tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC July 9, 2009 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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> right now on "andrea tchell reports," the ecoconomy is front andnd cent at the g-8 summmmit. but while presidenent obamis in italaly at the g-8, his domesti agenda c could be falling apapa hehere at home. hihis o party is divided over the need for a seconond stimus and crucucial cmponents of his health care propoposal. >> and thee going feud btween the e speake of the hoe and the cia director boils over on the house floor.. ven members of the house intelligence committttee haveow accusethe cia ofof misading congreress for years. thcia gorously denies it. are the hous democrats justst posturg to protetect the speaker who has been hmered by republicicans fo making simimil accusationons in may?? all tis as th president threatens to veto demratic attemptso rdically change 6 60 yearof the w way the intelligence commumunity h notified congresss of covert actions. three key members joinin us thi
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hour.. congressman n rush hol congressn anna eshoo, and congressn pete ekstra. >>and also thihis hour, e eric cantor and jimclyburn. plplus, emttled new jersey governor jon cocorzine upor re-election. good day, i'm area mitchehell live in washihington. cia direrector leon panettata rertedly told the intelelligence committee thatat he oy learnede about a covertrogram the day bere he came to the hillll, two weekeks agoon j june 24. thiss the first time since 2001 that any congngressiona member leaearned of is secret prprogram. in a letterer panetta released yesterday, seven mbers of thehe committee wwrote, recently you testifiethat you have deteterminedhat topia officials hahave concealed gnificant actionons fromll meers of coness and misled members for aumber of yearss from 2001 toothis weweek. leleon panetta dedenies it. democratatic ngresswomanand
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anna eoo and john holt from nejersey are both memembers of the house intetelligen committee joining now, both signed ththat letter. than for coming to talk to us. >> good t to be with you, andr. >> firstst of all,let's be clear about ththis program. thisas a pviously undisclosed secret proam. leon panetetta learned ain't ito june 23rd came to see yll on junene 24th. it d not invololvewaterboding or intererrogati praractices. so we're n not talking about th previous isissue. we're told thihis program, thou, was in operaration since 2001. first question cacame to mimindy did it take so l long for t new cia director to leararn about himsf? >> i it's a great question, andrdrea. his own top leership didn't en brief him that thisis program existed. he came, he did the right thi, hehe informe us and sid that he had just leararned iit, as you said, the e day before. and he stopped it. ththe issuehere, clelear a centr is that th cia withheld
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pertent information to thehe congress, to all members of congngress. not evethe top leadersp was ever befed. so we call on the director to call his words of may 15th, where said, we do n mislea ththe congreress. it inot in concert,, i'm paraphrarasing, wi our laws and valu. and i ththink thathat was the right ing to do. because the wordrds simplyy can stanand ymore. heas not informed and i think that this mayay be the first ti in theountry o in reecent historory tha such a highlhly classifified progr was neever shared withor congresess was ner informed. no memr, whatsoever. >> i questio whether --- >>congressman holt, let me ask you -- let me ask you about that. at leonanetta and the cia are sayiying,hile congress was not informed, he is not
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concedinthat the cia misled congss. he's not attributinie ining any. in oer words, the cias suggting that they felt t they didn't neeeed to inrm congreres about at. is that edible? >> u under the law, we can't't out the details of what's under r considerion here. >> i underststand. >> but thers no question tt congss was being misled. athe time he ma that atement in may, wiith it is not accurate thahat this w nonot th policyr the practice of t the cito conceaeal things frorom congngress a mislead congress. this i a pattern thatat'sgone on for r a lon time, n not just in this issueue,ut in others. and the r reaso it's importt is not because membmbers of congre want to be in the knknow wewe feel shut out.. it iss because congresess must exert oversig over thesese importanant activitieses for e sasafety a secity of e
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american people ththat is wh is at iss ere. >> let me show you- >> i in my genereration, t theod shamrock andnd thesether t thin resonate, , becaus it remindsus ofof why ielligence committees were set up in cngress in thehe first place. cause intelligence agegencies were opperatinin an unexamid, and it turns out, dangerous w, infringing on amamericans' liberty. > congresssswoman,et me jus shshow you whahat happen today when the speaeaker was asked abt this. there's a bibigger ise herere. which is, the f feud between th speaker of t the ouse, third i line f for the presiden, and the cidirector. shshe was asked oday, when d she last speak to leon panetta. let me she you what shshe said. >> how often do you sak to leonon panet ando youeceive yoyour regul intelligigence iefing? > i haven ---- i don't knnow when ilast spoke to ln
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panetta, in terms s of -- oh, we he claimeded t say he w was nam d i oferedy enthusiastic c support for him becomi the didirector i ththink thatas -- was that t last time i spoke to him, or i had maybe one briefing from him later on, itould be two, but t recenently. i do get regular briefing, bubut not from him. the e direct of natational intellence, dennis blair, has s been briefing me.. >>anna eshoo, you're from m california, you'rere aember o the same conongression delegagation tha leon panet used t be in. what i is going on here ere panetta andd pesi are at such odds? >> this is stctly about business >> is it really? >>t is. is is strictly abou busineness anand this ideadly serious busine, if i m might chacterize it that wayay. we have all knn each other for decacades. we respect each h other, we work togeer. but ththat's nothe issue. the issue hre is the n national
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security o of our nion. therare very few members of congresssshat are chosen to serve on the house i intelligee commitittee. and i thatrole, we areeliant uponon the intelligence communi to infororm us, in fact, they a obligated, unnder the nional security act of 47, to fuy andompletely informhe congngress. so this is aboutaccountabilitit. ifin fact, we do not get the proper infmation, how c we conduct our oversig, which we e responsible for inn the oa that we ke, as we as shang policy b based on at informatation? so - -- >> congressmsman holt, letet me you -- >> what th director saidid no loer stands -- >> i d don't wantnt to i interru all -- >> - in 29, this was withhd from allembers of coness. it's's aappalling >> i want toto ask you, before n out of time with you guys, i know you've got actionon othe floooor toy, the action i is on the e intellence authorization
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act.t. and the democrats have amendede this or aree amending t this ally change the way congrs would d be nnotified. a a lotf people wouldupport this, but president o obama sd he wouldld veto it. it is interfrference with the pridential right to decidede how -- >> that's right, anandrea, you' getting at w what thiis about. >> ithis a make ororbreak issue today? you're gettingng at what thhis is about. you momentgo saiaid the retionship between speakaker pelosi a and direor panetta and whom tolold what and when, t th the e smaller ssue. ththe bgger issue e is h well examined arere the actities of ththe cia? isthe cia doin things that arere t in the best nationanal intest? who knknows. if youon't have the oversight t and the examination. so that's what this s is about. and yes in today's intelligenc authorizion bill, a a principip point will b be the degree to which the ciandther
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intelligence agegencies mu keep congngress fulully and currentl informed aboutut what th're doing. >> thank you both veryry much. a key showdo with the obamama white house overer inintelligen. we realllly apprecte your coming over >> thanks s a lot. an right now,unemploymenent is appproachin 1010%. continuing joblessss claims e at an all-t-time rerd high. ththis as thnation's's retailer face dropopping ses numbs rereleased day. sales nunumbers th show frugal andorried consume. rougugh time indndeed for milli of americans. new jersey democraratic gorn jon corzine, who i is a formrmer to wall street investmement nker, joins us no you know the economy as wellll anyo. you knowow what's ing on in your state. is the a sense thahat the g-8 andd t president and t internatational leaders over the are etty much irrelevant in the kindf statements that are releas a at these summits, giv ththe nititty-griy of what is happening here at home. > firstf all, they're e not irrerelevant. macrconomic policyis still
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imimportant agreement in thehe directioion of theecoconomy. itannot set t terms and conditions of what't's appening. we h a bi shifteading in thwrong direction andnd it's going toto te a while to turn it arnd. thk gogoodness we hadad the stimul program that congrs an t presidenent put forward eaier in the year, orr we woululd -- 10% would look v very small, relatative to where i t k unemployoyment wou be. that said, we havehanging psyclogy on our consumers, who are saving more and spending less and that creates less dend. that's one of the reasasons th you needed thisis program of th fedel government putng some demamand into e economymy while the privatate secortepped back. i think that wathe important step, a and now we havee to see work,,loalong th all the otherr
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inititiative tt was come from thfederal reserve and cecentral banks across t the globe i thinink that while therere tough days ead, particularly in the employmentt marrkets, i think we haveve lai a foundatio in which growth will slowlycome back. i ink we'vebegunto see that and whe i don't lke where are,e, know my consnstituen don'tt like where we aare, w believe e that we' stararting t sesee the early sig of movining positive, so t that ev in a a lilittle b of today's employment claiaims. >> let me askk you, those numbes though, thosose weeklyly lame l numbers do bounce arou, a little bit hard ack. >> thehey're bouncing around at the lowe lel. >> thahat is a gd thick. i take your point. thestimulus papackage, $29 billionn has already b been fed out. that good enough? your state geettingnough at
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the state and local l level? >> what has actually h happened early on in n the stimululus prm isis that ere has b been tax cu for middle income falies. th make w work pay ogram that e president p put forward is there. the knowledge thatt the alternative minimumum taxs not goining to hitit middle class taxpays inn the miindf pele who would otherwisise have had hihigher taes. andhere has beenignificant suort for state budgets to mamaintain eduducation d our alth care programams that e in place. an that'sacross thee country.. there would have been a huge amount o of jobs lt. the presesident has always said that his prorogram s intendededo save andd creat obs. it takes longnger to get the dollllars ou with regard to construction on highways andnd bridges andd tunnels andhe kikinds of thingshat we're doing wi our health care system,
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wi the electronic records. that money is into the systetem but it will take longer to work out.t. we've saved a lot of jobs, we're benning toee some of those dollars flow into the construction area. that wiwill, i think, bridge gap whilee the private sect recovers. the psychology of ththe consum recovers, and we g get the econy turned around. but that'ss going to takeke a whil >> in factct, there e some numbmbers saying that oly 11% hs actually g gotten to the ststat as lsa myers rerted on "nightly news" last t night. >> tt's true, but y have to understandnd th our budgetsts h to be put togetether and wewe w eieither goi to cut ore were gog to h have those resources ailable for next year's spendi andhat fact that has en put in place. >> you're going to be one of the first test off ho people feeeel about the demoats in this economic doturn, since you in rginia, your state andnd virginia arere ththe only two ss
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with governor races thisis ye. you're challenged,, according t the fairly dickinn po, accoing to top quiuinnipia popoll,ou're behind i in the he to head races a againstyour proponent. i would say the onlyly poll at counts iss acally the elelection those thin have bounceded around. they're tually bouncing slightlyly bettein recentweeks. but the realility is is that th publicic is havingng a very challengining time, whether it' in newew jers, whether it'sn california, whwhether it's in n memexico or it'scolorado. we have a nationall receion, we hahave a global ression. the public understandnds th president obama anand the democratic pololicies e not how we g gotnto this mess. d the fact is that weeed help at theederal level for a lot of states, repepublicaor democrat states,s, and we'll be maki that argumement as we g go through the summmmer and fl. i think wewe have ograms in place that are actualllly makina
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didifferencen the state and i ow we have a partner in n the white house. >> your partnenern the white house going to be campaigningg forou next week. first of all, w what do you ink the impapact wou be if sara palin campaigneded, as she saia she's going t for cdidates ththis year. presumabably shel meto n new jersey for chrisistopher cistie, dodo you thi she would have some appeal i in new jersey? >> i have heard my opponentsts y that hwasn't actually loong forwarto her comingng to new jersey. so i don't k know that it will have a major impact. i thk psident obama's partnership with the state of new jersesey, which is differen than what we hadad when we hadd publican in the whihite use, will make a a diffence in how people feel w we can resve the economic trauma ththat our stat and o our nation arere going through. you know, this ression started in the fl of 2007, andrea, notot
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underr baracobama's with watch. ma of us, acacross the cocountr have bn struggling wth that recession becacause of failed economic policies. i think thee pubc is wisese enough to undnderstanhere the proboblem came fromom a it certnly wasn't a new jery problem. and theyave to struggle with it. we want to workk with our ptner in the white house to mke changeges that will help us get out of itit, get p people back work, make sure investments going forward and consumers are back in the mamarketpla. and i i think lot of those condnditionsre going on shington and we're suppting themem with oupolicies in new jeey. >>on corzin online in new jersey. wewe're going to watch nor campaiaign closely. we he you comeme back. anks so ch. >> thahank youandrerea. up next, hououse minoritywhp eric cantor weighs on the lklk of a secocotimulus from the republican point of vi as well as howeplicans are ramping up for ne week's itical confmation hearing with supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor.
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is president obama in trouble in themost important bewether political state, ohio? a new qnnipiac university poll shows that present obama's support is slipping. down 13 points in the pa two mont alone. at the same me, unemployment the swing state is on the rise, hittin 10.8% in may. could be a relionship. vice predent biden says that without e stimulus act,aving and creating jobs,that the unemploynt situation would be severely worse and he iin ohio toy. >>t's a hard sell, folks. it's true. but when you rd the figures thate lost over 400 jobs last month, ople say, what
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difference does it make? well, it wld make a lot of dierence if there are anher 750 jobs lost in the first 200 days, on top of wh is lost. so doesn't have a point? there would be more jobs lo? let's ask eric antor, joining usrom capitol hill. use minority whip. thanks so much fo joiningus. joe biden ys it woulde worse without the stimulus. 11%, 29%, you still are saving jobs by having constructiobs and highwa projects srting at least. >> andrea, i think the qution really , where do we go from he? clearly the bill that passed in january that waseemed the stimulus bill has not had the desired effect. in fact, the president said, if we did not act quickly, we would see uneyment rise over 8.5%. well, you know what, we psed the bill, congss pasd the bill the way we wanted to and we now haveunemployment in many eas of the country exceeding 10% and prably nationally going there as well. so, clearl that didn't work.
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ere's no way that we can dend this spending bill. as we know,the moneys have not en spent as quickly as the president id they would be to stulate e economy. in my opion, ankly, ere's en a lot of wastehat is inside that bill. so if we know that doesn't work, how can we go about trying to address the economy? that's t real question. >> the white hou is challenging your assumption. lawrence summe, director of the white house national economic council sd to "the new york tim" in an interview wednesday, we planned for a program that would stimulate the ecomy over a two-year period with a force that increases significtly over calendar year 2009. the implementation is on track toeliver that. we just had gvernor corzin on, stated ouhat state budgets stt july 1st. so this money is beginning to plow through to the stes with their new budget year. isn't that the way ecoes wo? >> well, perhaps, andrea, but the representaons that were made were that we needed to act and ac swiftly, becae we needed to address the unemoyment in ts country.
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well, that has failed. we are now nearing 10% unemployment. >> it's aiinlaggg indicator, no? >> listen, andrea, president obama said, look, this bill will addrs the econo. you know what, ihas not? wouldn't haveeamed thatwe would have hemorrhaged so many jobs sce january. so if we know tt didn't work, then whyre we eve beginning to talk about flusng even more dollars out of washington that we don't even have. we know we would have to go borrow that mey. we know we would have to put more debt on top of our children and grndchildren. we have not puthis debt on their backs in the last200 years that we have putn the last five months. let's starthings start smart, ha a me reasoned approach. know the economic ee in this country a small businesses. the al question is, how do we get the confidence level back in terms of small business people we need a recovery led by investment. it will not besustained by washington borrowing and spending.
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>> let me switch to another big issue coming up next week, the sotomayor hearings, onhe senatede, ofourse. but just as a major pla in the puican party, you have a quotation from lindsey graham, key member of the -- key republican mber of the judiciary membern the senate, saying, the only y she can get derailed if she performs poorly next we can. i honestly think i could vote for her. is she basically moving towar confirmation? and repuicans plan to call white firefiter whose reverse discrimination claim jeed by the supre court to testifagainst her. is that one of the bigssues that you think you can use against r? >> wl, you know, i think, really, wh thessue clear is in terms of the debate around her confirtion harings will be her philosophy abo the role of the diciary. she has made statements that have indicated that she believ policy is made on e bench. well, we know tt e framers of our constitution did not have
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that in mind. the judicia branch is meant to interrt and apply and the la and t make sure that we are abiding by the constution. not to ma policy. so this to me, i think, will be the central examinatio point in these confirmatiohearings and they are going to star next week in the senatend i think all the american peopl will begin to see judgesomayor tell her story. and then i think t decision will be made. >> eric cantor, tnkso much. good to e u. thanks for joining us today. and overseas, iranian police fired in the air today to disperse pro-reform demonstrators ck in the reets of tehr today. witness said that police detaineded serer people among more than n 200 protesters who gathered nearrehran university.. they've beenrotesting a ban on gathering on the anniversary of violent stududtt demonstrations that took place in 199999. we'll be right bacac wheyore really inpain
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and welce back. prident obama's domtic prlems areiling up while he is mting with world leaders at the g-8 summit in italy. joining us now, dan ball nation political reporter from "the washington post" and author of the upcomg book, the battle for 2009. thanks for bing with us. we can't wait to read it. >> thanks, andrea. yo wrote in "the washiton post" about theconomy. you saidhat nothing is- nothing may be me important to public assessments of president obama's leadership than the state ofhe economy. and at this int, there are political warning lights flashing. t's talk about those warning lights, because we see joe biden went to ohio today. he defended the stimulus pla
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the poll is showing independents e swinging away a they're beginning to lose se momentum, some altitudethere. is there a real warning sign, o are we jumpinghe gun re? >> well, i think 's a little bit of bh, frankly. it's certainly a warning sin. ohio isne state, t poll i ohio i onepoll. so you don't want to rd too much into one poll in one paicular place. but we knowthat ohioas been both an econoc and a polical bellwether over t years and the ze of the drop in suppo for the esident or in h apoval ratings issignificant er the lastwo months there. so in that sense, it is certainly mething that if yore sitting in the white house and u're one ofhe present's political adsers, you are going ttake note of it. i think e other thing to rememb is that this is a group of people who have weaered some diffi times. certaiy ey did during the campaign. they are not inclined to be overly rattled by somef the atter that pops u as a result of a poll le this. so i think they arbo going
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to be responsive to it, witho assuming that the sky has fallen them >> are they having atle bit of, you know, sfunction inside this well-oiled team in that you had joe biden saying that they had misjudged the poor state of the economy, the president tn with chuck todd a day or so ter inoscow saying that he wodn't use the term "misjudged." do ty have to get the tone and th words in sync here? they certainly do. and think what you're seeg this week is recognition on thr part that wle they beeve that the stimulus package was the right thingo do at the ime, they don believe, necessarilyhat they have figured out how to sell it well. that they have spent much more time trying to make sure that it's working theay they had thought it might ork. although, ctaly, tun emplment numbers are much higher today than they had projected. but they also know that they haveot done a very good jobn explaining what this stimulus package is supposedo do. and perhaps what i can't do. so i thinkthat you'reeeing
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some restment on their ar and i think the fact thathe vice presidentas in ohio earlier today and inome ways gave kind of-cpaign speech, ay tough spe sayi, what would our critics do, ss that they know they've got to do a better job on that ont. >> and heth care. u've got to recess is supposed toake place the benning of gust. i'm hearing they may have to extend. they want to get health care through. the speaker said todayhey're gog to get it through. rahmemanuelnd the white house on the public option. where do we stand on that? the was also aittle disconnection there? >> there is so disconnect i think the white us strategy alalong has been to try to leave some of these most difficult questions blurryntil the ve end. they want to see how thisll or these bills get through the legislative process. there is a lot more work that hato be ne in the senate. there are two compeng bills. we don'tte knowha the senate finance bill ultimately going to look le. that tn has to beeconced with anoer bill in the senate. there's a house bill. ere's a lot of work to do
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there. and i ink that they arerying to pserve as many options as th can. but ultitely, e president of the united states is gng to have to come down o these questions and when he does, this battle will look differently. anthen we'll have a tter sense of judging what its real prospects are for passage. we know it's a diffi fight. >> and speing of fights and bales, it's the battle for 2008, of course. the book. you haven't yet reported on next year's battle, but we can't wait read it. straight ahead on "andre mitchell reports,"ndependents ng away fmresident obama. what's behind that trend? what can the preside do to win them bac two top strategists, democra, michl ldn. republican, kevin mden joining us nexon msnbc. lookokat bones just bececause they're inside you doesn't mean theye protected. oh, ladies. let's say you have osteoporosis. dodo you could be losing ne strength. can i get it back? (announc) ask your dococtor how to help treat osteoposi with once-a-montnth actonel. actonel is clinically proven to help
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you have queions. who can give y you the financial advice youou need? where will you find e stability and resources to keep you u ead ofhis rapidly evolving world ththare tough questions. that's s why rought together twowo of the st powerful nam in the industry. inoducing morgan stanley itbarney. here to rethink wealththagement. here to answer.... youruestions. morganantanleymith barney. a new alth management fir with over 130 yeyears experience. lcome back. a new gallup poll shows president obama is losg suort from both independents and moderates. in the past months, his approval
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rang amo both groups dropped four percentagepoints. is republican criticism getting to em? democratictrategist michael feldman is a former senior viser vice esidentl gore. gop strategist kevin en joins us. he was mitt romney's counications manager. welcome both. first, let me ask you, michael, what's going on here? why the loss titude? critical group, independents, you have joe biden in oh today, critical state,ad numbers there. what's going on? >> we lock, i think your previous guest, dan balz, nailed it. we're talking about a few points here. i think e president'sapproval ting nationally is hoving around 60%. his approval rating among independen, which you point to, is stil hovering beten 55 and 60%. those are really good nuers. i think those are nbers that former president bush, for exampl would have loved to have. so i thinkhat you have heres his numbers are settling from straspheric to just plain
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high. and he's facing some intense chlenges. the onomy he inherit is a mess. you talk about ohio and michigan. these states are still hurting. so i think the obama team and the president, i particulis doinwh the do best, which is just keep heading forward, trying to talk about the issues, d trying to make real change and real progress on the economy. >> kevin madden,let me bring you in here. let's take a look "time" magazine's cover, "the renegade," sarah palin. you were with mitt romney in e lastrace and clearlif he dedes to run again, i would suspect you would be with h again. how much of a proble is sarah palin fothe moiitt romn the tiwlenties, for oer candidates will have this non-govern, once july 26th roaround, she has no one to answer to, any obligations, legal or otherwise to run the state of alaska, she's aree agent be roaming the coy, drumming up support, showing up
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and drumming up big crowds and moy. >> well, i think that's where lot of the republicans acss the country seeer vae. that she's going to beble to help build the party up from the grassroots. if the rty's going toucceed in 2010 and 2012, we'll haveto focuon our infrastructure and making sure that that nexus of washington and reblican party apparas in the states workin so i think rah palin is probably going to -- i don't thanybody is really looking at 12 rightnow. those decisio aren't going to be made. what we have to focus on as a party, wheth it's tim pawltymitt romney, and hers, we have to focus on rebuilding the party. and i think sarah palin, with her popularity ang the base is going to be part of that. >>chrysalis clizza joins us now from does she thendevelop enough chithe way richard nix did after dropping out of sight and ying that no one would have him to kick ound anymore in
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1962 and only five years la heas a nomee from having developethat broader base. >> you know what, anda, here's what weon't know about h palin. you might think we kno everything about her because she's been so, so inhe spotlight. but whatwe d't know is does e have the politicalhops of -- i d haven't want to comparher to nixon. because whatever you say abou nixon, there are certainly a lot of supporters and detractors, he was a consummate polician and consumed by this stuff she gotlected in 200 somewhat as a surprise as a reform governor. without that much reallythe national lelo choose from in rms of does she know her stuff, is s going to go and accumulate tse sort of ious. n was just talking, there is someone whoe is very close to, mitt romney,ho is extremely odat doing that. mitt rney spent several years bere running in2008,
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accumulating those sorts of ings, traveling theountry for candidate. can sarah palin match that? i'm not sure does shewa to? i think that's the bigger question. she may not even ultimately be intested in all of that we're talking about >> and mikefeldman, when we think again abo barack obama, he'sat the g-8 summit in italy. does he less relevant, somehow, given the fact that the economy, health care, all of this is cing to a head on the recess coming august whatf he has not produd health care, what if thecan't deliver. >>irst of all, he is the president of the united stes. so ocsionally, he does have to avel to important international suits. and so he's doing thatjob. but, look, thi admintration, this president in partic wa has one eye on the economy, one eye on domestic issues. i think that'shy youaw vice president den in ohio today. on health care, on the economy, on ergy, on al of these issues, this administration is moving simultaneously to dress thesissues.
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any one o which would have consumed any other administrati. so i think there doing a pretty good job of that balancing act. oh, yeah, by the way, he's got to be at the g-8 today >> andindeed he does. we'll have all the latest from there as well as it delops. mike feldman, tha you. ken madden, thank yo d ad more fr chris cillizza on his bl. coming up,ore on the conflicts on the floor. house minority whip james clyburn responding to republicans over presiden obama's agenda. (announcer) imine one eye drop soxceptional, itelieves seven symptoms new visine totality multi-symptom. now reduce the red bathe the dry and gritty; soothe the itch, irrited, burning and tery. visine totality.
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would ep umployment below 8%. ey promised the stimulus wld create jobs immediately. it's pretty ear now the administration was wrong. the bottom line is thi the stimulus isn't creating enoughobs. >>well, with live from capitol hi, the house majority whip, democric congressman jim clyburn. have at it. what about all the criticism of the president's programs while he's away? >> well, it's kind of interesting, mr. boeer would make those accusations. the fact of the matter is, 25% of the stimulus money habeen on obligated. $25 million has been awarded in grants ithe state of ohio. $15 million ofhich in mr. boehner's distct maybhe hasn't been home in a while. ybe since that first announcement, i rememberim beg there, on television, being a part o an announcement of an expendure from the stimulus in his congressional
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district at the beginninof this process. t, andrea, we are now in maybe the third or fourth inning of a nine-inning ba game. d even if we were plang baseball, it wodn't be officialntil after the 5 1/2 innings. soaybe we should just wa far while and seeow thislays out. this is not going to be done overnight. we dn't getnto this position in a day or two a month or so. got into it over aong riod of time. thiss going to be a slow, deberative process to get out of it. but we are on our way get now, and i'm ve pleased with the process, ts far. >>hen say, ngressman, that a certain amount of mone has been obligated, oligating doesn'mean spent. it mes, approved, authorized. you stil have toet it out there to have an impact on the economy. >> andhat's what has to happen at the state lev a lot of thegovernors, i have
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one in stte, that's been very recalciant about this. all that time he spent -- >> your governos be busy doinso other things, i think. >> that may be true. >> argenna. >> yes. but then thegovernorof texas has be busy talking about the session and everything el, rather than talking about geing the peopleell in tis stat and that's at of al of this. so wcan do things here at the federal level, but a lot of thi ha goto be done througth states, through the cies and the counties and they have rules and regulations that they ve to follow in putting money out. they can jusrow the money t there. and so i would lo to see this monego out more quickly,ut the ct of the matter is, i would much rather see it done delirately and done in a way that allf us will be plead with the processhen it's all over >> okay. jim clburn, thanks s much. >> ell, thank you so much for havi me. >>ood to see you. very good.
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thank you. strait ahead, republican congressman pete hoekstra, a former republican chair, and why he is calling democrati accusation tabts ciaizre. a revoluononary strip that sticks to yourr teeth so well you can even drink water with it on. gegedramically whiter smi while you do just about anything. satisfactionon guaraeed. slacker hip-hop. ♪ t that castrain your rerelationshs and hurt yourody 'cause we'idide ♪ng a ride ♪ ♪t's the credit roller coasr ♪ ♪ and as you can sesee kinda bites! ♪ ♪ so♪ when your debgoes up: your score gs wn ♪ ♪ when you pay a little ot goes the otherayay 'und ♪ ♪ it's just the s same forr everybody, every boy a airl ♪ ♪ the credit ll coaster makes yowannhurl ♪ ♪ sthw your hands in the ai and wave 'em around ♪ ♪ lika wanna-be frat boy trng to get down ♪ ♪ theheing 'em right back too ere your laptop's at... ♪ log on to free credit port dot com - stat! ♪ : free credit score and repopo with enrollment triple advantage. the first compmptete wen's multivititaminn n drink mix.
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and this breaking n ns s rit now from c canto m mhigan. a coconserer a a train have coide, five people reporteted dead in this trainin clilisi with a car. ntnton township, michigan.n. that's east ann arbobo the accident happepened ouou 1212:4p.m. on hannononanand loc adads. we'll get momo t to u. esespictures cotetesyf our affiliatate wvv in detroit. obobvisly a baba s sittion inn cant caononmichigan. >>memeanile here in about what the ciaia kww and when. this a aerercurrent ciaia direc
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on panetta learned of a a cove program andlmost immediately y informeded cgrs but ninies that the ciaia w misleading cocoress for years as t ds have claimed. pete hoekstra is a ranknkin republican, the e nknkin republican o on thhohoe select intelligigenceomomttee, former chchaian. thanksksoror jning us. franankly,'v'vnever seen so much infighting on n th intelligence -- - e e inlligence panenels ud d be bipartisan, th used tohahave s sing staff. what going on here? this seems like a batttt r roy between leleon p panta and nanc pelo a a what iss at stake the house flfloototoda is key vote, thth p predent has threreaten t tsee the voo, the intetelligceceill if these chchans are made. > wl, i think that's exactlt right, andrea. ve never quite seen ananhihing like it myseself. you've got the s speerer othe house e cucusi a former meerer of the housesehoho isow the direct rector of the cia as s sining you know the ccia aayaylilie
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leon pan that isisayays , we don't. then t the seven members of the ininteigence committee sayingg leon panetta,,ouou lied to the intel c commieeeer you lied to ee ammicican people, yoyohahaveo have changnge yo p pition an he ysys n i don't. enen t president c ces out says by the way, t t b bilyou're movingng to e e oor, if it comes toy desk, i'll voteit. it's very range. >> w wouldouou support votetea? you agree with thee change here you'vevegogohe americann people misleled by intelligence for years,s, i inot longer. d d alof the controvovsysy or the wwar so wat's wrong with the argument that you shshldld cnge the wayy the i ielellince community notifieses cgrgrs of cortrt activity as is i in t ti amenendmt t toy? >> well, a acal lywhwhatheir amenenenent d what their bill dodo, there's a lot of prorobls with it, so yeye i i wld support ththe prididt's decision to vet toe thebill, but the
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titication doesn't sasayouou have to-rr changehehe requirememtt t tat congresss i reququeded tbe fully and colelely informed. atat dsn't chanane.e. they're just changinghehe b bsi byhihich itit is determined w w members ofcocongss will and will not formgdz. d ds not att a all goo the tete or to the breadth and t the depth off t i infmation that the execucuti branch will b b required to give t to corere. >> well,l, wt t i ad in the ththoration in the amendment is that it would sayay tt t th cia has toreveal whetherer trere were any dissentiti points of ew and a at the likelihood d of failure ofof a covert action. that's a lolot of information share with congress.s. would that be tyinin t h han of the agagcicies >> no, actuaually i think the amamdmdmensays are there any ssenting points of ieiew? meaningf f e program is presented to congress dididnyny members of coongssss dissntnt wh ththe ciaovovin --rr thehe innt community m movin in aaarticular dictctn. it's n nodidissting views with e community.
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that's a a good clarification. ju briefly, isishisilil going toto ps?s? are wehehegoing to face a real receipt toe threat or r y you think the sesenateililchange it? >> t thethe bill will pass the houstotoyutut i t tnknk in face of what the presididt t an the gugumes republicans will havav made, i thinkthther will be signicict changes beforethis billll ever mamas s ito the presidident'dede. andrea, , it a a fwed bill it puputsmerica at risk. >>ete hohokstra, thanks so o mumuchthanks for clearing uny misusundststanngs here. appreciate. that thank you. i'm andrea mitchchl l li in washington.. tomorrow on our show,w, susan aphehe ron insanna ang other ests. contntes brer and melsa ancis e up next with "'s the economy." it's a whole new w way from bayer to disissoe pa fast. new bayer qui release crystals.
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