tv MSNBC News Live MSNBC July 10, 2009 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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plus, surviving t death ratete. a cclo-u-up ok at one of the most dangerous sporting eventst in the wowod.d. welcome to the "new york k time hour here o on msnn.. >> w b bgin thihis urur wh a a major popotitica event thahat w ppppenust one hourroro now. >> rolanand burris will announc s decision about his p polical future. e man who tokok over back obama's senate seat amid controvevers that never really ended is now expectedd t ananunce he won'teven try to cocomeack. >> we'rere gngng to spspeawiwith kellyo'donnenell, but was h he nudged or pushed? >> oh, i ththkk he gott the two-handed ovov from a w wlele lot of democrarats inn linois, ththe rarackbama white house and in washington. dedecrats are very relieved byy this becausese ee chancee that reblblics had i in ts very
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thatburrisay be gone? >> priritetelywhen you talk to dedecrats here, i've had t tha sigh of relief, , enen se eye rollining, aenen that maybe the chter will come to an enen it's also observeded thahehe on his owown rere. and in some e ststans, that almomost aeaea sad. he a alsfrfreqntly gets the duty to be presiding over thehe sene, which is a j jobhehe me senior nanato don't want to do. thth's the position where e he at, at the bigighahairnd holding the veveand that so hihim. so people haha b beepolite. >> w we kn t tt blago and burris ve been pretty good cocoeses f some timime. are you upset at losing s suc a good stoline? >> c cerininly whenololan burri came to to, he was story that people were interested in. nt from b bei a n nmeme nobody outside illilino knew too ing a naononal figure. he sorortf overtook the majajitt leererf the sate. got the better h hnd o that. got a atntntio of everyonon u to t the psisint a and now,w, n hang him, tt is perhaps gog g give a lttle less talk about, butowow that nnnnesa is rerelvlved al franken,'m'm hoping he'l g ge usus thingsoo talk ababt.
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>> no doubt. ththan. >> you bet. >> rightnow, presiside o oba i on h h way t tthe african nation of ghana. rlrlietoday, he unveiled a20 million program to help payor agory cultltur projects.. he made a a persosona appeeal t donate morore nene w whas l lkikings the right seeds, the r rht iigigion, but alalsohe kindss of stitutional chanisms that ensure that a rmer is g ging to be ablee to grow crcrop gege them to market ge a faiair priceanan so all these thingss veve to bee part aa comprehensiveve lala >> he talked about his fheher in those remamas.s. also, the presididenmemet with e pe as they pod d r a photo,
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ththe esesidt keked -- bututoba saysys he'ststl getting useded itit. congress is strugglgling meet presidedentbabama call for energy and alth reform.m. i sat d dn with the m in the midd o o those efforts. houseenergy and cmerce commmmittechairman, democrat, heheyaxaxma of lifo. >> it's an independent branch of government. he could send us a bill and say ss it. the people would s howld , why aren't weetting our input. 's given us th outline his peopleave been in touch with th committees. i'm sure when we get down to the coerence and working out the final bill, theadministration be very much part of that discsion. >> are you concerned based on what you've seen so r that that effort going to slow wn the process to an extent that it's going to make it
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difficult to get it done? >> failure's really notan option on healthare. this is a make or breakssue for president obama and the democrats in congress. i can't imagine some of the mocrin difficult districts going home and runng for re-election and saying, well, i don't have health ce bill the president's top priority, it's favor by 70% of the american pele. so the -- arican people want it don and some o these details are tough, but evenally, they have to be worked out. >> speaking o the tough details, the pblic plan isne that's a big sing point. >> i can't see health rerm bill passing the house without blic plan in it. and while the sna is having difficulty agreeing on a blic planr an alternative, we have to be min of their concerns, but they have to be mindful our our polical imperatives as well. >> let me asabouy or pla
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which republans are very concerneabout. chuck grassley said no bill with a mandate on eloyers can pass >> we're going to exclude some small businesses a give tax credits fo those whotep up to thelate and provide money to help. ext numbers, wereally haven't decided, but we're mindful of the burdens. keep on having people draw red lines. we can't havehis taxed. we can'tave that plan. we can't have these employersto do anyesnsibility for their employees. you could keep drawing enough red lines anwhen you're through, there noility to get a bill passed a that is counterpductive and going to be veryself-defeating for everybody who wants a bill >> i fod that fascining.
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congressman waxman said that failure isot anoption, but u and i both know that for the st 70 years, it's been a pretty strong option whenit cos to health care refm. what'sour read onhere congress is? >> they're particularly bogged down because the house is at odds with the senate abou just how to pay for . wealed about this from the begiing. i think the whe house is well aware,they've got ell it to e american people and they've got to convince th american ople that spending that money is worth it. i think that's why we'r seeing the white house try so hard over the past cole weeks and mont, to show the particular savis cost, to take a dent of that big chunk. >> health re is only on of the isss bogged down i the chambers. i talked to waxman about whether the senate can follohrough on his success ongett a cap and
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trail bill to limit emsions. >> the's a piece that sai waxman/markey bill suld be yot nuyd. it's created a political favor syst, getting allocations. what do you make of t? >> i haven't read that. but it's easiero write a column that pss legislation. m persuaded tha ss you push things forward and try, you can't succeed and people said we wouldn't be able to get this out of our committee. peopleaid certaiy we couldn't pass it out of the house and we pass it out of the house. now they're saying well, tey can get it out of the hous but how can they get it out of the senate. do y think senors care less about glal wng tryin to create jobs for our people?
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>> joining us now from waington, dave, the economic reporter and columist with the tis. you talked about the prtate cancer test and whetr or not the legislation that comes out can be succeful in deterring people from using mre expensive treatments don't work. w optimistic that they're going to do tha and is this coission they're tking about going address that issue? >> i'm notthat optimistic beuse itoesn't seem to be sothing coness has much stomach for. you could build a case ff optimism, maybe it wil happen in onference. at ts point, we don't see huge evidence from congress that they're going to take the fundamentalprobin health care which is that spend massive l amounts of money, we waste a lotf money on
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treatmentshat t work well. that'she reason we have uninsure but to take that on, you got to hit healthare companies on the botm li and it's not cle yet tt congress is willing to do that. >> david, you talk about of courseow much of the system is oated and inefficient. there's a lot of questions about whether this will address those. what about the argume that somenside the whe hohave made that preventive care, that medil records, electronic medical cords, thathat will help? >> i think the people in the white house in general understand the problem. i think theye oversold some things electronic medical records a very important. that will allow us to start to understand which teatments are actually working. preventive carei think they're oversellg. again an again,it been shown not to save tat much money.
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u have to go out and treat 100 people in order to prevent disease among five or six. the cost of treating those 100 people often ends up costing morehan the five who end up getting disease. >> what about besity? forgive , joh that's sort o e of theos obvious things that pventive medicine can try to stop. >> absolely. if wcould snap our fingers and get rid oift or bring it down, it would save ge amounts of money. >> david, let ask you abt the economy. lot of debate in washington right now about whetr or not inact weeed a second stimulus pae. the ite house has argued all along that unemployment is a lagging indicator and ings be turning arund. what is your judgment on whetr or not in fact we do need a
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cond stimulus? >>hink there's a good chance we are goingto need a second stimulus. i would wait a little bit. it's only started mping up in the month ortwo, so let's give itour or six months of really lar amounts of money ing pumped out. >> you still believe we'll ha positive growth the third and fo arrs this year? >> we should have it in the fourth, a the gger issue is thathe unemployment re is st certai to se for at least close to anoth year. that's the uneloyment rate tends toise for about a year after areceson. at lea receny, and this recession isn't even over yet. >> thanks so much for being wth us nd still ead on op-ed with david brooks, his take on the loss of dignit in public life in e wake of seval recent high profile stories.
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>>now it's time to take a look at thiek's new york times opinion pages. tom friedman is an advocaten carbon emissions andrites imagine how poor we would be today if u.s. firm did not dominate --if we dot dominate the top ten, there's no way we'rgoing to be able to afford dent health care. you buy it? >> yeah, i ually by wh tom
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friedman writes. i must say, my favorite columns of the week were maureen dd who tackled sarah lin's sudden resignation. she wrote you didn't really think i was going anywhere, did you? i'm one of ggls hot trends. we're doing a fund raising this week on sarah's attempto deroy capitalism -- i know you took a look at se of those shots because i sent them to u, hn. >> i have to say, i ha not, but i'm looking hem right now. i thin she's going to do h own work because she's going to make a lot of money.
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i know this is a controversy between her and levi, but she has the ability to ma a lot of ca veryrapidly. >> and that's what he said she was to do. a very strong rponse from palin'sspokeswoman should weet dignified now and bring in david brooks? you wrote about this thisweek. john, taket away from here >> da you talked about e loss of dignity in public life in t these sndals. let me read, fist, mark sanfors press conference. here was a guy lking any sense of resonance. then, the deat of michael jan, then sarah palin, a woman who aspires to a high public role, b is unfamiliar with the traits constancy. tell me abouthatyou think has
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produced that? >>irst, i've got to get on norah's list. ifou go back through history, people had rules -- george washingtonad a list of rules how to be a dignified person. some are st rules of liteness. rough st ofamerican histy, presidential candidates didn't run f fice. they didn't do daes of self-promotion otr things were to be calm and others were to besteady, not to sort of barf your emotions all
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over the screen. >> t you think back obama may haven impact. talk about it some pele in american life are jst naturally gnified. rack obama embodieall the qualities digty. he's vry calm. he very measured. he'sery reticent. it's most uniginable to be the guy's going to get into a personal scandal. u may agree or dagree with one policy, but i think he takes theules of dignity and he brings it modern. makes it ive for a new generation. so whatever you think his po policies, i thk it's going to ha a big impact on the
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country. >>ou left out johnnsign an his father's paynt to his mistress, but i guess the question is sort of as we watch this lackf dignity in washingtonndacross th couny, what's happened? >> you know, all thre of us spend a lot of tcovering policis. i don't kn about you guys, but they're all emotional freaks at e point or another. they'r guaranteed to iade your space. i sat nextto a republican senator at a dinner once and he had his hand on my thigh. >> who was that? >> i'm not telling. but so a lot of tm spendo much time needing people's lve and yet, they are shooting wardsheir whole life. they're not tt great in normal, human relationships. they're like freaks. they're lonely and they reach out. ve spoken to a lot of young
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women who are senate staffe and they'll have these guys in th middle of a middle crisis and there like st. bernards,dling ever wher >> what out female or women's politician? are they diifd and arethere examples o wh they have not? >> i think that's mostly a matter of genecs. i do thin there's lonelyness -- >> youeally hit it, very well. >> yeah, i wish couldthink of sort of st. bernard, sloppy women, but no, i can't. >> i'm not goin there. >> did you have a couple of drinks at lunch, daid? >> i'mrying not to be t dignifd.
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accidents can happ,, but with libiberty mututl's new car r acement, wel give you the money to buy a brand-new car. d with our acacnt forgiveness, an accident won'n't cause yoce to go up y renew. you qualify, u u could save an a average of $345. ese are just two of our vu avaiblble all quififying drivers. plus, , osose o switch toto lerer mutual save an average 20.6% over the por policy.
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physicalchallenges. >> the challens include chping wood, hauling bicycles for nine hours. the riddl include naming american presidents, asseming legoieces from memory. >> that's your son? >> yes >> how's h doing? grea >> why would he do this? because he's nuts. >> i love it. e were two wierthis year. a royal mane from england and a u.s. marine because they both finishedhe race arm i arm together. should we do itne friday, john >> i'mot going anywhe near that race. that is nuts. did you look at e muddy ditches? >> good workout. still ahea why did sarah palin quit as governor of alaska? up next, we're going to talk to
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adam about at could be behind her decision and what's ne for the republicanarty. well i was shopping for a♪ ♪ which one's me - a coolonvertible or an suv? ♪ ♪ too b i i dn't know my cret t was whack ♪ ♪ 'cause e now i'm driving off the lolot in ased sub-compact. ♪ ♪ f-r-e-e, thatat spells ee credit reporort dot co baby. ♪ ♪ saw their ads on my tv ♪ thought about g goingbut♪ ♪ now insnsad of oking fly and llinphat ♪ ♪ my legsgsre sticking to the v v ♪ ♪ and my y posse's getting laughed d . ♪ ♪ f-e-e, that spells free-- credit report dot com, by. ♪
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here's a quick look at what's making headlines today. two ships looking forhe black boxes are ending their search. the plane crashed into the atlantic ocean killing 8 people last mont a submarine is continuing to look for the boxes. >>also, aig iseportedly asking government to okay it's plan pay out bonuses next week. and tim geithner is defending the stimulus plan spd billions oconstruction oer local projts. he says it's on target despite criticm over why the unemploymentate remains high. says umployment could not
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have been avoided and that progress is beg made. and now, to an in d look at the top issues today g-8eaders new moves to boost the ecomy and sarah palin's curvba to the gop. let's go to the ew york times" caucus. weome, all. cheryl, i want to begin with you. president obama has been overseas and g a question today when he was asked about what was tgher, dealing with worldleaders or the congress. >> after the six monthheeling and deing with these international forums, do you find it more or ss complicated than to deal with the american congress? >> on the second queion, it's not even close. congress is alwaystougher. >> so given that fact, an it is always tougher and that he's got
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these bigpriorities, energy and health care, did it hurt him th week to be away? >> don't think it hurt him to be away. congress is ee-deep in energy gislation and health care legiation. frankly, we're at a pointhere the presid doesn'teally want to get his hands dirty. he looked pretty go overseas and maderogress with prent medvedev in moscow. he had aot so bad showing at the 8. he's got an audience wh the pope and is heading off for africa, which will be a huge reception r him in ana, his first trip as president. boy, he's ing to have a lot of work when he comes back with the congress. >> what about -- >> do you agree with that? >> to a certain extent. i mean, i think he probably wished that would haveeen
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here. right now as we're speaking, he's getting beaten on the house floor over the stimulus. i think we're going to see him take a more aggresve posture on explaining what he hoped the stimulus package would accomplish. i think they may have lostust a little bit ocontrol on that. >> i was going to ask you about that, just how concern is the white hoe that he may have lost some while awa hemay have lost me support back me. >> i think the unemployment nuers are tough him. adam is rit. and the queson of whether the stimul bill is working is not only on the minds of congss, but on the minds of a lot of americans. we had this big infusionnto the economy. why do we ve 9. employment? thprident will have some explainingo do when he gets home and i think there is a
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certain deee of concern as am said, t he's t to take control of the debate. i expecte'll come bk and jump right he g a tri planned to michigan on tuesday. i'm certain he'll be talking about the economy and also health care then. >> gardene let's switch topics to talk abt health care. as you know, there's a tremendous amount ack and forth erhe cost of this plan, er whether there's going to be a plan. do you think that heal legislation remains on track to haen or are we about to see a repeat overhat's happened the last 70 years? >> i think most people think it's on track. there e far too many leade in congress whoave invested so much of their credibility in this for there not to be some legislation. do i think it's ing to be partisan? probably not. the problem ihink there's
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sort of a fascinating political problem that republicans face in health caand that it sort of picks theirwo favorite children against each other. lower taxes and smaller government everything about hlth care ggests that you can't have both. ifou want to control health care spending in a major way, you have to centralize decisn making and that eads to bigger governnt. the problem with that, the republicans ce is that they don't quite know how to choose between these two this d so i think at the end ofhe day, the republicans are going to have hard time signing on to any health refor package because it's going to have to involve some higher taxes and it's going to have to iolve some centralization decision king. so whilehe democrats, partularly bk us are trying to com up with a biptisan solution, you'reoing to see
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republicans perhaps the ones and twos voti for thisthing, but at the end of the day, it's going to be the democrats taking it over the line. >> thether topic this week, the political shocr that srah palin will not only no run for governor, but is stepping down later this moh. adam, this or just keeping getting more and more interesting every day. i just sortf haveo touchon what's happening today. we've heard nofrom levy. he said thoed today that t ason she's stepping do is because of money. he said i think the big deal was the book. that wasmillions of dollars and of cours palin's spokeswomahas blaste him today saying it is interesting toe's workg on a piece of fiction while hning his ating skills. nooubt all of this would make a good ok. doou believe the reason that sarah pan stepp down?
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there's already reporting i her home ste, too, that the cost to deal with all these ethics complain is not as high as she suggested. i don think anyon knows what's really g onn there. think the reason she stepped down was twofold. one, she was getti tid of being governor. it's hard nning for vice president then going back to be governor of alka. secondly, she realize she could make a lot of money. it's not only the book, but al, she can make moy giving speeches, pick and chooswh she wants toalk to. e's hoping therwill be less of a decline of the media inspection of her. i do think shuld have life now where she's not worki as hard, not traveling hard, not der as much stressnd ming momoney. dot forget these investigations dcost
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something. i do not think that in any way prdes her from runng for president. the only disagreement, this beingart of some grand strategy. my guess is she's thinking may she will, may she won't. if she ianning on running r president, that this is negative rather than positive. it not disqualifying, but makes it harder. >> moremone less stress. not too bad. what's wrong with tha unless you wanthe american ople to make you president. thanks so much for being with u on the ucus. >> coming up, we'lltake a look at today'sther big headlines. wee live in california with the invtigation of michael jackson's death. we'll have the latest. [ female announcer ] olay goes bend everyday clean to a dp micro-clean.
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olay deep eaers reach the micro-particles of dirt some bic cleansers can leave behind for a cleaso dee its micro-clean. ol deep cleansers. ( doorbell rings ) honey, it's the pizza susu me aga. okay, now this iss the last te alright? thanks, yoyou know wdon't deliver anythiike this. th crispy flatbread. mmmm. mmmmm! so delicusus! araryou like havin' a papaor somethin'? ( slamam ) heo? troducing the taste that's never been delivere digior crispy flatbread pza fofor liciously alalian-inspired toppings on crispy flatbread crust, it'sot delivery, it's diorno. ll i don't think ave t. a heart attack at 53. had felt fine. but turnout... my choholesterol and other risk factorsrs... increased my chance of a heart attacack. i should've done somhing. no i trust my heaeart to pitor. when diet and exercise are t enough, adding lipitorayay hel
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the michl jackson rumor mill conties to chrn. therar rertof a doment that evealed the kingf pop took as many asten xanax pills a t and that his body restingn the forest lawn cemetery. what we ow is that there are offials stepping up their investigatn, looking to talk our nbc stion in los angeles caught up with the plice chief to ask about where the investigation is headed >> the lapd invesgation -- >> the department waiting for the coroner t make s determination to what was t cause of mr. jackson's death. >> lee cowan has the latest of our burbank buru.
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do we know how myoctors have been subpoenaed? we know it's a handful. it's not necessarily all that much a surprise. we knew thatlice d plan t issue some kind subpoenas,at least ruest. the question , there's obviousl a confidentiali problem. somedoctors may want to with hold some ofit. it's the star of a lengthy process in figuring out what michael ckson was being prescribed and by whom? >> any update on the tox kol ji port >> the reality is that probably, they already have at least the bac toxicology result in. they probablyalready have wh we're told is a ptty good idea at least what s in his system at the time of death.
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the others m determine how long he may he been on someof those. >>hanks so much for that update. now, "the new yk times" s a the news thas fit to print, so let's te a look at some of the top sries. we start with a look at long distance runner who's competed in races without a kiwi sized part of her brain removed t deal with seizures. this week, she's run at an elevation gain of 33,000 feet. >> iove this sty. if you're looking for e fountain of youth, yoshou look at monkeys. new study found that wh givenewer calories, ag
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ower. me to cut back on those calories. >> wonder if it will make my gray hair go aw? >> probably not. >> keep those away from new rk city in the future. the city's donut wars are about to heat up. dunkin' donuts is facing competitionfrom crispy cream and now, 13 ofts stores will be converted ito ti horton's which has bought them. >> i think it's going to be weirsince people here in the u. areot familiar with that name, tim horton's. i don't know why they uld change the name. i'm not a big donut e myself how about you? >> you're tooealthy for that, irealize that, rah.
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we hear about forecled homes, but rarely about e people who live in them. >> we learned about tis house sold for$270,000. good deal, right? well, the owner nows every inch of the place because he built it himsf with his wife and four children. >> one day, sheot loos with blac sy paint cannd wrote, i lve you, daddy, on the garage wall. >>now it belongs t to the t t investors whwho bt the home, pendg bank approval. draw aine your sandwdwh dodo you wananmore of the same? or more aing we are the n miracle whip
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now with more of oururwn mixed up blend of spspic moref o we are andefinitely not mayo we a the new miracle wh ananwe will not tonet t . when you're reallyn in, relief c't ce fast enough. introducing new bayer quick release crystals. active ystals dissolvlve ickl on your tongu with an extrtr pain relieving boosr, it's ready to go to work fast t than caplets or tabablets.
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reviewew sectctn.n. >> and sam, also, thehe bk k rereewew for r th"n"nework time" adadamad a piece on the history comebacks forr t political papaieies. >> rr, first, y have to s say a knd word aboutut bookreview. you nevever do.. you jump right over it. > f fvovori is of course the weekend eview. >>e're looking atat the history ofof o parties. parties thatseem to be tototal marginalized. whwhen you go back, yoyou fdd t atatust those moments, ththeyann mount realal comebacks.s. >> likehehe dememoctsts about the years o?o? >> democratstshrhree yeear ago. go wayack in timime. what about the publicans in the e mid-1960s? 191964they lost maybe the worst
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landslide e ev.. two ars lalar, huge gainsns two years afteter atatyou've g t nixonnn n th white e house. what a ad does iseaeay give you u oo fferent road maps. leles wait for theototr gysys to mess it up strataty.y. ththat m may get you one quick victory. ififouou wt to big, lng victory li t the republicans gotot in 1980, y youavav tomake yourself as a a party. soso wt adam is looking at is what the repupublanan need to do to get b bac in the game. >> you'vell got a piece about the c colilis between inines thorities and the uighurs, who are i i the news whenou had someigighu released from guantanamo bay w w w wer releasd overseseas >> what'soing on re is ed wong, who's been doioingririllnt rerepoing all week is looking at
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ththeole of tisis particular provinince it wasas st of the -- of chihina you had outcasts thther there'e's a h hioror ththeree t fferent from what we're seeing the surfacace. > tn of course, we've g got bi week coming u we'll h ha lotsts of coverageere msnbc. i'm gogoin to be on cpipitohill becacae e ofourse, the h heangs forrononia totomar, the president't'sirst chce for thee supreme coururt. you g got aeveviein the paper? yeahah,ruce wer wrote grt book about baababall umpires. evyoyo will remember johnn roberts, when hehe w nominated, de a famous mamark said supupmeme crt justices are pipire calll balls d strikes.
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the strikeonone is alwaysys chging. it's notot as easy t say atat inwhwhat out, at's a strikike, what's a ll. there's that nice twtwt t beuse baseball f fanwiwi know thatnene of the w wiesses is davidcone, ththgrgreapipiher for the nknkee the mets. she's the one whwh saved b bsebl so she's b bugught this player . shld be fun. >> a the s sikike three, norah ani i e utut anan so much for beingwiwith .. >> you aregood, john harwood. don't fofort,t, ware just nunuteaway from m maj announcementnt brorond burris. > hsxpxpted toay that he's not going toto run for the senate seat in20110. weweavav learned of coursee's not raised much money anddf f cocosese, ny demococraon cacapil hill pretty hpypy aut that.. we're going to have this live right here on msnbc. that does it for.
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2:59 pm
good afternoon. i'm david schuster live in washington. >> i'mamron hall, live in new york. we begin with breaking news this hour. democrats clling for an instign of a classified cia program that even the director of e cia knewothing abt until a few weeks ago. the ngresswoman saying the cia and bush administration constantly kept coress in the dark. anyinute now, the man who replaced president oba in the senate will announcee does not plan to run in 2010. did he ever have a chance? after
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