overnment. you have 21st century universe and 19th century of bking. no tnsparency. we canuild a t table for av show l likethis, you think we ould be abletoeep whats gogoing on o a feral, sttate a municipalevelnour gogovernmes since that is when spend so much money. the oversisight committttee of house hahang hearing tracking stimulus mey. we'll see again howow that goes. the republicanan sen a memo ababt bide misreading. they s say stas are using e money toto -- as opposed toto b able t to use that mney to depy for long-term prorocts an all of thehings that we talked about nting to use thhat mey r and when the check was originally cut. before wewe g any deeper into this conversrsation, i want too bring somebodydynto it who hasa to dal with all of thesehings all day, every ay, every y, every day for aa ving and i it'
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the vernor of minneso. tim wlenty, biden spokeke to him yesterday, along withh a variet of other statee governors. we know some of theconcerns, anxieties you've jusust heardme governor, walklk me throughour nse of the effectitivenessp to this point o othe stimulus -- t's just isolatete on that foa sesecond. >> there's a a lot of different data pointnts butere is one i thk will be of intest to you and yourur vewers of thehe neary 800 billilion stimulus p packag that w w authorized, theeeneral accounng office saiaid onl abou160 millioion of it was acally stimulative.e. in most cacases, the s states inclcling minnesota, haven't deployed o or sent mostf the stimulusus money bause we haven't received it t. unfortunately,y,he bul of the stimulususid noto to bread and butter infrastruructure project. it went to, as you just suggted filling the hole in state e and deral budgets. >>hat is your honest assessmeme, governor, of thee sisiation ur state is innnd
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then, more broadly, you'r're honest assessment o othe situation that a america is in.. in other w wds, wh we look at thee debt of this c country ad e legacy of the credititubble and look at the need to create an economy that generates vae, creating jos, not just jobs that a a predicated on a bububb of some e nd, whether it'a credit bule, a housing bubble, a technology y bble, what is your see of where we stand inin terms of dealing w wh those problemshat we're all getting a better undersrstanding it? >> wll, i i don't tnk we are dealing with it verery efefctivel in my own ew, i t think wre going to hahave the federal gornment debt cririsis eqeqvalentf the mortgtgage crcrisis meltdowown probably wi 15 or 20 ears. the spending trajecry that thee federal govevernment is on is unresponsisible an unsustainabl d it can't workrk and won't work and it's going to clapap collap. president obama said in a recent interview we're out of money a all due rerespect t the president, if we're out of f ney we should stop s specked spendi it. >> it feels wewe traded the
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financial crcrisis for a fundin crisis and tradedhe auto industry for fundingrisis and trade social securirity for funding crisis and trade heal care foror a funding cris and say, listeten, wwill provide a of t tse hings, either on a stste leveor larger level, but no one has anyydea how to pay for any of it. so now the republicann viewe and consvative viewer, appropriately, in n my opinion,s stop paying g r evything but en you do that,t, i have totole bas collapse andillions of jobs go inhe midwest. i have lot of folksho aren't having health carr in other wordsds ju p pull the plug argument can run into a wide variety of proboblems whici know you are familiar r th. >> yeah. the consequences o of what you describedd will be wor 10 or 15 years now than trying g deal with it now.w. what iss happeng in california and what is happppening new york ia eview of comingg attractions for thth federal governnt and let me alsoo b candid and tell youthat sttes, many statates and loca units of government a aren't immune om this. they'vhad behaviors inin spending thahatlso ha to o be reined in.
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if everydy else is tighghning their belts, g governmts should do e same. >> cig jennings, are you there? >> i a >> craigig, hi. w are u? he is a policy analyst which monitors a accountabity which makes me happy. niceo see you, craigig. >> hi. >> o of the things t tt frustrated me as w we've writte all the c checks that governor pawnty and i have been referringto, we have not demanded system change in our governmement to force them to opt a 21st cenenry model for government that use modern technology to o ack, dclose, sortrt and dl with the spependig of moneyey. i knowhey point us torece recocovery.g but that is unimessive of me. how do you feeel we're doing i termrm of getting a systemic change foror our llars? >> iactually think the systemimc changes is rightht on. i think w what we're seeing now with this spding bill is a radical change in hohow the government traras mone
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this is nonot to say, howev, that theheoney is tototally transpart right now. there are a fewewissues with it. i do agree that is kind of aa mess right now inin terms of figuring g t who tting what and where t t mon isgoing. >>hat frustrateses me, governorr is havining spen 15 years in t worlof money and b being familiarith what theyy n do with boeing and d do at googl whwh priva idustry in a america around theorld is capable of doing in terms ofeepin track and mnaging systete, it is beyo me why we'rere not seeinin the implplementaon of some of th technology onur sysystem gogornmenthen we know our system o governmenen is responble and wasteful and fraudulent a andineffificient. >> well, inn frness to vice presiden bidede annd the curren ministration, they're trying,g, i thinknk to bring accountabiliy and transparency to it at least for the 800 bllion stulus packagage and for the rsons your est just cited i thi that's disaointing at this point.t. the largeger issue is t 80000
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billion i ishe tip of the iceberg. u mentioned 10trillion. . >> 14 trillion. >> federal reserve and monitor policy and fdidi where i is the accccountabity aroundnd that moy? >> therere i't any.. i will wawatch the v vice pside showp and tk about a 5 bl agreement wiwi the hospital which is 155illion a a year agait 0 billion in the siness and then they won tell u us about the 14 trillion. either 150 blion is a b number and we shou gaaer around a and applaudd or it's a smalal number a and 144 trillio a big numumr. i don't see howwthey have it both ways. igno the 14 trililon in e corner and won't talkbout but wewe're gointo save 15 billion a year. vernor, i have to let you o. do youant a last word befefore i do that? >> on health ce refm, if they model th after th massacacsetts an and focus just on expandingg acces to the who are uninsured, thas an incomplete reform.. we need to focucusedlso
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heavily andaybe more heavily not on just e 10% or so on many states th are uninsured but the 90% who aree insured w can't afford t the i crees and massachusetts model l tuallyed to hihigher costs t to a multltr two orhree of what they originallyly predicted. be careful aboutut a health car reform thahat don't talk a aut cost containment for thhe 09 percent who are insusuds the prprimaryobjective. . >> i hope to haveou back around t ts pararticular meetin going forward. enjoy your day.y. thank k y. >> thanknk you. >> i want toet backck on the transpency conversation, though. ifif you wer to lookok from o& watch perspectivevewhat is the primary hurdle,he resistce? in oth words, is ithe poticians themselveves believe they c maintain the secrecycy of thr 19th ctury syst of government in the fafa of 2st century chnoly? in o other wds, why don't ey gethat the technology hahas changed anddow the taayer iss
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able to sesee much me of at is going on the u.s government if the polititians wod simply adopthose stems? >ell, i t think t proem is moremundane than you statat. i thinkwhat thehe ama admiministrati right now, the o&b is actlly under t the gun in getting up a website to monitor hundreds of bilillions of dolls of spding. thatat's a pretty tall order. the admiministraon is very focuseon transparency. the peoplple within thehe administration k kw how to use techchlogynd t they're very comforortable th it. t this is not to say that all of theorrect policies arere in place right now. it's's not a technicical hurdldl it is sisimply aatter of sayiyi we need to collt more information frfrom mor recipipis of federaral fun. >> goti lien, craig, apleasure. hope to see morere of you craigg jennis, o&b tch. we'll l take a break and come bk with alittle more -- we'llave a lite bit of fun and comeme back a a talk culiar version ofun perhaps and we're going to revieww e mjmj memorl.
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contessa and s stephen a. smith anthe gang will be back. presidt obama will have a new live newews confence. we'll sesee how the vice presidt presents . understandnd the context,t, 155r ten years in the c context of a business that generat trtrlions revenueses. we're back afterer this.
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any moment we are expecting to hear from ve president joe bin. in the scheme of what comes into the hospital syst over ten
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years, that is a drop in the bucket. wever, it is the beginning a conversation. formerush senior adviserarl rove on capitol hill and spent re than eight hours talking about judiciary wyers he knew about the firings of nine u.s. attorneys. sarah palin is getting ready to step down as governor of alaska defendinher decision to resign. whatoes she have for an encore? she going to be turning up in tv land and more iportantly in a presidential run and shall she one of the few political mavericks le in this country ashe presents herself to be or is wholehing doomed to fa? highlights of a morial service for the king of pop coming up. michaeljackson. "morning meeting" ntinues right now. estimated a billion folks watched that miael ckson memorial service yesterday. one of the memorableomentss mj's daughter speaking for the first ti.
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take a listen. >> ever since i was born, dadd has been the best father you ulever imagine and i just nt to say i love him so much! >> truly hetbreaking. joing us on t t, stephen a. smh, laurie marnnd contessa brewer. how aryou? >> nice to seeyou guys. >> how are u? good. >> obviously,he most poignant moment we just presented and that captured what i think you re saying yesterday, contes, the billion of people watching and all this, this is abrher, a faer, a son, all of the things that get lost when somebody aieves that leved i tnk that the paris comment really sort of brought that ho. >> here is a little girl, though, who again, hasver been exped to other cldren,
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she'never been socialized in the way at other kids are and now, all of a sudden, w th grief of losing her dad hanging over her, she i in frontof a microphone. apparently there was a real battle, an internal jackson family battle whether she shld talk or not. they thoug she was important for her to sa a few words and then you h ray andermaine criticalr at least sktical whether it was a good ideao let a child be expose in this very personalmoment. >> yes. aw from that, lori, anything else stand out from the memorial? some of the her moments, t enrtainment and all of the rest of it? i. >> the most inappropriate was mariah carey. soone needs to buy her a memorial dress becau it looked like sheent to her closet a say ll wear what i went to a strip ub last night! >> i really didt want to say that buthat is what ias inking, you know >>ou didn't want to say it? if anybody was going to say it, it wld be you. >> ain, you're talking about a
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funeral and yu want to beas apopriate you poibly can be but certainly -- >> this wasappropriate? >> i think she -- >> ce on! >> she just desn't -- it's n she t out her way the w she ually does to sor of flaw, the word i'lluse. >> that is about as much a she is covering. >> i was goingo say, hid it just a little bit somimes! you know? sometimes! at's all i'm saying. >>he most inappropriate tfit was corey feldman dressing as michael jackson. >> iidn't see th >> which mhael jackson did he dress as? >> the one he was hangi out with when he was 12 which is kind of awkward, iuess, too. maybe th could be his job showing up in funeral dress as the deceased. other thoughts? >>n a seriousnote, the rformances weregreat. sharpton, his speech, i thought, was sensational and i thought it was appropriat a lot o people said youent
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out of youway for michael jason in terms of looking at his children and saying there s nothing weird about your daddy. what was weirdas the circumstances. i think what people misse was the fact that he was looking at michael jackson's children wn he made that stemt. nerd, he was saying to his children, this is how you should remember yr daddy a i think w very, very important, very poignantand classy to do that i migh add as wel >> couldn't you do that back stage? >> no, no, no. >> because there a a lotf nge things about michael ckson. he is only asking to be madeun . >> that's not the point. the point is that regardles of how strange weay think he is, yo don't want hischildren lookinat him that way. youon't want hi children hearing thpublic define who this man was to us. they need to look at their daddy an entily diffent appropriate way. >> the problem is al sharptonis gogo put it in a context >> others have done it. they just did it privately but he did it publly and i tught it was iortant to do that.
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>> cotessa? >> ihink the most pignt mont for me was the people watchingelsewhe outside of the stadium or inimes square and when they were sging "we arehe world," to see a group spontaneously holding handand widening out to make the big circle. that's people that areaking the finest, e most noble part of michael jackson as a performer anthis that moment, showing 're going hold this near andear. i thought th was moving. they are really -- they we really trying show the worldhe impacthat michael jackson had. all know the hisry now. come on, now. >> sur >> the days a weeks and months an years to come, it will all be revisited but a day like yeerday, the day of his funeral is the realitys what you were doing was sendi a message about t positive impact he had. certainly there will be plenty of time to get more to the next -- >> is anody else really impressed how the performers w were supposed to be on tour wth him, thedancers and the singer who were going to on stage ponied up. they rl brough their game and they showed how incredible
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at show wou have be. >> again you know, considering e allegations, they bring a 12-year-old boy to sing. that would be the tme to get a seni citizen just toike let's cl the slate. get ta james because she was robbedt theinaugural with beyonce singing her son >> will say that's funny. i won't deny that. >> thank you. >> again, these are act sayingses anhe was acqute on allcharges. >> congresswoman let us know, he was acququd. >> we willll taka break. gatretogether for 22 gms of whole grain goodness. it's what makes triscu worth every bite. triscucuit. weave some wonder. thfirst complete women's's multivitamin in a drinink x.. with more calclcmm and vitamin d... to supportrtonone and breast healtlth. while helping g yohyhyate.
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welclcombaba. herere i contessa a thth the lat ne.. what is goingon? > l.a.coroner released michl ckson' death certificacatendnd don't have an officialal cusus of deaeath listed becausesehe cororoneisis waitingnn toxicoloy tests and waiaiti to f finh examining g ateast part of jason's ain. we don't know whwh or w whe that burial wililll happen. michchae jackson died deeply inn debt byy t ay. but w wit tremendndoustar power an estate potentiallywowort 0000 millionon according to thehe sosoated esesshe singer lefef behind a mpmpled videoiece named thehe domeme projectct there e aralal more than 100 hourseportedlyf videos he ma preparing for this uuomomin london concertrt ur. earlier todayay matt lauer spok to jackson's finananclladviser ababouththe ar's assets.
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>> you know, heowes money. we all owe ney. bubut i think hissets overweigh ththe btbt and ift's handldl correctly and we k kepep going ththsame track w we tatart, i ththk everybody will bee fine. t the adviser saidid head acactuly fired several members of acacks's staff beeususe he ththout t lot of meyey wasbeing wasted. . today, presidentntobobam ararrid d italy forthree daysy of gg summiteeeetis. prime ministster bebeususco greeted t presidideninin l'aquila. leadaderarargathering inhat to to ta over critical issues like c clitete change iran's nuclear ambition. l'aquila was chosen tohohost t summit hohoiningo boost t local econonyy because aa earthquake hit thattarea in april. >> one firedixix missiles suected talibabar al qaeda vehicles in the northwestern part of that country.
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now k kno that the internationanal neneta fund, mff ys the global economyy is beginning toto recover frommtht worst recession scece wld war iiii yoyou see the marketsts trere fincnciaconditionswoworlide haveve irorod. stster than im expectct since the last repoortnn april t th was due toto government susuoro nks andother financncll companies. >> ststy maeqequi causused t of h h bubuuide baecec restaurant. the town councilold the owner he had to cover it up. itit's a family place andndouou don't need a busty mannnnuiuin. can he pepe t the dececioion? so the mannequin nn keep wearing hhahaer top andnd short shorts? od news for kenny bauau he says she has reaeall boosted busisissss. he says it'ss up 40%0% i don't knknowhahathe big deal
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is. go by vivitoria's secret shows more than at. they showthongs! >> p pie of plstic. don't know. > p h h back up.. i think thisasas a nnnneqn. >> yousayhe imf s sa the ononomis improrovi because of eeovernment ssuprtrt? >> s.s. >> you say thehe e eonomy ll be doing wel.l. >> again,, globallyitit'sulling out t ofheherececesonon it doesnsn s say specifically t ititedtates but, y, indeed, it said because of governmentnt generally globally s suprt oo >> they didd it ininururop and doing itn cha.a. interesting ececomomicodel. i dodon'knkn. >> if itit works, hehey >> if it w wor to tkeke evereryby'y's ney to sport the bank untilhehe whole ting llllaps. economom s sysm needs to h hav actual value at someint. >> don't't gme started o on an atlas s srurugg l leurur here. i could go of >> you're rihtht. i won't dothat.
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>> that's itit >> we'll take a eeak back wititta-a-awa sarah h lilin maveveckck. we have a mask t to ovovit right afafteththis ♪ well i was shshoppi f a new car, ♪
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welcome back. we were discussing how using taxpayer money to maintain economy activity is -- >> i could go on and on and on on this but you want me to refrain, right? >> yes. what else we go >> can we talk morebout michael jackson? you saw that coffin yesterd that was reportedlworth somewhere in the nighborod of $2000. apparently he buried in that but not yet and we d't know where. by theway, the medical examiner still has a least part of miael jackson's brain. they are doing some neuropathy sts on it and waeting for the tests to come back. >> do you know what they are looking for? >> presumably, the cau of death which is still not listed on theeath certificate. sometime they are going to get
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back the ssue. it's not uncommon for them to keep it. all kind of buzz day. >> i was g to get my brain uploed after i'm de. >> can do you that? >> yes. >> maybe by the me you plan to e. >> i plan to live to a hundr. >> please. >> go on. jackson apparently had the magic number 7. he signed his will o02 and his memorl on 7/7/09 seven years after the yearill was signed black and white d billy yen billie jean were numbereven for seven weeks. three bigge abums eac produced seven top 40 hits. michl jackson was the seventh ni cldren. my producer thinks thiss very
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creepy. >> yeah? >>ead it online. >> new number 13 o something? >> isn't seven like -- >> sen, yeah? >> the number o god that created the wor in seven da. >> rest it on the seventh day. >> we might be pushing it a little bit. >> by a lot. nd of like using taxpayer money touy the economy to cast michl jackson as the number 7. it's doomed fa. using taxpayer money to create jobs? i don't know about the nmber >> what is the new deal? >> you create a structure but, in other words, the only structure we have as we take taxpayer money and pump it into people's paychecks. i'm with him. i'd love toarguut i can't. >>e' come back with take-away. sarah palin as maverick. sh casave us. >> they y don'tay merick anymore. they are tired of that. hey, it's me, wat. did you know that w you filter me ahohome
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i'm pretty mumuch the same as s i am in n plastic bottle? excepthat you'll save, ke, $600 bucks a yearar. but other than that,t, we're pretty much the same r. good, clean wawa it rieves seven sysytoms. new visine totalityy multi-symptom. now reduce t the red; bathe the dry d gritty; soothe the itch,h,rritat, burning anand wate. visine totality. no other drop es more. in t tse marts,
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welcome e bak. we taalk health car with dr. nay. here is s the vice president. >> warmly wellcomeme. yoyosee firsthand off the impac ofhe skyrocketing h health care costs have hadn a american families and, today, ey've come toother to do sosomethin abouout tose healthh care sts.
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lks, reform is coming. is on trk. it is coming. we have tried for decadeses f decade to fix broke stem d whave never,in my entire tenu in public lilifeeen this clcle. we have never as cle as ware today d things remain on track. 've had these hospitals workining wit us andnd we have e pharmaceceical iustry working with us. we have e ctors d nurses and health ce providers withhus. we have the american publili bebehindus. aneveryone seess that we neeeed ange and, in m view, wre ing to get that chahange and we're going to g g it this ar. the poet virgil said the greatest w wealth is heheth. well, , we're here todayto make ourhealth care system healthy agn. a srong commitmenen fromm these hoitalsreprested here and others wl be a big partt of making thahat happen. all around the cocountry, the people have health insurance
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still l e struggling to pay eir bil because they are underinsurured or theye out of pock expenses arere rising so rapidldly, thehave trouble keepg up. and ose whoon't have surance because theheve lost their jo orave be denied covege because someone in their f family has a pre-existi condion, are throwing emselv at the mercy of th peop who present t t major hospitals in thehe united state of ameririca. and, as a result,, our hospital are crackingngnder the weight of prpriding qualitity health caca for ericans who lack inrance. ththhospital industry k knows a the people wiwith me here today knowow, and the psident knows, thathe s stus quo i is simply unacceptable.. let me say that again. the status quouo is simp unacceptptle. risingosts are ushing us. they are crushing milies, crushing bususesses d crrushing state budgets, , d ty are crushing the h health ca industryrytself.
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spitals have acknowowledgedhat significant healththare sangs can be achieveded by improving efficicies, realigning centives to emphize quality care instead of quantity of procedures. and in theast severaral weeks, th've been workg with airman balkus and are comingng forward wiwi a proposasal th produces reallavings in feral heal care spending.. vings applied towaward e president's fifirm goal, firmoal of enacting health care rorm that is s deficineutral. healthth care reform tat i is decit utral as p part of thihi agreement, hospitals are coommitting to contributiti 155 billion dollarar $1 billion in medicare andedicaid savingsgs over the ten years to cover health care costs reform. over the next ten years. the reductions wilill be achieved thrhrgh a combination of a delivery s stemrefos, addidional r reductis in hospital and additioional reductions i i the hoitals
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nual infnflationy updatetes. all of theseavings are based onolicies the ministration proposed in its buuet to fund hehealth carreform as our system b bcomes more efficient, t thanks toininnovat, technololo and ectronic records,e'll show increasess -- we'll l slow, i should sa increases in medicare and medicaid paymements to hospitit as more people are insured, hospitals will b bear less o ot financncial buen of caring for e uniurednd the underinsurured and will ruce paents tocover thoho costs in tandem with t tt reduction. today's annocement, i believ reprentsan essential ---- represents t the esessential ro hospitalals playn makining refom a reality.y. and the realityy will bee must enact this reformrm this year. we must andwe will e enact refom by the end of august and we can't wait. i k know that t t leadedershat e up here know at.
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e president knowstht. my cleagues who i j just oke toknow tht. e entire congresss kws it.t. and ii look forward to h hearin how theieir hospitals are goingo be helelping and briringing aut thisreform. d that is why they're hehere today. so i thank yoyou, again, for beg hehe. i thank the preress for being re and our colleagues, and i'd lie now to introduc sister kia or as w we say, ester, it's your podium. > thank
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\11am>> i'm qt. we ask jrry in gir question this. wiwi unempyment rising, oil pricic falli and congress ckerinover possible second stimulus, the question t today d president obamamget wronong on the economy?? pl, now even the popo is weighingng in on the conomy. how bad havee things gotten? also this hour the fifit over immigrationon is heating u. presidt obama wants to reform the system thiss year and new report says thee broken immigration system is s risisk our tional secity. withll that information, what is the holdup? e memorial is over but the michael jacksson stery ill continueues. noword on wherend when the king opop will be burd or how w he died. whatatappenewill michael jackckson's ki who theworld has now seen for e first time? at is coming up is hour on msnbc. we have a packck program. sesenator chk schumer and max mcclairety


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