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tv   Morning Meeting  MSNBC  July 10, 2009 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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>>hey, good morning to you.. i'm dylan ratigan.n. friday, how yoyou doing? niniceo see you.
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toppg g r agenda, out w wi e d, in withhe ne emerging fromom bankruptcy a as we speak.k. at the end of ththdaday,ill the sameme manererakake the same mimiakes that got us into o th pickle? >>anan confirmatioion harargs for sosoaa sotomayor. republicans wantnto o sker her. bucan they do it and not upsese hianan vote. ththinimmigratatn.n. and remember 20 statass in six ntnthstime. president t obam meetiting h pe benedict this morning. we'll be watching. i've got a wife, kids. do i ok like a happy guy to you, frankie? no. see that? ways smiling. hi, hone always udging. look at thbaby. look at the baby. let it go. >> and thenharkeng back to yesterda is marriage simply an acof madness, expect lif expectancyall the things that get talkedabout. we'll get into it. a heated debate yestery, we'll
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finish i it uptoday. and the mieie "b"bnono" premiering tonighght. defending gays, n now oending austrianans. it's time to get you towork, and "the morning meeting" statat right now. good morning to yoyou. nice to see you. how yoyou ing? wee going to getnto marriage d austrtrnsns a gays andnd ll the restst o tat in a second. t we're going to startrt w wit the s supmeme court. nja sotomayor set to o ben n he confirmamaonon heherings. pete lliams, nbc's jtitice correspondenent. hi, pete. >> reporter: dydyn,n,ood rnrnin we have aareret good id of how these hearings will unfnfd.. she'llll me e r opening statement monday,ake questions tuesday possibly wededneayayell and t tn trsrsdaprobably tstsidwitnesses for and againsnst r r he 'l'll ar frfrom miaeael bloomberg, mayoyor off new york the longtime disistrtt attorney there in new york, her former boss when shhwawas prosecutotor, and we l leaed that among witnesses agaiainshehe w wibe
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two fefefhters from newhaven, connecticut. ththeyued the ctyty for reversr discscmiminaon when new haven threw out a test for promotion ininhich the black firefighters didn't dos s well. thth white fefefigers would veve gten promoted. she ruled - --she j joidd a cou decision in favor o ofhe city,, but that w wasoverturned by the sueme court. twtwo those firefightete w wil appear toward d thenenof her hearing toto teteify. c coue, the democrats h hee the votte. she's likely to be confirmeded. the repepubcacansill use i is atathey call a teaching moment to try t show thehe difference bebeeen the kind of nominees they would have andthth kind of mimine democrats would have, dylan. > a r rig. pe, thank you very much. i want to bring john to the conversation.. he's a republican strategist, servrv a as commununicioio director for dennis htete when heas house eeak. alalso congressman tom delay. john, welcome to the meeting. john, baba a at the m mting and delightfully so, nice totosese yo goodrning, jonathan. maaaeresa kumar back at the meeting g aselel nice to sesee u.u. i'll bbin, jon,n, with you.u. whwh's'she republican strategegy
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coming i io o the hearings? >> i thinkththe republican ststragygys to maxiximi th pressure on moderatedemocrats,s keke tir voteoror her tbebe as didiffult as possible. iihink theyanant to be respectftfulititththei --hey don't want toalaliete hispanic votersut raise importantnt questionss especially on n t firefighghtecacaseut also onhehe seseco amendment gunun ctrtrol issues. anand finally mcconnelly yestery raised questions onthe firstst amendment. so i think the stratetegy here maxixizeze the p preururon moderaratedemocrats. > mamaia, t the republicans d a tightropepeitith immigration have strong views b b also don't want to alienate the latino voting bloc. you have organinidd a represent meananinulul ptions of that vong bloc. what is ow far can rereblblics go in g ging after sotomayor next week withouout alienatining at portion of the populationon gngngnto 2010?? >> i think fromom the beginninf the conversationon the republicans went for t the jugur anthen rlized they had t t backay. thth h hado backk ay not oy because 5050%folks that are
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latino voters, 50% of them w wh are wowome >> rigig.. >> i'm yiyi to figure o out what the republican strategyy is. >> so not j ju the l lato o te, it's t theememalvote. how do you manage fofor atat? john? >> you know whwha thatat a a god question. ii tnknk that's why you have to be very respepectl l in yoyo questioning.g. i think also yohave to raise othersssses epecially thenene hahavefifireghter case. you owow the reeveee discriminatiti c cas there's a lot t of l lgal quests there. i thinin t tha that's one of ths issuesthat really can cut for republblics.s. and ultimatelyly, u u ve to be reecectf in your ququesoning. you u n'n't ll race andhhgs likeke tt.t. >> i thinknk regarding t n n hahavecase, whate found was acactuly there wererewowo h hispanics that joined d e e whe firefightersrs. when she wawa literallyy talking to t thel, with the supreme coururt d d la week, they changed t the law a an mad modifications which isisheheir complete rightht tdodo ii t thk that's whereee need to bebelear. >>jonathan? >>nd that's a v ve good pointnt that maria teresesa isis.
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two of the f firigights who ssed the test and whwho ululd have been prprototedere hispanic.. there was a talkining inint st week o oththewewe before,, a rereblblic talking point, whehee they were saying, youknow, she's usg her t ttitinaeritag as a w way exacting punishment on those white firefighters. anwe have to remind people titime and time again tatat if e were suchhroud latina, would she haveided with the ctytyn denying those two latatoo fififighters their prprotition it's a ridicuculo argument. and they shoululbebe questionin hern l and her biefs in thth law and noton, i woululd s, frivolous ararments. > ist t , jonathan,or do we ndnd oselves in a lot of diculous argumenen w wit congressss? we've got all weekekoror ts. nsistency, yes. we'l'lcocome back foror is nex week contessa, i knowowgm's c comg ot ofbankruptcy, i ueuess this rnrninor at some pointt today. wh's'soing on? we're actually looking a a
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thatat lveve ns conference r rht now,w, lan. i' g get to that in a a second. i wanted to mention presesenent obama is headed trome to meet wi pope benenedi i i an urur. j jus wrapped up a newss conference fololwiwinghe gg summit in l'aquiuilatataly >> the only way forward is ththugh shared and persistent efefrt to combat thrhrea to our peacace,urur prosospetyty an ou mmon humanity whereverer ty y may exist. ne of this will be easy. we worked thiss week t too fin common ground, we e ha not lvlv all our prorobls.s. and we've nonot aeed on every popoin but we've shown thatt it is possible to moveorward to maake real and unpnpcecedeed progress totogeerer p predent obama a and pope benedict s sha milar viewssnn themimidd east a and on ababoron bubuthey d d't't see eye too ey onon - orather ththey n't s s eye to eye onn abortion.n. they havavsisimir views on the middle e easanandelping the poor. wewel bring you t the president meeting with the popeinin our ne hour. >>right now back totohoho live pictures we were showing you from detroit. neral momors' ceoiith
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rerepoerers. this new comomnyny i owned largely by the united states govevernntnt, canada andbybyhe unions. ththe uauaw. ok just 400 days fo to emerge from ankruptcy. e e en result o of lamark government bailout momone as you kn.. and now, t theve got a brutal rket considering a new ame, they'reeoping to gagainew customers. buonon their side,, dylan, they've got the c ca foror clunkers. e government's willing t to hand out $400 or so ifouou'r lling to trade your old d piece of junk rr a brd-d-w cacar. >> we're jususaiting for businenessododelhat's not dendndt on tax dollars,s,right >> i might t takdvantage of iit, you kkw.w. you never owow >> w whaththe heck. it's your tata money. hat you want with it skinining the conversatition stephen a..smith, jonathan is he, robin farzad f for "businessweek."" how goes it? also jonathan. it goes wellll. it goes wel. therers s a t oftalk about whatt happened t tthth cars, how t ti hahaenened the union screreweititupup, t t
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pociciescrewed it up,p, efcicicy standards,hehey made too many suvs. atat t e endf the day, isn't't management's's rpopoibility, bin, to make gogood dealsitith labor?r? isn't it management's responsisibitytyo anantipapate future marketcocoitions and put cars int the pipeline that t th ople will want? ultimately, are wewe n looking at a flure of american management morore anan athing elsesehehen look at these car compmpans?s? for all t the guilty parties that may bennthis aal, are we t uimimaty vingax dollars totoyy a this company ememgeges om bankruptcy, o our neney, same as w did with citigroup p anbabank to aarar coany that isunun poorly a ca comomninieshat have been nn ororlybasically since the 1970s? >> llll, you're bining time for payroll. that's whathis is. this i is >> with taxpayay d dolrs. >> with tataxpererollars. it's a benefefitompany masquerade as anautomaker. look, just m me e me a car i w buy. keke m a car i ill t talkk abou with 50 milespeper gallon, a a 3
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ja, , pltic molding that dodoest t ok cheaply cucut, a atat'shat. th i ia competitive mamaetplace. ththers s ercapacity glally. itit not just vrsus the japanese andnd gerermaanymore. th chineseanant in, kokores, there e ee indian armakers nono what we are doiningnn propping p general mototorsss protecting te unployment rate from gettingng fafarworse. thatat'shaha it's all l ababou > tme, t the untold pttabout is, first o all, culpability is on bothparts, n just the management but unions themselves. you've got to be c cogzazant of the catastrophicffct that ulultitetelyould come do. at thee eof the daday, tey get out ofhapter 11. why? cause they've cut the e de.. > bhey cut the union deaeals >> from 6 blllln to $48 llion. but at t thendndf theyear, ey're projecting thatt a aout 22,500 jobs wiill be lstst. >> here'ss where i taake issue with that.t. >> i've g to s y have to payttention to t ths s well. some culpabilityalls on your oulder. > he'e's ere i take issusu
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with that. eveverauau manufacturer has to deal with the laborr nors, n no just gm, notot st ryryer. evereryby y haa lot of pepelele woworkg g make cs.s. they h he e tout deals with those peopople there a aother automakers in this world that h hav cut m mch tter d dea than these managements did anan m mo importantly, t trere a so many other aumamake out ththehat makeke cars thahat people want bubu and , , agn, robin's right, you're right, th unions werere oblem. the e unnsns g to a pointnt whe basically gmbebecos a b befits compmpanininstd of a car mamanament. but i'm sang mannagenens job to make sure they donon't become a benefitsmpany. the manager's jobobis to keke susurehehey remain aar compmpan and tyymake good rs. jonathan in > magement and the uonon and the autowororke all grewerery complacent. d d at happened over the last few -- over the l lst few month has s dede eryone realize that, you know, gmgm is s spopose to mamang cars. ththe automomerer are supposed be making ccar not seing up nice, fat dlsls for theworkers. d so, youknow, s,s, 2222,00 peoplele a g goi to losheir jobs, but hopefully gmm wll
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emerge from m thtruly asas a ananer meaner compapahat is actualallyakakg cars. acactuly making ca tat people wawa to buy. >> we're going t play a littltle car game inn jtt second t t exextly your point, ron. before w we that, though, t t what you werere stst saying, jonathan, when yoou veve managemement cuing deals likike they did in n th'60s where they sai'm going to give the bor force a a to 2.5% raise onn thr r lary inexchange for massiveeprpromed future nenefi in the pensions wchch i basisilllly w the governmentnt's been treatiningamerica,a, right? ststake it easy now. we'll take care o everything later. 'r're tradingevevy crisis of thday getstrtred out for a fufutu funding crisis. a pension crisis 20 years from nono a tax crisis 40 0 yes s om now. an energy crisis 25 5 arars om now. anasasoon as managementnt whether it's polilitil l managementor, for that matatr,r corporate managegeme s srts, again, c ctiting sweetheart dea totogege themselves paid today r elected tday athehe epense of the e fuurur you are doomededinm
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opinion. >> yeah, but the prorobl w wit yourur argument is,s, makes sensns and obviously, theseseuys are alrgrgico making sense. ththat just the reity. the poiointhahai'm ting to ma to you is that everybobody ii looking atat t p pition that th're going to take. how advantagageo i is for me? >> exexalyly >> you've g the uuni,, just ass much as magegent, yu have the ion siittgg around saying,, how can we takeeadadntage -- w can wewe mk this thing? nobody was thinkingn the best interest of the compmpan >> right.. >> nobody was thinking --hey were t tnknkinin the best interest of f thmselves. th are just as glty as management in all l t thi >> play a gmeme with me. jonathan, i don't knowowf f yo can see thisis sffff or nonot, i'm going do word association starting with u,u,robin. ururoint is t the don't make good cars. we could t talalal da buuntil you make a c car i iwan to d dri - -- . one woword >> bubug. >> g.g. stephen, vwvw? >> i donon k kno >> come on. you can do it. imimagee i your head shrinker.
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porsrsch come on, ththat y youcar. >> thahas s ju smooth. >> therere y g go. >> t thas s smth right there. >> i'm a little stst. whatat t thiword game? >> i'm going to say car brands and you'll give methoughts and emions that occur. i say ape,e, you could say icicn. we couldld dwhwhater wee want. bmw. > b? fast. >> fast. >> y y w wanmore? >> bavaria. bavaria. buick. nathan. > gndndma >> exactlyly.. >> grandma? >> thahat'exextly my word. > a p pstic sesea. >> chevy. >>rere grandma. > jathan. > chevy? >>eaeah. >> rarandddy. >>gmc, jonathanan. >> plumber. >> p pluerer robin. >>en as in miles per gallolon. >> comforortae.e. >> it is comomfoabable >> it is c cfofortle. >> we're o outf f here. we need american cars wewe wtt o
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bubu until we solve that, issll nonsenense thepolitical expedieienc ththat agues congrere ao plagued mananagentnt >>how often is itt -- can i sa just sa i i get to debate t thi thth sphen a. mith? >> it's t talally aweweso.. > iooook to thisguguy for las adcece a i'm talking gm. >> h he'the press r rhtht now. >> if my friends could s sme now. >> we'e'reoioing to take a brea. we're back with t thatt cia lea. we auauall have one of the members of the house teteigence committee j joing . shshe knono w wat theececre is that was kept.t. i'm going tototrtry to get itt ofr. i n'n't ink i'm going to get it, but we're going g toryryfter this.. gegecko vogeico's the ththird-largt
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car insusurance coany in the nation. but, it's noli we're kicking ba, no havin' a cua te gecko vo: takes lo o of swt to become thatat big geckcko vo'c'crse, geckos don't lililly sweat... it'sust not our thing... cko : ...but i do rk har mind you. geo vo: first rule of "harwowork eals success." gecko vo: that's's why geico is consistentl rated exexcellenor better in teterms of fancial strength. gecko vo: second re: "don't steal a coworkess egg salad, 'specially if it's's mardd "the gecko." come on people.
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welcome back. iday morning. i think it's going be dance party frid arohere in just a co. >> that's the rur, i hear. >> first we have to deal with serious siness here at the meeting. no joke eier. we gback to the cia. and thr relationship with the u.s. congress andheir ability to serve the erican people. contessa, wh's going n? >> okay,o "the huffington post" is loing at what the cia may have bn misleading these democratic lawmakers or congress general. we know about the waterboardg allegations, but "huffington post" is pointing out it cou also be this secret scall exutive assassination ring that seymour hirsch referred t whene was at the universy of minnesota giving a little speech. hirsch alleges it was a secret program de up of elite
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military fo that reported to no one, they didn't report to the defense department orhe ambassador or cia stati chief. he says tha's possible may have reported to di chney. that may have been who was overseeing these. dyla >> that's one of those it's hoifying and not surprisg in thme sentence for a lot of folks i know. maria teresa kumar back in the conversation. jonathan is here. democrat, member of thehouse intellence committee going back to 003, one of seven democrats who sen a letter to cia director leon panetta arguing he misledcongress. i should point out panetta soon into the job said you' right, we misled congress but not on my watch. represtative, nice to see you. >> gd morning. >> i'm gng to startth a question i'm hopingyou'll answer and then we'll go into some you're more likely to answer. can you comment at all on coes's report about a possiblerivate army reporting
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to dick cheney being this thing abouwhich you and others were misled. >> no, i c't. itighly classified, and we can't discuss it. >> because my theory is we were either about to inva cana, we were going toick up st. bart from the french, or cheney had arivate army. more broadly, we obously have anssue with the trust and transparency between our congress and ou intelligence agency. we also ve broader issues in terms of theerall culture of are we getting the investigations andre the inquiries that are necessary wh there is wrongdng or potential wrongdoing, whetr it'sicheney or anybody else, why are we not seeing more aggressive inquiry across t board inse of our government when there's clear reason for lots of different iuiry at this point? >> well, ylan, i think yu've put your finger on two very imrtant things. firs theas to be a very strong working relationshi between the intelligence community and the congress.
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the law calls for it the executive branc is required by the naal security acto completely and lly inform the congress throh its intelligence committee. so there is breakdown e. and it's very serious. >>nd that's concerning fo all of ufor a bunch of reasons, obviously. >> of cose it is. because deals with our highest responsibility wch is national security. >> yep. the otherssue is tre are all of these -- ere seems to be all of this causality for more inquiry. not just intohether dick cheney ha a private army, whh who knows, right? but all sorts of things ich i'll harken back to the bank meetin last yer, there's no anscript of that, a bunch of money comes out. those lists o things that warrant inquiries. why are we not seeg more of it? i ve my own theories, obviously, andhat can we to see congress investigang the
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cia, the cia investigating the justice department, the justic departmentlisten, let'slean this place out bause obviously e are a lot of cockroach. >> we need a big broom and i think that one of the most important things that the congressas as a responsibility is its oversight and investigion. >> yeah. >> and this must be investigated. it cannot be swept under t carpet. because we learn fom that, and we establish the facts, and tn once the facts are established, if any laws have been broken, then tt needs to be pursued. >> so here's wher we run into trouble. i want to g maria and jonatha in re. there's lots of reasonsfor investigation, lots of rhetoric about investigation, the's lots of cause for investigation. but frequently the's no funding for the investation that is so widely discussed. and i hark back to walstreet in the fact that fundinr whe-collar crime investigation after 9/11 was pulled comple
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completely, and with berni madoff and all thehings that ppened there. what can we do to make sure there's appropriate nk role for enforcement and investigation not just legislation and rhetoric? >> well, the congress holds the purse according to the constitution. and i can't think a better apication of tax dollars >> me neither. >> after l,he taxpayeare funding l of this. >> yeah. >> tha on their behalfbecause we are tir reesentatives to geto the bottom of this. thiss veerious. so of my collgues have, in many ways, pooh-ohed it and sa it wasn this and it wasn't that. i believe that' a complete mischaracterization of wt dictor leon panetta inform the mmit no i give himredit for coming up to the hill the day after hwas iormed about this prram. ilso thinkt's quite curious at his own people didn' brief hi when heirst became director after heas confirmed. >> ght >> but hin said that, the
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are laws, and the laws must be followed. this is deeply troubling. it's serious. itas to do with our natial security. we're responsible for th. and i think the american peopl have a right to kn. >> conessw, tiss nathan capehart ov at "the washington post." is there any sense that -- you just made the pointhat even leon panea's own people had not briefed him on th program. is there any -- whatever this progm is. >> canada goes next. >> wait, it, wait. congresswoman, is there a sense that the univer of people who knew abo this program is aller than any of us would would think of? is it -- was it five people, or was it one person who knew, and that's how the director did not know or was not briefed onthis? >> ll, what i can tell you s, ian't go into tht. but what i cantell you is tha
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people wereinsted not to inform e congress. now, thas in direct violation of the law. the nation security act. >> mari go ahea >> representative, i think this is actually -- it's fantastic to hear that the democrats are finally goinafter the reblicans without kidloves and basically sang it's time fo clarification. for too longhat they've been able to dois scare the decrats on not having a strong stance on national secity. so thiis a greatpportunity toold people acuntable. >> well, i think that we're all patriots i wouldn't be dointhis job if i didn't love my contry. and i don't second-guess that with anyone. thishould not be partisan. when the committee was informed by director panetta, everyone was stund across the board, republicans and democrat as well as we ould be in terms of having somethingabsolutely concealefrom all members congress. e top leadership of the congress didn't know.
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so this is serious. and the way to pursue it iso investigate, t apply t funds that the tpayers provide, to get to the bottom of it,ho gave these ders, out ofhat funds did they draw themon, exactly what was this operation, d why. >> jonathan, i'mut of eshoo, th for your time. jonathan, you'restaying, maria's staying. we're taking a break. are back right after this. time for your business small business advice. here are america's fastest growing service business. chiland day-care services, painting and wall-covering contractors, and the fastest growing rvice businesss computer systemsesign. demand is still skyigh for people with technical expertise. for more, watch "your busess" sundayornings at 7:30 on msnbc. multivitamin with more. ly one day men's 50+ advante...
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time to get plged in as we say here at "the meeting." what's going on, contessa? he father of sarah palin's grand baby says he knows why she's quitting. she needs the mey. she id it would be to take advantof lucrative deals that would b offered to her. he sd so a a ws conference while he's pursuing a movie dal and a book dl of his own. >> really? thank you for tht, levi. by the way, palin's people say
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it's so nice that levi is working on a piece of fiction. new iernet cr e facebook lin down game. people take piures of themselves. this comes to us fm "the daily mail." people take pictures o themselves lyingown. in weird place like on te branches o at the golf club. lo at this one. here's a guy laying down on the driving range. >> hiserrierderriere. >> on a foosball table. i say how fun. here we go. the engine of aplane. >> we've got a 21st century tv set and wee using a 20th centur camera. this table would be an appropriate place. >> go ahead. >> no >> how ab dance party friday? >> maybe. we have some heavy lifting to do. the treasurysecretary's got a big hearing. we're going t attempt a highwire act never attempted before on this network. an elanation of derivatives where no one fls asleep or getsored.
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you sa tht, but you also are $14 trillion in e hole. >> of which i re about. >> whh we do ca about. soet's dance a little bit and th tk about aig. what could be mor fun? 're back after this. >> the babies are back. ryryan gting ready to make his approach.... t t men's room. second annououncer: oks like he needs t to go urgtly. true. and there'casey, about to drive. also to the men's om. h been going over andvever. they ought to seeee tirir dtors. could malurinary symptoms d d to bp an enlarged prostate for r ny guys, prescriptition fmax duces their urinary sytoto due to bph in e e week. and if their d doctors do prescribe flomax, eyould get up to $40 off new refill prescriptions.s. so guys already on flomax x can alsosoa. only your doctor can tell if you have bph, noa more serious condndioion like prostate cancer.
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avoid drivining h hardous tasks for 1212 h after yourir dose or increase inosose, as a sudden drop in blood prpressure m m occur, rararely rulting in fainting.g. if considering cact surgery, tell youe rgeon you've t t fmax. comm s sideffects are runny sese, dizziness and decreasesen semen. ask your doctor if flomaxx isight for you. and call 877-4-flomax for more information d to see if you qualify for up to $40 off new or refill escriptions. for ma men,
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weweomome ck to "themomoing meeting." quarter of the way throughgh i general motorsrs e ergrgin from bankruptcy. thnene c says it w wi be bebett to customerer he also announced a p parership with ebaba for people to buy cas online. 'l'll t into that later. the gogop setting t stagee r a possible owdown with
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sosoa a somayor. characterititnees includee rmer professional basesellll pitcher david d co, , so new yoyorkayayorichael bloombmbg.g. >president obamaetetti readadtoto mt with the pope. he's goingng tbebe a the vatic. we'l'll watchihi.. we'll ge alolook and see atat going g onvevethere. e e po and the esesidt, contessa. atat'sind of, you know. > and then marriage iss dede madness. sort of -- >> what?? >> y yes,,ontessa, it is. takes one to know one. > yterday wettard something wiwithteteen a. smith. 'll solve the problelemncncend fofo all. it azazy. but first, someme w ouo ov aiaig. their boboseses. secretary geithnhnernn capipito hill talkingabout new regulationons rr some of the sort of exotic finananci oducts. memei'i'm st going t to explain ststenen amith and contessasandd jothth cacapertrt how they make $200 mililonon to $400 million ararith a simple iurance schememe le e e one deoyed at
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g. t t secretaryyrereasy tending this ararin gegeiterers discussisinghehese tougugrr regulations. but he wants the over-the-counter d drivatives which dylann will explain. what's it worth to yoyou? >> right now the market ununrelated and the pimim reason wh we had major ececonicic meltdown. nothe goal is t to prevenent another one withth e housing sector a and aigig l le holdldi babag. americans hahatoto fthehe bill to bail aig t.t. now aig s seeng government approval to o gi bonuses o dozens of seseni executives. the troubled insurancece cpapan asaske the new federal compensations s e e to okay $2. llion in yoyos to t the 40 top executives. that comes to us frfrom "the n york times." ai has receivedororthan $1700 biion in taxpapaye nney and nonoththey want to reward this. >>rereou ready to learn howwtoto makeke l lot of money? ephen a. smithth arere y r rdy toto me e aot of mmon? >> i i'm dinitely listening to this. mmwondering, are yououaang a a lot of oney?
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okay. > m capehart,, a areou there? >> i'm here. >> i'm g gngng to makeyoyo 2020 millionn to $400 mimillnn a yeaa >> i canan'twait. >> i havenother individuall i haven't t spenen oyet, and i'm going to speak of h now, ththe former new yorktate insurancece supeperienennt. among g otr r ings, currently sees as the c cair -- what's thname? forget. i know you'rere a nyu. i know you're acacng but i dot remember the ne of the dedertment. > i the prprofsosor the stearn school. >> so listen up. ththerararsome eththicisissu with my techchnie,e,onathan. >> yeah. that's why i brought t hi >> grereat >> but i thkke can ma a a buncncofof mey here. i'm all for . this is the aigmodel, $2$2 mimillnn to $400 m milonon a y. yoyou do your own s spts show fm your basement in aly. do your o own poliliti show.w. do whatever showow, tt you do i wiwi $ $40 million in thehe ba. >>hat worr.. >> herere ererody has a h hou or wants a house. you get a houuse,,you need loanan, ghgh not eveverododyan buy ahouse. u've got your house here. e e that? that's a house. >> right.
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>> next to that i is a loanso yu n buy the hhse. that's'shehe bic structuref houses inamerica. we take these lns and we putt lots o of them, ririgh one housuse thth loan, m house, your house, eric's, stephen's, everybody tctchi the meinin their r houses. put all thoseouses togogetr,r, i put them i intaa gigantic b b where e the'e'a bunch of lns. yoyou t that? yeah. >> that's ptty unrsrsndable, right? weaven't made thatmumu t. 'v've ne okayay. mamaybwe charged a fee. yoyowith me, jonathaha >> yeah, i'm with you. i'm watching the tabab.. >> enjoy the tablele. soow we've got our bond. weadada couple bucks. alththese home loans,right? but our coconcn n u may not pay yoyourortgage. denalo, whoknows whether h he cn y his mortgagage. the teacher doeoesn pay like it used tt cocoesessawho knows,, s gets fired at any minine.e. same goes for me.. >> i i'mn n wspaper. >> my point is ----hh're going to need to b buy some innsuncncn
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all thosose meme lns. rit? and whatathehey' going to buy that insurancece for insurance in the e eve contessa says mething stupid onnbc, getets firere s samfor dylan. you t t e point. medical insurance. >> it is like medical l inrarae. so aigg gets it i in their he,, listen, wecaca sellinsurance aiainsall these bonds, right? we'll sellll ininsuncnce s sthtn casettepn a. smith defaultsts, in c cee ntntes defaults s well as eric and dylan -- >'m'm n ddefltltg. > wt t wathat, jonathth?? >> i'm not defaultltin >> you're e e e on legitimate onone theroom.m. maybe denalo, i i n'n't know. sell insururan,, right? so now we'ree t insurance mpany. you u wi me? we're selling inrarae and say if anybodydyefefaus, we'll pay.y. > we've got your back. >e're aig. this is where wewe srtrto make ththe neney. they statart - -- p pplple who these bonds s sttt seing us insurarancpapaents every month. right? jujustikike u do for r yo car or
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health insuranan.. so now we'rereusust collectinin money, by. we'r're stst sitting babackthe ney is just flowingng. do i have moneyy here? hahangn n second. i think i'veve g gotoney. watch ththis this is beautitifu i've got to have m mon.. > iuess what i'm trying t t figure out is h howre you able toonopolize the iururce maetet? who's to sayayhahat evevebobo's going g to ce in yourdirection? >> well, here's the ththin wewe can only sellllnsurancenn theory if we canayay on the claimsms, right? so therereon we can't selell ths insurance and c colctct this moy, right, is becausesee dot have enough money t t pay the e claims. c can go too eric when he's insurance commisissierernd say hey, ereri stephen, contessa, dylan andd j jothan want too stt anan iurance company. but aig h had $rillion in assets at t thrr dispopol l fo other lines ofof binins. so they saididee can affordoo se t thiinsurance, a and not ju g,g, but the rst ofof t wall streeee lobbieded washingt,
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d.c., in '99 t change theawaw so that everery heher pe of insurance in this cocouny,y,ou had to go o t the eric denaloof the world, car i insururce,eaeal insurancncee so we catt set up insurance e company. >>in other words, it's a a scandal. ke g gng. > s they sellll ts insurance on all tse home loan bonds we talked aut, right? and the more i sell, t the more money i make. i'll insure every y ususe america, bababy. send me your mononey then guess what happens? people start d defltltin on ther loans. you did default. she saidididid sething crcrzy. did say s setethi stuupi i gett red. i c't pay my mortgage. l these defaults come e in n now it's timeo pay insurancnce. >> you got a f few mliondodolls on those bobon.. that was g gd d money, righght? yoyou,oo, right?? >> yeah. >>capehart, you enjoying that neney made selling thatat insurance?e? >> yeah. i it s good, righght? >> yeh.h. h hers the problem. we don't have anany money. now everybody's defaululngng o their loans. all of a a suddedenonowe go too washington andayay listen. one of two thingsgs happens.
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eiththere e t th housing m mart and fifinaee marketing completey collapsed d beususwe've c catat araudulent insurancece t so people think thehey' f fing with a tt of insurance all of these defaultsts that c cou haenenbut the reality isall they'r're ininis collecting money for ththe-- it's like you're selling - go ahd. >> but basased on what y youee sasayi, i guess argument would be instead off receiving bailouts, not t on suld these guys haveototececeid $85 lllln -- >> nono, it's $1$180 billion. >> $180 billion. > ty y ould be thrown in jajail >> i would sayaynono only s sho they not reiviv$180 billion,n, they would be throro i in jail r inrance fraud andorced to be claw back thehe hundreds s llllns of dololla that we haha paid them fofor seing an ininsuncnce oduct that they never were a abltoto p for. selliningnsurance you canan p py for is stealining nene the onlylyayay you c get into a situatioion ereryou could get ay with that, the rason ththe ericicdenalos othe wod, and evy y ate in amamera,a, is to
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ke surensurance fraud esn't happen witharar insurance, health insusurae,e, with lifife ininsance. and d enen the wall street community says,lilist. this isn't r reay y surance. weanan a a new lawaw which theyt ssed on christmas evev a as an atattamementn 1999. snk it inhehe backdoor. that says insuraranconon credits not reallyly susurae, and no e nenes to regulate t, which means nonownobody'sheheckg to see whethther th money is ther. jothan, go ahead. okay. that was myquestion. so all this money t tha ig collecteted ddhat ty were susuososedo have in csese all ese folklk defaululte t ty just took it and thehe shovelled it out to othther tthis? t ty didn't have any y neney at all? >> t thedidi't have enenghgh. it wasn't they d didt t ve any. ththe icices set by t rattin theaaa product,he cost of surance is little. but if i'm oly crging a littttleororomebody that has big chancecef f hang a prorobl,, i won'ttavave enough money. i want to get eicic in who'o' en very patient up t to ts point. the reason i a aed hihi to be
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he was not just to represesent former insururan commimissnener, but he's o o o of e most effectivive dd candid in his testimony as to how t tss hahaened to us, t the american peoplele, $14 trlion, how do we lve for this a ahow doe e t ouourononeyback,eric? >> we hahaveoo revisit the laws that congress put in 1999, as you said. babasilly, aig had t two halvesf e house. ththerwawas e insurance side, a you said,d, carnnsunce and -- >> life inrance. >> property insurarae e anthose had whatat icacaed reserves, capital behindnd tsese commitments.s. and then there was thehe boltedn bubuck shop that thehey rere pepermteted open and run with essentially zero capital a agast ry similar commitments. and thee w way -- >> congress enled that scacammo happenen i19.9. not only eblble it bubuthhey had to go o rorough and p prmptr nullify state wsws thh h already y extete like t bucket-shop ws and other laws that would havaveohibited. atat why, by the way, treasurer geithnhn i is in fron of the agriculture e ecomymy
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why the agriculture mmittee? becaususe 's's futures.. and there were a l l o futures laws that would have applied to the c. >> commodititi buying oil in the fufure, this kind of thingng yogogo it, stephen? >> that was a promomis >> i g guss the questioion atat comemetotoy mindnd jonaththan alononwiwithou guysanan answewe this for me. have been in anan absolute uproar bececau o of e bononeses that aig is seseekg,g,t cetera. at i'm wondering about iss h h arare e same congressional figures whoho played a rt in alallong these lilici to t ta place anand allolongng tse trtranctctio to take ace, how are e,e, the americananpublic, susuosed to sisithehere and aow esese guys, trustst the guys to actuallylynforce newlegislation sosohis kind of s sff doesn't happen agaga?? they should be outut oththe, too. >> i ilake it worse,e, some of e same people thatreated the legislslatn n in '99 thaha allo this insurance scaca t toe perpetrarateagagait the ereric peoplele are the ryry same peo
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who a are working inside of the oba a administration. >> that's what i'm sayining. >> tay. > w that allowed? whwh have they not gone -- yy arare t tey nott bngng proocucue > bauau not eugugh people in americaa uererand the insurance scam thatwewe jt disscueded anththeore p peoe in this cotrtry, jonathan capehart, that can understand this insnsurcece fraud heherehe less likeieie it will be for those people to s st in their positions. go ahead, jonatatha >> anand t th's whyt't'so terrififichahayou did tthi i dn't know you were goioingoo dodothis,utut for ononc i understand what exactly happppen and how itit happened. but asouousad,d, is so complicated thatat99% of the american people don't u undststd any of this. and probably -- >> probably 99%. >hat's o on purpose. the way youet awawaywith a scamm is if nobody understanandst.t. >>aiaia minute, dylan. wenderstand it now. you just e expinin it. what are we g goi to do abbou itit? >> doctor? >> i think what y youo is you go
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back to ththe lawshat existed-- esese re laws that h hbeen up t t b boo for 00 years.s. >> going back to abrahaham lincoln, some of t tsese laws. > 1907 and aroundd '33. >> but the banank holdidi cmpan goeses bk k ncncol >> yes. ananthese people knewew at they wewe doing. and we deluded ourselveses into ththinng we were so much smamaer than ourforefathers a forbroroths s an completelyy abrogated alall t the lawsshat woululd veveprevented it,, and ththat a tragedy. > tragedy. and the people whoho suffer are american students, american retirees andndhehe rt of us talked about it,t, but t r ral impapactss on thehe poor and ududen and hundreds miioionsit in banknk accounts for people who stolele it. >> we'veotot 40 top executives looking for boboseses. scratch that. yoyou' n notetting anythingng.. you nncratch thahat. the ememoyoyee thsesees, the plploys themselves, maybehehe did d noplplay role -- >> i've got to . 'v've t two hours a a day err day. eric, , ndnderl. thank you veveryucuc if you undnderanand is, explain it to somebody whoodoesn't. ththe re people that undedetatad it, t better pololicyye wille ab t t mamak we a a back wiore at"the
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momoining eting" right after this. the doctct diagned arthritis in my rit knee. but with aveve, i don't have to rrrry about my knees hururting. only two a aleve can stop pain all day. that would take three times as manyy lenol arthritis pain. eve works for me.
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to the break roooo w go. i kww theigig think itt a t ch we figure t tgogo to california and d do lilile michaeael ckcksoto mix it . leleeowan is thther hi, e. >> how are you,, dylan?? >> good. what is going on y youant to talk about th vestigation, i sume, is whwherwe at this popot? yes. >> a aououpl of things. i think, itsosods like broken record at someme p pnt when youe talkingbobouthe toxicology report stillll wtiti to comee back but thaha is where ware. waiting for them t to come baba. that is onlypapa of the ststryr. a lolot t t people we tkk to sasa the basic toxoxololog repos are probably alreadydy bk k ifou talk abobo t the blood tests, urine e ststs, spinalfluid, the already hahave a prettttgogood e from atat we're beingtoto probablylyt t let what was hihisysyst at the time hedied.
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at is only partrtf the story. ththeyave to go backndnd talk to ctctor we owow doctors have been suoenaed and m micicalvidence takeken omom theomome d cocordg to the "l.a. times"" three search w waanan exexecudd as w wl.l. all of that wiwi g go esestaisisng some sort of pattern of drug use, if, inin fact, there is one. and thenen culpababitity,nybody held r resnsnsle for this or wa it anact acdental all over yos. >> thanks, lee. ♪ when your debt goes upp ur score goes down ♪ ♪ w when you y a little off it go the other way 'round ♪ >> tnk lee. r ev ♪ the credit rolleroaoaster makes you wanna huhurl ♪ ♪ so throw yourands in the air, andav'em around ♪ ♪ like a wanna- frat boy trying tgedown ♪ ♪ then bring m m ght back to where yo laptop's at... ♪ ♪ logn free credit report dot com - stat! ♪ vo: freeeedit score and report wi enrollment in trlele aantage. having to go in the dddd of traffic and justtarting and stopping.
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having to go in the middle oa ballgame and thenot bei able to go once i gothere. and going at nightht i i thght i had a going proboble my doctor said i i h a growing problem. it wasn't my b blaerer my prostate was grgrowg.g. i i haan enlarging prostatate that was causing my inary symptoms. my doctor prcrcred avodart. nnouncer) erer te, avodart actually ririnkthe prostate and improves urinary symptoms. so i can go o rere eily when i need toto g and go less often. nnouncer) avodart for men only.. wowomen shld not take orane avodart due to risk of a specific birth defect. n donate blood until 6 monthshs aerer stopping avovoda.. tell your doctor if f you have liver diseasese. ralyexual side eects only your healththarare provider can tell ifymptoms are from an enlarged prostate anannot a more serious condition like prostate cancer. so have regugulaexexs. callour doctor today.
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coming up, is he is too much of a n newororke in h h 50 annlolookg in the westst vvilgege. hang y you o with basasebl players andbillionairir.. can america dedeal with a west viville e ofessional? dodon'know. you know howhe west village is?? do you want sosoonone om the wewest v vlage onhe supreme cocour maybe. wewe'lfind out after this. the clasasflavors of tuscany inspation for... dinner bell sfx: ping pinping fancy feast elegant memedleys tuscany entrées restaurant inspipiredidish with long grara r ric and garden green is it love?? or is s fancy feast?
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"what youean homeowners insurae esn't cover floods?" "a few inches of water caused all this?" "butut i d't'tven live near theatat what y you don'tnow about fld insurance may shock you. including the fact that a preferred rk k pocy arts as low as $119 a ye.. for an a agent, call the numbeber on youscreen.
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good morning. lcome. halfway throh the meeting. welcome ba to the second hour. resetting agenda. gm trying to reinvest the wheel. larg emergers in bankrupt than to the taxpayerelp gm maybe cod learn things from the west coast. we'll see if there i an open car or whether tha is possible.
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sotomayor heading toward congress next week. we talk about theks politicall is she tomuch of a new yorker? all of th west villageness hanging out wi baseball players and billionres. america can't hale that, stephen a. they can't handle it. obably they can. > president ama having his firseting wh e pope. we'll brinit to you when we get it if they start talking, we'll ta a break from this meeting to takake a listen and also takake a beaeak r thi >> don't y you thininkk is a whe lot of ritual f for somometngng else? face itit 505050 shot to make out of thehe gate. >> howow vyy refrfresngng. aa man whoho doesn't b bllele i marriage. do you a als tell small chiren thth saa claus doesn't exist?t? >> we startedhh yesterday with contessa andtephen a.ndnd try toto finish it today. the great marriage debat revisits the big tabable heree ththen brew -- bruno opepengngh
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evening. it's aenating people in t austrian community. les get back to work rht now. it's 100 a.m. we start withhe supreme cour that is the biggie. then the cars. marriage, maiage is big. >> yea >> for some. >> forsome. >> you better say it'sbig, even if you don't believe itou beer say it! all right. >> y're single. it's good. od for ratings. >> yes. fit up, pete william is a justice and very seriousness, okay, plse? pete williams, haveyou there? >> yes, sir. i'going to make a bold prediction, dylan, and say that the fact that she's from new york and hangs in the west village is probably not going to come up a lot in her confmation hearings. t me give you an ideaf the kind of things she will be asked
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about. gurights. it may surprise some people to know thathe t amemes and the bill of rights don't automatically apply to the states. mostf them have been applied to the states by supreme court but not theecond amuntment. last year, the supreme court ruled the second amendment providesright to n a g for self-defense at home. a ordance in chicago, that court there ruled the second amendment doesn't apply tohe states. sonya sew take mayor has given a similar ruling to t case in new york. she will be asked aboutun rightsconservatives say th are troubled by her decision and other cour have come to the same conclusion. she the pre court sets the national standard here,ut that's t kind of queioning i think, we're going to hear. >>hat would seem more appropriate than living i the westvillage, ete, i'm su of that. but i bring it up, maria, less funut moreelevant sure.
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stepn a. with me a jonathan capehart and maria with e. how new yo she is,avid cone, a former prossional pitcher d michael bloombergand louie frey a good charactewitness. maria, do you have any sense what have it takes? how do you become a cracter witnesses? w levant are they? how did thhole game she is good and smart and reliable, she is there, how did thisame get played? >> i think part of it is on the character wiess ofhe majority w is your best friend forever. u try to identy the folks that havbeen basically behind her the whole time. bloomberg is on there. what is interesting too,s folk she has goneagainst. so folks she is actually audited
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in the past for finance campaign reform and tha kind of stuff is in her team, too. >> i think character witnesses in this case, obviously, has some credence but at the end of the y is about her record. she seems to havsomewhat of an imccable record and clearl the most experienced nominee. they went throughll of that stuff bu at t end of the day, it comes down to her record. you know at? dad cone is nice b last tim i checked, he was throwing pitches before h became a broadcter! how he has any sficant -- the judiciary committ, ion't undetand. that doesn't make you relevan >> he thrs a baseball rike. th alone ishe reason why my father likes her. >> she did break the baseball strike andhe deserves a lot of crit for that but, still in all, her record over the on course of years matters and that is what -- >> you know what, dylan -- >> without being qualifiednd she is cleay qualified. >> you know what you nee
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think of these character witness almo as if they are endorsers. yes, her record matters but she ne to get t votes the people on tha committee and thenhe votes of the entire senate so you haveople who come forward who can vouch for her an talk about ho they've worked with her, how she thinks and how she works. we can't discount the power and the importance of these people who are going to testify. >> jonathan, i'll ask you this question almost tongue in cek senate judiciary committee, the republicans are outnumred pretty much 2- inhe sena almost a 2 advantage. so the reality ask is that she didn't nee it >> although, don't -- >>forgiven, i't it? >> i worked on the ll several years and that is it. it is much more ttimony for public dder. i ink so that the american people can ge to know her bendclosed doors. >> the point wa going to
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make. >> to me it'sproven by the fact they havall of these meengs prior to her confirmation hearing. excuse me. why do i need to sitdown and talk with you? my record for 17 years, do i really need to have a with you d blueberry mfin? i n't need to talk to you! >> waia minute! >> whatre you trying to do? >> come on! >> for a lon time we didn't have confirmation heings. >> oneor the tv era. argument it's a procedevent. it's good. jonathan, last wd and then i'm moving t gm. >> was just going to say it is helpfufor the nominee to sit with folks on the commiee and answer questio even if it is, "so how w your flight?" ve a feel for the person. >> eve if it is how is that new french restaurt in the west village. t's move on to geral motors. contsais there a last on this one. >> yeah. i'm sorry sill. >> but if you have other stuff
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going, let us ow. >> live pictures from italy. we're seeing at the vatican some ofhe pomp andircumstance surrounding presidt barack obama's arrival toeet with the pope here. is meeting wh the pope one-on-one d michell obama, the first lad will join him and their daughters. you can see the swis guard protectinghe pope in the vatin coming in. first before the meeting with thpope, meeting with cardinal there in the vatican, we're going to keep our e on this. back in washington this ho. secretary of ste hillary clintoholding a town hall styl meeting at thestate department as well. do we have live pictures the wends we undetand the secretary is to unveil major new initiative. on capitol ll, tim geithner on the hot seat today because there'this joint meeting of the house agricuure and finance service committee looking at th over-the-counter derivativesnd getting a lot on the feedback
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from the exainer you did last hour. >>should stop calling it there and wait for everybody at home tomake 200 million a ar. >> he is focusing in this meeting with lawmars how do you prevent it from happening again. i want to move on to general motors which you were just talking abou here. here is wha we're learni. the krochlt ceo says this is going to be very customer fosed and going to partner with ebay to let peoplebuy cars at online auctions. a thought. the ceo of general motssays the new company is going to build carsnd ucks the consumer wants. here it is. >> we have to have highest expectations for ourselves and everyone assiated with the company mus realizethis and be prepared to change and fast. >> heerson says ge will repay about 50 billion bucks a save moy by cutting managemen ranks 5% and eliminating the
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position of north american president. apparently you don't need one of those,ylan. >> good. >> they talk about cutting mage positions that is very, ry good. >> i agr with you. everybody has a solution for e cars. there is plenty o reason for endorsement at gm and oher folks thinthe way to do this is get out othe big three and go to open sourcemodel, so popular in californi jay roger president of lol motors, open sourcemotor company, basic make the car better, ma it better. matthew deboard, writer for the slate financial sie, the big money,onestly thinks on source cars is preposterous as r as i can ll. jay, how doesn open source car work? because u can make an iphone, what makesou think you can make a hot rod? >> the most imrtant thingor open source ca company is what do and don't do. we don't digcars by committee, wdesign carsy
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pickg the most exciting and designs around the world and brinng them to -- >> for instance? >> for insnce, our first car goes on sale lter this year. we debuted inember and deposits are taken july 15th. it callethe rally fighter. a ean diesel power plant that s some of the greatest style that heen seen on these sides of the pond since harley -- >> hopefully, we have picture ofhat car becaus people like to see. cars are a visceral thing so i'd like to e that thi. it has a funname. stephen, you nodded sayg loing that t. >> it's jazzy b at the end day i think i like he talked abt style. yo assume you buy a car it's going to run correctly. do you like how it looks and how it fee? >> cars aren identity. >> that's what is. >> you say youecide what the design is. where is the open source aspect of your busiss. >> we go o to ourommunity
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an built thefirst online develoent and design community r in the world. we have thousands of designers across 120 countri and these are seriousengineers. that's our car up on the screen. awesome. >> very seris engineers and very serious enthus yachts and designers th come and contribute and all of this is developed what you on the scre. >> what is wrongith that? where are the issues with that, tthew, concelly? >> well, i think local motors is a great company. they have an interesti idea and the car looks incredly cool, but i don't think the open source model is gog to be able to successful reple the global auto industryodel that worked successf -- >> in other words, could gm adopt an open source aspecto their busine and basically become a marketer and distbutor of cars that are developed in collaboration with anybody who could contribute to e desig can they tegrate open source?
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>> they could conceivably tegrate at the op source and what they cod wind up doing is absorbg the innovators in thi area. total open src model, i don't think that is really feable. >> i'd like to chime in there if i could. >> pleasdo. >> i think one of the things we found you need t be able to bring down the tim to mart. we built the rally fighter in 1 months and under $2 million. we use a lo of off the shelf parts but at kind speed alws you to take advantage o open sourcideas. the currt car development pipeline is upward of six years and that doesn't allow you bring in new ideas so that's a big difference. >> gu, forve my ignorance. >> please. >> to know how the design of these cars and whatoue doing. how does that factor into the vision that president obama and his administtion h been talking abou in terms of the kind of cars that they're looking for in res to their energy policy? >> mattw, do you have any insit on that? >> well, i do.
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i mean, you know, jay company is doing a vehicle thatcould fit into that project. the question ishether they'd able to desig vehicle that's affordable and wheth they'd be able to build enou of th over the long haul. >> do you have anyense to even stephen's pointr anybody has any -- jonathan, go ahead. >> t question for jays how much is thisar going to cost and what is e miles per gallon and all of the other things that people want to know about nowhen they're thinkingof buying a car? >> jonath, that's an awesome question it's a 50,000 car and 36 miles per gallonon the highway. weave the opportity to integrate electric power plant when the cost point comes down next two years and can mve to do that within a matter of months as opposed to a matter of year >> is there a market for a 5000 dollar car? i mean, it sms a little steep for the average americ. >> i think you need toook beyond wh ware in terms of a
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car. weerve niche parts of the instry and different than t standard amotive coan so we make lots of models in seral of thousands as opposed to hundreds of thousand when you talk in those numbers there is a marke for those cars. >> interesting stu and we'll continue with this one. re open or not open source, whatevert is, if we could see erican cars that yant to drive. i mean, that's all we' talking. >> like to jonathan's point, cars you want to drive and ca that a affordabl remember, you've got peoe -- even when people get their jbs back, how reluctan are they about spending money? >> i know. we have an event today goin on that shows our commuty involvement. host this thing called burgers car' weldg at our boston micro factory today and several hundd peop today gatherinaround and learning about our cars. >> c we weld? if we cameup, tse the torch? >> can you also see our clean diesel engine in action and see
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how e car is together. >> i applaud his vision. all m saying is you can invite people all you want to. at the end of the day, it's about can i afford it? yes no. >> y. you can if you have that insurance busine i was talking about. justl congress. they'll sett up for you. we're back talking bruno. and a littleday dance party afr this. ♪ decisions, decisionsns which beneful prepared meal tonight? roasted chicken rerecipe - savory rice and lambmb st. - [ barks ]
10:15 am
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> that is not part of th iform. you need to ta that off.
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>> this outf f is t matchy/matchy as it is so i was trying to bike itp with simple horizontal lines. >>hat type is that, candidate? what is that? >> dny. >>hahat that? >> hello! hhlo? >> y you have an aititud ndidate? >> thahats your f frid bruno. apparently as wewe talked about this, iththinthe first meeting, fuy or entntiryy indicting theh gay lesesle fops o of makiki a cocoup o obucks in hohoywywoo here on the t,t, rashad ronsns. contessa brewer into the conversationon and stephena.a. smithndnd newfoundnd fend of te show. ce to see you hehere mr..smith.. from los angeges,s,ilm critic for "accesesllywood" s sco mann. i'm going to begin with yo two bebecae you've seen the filmlmnd we're speakininrom obvious
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igignoncnce. scott, very ickly, is this anyy morereutrageous thahan the other portrayals o or her parodies you've seen comeme o of hoywywd? >> well,l, iss supposed toee outrtreoeous that's the whohole pntnt it's outrageous and it's funny, t bebecaee it's so simimil to bobora sacha baron cohen's's moe atat caame out 2 200 it's hard to compare ithaha boror is more th a a momovi this m mieiess o ov the top a a yoyou n'n't ke it ererusly. eeontroversy i thk people e e oking for sosomeining talklkababou >> you argueue that it's so outrageoeoushaha it's bececom predictable? inther words, you know t tss guy is goointoto walk in and d whatever is he goioi t to and heheoes it anand you go thatat whatat h does. do you agree, rashad? n no i dd't't. i think sccots in l.a. a in a place gay a lesesbi people have tremendodous protection after prop8. ga parents, yoknknow, do not
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have protections in a a numbero states. parts of this movieeere intermediate in intermediateenn ararnsas where gayayand lesbian people werededeni adoptionon rights in the state. so we, you know, atlad believe agage mattete.. this m mov is g goi t to play different inewework than l.a. andd h he concretete hms in mny states. w wheyou get into a siatatio we talk aut the marijuana a nvnvertion. yesterday, majujuan being effectivelely gagal california anand other statetesndnd total illegal in oththerstates. yorere tking aboutththe me type of a aulultul divide in a dierent way. at whahat i iother words, wh ishe responsibililit o o one piece of the culture? whether 's'so legalize marijuana a ououpn southern california or t the coastal ous thth are c comrtable with yy and lesbian relatioionsndnd gay and lesesananififtyle as partrtf ththrr daday--d-dife and treme poportyayalsf thh and have negativive papactof children, , whheheit's children and drugs going back toto
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yesterday's conversatiti w whi enener mccccarey's valid point or children an racism, sexism, gender, , l l ofhe biases thahat memen this c cotry when you are not a successssfu-- you're n notnn ulult? you're not mccaffrey'y' 40-year-old smokokinpopo in oron, a 1-yyeaolol vulnerable in the gtto. you are a gay man or woman in arkansas and wh is thatat h prprlelem sically? whwh is that sacha baron cohen' problem? >> the filmmakers invited us into an rlrly reening and s sa their inntnt was to s she ligh homophobia. sat behind group of about 18 to19-year-old yoyogg men and we saw thhem lughing and tey were not laughghin kinin of mophobia being expopose but laughing at gay lklks. californrnia people mighgh wak t of the theater and not fel
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away, but i t ts culturur imprintt going too take p pla b brmingham andrrkaas and across the country i is goingo have concrete harms iningo go back to school and bebe buied wiwiththis. >> what alarms me ouou it and i speak right now as an african-american y you have to seseitive if h heere a hoseseal thanpeperhs i could ve aorord is diffffertltly because he i i t talng about a community that h h supppposlyly familiar with or h he is tryingt portray from a knowledgeable perspective. hehe'sot. essentially, he isis making fn f itit. he is being over thehe to with it. i i thk k u have a responsibibili t to be sensisiv o oth people because youou don'n't owow h they're going to feel, lilikeouou e lded to, y y n'n'know what they are gog to be e bjbjecd to and when you try to portray a certain image even t thgh you're clearly over the top and h hangng a good titi with it, yes, yo are h hining go timee but at whwhee expense?
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>> if me and my f fridsdsgot totothther andidid a mvie abouta fuyy bck lilifeyle. >> thatt would be big-time prprobm with atat. >> jonathan, go ahd. >> nono l me jump in here. let's go to v vican and okok a john paul, ii bedidict you canseethth camamer arndnd here. ththprpresent met with cardinal previous toto e facece-tfafaceith the ppop they a are lkely to finind comm grnd on finding peace in the mile east and interesesngngo see what t president h has to say about theirir differences o abortion a st cell research. we are also exexctcting to see e first ladyy and s sas and maliaa to get audience hee with pope benedict b but private meeting forr president obamam an the pope. we will continue too w wat the pictures on the bottttom part o your screen n b, dylan, if yoy want to continunuththe conversation. > t fact i'm nine days i ioo this s sho and i'm'm going to b asked toto conductct a a nvnvsa ofof bruno d d e gay lifestyle
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while the president meetsts wit the pope, mebody has sense of humors all i i'moingoo sasa somebobodyasas a sense of humor. mrcahart, the l las word. >>y last word, i want t t correct you on something.. several times, you've used the phrasegagay lifestyle dd'm spried that rashad didn't jumum - -- >> his s rsrst me here! >> i've known y y for years. >> youdo.. >> and so i knowow -- >> we want to lilist t tthe president talklkg with p pop benedict. >> this was concrete -- i assure y - -- >> all rigig.. sohat we are now see is t the ceilingg apparentlyly.. sometimes ththis happens. the photographers get a dierent shot buthhat we were
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just seeing is esident obama sitting downwn wh pope b benicic xvi havingng aririef aience. wewe a e eecting to hee more. there is david axelrlrodndnd robebe bbs. wel l ep our eye onn it. >> jonathan,n, i iwant you to fifini your correction to me. i canan see where youu were goi and i feel bad. >> no,, nno. it's n n gay lifestyle. it'sgay fefe and justst to makake sure p pel unrsrsnd that, y yoknow, pepeop chooseheir lilifeyles. people do not choose whether to be gay or ssbi. >> jonanaths absolutely right. that is rt of the work that glgladoes with w worngng with journalists all l arndndthe coununy.y. >> like latino lifestylee an black lifestyle. i'm an idiot. > one thing will p piybybac and d y y soone who is n not a hoseseal. >> or r nogagay! > i not gay! not gay. dodon'know that. o oth words, what you g gs jujustaiaid about gay lifife, nonot g gay fefeste. soso myyeople who a are not gay willll s there d act if thehey
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know the dififfencnce. they know whetherer is s a fe or lifestyle.e. we doon'owow. >> now y know. >> i'm justtsaying. >> we kww now and wh we haha this meeting inheheirst place s sorthis stuff out. 's going pretty well. >> therere isso doubt a autut t. > we're lklkgararrie next. both mriage equality and marriage inequality andndarriage anyway you wananto cut it, it may beben n acof madness. babacally an outdated inststitioion. people live e oo long. it's crazazy! we're back with a danceparty an bruno after this.. ♪ we all have e iden
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and we all havdoubt. but when the momenent cos...
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what's g goingo win? re's to confidence. gillette h hpsps youook, feel, be y youbebest gillette. the stst a man can get.
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> welcome back. it's iday. we will plug into politics that seems to be -- >> buz.
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>> uzz, soy. to the president's paying attention to the oppite sex some. >> a photo makingts wa over the internet, the "nework post" had morning. it sort of looks that preside obama is checking outhe derriere the young woma walking by. reportedly a 7-yearld junior delegatet the g-8 summit in ityesterday. lan is getting so close to the monit monitor. lookt the video now. th have the video. can you see now he is helping one young woman down and helping anotr young woman. when this gir wa getting up there was another girl gettin-- you can e how that onbrief photoake it look -- can wego back to the photo? >> theret is. >> wait. downward gaze. lping her down the stairs. >> brief moment they got captured a they say a pictur tells a thousd wordsut apparently veo tells a
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million. but re isne more thing. aprently nicolas sarky, questionwhher he spent little b longer gazi. throwing it out there. >> even if one was to gaze, why is it anybody's busine? clearly, he wasn't gazing. still ahead on the "morning meeting," marriage we are ging to talk about. coessa, stephen a. smith and jeff rder, and a great ticle, "let's call the w thing ff" is marriage obsolete no just our politicians extended life spans, allthis nonsense. lk about i ass it not suitable to th21st century? ♪ [ male announcer ] arthritis targets your bod where 's weak. where it's vnerable. ♪ lenol arthritis works with your body to block the pain, without interfering
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with c certa high blolood pure medicines like aleve sometimes c. ♪ so you don't just feeletetter, more t thaany her brand ofain reliever. ♪
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welcome back. we know the story politicians havingroblems with monogamy, we he a e string.
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we know the tories, okay? we also -- what? we also have a variety of statistics, li exptancies and all ofhe rt of it. contessa, you ve something for us here? >> okay. senator ensign and governor sanford have not bee ableo escape the spotlight because they admitted they ran arou on their wies. setor ensigndmitted there were with a campaig staffer. his family gafed 96,000 reported and said the payments were out ofconcernorheir well-being during a difficult time. washington ethics group has asked the justice departme to investigate it >> was it government money? >> yeah. no sevce payment would ha been taxpayer dolrs. new polls show south carolina residents are ready for sanford to resign. rece sey by "a today" found 60% thought the governor should step down.
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has been asked by his republicanolleagues to shape up. they didn't s ship up but asked him to shape up. >> or comply. yesterday, we started with the mcnair conversati and basicay hoeve mcna's mistre was upset there was anher mistress. you were mangthe point there is asessiveness that is inappropriately possesve? >> all was trying to say t mistress in far more situations than pe realize believe everybody se to be t mistress. is all i was trying to say. >> the bigger issue which we were gettingnto, jeff isack. welcom >> thank you, dylan. >> and sandra just ended a 20-yearmarriage herself citin thgs like life expectancies. all of these things. sara, i'm going to start with you because you he donee mostork writing about it and have led through it. what d you foy to when you talk abt the potential obsolescence
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of this institution? >> i think you were starting to say that marrie is fairly modern institution the way we have it no ou life expeancy was 47, n it's 77 these partrships go on for decades. it's about propty ownership and home owership, i think, and sanf sanford's case youook at this 20-year relationship,is wife was asuessful business exutive, she stopped that to be his campaig manager, ey have four children. mean, it's very much very successful corporio forme, when i look at it an we've seen the e-mails, my goodness, where it you know, we have the idea the romanc spark should be alive 20 years in where evolutionary biogy sa it's probab gonefour years the time it tes ddlers to get and out. it's not backed up by any evidcen any particular way. it's a sad thing when marriages
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break up, but we stillind of in america havethis opttic hope tha we can have children, have property, everybodyorks full-time, run aund, take the kids, you know, the appachian trai fathes day, walk for four days is really good for a marrge or family, so we have this idea going b it's not really likely >> but com on! whatbout the whole psychological principle that says if you behave a certain way your mind can't take the distan between your thoughts and youractions so if you behave like you'rein love with your ouse, your feelings will follow. >> and- >> wh? what? >> h does that work exactly? >> it's true. back me up on this. back me up. >> absolutely. >> o, contessa and i have been married 20ears and actuly hate each other. >> you wish. >> i wish, i wish! she married, by t way. let's say -- you know, iet to live my dreamnd i'm maied to contessarewer. >> all shes saying is you have to find the love in the marriage. you have to find a reason to
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stay in love, to fall in love all over again and it hapns in the lifetime of a marriage. i' been married r 20 years. we've had a lot of peaks and valleys. what is the phrase, sandra? baloney? >> baloney, yeah. i think it's something th we say and, you know, i'veeen on a fair amount of your shows and there's a psychologist, a sociologist and everyone is sayi a life partnership is a drm. i think wh we look at sanford and look at those e-mls he is gettinwhich are kind of yucky but ny rerealize- everybody know-- >> you've been married 20 years think perhaps you y bebitter about is. i don't want to get personal but at the end of the day there are people who ha been married for 20 years! >> forsure. i know people married 40 years! i kn people married for 40. >> they try make it work! people and doesn't work for others! i wouldn't abdate marriage for
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everybody. >> agrd. >> herersoexperience is her personalaexperience. i agree wi her and i gre where you are coming fro in your marriage. >> d you call her bitter? >> yes, he d. >> i believe she -- >> i've en reading a lot of thesthings she i putting out ere! >> hel, hello! hello! hello! hello! we got to workif others. >> sandra, go ahead d then i'm coming back to you. >>it's about 1 in 2 it doesn't work for and more divors are itiated by won and americans marry an divorce factor more than anywhereon the globe compared to the western country. a chur goer in aerica is more likely t divorce in america and we have such optimism about maiage and everybodyreaks up. >> l me chime in there. i've listed to everybody. >> please >> i believe --i believe in
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marriage. i expecto be marriedsomeday or whatever. i've been single. i ve loved the single ife. let me expla to you how hard it is! it is vy,ery difficult! the pospect of beg married, look at one person and sayng for the rest of my life, baby, it's about you! let me finish >> not natural. >> let me finish. >> okay. >> i'm saying it is an etremely fficult proposition becaus what you aredoing is cmitting emotionally to a feeli that is only present but you cannot guarantee noran you expect that it is sothg that's going to be ever-lasting and you walk out and eitheroes the tetation. think abou sanford for a second here. this is a man at was married with four kids. he went on national television, y'all, a said iaveound my soul mate! and he wa't talking about his wife. hold on, hold on. you know what that says? that doesn't just speak to what e made him feel. it speaks to whate wasn't
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feeling at home! that is ver very dficult, but it's reity. >> steen, it's -- >> it's e reality! >> stephen, it speaks to meal instability. first of a, if you're breaking up with your wife oreen caught cheati you don't go and say, okay, let's try to workit out. by the way, the sex i had w great and this person was my ul mate,shut hell on up! >> that is a different conversation. >> but this is the queion. what i'm sayi -- >> why are w committg? >> we know it's a mental breakdown but the reality is that something transpired prior to that menl breakdown and usually it's the -- k athletes i know entertainers. they have sat in their hotel ros on the road and cried because ey k they had to go ho! that is not joke! that is reality! marria is rd work, we know that. >> sandra, youaid it's una natural. wh did you mean? >> i think this is commitment to long-term marriage. it is like the tooth fa or
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nta claus. it is somethinthat really has not beenround. if you look back at centuries on how people did it it's ke long-tm marriage must be stayed until you died. you get marrie at 25 and please be married until youe 85. why weave this notion th is necessarily a good thgnd end-all to everything f people to stay inthese marriages for 60 years, give that you change every seven year every15, evy20, we do wa stability for our children' we don't want a round bin of people coming in and out butt's kind of le r a two-parent household that is a good stable thing for chilen that are happy. a single parent houseld can be as stable by many indicators -- >> false, fae, false! >> so -- >> go ahead. >> hold on, sandra. >> why are we ctted to th idea likeanta claus and tooth fairy is a long-term -- >> unhappy. >> iried to connce yourself-
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>> i got married and happy. you're suggestinmarriage is a job contra. u ge married five ars and if you're enjoying then you work hard to have it renewed at the end of the fiv years. if i hate it, then you ca move on and find a new j. >> dyan very quickly. >> say one more thing. for women -- >> y do wome live longerhen they a in marriages? we kn that. men . >> a difference. bad marriages, no, good marriages, yes. andra, thank you souch and knew this was goingo be out of hand and it was. many gooints were made. she is actg like nobody gets a point. the ttome it comes dwn to this. if you'rhappy, you're hapy. if you're not hpy, you're a miserable person area y're going tory to get out of the situation. >>et out, right. >> sometimes a divorce, sometimes it's an adulterous affair and sometimes misery and her cases, it suici! this is what iis! it is what iis! >> stephen a. smith on marriage. thank you. jeff, thk you and sandra, fantasc. >> younder why'm single?
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call us directly a at... marriage conveation continui into the break. no surprise. contes, point, make the pot you were just making. >> if you act as thoughou are in love you will be in le. >> how can you act like you don't els what i'm saying. >> no, you do. you control your behavior. you can control behavior. you can't control elings but you can control behavior. >> i'm talking aut feelings. >> i'm saying if you behave like it, your feelings following.
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>> people do the rht thing -- bically psychology. >> you're miserable but i'm going to stick with him beuse it's right thingo do. >> wll bring marriage up again. >> i'm learning from you. m learning. >> this is what call sink o swim. i thought you two wod be fun to play is with. all of have to do is tll whether it's a winner loser. pet airlines a total separate alines for the movementof your et, animdog, cat ay from you on a different airplane. you're goingo france or texa wherever you're headed. you put the dogog on vacation, to >> this might sound crazy, i say swim with that. a lotof animal lovers in this world. >> why not p them onthe plane you're on? >> ined that but the point is u consider some of thehings people door their pes, y veknow how much money is involved. >> sink, swim? >> i'd swim. >> what do youthink?
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>> i tnk it swims. people are crazybout their dog. >> google is taking on wiows. basically cloud comping as opposed to desktop deputying. sink or swim? >> swim. >> swim p. anything associated withoogle i'm rolling with it. as long as i don't have to use it, itwod probably be a winner as long as it not my software package. i can't do it. this imy favorite here. calledhe smash shack. a business opened up in san ego. this is for the video if we have it. basically, you pay a fee to go to this placend smash stuff. >> why can you do that a home? >>ou can. but here you geto wear -- >> sink. >> you go to thethirty store and buy $10 glasses and have fun. sink or swim? >> sink. >> idiotic. >> but fun to watch. >> fo about t econds. >>ll r. >> n >> more on marriage and p airlines and preme court.
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>> and the dance party. >> gay lifestyle,no. gay life, yes. yes. we learn. >> we're learni at the meeting. the dance party. its fri contes is our teach. >> this is my favorite day. dance party friday. >> spontaneous sing-along daing new york sway and then we have michael jkson but look at this. can't get enough of it. >> i can. i can. >> oh! the classic flavors of tuscany inspiration for... dinner bell sfx: pi ping ping
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♪ up t rhythm the boogie ♪ ♪ whattou hear not to the beat and toto prove yoyotry to moveoour feet ♪ notes the i am mikeke ♪ >> a fun w wk ofeetings and hope you'll joinin us neext wee. we will have t the sreremeourt nomination hearings toegin thiningsndnd tn god knows what willll happen atthe meeting aftr that. we pay t tritete toichael jackson and theesest dancing i' seen at 30 rock the past t few weeks i've b bein hair and maup. believe meme pretty inincdidibl you go in t thend the dancing arar. take a l loo ♪
10:54 am
>> here i is how we s sart th morning g m msn for you out erer ♪ >> heyey, lklk that isis good sf anand odod dancicing a lot o oun straight ahead. i'm carlos s wsoso a brand-new hour ofsnbc live starts any maman. congresswowoma lorettasasancz and we t tkk about the s somama nomination and t new protests in iran and whether or n not presesenent obama is g gining start getting pupush b bk from prprogssssivon his economic plan and l.l. cool j. stops by. ta a quick b bre but come right on back. m carlos watson.
10:55 am
[ female annnnounc ] ]lay goes yoyondveryday clean a a dp micro-clean. olay deeeeclcleaers reach thmimio-particles of dirt meme bic cleansers can avavbehind for a clean n soeeeep its micro-clcln.n. ol deep cleansers. relief can't come fast enough. inrorocing bayer quickelel crystals. it's readydy to dissve faster than capts or tablets. it's a whole neway from bayer toislve pain fast. new bay q q release cryststals.
10:56 am
a art attack at 53. i i felt fine. but turnrns t... my cholestererol d other risk factors..... increased my chance of a heart attack. i should've done somhi. now, trust my heart to lito when diet and exercise are nonoenough, adding lipitor may help. unlike se e otr cholesterol lowering medications, pipitois fda approved reduce the risk... of heart aack, stroke, and certain kinds of heart sgeries... in patients with sever common risk facts... or heart disease. lipitor has bebeen extensively studd... with or 16 years of reseah. lipitor is not for everyone, includuding people with liviver problbls... anand won who are nursing, egnant, or may become pregnt. yone simple blood tests to check for liver proroblem. tell your doctctor iyou are takiking oth medications, or if yoyou have any muscle pain or wkness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. i was caught off-guardrd. but maybe you can len from my story. have a hea theart with yr r door... ababouyour risk. anand ouout pitor.
10:57 am
10:58 am
i'm carlos watson. developing on msnbc. cook county shiff officials ar expecting to issue a live update any moment in the investigation of a gra desecrationt th historic burrr oak cemetery outsid of chicago. four peopl accused of dig up as many as 300 bodies to resale burial plots. stwis. live coverage thi hr. i'm carlos watson. we have a power packed hour lined up today. congresswomanloretta snchez and dennis kucinich with cuff and plus one-oone interview s with hip-hop legend ll cool j.
10:59 am
> general motors just emeed from chapter 11 bankruptcy. the company plans to cut another 20 of i salaried employees this year. unfortunately the globalconomy isn't bouncing back as fast as gm. president bara obama says the leaders believe a full recovery fr the economic recession is, quote, a long way of and not exactlyhat we want to he. investigation moo michael jackson's death could result in criminal charges. investigators are collecng his medical rerds and huntin down dos who may have contributed to hiseath by overprescribing medication in exchange for cash. >>every day on this show we welcome someone terrific and i'm happy to have j chatzky. >> nice to be here. >> dan abrams isn thuse, too. a litt bit of a


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