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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  July 9, 2009 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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good morning, everyone. welcome to a brand-new hour of nb live. i'm carlos watson. right now on amst nlear situations, a fresh allegation
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a lied repeatedly. we'll ta about that with one of the most ardent itics. me democrats about tgo toe to toe with psident obama, that's right over not being aggressive enough onheth care. we'll talk t two leading democrats that may walk, that's right, leave the presint if he doesn't ante up. the investigation or what killed michael jackson may enter af you nays. the question of h kids, estate and ds allremain unanswered. rhodes scholar turned naa president as he gets rey for a histor ncp summit. we have allthat and a whole lot more. cnbc's burnett, congresswoman, savannah gutie, a whole lot more. you're going to love tis hour. first, as always, we fast rward to the top stories of day, three in particular. new reports right now that police are using teargas and firing off shots in the air to disper protests in tehran.
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meanwhile white house was brazil's help with tehran. president obama says azil's close trading ties with iran offer ique opportunities to press iran to keep nuclear activities peaceful. under new cyber attack, one government se has been affected. officials suspect north kore not just random acrs behind rece hacngs. house democrats say cia lied to congress. lawmakers claim leonanetta toldthem the agency repeatedly revealed information to coress. cia said panetta never said that and that, quote, it is not our policy or pctice of the cia to mislead congress. we're going right now to speaker of the house nancy pelo who is talking about this. let's sten intowhat she has to say about alletions that th cia repeatedlylied. you recall she was embroiled in this conversation recently. >> we'll the pe forow we go forward and ho that the senate priorities are ones that
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we can come to agreements on. m confident we can. some ofou said this about the recovery package, and then it was sa about the budt, then it was said about the energy bill. but t fact isthat we believe that a public option is, by one name oranother,s essential t the sucss of ral reform that ll work with american people and chge the system. we are committed to at. i cod only speak for the house. you know that. but i'm confident tha we ll have- let me be clear about what it will e. it will be an option called a patient option. a healthsecurity optionor whatever. but it will be whatever na,
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actuary sound, administratively sustainable. it will be level playing field that will increase competition. it is no something that is signed to outdo the private sector but to have re mpetition. the righ sector has had t field to itself up until now. the syem hasn't really worked for a large number of peoplein our country. and we believe that theublic option i a way, the president sa,o keep the private stor honest. but it has to be level aying field,ot something that is wholly subsidized by the federal governmentn any way that i dierent thanubsidiies to individuals that can be usedn the public or prate sector. so what's your take onhat i involved ithe past 24 hours? >> i kn what you know. i've seen letters om the
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members an obviously have concern. thentelligence committee has theoversig responsibility for intelligence in the house and equivalent committee inhe sete. i'm sure thell be pursuing this in their regar commiee proces >> so silence the debate over the propriet of -- [ inaudibl] >> i didn't know thereas any question about propriety. i'm proud of m work inuman rights ove the years. peoplenow where i am on the issu which we've agreed. i don't think -- this is an excuse not a reason. as i told you our succsis driving republans t distraction. any excuse wll do. the fa is there's a briefi that is a serious coern to members of the committee, they have their course of actioo al wit.
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that's that. >> minority leader boehner has taken a pledge he willot vote r health care bill that he hasn't re, a chance to read in entirety or unt it'svailable to the plic or onlinefor72 urs. we see that pledge with other members -- >>his is the pledge that has been keeping with having rd all theills 's ever voted for. i n't know what his pledge i we edge toave a fu process that ple time for legislation to be well-known to e public. every person in americais an expe on his orher health care. they are all ve curious about at will be there. >> thether day in los angeles, praising life and work of michael jackson.
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bringing tt -- [ inaudible ] >> we're into the popular culture now. michael jackson was a great, great performernd lotsf sadness tre for many reasons. what i said y colleagues over the years, certainly a leer and the speaker, there's an oortunity on the floor of the hse to express teir symphy or their paise any time that the wish. don't ink it's necessary to establish a resolution. >> why? >> i think in thisase thedea iso praise a life and work, as i assume that resolution es, then why not dothat. a resolutio would open up to contrary views that a not necessar at this time to be exessed inociation with th resolution whose purposis quite different. >> how often do you speak to
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le panetta. do you have a regular inlligence briefing. >> i don't know when i last spe to pant ar. when he called say he had been named and i offered my thusiastic support for his bemi the director was that probly the last time i spoke with m? or i h maybeone briefing from him eaier or two, i don't , but notrecentl but i do get my regar briefing but not necessarilyrom hi e direct oational intelligence dennis blair has be briefing me. >> are you in a ption to nme democrat members of the financial cris committee? if not, when? >> i will l let younow as on as we have them. >> mentioned the other day might be a need for a second stimulus. what's your -- >> i'm committed to the first stimulus.
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i don't ink it been given all e time towork. is third quarter is a big quarter fo the stimulus. i think that people will begin to see more of e results. evenr. zandy said ift falls short, there will still be 2.5 million jobs s or create we hope it will better than that the questn is always open as to what the administration may recommend to us. but right now i believe that we seeing through the fir om stimulus. i am pponent for bringing up a full transportation bill, which is a great job bill. at se point we may have to do somethg on the extension of unemploymentbenefits. bu in terms of theinvestments that were made in the first package, i wa to play that t. we have toe very carefu about the spending on this.
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and the oppportunity that the distinguished jority leader putut there. but rit now thin that we haveig issues with health care and how we fund tht. if we do go someplace, i'dike to see uso theransportation bill. >> last estion. >> will you let the final text of the health care bill before it moves to the use. there a limit to the debt yore willing toincur from that bill and if , what is the limit. >>e have to have the cbo scor that's the worlde live in. having said that cbo does not score anysavings from prevention andhe rest. as we put the bll forward, we want to know that ouroal is to lower cost, impro quali and make america healthier. so we have other validations.
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omb, acadecnd other diinguished institution who can quantify exactly how much the hundreds of billions of dollars of savingsre andme of the initiativese take. so we will respect what the score says. we will put it in e context of aarger context. some in the congrs want to direct scoring to include the benefits of revention, for exame, andarly intervention. and we haveo have that score before we go forward. that's part of what we're iting for for the p fors d cbo scoring, what the bl will cost. it doesn't - as i said, i told meers as recently as ts morning, squze out what you can out of the system. savings, savings, savings. d then we have to estabsh priorities. and that's very challenging.
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otherwise the bill is endless. so we have to containit. and it must be paid for. >> -- deal with pharmaceutical company -- we'v been watcng speaker of the house nancy pelosi answer questionmost prompt naenln heth care, the economy, cia, that the c repeatedly lied to congress, mislead them and conseemed, actions. got aspirited show ahead. i always invi a coost. i'm happy to invite richard wolf, msnbc contritor and now "new york time best selling author. fieeks it is? >> five week now. >> not b at all. if you haven't picked up a copy do so we'll talk about a variety o people you talk aut in the book. want to bring in congresswoman
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. councilwoman, very good to e you. anks for joining us. >> thanks for havi me. >> ngresswoman,his is an unusual action. what strk me most abo your letter to leon panetta, i claims n only did they mislead congress in 2002 but last month or so the cia was conaling significant tions. is that rig that is part of the critique? >> that's exacy right. to his crit, le panetta came bere the intelligence committee and talked about a program that had never been to ress since 2001 untilthe dahe came to us, which s june. we we asking him not to take responsibility for prior administtions, prior dirrs
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ofhecia, and to tke back his atement that the cia does not in policy or practice mislead or lie to the congress. >> congresswom schakowsky, is th significant enough there needs to be wholesalehange even in the nks of career officers of the a or, there needs to be major review of the cia in the ielligence community simir to what we saw in the 1970s with the church coission? >> actuall i think what we have right now with leo panta is a cia at if the congress is allowed to do its oversight and work with the director, mst of e rankan file people of the cia are doing their job. it was the leadership of the c under theast adminisation where one afr anotherthat did not inform the congress of very important information, which, of course, is classified and as well it ould be. we were objecting to the fact
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that we can't do our job in our oversight capaci as congress. let's rember we represent the entire cgress because everyone else- and the entire public in doing that oversight role. we object very much to this past history of misleading. lying directly to the congress. >> congresswoman schakowsky. i'm joined by my guest host who has a question. >> congressman, you're supposed to ha oversight over the agcy. what recrse do you have if the next cia director dides not have a good relationshipith coress. are those oversights enoh as it stands. >> it is a violation ofhe national security act not to promptlyn realtim inform the congress of the united states. one of the reasons we want t chge the policies that says cuently that just a few members can beinformed, to make sure that the enti commiee
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gets informed, and therefore we'll be able to act on the inrmatio you're right, though, it's ver hard. if the cia does adopt a practice of lying to congresthen -- that's why we feel it's very important that people tell the trut now ande held accountable for past action. >>congressman, what do you say to republicans, the reality is you have democrats, no republicans thatigned with you. this is a an effort to cover nancy pelosi's flank given critique tha hapned on whether orot the cia misled her as she claimed. >> this has absolutely nothin to do withongresswoman pelosi. the issue inlved has nothing to do th that. this is about the iegrity of our intelligence communitynd the role of the commiee. and so we're going to be discussi whether or not we need to have a full blown
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vestigion about the reporting to congress, which is the essential component here. there really is nothing to do with this partilar situation that the republicans haveade to a political issue. >> councilwoman, we he to go. but before we go, m told that like me, you're a loverf dogs. in fact, y may hve a couple of en reiers whoeep you busy. >> that's exactly right. you, too? >> me,too. only because my niece les them so much. so anyhow, from one dog lover to another, i wanted to thank yo for coming on today. >> from luc and budd fairll >> have a go one, a ni summer. >> thank you. >> we turn rht now tother issues as well having ju spoken with ngresswoman schakowsky about t cia, ether or not the cia misled. richard, i thought wha the congresswomahad to say was fairly significant. she's saying there were sere coverups, and tha even under democratic administration you saw that happen. >> what ts is bout, what she
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said was this was a new program previously undisclosed, not what nancy pelosi was talkg about. >> very interesting. we're ing to shift gears and go to aaron burnettut in sun valley where i wish i was somemes. erin, good to see you. >> good to see you, car how are you? >> good. not as good with you out with l the moguls in sun valley at are they saying about the onomy thi allen & company sun valley conference has been famous for giving birth to a t of major mergers, business moves ov the years. are they feeling as -- are they feeling pluckyer than the rest of america o much ofamerica? >> i likeur choice of words, plucky there. as you say,t's been 27 years they have had this conference. often it's referred t as a media conference. it is mch more than that you've got everne from the president
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of columa, king o jordan, ceos from coca-cola, air american express,eneral electric, major players from disney, newscorp., brry diller, all ofem are here. what i think t main them is, carlos, i'm sorry to say this, the weather ma be beautiful but the moods not. the mood is pretty cloudy i think theyre hopeful over the longer ter in the near term, the market has come soar since march. everyone is ng the economy will start to grow by the end of the year. i don't hear anyone here buying into that arument. most of them seem t say ty don't see any reasonhy the market has come so far or any reason for growth. american express tolde he doesn't see gree shoo at all. stabilization is ere. he thinks that's important to phasize but he doesn'tee any improvement. most of the people saying forget gre een, wre talking moss and mold, pretty grim in terms of the economy.
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>> last quti, whore the new hot guys? every year a different gup o hedge fundguys, venture capitalists. whis new, wasn't a major player lastyear or three yes ago. >>ebron james isre alo wi his two little children. he's got a venture so he's going to be speaking. he wants t soa in everything he's hearing fro media moguls. la bron is here. also a guyamed evan williams who appears to be getting his sea legs and meeting all these people for the first time. the reason you may not know his nameut you know what h does, twitter, the ubiquitous a incredibly popar 140 character or less communication method. doesn't rlly have renue stream bill gates from microsoft, amazon, all the usual players. one otherlayer i know you'll probably be inrested in, cory booker, mayor of newark is here. i'm going to be talking to him
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this aftnoon. he's one of the hot topics at the conference. a lot of oxford, cory bng a rhodes scolar, our nextguest, richard here an oxford gr. erin, thank u for joining us. >> okay. great to see u. >> good toee you. naacp and the obama affect. is t naacp still relevant in the era of obama. how happy, northbound, are rican-americans with the oama presidencyo far? wool talk to t naacp president in a few moments. watching "msc live i'm carlos wsoso crt t whitestrips has created a revolutionary strip that stitito your teeth h so wl yoyou can ev drink wateter th ion. necrt whitestrips advaed seal. get a dramatically whiter smile ilile you do just abouout anything.
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> lclcomback to snbc liveve." i'm carloswatn.n. neww sppululatn senate democrats arare abandoning thehe hes ofof
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creaeati a a bartisan healtlth care bill. with me live to discuss this is independent senator bebeerer tn y -- bernrn saers from rmont. good to see you. >> good t toeehere. > sator sandnder i i know you've been in suppt t a public optionutut single pair alth care pn. t t strong public optionn isn't on the table, doo youhihi you and otthe democrats w wou rather e nothing happepen is yeyear a a t tak a cncnce anand til next yea or other time? > the cuenent health carere system is disintegrating. 've got46 millioion wiouou any health iinsance, more who a a underinsured. million a amecacanshat go bankrupt every s sgle yeyea 18,000 people dieie because thty don't have accccss to a dotor. so the issuee is t tha wewepend wholole llot almostwiwice as m as any oheher country, yett our outcomes arereworse. 'v'v got to deal with that issue. myiew is that we ne mprehensive unersal cost effective e heal care. ththat what we n nee to do. i wantnt republicans to comee o
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board. t att thendnd of the daday, wit 60 people i iththe democratic ucus, what is mosos important is th weepapa real healtltcacare rereformwhwhh improves the lives of ourpeople. if republicans don't wantnt to participate, all thehey wtt to o is filibubuerer that's their problem. i i inink 've got to go ahead. > y agree with m m colleague chris matthews that ohehe democrats, somee of your colleagues are puss footing aroundnd. exactly what youou sai igight a lot of peoeopl on thehe brnk, beyond t t brink, dying, andnd they are wastingimim trying to cooperate wiwithrepublilinsns. those dedemocrssho aren't pushinin hard for a democraticc solution shoululdhehere be p pra challengngesgagain them. should yo howard s sugst as move ononrg d didin north cacarona that their wllll be primary chchaenges, nsnseqnces. >> i i don w wt to proroje politicacally totohe uture, the latest polls ha seen s sidid
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72% ofof tamericanpeople want auubl option. pepele do not trust, f g goo reason, private heeal insurance mpanies whose function is not toto pvide health care but to ma money and rip p ff the people. toto m i h hppppen to liliev a sile payer stt is the o oy wawayyoyou uld accomplish allllr gos.s. at the very y asast we need a strongngpublic oioio i wowoulhohope erery member o t democratic caucus isis p preredt susupptt whatt the overwhehelmgg majority o o americans wantanan eded. >> senator sanande,, my gues co-host, msnbc cocoriribur has a questionon >> senator, do youou thi u hahave60 votes for a a strong publblic oioio among the democrcricic ccus. if so, who are these ople? everyone thinks liebmama would fold, so w wldldnelson. how do y y k ke them on board? here is whhat you've got. you' g g two separatete ququesons. you don'n't ne60ototes tooasass legislation yoyou ne r r votes plplushehe ve president. you need 60 votesoo op a
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republican libuster. usknknow the repububcacansave been libustering, filibustering,filibustering. if you're askingng m m do think c can get 60 v vot to s say rereblicans stop filibustering let's go forwardrd with deeteted ll someff those p pplpl peeeel of andnot vote forfinal passage,e, that's quite probab. dodo believe we n and shouldld have 60 votes to say to the republicans, s stop prprevtitine amameric p pple from having heth care reform, yes, i do. >> s satator besanders, o onl 3 sesecos but i have too ask abou afanistan. ii ow you've got 1500 national guard members from veonon schehedud d to deployhehere soo as part of the 200000 increase. there are sosomehoho are now woieiethat afghanistan i is gog to a lost cause. we couldld sndnd seven to15 yeas therere dd still tt see reluluti wefefeelood about that. do y y h havany fundamenental concerns abobout president obams new didirectnnncludinghehe appointment of lieutenenan general stanlylycchrystal, the head of that effort? >> io but i i can't't explain
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in sevenseconds, i'm sryry. >> t me g ge you re. >> itt a complicated issss.. yoyou cat t it thoughghulully few sesecos. >> faiaienough. i apececte you comingng on today and look forwarard t t talngng you momo about that t t furere. >> thank yououerery much. >> senator berniee sandede,, thk yoyoso much. new r rpoport ofinfighting wiwith the jackson mimily a big mysyste s srorounng what haenen to the jackson familyly remains juststthat, a a myster. u' watching "msn live." i'm caos watson. ♪ come togetether ♪ sometimes the best w to get closer... is to geasas f away from it l l as psible. don't let erectile sfunction get in the w way. ♪ va viagra! viagra, amera'a's most prescrid d ed tatment, can help you enjoy... a morere satisfyg sexual e experienc ready to talk toour doctor? find out how ask your doctor r if yr r art is healt e eh for sex.
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dustry analysts say the success of come wiwi be whetheher eyey stch over andnd give it t a try. chrome is pected to begin running on computete l lat next yeyear for more o o thesetotopi check out ourr website, carloswatsonon@mbcbcom, or next totoic, what sould be ononhehe acp'sgegeda in ththege of obama. wewe'v g thh straightahead, exclusive c cversation with the presesenent straight ahead. yorere wching "msnbc live." i'm carlos watson. but en the moment comes..... what's going to wiwin? here's to coidence.
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gillette helps you look,fe. gillte. the best a man canet. car insurance company in theheation. bubut's not like we're kicking back, now, havin' cuppa tea. gecko vo: lots of sweatre kitoomthat big.ow, cko vo: 'course, geckos don' literally sweat... it's just not ouththing... gecko vo: ...but i d do work hard, mind you. gecko vo: first rule ard work equals success. geckck: th's why geico is consiently rad excellent or better terms of financial strtrength. "don't steal aker's gecegg salad,d rule:
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'specici if 's marked "the gecko u have questions. whwho can ve you the financiaial adviceou need? where will y find the stability and soces k keep you ahead of this rarapidly evolving world? these are tough questi t's why we brought toerwo of the most weul names in the indusy.y. introducing momorgan stataey smith barney. here to o rethink wealth management. here t tswer. your questions. morgan stanley smith barnen. a new wealth managegement firm withth over 13years of experiencnce. > welcome ck to "msnbc live." i'm carlos watsonon. next week predent obama will adaddress naacp's annual
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convenention. the first afafrican-amican esiden what should be on the agenda.. by the way, is the naacp still relevant. with me is benjealous smiling alreadady. he'she presidedent of e naacp. n, good to have yoyou here. >> t thank you. >> it a very real qution, though.. 3434th commander in chief, president of the u united stes, barackckbamaon in places lili virginia, indianana, nth carolinana. a lot of peoplee sep back and say acp hassonegreat workk for hundredsds of years but are they stillll releva. >> sure.e. >> your thoughts. >> we' in this cnnect the eam of thi country re for all milie >> yes. >> it's still harder r r b blac man wi n no criminal record t get his first j job tan a white man w wth one. people get beer now, ty reach higher butor most people the barrierss a still there. we're in this for all people.
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>f you y there's stillll a lolot of work to be done. there are a million rican-american men in prison or the pen system. >>nd one iite white e use. >> notot t r ratioyou want. >> ght. >> rerealisticay what is the naacp's role.e. is it adcacy? shou they spend thei time on capitol hihi, register vvers? what'she right role f an organinition tt's done a lot ofhings over the lastst 100 ars, including legal work. >> we want gd schools for alll rkers in this count, good jojobs. we want people to live where they are safe. so our j is to g get peoe to the e ballot box, to make surer they k know whatat to talk to t city council out, and kw whato talk to c cgress about. right now w have probably our biest opportunityn the hill to rlly p psh change for schoolols, fo jobs, and to rorm
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our psons than wve had in probably tenen years. for us, w we're not going out o business. we're very muchhnt to win right now. we've had from thelilly ledbetter bill. >> fair pay for won. >> exactl kekeeping schools in the simulu bill. anthis fall we hope to finalal get thi 100 1 disrity whicic pple get carriried for this very carry ack. blblk pple are 13% of the cracusers but almost90 of ththpeople that get lockeked up for cacaying ack, which i crazy. andd people b busted for kraerg crack get 11 timemes stiffer penaltltieshan carrying powd anand it's the same druug. we'r're in busess to go out of business b b we aren'n't there yet. richa, your thouts. >> preredent oma made times as sthor for naacp. made tripips out of washington all the national events.
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yet on thehe campapaign where w would ask hi what are you going to o do specifically to hp african-amamerican he said say, you ow, african-americanss want the same thing as white folk betterealth care, better jobs. is thatenough? shshld doomething specificalally? >> if he takeses care of at, yeyes. we're the canaries s the c coa mine. you te care of allhe mine, things get better for us, , oo. if he can fix thee schools. he can make sure the justice system is truly fairn thi couny, if he can get our country back to work agaiain, tt wille grt. wewe're alsopushing m, becausus the realility if you simly fix main street and youon't bail out t and fix back streetets, t we'll ststl he twice as mamany black peopop out of w work as w ve white people. if we'r now ivesting hundreds of billilionsf erybody's dollars s to fixing this economy, then tt dispary has to come down. >> then the majojor convention that arts for yo this weeekend and wi run througugh next eek, tell u usbout this i i the fil
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secondss here about naacp'ss celeleation. >> this is acrazy time. people want more hope b more hope brings moo frustrationon when theow keeps gogoing down and people keep getti thrown out of work. so 're goingo celebrate 100 years progressof we're going have ouour first plaque attornrn gegeral, our firstst blac gornor f fmhere and in massachusetts and our first black president. we'rgoing to celebrate allll of at. at thehe same ti we're going to talk about good jobs, g gd schohools, fixixg the justice system so it wororks f f a of us. >> i have a feelelgwe'll be seeing you the convention inn new york, talking to folks about doing that. thanks s so much foroining us today. thankyou. >> ben jealous,,reside of the naacp nvening 100th conventioio beginning satuturday a runninin through nene week. > coming up, who shld foot the billor climate change?
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that's wh thth are aing at the e g-8 suit in italy. chuck todd up next. also going to taalk a little sarah palili don't go anyway.y. you're watching "m"msnbc le." i'm cacarlos watn. the doctor diagned arthritis in my rit t kn.
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enough on this clilimateissues.. they are trying to c cmbmb aboa. the u.s. haseen doing it. presididt t oba has b been pushg it. he feels likeke hgogot somethin to bringng back to th grouppff nanaons say,hey, i' pushing thth along, my legislatative b got ithrough the house pshshing it thrhrghgh t nana. this issue of imimate shoes yo y y th-8 meeting inome ysys is lilile out of date. g-g-isn't where this s sffff i decided anymymore. it's when you hahavehihinan the omom and indndia ithe room dd brazil ithth rorom.m. it's thosese countries t tatat putttting hold right now on anytythingajaj having a b bgger dealal gngn here. >> i've been spendining time w ririchd d olffe, myguest co-hot today. wewe'vbeen t talngng a little about the sarah palin stor ththatnyny of thahacrcrossed th warrnd ededed up in the conversations you'u'reavavin on e plane or in hotels ththere? >> only i threwew it at the president t hielelf when i inrvrvwed him on tuesdsday and asd him, you know,, as a a
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popolicacal nky l li the rest of us whathe thought abouttit. he seemed bemused b by it. but smpmp w very careful tohing it,saying, looksks she's got a big follolowingmomo consnsertitiveand he takekess h her word. i can tell you, tre's a lot of white house aiaides walking arod shakakg g thr hes.s. ththeyonon'tuiteet iit. they a know she sitsutut the e a potential force of soso sort. think they think she'ss an popone they can deal wit if shshe er shoes up. bemusement is the way wato deribe itit >> thhey know best p politss ca change quickly a as richard wte inin his bookok "renegagade." ucuck, enjoy,ring us b ba someme pasta. >> t w wks after michael jackson's suddenen death, n new rereposs about thth singer'ss presescripononrug abuse. rolling stone joinins to talk about that. to take me on, hee claims i hav
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teeny tiny heart. straight ahead. i'i'carlos watson. yself a binhood of the cting world. ick clave the finest lury crossover ever. i need some zen time with this model thank you. annocer: kids who don't eat brkfast aren't getting the nutrition they need - to keep their dies strong. - ( scol bell rings ) - hey, jesca - hey, billy. announcer: a nutritious start to e day is essential.
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weome back to "msnbc live." i'm carloswatson. the investigatioion into mhael jackson'death is far from over. investators are looking into the cause of his death are concentrtrating jackson's rsonal doctorors. now, mususic journalistnd pop culture exexpert toure is annsnc contributor. kan desoto is a defense attorney and f former prosececu. i'm join again by today guest co-h-host, with richard wolflffe. toure, we've g got to get into . yesterday, y you weren happy with me. u said i hadad teeny, tininy heart asas we talked about the memori. but i ththink you sunderstood me. >> oy. we, let's set the tale. >> letet's go ahd and set the table. because you said youou didn't believe paris jacksos emototio was honest andnd real. u said it was a set, that she was acting in some way,y, t yoyou were uoved byy pis jackson. i thk, perhaps, the only peon in america -- >> now, time-out, time-out.
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i'm going to say you're on demerol,ecause that's not exactly y what i said.. now, what i meant to say and wh i did say, went b back to the tapepe, was that while yoyou certainly have t to feel for an 11-year-d and why you suld certaiainly hor the king of p, i i said a cple things. i id, one, there shoululdn't b anotheher two weeks of th kind ofof intense focus. you and i aged on that. but i sa to mee there was an inauthentiticity abo the entnti thing. not about the 11-yearar-old gl speaking. > but y did say thatatbout paris jacckson. >> no,, you misunderstood me ori miscommunicated. >> watche it agagain this mornrning -- >> a? >> youou wer a littleard lipped.. i was li, this guyho doesn't have children,n, perhaps doesn' understatand thedepth of a a chd's loss. not apprpropriate for a human being not to be moved by that moment of thisis little gir pouring out love for her dedead
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faer. whetheher or note's a pop star- > therere no two ways about it tt a couple ings arre true. one that you feel for the little girl. two that differentnt peopl griee in difrent ways and you've g got to b be honor that. >>you said you were unmoveved b paris jackson? >> i said i feltlt lke it was a show. it w was an aeg-proded show and evenent. maybe as you saidid, for the ki of p, that's appropriate.e. how else are you goingo senend out the greatetestentertainer of all te. maybe ththere's sothing to me,, cacall it old-fashioned, a a tt bit t of that turned ooff. i'll a also say something else, which you didn't fully addres yeerday. which is i in the midst of what are incrededibly difcult times, i ill do hahave a problem witht the amount of time and intensity that we've spepent on this.s. i i feel lik there's enough rea crisis, not theororeticalnot jujust peopl talking on cable news about it, but reaealeople losising the jobs, losin their homemes and making desperarate didifficult tuations that there is a partf m me that said, i
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wish we had more publilic leader saying, e conversationas got to be completete. yes, you hononorhis man, but that'sot the only thing you do for two straightht weeks. >> we've beencovering the story out cession. >> that'what's going on right now. >> america a andhe mia both can walk andnd chew g at the same time. like the president said, we can be concerned ananday attention to the recessioion and alall th ongogoing economic tsunami. and athe same time, we can grieve michael jacksonon as a coective nation and deal wi those issues. cause we really needdto deal with those issues. michchael jason has been part of our liv, a majo part of our lives fofor 40 years.s. and yoyou pull him out t of our lives quily -- >> you u know, i'mm not d disagi with u. i'm saying there needed to both andnd i said for a week ana halft wasn't both, it w was only on let me bing in karen d desoto. your thoughts o where wee are with michahael andjust as sisignificany, where the convsation should go from here? >> hey, wean talabout all of
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e investigationon surrounding these doctors. obviouously, michaejackson is not aoster boy for child actors at this point.. but a lot of -- there's going to be a lot of emphasis o over the nextonth or so o on these doctors.s. and i know that we h have hear d nauseam aut the d drugsnd obviously, eveone is goioing to be -- loves t the kid and areow banding with michael jajackson' children. anthey want to know the grgritty details. d one of those details i how advanceded was -- was he addict to drs. what wasas going on withh him?? this is all l what i going to b playing outt ov the nextt moh or so ding this ininvestigion. >> kararen desoto, hank you. toure, thanknk you. richarard olffe, thank you. we're gogoing toontinue this agaiain, yes? >>an i cheheck if you have a het? can i sesee? is there a a heartt here? there's nothining beatg, americica! >> tourure, my friend this has been a great show. i hope eryone e enjoye"msnbc live we'll be back tomorrow ll cool j, denennis kucinich.h.
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but right now dr. nancy snyderman pipicks it up fr here. what do you u have? hopefully at t least a hea. >>ou'll have to ce over herere to make sure your heart is still ticking.g. we have big nenews totoday. coming ouout of maryla, a majoj swine flu summit is going onon right now. i'll eak with twoo o of esident ama's leadingngealth officialsls about t how worried w we should about t the swe flu pandemic. >>and the l.a. medical examiner is still holdlding on michael jackson's brain. n i hold secrcrets as tthe cause ofof death it's appaching noon on the eaeast coastthe doctor is in. 'll be right back. what's in a t triscui simimple ingrients like sofoft white nter wheat gathered d getheror 22 grams of ole grain goodness. itithat makes triscuit worth every bite. triscuit. wee me wonder. a heart attack at 53. had felt fine. t tus out...
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has gingkoor memory and concncenatatio plus support for heart hltlth. at's a great call. e a day men's.
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ming up today on dr. nancy, a swinelu st of every major heth agency convenes in washington area. we're going to ask two key le


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