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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  July 8, 2009 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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blblic taking sides. some p phihing for public h hon for ckckn, sosome fightininitit totoh and nail.l. omom in federal buildingngs and that's inomeland secuririti h hdquarters. ift t cat keep safe, how does itit pototec others? a blblic scandal, what's a prprosutut to do when a alaw on the b bksmamaki adultery ilillel. we'll t tee y toto o o city whe popolical opponents are puinin toile felolo chharssgainst the eater. >> t terrists whoho wtt t to target homeland d seririty probably w wldld in the be stod even at headqdquaerers. a new report s sgggges federal buildingngsren't safe. we have uererr video of ininvestigats smugglie inine ii bo-m-ming terribles past security. the report was so oubling, a
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hearing wasas held on it totod. with me now,ete wiliams. >> t gaoo did someththingghey've dodo o ove the yes, see w wheer theyananet acccce fededell builildingbyby carrying explosive mererls d they say they looooked at t separate regions ofof theountry and succeeded in doingthis at erery rereonon tested. they claim their inspesers carrd in two materials th could be assemembld m me a working bomb that would have a fairlyly significant explosi rc invery case, they suesully did it a that the problem, they say, thontract guards hired by the fderal protective service aren't geing necessary training. they say the materialshey carried i should have en picked up by the anners. nonow what you're looking at he is video that thehe gao release. they say that if the terials
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combined were assembled, y would have h that effect. but they say this stuff should have shown up o the reens and the fact is tt the inspects simply don't know what ty're doing. ey sayhey're required to have a certain amount of trainingon ho to read these materials, but they're just not either getting the trainor responding properly to it. they say they're taking another look aheir training. >> and no matter how much training you have, if you lo at the report that says it found one guard aeep on tob after takin a ercocet, it wouldn't matter how wellyou were trained. and this other report, tt hackers he gone into governmentebsites andeen able to get past their fire walls. that's completely separate su of course.
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under the general umbrella o security. this is veral government agencies wereexperiencing what are call denial of service atta attacks. where a whole bunch of computers gang upon t site and flood it nothing was taken out. nothing jeopardized tional security here, but it is a warning that government websites, the are the public wees where you look up to get public information. the things, some were slow down not all o them. this attack apparently did go after some private sector sis as well. the intriguing thing abo this is that while the u. governmeays it cann confir is source of the attack, south korea's intelligence agency is telling legislators it beli the source was north korea. the city of los angeles is getting a littleelp from
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michael jackson fans. thousas of people have been logging on to the mayor's website to help pay for yesterday's morial. inhe meantim the mysty ill exists. wher will michael jackson's final resting place be? we saw the casket g into e staples center, but we didn't see it come out. forest lawn cemetery says it does not have the caet. neverland presumably is out. michelle kosinski is following all of thi let's start first wh people donating to the ty. >> that's kindf suprising. the ty did set up site just before the memorial happened and said basically, hey, this is gog to cost the city aroun $4 milln for security possible, a all the other issues they had to take care o for so many people. theyaid thousands of people
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have already signed on and offered to date. th said the website had problems overnight so they couldn't give m a number, but they'rpretty happy about that. the city's also tking about doing study into how they might be able to press se prive entities to foot that bill. because the city of los angel and so many othersaround the country now, have been having financial prlems. >> a wt about these lingering questions about a burial for michael jackson do you have y leads where that might be and whn? >> not really. that's one o i guess the best kept secrets right n. emsort of strange to be talking about folwing the sket, but it is unusual to have seen it brought into ts place and nobody see it ave. the question, will theree a public place wre fans can come
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aftejason's death. people we thinking neverland could be turned into a gra la type place. there was lk of the family applying for a special exception to have body buriedthere, but at was a process at would several weeks. it may happen. we just don't kn. wh will be the final resting place forhe man who was always chased around byhe publ and the press even after his ath. >> thank you. i ha some big, lingering questions here. ll michael jackson's kids stay with his famil representative seila jack is proposing a congressionalhonor for jackson and word iseaking out about another big memorial. the international monetary fund says the economyis coming ouof the recession and that's suo have an affect on the
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g-8 summit in italy. one of the group's priorities, the global economic cris. joininge now is chuck todd. what's happened so far? >> wellofar, we've h not a t frankly on the enomy. they talked about some issues they want tackle together on global wming. some issues ey want to do with developing countries. they seem to be almost steering clear on exaly how they want to tackle the economy, whether it's on ying we want increased stimulus, ss stimulus. we don't expect there to be some sort of colctive statement about more stimulus fothe econom there's been a rigorous debate ouwhen do y op putting in goverent money. then the thi going on right now, contessa in this private nn, is a negotiation on what do you say about iran.
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the u.s. in particular, president obama, wants a very strong statement out of the g-8. one of the members of the g-8 russiaso we willfind out h ll the psint's lobbying efforts and diplomatic efforts weren moscow, ife can get the g-8 stant to havmo teeth to it. there was on a few months ago the foreign ministersutout d it was pretty watered down. that's becau russia has that tight relationship wi iran. all eight countri have to sign on and the eight countryis russia >> hue n tow left the summit. new violenc erupted today followg the weekend of clashes at killed more than 156 peop. investigators put krl rove in the house seat. they deposed him yesterday.
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the panel refused to say what rove told him. heas first subpoenaed in 2007. massachuses allows gays to marry. so massachusetts is sng.oes not. the state says the federal defensof marriageact which defis a marriage as that have betwn a man woman,hey said at undermines their right to create their own definition. when wereturn, michael jackson'children come from e shadows. we'll look at whate know about prince michael, paris and blanket. >>us, results a newoll that shows republicans suprt sarah palin's decision to resi. and a -year-old wman beat a baby fawn to death with ashovel. why would she do tt? itit until you heaear atat has to saycocomingp. ith ouour pira hats on!
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if youou're nointo fake sword d figh popoin slippers and grn n wo tights takeke aipiprom a knight who k knows free creredirerepo dot com, let'go! : fer applies with enromementn triple advantage.
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>> ever sin i was born, dad has been t t best father y could ever imagine. andd ijust want to say i lovov him so much. > just breaks yourur heart. chael ckson's middle chld, 11-y-year-ol paris.s. and thhe she was, pouriri out her ief over her daddy's's dedeath. whoever michaell waso his fans or critics, we hahave to rememr, above l, he was a fafaer. one who cared for his childn. he shieldede him from thee publ,
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but they wewe unvled to the world d next week, a judge will decide who's respononsibl for raisising them. kim, let's begin with youou. what i your impssion sterday, seeeeng them with theiaunts and uncles and ththeir grandmotherr d so affectionatet with them on stagege. >> firsrsof all, heariring paris eech, hearing michchael jackn referred to asas a ddy, just gives a whonew perspectiven ings. these e kids he been refeed to, who was the surrogate, t donor, whoho g getting custody.. then yo see they'rreal people. sources are telliling "intch" at janet has always beenen ver marnal with e kidsand i thk you saw that on stage.e. how w ch the relationship tat pariris has withth janet, e kid haha with theefaly.
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> given the facact at kathehe jacksoson has tetemporar guardianship rightt now, how involv is the, at are you learning a about h involved janet,or instancnce, is. or jermaine, who said that they're out pl w wg his childrenen. how involveded are they in supportiting the childrdr right now even though it's's catheri who has the ardianship? >> sourceses are sing that michael really kne thatanet was so m mternalnd he wanted her to h have a r re in teir lives. since the kids have en with kathine, janenet has bebeenrealy standing up to the plate, really being a mother figu to the kids. seeing the kidss tother, e en howw pari was being maternal to her young brorother, lanket, was souching. nody wants to see the kidsds split up. >> debbie rowe said she would be
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willing t t tke a dna to prove that and t take custod of bnket as well. how ch of that is a a consideration, t that she'not blanket's motherer? >> it's a huge coconsiderion thatat she's goingng to be skin all l ree, ishe is. we'll have toto wait and see wh the forma effort i made on her part to try to get custodody of those chchldren. but imagine if she had just soughto get custody of the two. you can just imagine e e other side saying, she desn't care abouthis ffily. she doesn'n't cre abouteeping thes kids togetr. she jusus wants to te thosewo out. so sheas to goo d seek stody all tthree. >> we just saw the video ththe other r y of herer bashinin a paparazzi rball she saidid, you wawao get your butt kickeke she decided not t to go tohe servicicyestery.
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hohow muchof that will infnfenc ththe jjudge? >> i idon't ow that will huhurt the cacae. i'm sure she'd'd betibl explai the circumstances. but ere is no queuestion that her mental s state is goingng t an issue. her tempmper would c certainl bn issue. w she w would b bhave around children, whwhy she gave u u custody and d the right the vis the children. l of those things o of coue would bebe factors, bututf she decis to seekek custstody, s sh t somhing in her favor. >> shehe gave up her parental l rights and ld the court, i did it for h to become a father -- could that come b back anhaunt her?r? >> sure, b b if the realititiesn ththis situaon -- i i janett jackson, ifanet jackskson came forward and was ab to show, i've spent a l l o time talkinig care of these kds over the years. am a family member of michael
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jackson'n's and i'i'm notbouto turn 80 years d. that c could be a rong argumen. why? whoever's been arounddhose ildren lotot has a sttng custodial argument.. >> kim, any indication that jat would fight foror custod >>again, sourceses a saying that michael hasas really recognized that jet us sttle and d did have a god relationshp with the kids. even in the papast week and a lf, she's really been n e one stepping upp t the ate, helping out andd watching that memorialal looking at thth way paris just raran to herjust embrbred heranyone can tell threlationship they have w with jat and thehole family. m, dadan, thanank you both. goog i lauhing its n new pc o operati system. currently, windowsws operatitin system i mostlyused. google wi be initilye ud in n net booksks that's the
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cheaper, less powerful laptop computers. the new stem is based on the coany's old web browser chrome. in florida, an al gatotor g < lke this. tiedt to aree until auauthorits arriveved. onerapper said itit lks as thoughgh theatorad been fed by mans. > t traged a a newewerse factory, where a rker fell into a a vat and died. workers are goininto stand at e top andthro inhe chocole. upp nexxt, sarah pan's decision to step down gives her a a boost among rerepublican did the alaskgovernor just beer her chances? and bush takiki swipes at president obama. what the brotother h to say abououthe coander in chief. th is msnbc. intrucing one a day won's 2o.
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thfirst complete women's's multivitamin in a drdrk mix. with more calclcium and vitamin d... to supportrt bone and breast heaeah... while helpininyou hyate. one a a y womes 2o. refrhingly healthy. garth, you'r're up. holold on, i'm at icking a photo... r credit card. here's e e from my prom. ohohhat memories. hohow 'bout one from our gogolf outinin ( shouti ) i know, maybe o onef f my first-born son. dd, m says the boys gotttta go personale ur card by uploang.. your own pto at what's in your w wallet? ♪ wiggle yo d with jell-o ugar-free gelatin. what's in your w wallet?
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welcome back to msnbc. i'm contessa bwer. the nagging problem of the economy and miions of out of work americans and the government's solution. firs taxpayers she out t.a.p. funds and then a stulus. then the's the minimum trillion dollar health reform the works. and now, talk of anoth stimulus bill joining us now, todd, a national corrpondent with nyc. how far along in the process are we ofhe proposal for a seco massive stimulus bill? >> depends on who you ask. a lot o people interpreted joe biden's remks as a starting gun. and washingtonind of wen into
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a little minor tizzy after that. manding meetings with white ho persoel. democrats on the hill say they're not talki about it. they're trying to tamp down any exctations becauseey know it wlde politicaldifficult. >> and harr reid urging patience. >>emocrats saying they're not talking about . though ed rendell toda said would leto see a second stus. >> i got to ask you about sarah palin. we're seeing new poll numbers today, one finds two ot of three republicans want sarah palin to be party leader moving forward. it doesn't look like her decision to resign early is hurting r among reblicans, but it's not doing ything to change independent's minds or democrats. m just curious, what kind of a
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politil future does she have? could beher le? >> she's always been a conservative. and if s has a politica future, it's gng to be on th conservative side. she has to r from the right that's wt republican primaries are abt. i've got my blackberry here because sarah palin's talking about the stimulus today on the tional stage, saying that c.'s attempts at increasing the bt has failed. >> there's bn a lot of xpert pundits who y oh,he's going to go on e fundaising circuit, increaseer profile. we don't know thatnd in fact, this year's big races in new jersey a virginia, you have a gopovernor candidate chris -- no expectations on her for their
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behalf. a conservive member, gornor in the heart land, in the south, would probably love to have sarah palin come raise money. closero the northea more moderate, new rsey, don't forget virginia' purple now. it noted ane. escially the ones that appeal to vry far, right wied. jeb bush wasn a rent interviewith "esquire" magazineasked who should lead the gop. he mntioned bob by jindal, newt gingrich. he did not mention sarah palin. maybe there's mesge to that. and he also took aim at present obama. he says quote, theebthat will be created in hisur yearas president will exceed the debt that was createdby all presidents before him. when asd if president obama a soalist, he says, this is
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jeb bush, quote, i believe he's a collectivist. >> oh, boy. you know, his name has always been t ther now whether or not four yearsf re from eight years of a bush presidency is enough for th american people to havenother bu running for president, we'll have to answ that later. >> thanks for coming in. one law make r is proposing a resolution to forever honor the kg of pop. and why? why, why ul someone beat to death a little fawn? a little baby deerin the flowers. wait unt you hear the senior citizen,less her hheart wa till you hear her rationonal.
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announcer: wantnt aouour-ar hohol l at two-star price? go to hotwirircocom. when f fouststarotels veve uold rooms, they u u h hotre to fill l th.... so you get the l lesest ices on fouour-ararotels, guaranteed.
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>welcome back. it's a big pusustoto overall health care ffor the e prees hugend theiice presidentnnounced totoda h's getting hospitals s sn on.. theyeye e th latest groupsto help fall that trtrilonon d dla gap in covering the ununinrered. >> ass part of this agreement, spitals are committingng contributing $155 bibillnn in didica and medicaidid savings over the ten yearsrs to cocove health caree ct rerr >> leles bring inin mike viququ. mike, l me pay a skeptic herer forr momomtt because i only play one on tv. i'm n not oneneal life. sowhat. >> so what. let's reviewththe bibiininghere. we've gott the pharmaceuticical companieies board. the nursesn board. the service employees internatatiol l union. now, we've got t the hospitalss board. thququeson is at's in it for
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allhese o orninitions which would seseemglglby on the wngng dede, e other side of his. ininhehe ce of hospitals of course,,hehey eburdened wiith mamapeople whogogo to the hospital ass their fstst and lat resort for medicalcarr placing undueururde on medicare, medicaidid. the coststs ve to be bsbsbed. ifif ereryby'sinsured, thehen they won't he to. if youooook at the fine print, t only do these organinitition want to be at t thtatae while ththiss s beg formlatated and believe me, there's a l of the back and forth goioi on. th t tng is really, really gettttin bogged d do in somom tatas,momost involved how it's paid r. but thesee organizations wntnt be a at theheable to strr thisn a way t thass befeficl for them. ifif t th didn't think ts s s gogoin to happen and we have
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everybody from the preresintnt, vice presidede a andemocratic leleads saying th is, if ty didn't, they wouldn't bet the table.e. so they'rere tininto steer it in theieir directionon. >> a eempls. >> ininststigors are lookinit who was behind an attack targrgetg g lot of websites. south h koaeae websitete we a ao targeted. me believe it wasorth korea. it also hit the treasury, secret service, federal trade commission andnd t trsportation departments. kim jong-il made a rare appearance today dungng a memorial for h father. observers sid he lookked thin an limpedightly. hehe rorordly s sufrere a strok last summer. > > bi clinton is on a
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three-day tr of haiti.. clinton, th new u.n.. special envoy toiti,nsnspeing a water controro hospital. in 2008, thatt town w nelyly ststrod in a tpical storm. alifornia'sacacng a massive $26 blion bududge dedefittnd hasas w wtten 12,00 more ious. the mostst dramatitictete a s s hahasakakhihis arar to cfrfron bubudg short fafas. the reason, therere'aa slemate between governrnor schwarzenegg d d thdemocratic controlleded gislateture. >> x scandndal c c be carare kikiers. anxtxtrarital affair b beceses pupuicic d d th the public fifigu is outut the door. the e pocece chief in milwaukee
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has admitttted to havingngan afr with a news reporter. bobothre marrieded. hi critics wantt t the police chief crgrged with a cre. coididing that adultery is a felony in wiwiconsin. mamark harris has filed complaint -- godod to haveyou. understand you mettitith the didirict attorney. at did you say? >> wel, i basically met withth the district attorney to discuss whether r not an iveveigation ould be heldased on stememen he made that he'e' committed a lolonyn the state of wiwiscsin. > soso, do you think thatt adadulry should be fefeny? shshou it bebe a crime? >> wewe,, auauay, in the state ofwisconsin, adultery a crime. 's afelony pishable by
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0,0,00 fine. >> should it be? should adultery bebe a crime? >> i thinknk whaha to do something to protectcturur families and the institutions that we have inhhis countrtr a d maiage is a v vy crcred inststitioio >> so yourur answers yes. you thinink s shod be acrime.e. >> i thinkk mnswer is yes. >>o do you want thehe reporter this case chargediith a felolonyss well?l? have you askskedheheistrict atattoeyey tcharge her as ll? we're askining for an ininveigigion into establishing the facts andnd the matter of whetheheoror not there was a a e committeteinin t state of wiscononn n by thehe poce chie. > but thehe lalalews outlets are reporting tatat he admitted the affafair >> yeye he has.s. >> so ininhat case, if he'ss admittttin, h hss a admtiti he's c comtttting a crime. correct. >> and you w wtt t crime prosecuted. i iould like to see e crime
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l lst i invtigated to talk about whether or not a allf f e other pepeop w whore prosesetet, if thisfits the guidelinenes. >> let meme a ask yyou ishhis at a lilical gl?l? do you want ththpopoli chief out forr anothehe reasason >>itit's not about, i think it aboutt h holng ererody elsese t theaatandards we holol othehersto.. i don't think anyoyonehohod be abovove ee w and i think -- >> but don't you think -- >> w wshshou enforce itnn a fa and just matter. >> if that's'sththe case and yo wa the distriri a attney to prosececut t the felony o of adultery, isn't t the district attorney going to be vryryvery busyn your untyrosecuting adultery for a lot offpeople? >> i d d't't kw of aot of ople that are committing adulteryry tthth degree. >> we'e' showing t the picture thee rerter by the way.
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verywell-knownoonalist in thth area. >> whether or not i iould say a t of people would bebe prosecututedi i n't say because i n't know of a l l of pepeop commmmitngng adultery,utut justt like wititanany other crcrim committeteinin yr community,y,f you have a ln t the books for speedidi o or ananotothethings, thatwhen findnd people who break the law, that we prosecute them toake sure justice is stributed fair and uauay in ouour cocomumuni. >> iappreciate the t timou ve me today. by the way, we did a a the police chief tooome on with u u and the mayorand nobody got back to us. getting a l lot o respsponssn twititr r an facebooook about te laws against adulteryry. onon writes if gay marriage i wrwron then adulterer is wronon but jackwritete is this the so-called f freee country? what ifou're ununppppy or have no sex withh your partner?
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i want to hear f fomom you. reach out and tete me w y think. quick break. todadaththers a way toto se e re for retirement, th annuities from fidedeli.. turn y yousasangs inintoncncom-- guaranteed, and get a retirereme " "ycheck" fofor fefe -guaranteed. call... toto g s staed, and learn how to securure retirement i incee at won't go down -- guaranteed. llll felity at... fofor tatailabout guaranteteedncnce for life, and change the way you thihik ouout ur retirement savings.
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wonder how cheeit bakes... soso much rl cheese iin ch sll bites? ♪
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aking complete! wel, now you know. chcheeit. the big cheese. > according to new rport on spts injuries, cheerleading is the number oninjury-related sports. over the past p 26 year there were over 1100 severenjuries reported in all hi schooand college sports folwi breaking news in a short time, we'll find out more the shooting death ofteve mcnai the nashvillpoce chief is about to give press conference on this case. let's go to ron mott. what are youexpecting to hear?
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>> reporter: we're expecting that police will close this investigation into the -year-d woman. alrey, they have ruled that steve mcnir was ed. homicide. fourshots, two to the head, two to the chests, but have not ruled on the 20-year woman found dead alongside steve mcnair. most people believe it was a icide. else killed both of them.eone but we expect that this going to be classified as a suicide. they're loing at ings lik gun powder residue and ballistic testings on her body. this is a rather tragic end that this woman killed him, apparently bought the gun witn hours of that micide. >> thank we also havereaking news coming in. the man whoas convied of raping and killing a graduate udt has been sentenced to
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life in prison witho the possibility of parole. this is the case where the wom was at a bar and just disappeared and for the period of time, no one could fi her and her body was found on the side. he was the bar bouncer, again, charged and nvicted witut the pssibility of parole. a former figure skating champion is finding herself on ice. cole bow becks being accused of an involveme in a new jersey drug rink. the 31-year has been reased on bail, but faces up to ten years in ja if convicted. autrities investigating the theft of a child's body say itay be connected to a ritual. the bo was found in a plastic g the bank of a river in new jersey. the famil says the 2-ear-old died in 2007 from a pre-exis
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dical condition a high-eed chase caught o camera. the drivaking wild turns, hiing other cars and more than once, croin intooncomin traffic. it eed with a crash. nobody seriously hurand get this. michigan police say t driver was 14 years old. his passenge, 10 and 12. chdren. apparently had takenheir dad's car oufor ice creek. a senioritizen said she was defendi herself when she be to death a 25-pound fawn that crouched in h flower bed, then suffed the fawn's bo in a x and put it ut on trash y. she's a widow, in her 7s. she's bee defending her garden
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against deer for years and this time,eat it. she was arged with cruelty to an animal could facep to six months in jail. i feel outrage, but then again, she's d andooks frail. i don't know. quk break. be r right bac (annouer) roundup extendededontrol
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jennifer hudson singing michael jackson's hit song, "will yo b there." a lot o people weren't able t be tre yesterday, so now, talk of a second ceremony. yesterday's ceremony, more th three hours. the queson, do weeedmore? really?
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courtney hazlett, i know ty're talkinabout throwing another celebratio his birthy. what are you learning? >> what i've known for the past w weeks, the concerts at were going to take place in london, they want to still do that. when michael jackson died,t wasiterally on t eve of starting those real dress rehearsals, in the actual costumes. they have all these costumes, complete wardrobe, the choreography, the staging and lighting, everything set. sot's let's put miael's visi out there, b instead, we'lhave celebrit singers come in and take the place of miael and possiblyear some ofhe costumes when it's appropriate. whether it will be in london, s angeles, i'm told by smee that hasn't been set yet. so it will likely be in london because of theact thato many
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people couldn'me to l.a. and this idea thathere are a lot of jackson fans out the who couldn't be part yestday. >> and we saw the performers who were supposed to be on ste. they did a phenonalob yestery. real talented dancersand singers whowould have joined michl jackson had he lived. the question is, ishis a way for, aeg to get out of free funding money? >> i'm notso sure it's aeg try to get out of refunding money because one or two showssn't going to mak u hower, i think th marketing opportityafter, sell it on dvd, i n't want to be accused of the too soohi here, but there is a real money iss with
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the jacksons a aeg. the sooner y get these things out there and ready for the public to bu the quicker we solve some of those issues. >> thank you. most of the michl jackson memorialocused on the king of pop's successes yesterday. but there were some who talked about the scaals as well. >> though it ended way toosoon, michaes life was beautil. sure, therwere some sad t an maybe some questionable decisions on his part, but michael jackson accomplished everything he deamed of. >> every me he counted aloud, he came back in. michael never stopped. michl never stopped. michael never stopped. i want his tee chiren to know, wasn't nothing strange about your daddy.
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was sange what your ddy had deal with. >> beg judged, ridiculed, ho much pain c one take? ybe no michael, they will leave yo alone. >> i can tell u, as a member of the united stat congrs, we understan the constitution. we understan law. and we know that people a innocent until proven otherwise. that is what the constitutn stands for. >> but of crse that really applies in the urtroom, no really necessarily social and pele are free toresum guilt all thehey want. it looks ke some o her colleaes are doing just that. here's what represeative peter king thinksbo michael jackson. >> this y was a pervert, a child molester and to be giving
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him this much covera, nobody wantso stand up anday we don't need michael jackson. >> mik viqueira joins me now we played two sound bites. looks like there a a handful of lawmakers that are taking sides on whether or not officially, to honor michael jackson. whatre you learning >> reporter:aking sides publicly, yes, those are the two. and reports that peter king has had dth thres. sheila jackson lee has a resotion that goes on for several phrases inhe wre as clause. i resolvedhat he was a great
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humanitarian and so forth, tha is an illustration of wh you're talking about. the house of representatives n pick it up on a tuesday aough it's relatively controversial. it would be viewed as too much of a distraction. >> other celebrities haven honored congres you had gege carlin, a controversia comedian. paul newman. and yet, these are nothe only two taking sides. a democratic of kentucky walked out of a mome of sence that was ld on the house r. told an l.a. radio host that he was nauseated bit. th you have lis saying it's evil. so there areeople who it looks like are for or against. >> anytime you havesomebody like micel jackson, i think you're going to find as a reflection o that, peopleare
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going to want to get involved. so representativelee, genally recogned for having a talent for tting herself in the middle of tse -- she is soe who has a talent for speaking at high profile events. both here and -- >> she knows how tograb th spotlight. >> but aga, you talked abt that moment of silencen the day we learned michael jackson had ssed. somehought it was inappropate. one congressm said i think we should have a moment of silen for everybody'swho's lost their job. obviously,here are mid feelings. michael jackson came up here in themiddle of his controversial period where he had be accused and at fst, there were members he met withth didn'tant to be seen wh him in public, then they had a big press cference in theiddle of theha.
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