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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  July 9, 2009 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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recovery plalan isororng. he's l livinin satoga county, neyork. we'll l talkbobo where it's rkrkinand where it'sot. >> t theloloba money men n y y t working. vernments dumping moneney toto the financiaiasnsnul and the glglobalcocomy is emerge prprosuting esession earlierer than reredied. th gg-8 leaders analyzinghe problem m and solutions ass w w speak. >> faa rerecsion, innovative pepele find a way around financially t tou t tim. sometimemeyoyou ve t toeieinvt yourself t to ma m mey. >> waiait titil u meet him. itit'she economy on this thursday. good daday, eerybody. i'i'mm ctessa brbrer. >> andnd'm melissa francis. wel have those stories plus -- it didnn h haen to me, but a bunc kiki. . >> a p pesysylvia swim club rips ay a chance forr awewely dip in theheooool r the kids, why? kids say it's because othe color r ofheheir skinin. ththewimlub says thhey might chanangethth complexion of thehe club. their r wordii swear. >> butetet's get to ththe big
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sty y wee following ririt t now. brbreangng ns in micichigan.n. and five peoeopl i looks like, we're just gettingin. five people dea after a collisisn n beeen a car a and trn in canton t townipipfter no toy. wee staying on top of that. > > inhe meantime, general motorsrs cldld bfree of bankruptcy in lehan 24 hour, a faster comebackhaha xpected. cnbc's phhil bebeauoins us on ththe one. in a lotot of ysysow the heavyy lifting g egins. >> t this t t toughpart, meme list sachltt thi is w whe general m mororshas to proveit can thririve a s sceed as a bunenessithout government prprection underhapter 11 bankruptcy les. inin my ysys, it seems strtran to say isis, you say that the tough partrt is afterankruptcy beususe ring bankruptcy the coururts aowow youou to break contractcts,hehed plts, shed job, getet rid of aa l lotf liababilieies, billions inn liliility. thosose ee ininfu choices thah general motors ve made butut
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prankly you can doo thth in nkruptcy rather quickly, that's what'sappened in the last 39 days. nogm hs to prove that it i cacancontinually come out with product peopop nt. thatat's gngng to be the b big chalngngfor this cpany. >> if it's s souch harder to emerge from banknkptptcywhy don't ththey sy y bankruptcy r r lile while longer? well, then you have a r real issue because yoyou ntnt t convince the buying pplilic,ey, we've bebeen canan up, we have leleard from our mista, we a a ready to show yoyou th w whave the e ca a and trucks a a y c c have confidence in t those cars anand ucucks if you statainin bkruptcy, ththat's r rl doubt that would linger in n e e mi of buyers a a they would s sit trerend ayay,if theses guys a picksed,d, why ar they stillll i in babankptcy. so thehequicker you get o ot t babarurupt, the betterert t isn terms of t tryincocoince the puicic ty can haveonfidence inin genalalmotors. is thisaster than expected? yes.s. >> why rerehey able t too do that? >> great leg work indvdvan in getting the dealal s set up w wt
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bondhoholds.s. also when youuhahave the federa gogornment providing the financing forr coming out of bankruptcy and backing the cocompy,y, tt's the gold standard. th is not like yourtytypil nkruptcy where you've got to make sure eveveryby y on board. thgogovement has essenenalally ve given thesese gu e erything they eded iorder to clean up the e balance sheet. sosohose two c comned help general motorsrs go thhugugh th in 3 3dadays >> all rightht, ph l leau, thanankso o mu for joining us. want to turn now to jim lee cacamp senior v ve president wi c wealth management jojoining now on the phohone i want to talk t tyoyou out gm emerergingrorobankruptcy now. wewe'r seeing, half f e e prlem was all l the ststthat they're carry, ght? bubupore half is theyeren't selling enough rs. is that going to cchang >> ion't think it i is going too change now. th have done a very good job ovseas nmpls facts, in china whwhercarales arepp %, gm hasone very well a and dtoto
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and latin n amicica. but the probobm m is north a ami is theheirigigge market, not on have not convinced americans to be enthususstst ae be about t their cas.s. ererans can't buy cars asucuc as they used t t conmeme credit is down,, they've lost theirir bsbs. we've still g gut a difficult rd ahahe ead. let's s cece i honda, nissan, yoyo, all of these companinies are haviving prprlems, too. sot't's t just gm, but the auto industry in genereral. >> we're going t to ntntin to followowhehe gnews throughout e e y and totomoowow when thth ofofcicial announcement is exexcted. let't's ititchears to the bigger issue of the global econonomy. because a lot ofof pplple e looking g and other companies like it.. if youou rovov, gm,oes it meaean the global economymys s recovering. e imf just yesterday c cam out an said the glololl e enomy w e emerging f fm m ression faster th e eected but only becausese governments keep s svivingoney at thehese b f fancial ststitions. >> o o m mon, by the wawa that's tataxper dollars. it's not justt hpening in thehe
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united statetes, iss hapappengn around theworld. that sususinable, jim? >> no, it'sotot sustatainab.. en you look at the global economy, reallyy it a aale of ececonieies. we have the e erergi markets dodoing gngnicantly better and don'tneneed the goovernntntelp and d th we have the developope marketets keke japan and britai angege areny and u uniteststes ththatre really stilil hurting. and problems t tatat they havet nking secretary, the housing sector and consumer seseoror a all still l veryroroematic in the e deloped markets. m mbe we're getngng little bibit tttterut it's kind of like getting out of quicksasand i really d deemud. maybe y your piupup tck would help,, contessa. ey're really having trtrblblin ahead here. . >> it's trueue. but if you look at the datata todaday,jim. we saw rtail sale s w ws re dow for r all e e jor stores but th weren't as bad as expxpteted. in a lot of cacaseshey were nowhere near ass bad as expecte. sa was down 4%. w werlooking for11%1%. at the same time, , lo at the employment rate, you ththat
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too, even ththoughororpeople jojoing g thlines of ememplment, it was much less than bad than peoplele pepect. >>sisilvlining. glass half fufull >> i'm justt trying to sa i i't it possisiblwewe'rgetting it a boom here? >> i it's ssssle, but there's gog to be a big differencnce thisis te e beeen other receceioions -- betenenthis o o and other recessioions wrere ha over thehe l la 40, 50 years, t big difrereeis there's so mu leverage in our system,m, there has to be yoyou believable unwnwdidingf leverage, , we c't'tix this by eaeati more debt like the lstst , 50 years, so this isishyhy consumers are e starngngo save momore when they're getetngng tir stimulusus ches,s,hey're not enendi that money, they're saving m mo. you can n ckck athose unemplployme n nbers all you nt, the less peoplpl workiking, ththe ereragwork week is dwn and momore a a more people a aro welfare and ththers s mo people ininhehe umployment lines than ever before. > m, last p pplpl makingthe ms that you don't get out of the mess that was createted overextendining ururse with debt - -- >> you can't d do tht hhom >> by creating newdebt. > n eat for the governmenent
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either. . >> thank you, buddy. today the world's biggegest economicicsupuperporsrsave a aed to doublele investments s in ca tetenonolo by 2015. > thass latest delelment at ee 8 summithere leaders workrking rade and goldd at the memeining. savannah has t the leses >> repororter:i,i, well the g8 work hasasrarapp up for t the d and a lot ofof tk k toy was abououclclime change and ecomom the major economies agreed to a t taet of reducing rbon emissions in half b by 20 but we didn't t sanany word of any near-term stepep, ththinthat concrete, s they h ha this veery amambiouous al, butththis expope ththe tension between dustrialized countriesesndnd t emerging m marts which are also responsiblble r r clate changng a lot of developoping ununies viving a hardimime c comttttinto these k kin of targetsts sthoe, didn't. ther wasn't a b big sweeping
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imime agreement here tay but there wawas so p pgress and o o course the a admintrtrion is umumpeng that today. >> all rigght savavann,, thank yoyou very much.h. a handful of h hsese docrats want a a pubc c mission from the ci's chief that the ency slsl lawmakersrs innierers pat. >> seven democrarati lalaakaker say leon pnetta testified to thth that t theecia had concece significant ininformioio >> mikee vueueir joins usus.. ththey wtt him to retraract t statementt is s th not the policy or p practee t t missada congress. isis hplaying ball,mike? >> i've go to p pvivide conxtx r r u at the boring everybybod remember when nancy pelosi llll the ci l lis overer the issusuef whether ororotot waterboarding wawa b bei carrir out. sie then, republicanss attack ed her time and time agin. jojo boehner saidid s needs to meme upup witththevidence or olologe.
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this weeee therere's a big auorization bi o othe floor expectededo o beontroversial for a a mber o of reasons. all of sudden, democrats o on e commmmtetee h he written a lett to leleon panetta making g a startling allegatitionayayin recently y y t tesfied that the tociciofficials havecoconcled signififanantactions from all memembs o in lighthtf f th we ask you to publicly correct y you ststatem. the cia fires ba s sangng w stanan by earlierr statatemtstst alalys give the best inrmation possible to thehe cia, both sides not backikingowown all. >> it's difficult to u underanan what the e endamame re? what is each s side really afaf? >> well, ofof coue,e,epublicans cucuser suspect democrats ofof setting up a strawawman rere because they want t d defct attentioion ayy from n nncy pelolosi accusationon democrats s feels though ththey are follllining touou with their plgege to keke tse decisions onhehe part of the ciaia, in or woss ether to conduct
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waterboarding ovovseas or anything along thosose lines op to a lgegeuniverse of dividuals near congress s so theyould have m mor ededck, mo give and tata.. so it's harard to sarate the policy from thee politicscs her. i n tell you th t t white hoee comes d dnn on the side of the ciainin termsf f at one provision becaususe th rereated to vetohehe bill,l, allowing as m manys 40emembe of congngssss t look a at these decisisions. >> thank you f j joing us. >> c certalyly >> we haveve sn n a olent mornrng g inran when police we firing lllls and tear gas at demomonsatators there ty y gathered neaear e e unersity for the anniversary of aa ololen ststenent emonstration in1999.. they s sutedheheirupportoror mir hosseiein ususavwhose presesenenti ectctn lossss led to t the vololtraralls last nth. ththe ci o olos angelesis king for dnations to help p p ththbillor m mhahaeljajason's merial rrvi.
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the totatal tab$1 million. get this? $50,000 0 spt t cs' lunches. > we go live to illinois.. we're watchchin anenewsononfence ere cemeterery w wkekers alllled dug up00 g gves and resoldhe buririal plplot let't' listen in. > thee sentence range class felony.. bond was set fororhehefofo individuals as follows. carolyn wnwns has booch $250,0,0.. the three oerffenders he,, keith nix, t trrence nix andd a maururee daley had bonds set at $2$2 $200 hundr $20000,0.. according to t t i infmation presented in couourtyy wofof
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prprofr,r, o more than one occasion be, unwere or more dedendants resold burial p pls alreadady cupied by prereouous buried rprps. theegrgrous keeper disinterred the corpspsesrorom their avave is a alleded they were either tn reburiededn n thsame grave as neney interrerecocorp or dumped an own area t the back of this propepert t is a als allegd that the ofndersesesoyed memeteececor and altered existing deeds. the investigatation s sll coininng. and asas t just indicacated, th is sooththing thatoing to continuefofor quite a while. and having prosecuted many, nyy vienen cases throughouout my carereer ithth atate' attorneys office, i mustt say ts crime, it's a who new dimensionhat shows ushaha leengss people ll go t for fincncl gain. the disrespect for allllf f th people who are buried in t ts
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cemetery cemetery. ananne who has entrusted t thi cemetery with h vivingheir loved onones rllllwere e entleled to e respecectndnd dignini th they obviously have not gott.. one other ththini i wa to mentioio t tomentioned it, there wawa-- we hveve information tha there was a fund that t was tt p 0505, a a fundn order t get moesesor the building of a memorialal museum. wewe a asking the public righth now for help f thehererere a people w w i fact contributed d to that fund in o oerer t have that building, thhat museum b bt ich was never done, if t the are opop out terer thatatavave contririteted,an you please caal ththe sheriff's hotline number d ease pass that informatition o as i indicateded, isis investigatioioisis ooing. and agagain, w wt to ofr all my condolenceo all of thehe falili who have their loved d ones buried here.
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>> n,, we have arereprentative fromom thebibi tom, d do yowawa to come up here no >> hi, i'm'mom trautman, asstant special agent in charge of the chicagago divisio. thebibi alsoxpress s cocondenenceo all the families and loved o on of the victims rere. wewe a working jointly with the cook c count s ste policendnd atate'attorney to e elolore the possibility y ofheheexexisnce o fefedel l viations as well as nding the expertise of ouou evidence response e teamo o e scene toto magage e scene, collect t eevidencerrerly orore it and analyze itt to the exnt we can. and we will be here as long as it is prudent. thk you. >> ianan't e ephasize enough h helpful that iss b bause when yu talk about t t resources of inging people from arorondndthe world to help us wi thihis. wewe'valso been joined by reverend jackson who wawanttoto say a few wowos s asell.
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>> my teleleonone s been ringing ofththhooks. alal of t t night, peopople clii from all a acrs s thnation. relatitis s ha been buried here. while the hgh ofofilames clcle e emmtttill andooa wawashgton, everybody heres special. and erer family has s spealal neededs andnd special huhu, spe grief. the eaeaf graveyard robbers, the e shld be no bail f f them. the should be a special placee in hell f esese graveyeyar thieves who hahaveonone so mucht hurtrt these families. we do not yet knowow jtt how dep the scheme goeoes, in in insnst were t teyey trying toto peddle caskets? the funeral industry mumu speak of thisis on the recorord todayi
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at thehey did n nuy any condhand caskets foaamp. juju h how faridid this s sche o we do not t owow. is it just this cemetery? we're going g toee working closyy with the ffililie church, funeralirectors and thshshiffs and the fbi andhe ststats attorney to seehat w w can do and t to bring comforort ee families, the depth of the thieveves whon fact engagaged this heinous crcrimin a a. >> thanknk y s so ch. >> jn, the one tngng we found ouout most from the beginnininis if you get youour haircut, i is barber is momoreigighlregulated anan t people who operate meteries. the'e's rtually no regulations atsoever. 've suggested a cplpl of things internallyyththat needo be done rght away because l lot
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of epepeop i've talkeked to here thisis mniningave mtioned to mee a aout other c ceteries thth t thehave relalaveves and concererns ty y ve there as well ani can't emphasize enouou t to you, john, one of the b biesest problele w we' had isbebeuse of the e fa t the's no rrulation, mo all of thedocuments an erything are housed here. and so wh we're dealing with someone who o isovoverg up a cre and eiererltering dodocuntnts,e don't have another source to go to. wewe we e n'n' go to the state o say can n uu show us your r plaa survey to swws somethihing.. we thought a aththe re minimum, cemeriri should be r reqred to send to a state officece, whevev it is, whahat eyey he, space eyey he, who is where and thee li.. because johnhn, dodott even k k what toto start t telllou the hehearreaking sriri crying mi h hysterically, theyey're inin through ththe ririalf their
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lovevednes fothe secondd time day. it's n n o of e way w we ould e operating. the e fos here, nobody serves anything like thihis ev to occur tothem. we're trying to bring csusure but it's g gngng ttake a long timeo o that. >> [ inaudible questioion .. >> the numbeberr appears toee i ththererea about 33 rigight no. anthe stackingf bodies prents some pararcucula issues and problems f usere bebecaee wi the specific gravess ttt were dug upupand reinterred, there's ability to fndnd somome evidenencehehere for graveses sckckedn top of chch o some of the ways in ich that was done thatat b bee exexplnenedo o usthey were unundethe other one down and put someone on top.. their makes it hard.d. once again, the f f has beenn very helpful withth somofofhe totoss teyey hae. less sometething c clled therma imagining whh h memethg thatt
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we a a going to o be utitilizi anan aempt to help it to determine whether o or t graves out here n which we bieve may be appropririate may havee anototrr casket, , anheher main undedeeaeathhere. [ [naudible question ]. >> there's a combmbinioion reasons. one is i believe the parere cocompanisis an o ouof state company, did start examining what was going on herere. so i think therere some b bavior ththatilil change thehere. but there's s elents, too, whee me of the tivity theresnsn't a greateeal of rhyhyme orereon in herere i itsere a nvenience, it was easisier t to itit ctain are ways. >> what obligation does ththe cememeryry ownerurre e er curreo cocome in and check rcocos - >> we'e' been, t ceemeryry owowne came tususn n th first ple sohh h hav been coopatatg with us. they were the ones t tat brough this to ououattenention
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bubut atat very question s been pod d toe n nererous times now. is theree n an o oigigatn to cocome o and lok yur own prerer anan lk at your ererion here to make sure e things aren't done.. because a lot o of thira was we're talking,g, is s nothere's nonoysyste here. you knknow wt't'going on.. and so,ouou know, th moral obligationoni i wod suggest if yoowow a cememeter y y should inin ft t beretty hds on to whwhat g goi on out thehe.. but legal lly speaking,hehey re e e on whose bought us here, ey've been cooperating, , it's just very diffffict t thgh when haha y you records that t ee t scscatrered d not what they ould be under anyone's analysis. >> i iudible question ]. >> we don't know yet, , rrrry. the options in front ofs are many. don't know whetherer ononot what eenent 're going to have totogo to. anita mentioned anandself, thiss
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is long process here. there were some pplplealking ababt t weeks. we're goingngoo b here months. and at options atat wre going toavave use to try to give as much clarity and cererininty ar to these familiess are going to run t t entirereange but inin a of tsese ones we do, we're goig to be talking withth t familie, ththe milies have been incredible coming forwarard wi information n wee e be using to try to get to the bottttom ososo of this. >> [ inaudible questioion >> right now,, thehe amntnt tha they're changed w with is i thk - > [ inaudible ]. we don't havave a amot right nono >> aot of people's tombstones re removed. the question follows w why d i i take the ownership soso long to detect tect. thisis ia a the or four year eration that would be a clclas action lawsuititr sutsts,o doubt, but thehe digigtyty, e pn
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of lovovedneseieing dug u up an toednn this way is t pa that's's incomprehensible, butue ngng of time i ivolved in this schemeanan what other elelemtst that other questions a a they tried to hustle secondhandd caskets,s, we eded to k kn.. that's why i f fl l th mstst coe forward and give-- because people who workk he someone should h he e dected this before w.w. >> [ inaudible queuestio].]. okay. this i is thprprs conference ththatou're list listening to juju o outde of chicago. th i ithe situation where ththis historicic gra siteoutside chicagooasaseen the site of a scandal whwhere eyeye been apparently digigngngup dies, ass nyny a 300 ving them to o otr locations and d w four p peopl arare arargein connection wh th. . >> records tampered wi. .
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>> what's going on h her >> we're going to o stay on topf it f for sur let's take q quickreak right here sword fights popoin slippers and grn n wo tights takeke aipiprom a knight who k knows free creredirerepo dot com, let's go! : fer applies with enromementn triple advantage. which h beneful epared meals tonighght? roasted ickerecipe? - savory rice and la stew. - [ barks ] you're rightnight is a beef stetew kind onight. [ announcer ] bebeneful epared meals. another healalthful, flavorful beneful.
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$1.4 million is the estimated bill from uesday's michael jackson memorial in terms of what los anles spent on police and traffic control, cleanup and all the other sts. >> one cy sfishl unhappy with that because $49,000 was spent on lun for loangeles' fi. orders from a restaurant 80 miles away. >> i want to finout what restaurant thawas. >> do you kn what restaurant that was? >> it soun like one of your lunches, contessa, no. >> ohcome on now! i'm rry. >> i've never seen her eat 0,000 wonch of food. $50,000 maybe. >> they probably had toind a restaurant tt could handle 3,500 lunches. >> do you mean mcdonald's or subway. >> itmes to $10 or $12 plus
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tax if you do the math which i did a little while ago. the city upt about it. they wantaeg and/or thejackson family to cover them her thers a fan webse, a link on thty of los angeles website, if you log into the city o los geles website for michael jackn fans and you can actually dona to the city and the video is up on the screen right now of that website mo than 10 thousand how fans have alrey donate the money there but only given them justver they want the $1.4illion back. so they mada plea to us, one the council wome saying we want aeg to cor our costs an weould also like the jackson family to cover our st, but they feel like a made the money on this >> probablwille more mone the city attoey has said hey, there might be reason to compel you legal to pay. we already all pay taxes. by the way -- >> isn't califoia having a massive budget crisis right w. >>come on
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we'll talk to you ater. >> okay. see ya. >> i have to show this. >> goahead. >> youtubeis packed now with these videos of these sort of spontaneous dance parties in michael jackson's memory. >> are you inhis vide if you look close she's in here. >> thiss msnbc vier posted this on ttter sent it to me. will you wait for it. withhold where are skepticism until you see this beautif vid vide >> i'm going to be quiet now. i'm rry. >> that is you. >> no, no, no. >> tha is contsa, i'm telling you. thone in themiddle. >> in subways in new york city people sit with theihead phones and don't look at o anher and don't interact, in this cas the day ater michael
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singalong people are ithe eous all singin dancing around. turnt up, we'll take it break. ♪ sir, it's a simple question. doouou want heartburn pain, now orater? these heartburdines make you c ce... betweehuing now or later. pepcpcid complple doesn't. it starts to neutralize acacid in seconds... and keeps nder control all dall night. sometimeyou gotta make compris, man. no, you don' pepepcid cplete, works nonow and wos later. now wiwi gre new taste. in these markekets, i'm glad i tutueded tfidelity foan annuity with guararteteed income for life. that's rightht, guaranteed income e r r li.
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my annuity from fidedelityeaea my retirememenininco is safe. it's guauaraeeeed, no matter whwh h hapns. if guaranteed incomeme forifif sounds gooood y you do what i did d -- let fidelity be yoyo g gui. call fidelity at...
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but did d know you also get tel price assurance? it's a one-two punch of savings -- pow! pow! lowewehotel booking fees mean.
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plus, if another bitz customer thenookshe same hotel r less, we send you a check fofor the differenceceauautotically. welcome back to "it's the economy." s&p trading 8, nasdaqup 15. pretty good economi news this morning. >> you said not cmercial break, go dow. you go dow. >> did you have out menthat? it sounds do,y the way y do it. >>t sounded do,y when you said it. $780 billion in stimulus cash and five months ago the white hoe promised the money would save jobs. >> wh uneloymen on the rise
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toda vice president joe biden is on a pr campaign for e recovery act. he said it isworking, one pooc project at a time. >> as the economists say in the macroeconomic world thatoesn't mean uch, but ess what? it willean much to the people who have a job he. >> all ght. nbc newsenior investigative coespondent lisa meyer jns us on where that stulus money is goi. 90% hasn't even b spent yet, right? >> the you got it. >>he white house is feeling a lot ofeat over the stimulus package which is one of the reasons the vice presidenis out pring it. it was a sggering amount of ney. and so f it's failedo deliver on at least o impoant administration prediction that it wouldeep unemployment bel 8% chchlt may be why in the all important state ohio, the president's approval rati for handlin of the economy has dropped e50%. so weecided to do a bit of a
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realityheck on what money has tually been spent and wh impact it's had. >> athis road project in maryland, a sign tells all who pass by that the money for repavingame from the stimulus packe, the obama administration has uraged stateso t up the sis which could cost as much as$1,200 to reashore the publithat the stimuluss working. jason dodge crtainly thks it's working. >> i was really happy. took at lot of pressure f shoulders. >> reporter: he has thre children and was umployed until this job came through in june. >> btsnemployment any day. >> reporter: officials say ts project has geneted 20 new jobs. t on a large scale there are questions about how much t $787 bli plan is actually heing. so far 11% of the mon has actually gonout to states.
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y congressional vestigators reported that some states areot steering projects to economilly diressed areas and so business have not gotten the boost they expected. hey equipment makers say infrastructure speing has generated n a trickle of n orders frnch where companies sit, the impact has been dispinting. >> reporter: overall, the administration estimat the stimulus has creat or saved 150,000 jobs since febary. the problem is that numb is swarved by thelmost 2 million jo lost over that period. and another important administration eimate has turned o to be wrong that the stimulus plan would ke the employment rate below 8%. in fact, uneloyment hit 9.5% lastmonth. economist mark zandy thinks t stimulus will eventually work althoughaybe not generate as many jobs aspredicted. >> think we need patience.
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the stimulus is just n getting benefits later this year. e the >> the wte hou also counsels tience. officials say the bulk of the stimulus package is just kicking in and they are accelerating spendi wherever possible. for w, they seeo need for a second stimuluslan but -- and this is iportant --y are t ruling out asking for a second packa down the road if needed. >> lisa -- >> melissa and contessa? >> you came upith that numb for how ma jobs were saved or created. how doqutify that? >> well,irst of all, there's the bureau of labor statistics hasndicated there is no official govert measume for determining whether a job has been saved. the administtion is asking the ates to did a count using eibest estimate about whether a job was saved or created by the package, but the administration'sumbers at least the150,000 nber is basedon an esmate, it's bas
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on an economic forla. so at this poi, we don't actually know. exactly h my jobs dispackage has created. >>hat's what so many people -- >> i was afraid of that answer. >> so many people haveproblems th any money as it stands much less a second esmate ls becausyou don't know. >> thank you so much. environmental activists took their gripe abe lincoln's forehe to hang a banner challen challengg president obama to stop global warming. they were all arrested. park rangers spent an hour getting the banner down off of unt rushmore. pret impressive though. it's ck, el nino, that weather phenomeno that can cause problems with weatr conditions and machi fisheries. >> the call was made today. anne thompson joss with the redales. should we be wried?
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no, we shouldn't be worried, ladies. i just got off the phone with e director of theclimate protection service onoaa. he said ty're predictin at's called a ak to moderat el nino. what that means for us in the u.s. is as the sea mperatures rise ithe pacific just east of the internaonal dateline it creates allinds of problems with our weather. and in the u.s. particurly it means we'll ve more rain, they should not have a dry winter in california, we'll have a mder winter in the nortrn pa of the coury and they'll probly see someain in the southwest where they rlly need it. there's been a droht there for a deca. they're going toe see some in but not enough to breakhe drought. so right now, weak to modere nothing like it was i 1997 and 1998 when el nino reall walloped not only the country but the world and i particular re in this country, california. >> andn fact, i lived in californiahrough that el nino and i remember being out on the
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bes andeeing the big heav equipment, the bullzer, pushing big berms of sandp because they we expecting the s to come and upand there was flooding. >> mudlieds, remember the pictures of the uses going down. >> but the could be a small vabt to el nino if places in drout get re ter? >> there is always -- like any other suaon, back in 1997 and '98,he el nen of that period had an impact of $2 llion on our economy. there re for departmenttores in the miest, they saw their sale sales p as much as 15 a% because it was so mucharmer anpeople went shopping. but if you were are selling ow shovels and snowbiles and snowblow not so. so that's what you will see. >> anne, tank you for coming in. >> pleasurto be here. comingup, sck charges om a group of children they say they were kickedutf a private swim cl. >> they claim it was because of the color thei skin, they
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even heard someone say , n th didn't hear thi they said what are the black children doing the? thclub itself said there were concerns it would change the complexion of the clb. that's the grown-ups' explanation. come on now. we've got the whole story ahead. with more lcm and vitamin d. to supportone and breast health... while helping you hydrate. one a y women's 2o. refreshingly healthy.
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it relieves seven symptoms. new sine totality multsymptom. now reduce the red; bae the dry d gr; othe the itch, irritated burning and watery. visine totali. nother drop does mor > all right, we areust a few day da away from the confirmatio hearings for the president's supreme court nominee. >> ande'll get anaia of how the hearings will be apprched. joining us now pete williams. set it up fore, how be wmakers going to approach here? at kind of ammunition do they have at their dispos. >> they are borrowing a term sayinghis will be a teaching moment because they concede they
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don't haveheotes to derl this nation. th'routnumbered. seems a foregone conclusion unless something astonishin happens, sonia somayor will be confirmed. they'll try tohow that republicans are more likely over time to put judges that are more likely to follow the laws an democrats, they'll tryo say, are more likely to put judges on the court that will llow their own instcts. that's the perception they're going to try to crte from these hearings. but there have been a lot of groups that have looked at sonia sotomayor's rulings and have come to the conclusion tha she's the libal side of the judicial inst, slightly more likely tooverturn laws or prior cour decision on cotitutional ground, about where her colagues on the second circuit are on discrimination claima little more likely to get into the eds in terms of the detailsf lower court decisions. "the washington po" ha interesting ud of that today. and a mixed record on business ses. in some cases siding with businesses and others agai
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perhaps more lely than david sought, the on she would replace, to overturn high nitivedamages. mage judgment again companiethat are intended to punish them. >>eter, i understand we're getting a first look at me of the witnessehao who will testify. what canou tell us about th >> thewiess list fr the urth likely fourth day of the arings is out. michael bloomberg, forexample. the mayor of new yorki testify inavor of her. athose testifying against/frank richie, the new haven fireman at the centerof the verse discrimination case that sewn in a sotomayor joined a court decision on for the city against the firefighters that wa reve by the supreme crt in its finalay in session. >> pete willm, thank you. >> you bet. new video relea show thes the duistop of the woman police sashot and killed herself a her boyfriend steve mcnair taken
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just two ds before the shoong. mcnair was in the passenger's seathen she stoed her. and she dinot seem all that set when e pued her over. theyay in the back seat of a squad car, he took off in a cab and she started talkinto him on the speaker phone so the poce can hear everything he's telling her not to say to the police. imagine eir disappointnt. 60 little kids shut out o a private swim club, told they can'come, even though their day camp paid2,000 for the privilege. why? the ds s it's because othe color of their skin. >> i ard this lady say what are l these black dsoing here? i'm scared sme might do somethg to my child. >> here's how the grown-ups explain t this is the president of the club. there were a concern lotf kids would change the compleon and the atmosphere of e -- >> that's a bad choi of wds or intentional choice of words, we don't know. >>ow does the valle swim club
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justify tt? >> wel melissa and contessa, you saw the statement at the president the valley swim ub issued to nbc 10 on tuesd basically just saying there s a concern a lot of kids would change the complexn and atmosphere of the club. i reached him by phone yesterday, he said to me he felt engh damage had been done and he did not want toomment any further. we're now stting in front o the valley swim club and at gate is locked up and shut down because of internet chatter on a facebook page suggesting that people cup out herend protest today. i talked town we member just a litt while ago and he said the reason the club was shutown was to protect its members in case tt prott did happen. >>ertain private club do have the right to refuse to let people in, righty or what is the w on this, do you know? >> it's unclear whathe law is, we did try to obtain a copy of e cl's bylaws, what ishe memberagre and what did th set forth whaty would
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do in this is situation and e president of the refused to hand ov those bylaws saying they were only available for members. we tried to contact the club again. e getting an answering machine and they puld their web page down fr the internet. >> b the way, gerard clege has offered up its poolthat the ds can now go there and swim. arlen spe arlespecter, the senator from pennsylvania, says he's investigating becaushe says discriminaon has no place in america. ev ift's legal, it' still wrong. >> of course. >> wrong. coming up, we're ging to talk with someone o has fou a real future inlastics. meet the top selling tuprware consultant in thenited states. that's him/her. well, it's aunt rbara. >> there youo. >> she's almosa ready to come out here. we'll ve that coming up nextxt. h hav' a cuppa tea.
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gegecko : : kes lots of sweat ecome that big. gecko vo: 'course, g geckos n't literally y sweat... it's just not our ing... gecko vo: ...but io work hard, mind you. gecko vo: fifirst le of "hard work equals sueses gegecko vo: that's why geicico is csistently rated excellent or better in terms of financial strgt gecko : second rule: "don't't ste a aoworker's egg sad,d, 'specicially if it's marked "t"the gec." comeme on peop. i'i'rettmuch the same ai am in a plastic bottle? except that you'll sasave, like, $600 bubucks a yeye. but other r than tha we're pretetty much e same. pur. go, ean water. cdit report dot c! tell your fries, tell your dad, tell yoyour mom! nenever mi, they've been siining r songs since we first shohoup wh our pirate h hats ! if youe not into fake sworfights pointy slippers andd een wool tights ta a tip from a knigig who kws eeee cdit report dot com, lelego! vo: offer applies withth llment in triple advanantage.
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welcomome ckck, fofos. in these tough economic times so many people losingtheir j jobss lolot people have to look for a way to reiinvtt thememseeses to make a s sucssss otheir lives. anand e long island man has found succece in blastics. > whave waiting for this story y al day. tuppererwa b be aact robert's sisterriried her hand onit,bubut didn't have anyny lu. he took a cue fromomununt r brachl the t topelelng tuppererwa consultant in the ununy joins us inn studio. nt barbara, ririgh >> rht. auntnt barbrbar >> when you u thwwuuppware parties, this i is e geup, ght? >> isgg-u-upinsultingng? i c canbelieve she sasaidhahat. >> this s atat iypically wear, yeah, i think it's's kd d tasteful,, myself. >>ell me how you came acrossss aunt barbara andnd h i it came a succccs.s. >> the c chacacr was crereat
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with inspiriratati f fm my own au b barra and many other women who have inspired meme throughout my lifife. when it came to o seining tupperware i i wanted eded to t it with someone i thououghwowod have thehe seses ality to sell lae amounts of tupperware anand also to gett my foo the door sell to women. >>ou you might have a lotof makeup and accessorieseshahat ed tupperware containers to h ho em in. let me get to the k knitty-y-gr here. sure. >> howow mh h ney do you make now? >> i d dhave a a f fultime day job. i do this at night. ii ogigina ly started doing i i because i wanted extxtraonon. it startrtedelelli and it took of i did one papart o rtrty, from that ten party,y, 20 parties. i gowhwher needed. > iit so enteteaiaini for them, it's n n just frienen twtwisng your arm trying to get thememo o bu candndle >> i love tuppepearare. >> those are t twoototbowls for yo dears.
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ten cup sserlili bowls. trtradioionay tupperware parties in the 'ss, and ai w wl l '6, women would d co i iand invite e neighborhood and get away from the ilildr and show off their new broyhillndnd aperies. aunt barbara i i bumping it up notch.h. a few cocktails. how much d d you selllalast arar? we want to know w abt t e money bebecae e wee thinking about doing this on the side? >> a aun bararrara wl sign you p asooooas the show is over. >> do you make a lototf f moy? >> you make e asucuc or as litte as you wantt to mamake it depends. i started out just neeeengng af you extra dodolls.s. now it's a a pt-t-ti job has rnrnednto a full-time career. >> what wereeoo sales lasast year? i i sd part-time, i bleach h just over $100,000 in
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ppppware. >> h howanany wls is thth? >> a lotot off bowls. st. women n buththemn ale. >> whattoes yourur sister thini ba? because sheried her hand at it first and now w u'u'reust beating heher? >> she's a littltle ffffedt it. i'rying to bring her ianand train her. >> she do have tried a aunbaba bra, perhahapshehe nds ununee benny. >> everyone needs a a gimmimienn edge to get inintoheheoor. whetheher u'u'reood at cooking baking, you can sing, whatever it is. u've got to entertainineoeopl >> oh, can y youinin >> no, thahat dodon' do. > ctetessusually sisinc on te show. doou get a percentage? like any sales posititionyoyou get a percentage a and then bas on what you sell, y you g g bonuses a a you qualalif f f izes and different things.s. >> well, robert,t, att barbara, love having you iin. by theway, inspiratatio for pepeop who feeldesperatate. >> i dn'n't evenen t thi you cc >> thahat wraps up is houour f
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lissa and i a a ant rbara. mamaybwe need a thirird. au b barra mightbebe it. >> definitely. >>davidndndamron take over afr the break. to stay t of my game afte50, i switchch to a complete multivitaminin with mo. only one d men's 50+ advante... has gingkooremory and d ncncenation. plus support for hrt heah. that's a great call. one a day men's.
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wowomen who o ink crystal ligt ddrink0% more water. crystal l ligh make a delicious hae.
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go to hohoirire.m. whwhenouour-ar hotels ha unsold rooms, thth u useotwire to f filthth... so you get t t l lowt prices onon fr-r-ar hotels, guaranteed. ♪ h h-t-w-i-r-e ♪ h good yafrnoon, everybody. i'm david schuster live inin washington. hey there, i'm tamrononalall live in new yorkrk. we want to get start wadeigig story, breakingigi ne out of iriran david wher there are new prprotts erupting todayay as security forces s ar cracacngng downuuicy. dedeo sted on youte shows popocece ming in with clubs and tear gas to dispersese dedemotrators in tehran. itppppead to be the biggest outbreak of unrest sincece lt t month when p pole e crked down in violentt fashion on post election protests.


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