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tv   MSNBC News Live  MSNBC  July 10, 2009 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> it is. >> aig yesterday th giant inrance company, the government has bailedt to the ne of about 180 billion taxpay money is now gng back and asng for more bonuses and more from their exutives. >>essential, they are asking fothe go ahead from keeth feinberg who is supposedo reign over this bonus pool. they don't need to ask the permission b don't want the flak they got the last time without going out and asking for -- >> what they are saying bottom li we have to do this,ll ght? we had these ontracts. remember, we tolyou, thecost of fighting these legally and decided it wasn't worth it so we have t pay these contracts and now like a littl polica cover here. >> it's not full outrage on part. i feel it. am i the onlyne who looks at this and when the folks say if we don't do this, we're gog to lose e people? i say good riddance. >> it's not a bonus, though.
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when we think of a bonus,right, we think of the term hey, you did a great job! here is extra money, thank you! that's not what we're talking about here. we're talking out feively payingut the aount of moy that these people hadagreed to in a contract. you ca argue there not worth itnd they dot deserve , but then you'r ing toave enormous legalights over that contract. >> ihink what is really interesting, havyou seen what the city is doing rentl theyavsaid we don't want to de with this bonus mess anymore. >> up the salaries? >> up the salars. the citibank employees are woering, hey, so much of my compensation has been in bonuses, what do this mean f me goingforward? i actually think thatis the wave of the future. >> interesting. paul krugman wrote an interesting piece couple o months ago sing whynot make chlted banking -- it wasn't the highest paid or that broadly set up highalaries and wy not go bac to a worl where the salaries are still attractive
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but maybe not as attracte. i look at it and say not only andrew cuomo.ut wheres sn't he supposed to get the bonuses back and shame them into it? how co we don'tear about that wraen ner? >> that is the pitic solution a pctical matter that is a litical maneuver. >> you tal a maybe a fear of gettin into the litigation and that the aig cowboyees would say, i'll take you to court but i say, let's go tocourt and ha an open conversation abt what you did to earn this. >> you better be ready to spend the money isll i'm sang that is millions ofollars spent on legal fees. >> and probably this is just the first example. somebody goes down that road, it willontio happen and it will bac fight. >> as a practica and political matter is outrage. the bottom li they've got contractand entitled them t this amount money and why the
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political hing was more effective to give ba the bonuses. >> we come bk to this in a moment. rit now, w go to illinois whe,again, a lling burial plots, some 0 people arrested. reverend jes jac junior is there. >> call the number 1-800-number for people tside the country. people from outside t country calling use thehone number 708-865-6070. we also have a e-mailddress as well which has been vy busy we are encouraging people as well and get that out to you to use as well. we brought on employee assistance for a lot of our own we have a lot of ppl working with theindividuals heres well. so we want to let people know we have that avaible for dividuals who are here as
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well. the criminal cases tha people ve been charged, the question has been is theremore? of course, it's an oning investigation and see whe the evidence takes us as far as that goes. we had over -- we have hadver 2,000 famils here since yeerday morng. as ault of that, we'veeen asking famies, please co if you wish but there are some lays because the record keeping here w not very od. individuals who do n know whe their loved one is locad, tere is aelay to fi that inrmat on here and isas been very difficult. we will be here for a long time. weeks, onths. so come, though, if you wh to dohat but if you knowhere you're goi it will make life easier and it will be aot quicker. with the over 2,000 famili that we've h so f, we've had at least 30 or so cases already
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that have newly com to us where -- >> live picks ofhe pope and president obama in the vatican. continuingconversations. prident obama is there as pa t g-8 summit. the president has spoken to the po not only about social issues but signifantly they've taed out the economy. the pope has weighed in saying that more needs to be done, particularly for deloping natis. can you see some of the pictures there with the pope and president barack obama. ry significant, especially given the reception that president obama received fr some catholics in th cntry a month and a half ago. you remember the controversy at notre dame in terms of giving him an honorary degree. t's go to savannah gurie who is traveling with president obama. arthere any new announcements thatrest obama or any of s team have ma over the last 24 hours whilen rome and ile in italy me broadly? >> well, there's a big food
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security initiative. foot security is t term they use. it sounds -- 'sctually a little different tn what it unds like there. going to give farmers lear how to farm better and increase oduction, the whole notion being instead givng aid to africa, perhaps wehould give mo to teach them how to be more productive. now, savannah -- >> i bieve -- >> savanh, when i heard that, i t excited. i heard about the 20 billion dollars to countries at the various developed ons would plgethat. bu whenever i hear that it unds like something that is faoff. is there anything e white house has mentioned iregard to this that makesit more likely thiss going to work than any of the similar initiaves? i feel we've seen thelast 20 or 30ears. >> a couple of things. the u. h made a commitment. i think, theumbers were changing up to the last minute. thpresident talked about it this morning. the st number i saw was 3.5 billion dollar equipnt from the u. over three years but you do raise a good point.
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i mean, somimes the countes makehese commitnts and don't neceary follow through on them. thatould be said not just on this initiate but a lot of initiatives at the g-8 and why r the first time the g-8 recognizing this criticism is gog to have accountability and transparency to use the buzz word from the obama administrationnd they are planni to release publicly what these countries are doing and how they are keeping up with their mmitment. i think that they recoize a lot of people el that there's a lo of talk th gets done at these summits but t necessarily followed up with actions. so we'll e. >> >> savannah, what has the white house saidabou the new protests in iran? the last 24 hours, we've seen protesters return to thetreets of tehran. has the white house said any more or are they contuing focus on ieter diplomacy, if you will? >> the president talk about an this morning at his ns conference, not spefilly about these new protests, buhe talks about in geral, think i he used theword appalling t describe some of the iranian
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reaction to somef these protesters. said they weren't going to extend t olive banch forever and allow iran essential to develop a nuclear bomb. think there's aittle bit moref some deadlin pressu. a few weeks ago, we heard the president say by the end of the yearwe should be getting a goodidea of whetherr not iran is siousr wants to engage or how thin a going and then actually during this g-8, the leaders agree tat at theg-20 in september,hey would take stock ofhairan is dng and thenhere is one other thing. something tt the obama administration really feels significant come out of ts summitn rusa they will jn in on aoint threat assessment for iran and north korea. the whe of diplomacy are definitelyovin >> is thewhe house and president obama gets ready to return. we're seeg pictures of mielle obama, the firs lady, dressed u it would seem, in some spirual religious garb of
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some sort and david axelro we see. a large contingent in the white use has come out with this historic meeting witthe pope. what dohey expecthen they co back? the sotomayor nination is next week but whatre they preparing for? are there particular fights or what are their thoughts? well, look. it's all health care, health care, and some sotomayor, th confirmation heari. you we knoe president is doing thisdiplomacy overseas and foreign affairs, he hasn gotten great headlines at home on diagram issues. the stimul, a lot of republicans rely see seizing the opportunity. his absence to hammer home the notion that th stimulus is not delivering on the jobs it promised and not deliverg fast enough. while some start talng about -- n republicans but some are talking abo whether maybthere should be more imulus because the current plan is not working. certainlthey will be dealing with that and certainly health care senate finance cmiee grapplinhow to pay for this.
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some conservative democrats rebelling a litt bit. the president ll have his hands full. energy has been put off wle 've been go and they wl not take it up in the sate until this fall. that will be a disappointments well for the admistration. >> very interesting especially whil he's onis glol trip where climate change i quite the issue. sannah guthrie in italy, thk you so muc when we come bac we will talk with two democrats both whom seemo have a bone to pic with thpresident. nnis kucinich and loretta sanchez, we will talk to them. some are concerned about health care and savanh guthrieou heard her say a big battle straight ahead. you're watching msnbc live. i'm rlos watson. if you're taking 8 tra-strength tylenol....
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welcome back to msnbnbc. i'm carlos watsoson.
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los angelele roner's offe s subpnaed medical records and fileles from doctcts who trtreated chael jackson. could therobe into h death turn to a criminal case? joininggs now d abramsms and nbc chief l lal analyst and back my co-host,jean chatsky. does this have any presesence dense inerms ofof going after doors who may have ovovprescred medication? >>igh profile cases whenen you have a d dath and severe injury d peop believe doctotors are responsisible you n't want to be the ddoctor. it means you have to dealith a lotfdminisative investigative isissues. remember, the are very implicat investigations. wh because there are e aot of doctorhere involved and you cocould havene doctor o legitimamaly prescribed one thing a and another doctoto prescribe sosomethinelse and another onehe same thing and thenichael jakson withohout telling the otheher doctor decides totoake a cocktail. i'm not sayi that is what happened buthat's why thesee kind of investigigations a hard to necessarilyly show that a
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dodoctor iroperly prescbed rtain drugs. >>nteresting. >> wexpected this was coming. from the very first day where yoyou read the repeports of the shot o of demeroll and i'm not escribg anything, butyou could tell that there uld b some sort o o investigation goin on i think yoyore rightht. i wonder if going into the fututu, barrrring thehe cocktai idea, the whole comterized medical records s ll acally makehis -- you know,hether one dococtor knowing wat other doct has actually prescribed one p pharma knowing whahat anher doctor was prescribed will help makethese sos of vestigations go smoototr. >> i bng more s sentichl to it. my feeeeling is the ctors know they are ovoverprescbing but know t they ha a star therere a gigi the statar w whatever she e want >> therere was an amang story on the "today" show this momorning where a retiredactor, they
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didndn showis face, wnt into the doctor's fice with aad of ch and came outut with a big of pills and prescripiptions fo oxy cod not oycontin and whoho knows whatat se. fiveminutes, theyeysked the guy were y you examinedd andhe said "any i didn't even ta my shihi off. >> when you look at t the sts of drugs that michael jackson s tag, you haveto say how did he get them. e problem is on this of ses drugs no prescriptionnabel on . they havave to fige out how h he got them. he may have gototn it iiegally et cera. again,n, weon't know the answers tohese questions,,ut i think that you don't wnt to bene of thesdoctors right nnow. >> what else arere t ieresting legal issues that s stillemain nothat the king of pop, h his public memorial is coming on? ototr signicant legal issues we should be i interested in? >> custotody and mey arehe two big legal issues. >> what do you thihink will hapn stody se? >> depends on w what debbie row
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dodo. if she decides to be the biological mother anand decideto fighttor the children shshe hasa good s stt getting them. she doe >> e even thoughghhe has said o camera they d don'tall m me mother i don't want ththat, the e michaes chilildren? >> that t may be t reflecthat she mamay not seek to get em. that i is the real queson here. again, when the othererson we know wanant thes childrenen is katherine e jacks who i almost 80 years d, it's going to be very hard to sayay to the biological mother, when the otheher choices someone who is 80, evthough s has had m much morereime wi the children, n no to her. >> thank you both. will ep the coersation going. coming up, denis kucinich on the rushsh to makeke oer health re and whher the white houou is dng enoug to combatat climate chae. e congressmsm joi usive ststraight ead on mssc. i'm carlos watson.n. waalways going
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while the cat is away, with president obama orseas this week, two of his leslative priories climate change and health care, both in congress. new poll from the beweth state of oo say the president's approval rating has plunged 13 points in t months. with mes dennis kucinich of ohio. >> good to see you. >> give meyour thoughts on where you ink the health care debate will end up. do you think we'll get maj legislation? do you think we'll get a rea public option and do you think when everythg sand done we'll see someing close to universal health care practice in practice by thend of next ye? >> there's three committees of the house and i'm on o of them, ucatand labor. they are working towards trying to make surehat there is a puic option. as y know, i'm one of the archects a bill to create
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system. profit sgle paye weopevery american will be able to be covered in the new health care legislation. i know many members of congss who are working towards tat in thhouse of rresentatives. >> do you think we actually could get to -- i talked to senato bernie sanders yesterday, also a supporter o theingle payer syst. ifgress es succee and the president at least signs major health care reform, universa coverage, a major publi optio any chan inou mind we cld come back a year ortwo from now and move th syste from a blic option to a trueingle payer system? that would take a few years to do at. you have 50illion americs without any heal insurancend another 50 millionunderinsured. people can't afford thrising priums, copays and ductibles. you haveo address this as an academic matter. 's ajobsish, too. i hope congress rises to the occasion. next week is gng to tell the tale in the house of representatives.
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>> congressman kucinich, i'm join by guest co-host who has a question, jean chatzky. >> do you think it's posble we come out of this ssion with someort of resolution? ors this something that is going tond up dragging on? >> this iss has been kicking around for genations. we have to addre it. i mean, the american peoe have a right to expect their congress will be able to comep with a planthat will cover al amers and that there will b aublic option. i'm -- we're certainly in the house pushing to try create a product that the american le willsupport, younow, we don't know what it is yet so can't say i'm supporting the bill because i hav't seenhe bill but we're working towards creati mething. >>obody has seen th bill because there are many different bills. >> right. >> accorng to the paprs siificant push-back inhe senate becau they don't sem be agreement with t proposals thatou're putting on the tabl how is this going to work itself out? >> well, look at ithis way. the insurance companies, t r-profit insurance companies who actually make money not
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providing health care have about 800 billion dolls a yeart stakhere. they're not going toe easily pushed away from tha so is going to take a ally heroic eort on the part of congress to rise to the occion andefend te health care interests of t arican people. is it psible they will be able to dthat? i thi it is. will it appen? you can'tpredict it, ecept you can predict there will be a strongffort in the house and m hopeful it will be one with a powerful public option. >> conessman kucinich, you've run fo president yoself so you've thoht about what t progressive agenda would be if you were 1600 pennlvania avue. what else n on the oba agenda you would like to see placed on it? are you preyppy with where thpresident not only has gne but going >> first of all, i want it said that i ran, i accept the fact that bara oba is president of the unitestates and he needs help here are the aeas i think th administration could be best advised to ursue.
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first of all, we need a massive jobs program unemoyment is headed towards 10%. we got to get america back to work. should look towards where we rebuild ameri's infrastructure and make for major investments in business and we haveo look at wage lels, too, so people haveoremoney. weave to pass aealth care bill with a public option and save peoples homes. a lot of people stil in danger of losing tir homes and that means taking a ro where renetiate and get a controlling interest and mortge-backed security and help people stayn their homes renegotiatintheir paym. those are three of th major areas we ne to work in. i thk that we ned to look at this as though we could still be headed io a depression if we don't address the unemployment issue, the wage ise, and the need to rebuild infrasucture and haveealth care and also lot protectg people's retirement security. those are ultimatel purposes for which the government was created and i think thebama admisttion as it is loing
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atalling employmentfigures understands that we ne to do more and i'm hoful that we will beble to find a wayto do more. >> congressman, thank you for joining us. we look fward to having you again. >> thank y. >> for more on tse pics ch out carloswatson.msn. what are the portunities in the media business these days? is there a w out of the recessio all that is straight aad. you' watching msnbc live. i'm carlos watson. when youou're rely in pain, reli c c't come fast enough. introducing new bayer quick release crystals. acive crystals dislvlve ickly on youronongue. with an trtr pain relieving booster, itit's readyo go to worork fasterhan caplets or tlets. it's a whole new w f fro bayer to dissosolvpapa... st. new bayer quick rerease crystals. in a bo c cits taste. expect relief fafast.
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ef's meal with popommes ftes perha a night at the theate thth era special seats aional hotel nig, , outreat yoyour wod in perfect rmy: priceless look for world on your mastercard to get rewards and offers that matter to you. welcome back to msnbc c li.. i'carlos watson. now w'r'r fast-forwardinino the top ththre stories s th hour. mo g gernment offices i calilirnrniare closed tayay for the first of whahawiwille three mohlhly furlough dayshihi is ininteeded tsave the state money. vernor aold schwarzenegger
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intosed t the furlough d day to ovcome the 2 blilion dollar budget hohortll. > aiis askingng t federal vevernnt to weigh in on whether it should d yy 2.4 million dollars ineention nuses to executives n nxt ek. aig h has receivedmomorehan 170 billion dollars in taxpxperer money y anonon again dippingg into the welell. statate officials in pennsysyananiaill investitiga racial accusationsgagain a a phphilelelph swim club. thclub a alegedly asked a a grop of m miriri children nottoto return to the poool and p puld herchchilen ouout t t werer. as weayay in my partff miami, oioi nothing good about thii weekek aereris atath, michael jackson so a whopping 800,000 albums outperforming any w popop release and toppining sic carts charts h hrere in the s.s.nd around the rlrld. joinining t t discuss t th is dannygoldberg. hihis new book i "b"bping into geniuses, mymy le e the rock
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'n' ' ro b biness." anand ining me i myuut co-host, jean chchzkzky. good t s s you. >>ow are you? > aouple of arar >> conongrululatns on the new show. >> thank you. yoyound i wre both y yunger last time we sa eachother. s sti doingng it. >> yeah. yeyeah give me your ouough on michael. yoveve bn invnvveved with a wide rarangof artists frrom led zezeelin t b bnini raitt tour and wide r ran of people. you'veve ru major r rcord labe and you've nn your own laabe itsese.. tell me your thohougss o michaha jacksoson dd you look and reflet upon arguably the most successful performrmerf f l titime >>t's hard toto add a anhihing afteteththesweeks of analysis. he, obobvislsly,rossed bodaries in a way few artisis have do. a list of michael jackson and beatatss and he willininve presley. in terms of age, ce, a over ththe rld and so on. you know, his passssgg i sad. a young guyuyoo pass away b it
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did permit e evebody toreassess the musichat w was son popular 20 years ago. a aot ofononveation right nonow,bviously, about whether michael gogot inappropriaia accs to escription ugugs and, obououy, he'sotot the f fstst recordingararti to s strgle with prescscriioion awings -- ugugs otherwise. yoyou rerenvolved with kt cobain and new thattrtruge firsthand. what can -- what have y s se happen andnds s the a way to pupullomeone back fromththbrink ofof those sortt o situatatio?? >> they have t want t to pupull b bac from the brink. there is is liliraratu about intervention and 12-step ogogra and ruru and priests and, obobvislsl t the person h to wananttotoe hellpe ififheheyon't wantnt tbebe help ththeris nothing anynybo can do and you hahao mkeke a chohoic whether you wawa t to around or not. i i d not know michaeael jackso t t i do k kow t thrresiption
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drugs can llll youss surely as illegal drugs. i think that is whatot elvisis presley. right, meme 3years ago. taken. danny, talk autut the artistss that mostsusurpsed and trigued you for whatever reason because theyerere sharp entrtrrerenes or took different routes to success.s. talk to us about that? lolove creeatitit the peoplple oo a theejects and people notot popular in hig scscho, , th people w felt all alone. i i w talking st lastst nit with pububli e enees rmrmer manager and h he s s sang exactly ttha what people miss when they rlili that m mos rappers are actuallyiind of smaller guysys instetead of thes that they were k kin of the jects, they weren't t t jocks. it's the vice of t underdrd.. it's the v voi of the person thatoeoe't get invited to ththe bestparty. anththe ople that are able to take t tha sense of isolation,
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mbine itithalalen and music ansosomew creaa a l lauaua that makakeseoeoplin the auauence feel lessss alone and bring people togetethe and you t these letters whh y work with rocock artists,gee, felt one understand the w way i felt. that is magagic of aew chords,s, feww w wos in a a song and certainly the membersff led zeppelin and kurt ko cocoaiain at and,here is a a handfull off pelele er the ars who nn do itit certainly michael jackson didd i fo h anan i' f fasnated by thehe ability f music that theses we the people who were notthe a students. a lot ofdd tpes and a lot of ople that had a hard timee relatingng,ut b by going insidea handful l ofthem, when t ty y a blessed with god-d-veven talent cacan eate music that c can tak eeejects a make t the feel emempored and that is what i i love about rock 'n' roll l dd p mumuc, it's an alternative waya
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of identifyiyingyoyorself and i veve t teenagers now. when they talk too frfridsds, i always what musico you like and what m micic isis onyour fafabobookage and so oo ththat how they nnect. thth shared lalanggege that uniquely music caniive pepeop. >> it's interestingng, dadan, h you talk aboutut michael ackson and hehe wl l ns beatleles and talking about people who made eieir ccess in theaa a and sisicis in the world t tay arere doing it in a vevey, very didiffenent dustry. w w arthey going to reach that same l lev o of success? well, it's very diffffert,t, that's foror se.e. e main chararactisisc of the media,a,ofof crse, has been decentralizezed. when elvis came alalon y youo on "the ed sulliliva show" and, boom. how mamanyozozs of cable ananne are you competing wth and the i intnenet and cell phos and it's the meme with r rad stioionsand,d, of course, recor companies have beeeen tririy damaged. mythology w whenn ias growing u
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get record deeal a thatisis how youeaea the people. there are still record comompaes anand ey do impopoanant staffbu they h havlolosthousands of jobs and thoususan o o stores ha clcled because pplple can g get mumusi f f f fre o oththe ntern. tists have to figure out how tofind awed yenensfor emselves. theyey he e do 20 interviews to reach the e saauaudice that one intervrvieusus to give them. the other hand, therererding coststs ee much, mh cheaper than ty y ed to be. it-- stevie wonder m me that record andcocost him mlilisff dollars. intervisions. ththatecord you could makeoror 20,000 totoda with th computer chchnogy. >> i w wtt to bring in"rolling stston editor andnd contributorf msnbc toure. yoururthoughts? one thing i think is importrtantoto notes the sucucce chchael jckson had is not repeatable in thehe merern sic businessss. not even 8 8ililli "offf the wall" " an"t"tilille is
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impossible. because mtmtv no longer showing i haveyos. that 40 to a h hndred blasts week you wououldetet from mtv u don't ha a more. b.e.t. i p pulng back the number of v veoeos theyshow. ededo have something c cald d the box erere you cllll up o ov and play this s indivial yon and you at deo over and over. you don't have tha anymore. th was o of the best way of introducing and showcasing artists. "tilr" not only did y have aming talent michael jasoson t mtv and cd which was new and exciting an the wal whh s new and exciting. opop wanted music t fill that stufup. you also h the explioio of ppies and theieir dispopoblble income. wiwiout all that sort of p perct storm goin on, y y can't have a 28 millioion album sold s sucss like "thririll""anyyrere. as danny can speak to, trere m more artist develelmement in e record businessss. mimichl jacksonss an azizing
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talent butevev hope diamomond hd toto brefinined a a little bit went ththroughh the ultimate artist developmement mmotow now no artistt veveloent. artists are doing eir first owslrlrea gngned and alreready having shot viioo and perhapaps don't knknowowow to do a showan peperhs s dot know how to t togethther aign but they a are signgn. . >> tououre, we have tototake of. ququicy,y, 1010,5 sonds. your one or two arttsts to wchch ther becausehh are smartt entrepreneurs or thatt talent aa we go foarar nny, your last thoughthts a as go to break. >> i say you have toooook dre.e. he can sngng and yme really ll a and madede a a huge buzz ae is unsisieded chnically. >> iotot to go with my band street sweeper sociall cl.. boost riley anand tom ley combining roro ' 'n'oll and hip-hop inhehe way i iisis rking. >eaean? >> ll goith rortrt high stetet oy cacaus my brotheher is in the baba! go, other!
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ththanyou to everyone her upext the sturbing case of grave death o outseechchico. relavevedemand answers what happened to t the loved ones. weweo live to chicago. you're watching msnbnblilive i'm carlos w watso what's in a triscuit? simple ingredieients like soft white wiwinter whehe gathered together f for 22 grams of whwholgraigoodness. it's what mas iscuit worth every bite trcuit. weave so wonr. the first compleleteomom's multivititam i in drink mix. withth me e lcium and vitatamid.d... toupuprt bone anand eaeastealth... whe e heing you hydrate. ona day women's 2o. refreshingly healtlthy
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welcome back to nbc li. i'm carlos watn. now the blu dog coalitn is demandg significant changes to the drafted healt care bill. here is what the president sd about , though, in italy. >>t is my highest legislative iorityverhe next month. i never believ anything i do or die. but i really want to get it done by e august recess. >> congresswoman loretta sanchez from california is aember of the blue dog mocrat and oneof my favorite people, as she s. good to see u again. >> hello, carlos. how are you? >> good, od.
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a number of thblue dog so-cald moderate democrats fired off a lette essentiall saying they we worried about the cost of health care and they were rdy to kind of go to war over there but you didn't sign on to , even thoughou are normally a member of the blue do why didn't you and you do i ink the bludogs could scuttle a majorlth care bill isear? >> well, acally, the letter the be dog sent was one of the st they've written in a long time and iagreed with almost everytng in there, however, a paragraph about the public option. in other words,ome of the ue do don't want to see a publi option and some of tm want to see it only as a trigger and am one of those who believe we should be required to ha a public optn because it wl ing the costofealth care wn. the number one thing when we're talking about reform, carlos, is th right now, hth care escalas between 15% and 20% a year and we have got to brin that down to e 2% or 3% eve year,range andf we don't,
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then most of us, probably inuding you a me, will nt have health care in the next five years. >> but congresswoman sanchez, i had a conversation with congressman dennis kucinich this rning. he said they will not be easy on lettg that go. what do you see us doing? does president bark obama and rahm emanuel and others need to beignificantly more aggssive to get theost savings you're talking abt? >> they were ovethere at the white housand having talks at the hospital talking abou$180 blion that the hospitals put on the table. they talked to the pharmaceutical companies. they put $ billion on the table. clearly, i believe -- and, yo know, i don't wanto get the pharmaceutic companies mad at me -- but they know there is a lot of money in thatindustry. there are percentage wn you ok at the returns that they geare higher than almost any other indury.
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so, clely, there's-- if ey're making a pfit like that, then that one of th areas we he to take a look at. >> congresswoman sanche i know we've spent a lot otime talking about health care a a nation and mourning and celebrating michaeljackson's passing. know another area you feel is the dg related violence going on in mexico. n you share a little bit abou that wit us? >> wre going to have a hear on my subcommittee i'm the chairman that handles border in the department of homeland security and will be taking a look at how different agencies, for example, the dea, the drug enforcemt agency, and i.c.e. are agenc that deal th border issues, et ceera, how or why they are not coordinati well enough to stop guns being run dow intoexico and cash. in other words, what is owing from our end in. on the violence issue,e have been working our secretary,
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napolitano has bn working very hard with the presidenof mexico to see how the united stat can help to ensure that this violenceomes don. let me just end with the whole issue that the violence that we see along the rder a in other parts of mexico, this type of violence i directly related to people involved in the drug trade. its not about innocent bystde and not about our american tourists. >> right. >> it is really directed within caels, between cartel and against thvernment who is woing furiously to try to stop these cartel from taking everytng over. >> thankou for joining us. have a terric ekend. >> tnk you, carlos. hundreds of famies rushing to an illinois metery to find out if their loved ons' plots were disturbed. nbvin tibbles is live with
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more. update us. we saw the press conferenc moments ago. >> rlos, famils continue to stream into th cemetery here which really focal point fothe rican-american counity here in chicago. we understand that there he been some 2,000 families have made inquire wris about their loved one here essentially because they are worried as to what has happened to em. fbi forensics is on the ene here. these are fensics people with expeen with mass graves in the form of yugoslaviand serbia. they areere balm the sheriff dart and his crew have found bones scattered a piled to areas of the cemetery. you can see or my shouldein thisdirectio hdreds of people are waitin for news. hundreds of people are trying to find t grave sites of their younones and as we have heard up to thispoint, ateast 400, maybe more, have actually either beenremoved or smashed down and had other people buried in the
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me place for profit, carlos. >> absolutely horrible. kevin tibbles, thank you so mu. up next, my one-on-one with hihop legend ll cool j. you're watching msnbc live. i'm carlos watson.
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welcomomback to msnbc live. aim ca i'm carlos watson.n. i got a chanceo tal with hipip hohop legend ll cool j,j, whosa michael jackson madede his ceer ssible. bubui srted the conversation by asking himim abo his new venture. what we're doing is,nytime u use your masterercard anyere the country,, u'll get a a opportunity y to -- you'lll be aumatically entered into a conteseswhere you'll win a pair of jeans, kind ofof like my ll co j jeansand four ckets. one tiet for you and three tickets forr the of yoour friendnds oramily members to g anywhere i in the rld you want to go. that's kind o a gift thatat
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stercard and myself k kd of teamed up togetether to give t erica. >> y you and i were talkg off camera and you tolold me that t you've just taken ononhis major new acting project. u'll be in"ns," one of theieir spin-off series. tete me why you decided toto do thth, give all the oth successes you'u' had a given,, ankly, the fact thaha you've gogot a family and fourkidsds. that's a pretty grgrling commitment. >> "ncis: los anges" was exting to me.e. honestly, i did anepisod of "house" and when i i did this epepisode, iwas so mu ando great o do justdo some great wo and be involvlved i a dramatic role,e, but doing it television.. that reallyind of kdled my desire toant to goo ba to telelesisionbut in dramati way. ended up, you know, teami up with nina and nancy llem and this "ncis" opoprtrtuny came along and i itfelt ririt.t. as far as s myamamy is c crned with, i'm bringing t them out t l.a. withme, so they'lle
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right there witith meme two of my k kids are going off coege, so that willll be a little bit easier. and i want to have fun and a little bitf acting. it's'slike joioingng a ananise andd adding me, ysysf, and chris o'donnello t tha mix is a great bonus. i hope america enjnjoy the ow. >> youourought up thlakers, , i'm going to haveve to askk you what you thinknk o ronrtest gogog to the lakers a a shaq going to clclvevela. uu willing to mamakenyny prediction a autut wt happens nextxt yr?r? >> i thinknk r artest helplp t lakersrs gback. i think the lakers wl l ck again. hope phil stays. i know that'ss in the air.r. i hahavet t ard anyewewabout thatat, thther way. asas f a as aq and eevend, i think ththat leebr is going to attract enoughgh attention actually make e sh better. >>ell me a little bit about urur thoughts onn michael jajackn. i know t ttt y were o tour with janet iththepast. i know t thaonon of thegrgrams
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you wowon, you n,n, in ctct, because yoyousese partrtff one michaeael'ss songs, but d did y have areretionship and do yu u have particulalahoughts or memories abobouthi >> yeah. u u ow, we worked t togher in ththe udud quite a few memes. we made quitita a few songs together.. none of them re released bebeuse mike is chch a prolific crcrtor of music andnd he mes thouousas s songsgs,undreds of songs s bereree puuts a allbu out, b b we did some sononins togethth,, wked together,r, h h hehelp me get a gramammy henomenally talented gu justst an a amangng g and myheht go o outto his chihireren and s familyly a all thosewhwho e affected by his death.. he's just -- he'll definitetelye missss.. i doubt very seriously i would d a abl to do the thingsi do and bee ableoo touchididdle americic t the way i do i mikek hasn'teleld to break wnwn ththee barriers s an make it popossleleor african-americans to do some of the ththgsgs tt we're doing. >>tatalk to me a a little bitboo ee musicbusiness.. yo had enormous succece beginning the id-'80s,
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veralplatinum, evenouble atatin albums.. uu d w wll in the u.s., even overseas. onofofhe rap artistss ttt heeded on up theukuk markets. but talk to mwhere the music sisiss is today and h h a young music entrepreneur makes money in this has w whe r roror sas s en't what t teyey useded t be. d digal is a new thing. ii started ww network, boom ditatal networks a and partnere with claudinine joseph andnd wet togetherththis digitall distribution compapanyhahas actuallyly giving thousandsds o artitist opportuninityoo let their music be ardonline. we just inked a dal with itunes. wewe he other deals in the wowork and we alsoaa some proprietary technolologyhaha we're goining i intduce a little bit later t thai think wi b be e future of whehe -- it w wilshsh people where the music businesss is ggoi.
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>> promise me that w whe you're finally y rey y talk about bo digital, youou'r not going too it o on "60 mimines," not on th "today" show, you'llllome onn "m"msnlive" w witcacarl watson. >ouou he my wd.d. >> his rdrd matters. that's ll. heonon a gramam a awa for beest rapoolo perfofoananceack in 1996, after michael jajasoson agreed to l let him samamplhe hit, "lalady in mylilife i'm carloloss wawats.. haveve arereat weekendnd next week, we e veve a great s. you'll see mayor antonio villaraigosa, the mayor of mississippi, haylee e rbour. out. myholesterol and otheherisk ftors... crcreasemy chance of a hrt aack. i should've done something. now, i trust myeart to lipitor. when diet and exerse are not enough,, addingng lipor may help. unlike some other chololesrol lowering medicatio, lipitor is fdada approve to reduce e thririsk. of heart attack, stroke,
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