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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  July 8, 2009 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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6:30 in the rning. he had n heard anythingnd he was not therell night. >> reporte did chef any hiory of vience? >> not that wenow of. she was a young girl, ju we don't knowanything abouter history except for alady been rerted, that she med here from florida. >> reporter: what was the caliber? >> nine milliter. >> is $100 low for anine millimet? >> it was an off-brand, you know,e -- we certainly have reason to believe was willing to sell i and s wanted to buy it and they made a deal. >> reporter: doi did he have knowledgof her plans? >> weon't think so. on friday night when she went to work, she told the co-worker on friday nightth she was thinking aut end itting, paraphrasing the quote i have. so ese last several da of her life, it was obvus she was
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stti to make se very poor decisio decisions. >> reporter: -- to her state mind? i don't think so. >> reporter: was she actually involved with this otheroman thatshe expected him tbe involved in? >> we know she suspected it. we don kow anything me than that, but it was dinitel something shsuspected. the two wen had no confrontation or conct. >> i want to make sure'm clear of the timeline. did she purchase t weapon ter she afcted he w having another relationship. >> she purchased thepon on the uray evening. she was arrestefor dui in the early a.m. hours of thursday. we do think that she had suspicions of another woman before thrsday. reporter: [ inaudible ] >> not that i'm aware of. again, there a lot speculations that's t come up our investigation. >> rorter:he person she
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bought the gun from, are they under any chars? >> i think that e bureau of alcohol, tobac and firear, ecial agent in charge cavaugh, did an interview any question being that to him. >> reporter: did she ever -- you' talking breakingews out of nashville, where the police chief is confirming what many have suspected that ex-nfl st steve mcnair and his 20-year-old glfriend died as result of a murder/suicide, some tails pretty gruesome coming from the chief regardless the fact heelieves mcnair w kill while sleeping on t sofa, two bulletsent intois head, his temple, and two in his body. let's go to ron mott, who's been following this story. ron, the details obviously this man as four children and a wife, who now is being told what happened tre >> yeah, hi there, tamro the two kids are the obvious victims.
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we don't know much about the relationship that steve mcnair had with his wif there wereeports that they were getting a vorce. friendof his say there were untrue rumors. their house was up for se, but they were planning to move to another location in sille, t this is gesome stf. we anticated this was going t be the results of this case action that is was infact a rder/suicide, but to hear how this was carried out sends a chl down your sne. >> but in the end, this is what police believe happened. the yog man that cd 911 waited 44 mites to do so, but don't expect any oer details hey to com out regarding him. light, ron? >> right. in fact, he calle a friend first. obviously as you can imagine ere's some shock th goes on with the human bdy when you encounter some stress like that. he called a friend whohen caed 911, so they have cleared m. one of the tngs that's intereing here, is steve mcnair had his ne on the title
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to that cadillac escade, as did this you woman. and so he was carrying onhat seem to be a very public lationship with her, but, y, is is a terrible end tothis. >> financial stress d possibility involvement with another woman may have h pushed this 20-year-old over t edge. ron, thank you very much. >> okay. mr, me of the world's mo powerful leaders have been meeting all day long, and t big picture today, presint obama ining the g-summit in l'aquila, lil. silvio berlconi has had embarrassing headlines. meanwhil manytalians are displaced by that region's rthquake. and demonstrators greeted president oba with the mssage "yes we can'." the world leaders will be
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fod on two bi agenda items, an and the economic crisis joining us with more from ro, ity, savannah guthrie. there's a major heaine ming out of the-8 summit today, at would it be? >> reporter: well, i think we're abt to hear it. that is a declaration om these rld leaders on iran, but what we won't hear is anything about new or tough sanctions. they're going to get together tonight. they're working as we spk, and they'll issue a geolitical dearatio as they call it that's correct wl cover iran, but we haven't seen the language yet. e can report tere is notoing to be an kind of new saction. this is reflective of t tough consens they have to find amonthese lears. you ow, thepresident was obviouy these last few da with russia meeting with russian leads, and while administrationfficials say privately th do el that russia's cominglong and seeing
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iran and seeing the potential threat of a nuclear iran, more in the way that the u. es, ey're not seeing eye to e complete. russia is a traditional all of iran, has business ties with iranso clearly it is not ready. in ct, the rusan president medvedev has said as mu, so in e end not a huge surprise we wot see that coming out the g-8 night. >> savannah, thank for the update. david, the bier picture as world laders sp over the need for morelobal economic stimulus, predent obama fces econic battles the home ont. bush 41 headed off to rome for a nato summit and got spooled for itt home. the dnc circulad this t-shirt. with the enomy still headed south this199 bsh lost the election and now continuing high unemoyment numbers and talk
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that a stimulus may be needed to sa"we told you so." >> we tried to explain to the presidt that growing government was't going to get america back to work ain and by allowing small businesses and americ families to keep more of what they earn, they're the real engine of economic owth in americ >> the only thing the stimulus plan has stimulatedsore vernment and more debt. and hse republicans are determined to kin to advance policies tha will get this economy moving. >> and the white house always said that job numbersould be the st thing to improve, but will the ony becomen image problem for the obama administration, jining es is he washington post" editorial write jon that are geardt. is it a problem for the presiden he's i europe and now you have these proble. it's n as ifhey developed in the last week, but they are big problemseating up. >> yes. it's a p.r. prblem, and it's never goeing overseas whe something home goes wn, but
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this is somethg i'm surprised. during t ba over thefirst stimulus package there were a lot of economis saying flat-out, $780 bilon isn't enough we should be looking at a trilli illion, 1.2, 1.4. so there was always someing lurking that a second stimulu might be nessary. the problem that the docrats will faceand the presiden is going to face they do think the need a second stimulus, the problem is mst of the money that was alcated in february hn't been spen y. >> some of the numbers ihink estimate only 10%, but beyond that, you ve dmocrats seemingly struggling over whether they think we need a second stilus. senato clair mcaskill saying it's a nonstarte but politico runs down the list
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of democrats ping-pongi. >> they're facing a problem. the midterm elections are next year. i don't k about senars whitehouse or mccaskill, but i'm re many wo are running next year might be running scared, they'll be up for reelection with an economy that's still in the toilet and with an unemployment rate that might be in thuble digi. so thas what i thinks ginning up a lot of this. again, as you chiron this stimulus, it's a pr probm. >> the dnc h put together, related republican leader bain boehn boehner, here's what t dnc is running. watch. >> annouer: this weekend john boehner said this about the economic recovery act passedy congress. >> in ohio, the infrastruure dollars thatre sent ere mont ago, there hn't been
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coract let. >> announcer: bus hi own stats newspaper founthat boner was flat wrong. johnhner from the par of no to the party of no fas. >> nathan, is that that effective? is that theright message fo democrats to have when they're getting pressure on the economy? >> sure. it's sort of beating back this drumbeat from the republicans who have been against this from the very ginning and, you know, having that a particularly in ohio, is probably effective,given the pollth just cameout, showing that of all the states wher the president's appral rating still very high, t ohio, the swingingest of swing states, his apoval rate has fallen. he was at 62%, and now isdown to49%, so i think th also might have democrats a little spooked about at's going onin term of how people view the president and how he's handling the economynd the impact of the stimulus package.
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>>jonathancapeheart, thank you asalways. i suppose if there's one sver ng, whenever aemocrat gets out the-- >> and vi president biden will be in his home state. david,t's interesting, bause the polls show that americans really aren't sold on a second stimulus i'm intrigued on how the white house will handle th, in that it apprs that it my be a prt of the future. >> yeh, and's not an easy political thing to do, to tryto k people to be patient, b we'll e. any case, theysry surrounding michael jackson's death are far from all. the pop icon's cau of death wa"deferred" on his death certificate. th're performing tes on his brain, which they will return t the family when th're through. it's not cle if his body is buried y or where.
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yesterday's memori could cost the ci of los angele up to $4 million in time for poli officers an others who were involved g live, who has owned the staples enter, has not committed an money to hp cothe ci's tab. still ahead this hou governor sar palin's final 18 days as gornor of alaska. >> what's her next mo andhy did her resignation spech actually help her ang republicans? so of. >> an explosive rort, how government invesgatoring were able to smuggle exploses into deral buildings cross the country. >>but, first, former governo and dnchairm howardean will be here. we'll ask him if the democra ha the right pescription for health care re orif it' all just bad medicine. you're watchinmsnbc. ( nvsation ) gah, y're up. olon, i'm at capiloloneom picking a photo..
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welcome back. is now crunch time, and a huge politicalighthat will fect nearly everyingle americanhealth care reform. >> and in a sign of how delicate the negotiations are right now for the obama whithouse the all street journal" repted is week that ite house chief of staff rahm emanuel said the administration w not committed to a public optio the progressive backlash was harsh, so harsh fa thewhite house took the unusual step yestery of issuing a statement clarifying the public optn is president obama's prity. todat the whitehouse, vice present biden announced a deal with some of the nation's larges hostals that wi save $155 blion in heah care
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costover ten years. the money is to be used to help pay fo the7illion uninsured amicans out there. >> reform is coming. it is ontrack, it coming. weave trie for decades, ckndicates to fix broken system and we have never in my entireenure inpublic life been this close. and theey negotiators in congress, like democratic senatorsed kennedy, max baucus as well, beg to put their cards on the table. a crucial question i how far wi they goto try and acmmodate the moderates? theyre backe by lobbyists spending milons every day to try to waterown reform. joining is former dnc chair, vermont goveor and health care crew kayer dr. howd dean. 's alsothe auor of a new book. thks, governor, for joing us. >> thanks for having meon.
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why is there a perception that y are almost taking a roer stand on what needs to be done regardingealth care reform, particularly wit the public option? >> think the president was t one that proposed the public option in the firstplace, and it makes sense. this is not anssue about consvatives moderates and liberals this is abt what works and at doesn't. 72%f the ameripeople think we ought to have a public option. so th is just common sen. what you see in washington is e incredible influence of the heth insurance lobby, because you basally have choice. this is a vot between whether you vote for the american peopl or the insuran lby. >> what do you make of rahm emanuel implng at least that the admintration was not completely committed to a publ option andhere have been ports prior to that that the obama admistration was willing to mpromise, at least somewhere there >> i not going to dissect wat
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goes on in the white house, i can't answer that, and wh knows what the reports actuallyeard or wrote. i just wasn't there, s i can't comment on tht. >> re. >> but i think this is the president's proposal. the president gets it, it a trillion dollar propal and i think the senate has done a great job to white back the cost, t thisoes not work unless you give the amerin people a choice. the real battles as you said before is not between conservatives, moderates and liberals. it between theeah insurance dustry and the american people andnow we'll see wher congress comesdown. >> governor dean, some of your exceptionally nervou about with e obama negotiating position that maybe a public option is not necessari a top priority, are you cnced, as yousay, that it makes common sense that a public option is th only way to fix ths. are yoabsolutelyonvinc that president obama and pple arouim are just as committed tohat as you and your suorters are? >> i'm absolutely convinced that
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president obama, he's an incredibly bright guy >> whatbout rahm emanue >> i don't ow. i've been in this game long enough to know th the pre exoits things in ways tat people dn't mean to say it. who knows, i wasn't in that press conferee -- >> rahm emanu is out there giving quotes to these "wall street journal," they've got to pull it back. at means the key negotiate ore s a differentview? does that make you nervous? >> that's not necessarily true. there were also reports tt the chief of aff went before the demoic caucus and said ty were totally committed. what cous is the votes. we'r going to e these bills comeutnd mark up, and then vote fairly soon. en we'll know whher people were on the inrance mpanies' sider the people's side. >> a headlinen tuffington potts is from an square"
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magazine. that now, please don't tell me this is is a lie or the media took this t of t context. >> no, abtely said it. >> how does that apply tothe health care reform and getting democrats to the 60 as we've seen republics behgeorge bus when he wanted -- >> you can't accuse the republicans of want much in the waof innovative ange. barack obama is an innovator. this is what i discovered when i came dnc chair, thiis a town where an awful lot of people lieve if you kep doing the samething, you may get a erent result. this is a very conservate town, with a sll town. we have a change predent who ran on chan, the american people believedthey would get chge. this is a battle between washgton and president obama, ll the president get the kind chang we have ave? you have tha real reform. you cannot tinker an the edges in health care.
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we've been doing it for 60 yes, and i don't think we ought to simp a try y of our grandchildren's money into health care unless we're going get real chan. >>overno ean, we hope we'll be able to tk to you more often. >> thank you very much. so david interesting, washington is acult. you live in that town. >> yeah, well, he's rightn a way, but it's so interesting to ar howd dean, he's more patient and cool abt the negotiations that are going on than a lot of the suppoers, but this is it. the next week and half, this goes high-stakes negiaon stuff, andou've got some very, very nervous people, a lot more nervous than governor dean. >>nd he wouldn't sa it, david, but his language has, it ems been stronger regarding public opton than what we've been hearing fom the wite hoe. >> you're right. potential bad news for governor bgojevich. he alrea faces trial o
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couption charges, you know that, bu yes, there' something that could make tngs worse for him. plus restaant owner fights to keep s survhs mannequin. i can tell u from waist up, this mannequin is anatomically correct.. to stay on top of my game after 50, i itched to a complete muamin with more. only one a day men's + vantage... has gingko for memory and concentration. plusupupportor heart health. that's's greatall. one a day n'n's. clcludg who i trust to l looafafr my money. ♪ (w(wom)) the dust mighthte e seling... that's great,t,utut i not. ♪
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>>there are a lot of things that could be csidered newsn this rld. >> buthere are only a few things that mke us say "no way scm". >> we've got tdo that in other lauages. took to thetreets in spai for the running of the bulls. four pple were slightly injured, incding one spaniard o was poked in the back side by a charging bull. go, bulls! it lasted just 2 :35 today, and
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no one was seriously hurt, whh is too bad. >> davi >>'m always rooting forhe bulls. >> somehow i got the short straw, is that e cliche? abusty mannequin will remain a fixture oside an oo restaurants despite complains, virginhave vaom. nney says thecantilyessed mannequin is a secret recipe for his success. he appealed the decision and he n. he says business is up, david, 40% since he put that mannequin on display. i love her name. it is barby. >> i wonder what he's doingwith
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barbie-q. >> won'tire an attorney to defend you. hee' -- >> why d i have to read this? british sciensts say they have created human sperm om stem cells. the new finding could answer questions abou male infertility and how netic diseases are passed on. that's the legimate part of the ory. doeshis mean thaten are useles well, not exactly yet. thsperm created are not idtical to normal s and are not mature engh to fertilize an g. >> in other words, they ha more work t do i getting the artificial spm. >> in conclusion, the stork is ere itll happens, where the magic happens. wee ing to be on youtube, david, the la time we talked about cucumber. >> we need to get off this stor still head, can lawmakers criticize the -- w will talk to one of the president obama's
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fiercest critics in the republicanparty. >> but firstxplosives smuggle into federal buildingsacross the couny. how could this be hapening? 're going to dig deepernto thistory. you're watchg msnbc. ving the right tools is crucial to being able to mage your diabetes properly. it's very important for me to uh eck my blood sugar bere i go on stage. being onn i'm feeling low can be like a rollercoter. itoes atimes feel like my body is telling me to do one thing... and, mmind, my heart is telling mto do something els naging my highs and lows is supeimportant. with my contour meter i can persalize my high/lo settings so it really does micromanage where my ood sugar needs to be. i'm nick jonas and never slowing down is my simple win.
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>>i'm mike huckmanith your cncn wrap-up. they like whenhe bulls un, bubut looks like m mos are in spspai b becse stocks ended mixed onwawalltreet today. the dow picked up nearly 1 15 points, thth s&p fellonon oioint e nasdaq a aded one point. oil icic mbmble foror a sixth straight daday, refefleig growing doubts of an ecomic recovery. oioi priceselell nearly $3. the rececessnn lininrsrs, coconsererare cutting bkkn the borrowing in may for a fofothth strtrait t moh. the fededell reserve sss consumer credit fell at a an annual rate of 44.1
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and mhaha jackson's star contntuiuingo shine on bibiboboars charts arly twowo weeks after his death. some 8080000 copies of his album sold in the u.s. l la we, an increase of n neay 90%rom the previous week. elelsesoundscan says t the kg ofofopop now domininathe entntee top ten roteter. th's it from bcbc, firstn businenesswwldwide. nonow ckck tmsnbc. welcome back,everyone. i' tamron hall live in n yoyork >> and i'm david shustst l liv n wawashgtgton the bigg picture, jojo security flflsst the nation's federal buildings. the govevernntnt accountabiliti office has released hidden cacara video t tha shows h investigigats s we ableonene bombs andeetotors past bombs and walkhrough theuuding undetetect.. senator jojoeieberman saysys th flaws and the la offraining fofor guards isunacceptable. .
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>> in one ca,, an inatatteiviv guard allowed a a baby too paas through an x-raramachine coconvororelt. ththatuauardas fifir, but he ultimately nn a lawsuit against the fereralrotective service agagen,, b beuse thehegency codn't document thate hadd ceceiv the required training.g. >> and now to theiier pictuture on tthihis,though, h in a st-9/11 world couldomomhing kekehis happen? pete williams s joss witit mo pete, we arard senatorlieberman talked about this baby being passssedhrhrou, shockckgg details, b but what's goioi w w here? >>t't's l about t training higuguar etet, the ferret protective serviceces ntntct employees. ththe o says they'reupuppod to receive at leaststigight hours traininingn n ho to use the screening devicices andow to read them, but fouou i one region off t the countryry it checked -- what you'u're loooon atat n is v vid ofwhwhat the explosose e foe would have been had they assemblele t
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components they carrrrie into te deral buuilngngs i iththis latet effofort they say i ione part of the country, n nee of the guarar t a they cecked had reived this training at ll a magnet o o terse at least since 224. sot's thes keepipinghem up to da. what thehe d did is g g to fme facilities acacrss the c cotrtr thatatrere a about the highest level andndave at least 400 or doiois. ininthose, they say t thewewe lele t carry throroh h pt the scening points these mponents they could hahave assembled inin aororng bbom components that they told congress today should d ha b bn picked u upnn the mamagnomomets t theemployees of contract emoyees were reading the scannersrs cocorrtltl >> a and pete,eal quick, ho dodo - yoyolalaidut the problem, trning. if t tt t ishe case,how do they fixit? train better? >> that is the answer, too. the equipmenent onlyoioing to s so good any givenentime.
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if you're not reading it right you're not getettiut of the way it's sposed towork. so better training b betr screening of t theemployoys.s. >> sounds simplele eugug thank you u ve m muc pete. >> taonondeveloping right nonow, anide toovovnor agagojich has pleaded ilily. hnhn harris admittededhe repeatedly talklked with blblagevich how the forormerr governor could me some m mon off hihis power to nme a successor r the senate. hihist sayse do expect when blblagevich g gs on trial,ee client w wiltestify. and it t ime for a face-off. e question is, david, w wthther governrn sarah h panns diggigin the e lele tt some sa she started toto dig eveneeper for herself,or couldd sh d digout and, i guess ascend above e clouou a andbove the party? the oppoposiof digging a olole. >> it m be ssible.
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uu n ner know. she's tryryin t to arify her reasons for regngng from office. >> oh, i knenew wawa't going to n n again, soo'm'm gogoin t be honest andayne term is ough. >> repororte y y haven't finishededhehe job. >> you're not listening t t me o why i c codn't finish the jojob withououitit costingthth state millllnsns ofololrs and coununtls s urs of waaeded time. we have true, worthy blbl uses. > ttt year would n start if she stayed in ofice until jajaary. the momost expensive ethics investigatioioofof her t tin office, ooop-gate. atat w an investigation that palin herself reququesd,d, h she had trououbl g getng back to work? watch this exchanan with nb's's andrea mitchell. >>eporter: somesaying you saw the bright liligh, and caa back anititas hard t reredjdjusto th nitty-gritty work. > yean l lik the fish slime
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d the dirt uerer t the fingernanailhahat' me?e? >> reporter: juno, the state capitol, the hardrdegegistive slslge. >> nono, i i'm a thrivee figige thrive on challenge. >> rnchahair chael ststee said 2012 was offhehe tle for palin bere iuing a statement le yeststery y ying it was up t palin.n. there'sno backtrackingng,at least not yesterday fromomoo ehner. he s ss,s, qte -- st last ghght, palinot another drubbbbin from davidid leleerman. >> the category totoghght, top n memesses on sarah palin's swswing machine.
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well, there e u u go >> the key q queion , who is suffering more inn alal of this? sarah palin or aiittly divided republican rtrt rere face offrere davivid goodfrfrie a and chris wilsonon. chs,s, f palinoo talklk about this again andd keep t tssgoing again, tt c cnnnnot be good forr the p, can it? > don't think it h a efct on the gop,ut ifyoyou want to talklk abt alsoay the americicaneoeoe arerespononngng gagaup had new numbers outhat thth rpopond pretty well. 70 say they wooul somewhat coconser voting for h her f
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popotition -- b b less be careful. mo said it woulul have no imct, but rere peopople saidit made them l ls favorable,, 17o 9%.. soso it diddost her,ven tugug momo d don care. > two peoplehihink s should stay a plilic gure, but interestining, thought, is tha momo than halflf, so theyy lt keke she had be uuaiairl trteteby the media, s s think all thihis memetogether. u'u'veot tohihink through,h, shououlde e ta herer at her wor? i thihi it's worth prabably takiki her at her word, s she wants to b b h f famy out from unundeeath the scrutiny, regrgru a bit,t, and we wantto talk ouou 201212ththiss not an inexpensive prococes she doesn't c com f fro money. shee hn'n'made alolot of money and this gives her thth oppoportititit grgrou pay o her legagal feesndnd engage w wi ththe public, cause us toemememr y y we ked her so much durinin th p psidential caaign, which the case.
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>> i think a lo ofeoeopl did not likeheher during the caaiai, but let'sget to thth popot. if she was concerned aout running up the coststndnd h state haavi to pay forrer travel while in office, whwh didn't't she resign after t the presidential campaign w wenen s was making trips t t everywheree el. . >> i believe y y'r're asking meo explain governor palin's's actions, and i nnnnt. whwhatigight seem as irrational may be pfectlyatatnal if we know what't's ing onbehind the scenes. mea colleague luded to the fact she doesn't h hav a lot o money, andndss probably feelilia lot of pressure in that pament. we'r'rnonotalking about t big elephant in the room, the elephant r repsesentg the reblican party, and t thas mamark sanfnforpeperhs the luieie man alaliv ift were notfofo the rah palin stororyhaha absosolulyly bigfooted the scandal around hihim,ee would stillllbe talalk
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about that governor. and i just h hve to say ththis m m private pctice, ieal thth aot with alaska native corporations. they're good folks andnd the's lolots good causes. i hopehihiwill beetettenews for the people ofalaska, tat theyeyananave a focus o on thei isissu. >> chrisisdadavi and idon't have a praaicice, b we do practice tv. you sasa y you don't think it matters to the gop or impacts the gop, b b y youe got steele mmenting on heher, b bhnhner mmmmting on heher, then you tss in the republican vovote o o there. shshe es affect the gogo e is yourur leader ght now i i we go by smemef the popular popos from repupuicican >> there arere teeee people out frt, rrneney, huckabee, andnd palin. > bthe p pling showswshe adads ose o. i can imimage e yo can s s there'e's trifecta, but let's o to the t of the triangle. she's yoleader, s so --let's
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go back to t the gop. >> i think i's difficult too say e'e'she leader. >> by popoining. >> as w come out andd able reintroduce herselfoo american people, the facact o oe he ininedhe ticket wasas t only time that john m mccnn leded bak obama, sohehe did ha a positive impact, actctuayy coeted barack obama's odod f st of the course of the campaign.. once she's able to rengnge, she may well becocome the leader. >>hehe does not have the financial position. >> what about theddea that the rerepuicics are supposesed ststanfofo conservatives alals? yoyou arart job, you finish it. you w wk on self-f-reanan, and not t cacaus mebody gives y y somethining. she was given that by john caca and asking people t give her that again based 2 1/2 years in office? i don't think sarah palinss asng for anythingng as i i lteteto yourcommentary, it's difficultltto undersrsndndy
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51% of people fefeel she's bee eaeateunfairly byby thee memedi ee h a chance to get out f fr undederr t scrutiny ann be able e en a lingng, pay o off legal bills and cmpaign full timee wiouout havingo worry a abo a paycheck. >> we're almost out of te,e,ut you talkbout her beingg mistreated by the media. when h hiarary inton talked abt it, iwas sarar p pal who id stop the whwhing.g. when is s shoing to stop thth whining? >> i'm quoting gallulupp mbers, nonoter comments. i said pelele. butt sarahah pininays itit, too atathe feelssshe's been streated. >>'m'm talking abobo -- ave een too t tou on sasarapalin? well, y y can't help buteeeel a little sorry f forerer on the o oth h hd, if you become a vice p psisideial candidate,, if you can't't sndndhe heat, you betttteretet out of thekitchen. >> david gooooririen chris wilsls, , we said. tamrmr, , i' said it bbefe,e, ad
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i'll say it again,hehel never recover from thth.. she hasas no future. > d don know that th answer to that isabsolute, but you're smart and w wis man,, b but t th media part annoyoy me,bebeuse thinink e'e's tough woman and can handle it. don't think it serves h her justicee toto me e r a damsel i distress, wn she's a pitbulll with lipstickck. she can haalele it. sometimes the truth is toh.h. mamaybsometimes peopledodot likeke hriring it, butut the tr n n beough. >pp next, t tis is a t tou one. thee stimulus debate. . >> was it too big t the nonot g enough should therebe a second stimulus? yore watching msnbc. uick release crystals. it's rdy to dissolve faster than caplets or tablets. it's a wle new way from yer to dissolve pain fast. ewayer quick reeaeaserystals.
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have a heart to hear with your doctor.... about your r rk.k. and about lipitotor.
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>>thth $787ililon still his bi only five months old, but 's'srereatg a hadadhe for white house.e. while the housuse oversight committee held hearings,s,op gop leaders ripped theehihiteouse clmiming that theyey mrere the econonom ngressman, as far as misreading t theeconomy, i't't t true that e eerybody misrsre ii that it was eveven wse atat the enofresident bush's term than anyonone thought? >> certainly no one misread tht the stimimul was about maintaining jojo a at e federal and state lel anan new programs rather thanan in f fac make sur ivate jobs got createded..
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remember t thattvery democrat voted for iit, e eerybody publican voted againin it,itit says a lot ababtt how r apart we were and h h much we were shut out of the pprossss totoda governor rendell made it very clearhahat h he would have prefererrejobs, jobs, j job cong from infrastrtrucrere projects, roads,, highways, idges. > b t thahappened inour ststri, congressman.n. let's talk about eerorocts in screw districtct. 1.1. for --$73,000 forr ededucioion, still undied aouo r water and envnvononmeal projecects jobs were crereeded inouou diststri -- >> no. even the ainistration's own people didn'n't aiaim they cread jo. they're e yiyinghey saved jobs. at they did, i inead insisting ththe atate california put a airing freezez anand a pay raise feze on state emoyees, instead eseseially ininany casesthth transfsfer o federaraororwed dollarsenent , for example, i my state, teachersrs w got a p raiai.. they got a cost of livingng
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increase. ththatasasne of the questionsnse keked e governors a the gao. when you g giv a pay raisese o f stimulus ononeyis that creating m mntaining a j or simpmply lolow siness as ussuayy t governme gornment. >> conongrsmsm, if you i get atataxut there's n n g guantnte wee going to spend i i the united states. we could put it i i our mattres pend it in xxic the'e'no guarantee. >>david, y yorere not talking t ery reubublin. yoyorere talkiking t toonone wh at should have beeeen about shshinforward infrastructure, d there should b bydetailedaxax credits, you d dn't get the crits unless you do something at creates jj. . >> that's areat point, but congressman, you andnd me of yourur colleagues were claiming that it needed to bee shovel-ready projecects that you just couldn't spenendhe moy,y, becaususththen you cocoul't't t thmoney, which isis setetng
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yorere cplaining about oday. ou want them to o olyly be shshov-ready, they've got as much in thehe stimulusus bill, didn't they? >> the shovel-readydywashehe democratic side insisist -- and objected to iit, becauseyyoror of engineeeers projects, s se them goioing backoo 1969 did n ququaly for shovel-readady. imine prorojes s at have taken that manydecacade they need ndndg and w wer shut out because she e di't't qualify as ovoveleahy, even though the cos of engineers is s scrblblg toryry to keep people from floodidingn my district by ooood-ntrol projectct that hadn't gotten done. so i'm all for the infrastructurere. it was barar of whhathohoul veve bn if therere,if there'e'sa ird, and i i repeat thirdd stimulus, i i dot t wa it toe aboutheheks ashe bush administstraonondid, becausese t rned out to bebe wrong. i don't want it to be about mamainining government jojos.s. i want it to be consistent tht governor rendell, a prominent decrat, who sa only 3%3% went
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to highghwa and bbrieses >> ngressman, we've got t wrap it up.. wawa a pleasure having you on. aa terrific advdvoceeorour cause. >hanks for having me baback > up nenexome t tinings ouought you should k kno and lawrence dodoell fills in forr chris matthe on "hardbl." you'rere watchinmsnbc. only one aen's 50+ advantag has gingkooremory and d ncncenation. plus support for hrt hlth. that's a great call. one a day men's.
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i'm ptty much the same as i am in a plastic bottttle? except that youl l save like, $600 0 buckyear. but other anhat, we're prty mh the same.
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ththers s a lot going o o dada here are a few things wewe thout
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you should knknw.w. >> just how b b was the impact of the mimichaejajason memoria? even computete on capitol hill were expectaffected. the house teech manager was forced to sendan inrnrnal e-mail sayayingeveryone'ss e-ma was due tohehe hot f fl of traffic. ev maxing out thenternet connections. by the way, you'rere wononderi h many peoplple watchedthis? according to elelse over 300 million peoplewawatcd the memorial, 19 differentnetworks, and that's in themiddle of t th dayy when many of us were at work. >>tamron, t tt't' a lolot. >> mddddleff the y.y. >> a lotot of peoplee w we not woinin >> apparareny.y. all right.t. next up, tamron,emember the cute coaoatsororn by sasha and maliaa obam rnrns t they weremade by cr. now whenenouougo to the bsite, you have a messagage uining youo prprrder, quote, the famouous coats you've been waiting f. fird layy's's office sayshehe o
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not beevev the girls c cou be usedoror mmarting. j. ewewayays the girls' names are not nam on twebsite. we have tonnveigate whether those coats weere made i i america. >> ill go downstair,r, bauause there'e' a a j.rew and wll get thth answer. vice president benen is taking care ofof bsiness atthom. let't' get to our next read d politics. >> markk murray, deputy p policl director r nbc news, what d you haveve >> as y you mementned, presiden obamwiwi spend s secd straight day at the g-8-8 meet ity. also tomorrow,icice esident joe biden,in saratoga county, anthe s smumulus that's beenn criticized by y pupublans and someme in e e dia. finallllyooking aad to 2010, republicans got very good n ne whwh they gottheir t top senate
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pick candidada in t t noilness mark rkrk a congressmannrom atat state, and got very good news whenstate attornrneyenener lisa m m ganan decided notot to rurun, s republicans haave a pretty good sh f that senate at once ld by barack obama. >> it's be a vryry b bsysyweek alreadady,ndnd there's been concern that t the timingis so bad for thehe presidentt bause f ththhohot topicscs are heere at right w.w. >> that's s rit,t, tron. 've seen some tough headliness reremarkheheconomic stimulus, also t the health c car detete, while president obabama i ousands of milesesway andnd overseas. however, this is j just the joba president, wheree u a actlly hahave to contenddii tough dostst news an tough ternational news as well. >> mk,k, thanks always.s. makeke see you checkck it out, often. tamron, you u arnonow ree to do some investigative opoppi. >> i'm


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