tv Countdown With Keith Olbermann MSNBC July 10, 2009 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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"countdown with kekeitololrmann" starartsigightow. >>which of these stories wilill you be talking a abo t tomrow? pelolosiinincated. e e a director at best admitted the agency didn't't kp congngssss fly informed over the la eight years. ed cia d decectoat worst, that ththagagen misled congress over e e la eight years. >> i know what you knonow. >>huhu out to dry. the e pupublans are trying to lilithe split under informrmed misleadingng hr r to under informed misleading g lyg.g. > do not believe that t theia lied to o corere. i'i'm ililwaiting for speaker losi to either put up p th factcts r rract her statement d d ologize. >> as i toldld y, , actually said the republilica w wer throwing a a dtrtracon. any excuse will do. . w whawas misled, underinformemed,ieieto about? nothing new. palin saveve t t tpayers momoneexexcu that leaving office
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anant ndreds of thousands ofof llars less in legal fefe alaskan would haha t to y to defend herergagain ethics charars.s. nonot ue. a palin n spesesrson admits neararlyllllhe money was pre-budgeteted itit w g goi to state lawyers bebefo their were any ethics investigations, and it w wil still be goioingo o ste lawyers after she leaves. e e ed again opinion. new kids on the blbloc as the gop tririeso o chge justice e toe e somayor. surprisingly, she's s milele o the road. . > worst. paining e cell phone. ading the financial acacununts of gwyneth paltrowowelelle mamacprson, and -- no, that's not chris. e mayor. not t e e bu administration, not even anotherer gerernmt. >anand e new phrase just added to the u urb d dtionary. poen of palin.
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i i'mot a quitter. m a fighter. >> a few more lili h hikg an sign and on the appalachiaian trail. all that and morore "countdodown good eveveni f fm new york. the same republicans w whoayay w cannot trust theheovoverent insisted today theheres s on agency aboboveususpion. onongogovement agency which would never, ever lie.e. the cia. this despite today's a admsision to the cia that whwhilitits not cia policy t tlilie wants credititoror t director telling congngre a abo times the cia did lie anyway.. it's s stotiti. irming last night's blockbustetererevetion leon pennnnet t td congress last month thatat, s,s, ncy pelosi said the cia misled cocongssss since 2001. the house e decrcratreveal add
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letter they had ststntnt pnetta jujune6th referring to secrere testimony he gave as receceny y two days earlilierayayg you teififietop officials gnificant actions of a a meers of congress and misleded numbers for a numberer oyeyear fr 2 21 to this week based o on that, the e decrcrs asked pennetta to revise h hisololy it was not prpraccece. two mislead congressss totodathey stood by the stement that concealing g inings omom cgress is not policy but so implicitly confirmed ththe letters central l clm.m. pennetta revealed titimewhwh it happenenednynywa ititas the cia itself to t too the initiative t tnonoti the oversisighacactities. notitifyf f at are mattering ililclassified. this misissi, , sufficient to derail republilicapopolics. hoekstra said two o yes s ag not forth coming to him in conongrs suggesting today dememoctstsre revealing pennetetta a aission only to o ppppora new bill giving congress momo c conol over the bririiningst gets from e cia an thereby vindiditete
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pelosi's action.n. today, tototal t tstworky. >> i've worked closelylyitith r intelligence persosonsndnd ty ararthat. professionals. and i do not believeve tt t e cia lied to o corere. i'm still waitininfofor eaker pelosisi teieith put up the facts or retractct h s stement d d apogize. >> speaker peleli,i, amr. boehnener owowfull well, proibed by law from prododucg g r 202 briefs whehen e e id she was note told about contememporyry u.u.s.ardeboarding. today she not only didn't t apapogogiz they're not done with mrpepennta's secret briefing. . >> the facact t the is a briefing that is of seseris s concern to members of f th committee, and t ty y ha their courursef f tion to deal with . >> joinini u us night, new
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jejers congressman rush holt who not only sits on t theououse intelligigcece cmittee but was e e the signatories of ththat june letter to d dececto pennetta. thanks for your time t tonhtht. >> good to b bwiwithou. >> do we havave isisnject is the a a stking to tts story thatat deceiving congress i is t t s policy or officici p praice but neher will the cia deny y atat happened anyway? is that consistentnt i i tnk that's what the cia is saying, a altugugpart of the reon we released the letetr r was that we e gonono rponse from e e dictor. no action on the l letr.r. wh w wwere saying, his statemenent m m, knowing what he knows and we knowow n, , early was foe. now, we're not jusustrtryi to
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catch h hiinin aalsehood or ask for an awe apology o or t t on a secreteterere. point wewe'rtrtryi to make is th t the's a pattern of denialal and deception, a a ptete that ultimately affects theheececury ofmemerins. this behavioior,hihis ttern over not t ju m mons but the years into decades, ththe exexamed behavior canan ld d dangerous -- >> sorry for the tececicical glch that sbruchted the intervrviewiwi congressman holt icicwe hope to pick up at t so point ininhehe fure. ofofhehe ielligence committee. ititcho howard feinman and political columnist fofor "newsweek" magazazin good evening, hohordrd. >> i'm tempted t to y y on pennetettaororksast. >> andndn n hong we get to talk totohe congressman again i in e interim -- i'm'moioingo hold off.f. congressman holt i is ckck wh us now. we'l'll susu where we. ngngssman, when he a glitctch talking about ththcicia enness. ththe cture and the sound suddenly went dead. kind of an irony i itsf.f. >> kind of - -nonot re where werere y w wn you lost me we
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ying in the letter statamement of may 4th wasas icrcr. help knonowst t no we know it, buwe're not trying to catch h him in that and asask r r an apology ororhrhreaon that secretet. the point isis wrere ting to esesblblisthat there is a patttterofof dial and deception, and ultimately t thapapattn hurts ththnanatial security, the fefe of americans, becausese t point here is thth p powful organizatitionifift runs without ovoverght, if it is unexaminin, if you don't know w whs s nding the e ste,e, rl damage can be ne. damage to o pelele here's andnd aoaoad. and so it's s t t abt an -- inside the beltwayay ts.s. it n n about who knew what o one and it's not to catch mr. . pepenntatan, know -- a gotcha. it is to e estlilishhe fact that congress muftd and t thifofor e amameran people, whether it't' destroying tapes, as w wknknowhe cia did. or, you knkn i in completely papara incident, the cia inspector genenel l sa "the cia did not fulfill its lelel l opononisobligation to keep obl kbagso obligation to keep congress and the natioiol l security council f ful i iormed. the e agcycy died congress the nfc and the department of f justice acacce t to e ndndin."
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or whethth i it'as mr. hoekstra, d d u quoted him earlier. he saiaiyoyou ow, not so long agago atat wcannot have a commmmitity at traits outside the law. covered up what it does anand es to congress.s. there are plenentyf f exples of th. this letetr r th you're rererrrrinto that was released sterday refers to only onene, but an egregious exampmple a serious mattererhahat nt unamined by congress, bebeususe it was for many y yes.s. >nd to that point, we'r're secondnd delelin terms of the poportce, the overall ructure of the relationshihip between n thcicia d the country, ner mine just the congress, , seseco s secdarily, a surprise there is referred to weeeekl here, congngssssmaherb schoo reporteded tt t mrpennetta stpeped e program the day after he leaearn a abo it on june 23rd that your whwhol cocommtete-- stunned to learn what was kept t crcret obviously it's's aecect. was this something we didid t t know about previououy?y? isis tre anything around thehe cornererththatou can tell us about it? we can't talk. i can't talk none of us can talk abouout e e coconttsts othat -- of that
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brfifi. yoll note the tone of our letter is not accusatotoryf f . pennettata. true, he came to u uvovoluarily. it certatain r rses questions why in may aftftere'e'd en director foror my y mohs he came reveal this. he -- - i lilievthat it just came to his attentioion. you knknanancehis culture of concealment, which is, c cane e rereal d dgerous. i mean some of us in o o gegenetion remember shamrock and some o of esese ings from the '6 a and70s that gave rise to o the neededoror cgressional oversighght. the creation ofhe ererght
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committees in thth first place.. this is something g th i is t new. >> the repubublinsns' ggestion here that this newew ielelgence bi with the tougher congressional l ovsisighabout cia a ieiefi is there to protect the e eaeaketo backfill her claim about ththpapastbut the provisions actually y e-e-da wh the speakeker said about ca, lackof full clclary.y. whwhats s thimimpes for trying toto cngngthe nature of the iefings? >> a anye e whserved on the coittee any length of time a and is strtrait t rward will tell you, yes, there'e's nini and deception by t intelligenen community. nonoall the time. yoknow, many of these pepelele are e cocicienous, patriotic, well intenentieded a very able americans,s,utut wplay 20 questitionwiwi them. theyey'lcocomeo us. if we don't ask the e rit t
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question they y n'n't ll us any answswer i mean that is so ofteten e e ca not all the titime not everything is s ke f fro congress, not a meansns. but the fact t ttt these major, dangerous acvivies would be conducted d without any oversighght atatever. i mean, they shouldndn'tveven nt thth r ris i indd. congreressn n sh holt of the intelligence commimitt.. grter thanks than ever for your time tonight beararinwiwi us during the teteninica problems.. a coincidence, no doubt. >> a big coincididen.. thank you. time t to ining as promised msnbc political analalyshohowa feinman and d potitil columnist from "newsweek" magazine.e. good eveningng howard. noatather deniniti, the papatta defefinioions panettata sa or the panetta a deniniti
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as thehe six represenentaveves haspeaker pelosi beenen vindicated in the prpresess? >> yes. because if you parsesehehe statement of deneniabybyhe cia last night, cacafufull as you didiat the top of the showow, keith, they say it is not t ou policy or our practitice ll that's -- you knoww anybody you know -- - erere e many times w wheweweid just that, and, sure,e, y i iis. nonow,anancy pelosi's a politic person. you don't wantnto o crs her. she anand nnnnta have had had itit politically. u know, thisis is ashowdowown highway, cacafornia, between ntnter and san francisco. bubut,s, she's beeninincated mbmberuestion about it.t. >> what about the e sendnd pnt and congressman hoholtasas -i ininhe was specifically bebein emphataticththatt's process and structure that c ccecernou most, but betwtwn n thpennetta testimony and what c conesesan ltltaid, about what congreress
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t thedea of the brakes susuddly being jmeme on on s som sort of seet program. dodoeshahasuggest we have another scandal brewewg,g, ois it undiscovered d deisis fm a evevus one coming or what t is it? > t b bigpeculative game totodaononhe hill when i was calling aroundnd nobody's sure. iturursounds likike,o staffers ii tkk to, that there is mething else. that therere so programhaha panettaououndouout aboutt ttt h pua halt to,ththathe mbebe c cgrgres don't kww aboutrr were very y cecent informed of. there's that. he wants to protect t hielelf saying i jususlelear about there mabeben investigation by somome house group or mayay a a coreressnally wide one becausese harry reididththe mocratic leadad i in e senate is concerned about thisis awewell then therere t theatter of moneney. dodon'forget, the cia is in n bureaucratic war with h heher inllllence within the
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adnistration. this is also about money.. this is about fundndin ththiss about wanting to protect hisswn institution b byesessi up fofo its too late. >>he structure, the politicacal structurur i in is are so unususuahehe. the white house isis teaeaning veto this new legislationon that t ty'y'repeaking to congressman holtltbobout are they essssenalallysking congress you know, jusust usust president fillll iththblank and is that going to fly thihis meme >> i don't't tnknk is going to flfly tirely. it has for severalal yrsrs n. they're saying yououanan'tave this las vegasas micic act wher ththe a a iefers come in and say let me show youou theaas ddhowououhem for a fesesecos, and only show the
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totoleaders are congress a andhe ranking and chairs of f thhohoe ininteigigen committee. the people aren't the onon down in the nitttty-itittyho really knonow e e rit questions to ask the cia brieferers. soso tre is a pretty strong g se for expandining e e mber of peoplelehahat e briefed by at least a few, andndt't's rd to seee y the obamaa administrationonotothethan their blinind desire to protecect l l th prerogativiv o of e presidency. whthth would object to that,t, especially since b bacack ama ran onon ahehemef transparency. now, nobody's stupidid. wewe d't want to spread secrcrs all ararndnd t very porous capipitohihi. bubut this isn't rllll -- f fro what i can ttl, the briefing that's they gee are b bary brieiefiss atat all. it's like showowin the c cdsds r half a second d in m mic ct. do y y remember oncentration" d in nine cocond they turn all the numbers orr agagai yoyou' supposed to guess wheree the matchess wewe a en guess
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thcclu >>ththat the wayt seeemtoto these people. i think t th have a inint. >> bearing w wh h uslso with the tetechcacaproblems in d.c. tonight. again, it's cia discusussis,s, just a coincncenence thank you, sirir. >> thank you. . speakikingf f coentration and the switch, ththcocornstone of the cascadede owowordexpended lame duck governor ofof askska about her resignatatiotuturnout inruth to be, a dead fisis sararapapalis claim by resigning she will pay a alaa a xpayers millionsns ilelel fees is actually wildly ununtr.. ththe wyers were get to get paid anyy y the lawyers are still going to get paid anyway. e governor runs into the baetball full-court presof truth. it's a a... a fork? you'rere wombat.
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orbell rings ) neney, it's the pizza guy. sure. me again. ok, now this is the stst te alright? thanks, you know we don't deliver anything likththis. this c criy flbread. mmmm. mm so delicious! are you li hin' a party or somethi? ( slam ) hello?o? introducinine taste th's's nev been delivered. digiorno crpy flatbread pizza. for delicisly italian-inspsped topngs on crispy flatbreadrust, it's notot deliverer it's digiorno. hello, i i don't tnk we have met.t.
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it's a lie. this may the reason palin can'get pople to take h statements at face v uchlt the statents have no value and s has mtiple faces since friday, governor palin relentless repeang this talking pointshe is quitting inrder to save alaskan taxpayers frivolous ethics charges at her completeith a costume change in the interv still bleedingbo the millions she wil save the stat of alaska by resigning, accept, of course, when the goverr's office is admitting tmoney haalready been budgeted in adnce, meaning it would have gone to state lawyers anyway
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en if ey were not defending lin against ethics complaints. at crucl bit of information uncovered by craig sergeant in aninterview is saying not keeping team palin f putting the toothpae back into the tube. a spokesperson for the govnor telling the "ahorage daily nestaffers from multiple state agency, not ju state lawyers, puttingside duties againsthe complaints against palin. a check we vote no. stafhours? s. governor palin's paralleaim she d en victorious in every one the 15 and counting ethics complaints against her also not tru take troopergate. u'll recall with the help of her husband todd accused o using her political ofce to carry out a peonal vendetta, specificly she fired alaska's public safety coissioner becaushe refused to fire the governor's brother-in-law trooper chael wooten in octobethree weeks before the general electione council, alaska state legislature, fod goveor palin abused the power of her office according to the alas execuve branch ethnics act. turn n to margaret carlson
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washingt editor and columnist. margaret, good evening. >> good evening, keith >> for the bridge to nowhe, then against it. lied to stephen schmidt, the mccain campaign mager in the e-mails. nied her husband had ever been member of the succession alaska independee part ed when she said firing the public safety commissioner hadn't got a thingo do with his refusal to fire her ex-brother-in-law. should wev be surprised at thisoint this stated reason quitting as goveor also proved to be a lie? >> well, in the statent, in her backyard, i'm surpriseyo found, y know, the heart of it, which was the legal fees becausthere was the lame duck. she esn't want to milk it. doesn't want to go in junket everybody does it. remember, countless others have quit. only two governors who ever quit under pressure.
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eliot spitzer and jim mcgreey of new jersey. you fothis one, and this one then turns out n to be right. it comres to a general counsel of a corporation. e genel counsel is sitting there waiting r incoming and deals with it. it's outside counsel, if outside counsel were hire some such thing, then there would a check written. in gener, states deal with their own lel oblems in-house, just the way corporations do when they tu to the own general counsel. top of that, i spoke wi john cole, who started, unded, the legal defense fund forarah palin in alaa. anhe says that most of her private legal bills that arose as aesult of the children's travel, the r diem,
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trpeate, were paid for out those legal defense funds. so she really doesn't have out of pocket legal fenses. i meegal expenses. >> tnk you for the compliment diggi this out, but it did ta six days which tells us something else. another story. ba to this, though. this attempt tspin the fact now that this lie has be uncovered. we're now supposed to believe that the other pubservants of ask the prison league, road crews, public safety officers and teachers anpeople who do research with the fish we somehow diverted to help in the palin investigation. i mean, i ked thfirst lie better tn this one. >> wel in the days since that statement, she's been trng -- with help. you can tell there'sn some profeson help applied. to find something that actually works, andhe's backing -- she'filling in, and on this one going forward, i tnk sarah palin is now goi n to answer any questions. she's going to say, i've answered your questions, and sterday, the day before yesterday, in thanea mitchell interview, when she accused anea of not listening to her answers wheshe wasn't gingn answer. sarah palin is very od as streaming words together that
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don't have a subject, verb and an object. th're just present participles and preposns and i love the pele of alaska and i'm quitting so i can serve them better. it mak no sense. yeah. it's a line out of catch2, the gu in italy win by being defeated. should we trust the essence this? is governor palin going sign at thend of the month? didn'tarry craig resign last year? >> you know, iook away from this little spch in the backyard that e's just had it with alaska. i me, have you ever had a job when you wish you could ju walk out and go spd e summer at t beach, like you did -- only the last 30 years. >> yeah, right. sten, she got to do it. she saysm out of here. and she came up with whole bunch of reasons. none of them really work, but she's out of here. i would be shoed, keith.
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i' give you -- i'll bet you dinner at some extravagant place that this governor is gone >> aall-expense shopping spree and out of theset, was it in wasilla in juneau? couldn't remember where that place wa >> theecondhand clothing e. yes. i'llend you there. that'sy bet. you can ju run wild at the secondhand closet. >> i'm sure i've worn as much clothing from there as she h, or the other way around. aair of waders for you, keith. >> thankou very much. margaret carlson, blmberg news and fishing ckle magazine. thank you, margaret. >> thanks, keith. good night >> goonight. from the sarah palin kind bull tthe more literal kind, here running -- and poltergeis decis it is fair to judge female political figures by their appearance and attractiveness. look out for the re ndle yorere aut to step on, annie. worst persons ahead. and lower bo younumbers.takey
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the bushdministration figu who claims the obama administration pledges unrealistic results and ter distances it from. >> 40 years ago, future hall of famer tom seaver, onout inhe ninth inning retiring billy williams and ernieanks, and should be a winner and bec cent fielder, at that time jimmy qualls of the chicago cu athat point had 11 career base hits. his 12th a single to center field busted up the perfect game. he wld get only 19 more hits
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in his cee let's pl "hardball." also in sports, we begin in pamplona, spain with the epic struggle between man and bine. guess who always com out on top? day three the 2009 running of the lls. concerned out lack of coverage from days one and tw don't worr you haven't missed much. we keep hoping onef the bulls will get bran or organized and take a cple jerks down. but they don'teally know it's coming. look at the oddball scoroard. five runners escapwith minor trampling. noerus gorings. seems very correcthis year. to gerny, the oddball slow speechase of the week in already in proess. tched by his girlfriend at the local beer garden. after getting plowed on one too manyilsners steals a tractor. a six-car chase ensues a12 miles an hr. first pepp spray, a few nail belts into the mix and tn shot out the tracr tires.
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d our heavy machinery operating days aver an he'd headed to das big house. did yoknow the puerto rican lel defense fund is an extremist group? so says the reblican party. ifnyroup is expert in extremism it's the republican party. also -- also, the soo be -governor makes it into the dictionary. thesstories -- the first time the firsterson in the world from pesylvania hide and seek play natalie jasmer age 2 hid so we in the game of de-andeek her folks called the cops. it took an hour and e family dog to find natalie d fallen asleep in a drer underneath the washing machine. we'dike to wish them lots of luck for t nt 16 years. dateli, washington number two. best race its.
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congressn steve king, republican moon. they wanted to p up a plaque at the new capitol visitor center to embellish the suite of the capitol building was blt by slaves. not built by slaveth white people suck. nobuilt by slaves and therefe reparations just saying, ink abt this. the house proved the plaque, 399 votes to 1. the one -- steve king. he said itasn't an accurate depiction of histo. great. we n have a slavery denier. he's in congress. and dateline n york, number one be memory loss, karl rove. another one of t ponderous op-eds for "ll street journal," ro complains about e stimulus package and writes -- this fitits a paern. pledgiging unreastic results thatt later distanced itself from. oh, in other words, karlyou' saying, mimiion acmplished.
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extremism and dedensnse libebey y iso vice. moderation i iththe rsuit of stste no virtue. the ororininalantra of modern conservatives pronouounc i in 64 b bar goldwater to the pupublans who nominated whosos ccessors seem to have e stst redidiat him and that convictionon the third story denoununngng t fefensof liberty as extremisis ininhe desperate effort toto me somethinin a anying, stick against supreme cocot t nonee sonia sotomamar.r. the confirmation heariringeteto gigimonday, the newest senenat al frarank m meeng with the jujudgtoday, the republicans trying to hone their a attk.k. senator jeff s sesonons iping again ababousosotoyor's former poposionon othe board of dictcts of the puerto rican n legal l densnsfund saying the organization is s exemembecause f fil some, wait for it, rara discscrinanaon lawsuits. nanatosessions might not want toto anowledge it, but race e didirimination is illegal,l, a even i if ssssns were right, senator goldwatetewowoulhave admonished h him the legal defense fundnd h w wri
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ton sessions saying neneitr r e board as a whoho o or y dividual member selectct litigation to be undnderkekeor controls ongoioingititigion. and 25 l lato o grps criticizing him for mischararaererizg such cicivirights work and tryingngo create ethnic animositit anpapatrk leahy released and analysis of just how modereratto conservatitivehehe jge is on criminal justice.. rereveed only 2% of criminalal convictitionanand 400 criminal cases agreed with the e reblblic appointed judgeses 9 o of e time. didivid ruling and if sisions were mainstreamed d those othersrsppppoied by democratats d d om the brennan center concludes sotomomoror i clearly withinin t m mnstream of the second c ciritit her decisions joined b bththe ll court 94% ofof t t te. indeed former r fbdidictor louis freeh endorsed sotomayayorilill testify on h h b behf along with foform d dtrict attorney morgan thal, calling to tesesfyfy ainst the nominanati, , knew haven anank chie, a new haven firere fighter at the cenenteofof discrimiminaonon, ich many lilievsotomayor followed evailing law and watchcheds s the supreme cocot t chged that law.w. the e amicic bar association has now given the judge itithihight rating. ll qualified.
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it grarad d clence thomas only qualififie and evev r replican senator lindsey graham hasas sd,d,i honeststlyhihink could vote for her." let's turn now to "t"t washington posost"epepter, auauth o of e political blog "the fix." good evening. >> good evening.g. >> w we stst ao note about sesessns that he was rejected by the repupublananontrolled jujudially committee becausesee d d wh they perceived at open hostility y toiviv rights issues. even a senenat f frohis home
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state voted againsnshihim. i ithe sessions stance onon sotomayor, is it a autut h own agenda m morthth it is some anancef raising legitimate questions about her oror daiaing her nomiminaonon? >> first, i i veve n talked to the senanatoababouthis, so i'm nogogointo get into divining his intentntio.. i think republican, inin aouough plplac jeff sessision m mit mcconnell, leader of the partrt a andornyn head of ththe mmmmite, two basic reasons. one hahandththe se of the party nts a very strong case to o be mamadegainst sotomayor. they believe some e t the atements she made in t theasast, about t --rorothe legislating frfromhe bench, the wise latato remark we've made so m mucofof the are things that ndamentally disqualifyfy h. t thether hand, john cornynyn understands, it doeses n l lk good f foromomne who has as yoveveisted the ratings, verery alified ratings. hiananicoman for the republicananarartyo be out attataining. in the end, ththeye e ry likely
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not to w winhahaargument, excuse meme, cacae you've got 52 senate seats fofor momocrs, and it's gogointo alienate the hispanic vote f froththe publican party. >>veven they choose to polishsh up their own so-calleded iololy in the q queioionsgo for the idid o of tting the base work done is that g gngng tbe more difficict t th they're imagining here regardidinghehe ninee, because e ofhohosethe records that we just went t thugugh d al is the ricci case thehe mama c coue and -- not like she wathe judge who personallyly passed that thing along?g? i i wld say there's two thrusts theyeyrere gng to make. the ricci case i ionone d the wise latininrerema in there. whatatidid s think ethnicity and raraces a factor. anand e other, ad nauseam onon youtube, since thehe d s s was nonated about the role the appellatate ururplays in making a law. again,n, ieeeecoming back to th.. we talk k abt t and talk about it, republicans s ta a abo it,
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talk about it, at the end d ofhe y y yore looking at 58 pretty solid, i haven't heardrdnyny democrats or theheeoeoplwho caucus wititdedemoats, say they mimit t vo against her. h havbyrd and ted kennedy both ill and maybe not v votg.g. there's going to b be fefe lilisay graham, not exactltly moderarateenenor. lisesegraham out saying i think i cocoulvovo for her. the olympia snsns s anjohn boyneviches from ohio.o. e'e'llet that number. soso of that is a mistake e i think fofor pupuicans to play this out too m muc b becse it's a detriment t inheheispanic community. >> might be okay t to okok athe obvious, includes s rii i it, it m mig i incde a reach. thanks as s alysys. what does pullining papan mean? it h hasowow bn added to the urban dictionanary it's thehe tededitn of word wealth. >> d d ying on politicians and celebrities. here's the big story n notonone a governmeme.. wot persons next, yes. she may y veve bn a victim. when rachel joins s u u athe top
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>> pulling a palinin makes iinto the didiionary what aboutut wide stce and the appapalachian ail? and how did d e newsper get so many scoops? hacking into v voicemails how. and ininr cityids were welcome until the memembers reized how black th w were. that's's nex this i"countdown." applebee's 2 f for2020 it r refshed, and adady r summer. chchoose o appetizer and two entrees s o just 20 bucks. 2 r $20. it's real foodt the right pric
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and it's onl at applebee's. it a whole new neighborho. spend 10 mines a month with naturalnstincts. it's the healthieray to blend ay gray and give you color that shines on. how? the antioxidant ri ammoa-free formula feels good and looks even better. fact the more often you use natural instincts, the healthier your hailooks. it's the healthy-lookingolor that shine in just ten minutes' tim natural instinct it's all good. look for natal insncts new champagne indulgence collection. omlairol. ♪ s so blsed with inspspiration ♪ ♪ i know much ♪ bui i know i love you ♪ a that may be ♪ all i need ♪ to know (announce customers love aircraft engines almostst as much as we loveve making g em.
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innovaa toy for america's morrow. a new entry in t t u urb dictionary.. pullining papali we'll helplpouou dine it and offer polititilllly w phrases like writing an ensisign first, worst perersoininhe world.d. the presididt t ofhe huntington valleyey, nnnnsyania's in a charge at day cacamporor mtly miriri kids, $1,900 bucks anand let t th c comand swim once a week. en the valley club mememrsrs s them and one woman s sai " "wh e e l these black kids doioing here? i'm scscar t ty might do sosomeing to my child." the cacampidids re kicked out of thpopoolnd the club opinion the nextxtayay vley swim club president says the d dl l waoff, money refundnd.. accordrdg g to local television station, concern a aotot okids would chanan t theomplexion and atmosphere of the e ubub itit gs worst. appepeartoto bthe same dr. john cecelechairman of the board d peace actionon iphphadelphia, which sponsored martin l lutr r
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king day events s d d is leader ofof t o-positive blood driviv part of f prididenobama's prraram. it wasn't raraci. they underestimated ththcacapaty of the facilititie complexion. and the momostididelread newspaper. the news of the e wod.d. a rival nenewspepereported its ownenersewewcorps paid $1.5 million n inetetements of lalawststslaiming news of the "t"t world" hacked into ththe momobile phones of hundreds of celebritieieanand liticians, read e-mail, et ceterara. the list of f algeged rgets, gwyneth paltrow, theheeaead the british footbaba a assiation, the formrm d depy prime minister anloloon mayor and chris tthews look-alike boriris jososon d celebrity chef nigelllla wswson e e coespondent went to prisis several l arars r hacking into the cell phonenes t theritish royal fafami..
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e e pre minister said there were n newueuestns about the paper's activity t tt t need answered. polilicendndated they wouldn't opopenhe case. of theheewew aegation the news cocorpboss denied them and denieded trere h been any cash settlements. hahad atat hpened said rupert rdrdh, i would know about t it true, why did they go to o al ththtrtroue rather than get the secret personanaininfoation from the bush a admisistrion? but our wiwint, , lter-geist thth aolumn appearing at sesevel blogs, getting hoaxed by being cut and paststedntnto e commenen s secons of real wewebseses ththe culiar palin on the left, and all thth n nee to happen is for a a feninistver here saying is i h hattotodmit it, palin is kiki of hot. you call that hot?t? u u kn we got a super hotty y debbie wasasseanan sultz. anand eded iemind you again of thrarasexual appeal of rachehel maddow. >> womomenn n potics, good or ba based entirely on how thehey look. judgdginbyby t pervasive immorality a a h hyprisy and sanforord d d eir ilk, the only thing that might intntert t male ter about a woman is sex.
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god knows ththatusust ann coulter's life story a andouould certainly explaiain y y th nominated sararah lilifor the vivicereresincy when she had not a singlele qlilication for the jo besides the ability t t wink. bubut enendding to the pile of manure that t t theight wing media and cocommtatarycoulter is somemethg g rse. putrid evil l anwowot of all considering herself f asinindsf a reincarnateded dotothyarker peatedly ostensively a and irretrievably nonot nnnny. one more t thi.. the shot at rachelels s noonly stid and given viewer reactition hilariously long, , al diururngly revelatory about t ann coulter and diststbibing sa and you started this b beay y pageant thing. these e e e yo rules what you ininis fair.
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be pululli a a pin. nunumbernenetory. governor palin's latest t apprch to not governing f findststsay into t thennnnalof the urban dictionanary the ramblings of t thelmlmos exovovnor is part of the geist. pulling a palin. ititng when the going getsts tough, abandoning rereononsility trtrusd to you by neighbors,s, book a aananceand to make money onheheecture circuit. twbizarre moves that will l damn ambitions for highgherffffic remiss t to thk k . palin is the only republican to c ctrtribe to the cultlture cacalary. sasalu to the gop, finding itself and alter its t timwiwit embaasasng political catch phrasese >> serious -- sin.n. >> louisiana senatoror aitittein his involvement to thehe mamam matter was a s serusus s. which is n nowefefin as -- having sex witith hoererwhile weing a diaper. why sex?
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and larry craig'g's plplanion to the popocece aer being arrested for wdwdonduct. >> i'm a fairly wise g g.. i ndnd tspread my legs when i i lower mymy pan. . w widstance, now defined asas the popose sucucduring the solicitation o of xuxualavors in the toililetf f a jor trtropitan airport. >> i am m not y.y. > falngnghort of the stdards. >> i asked you if rurursrs we true that you wewe i in affair. >> the admission o ofoform house speaker nenewt ggrgrh. > t hest answer is yes. >> new definition, dogoggey y attackininprpresent while chchtitingn one's own wife. w wring an ensign. last year i had an afaffa. . >> a new phrase descscribi a a lelett written by presidentiala hopeful ininhihirdrade chicken scratctch ededo tell your
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mimistss you "used her for y yr own pleasure." > hing the old appalachian trail. > iololher about -- my lovely apaplachian trail. >> not only a walk t thrghgh t wilderness, , w w al south carolina mark sanfnfors s co for ditchihi y youduties as governor wiwiout telling anybody, h hopng a planane a argtina and getting itn n wi a lady who is not your wife. >> i i'vseseener three times since then, , dungnghat whole sparking thing. >> sparkining. the bebennnninof a sexy time wi t theady who is not your me, of which there wililbebe consnseqncncest least one of which will be e relyly comfortable news confefencnces asas f t theoon to be ex-governor r omom aska -- quititr.r. >> i'm certainin n not quitter. i'm a fighter. a altnate definition, fighteter. >>hihi of the scene on my parentnt r refgerator, don't explplai f frids won't need it
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and enemies won't believe e yo anywyw. >> refrigegerar r maess. new totocacampgn adviser, great repupublanan he of 2012. postscript on sesenar r sign turns s ouasas jior senator call d mom and dad not to writete t ensign, just t to itite check to ththlelett who cheated on his fe. ensigngn'sararen gave the mistress cindy h hamonons ,000, 1212 gnd at a time. cash is always nice. afafr the senator told hisis parents about the e afirirhis papants decided to make ththe ft out of concern for t the wewelleing of longtime familil friendnds riring difficult time. e e gis of consistent with a a ttttn of generosity by thehe ensign family to t theamamons and otothe.. senator ensigngnf f neda himself kindnd ogigi, one that keeps on giving. and therere'ananotr new termrm pattern of generosity,y, wchch anan pay offs! that's "countdown"n" f t thi 2,261st dadasisincthe previous prididt declared mission accomplished in iraq.. i'm keith olbermann. good night, and goodod lk.k. 9:00 p p..
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