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tv   Countdown With Keith Olbermann  MSNBC  July 9, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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find out what itwas. thank k yobobothf. join u ussomorrowt t 00 and 00 for more "hardball." "countdown with keith ololbeanan starts rigightowow. >> whichofof these stories will you be talking about tomorrow? pelosi viicated. ee cia director at st admitted t the agency dndn'teep coress fully informed ovhe last e ehthtyearars. ed cia decectortt worst,t, at the agency mimileled ngressver thlalasteight years. >> ow whahaou know. hung out to dry. ththe republicans a are tryingn split the slilit unnrr informed misleading hair in u unrr informed ssleing lying. > i d d not belieieveththatha li to congress. m still waaitgg for speaker pelosi to either put u up e e facts or rereraracter statement and apologoge.e. >> as i t tdd you, actually sasa the republicans were ththrongng a isisaction.
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y y exse will do. >> w wh wassmisled, underinformed, lied to about? nonothg g new. palinavavhehe taxpayers money excusese that leaving o oe meant hundndre o of t thsands o llllarless in l lell fees alalasn would hee toayoo defendnd h against eththic charges. t t ue. a palin spokesperson a admss neararlyllll theoney was pre-budgeted. was going to state lawyerss before theirere any ethics investigatatio, , d it wll ilill be going t to s sta lawye after she leaves. e lied again opinion. . new kids o the block. asasheheoptries to change justice e toee sotomayor. surprisingly, , shs s ddle of e e road. >> rst. packing theelell phone. reading the financialaccounts of gnene paltrow,w, elle macpherson, and---- o,o, thatats not hris. e mayor.
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not the bush admininisttitionnot even a aththerovernment. > andhehe new phrasee j ju dedeto the urban dictionarary. poen of palilin. >> m not a quitter. i'm a ghter. > a few me like hikingng a a ensignnd on t the appalacachi ail. all thth and more on "countdown." good evening f fmmew york. the same rublicans who y we cannototrurusthe government insisteded todayhher is one agenency above suspicioion. one governmenent enency which would never, , ev l l. the cia.a. this deii todaday admission to the c c that whe it i i not cia policy t lie it w wan eded for the direcectorr tellil congress about timimesheheia did lie e anayay it's sryryme. confirmingasas nit't's blockbusterr vevelaon leon
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pennetta t tol congress last month that, yes, nananc pelosi sa theia misledcongress since 2001.1. the house democrats reveal add letter t the had stoentnt penne junene 2hh r rerrrrg to sret testimimon he gagaveasrecently s two dayay e elilier saying you teteififietop offfialal siificant actions of a all members of congrgres and misled nunuers for a numberr of years frfrom2001oo this week based on thatat, ee democrats asked pepennta to reviseseisis policyi wasot practice. two mislead congress. todaday eyey stood by e statatenent at concealing things om congressisis not p pocycy b soso implicicitl confirmed t letters centralclaim.. pennetta revealed times when it happened yway. it was the cia itseself to too the initiaiati to notify e oversightt acttititie nonoti of watat a mattering ststil claassieie is mission,, insufficieient to deraililepepubcan politics. hoststraaid twoyeyear ago, n nt
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fofort coming tohihim in congre ggesting today democrara e revealingg nnnnet's admission only to suort a new bill giving congreressoror control over t t briefings ittee from ththe cia an thereby vindidic pelosisi's action.. today, totally trusustwkyky. >> i've worordd closely with ou intelllligceceersons and they arthat. profesessialal and i doo not believe that th cia li to congress. i'i'm ill waitingor speakaker lolosio either put up the cts or tract her s satatemt andd apologize. >> s spkeke pelosi, a a mr. ehner knows fufuwell,proibibed by law fr prprodinin her 20202 briefs when she said s w w note t tdd about ntntemrary u.s. wardeboarding. today she t t on didn't ololize, they're not done w wthh mr. pennnntata's secretbriefing
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>> the fact is there i a briefifi that is ofererio concern n m memrs of the cocommtee, and theheyy have the cosesef action to deal with h it. >> joining us tonight, ne jersey cngressman rushholt who t t on sits onn the house intelligigcece cmittee but was e of the signatories s hat juju letter to dececto nnetta. ththksks f yourimim tonight. >> good tobe with you. >> weaa this inject is the ciaststicng to tts story at ceiving congress i not its policy orfficial practice but neitithewiwill the ciaee that happened anyway? isishat consistent? >> i think t tt't's what the ci isis sayyg,g, although part off reason w w reasas the letter was thatat we got noo responsesm the director. action on the leleter. what we we sayingng,isis ststememenin may, owing what k kno and we know now, eaeay was foe. nonow,e'e'reot just trying to catch him in a falsehood orasas for an awe apogy or let in o a sesecr here. point we're tryiyingoo make is that thehe's's a pattern of d dl and deceptioio, a patttterthth
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ultimatetely affects the securi of ameerinsns. this behavior, thisis patttterr not just monthssbubu the years into decades, ee unexamineded behavior c leadoo dangerous -- >> sorry for ththe technical glglch that ssbrhted the ininrview with congressman h ho which we h ho to pk k at some pot t inhe future. of the intelligence committee. switch to howardrd f feian and political cumumni for "newewswk"k"magazinene. good evening, howard. >>'m'm t temeded t say on peettaworks fast. >>ndnd in h hopg w w g get to t to the congressman again in t t interim -- i'm'moing to h ho off. congressman holt is babackwiwits now. we'lllesume wre e.e. congressssn,n, wn he a glitch in talking about the cia openness. ththe picture andndthth sound
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suddenlylyenent dead. kind off an irorony itseself >> kind o o - -- not sure where were y y w wheyou lostee we ying in the letter statatemt t of may 4th was nanacr. lplp kws it n noe know it, bus we're not trying to catatch him ininhahat and ask fornn olologor threat on thatat crcret the point t w we' trying to esestaisisthat there is a paern of deninialnd deception, and uimately that ptete rtrts e nationonal securitytythe safety of americans, b becsese t point hereress thh powerfrf organization, ifif it runs wiu oversight, if it is unexamined, if you don'tnow hoho'sminding the store,e, rll damage can dodone dagegeo people. he's's a abroad. and so it's not about ann- inside the b belayay ttip it's's not abouou w wo knew whae anit's not to catch m. .
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pennettain, know -- a gotcha.a. it is to establish t t f facthat congress muftd d this for t the amereric p pple, etethe it's destroying pepe as wenow the cicia did. , , u know in a completely separate incident, t cia inspecectogegenel said "the cia did not fulfill its lalal optionisish lilition to keep congress and thehe nationanal seriritycouncil fullll informrmd the agency dedeeded congress th nfnfc dd t department o o juststicacacss to the fichbdings."." or w wheer it's as m mr.hohokst, and d yo quoted m earlier. s saiyou know, not sosoonong ago that we cannot hahave a community that traras s ouide the law. cocorered what itdodo and li to congress. there are plenty of examplplesf this. this letter atatou're referring toto tt t s released yeyestdada refers t to only ne,
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butan egregegio e exple. a seriris s maer that went unamamin by congress, because e it was f f manyyears. >> and to that point,t,e're as second darely inin terms ofhehe importance, theheoverall struruurof the relationsnshi between theecia and thee count, ver mine justthe congress, cond declasecondarily, a s suri there is refefrered weekly here, , corereman herb schoo ported that mr. pennetta stopped one e ogograthe day after he learnededababou itit o junene33that your wlele cocoititte-- stunned learn whatat w k kt secret. obobvisly it's a ecect. wawas t thi something did not kn a abo eevisly? is t the a athing around the corners tt you can tellll u u abt it? >> wecacat talk. c can talk. none of ussanan talkbobouthe contents o of atat --- o t th brfifi. yollll ne theonone of our letter is not accusatory o of .
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pennett nnnnet. true, heheamame us voluntatari. it certainlyly rseses estions whwhinin mfter he'dbeen directoror r many ntnt he came toto reaeal is. he - -- bebelie that it jtt came to his attetentn.n. you knowance this culturere coconclment, which is,anan be ally dangerous. meme some of us in our generation remembershamrock and some of these things fromhe '6'60snd '700s tat gaveisise to ththe ededor congressional oversisite the rgs of the ovsisit. this is s soththinthat is not nenew. >> the rereplilica' suggestion here thathh n intelligence bill with thehe tougherer congngreioiol versight about cici brfing is there t to prott the speaker t to acacill her
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clclaiababouthe past, but the provisioionsctctuay pre-date whwhat t the speakered isbout c what is the e pu imp 'tis trying tohahae the natureff the ieiengs? >> anynyonwhwho served t t commtetee y length of timeme a d isis saiaighforward will tell yo yes, there'e's denial and defection byby theininteigence commititte not all the titime u u ow, manyy of these p peoe are conscicienouou patrioioc,c, wellininteioned and very a abl american, but play 20 ququesons with them. they'll come toto us. if w w d't ask thee right question they won'n't tell l us answer. i meanhahais so often the c ca noall the meme. t everything is kept from congress the major, dangerorous
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activities wouldld bee conducted without anyoversightht whwhatever. i mean,, ty y ouldn't even want at risk. >> ininde. congressman rurusholol ofththe intelllligcececommittee. greater thanknkththan ever for yo t te tonight bearing withth us during the technicic problems. aa coincidence,e,oo dodoub >> a bigcococidence. anank u. titi t to bring in asprpromd msnbc polilitill analaltt howar feininma and political columnis fromnono matter wchchdefifititin the p peetetta definition as pepennta says or t the definiti as the six r repseseatives say has speaker pelososieeeen vindicated in the e preses >> yes. becaususifif y parse the statement of dedealal bthe cia last n nig,, ararefly, as you did at thetotoof the show, keitith,hehe say itsotot our polilicy or our practice.
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>> well, that's ou knknow anybody you kn-- there a ny timeses whehewe did just t that, and, re, yes is. now, nanancypelosi's a aolitica person. u don't want toross her. she and penentttta have h h h t it,but, yiyi she's be viviicicat. no question n abt t . >> what t abt t th seconon poin d congngremaman lt was - i ththk he was specifically being emphatic, thatat it'sprprocs an structure t th concern umost, buteetwn the pennettaa tetestonony d what conongrsmsm hoholt said, a abo w wt congressss -- the idea ofhe brakes sududnlnlyeing jammed oo fas a secret ppgrgram does t thasusuest wee have other scandal brbrewg,r is it undidiscererebebr from a previousone coming orwhwhat is it? >> the bibigg eculative game day on the hill when i was
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caing around. nobody's sure. it suu sounds like, t halfer did h put a halt to, that t t neb members o of coress don't know about or were very recently informed of? so therere's that. he wants t potect himselff saying i j juslelens about there may be anan investstatatioby so house grgrour maybe a congressionallllwiwidene because harry reid, the mocratic leader in the senateteisis coconcnened out this as we. ththenhehere the matter money. dot t foet, thth cia is in a reaucratic war withh otheher ininteigigen within the administstraonon this is alalso a abo mmeyey. is is autut fufuding. this is autut wanting to protett his owown ins staugs b b fessinp bere its too late. . >> the tructure, the p pititic ruruures in this are s unusualhere.
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e white house is threatatining to veteto thisew legislatatn n that they're s saking to congreremaman lt ababou are they sentially a asngng congress youou know, just trust president fill in the e blk k d is thatt going to fly thisistite >> i don't thinkk itit's goingo fly entirely. it has for vevel years now. they'resasayi you can'tave ththis lavegas magic t where thth cia befefs come i in and salem show you t car,r, show awe fefew cocos, andnlnly show thth top leaders arecocongss and the raing and chairs ofhehe hoous ininlllligce committetee. those people areren' the o one down in ththe nitty-gritty who really knoww t right estions to asksk t c cia bbefefer so there is a pretty strong case for eanandi the number of people that arare briefed a a least a few, and it's harard see why thether than a blindnd
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desire t to otott all thehe prprogogates of thepresidencncy. whwhththey would object tothat, espepecilyly sce barack obama n o o a theme of transparency. no n noby's stupupd.d. we don't't wanto spspadad srets al a arod thee veryororou potical, but this in they're barely movie -- rememberr the od tv game show? "concentration" wilil w with bi cullllen ninesecononds turn it ovoverueus where e ee matchesere andhhen guesesthth clue. it really is-- that's the way it seems, these e pele, and i think there is a oioi. >> beariring w wit us alsoitit e chchnil problems in d.c. tonight. again, it's cia discusussis,s, just a coincidence. thank you, sir. >> t tnknk y. speaking of concecerarati and ththe stctch,he ccorrstone of thehe cascade o of rds expend by lamame ckck governor o a ask
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about h her resignation t tnsns in truth tobe, a a dead fish. sarah palin's s aiaim resigning she willll payalalka taxpayers mimillnsnsn legalfefeess actually wildlylyuntrue. e lawyers w wee get to g get pany anyway and t the lawyers are still tting paid anwaway. the governor runs into the basketball full-court prpresofof truth. the white cleaeaeses. the e go m msturizes and haa touch of mineral shihierer to enhance skin's tonene. olol tone enriching body w was for skin t tt t shmers. relief can't coe fast enough. introduci bayer quick reaease crystals. it's ready to dissololaster than capapletsr tablets. it's a whole new y om bayer to dsolvpain fast. new bayeruiuick release crystalals. it's a whole new y om bayer to dsolvpain fast.
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an excuse socentral, even the goveor repeated as recently as sunday,t's not true. how mu alaska's taxpayers pay r lawyers did no go uphen she racked up vestigations and didn't go down just bause she's quit. ter the governor's first tangible contribution to society. now one of the urban dictionary. just couple of problems in worst persons. kied out of a swimming ub in philly becau they too black, some kids. and stars in politicians their ll phones act by a media empire. you're watching "countdo" on msnbc. bu also speak mpgs so you can fly by gas statis.
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>>at the heart of the soon to be former governor palin's beef with -- everybody. her sted reasonor resigng from office, the bit about saving the taxpers legal funds. including in our "counown" it's a lie. despite the reason palinan't get pe to takeer statements at face value because the stements have no valuend shhas multiple faces. since friday goverr pin relentlessly repeating a talking int she is quitting to ve alaskan taxpays of cost of investigating what she calls frivolous crges against her. nott one news conference, had two, deple with a costume change in the interval. stilbleeding about the millions she wilsave t state
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of alka by resigng, except, of coue, the governor office is admitting that money was already budgetedin dvance, meaning it wouldave gone to state lawyers anyway even if they weren't defending pali against ethics complaints. that uovered by greg sargent an intervi, not keeping team pailen fm trying to put the tootaste back into the tube. a skesperson for the gernor tellin the anchorage daly news staffers om malt pell state agen, not just state lawyers, put asideuties against the compints against pal check we joet no. staff hours? ye governor palin's parall claim she had been victorio in every one of the 15 andounting ethics complain against her also not te. take troopergate. u'll recall with the he of hehusband todd accused of using her persol office to carry out a personal vendetta sheired the public safety coissioner because he rfused to fire the brother-in-law
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trooper michael wooten in october three weeksefore the general election, the council, alaska sta legislature, found goveor palin abused the power of her office according tohe ethics act. turnw toaaret carlson washington editor and columnist. margaret, good evening. >> good evening,keith. >> for the bridge tonowhere, then ast it. lied t stephen schmidt, t campaign maner in e-mail. denied her husba was a part of an independence party. ed when she said firing the publ safety commissioner hadn't got ahing to do wi his refusa to re her ex-brother-in-law. should we even be surprised at this point thistated reason ittings governor also proved to be a lie? >>well, in the statement, in r backyard, i surprised you found, know,he hea of it, whichas the -- theegal fees, because there was the lame duck. she doesn't want to milk it.
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don't want to go in junket. everybody doesn't. remember, countlessothers have quit. only two gernors who ever qu der pressure. eliotpitzer and j mcgreevey of n jersey. you founthis one, and this one then turns o not to be right. it appears to a general unsel as a corporation. the general counsel is sitting there waiting for incong and deals witht. it's outsi counsel, if outse counl were hire or some such thing, then there would be a check written. in general, statesdeal with their own lega problems in-house, st the way corporations do when they turn to their own general unsel. top of that, i spoke with john cole, who started, founded, the legal defense fu for sarah palin in alaska. and he sayshat mo of her privatlegal bills that arose a result of the children's travel, the per em, troopergate, were paid fouf out of those legal defense funds.
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so she really doesn't have out of pket legal defenses i mean leg penses. >>hank you for the compliment on digging this out, but it did take sixays which tells us something else. another sty. back to is, though. this attempt to spinhe fact now thats lie has been uncovere we're now supposed to believe that the othe public sevens er alask the prison league, road crews, public safety office and teachers and people who do rsearch with theish were somehowiverted to help in the palin investigation. i mean, i liked the first lie better than this one. >> well, the daysince that statemen she's been trying -- withhelp. professional help toind something that actually works, and she's backing -- she'slling in, and on this one ing forward, i thk sarah palin is n goingot to aswer any quesons.
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she's goi tosay, i've answered your questions, and yestery, the day before sterday, in the andrea mitche interview, when she accused andrf not listening to her answers when they wasn' giving an answer. sarapalin is very good as streamingords together that don't have a subject, verb and an object. they're ju prese par tisables and prepositions and i love the pple ofalaska and i'm quitting so i can srve them better. it makes no sense. >> ah. it's a line out of catch22,he guys in italy win by being geed. the last thing here, should we even trustight now theessence ever is? is governor pin goin resign at the end of the month? didn't larry craig resign last year? >> y know, i tk away from thittle speech in the backyard that she's just had it with alaska. i mean, haveou everad a job when y wis you couldust walk out and go sd the summer at the beach, like you did --
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>> only the last 3 years. >> yeah, right. listen, she got to do it. she sas, i'm outf here. and she came up way whole bunch of reasons. none of them reay work, but shs out here. i would be scked, keith. i'll give you -- i'll bet you dinner and some extragant place that thigovernor is gone. >> an all-pense shopping spree and out of the closet, was it in wasill in juno? couldn't remember where that place was. the secondhand clothing store. yes. i'll send you here. that's my bet. you cant run ld at the secondhand closet. >> i'm sur i've wo as much clothing fm there as she has, or the oer w around. >> a paiof wa for you, keith. >> thank you vry much. marget carlson, bloomberg news and shing tackle magazine. thank you, margat. >> thanks, keit good nht. >> good night. from the sarah pal kind of bull tothe more literal kd, here ruing -- d poltergeist.
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fair to jue female polical figures by they're appearance andattractive flz. look out for the rak handle you're about to step on, annie. worst persons ahead. i get t en "does it w wor" " l the time,
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the bush admininisttiti figure w who claims the obobam ministration pledges unrealistic resusultanan distances s itlflf from. >>and future h hal o o famer tom seaver, one out inhehe n nth ning retiring billy wiiaiams and ernie anan, and s sholdld b
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winner and came c cener fieldld jimmy ququlsls of the ccacagouus at that pointad 11 career b be hits. s 12th aingle to center fidd bstst uphehe pfect gagame only 1 19 rere hits in his care. let's play "hardball." >>lso in sports, webegin in mpmpna, spain with the eicic struggle b bween man anand bov. ess who always comes out on top? daday ree ofhehe 2009 runningof ththeull ps coererd about lackk of coverara f fro days onene an two, don't wry. yohahan't missedmuch. we keep hopingngnene of the bul ll get brazenenr ororgazezed and take a couplejejes dodown but the don't realallynn it's comimi.. look at thee oddball scororebrdd fifive rnersscape with minor trtraming. no seriousus ginin. emems ry correct this year. >to ggerny, the odall slow speed chase of th weekinin
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already in progress. ditched by his girlflfridd at t cacal beer hohosese. afrr getting drunk on etotoo many pilsnerstetels a ttraoror a six-car chase eueue at 12 milesn hour. first peppersspr,, a fefeail ltltinto the mix and t tnnhot out t thractor tires.. and d ou heavyacachiry operatiningayay are or an he'd headed to s big house. > di y y knowhehe p prto rican n lel l dense fund is ana extremist t ououp? so says ththe rublican party. an group isxpert in tremism it's the republican party. >> so -- also, theoooo to be ex-governor makekes i io the dictionary. ththe story,hehe first meme th firsterers in the world, pennsylvania, hihi a and seek playeratalie jazzmerr age 2. d so fwhelame of hide-and-sk her folks called the cops. took an hour and the fami dog tofind her. natalihad fallen asleep a drawer underherb neet the
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washing machine. we like to wish them lots of luck for the next 16 years. teline, washington number two. greatness. congressman steve king, republican mn. they wanted to put up a plaque at theew capitol visis center t embellish the suitef the capitol building bity sles. not builty slave, thus white people suck. t built by slavesnd therore repations just a plag saying, think about this. the housapproved the plaque, 9 votes to 1. the one - steve king. he said it wasn'tn accurate depiction history. eat. we now have a slavery denier. he's in congress. and dateline new york, number e best memor loss, kl rove. another e ever the ponderous "wall reet journal," klain kplarning abouthe stulus package. fits a pattern. pledng unrealistic results that it later disnced itself from.
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>> extremism and defense of liberty is no vice. moderation in the pursuit of justice no virt. e origal mantra of modern conservative pnounced in 1964 by barry goldwater to the republics who nominatedhose successors repuated hip and that conviction. e third story denouncing the defense of liberty as extremism in the desperate effort to make sothing, anythin stick against supreme court nominee sonia sotomayor. the confirmation hearing set to begin monda the newest senator al franken beat metingit jue honeheir attack.ns trying to senator jeff sessions gping again abou sotomayor's former posion on the board of rectorof the puerto rican legal defense fund sanghe organization isextreme because it filed some, wait for it, race discriminati lawsuits.
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might not want to acknoedge it, but it's illegal and even if sessions we right senator goldwar woulhaveadmonished hip. the legal defense fund hasrit ton sessions saying neither the board as a whole or any invidual member selects tigation to be undertaken or controlsngoing ligation. and 25 latinoroups criticizing him for misaractezing such civil rights work and trying to create ethnic animosity. and patrick leahy released and analis ho moderate to conservative the jud is on criminaljustice. reversed only 2% of criminal convictions and in 400 crinal case agreed with the republican pointed jumps 79 -- perc97% of thtime. a divided rulingnd if positionsere mainsfleem those lie others appointed by democrats and fromhe brennan cent concludestomayor is clearly thin the mainstream of the send circuit. her decisions joined by the full
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court 94% the time. indeed forme fbi director louis freeh endorsed sotomayor will testify on her beha alo with formerstrict attorney morgan thal, calling to testify agait the nomination, a knew haven firefighter at t head of a discrimination case. believing sotomayor follod prevailing law an watched assess the supre court cnged that law. the american bar association has now give the judge its highest rating. well qualified. it graded clarce thomas only qualified. andvenepublican senator lindsey graham has sad, "i honestly think i could vote for her." turned out "the washington post" rter, author o the blog "the fix" gooevening. >> good evening. >> and considered f the federal bunc 23 years ago, but warejected by the republican controlled judiary committee because he had wha they
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rceived at open hostility to civil rights issues. even a senator fromis home state voted against him. he is the sessions stance on somar, is it about his own agenda more than it is some chance of raising legitima questions about he or derailg her nination? >> first, have not talked to the senate about it. i won't get intohis intentns. i thinrepublican, in a tough place. judge sessions, mitch mcconnell leader of the party, and corn head of the committee, two basic reasons. one hand, thease of theparty wants a ver strong case tobe ma against sotomar. theyelieveome of the statements she made inhe pas about -- from the legislating from the bench, the wise latino remark we've made so much of. these are things that fundamtally disqualify her. on the other hand, john nyn, understas, it does not look good for someonewho has as
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you've listed the ratgs, very qualified ings. hispanic woman for the republican party to be out attacking. in the end, they're very kely not to win that argument, cuse me, because you've got senate ses for democrats, and it's going to alienate the hispanic vote from the republican party >> even they choosetoish upheir own so-called ideology in the questions, go for the idea of getting the base work done is that going t be more difficult than they're imagining re regarding the nominee, because of those, theecords th we just wentthrough and also is the ricci case their main course and - not like she was the judge w personally passed thathing along? >> i wld say tre's two thoughts ty'll make. the ricci case is one and the wise latino rema in thre. what did she t ethnicity and ce is a factor. and the other, ad nauseam on youtub since the dayhe was nonated about theree an
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appellatcourt plays in mking a law. agn, i keep coming ck to this. we talk about it andalk about it, replicans talk about , talkut it, t end o the day you're looki at 58 pretty solid, i haven't heard any democrats or the people who caucusith democrats, say they might votegainst her. and frombe and ted kennedy bo ill and maybe not voting there's going tobe a few. lisagraham, not exactly a modete senator. lindsey graham o saying i think i could vote fher. the olympia snow and join boyne vichs from ohio. she'll get that number. some of thats a miste i think for republicans to play this ooo much, because it's not go in t hispanic community. >> might be okayo look at the obvio obvious, includes reach an it might include a reach than as always. wh does pulling a palin mean? ded to the urban dictnary. it's the tv edition of word
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wealth. and ying on poticians and celebrities. here's the big stort done by a government. worst persons next, yes. she may have been a ctim. when rachel joins you at the top of the ur did senato ensign's parts pay his mistress money in gifts? her speci guest, leading corage of this incncreasiny relevant mess. (annonounce it is the m most advanced automobil we have ever created. a car tt can help awakeits driver if heeegins doze...
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ke him in his lane ife starts to wander... even ststop itsf if he bebecomes dtracted. if youant to see the fure of the automobile, just t lookt the new this isis the 9th generation n e-class. this is mercedes-bbz. for me to keep my bones strong but even w with lcium, vitamin d, andnd exercis i still got osteoporosis. never thought i could more than stop my bone ls. then my doctct ld me i could, withnce-monthly boniva. niva wks with your body to help stop and revevebone loss. studies show, , teter one year on bonivava neut of ten women stopped and reversed their bonloloss i ow i did. (announcer) n't take boniva if you have low blood calcium, seve kidney disease or can't sit ostan for at leaea one hr. foll dosing instructionsarully. stop taking g boniva and tell your dodoor if youou have difficult or paiainful swawaowing, est pain or severe or ntinuing heartburn, as these may be sign serus upper didistive oblems.
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> a new entry inhe urban dick aekz. pullg a lin. defing it and otother politically corrrrect phrases e writen an ensign.n. rst, wstperson in the world. th presidentntf thee huntingt vall, pennsylvanania's in a arge a day camp for moostly nority kids, 1900 blacks let them come and swim oe a week when the valley club members saw them and o one woman said,, "at eell these blac kids doing here? i' scared they ghgh do something totoyy child." ththe camp kids were kicked outf the pool and thelub opinion the n next day valley swim club president says e deal was off, ney refund pd.d. according to a loll telelisisio statioion, concern a lot of k k
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wowod change the compmpleonon a atmosphehe o of e club. it ts worst. appears s to be the same dr. jo ucucer chairman of the boaoard that sppsosore martinin lututrr ki e evess andrgrgizer of prpridident obama's roroam. it wasasn' rasmsm ththey underestimated t the capi ofhehe facilities. peplekz. >nd the most wely read newspapape the news of thee world. a rivaval newspaper reporte its ownersnoorppaid1.5 million in settlements of lawsuits claiming newsof the papape hacked into t the ones o huhunddsds o celebritieie and potiticis, read bank mail, et cetera. the list of alleged tarrge,, yneth paltrow,, e head d the brititisfofoball association, e former deputy primeme misisr andondonayayor and ris matthews l looalale boris
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johnsoson dd a celebritity ch. anthe correspondent wentoo isisoneveral y yes for h hacngng into the c cel phones of t t british royal mily. the e pre e nister said thehere were new q queions about t th papeper'ss activityhahat needed swered. popocece indicated they wouldn' reopopenhehe sese. ofofhe new allegationthe news corps boss denied them, , kn no cash orsettlements. had that happenedaid rupert murdoch, i would knowow aboutit. ifte,e, why didid ey go all the trououbl rather tan get the secret infnfmamati from the bh admimiststraon. a and d apararg at svevera blog, gtiti thoeoeft drix b byut pasted into ththe comments sectioions of al websites. the peculiar pin on the eft, anand all that nee toappen is for a femini over hereaying is i hate to a admit it, palin s kind of hot. yoyou call that hot? you know we got per h hty inin
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debbie wassererma scschuz.z. d d ne i remind y -- >> womeninin polititics g god o bad, baad d entirirel o o how t okok. judging by t t pvavasi immorality an hypocrisyanan sanford anan their ilk, t the o thing that m mig interest aale voter about a womama is se god knows that stst be annnn coulter's story ananhy they nominated sarah palin forththe vicece psisincy when she had not a singlele qlilication for the job, bides the abililit to wink. evee ev upon the pile of manure that is the ririgh wingmedia and commentary, c couerer is somethg wowors putrid e el and worstt alll considering herself f as kinds f a reincarnatededorothy parkrker repeatedly ostensiveve and irirtrtriebly not funnyny. one morore thing. the shot at racacll is not o on stididnd given viewer reactition
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hilariously ngng, also didiururbily r revatory about anneououer and disisrbrbiny sasad. and you s stted thisis beauty pageanant ining. ththesare your ruleles w wt you ink is iir. so you have asked for t thi if i were youu, i wooul n n stat commenting a autut the valueeoff attractivenessssn n won in politicscs anann cote today's worst peon. we've made a a great pduct even better. now evy op of shell gasoles.. contain a nrogen-enriched aning system... that seeks anand destroys engine e gunk....
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youu dih a job beforee uu nished it andifif your rationale forumping sh job isbizarrere, sh impede future hopes of a b betr job you might be pullinga palin. nunuerer o story. veveor palin's's latest approach to ngoverning finds its way toto tnnnnals o of hehe urbrban didictnana.
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the almomost ex-governor of a part of t t geist. 3u8ing a palin. quitting whehe the going tsts ugh, abandonining spsponbility entrusted t t you by neighbors, ok advancecesnd to make e moyy on e electoratee circucuit two, it w wil damn bitions for higher office. remiss to think msms. palin isie ly republican tononontrute to tull true cacabury. a salutete too the gop,, finind itself andndalalr itstitime wit emembaasassi political catch phraras.s. >> serious -- tn. >> louiuisiaasesetor adadtttted only to seriouous n.n. ich is now defined ass -- havingng s w wh hookers while wearing a diaper.. why sex? dd larry craig's e expnanaon to thpopoli after beiei arrested folewd conductct. >> i'm f faiy wise guy.
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ii te to spread m gs when i lower my pas.s. >> wide stance, now definedd a thpose struck during thehe solicitation of s sual favovorsn eeoilet of a major metropolitanan apoport >> i am n ga >> falling short o of the standards. >> i askedouou i rumors were ue that you were in a a afafai. >> theheadadmiion of f foerer he speaker r ne gingricich. >> the honest a awewer is yes. >> new definitionon, doggedly attacking presidenenwhwhil cheatingng o one'swn wifefe >> writing an enign. >> lastt year had an affair.r. >> a new phrase descscbibing letter w witten by presidential hopefuls used to telell yr mistress y you"u"use her for yo owpleasure." >> hiking the olold appalachian trtrail. >> i told herr a about -- my loy appalaian trail. >> notnly a walk through thehe wilderne, now also sououth
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carolina markk anford code for ditching youour ties as governor without tellingg anybody, hoppig plane to argentina and geing it on wiwith a lady who isnot your fe. i've seen her the time since thenen, during that whole work barki thiing. >> the binning of a sexy ti wiwi the ly who is not youour timeof which there wil be conseqnces at least one of which will be really uncomfortable news coconferens. as for t the sn to bee ex-governor frfromlaska- quitter. >'m cerinly not a quitter. i'a fighteter. >> all ted definititi. fighter. >> thk of th scenene on my rents' refrigerate per don't explain, friends w won't nd it andd enemies wowotelieve you yway. >> rerefrigeror mness. nenew top campaign advisis, gre republicanan hope 2012. postscript t on senatorrnsin rns out as junior senator call and momm d dad not to w write o it st write a c check to the
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lett who cheat andndis wiwie. ensign's parentsgave thee mistre cindndy hamptos 96,000, 1212rand a titime. a gift.. that's thehe ticket. gift. sh is always ce. afafter th senator told his parents ababt the affair, his parentss deded to makee the gift out of concern forhe well-being of longtime fafaly friends durg a difficult time. the gifts of consistent witith paern of generosity byby the ensign f family the hamptons d other senatotor ensn of nevada himse kind of f gift, one t tt keepss ging. and d there'another new term pattererof gerosity, which means, pay offs! that's "counown" for thi 2,25st day since the first prident. i'm kekeith olbermann. od night, and good luck.k. right now here to discuss the pattttern ofenerosity th a reporterer who h spokken with te husband of ensign's misisess, ladies and gentlememen, her is