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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  July 9, 2009 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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tehran bureauhihief st left tean. atatre you hearing frorom urur coacts today? >> good afaftnoon, daidid, we ard thisrorote srtrt with 250, 3030 people butut the mber swlele up to 00 people rching towardsehehra univivsisityn a d todayy tt't's verysignificant. ten years ago today, pro form ststudts clashssji mililia.a. soso dada was widely anticipate go aheaead with nott only by th udents but the securitity forces. we will keep track of f ee dedevepmpmen over the next t t hours. > bgest protest we'veeeeein twtwo weeks. g picture this afternrnn,n,id ee cicieceive congress for years? leon panetta sayays ninior intelligence officialsls uld be sealed significacantctions from
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congress fomom 2001 t to juulas month accorordi t to veral house democratat wsese had hehear clo door tesestinynyromanetta o week ekekago a. theieir veve st a letter to mrpanetta asking him to retract his earlieiecocommts that is nonot e e a's policy to mislead congreress hohousppear nancy pelosi adessed the democrats' concerns daday. >>obviously they have coconcn. the i intligence committeeee h the oversighght spsponbility for tetellence in the house and equivalent committee i in ee senate. i'm suhey will be pursuingg this inn tir regular committee process and that's t t right y.y. >> republicans s sayt't'all just cover-up attempt t by democrcr onspeaker pelosi's behalf regarding whats he did andnd did t t kn about enhanced interrogation techniques. i do nonot bieve that thee cia lied t to ngngre. i'm stililwawaitg for speaker pelosi to either put up the facts rear trarkterer statement
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and aploloze. ionon't know that th letter anans anything with h rerdrd to the speaker's actioion. >> msnbc congresesononal cocoespondent mike viqueira joins us f fro citol hill. aa lot ofeoeoe werentntried about w wh speakaker pelosi wou say t tod i iher news coereren. e didn't d dictct take on the lalast commementfrfrom mr. mrpapatta? >> members of t t intelligence committee who ototehhis on their own volition. inintestingly, she was askededow tete she saks to leon papanea, he was a congressman from northern california,a, h ad nanancpepesi very well acququntntedith each her. she s sididhe hasn'tpopoen with hem since he was nominateded tbe the directorf centralal inlligence, shehe gether intellllenenceriefings she is itit toad from the speakerer from jim jones,, t the prident' own nationon s secity adviser. ththeryoyohave it. nanancpepelo accused the cia of lying to heher. ththis is over thatonontrersy f whoknknew what and when in term
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of watersboarding whennthe policycy w d dcide andcacarrd out.t. you hearard jnoeoeer say he's still waiting for nancy pelosi uld um upitith e goods or apologize e t thecia now comes the leleerer fm the democrats, many of thome c csese aies of nancy y pesisin the intelligence mmittee. thth r rdsds ipart,ecentlyie ststifd, talking to leon netta thank you have determined that top p a officials have concealed significantctions from all members of congress a and mmisd member fo f fub of yearsrs fro 2001 to this weweek this is s simarar to othth deceptions of whicich a a aware fromom oerer rent riods. in lisist urur ststimy, wessk you that you pububliy y rrect yourur steteme of may 15, define and that's when leon panetetta said it is the n n pactice of thee cia to misleadcongress, tamron. > me,e,o mananooe, if he said behind the csed doors t the cia misled during g atat te period andhat's whatat t spe
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spkekesaid, wouldn't that bebe vindicate for her?r? w whyouldn't it? anand atat doeses t p predent threatening to veto, that glgl ofofhe orory? >> ririhtht, pupuicansuspect democrats of setting up a stra man n a bill entitling a a authorizizatnining i i is cotrtrand sewhere is on the floor of the housuse. itightbe nexteeeekt the ratehehere gogoin i the house today. that would havee sididyou've go expandcia, thee universe o of memberss of corere who a are informed about practctic l le wat wawateo warbrboa i waterboardrdinanand her techninieses bng carried out ereras. this d demrarat democrat. a areoing to veto that in this authorization bilill. there is that aspepess of this. backck a f fth republicans suect this is a democratat attempt to awaw attention a ayy from the pelosisi debate, we're going to surround this bibi o o the floor of thehe hsesef represenentaveves. >> thank youou tamron now to thehe bigger
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pipict how d daming is it too o ununy when the cia mimisadad ngngre and if lawmakers seeee thagagen going r rog what w wil happen next? rush h httis onne t t decratic lawmakers oo signgned thth letter asking panetetta ro retract hiss stetent nototi coress plays a crucial role e on hahalff the americic public in keeping aalolose eye o o what t cici i is doing or notot dog?g? how well amined are the activitities of cia is? isis t c c doing things that are not in the best natitialal interest? who knknow new if you don't'tavave e oversight and d amaminion. that's'shahat is i is about.t. e're joinedby evavan le fromom n y yk. eitherer t democrats s e e no going to get a asufficient apology frompanetta or the republicans arenngrabout panetta a no how much does s itatatteif there ararpepensns between congressss and cia? >> it's i incdible important right now.. you're talalki about a ririod
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when the congrgresisis about t o forward with creating g anaa authorizing legislalati dealing th the g git dainees a a involves very heavily the treatment that theeetaees receiveded athth hands of ci a and ilitary. ththesarar sechbs tif issues tht will will be hashed ouout f flo of the cononesess. what's more is i if erers a sesensof didirurust betweenthth twoo bododi you're going to h hv aen intense diffffulultyo try to arrarangthth i iminin not ly devevepiping system to dealal wh the gitmo dedetaeeee, u also haha t to al with the evidence gathered by the ciandnd now that th military and thth g govnment seeks toto iroduce in these cases. it'sncncrebly complex. the last thingng want iss a corontation between thoho t sides. > evan, erere' some w w suggggt,t, se defendedersofofhe cia who suggest maybee they shldldn'riri congress a much because itlolo things down. they do slow thihin down, but
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if you look k athehe htory of cicianand ersight, it surely st look at the reportsts that came out of ththe church c cmmme of the 191970s itt qite clear thatur intelligence opperioio anand agencies desperately need ovoverght. there's aisisto of differertt acts that iihink if we looked ba o, we wish we wouldn't t wouldn't have done thahat way. asssinating foreign leadads s is one of them oror aememing to aaaasssisina foreign leaders is one of them. anififou 2e debateof trtreaent of g git detainees that's another o o.. as long as we're n notururwe're gettttinththe rrect answer, the truthful answer from the cia, erere'going to be a lot of distrustst notust amongst congreressn n bu amongstst the amamerananpublic. we can't affofo t tha right nonw in the midstst oaa war. 's's incredibib ppornt. atathehe se time we can't take th o outgainst the entire cia, e heads of thennteigence cocoititteand congressavav been very clearhat if anything went
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wrong i it sese aions of few officersrs, w w not something sysyememic this wasot something that ththe cia conspired as an gagazation toto mislead coress. atat a big differenencendnd something g h hav to keeeep in mimi. . >> evancolemanan,hahankou so much. we apprerecieeit. tamronon, evan is a absutely on soththin the cia doeoes have hababit of i ththin t tt are not necessasalyy in the public's's ierert. that's w whyonongrs has ersight to begin with. if congress is n getting act information from theheciaa that a problem. . >> it is interestingngowow t republicans s artrtrng to make isis aattle between two democrat, panetta and lolo when thehese actions w we e tan duringng aififrent adnistration and it iss t didiffence of previous administration, the bush administration t ttt'soing on here. soso tt't's an interesting dynac they're trying to makeke o, , o, david. at the g-8umumt, president amama fighting fierce battles pupuining cap onlolol emission which isdevelopingconomies ha risted bututt't's the
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battles at home proving eachh tougher for ththis president. ceceresident joe biden tooookonn the white housus crititictotoy while in ohio. >> what will they do? leing all those cops get lidid off? wodd they say okay, n n prlem? iear nothing other than thehe criticism. i ar nothing affirmatiti. ladies and gentlemeni didn't takeke ts s b, barack didn't ke this job to do noththg.g. we took this jobob trereild americica. that's what this i iababou >> wlelehhe ite house -- will the white house be abble to hold off its critics anandccomplish th big pooli anges it wants to get through t th summer? joining us from me, savannahh guguthe,e,ood see you. >> hhi, tamron. >>bviously the preresintnt has a lot of business hehe wldld likeo take care of tre a and heen the memefront. joe biden n trying to holdtt dodown unl he doess return. is it difficulult rightnow, fof
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the presidentt d deang with the g-g-8 t t hang this fire burning here? >bsolutely. wee been on what,t, three or four major foreiei trips, tisi is the w wor i i c remember in tes of domesticic h hadlines being really tough whihile h h tries to conduct this ipoportt reign affairs business,s, there'sll this important domestic business that is s rely suffering ririghnonow. it's not thahaththe esident of cocour h h left or abandoned the domestic agenda, i's's just t t whilee he's's gone, falls to others t try to k kdd of carry the flagag thee.. we s v vicpresident joe biden ing that today rlllly mounting a veryy vigorous defefsese othe stimulus which has gten so chch criticism this week because ththjobs problem isiso acuute.. now t ainistration says look, ththetimulus wasn't supposed to hehelp ernight. we a aren n ack t is sinin our crcreangngobs. so thehey ilill e very much cocommted to stimulus. aides here dodon' wen't to lklk about a seseco stimulus yet. they say i it' w too sn. weweaan't seen whatat t f fir stimulususasas de t hasn't raededp completely t.
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so they areot yet taing enly about doining a second ststimus. the otherrbibi issue isealth care. at's a major,f n not e e jor agenda itetemor the admininisttiti. we realllly e e seng some snags onhe hill. privatatelaiais will say look, know this going to hahaenen. this is gogoin to be a summer. many times ere peoeopl wi say oh, health care rorm is dead. ththeyecognize this as partsf the l leglalati process but there's no questiononhahat ing overseas, , wh y y're having meme destic difficulties is s not ideal. but that's the way itt crumbles memetis. >> it doeses fllthat waway. but savavaahah, e president's apappral numbers haveveaken anotothedidi in theatest we've seen. mit he be able to b bng some good news omom t g-8o bolster or to o ableo jststif being g erere that is a frr ququtition toask? >> we,, you knkno the thingng about thegg ist't' ann occasion for the president to meet with these world d leerers, they have e esese ry high minded gos s ke climate change, thehe ecomom recession, but i in terer
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of concrete deliliveblbleshat will r rononatwith the american pepele, let's face i it's little short on ththatheheajor thining me out o climate change i this cocoititme from the woworlss leaders toeduce carbon emissions by half but that's n not until 202050 so it t t sothing the americans arar going to feel right t no the president t wi a alstravel totofrfricto give a major seech on dememraracyhe'll meet the pepetomorrow, americans care. thth want their president t oversea as making g a lala on the woworl sge but also carere about the bread d anbubutt issues a ahohome >> okay, savannah. thank you. it l loo absolutelelbebeauful behind yo ararhe eararthakak ravaged toubb butgoeous. ank you, sannnn. >> ure. >> w wtt do you think about the diininhe polls for the esesidt anthe now they're ayie saying the stimulus l los jobs rather ththanrereat them? >> i is s anasy argument to make an the argument you hear from
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o oba a ainistration saying it would have gotten m mh h woe. so r rublicans feel energizedbyy this. savavann m mak a great popoin thprprident is tryryintoto did lot at oncend it's not easy when the unemployment figigur keep gettingworse here domeststalally people want anansws s ght no that h hdedent care what'ss g g to happepe4040 years f fro now ouour vivinment. > baking nenews ne detroit, michigan,iive people were k kled this afternoon when a car c coldede with an amamtr t tra inaant township. according to p picice,he crash happppen 1 130 local time when the vehicle was headededororthnd crossed thosose trabs. thtrtrai pusheded the carr 1150 feet killilingveveone inside. r repts of injuries though onon board that train.. aemorialervice for former nfl quarterback s ste mcnair is expected d to d dra 50 ururne tonight in nanaville, nnessee, just one d afterr polilionfirmed he was aicicti ofofrutal murder/suicide.
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heheas shot four tis before she took herer own llif thisis i theheash camiio of kamimi being rerest. emempleeeesay she bought a seautomatic pistols hourss after the e rrest. ananotrr big talker,senator arlen specter is looking into chargess atat p phidelphia area swim club tushd ayay riricaamerican children who paid to use the pool. e children from the creative ststep day camp i noheast philadelphia werere turned away om the valley club on n ju 29th. thclub dececr said they overhearard ubub memberssski at a afcacaamerican kids were dodoinat the ol. the club presisintnt said s ser clclubememrs c comaiaineecause ththe e s, quote, a lot of aeaern lot of kids wod chgegehe complexion and the e atmosphere of the clcl.. but he claims the e colalats did not t inlvlve ce. as yououigight expect, thehe chdrdrennd their parents are
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outraged. >> i heard this lady, s se e wa likeke, atat a are all tese bla kiki doioing here? she said i'm scared thh might do something to m my chi. . >> it didn't h hpepen to me i happened to a buh of dsds every parerents s upt. they're e owowinup to believe they'r're stst as equal a assany else. thparents of the campers are sasaido be considering l leg action. fothe record, weweutut ia call to senatatorpepeer t t s seef he'll come o on o o next hour t talabout this. hehe'seading the charge to find out exactly whatat they meant b e change of complexiononhohose children wouldld a t tthe popoo >> certrtnlnly annvnvtigation warranted. new claims abt michael jackson's doctor, ththe y y o was lastst wh h jason. >> reports of a prior investigatatio for a botctche surgery that m mayavave used a papaenent'death. we'll hahaveheheetails about the doctor's involvememen plus sarah palin o o t the d ss raveled. dodoesnyone i inududg heherlflf actually know whwheree she's heading? >> also, competing c clas abt at thetimulus is and is notot
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welcome back. ne startling details into the investigatn into michael jackson's death >> from the start, officials have bn paying close attention to the doctor whwas with miael jackson the day he died. well now the website tmz is reportdr. conrad murrayas on under investigation for an alleged botched surgery i 20. the patit died after his heart was parent are punctured during the procedure.
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bradley jacobs is a senior ed editor for "us weekly" a join us right now. good to see you. >> good to see y. >> this doctor, what he you gotten from ur investigation? >> so interesting about this man. reportsay he only met michael three years ago when paris was and and michael seems haveeally have liked him because he has sort a deepak opraesque personality to him and that we have resonate with the michael. >> dwe know if a anybody instigated this guy? iteems like it ge so close or near cebrities, to hve a doctor with sh a questionable past treating him? >> iis unual. he pcticed in texas, nada and califnia, but according to reports, he did not have a registration must o presibdrugs in california. he couldn't even preribe michael jackson ambien and there are some reports saying he gave
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him demel and oxy kocontin whic he denies. >> b he has not denied giving him that powl setive found in michael jackson's home, at least according the aorney. is he the fus of the investion right now? tre are several doctors. they're going to five or ihe different doctors. they'veubpoenaed them, looking for drugs. michael jackson's home there were last pills found, lot of diffent doctors, so he's part of the investation. the thing onrad murray was th him when he died so hs going to alwayse one of the top doctors they're talking to >> twouestions abt e jackson faly. they were suspiciousf this conrad mury according to reports from the beginning. have they said anymore abo the second autopsy and their oughtsn this doctor? >> no me h come out from the jackson family about tir feelings about him and it sees s like theutopsy reports are >> the burial of micha. jackso that's still allup, very cloudy.
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>>all sorts of question rk about that. >> has he been buried? >> we'reorking on a at us week." it's clear that the jackson family i fighting over what's going there. >> tre's fight in th mily. >> is is it seems there's a fit within the family. they're not surehat they should do next. seems like. >> brad, you guys have terrificterrific cover story on jackn, included was this detail that jackson wasooked on ey. tell us about it >> there's lot of great stuff in this sto. the story reallyocus me on debbie rowe and her relaionship wi the jackson family. she's not only interested in fighting for custody of the two oldest children but s's also considering forging custody bale for blanket as well. she wouldn'wa to split the three ds up. as we saw during the memorial they are extremely close and tight a don't thi anyone
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would wanto split them up. incredible details there. you've got it geme a c of the magazine bause david has already seen it and gotten t scoop on michael ckn, ebay. >> great stuff,amron. must read. >> thanks for sharin there is much more ahead on msnbc. coming up - >> i ju wanted to come hre and become like an internatiolly respected figure like heidi mong from the hills. >> so this is the international, belie it or not, smany people a talking about, including ouronusroom that came to a complete halt. bruno with matt lauern the "today" show. the nd of interview you watch through your frs but you have to watch aain and again and we are going to show it to you. time for your businessmall busine advice. here arehe fastest growing
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businees. child an day care services. painting andl covering coraors and the fastt growing is computer systems design demand stillsky gh for people with technical expti.
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. welcome back. we've got news about the plane
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crash that killed bilonaire steve fossett, the ntsb finally released the final report on at happened there. they're saying the accident was a result of downdraft, high density altitude and mountainous terrain. ter it crashed it truck motous terrain, following a inadvertent encounter th exceed th climbs capacity, capability of the airplane, a lot of technical language there. but dowraftaused somehow steve fossett to lose control and crashing into themountains near calornia. so that's theatest from the ntsb othat breing news story. good that we're getting perhaps some closure on the ce in any case, tamron. up next, separating fact from fiction wheit comes to e stimulus. >> we are going to put the claim to the truthometer to test who's bein honest a who's not? but firs" time" magazine's cover girlarah palin where e's headi and what she didn't talk about a ron for
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regning. plus snding millions to get a tab at the debate. how tv and web ads are affecting the battle over healthare. with me calcium and vitamin d... toupport bone and brst health... whilhelping you hydrate. one a day women's 2o. refreshingly healthy you could buy 750 0 boleleof water... oror jt t e brita faucetet fteter.
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morgan s stanley sth barney. a w weth management firmm with over 130 years xperience. >>i'm dinah o > i' dianan o like with your market wrap.. oilrices dropped brflfl below $60 a brerel today but settled upupt $60.4.41 breaking a six-d sing streak.. joesess aims fell to ththr r lowest level since early j january,y, alylys expected that nuer to be above 600,00000ththe drop seen largelely e e the chges of the timingn n e auto indususy y laffs. job worrieies ememo be taking a toll onshoppers. retataerers port weaeak t tan
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expectedales with h a sharp same-store s slesecline cocomped to juneofof last year > cigigro chairmannd ceo says gary crittendon is leaving the company pt of the mananagentnthuffle. cicitinknk was among those hardt hit by the credit t isisis and is strugglglintoto return t profit achcht that'ss f frocnbc. > welcome cck. i'i'dadavi shoe taxpayer livive washington. m m tamron h hl l li in new york. >>rereing news if f fr john enson whwho admittedn erara memeri am affair a couple of weeks ago. his lawyer said his parents gaae nely $100,00000 to his mistress d her family. crics may allege is was essentialllly sh neneyut 'r're waiting fofor rere rspective and tatail the lawyerer forenson sining moneyasas given the miress
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by ensign's papantnts totalling $100,000. >> big developments ththe,e, david.d. in addition to lettetersusus released a as llll tt ensign otote his mistress. > > e big picture athihis hours, d delopments in t thearah palin sasa,, if you want to c c it itit that. her attorornere tetess "the shshgton post" the departing alaska governorr ha noo new jo offefer. that bucks whatt a lof people ee saying abt her going o o televisision.. he alal said governor papali i resigning bececsese of herer combativivelelatnship with the state legislature and because of thth distractions and costs o o fifititingff numerous eth inc.s complainints meantime in hehe nal days seservion doing more than just fishing as shsh did over the weekend. e's also raking up airir miles, sincnc nonocing herr res s signation, she has thrown n to the furthest c corrsrs oalaska fofobibillsignings, everything about her is bngng trabed. one ofof h o o friend sticking buy herr
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rick p per ys governor palin cmitted to campaigning fofor his re-election n anhehe welcom the support. >> now t t bigger picture.. sarah palin has 1717 me e da as governor of alaska. bedes mmpaning, whatelel will s sheoo and whatdodoes her lilitil future hold? ining us is "the washington st" journalist sally quinn, e found a ofnn ith, the blog aut faith a its impmpt t on global life. sally, you'veeeeng blog a lot about palilin. pan holdsherself o outs essentially putting her famamil fifirs what's yououview? >> well, clclely, she s not put her family irir. in h her deparartu s stement sh talked about w wanngng t concentratatmomoren issues of energygy and national seriri ad she said shehe wanted put herer state first and you u ke wondering g he's's a woman whohs essentially six cldldre because her chilild has achild. one e of them a d downn syndrom child and evevernene k kns that
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special eded children need a lot more attttenonon tn others. dd these cldren have it is publicic publicic t to ve been exploited bybyer and i think in an unfortunate way and d t t shs been travelilingo o ch starting with the campaign n enenhe h this 3-month-o-o scial needs childs and cntntuing to travel and tata about the children blblic. >> sally, t the use othe word exexplted is pretty strong. give u us some specificic examp you thinkqualifies for that? >> you know, shebrings them l to t the convention, including trig, thee baba. shee brings t t pegnantauaughr with the boyoyfrndndho clearly dndn'tant to be there. shshe en travels around with the children using them as sort ofo photo ops. shthen, when bristol pann decidede tt t sh wanteded to g this tour,hihich i think was a veveryadaddea s srtrt ofampaign
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agnst teen pregnancy, he'e's ilild w really needs to stay out of the stlight and t tak care o of r r owchild who has no ther at this point, i i j jt seemed to me that thee david leleererman s suation where she whipped that upininto a a huge scene, bringing in her o oth dadaugerer wllow and making a ag to-d-dababou i i itit en shehe d have just lelet it ggo. she brings t children ararupup when she needs t thetotohore up heher n n ime and yet she isn't doing -- iean this is a wman whis a comommieded christian family values is everything f her faith o oft peoplple believ women shouldn't evenenee working outstsidofof t home. so my f feeng is that i she re put her money where her moh isshe would say,look, m resigning becaususe i want t spspenmore time wiithy family d d th's th first timime a ayoe would have ever believed it v sasay,y, it's up to ththe gover
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are to defefd herself, s's the breadwinner. ifif s's not working, her sband works asfishermanan. they doave toaake money to support the familyly a she h ha ththe ililit obviously t t maka more money t tnne does.s. whwhenouou s them out fishingng family,, is it fair to qststio her f filily values as woworkgg woman whwh h has to suppororer mily? >> well,,yoyou ow, her hband does worrk. it seems to meme that she'll be makikingorore ney if she leaves the governor's office, butut i would thinkhat she would say, you u ow, s she has t ts traordinary opportunitit n now t do s so chch good w wi her pepeononaly and her cararis and her pupuicic ige to say i'm now iningtofocus on special eds children, i'm g gng evevytythi i can to make e pele aa wear o the problems notnnly with caring for special needs children but educucatn,n, she could have said a andhahat andnn evybyby over. ecocoulaa just said i i leaving because ofof mfafaly. she cldldn' say itit.
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we have got fifinaiaial oblems, whwhh h sh did. i'i'm going to beaking more ney writing book, i'm m ining be able to statay memend spend mo t timwith my children. i'm goioingo o be devoted to no mamaki people weararofof specia needs childrenen and d do s sdrm childrdren and i i think peoplee would have really adadmid d r and applplaudd her forhhat instead of giingng 100 differer asons and excusesoror stepping dodown >> sally,, a alys a pleasure having you on.n. veryry provovocaveve. a appciateou joining us th afternono.. republicans are ramping up, tamrmronththe criticismf f he ececonic stimulus as theobama administstraonon steps t t to vigorouslylyefefend the $7$787 billlliorerevery act. >>ouou g toto dendhaha kind of cash.. just todayay, vice president t o biden said tation's unplploynt rates would be evenen worse without the stimimul a a but gop p ldedershot back ghlighting what he f felel the stululus ppsents.
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> t deficits o of e states would be twice as lgege a they arare w resululti i itens of thousandnds of additional layyo. >> theytook $20 mililli of stimulususuund to do a study of aroposed project in sosohwhwes ohio. that the supporters s wi a ait can't-couldn't'tegegin construction f fort t ast seven yearars. >> joining us s li f fro waington, d.c. is bill adare, editor of politicall ffaccom ad also editor in chieff f t st. petersbubu t tim >> good to s seeououtamron. > y'v've t job trututmemete out because ththerss a lotot of back and foh.h. ourr first ement is mr. boboehr,r, l's listen to wh he said. >> in wisconsin, thetitimus paid f for a bridge a a rr caeded rusty's back wter sloon. they've gogot gat burgers but no nenew jobs.
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> obviously that's a web ad asking where are the j jss createted t the stimulus. is thihis on the moneyey? >> no, it's's not. we have rated that particucula clclmm barely true our truthometete and reasonisis too hear thatad you wowouldd tininthis is anoth brge to nowwrere thhis i is a bridge that helps rusty is a loan bubutee foundndthis is a bridge that one of many ways get to that particular s soooon and we are n notalalng about a gege bdge, it's only about 8787 feet long andononary to w wh ey say in thee ad,t's expected to createte out a dozen jo. so w w g ga boehner a a barelyre forr that onone >> david, i know you lveve to hear the truth from m us do you want to t te e onhe second e,e, daid. >>-- aacking mitchcconnell, thepublicanenenat eader. watch. >>hat geororge bush as mitch
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mcmcnnnnelto support the policies that brought ourr econonomy i i knees, what did say? >> yes, yes, yes. >> but this year when it came to creating kentucky jobs, he said -- >> no. >> hlp the unemployed? >> no. >> tt's a pretty toughad against th minority ader. is that tr or false? >> we also gave that ona barely true on trutmeter. the reason is this is sort of yo boilerplate campgn ad. it's like there is a formulaor doing ese things. they pick out aew votes, in this case, the economic stimulus vote by senator mccell. he andmo other republicans in thsenate opposed it, but to portray it theay they have is really misleing. it's not accurate to sayhat mcconnell is agains those things he's voted for them other areas particularly repubcan bil so that one eas barely true. felt like iwas a deja vu, we felt like np are 2008
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campaign with these ad i guess we're back in campaign time already. >> thanks for whipping out the truthometer. haven't seen it since the campaignseason. anyou. >> thas a lot,guys. tamron it es feel like we're in a campaign season even thou we're not in a cpaign interms of the economy but i loveis when they take out ese ads that run in the home district, that's where i gets spicy. >> it is interesting. because they're obvusly playing to tt state and, that district. they know their audience now shared with a natial audnce, interesting to s. >> now there is a veryvery hot anhuge politicacampaign unfolding right now. it's about health care up ne we'llook at th ad war i that battle. >>ow millions of dollars are being spent on the airves an online. bunext week's big sto will of course the confirmation hearing of judge sewn in a sotomayor. >> the mann charge is patrk leahy but based on what saw a news nference earlier th week, the senator may want
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to spend a coupl of dayst leastorking on how he pr pronounces the nomee's name. >> judge sotomor, tomayor. sotomayo sotomayor. free creret t rert ! tellououfriends, tell your dadad,ell your mom!
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never mind, they've e been singing our songs since weweirst swed up with our pirate hats on! if you're not into fake sword fights pointy slilippers an green wool tigigs take a tip from m a knht who knows free credit report dot com,,l! vo: offer apapplieth enrollment in trtriple advtage. but did you knowoulso get hotel pricassurance? it's a o o-two punch of savav -- pow! pow! lower hotel oking fees mean u get a lower total pric plus, ififnother orbitz cususr then books thehe same tel fofor le, we send u a check for e difference, automatitilly.
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anleven sixteenths wrench or re? here you go. eleven sixteenths... (announc) from designingome the world'd'cleane anmostuel-efficient jeennes... to blding more wiwind tbibis than anyone in tthe coury... thehe people ge are workingogether... creating innovaon tay for america's tomoow thanks! no problem! thanks! cidents can happen, but with liberty mutuauas new car replemen if younenew cais totaled wiin the first year, we'l'll giveou the money to buy brand-new car. d withur accint fgiveness, accident won't cause your pri t t up when you r renew. if you qlify, you could sa an average o$345 the e just two of our valuable features available to all qualifying drirs plus, those whwho ititch to liberer m mutl save an average e of 20.6% over their p prior poly.
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because doing g the right thig isn't just f for responsible e driver it'sor responsible car insurers, too. that's our poly. find out how mhh you could save.. call us directly a at... welcome back. with senors meeting on capitol hill, the clock is tking on health care reform as they intend toet a bill to t president's desk before e august recess. >> this is crunch me right now, allsides are using televi and web ads to make theicase both for around agains the public opon that is under inveigation on the hill. in thisad, theressure is
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applied squarel to president blanche lincol democrat of arnsas w seememe reltant to support public option. watc it's a good thing washington isis finally tackling this problem. >> know. bubui i re in the paper that our sesetotor'not helping. she won't committ to a qualityy publbliclalato competee whh insuraraee comompaeses >> we cann barely play o bills blanche linksonon worried bebe insusurae e companies? >> i guess she o ow them m mo than the voters. >> just yet, blanche lincoco came out w witop-edding away a a little bit, emseeingng tememace a publbliclalan . maybe ththadad iworking. ofououe those opposed to a pupubl plan a are also mamaking their case. >> i survived a a brn n mor but if i hadied on my government for health care i would be dead. government healt care isn't the answer and it sure isn't free. >ow wasngton was to briring canadian style heaealth care to e u.s. bu government shoul
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never comeetweenour family and yo doctor. >> here make their case are jane hampre and julian bandis. ne, it was your goup that essentlly put the pleasure on anche lincoln, are you satisfied with the impact ere d where else are you targeting? >> i think tat blanche lincoln has been feeling the pressure and it's an ad i'm very proud of directed b blogger dave y and also written by a ogger digby. i thinshe is feeling the pressure i'm not whly tisfied with what she had to say. i thi sheeeds to firmly mmit to the publiclan and not thweasely kent conrad co-op plan that the insurance companies wantut it's really just recipe for keeping prices high and keeping the government able tgesht aoss the boa to keep heah care c low but it'sadhe desired effect and we'reproud of it. >> en though your side get
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outspent three to one. this is agn strictly on the health care dete, $15 million onpro-reform s. $4 million on anti-form ads. $12 million on ads for tter care. high my numbers wrong there, but nsiderhis, the tot amount on t hair raine louise ads $14 million. what do you think of theumber, the amount of money fling thugh this aument? >> you've made my int for me. it is a david and goliath situation. you ve conservatives concerned with patients right, patients first and conservatives nited for patients rights talking about rationing and cost and wait times and bureaucratic regulati of health care. on the other se u have, i an entirely big prma and they're the only peopleponsors the ads dirted towards legislators um for -election. that jt goes t show what so of gras roots support is against e an and wha sort
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of big industry blic support is f it. i think that t i think where the ad are coming from and t mup indicates public suppo is swaying ainst the health planespite the best efrts of congreional democrats. jane, if there was one argument thatou thinkoters need to take away from all these ads that you're runnin what would it be? >> i think that entire tone is that's crap. 76% of the aerican public wa a public plan. as a 16-year cancer survivor self i find it offensive that people try to drag others into this and say that somehow our system that we have rig now represents the 50 million people who are uninsuredr it es -- >> whoa, whoa, whoa. >> superior foreople like me, for spem lipele like me -- >> i'm sorry i'm not a caer survivor but that doesn't mean i can't criticize -- >> i suppose you are but you don't know what y're talkin about. >> o ally? so you're aref the -- >> cancer survivors -- one at a time.
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jillian, one at a time. llian, what about the argument that your position does not represent -- what out t 50 million who don't ha health care? >> that's a totally false gure. it consists of illegal immigrants and people who are alreadyligible for feral heal care plans. >> okay 46million. 42 llion. pickit. it's ove 40 million. >> great. then you have anher 10 to 12 million wh are already eligible but don't take atage of you havenother 10 milon who could be otherwise eligible for thelans that obama is considering but wouldn want to do it anyway. en you break it dow i think it w somewhere between 10 millioand 20 million w are actually uninsured and can't get insurance. the 50 million is totallyfalse. >> jane, you get the last wd. >> the peop in this country who have to go and face bureaucrats whoill not pa their lls and have to fce nancial ruin in order to get themlves treated is crimil. basic alth care access should be a basic han right in america. we spent$2 trillion on the
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banks last year. >>hould food be a basic human right? >> do you have any pride whsoever? do you have any shame when y go out there and say thi stuff and when you interrupt peoe when they're trying to talk about their own psol experien? >> unfortunatelyi'm going to interrupt now bause we're running out of time. jane and jilan, thank you both. we will be right back. you're watching msnbc.
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welclce e ba. inin tay's "crossssing the linee child'd'slalayone reallyly b for onon teaeachww t t. yoyou mitt wonder what teacher paul rosenblum was thinkiking. he's a fourth gradede teacher i portlandndmaine, whoho partrticatatedn a mock ededng. sosods innocent enough, but according to a l letrrenenout to parentnt hre is what happened. ter muchajajing frorom his class on muultip occasisis,s, m
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rosenblumiilly d dededo o participate inin thehe mockeedd june 18th.h. the groom was thee teteacr. the bridide in this mock weddina fothth gde ststenent. ththe hool princicill in thahat same letter gs s onoo d detai exactly hohow a all played ou. quote, at the children's requtt he wore his blalack graduation gown and a clown tie. the female student brohthtin a eet thaterer classmates help drape over h h school clhehes. mr. rosenblum t tol therorowd ththe would be no kiss. inineaead grabbed the girirl's hand and ran dowown araramp l ln aisle. soso t principal says she ununch an investigation aftete receivining a mbmb of calls. the eacher, for his rt, has apologizized in his letter totoararen he said to say i am rfmoefef true t trite and llll sounding. si w wit regret meme closer t o the markrk. officials woulul't't s if any
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diiplinary action was taken. ththeeaeach has worked with children for 22 years. hehe ss he likes t to mix humum into h his t teaing style. did he cross the line? i i n'n't ow. you tetell m lelet k knowhat you ththi. >tamron, i it almost 4:00 on the east cot.t. 10:00 ro whererresent obama jujust wpppp up the 8 summitit. this t tppoverseas comomgg as his domestic priorityy hit some speed bumps back home. wewel have moreof that. plus, one torerepuican calls a cat ght. whwhat exexactlisisoing on betwn decrats and the cia? and a s shking storyutut chchago. hundreredsff bodiesugug up at metery to make r romom for o ote bodies in morbid oney-making sche.. you're watchchinmsmsnb introducing one e a da women's 2o. the first compmptete wen's multivititaminn n drink mix. wiwi m morcalcium and vitatamin .... toto sport bone anand brststealth... whilheheing you hydrate. onona day women's 2o.
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